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K.G.M. Moons

Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, UMC Utrecht,

Design and analysis of individualprognostic studies

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Outline talk

• What is prognosis?

• Prognostic research: design and analysis

� Summary of our series of 4 papers on prognostic resea rch appearing in BMJ end 2008

• Special focus on dealing with missing values

� Summary of series of 3 papers in J Clin Epidemiol in 20 06 (Donders et al, Moons et al, van der Heijden et al)

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What is prognosis?

• Prognosis = foreseeing / foretelling / predicting

� weather forecasts, banks going bankrupt

• Medical textbooks: (average) course of an illness

� Prognosis of MI, Alzheimer, breast cancer

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Prognosis in practice

• Too general / not conform practice

1. Rather predict course of illness in particular individual

� Patient not only has illness but also particular age, gend er, symptoms, signs, test results, biomarkers, etc.

2. Prognosis in medicine not only in patients or ill indiv iduals

– risk of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women

– prediction of heart disease or BRCA mutation in generalpopulation (Framingham risk score)

– prognosis of newborns (Apgar score)

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Prognosis in practice

• Probability individual develops particular state of health (outcome) over specific time period, based on clini cal + non-clinical profile (predictors)

� Time: hours, days, months, years

� Outcomes: death, complication, disease progression, QoL, therapy response

� Predictors: history taking, physical examination, tests (imaging, ECG, biomarkers, genetic ‘markers’), disea sestate, etc.

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Prognosis vs. Prognostic research

• Prognosis = predicting ���� prognostic research = prediction research

� Prognostic studies = baseline prognosis

� Prediction studies = therapy respons

� Same concepts/requirements for design, analysis,


• Similarly, does not matter whether predictor understudy is biomarker, imaging, ECG, genetic test result, answer to question

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Prognostic research: characteristics of design and analysis

Focus on design

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1. Inherently multivariable

• Prognosis rarely estimated by single predictor (McShane LM 2005; Riley RD 2003)

� Prognostic research requires multivariable approachin design and analysis ���� objectives = providingevidence on:

� 1. Outcome occurrence over time

� 2. Which are the true prognostic predictors

� 3. Whether new predictor (e.g. biomarker) truly addspredictive information to easy to obtain predictors

� 4. Outcome probabilities for (different) predictor combinations or tools to estimate these prob’s

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Knowing the addedpredictive

value is desired

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1. Inherently multivariable

• Tools to estimate individual probabilities

� Prognostic or prediction models / risk scores / prediction ru les

• Convert predictor values to absolute probabilities

• Presented by:

� Mathematical formula requiring cacluator / computer

� Simple scoring rule

� Nomogram

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- APACHE score- SAPS score- Nottingham prognostic score

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2. Prognostic research != aetiologic research

• … despite clear similarities in design and analysis(Brotman, 2005)

1. Different aims

• Aetiologic: explain whether outcome occurrence canattributed to particular risk factor ���� pathofysiology

� adjusted for other risk factors, using multivarable appr oach

• Prognostic:(simply) to predict as accurate as possib le

� Prognostic analysis provides insight in causality: aim nor requirement

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2. Different requirements in predictors under study

• Aetiologic: factors theoretically in causal chain

• Prognostic: all variables potentially related to outcome can be considered

How long doI have doc?

Do you have a

red car?

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• Every causal factor is predictor

� Though often weak: e.g. genetic factors

� Not vice versa: e.g. skin color and biomarkers

3. Difference in analysis / presentation

• Both multivariable models … but different output reported

• Prognostic studies: absolute probabilities

� Relative risk estimates (OR/RR/HR) no direct meaning/r elevance ����

only to obtain absolute risks for individual

2. Prognostic research != aetiologic research

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• Aetiologic studies: focus on relative risks of etiologi c ortherapeutic factor relative to its absence

4. Calibration and discrimination of a multivariable m odel highly important in prognostic but meaningless in aetiologic studies

2. Prognostic research != aetiologic research

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• Best = cohort study

� Prospective preferred

� Optimal measurement predictors and outcomes

� Retrospective (existing cohort): longer f-up times butoften poorer data

– Dominate the literature (McShane 2005; Riley 2003)

3. Subject selection / sampling

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• Not infrequently case control data

� Patients selected on presence/absence of outcome

• CC-design ideal for causal studies…

� Aimed at estimating relative risks

• … not for prognostic (or diagnostic) purposes

3. Subject selection / sampling

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• Besides an often biased patient selection ���� sampling fraction of controls (and cases) unknown

� Relative risks (OR/HR/RR) correct

� Absolute risks (posterior probabilities) not

� Applies to single marker studies

� Multivariable prognostic model studies

3. Subject selection / sampling

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• Exception: nested case control study (withincohort)

� Biesheuvel et al, BMC Res Methodol 2008; Rutjes et al Clin Chem 2005.

