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MORAY MUSIC FESTIVAL(Affiliated to the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech)


Competitive Festival

ELGIN12th-17th March 2012

Adjudicators: Sue Hollingworth Schools, Choral, Vocal John Foster Woodwind & General Music

Michael Beeston Strings Alan Fernie Brass

Kathryn Page Piano Jim Gibson Speech

James Stott DanceIain MacFadyen Piping

Stephen Cordiner Scottish Fiddle John Moneagle Drumming Karen Marshalsay Clarsach Frank Thomson Accordion

Accompanists: Edith Cook, ForresDrew Tulloch, Aberdeen

Frank Thomson, Aberdeen - Country Dancing

CHAIRMAN: Margaret Macfadyen

VICE-CHAIRMAN: Brian Anderson

CONVENERS: Alison Knox Music Sandra Maclennan Speech Anne McArthur Dance

SYLLABUS Lesley Maclennan MUSIC Anne CorbetSECRETARY 8 Mary Croft SECRETARY 66 Pinewood Road Rafford Mosstodloch

Forres IV32 7JU IV36 2WD

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: Friday 25th November 2011


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CategoriesMoray Music Festival adopts the system of Categories recommended by The British and International Federation of Festivals. Each competitor will be placed in one of the following categories:

Outstanding An exceptional performance, both technically and artistically

Distinction An excellent performance technically and artistically

Commended A convincing performance technically and artistically

Merit A capable performance showing some artistic appreciationand/or technical ability

Moderate A performance showing development of techniqueand/or communication

Fair A performance limited in its communication

— Certificates will be awarded in the first three Categories —



I/We wish to become a Patron of Moray Music Festival and enclose my/our subscription for £15/£25.

Name: ......................................................................................

Address: ...................................................................................


Post Code: .................... Tel: ....................................................

Signature: ................................................................................

Cheques should be made out to “Moray Music Festival” and sent to: Mr A Morrison, Treasurer, Moray Music Festival, 24 Fraser Avenue, Elgin IV30 4EX


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“ All aspects of learning in expressive arts should include opportunities to present and perform, for example through presentation of a short improvised drama to members of the class or performance of dance or music to parents or in the community. Participation enables children and young people to experience and enjoy the energy and excitement of performing and presenting for different audiences and of being part of an audience for others.” Curriculum for Excellence: Expressive Arts: Principles and Practice

The guidelines for Curriculum for Excellence provide teachers with more flexibility to use their professional expertise and creativity to plan meaningful learning experiences for their pupils. Moray Music Festival 2012 can be part of these plans and will engage pupils in meaningful learning experiences within Expressive Arts, Literacy and Cross Curricular learning such as appreciation of Scottish Culture and Heritage. It can provide a valuable opportunity to celebrate the success and achievement of young people in Moray.

It is hoped that schools will take up the opportunity to enhance their current curriculum by encouraging pupils and groups to take part in Moray Music Festival. The flexibility of the Curriculum for Excellence means that preparation for the festival can now be an integral part of the curriculum rather than an extra. It is hoped that teachers will consider the Festival as an opportunity to deliver the new curriculum when planning for the 2011/2012 session. Not only does it provide an excellent context for the experiences outlined in the Curriculum for Excellence but also an opportunity for Young People to engage with their local community in a setting outsidethe classroom.

Moray Music Festival

“The object is not to gain a prize, or defeat a rival; but to pace one another on the road to excellence.” Sir Walford Davies

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MORAY MUSIC FESTIVAL - Child Protection Policy -

Implemented from January 2006

Preliminary Statement : The safety of children and vulnerable adults is paramount, and all, without exception, have the right to protection from abuse. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. All the Charity's volunteers have a responsibility to report concerns.

Purpose and Function of the Moray Music Festival

The object of the festival is to advance, promote and encourage amateur performers in the Arts by providing a platform for performance by musicians, instrumentalists, vocalists, speakers and dancers combined with an educational element provided by professional adjudicators.

The Festival Environment

It is the policy of Moray Music Festival to inform and involve parents, guardians, teachers and carers in partnership with organisers of the event to ensure that the environment provided will, as far as is reasonably practicable, safeguard the welfare of all children. Competing groups should be accompanied by the correct number of supervising adults.

The Moray Music Festival is administered and staffed entirely by volunteers with professional contributions from adjudicators and accompanists.

To whom this Policy appliesThis policy relates to children under the age of 18 years and those vulnerable adults of any age who are identified to the organisers prior to their arrival at the Festival. This should be done by contacting Jenny Doig, Committee Member, Moray Music Festival. In recognising the need of children from minority ethnic groups and children who are disabled, the Festival actively seeks to meet needs notified to the Festival by parents, guardians, teachers and carers.Contact: Jenny Doig, 23 Duff Avenue, Elgin IV30 1QS Tel: 01343 543919

Festival PersonnelFestival Personnel will be selected and approved by the Executive Committee and for the duration of the Festival it will be mandatory for all committee members and volunteers to wear specific identity badges. Anyone wearing a badge may be approached and will be able to give directions to the appropriate committee member who will deal with any problem. A register will be maintained of all volunteers who will sign in and out each day they are on duty.Every problem will be treated seriously and will be documented and dated.