� Sampling fraction known (weight controls with inverse sampling fraction)

� Ideal design if:

� Predcitor meaurement expensive (tumor marker, genetic marker)

� Retrospective analysis of stored study data/human m aterial

– E.g. Framingham study

3. Subject selection / sampling

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• Randomised trial data

� When Ry is ineffective: combine both groups

� If Ry effective; only control group (limited power) or maycombine ���� include treatment(s) as seperate predictor

� Ry studied on independent predictive effect

� Study interaction treatment*other predictors (next talk)

� Disdavantages trial data: less generalisability

� Strict elegibility criteria

� Control group also ‘treated’ group

� Selective refusals /consent

3. Subject selection / sampling

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• History, physical, biomarkers, imaging,disease sever ity, received treatments

• When studying treatment as predictors (prognosis given treatment):

� OK when using RCT data, careful with observational data

– Ideally all required treatments given and all treatments required

– Treatment administration far from standard

– Confounding by indication

� Most treatments small predictive value compared to e.g. age, gender, disease stage

4. Candidate predictors

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• Prognostic research = pragmatic/applied ���� to serve practice

• Predictors clearly defined, reproducible to enhance generalisability

• Care with predictors requiring too muchinterpretation

� Imaging test results

� Model observers rather than test results

4. Candidate predictors

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• Preferably patient-relevant outcome

� Occurrence event, remission disease, death, complicat ions, death, Ry response, tumor growth

� Intermediates (LOS, physiology measures) unhelpful

� Except clear association with patient outcome --> CD4 cou nt in HIV

• Measure without knowledge of predictors(and v.v.)

� Not for all-cause death

5. Outcome

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• Katz, Ann intern Med 2003; Harrell, Stat Med 1996 + 200 1 (book); Royston + Sauerbrei 2008 (book); Steyerberg 2008 (book); Royston

et al BMJ 2008; Royston et al, BMJ 2008.

• A variety of approaches found in literature

• Focus on dealing with missing values (J Clin Epi 2006)

6. Statistical AnalysisPrognostic model development

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• Missing data always occur (all types of studies)

• Usual CC-analysis ���� negatively affects

� Precision (logic)

� Commonly validity as well

• Bias depends on type of missing

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3 types of missing values

• MCAR = Missing on a variable independent of any oth er data (observed and unobserved)

• MAR = Missing dependent on other (observed) variabl es but independent of unobserved data

� So we can in fact predict missingness

• MNAR = Missing depends on unobserved (not-available ) study data

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• Prognostic study using routine care cohort data

� Aim: prognostic value history + physical items + ad ded value labtests to predict 1 year outcome in patients with ba cterial meningitis

� Very sick patients (commonly those with outcome) in stantly referred to additional tests ���� missing history + physical

� Less sick ones (more often without event) ���� missing lab tests

� CC-analysis :

� Almost zero analysable cases

� Selection bias ���� predictive values incorrect

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• MCAR = no validity problem (only efficiency)

� Except indicator method + overall meanimputation (later)

� MCAR can be tested easily

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Table. Distribution of co-variates among subjects without and with missing values (100%: n=398).Simple chi-square tests and t-tests (Wilcoxon tests).

<0.01(6)18(7)22Respiratory rate (breaths/min)*

0.173643Positive Chest x-ray

0.19(18)54(17)57Age (years)*

0.15711Signs of deep venous thrombosis

0.06510Collapse with or without loss of consciousness

0.02125Previous pulmonary embolism


0.17106Prior deep venous thrombosis

0.041624Surgery in previous 3 months



0.023647Pulmonary embolism (outcome variable)

p-value≥ 1 missing n=152 (38%)

No missingsn=246 (62%)Variables

* Mean (sd)

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• Previous table = MAR = typical for medicalresearch

� Greenland Am J Epidemiol 1995

• Unfortunately: could still (partly) be MNAR

� Never to check (CATCH 22)

� MNAR = problems (Little JASA 1993)� requires ancillary info on mechanism of missing

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Two main types of dealing with missing values

• Missing Indicator method

• Imputation methods

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Indicator methodDonders, J Clin Epi 2006; Greenland, Am J Epidemiol 1995

• Goes wrong (in prediction and etiologic research) even when MCAR � more biased results than CC analysis

• Missing indicator often associated with outcome ����

usually retained as predictor in prognostic model

� Overestimation prognostic model ���� optimisticcalibration and discrimination

� ridiculous in prediction research

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Imputation methods

Imputation is replacement:

• Overall mean / median

• Subgroup mean

• Hot decking

• Single imputation (SI)

• Multiple imputation (MI)

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Overall mean/median imputationDonders, J Clin Epi 2006

• For each missing on X overall mean from observedvalues imputed� Diseased + non-diseased together

• All imputations have same value for X (no co-variates)� Distributions of X for D+ and D- will merge/less overlap� Association X on outcome dilutes = bias� Also: distribution X too narrow (SD too low)

� SE’s of X underestimated

� Also if MCAR!

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Subgroup mean imputation

• A priori relevant subgroups are defined� E.g. per outcome category, sex, age groups, etc.

• Estimate mean for subgroup� For each missing on X subgroup mean is imputed

• More variations in imputed values� Less bias� SE’s still underestimated� Limited number of co-variates can a-priori be defined� Requires categorisation for continuous variables (loss of


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Single Imputation

• Regression: without or with addition random error

� For each variable Z with missings ���� regressionprediction model is fitted

� Z = a + b1.x1 + b2.x2 + b3.x3 …+ … e – e = error term (residuals from the regression model)

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Single Imputation

• Include all relevant variables including outcome (!!!! )

� Prediction model for Z is fitted� Fixed beta’s (MLE’s) ���� same for each SI when repeated

• Prediction model used to estimate for each subject with missing Z best guess given covariate (X) values

• Analyses of determinant (Z) against outcome as usual

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Single Imputation

• If no addition of random error term per patient

� 1. Each patient with same co-variates sameimputed value

� 2. Too optimistic imputation model

� 1 + 2 lead to more biased association of Z vsoutcome ���� THEREFORE ADD ERROR TERM

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Single imputation with error term

• Conclusions:

� Usually correct regression coefficients

� But SE still underestimated ���� too easy significance

� As if all data were observed

– Beta’s of imputation model also estimated

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Multiple imputation

• If you repeat SI with error term 5 times ���� seems MI

� But only variation across imputations = differences in randomly drawn and added error term

� Still too limited variation

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Multiple imputation

• Model is same:� Z = a + b1.x1 + b2.x2 + b3.x3 …+ … e

– e = error term (residuals from the regression model)

� But now the distribution of b’s (!) and e’s are estimat ed and ‘saved’ ���� not fixed b’s

� Then: Per MI a random draw of b’s and e’s is taken

� Z estimated per patient based on co-variate pattern

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Multiple imputation

� Study association/model fitted on each ‘of 10 completed’ data sets

� 10 Beta’s are averaged ���� 1 beta per determinant

� 10 SE’s averaged (within sample variation) plus accounting for between imputation variation ���� 1 SE per determinant

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Multiple imputation

• 1 overall dataset can be created (for Table 1)

� means over de 10 datasets or choose 1

• MI Leads to better estimates of SE’s (p-values)

� As variation/insecurity in estimated/imputed values is introduced

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Imputation with or without outcome?Moons, J Clin Epi 2006

• Missingness on determinant commonly related to other determinants and directly/indirectly outcome

• Advice (SI + MI) = use all observed patient data, i.e. all other determinants plus outcome

• Using outcome to impute missing determinants and subsequently estimate association between determinants + outcome - ���� self-fulfilling prophecy

•� Associations of determinants overestimated (away from null)

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Complete Case

areg no y

areg y

Mice no y

Mice y

no missings ("truth")

-0.1 0.0 0.1

intercept (β = -2.948)

0.0002 0.0006 0.0010

age (β = 0.017)

-0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02

recent surgery (β = 0.505)

-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1

Complete Case

areg no y

areg y

Mice no y

Mice y

no missings ("truth")

collapse (β = 1.352)

Complete Case

areg no y

areg y

Mice no y

Mice y

no missings ("truth")

-0.005 0.000 0.005

respiratory rate (β = 0.057)

-0.10 -0.05 0.00

abnormal x-ray (β = 0.812)

MCARSlightly MARVery MAR

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Imputation with outcome …

• No circular analysis ���� no self-fulfilling prophecy

• “Ignoring in the imputation of missing determinants t he association between outcome and determinants will caus e rather than prevent bias ���� simply because (prediction) model misses an important variable, i.e. the outcome”

» Little and Rubin

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Concluding remarks (1)

• Prognosis = foretelling = predicting � Prognostic = prediction studies� Therapy response is just a type of outcome� Prognosis is about individuals not diseases

• Prognostic studies� != etiologic studies ���� prediction != causation� Sampling subjects ���� cohort ideal

– Be careful with RCT and case-control data (except when nested)

� Predictors ���� all types� Outcome ���� patient relevant, blinded for predictors

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Concluding remarks (2)• Dealing with missing predictor values

� CC analysis often biased� Missing indicator always biased� Overall mean imputation as well� Multiple imputation best to reduce invalidity most

� Also for selectively missing outcomes – De Groot Stat Med 2008

• Inherently multivariable� Added independent predictive value

– Certainly for biomarkers (too many)

� Multivariable design and analysis required– Prognostic / prediction models

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Prognostic models limited application in practice

• Doctors do not trust model’s probabilities • Don’t know how to use them • To difficult to use ���� certainly if no computer

• Latter ‘will soon diminish’

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Electronic patient record

‘Must be nationwide used by 2010’(James, NEJM 2001)

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(Supposed) EPR advantagesDexter NEJM 2001;Hunt Jama 1998; James NEJM 2001;Kawamoto BMJ

2005; Zikmund-Fisher MDM 2007

� Ideal for prognostic research

� No need to simplify to simple risk scores

� Continuous predictors remain continuous

� No cumbersome paper versions of risk scores or nomograms

� EPR brings paperless practice / office

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Paperless toilet

It is possible!!!!!!!! But use it with care

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