Preparation for Attendance at the Festival

There is a reguirement on the Moray Music Festival Entry Form that a signature is given in agreement to abide by the Child Protection Policy.This is to ensure that parents, guardians and carers NOT personally attending with children, must take full responsibility for ensuring that their children are accompanied and adequately supervised at the Festival by adults approved by them and acting on their behalf.


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Performance Areas and Changing Areas

STEWARDS will be in attendance at each Festival venue but will not be responsible for the supervision of competitors. Parents, guardians, teachers and carers must ensure that children or vulnerable adults are adequately supervised in the correct ratio to the number of adults in their care until they are marshalled for performance.Changing areas for dramatic performances or dance will be single sex. Changing areas will be restricted to competitors, their supervisors (e.g. teacher in charge) and official stewards.

Photographs, Video, Audio and Digital Recording and Press Photography

There will be no photography, video or tape recording of any kind permitted within the venues. Photographers from the local Press will be permitted to photograph performers between or after competitions when parents, guardians, teachers or carers are present to supervise.

The Legislation and Guidance which supports this Policy

The Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003; Commissioner for Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2003; The Police Act 1997; Children (Scotland) Act 1995.


The Moray Music Festival is organised by a voluntary Committee which has no statutory responsibility to investigate allegations of child abuse. It has, however, responsibility to refer any concerns regarding the safety of a child to the appropriate agency for investigation. The welfare of the child is paramount at all times. Any concern about a child will be referred to a Committee Member who should take appropriate action. Any such referral will be recorded. In case of an emergency the designated Committee Member will ensure medical attention is received or appropriate agencies alerted. The Police have power to act immediately to protect the child.

Policy Review

The Moray Music Festival Committee will constantly review their policy, improving and enhancing it as necessary. In doing this they will look to the British and International Federation of Festivals for support, and that body, in turn, will look to other agencies for good practice, most notably the NSPCC and the Scottish Arts Council policy guidelines.


Elgin Town Hall Holy Trinity Church Hall Bishopmill School Hall St Giles ChurchLibrary Gallery High Church Hall Bishopmill Hall St Giles Church HallElgin Community Centre


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MORAY MUSIC FESTIVAL - Rules and Conditions -

1. No entry will be accepted without payment of the entry fee.

2. The ENTRY FORM, together with the appropriate fee, must reach Mrs L Maclennan, 8 Mary Croft, Rafford, Forres

IV36 2WD, NOT LATER than FRIDAY 25th NOVEMBER, 2011. If immediate acknowledgement is desired, a stamped, addressed envelope must also be enclosed for this purpose. Late entries will be accepted NO LATER THAN ONE WEEK after the closing date, at 50% extra entry fee.

3. A separate form must be used for each entry. Additional entry forms may be obtained by downloading forms from or by contacting the Syllabus Secretary or Sound and Vision, South Street, Elgin.

4. The Executive may refuse any entry without assigning any reason.

5. The Executive will decide upon the order in which classes will be taken and arrange the order of competitors.

6. An Official Accompanist will be available for most classes. Competitors may, if they prefer, bring their own accompanist but must indicate this on the application form. The decision to use/not use the official accompanist is binding.

7. Adjudication will normally be given after each class.

8. Adjudication sheets and certificates will be available after the end of each class and must be collected before the competitor leaves the hall.

9. The Adjudicator’s decision is final.

10. Admission Cards, giving particulars of date, time and hall for each class, will be sent to each competitor about a month before the Festival commences.

11. Competitors not in their seats when their number goes up on the board, with the exception of those attending another class in a different hall, are liable to disqualification.

12. All test pieces having piano accompaniment must be performed with accompaniment unless the syllabus specifically states otherwise. All songs must be performed in the published key or in the key stated in the syllabus where there is a choice.

13. Competitors adopting ‘Own Choice’ test pieces MUST provide all information on the OWN CHOICE FORM and send the form to the Music Secretary, Anne Corbet, 66 Pinewood Road, Mosstodloch IV32 7JU by 27th January 2012. Competitors adopting ‘Own Choice’ music test pieces requiring accompaniment, must send Mrs Corbet a

copy for the accompanist by 27thJanuary 2012 and a copy for the adjudicator by Friday 17th February 2012.

In the case of 'Own Choice' pieces chosen from a set book, copies of the chosen test pieces do not require to be sent.

Any competitor failing to send music for the accompanist on time must provide his/her own 6

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Any ‘Own Choice’ which exceeds the stated time limit is liable to be stopped by the Adjudicator.

NB. The correct postage, as advised by Royal Mail in their guidelines regarding size and weight of mail, must be adhered to when mailing copies of music.

14. In all correspondence relating to entries, please state the number of the class as well as the competitor’s name.

15. Competitors (individual or choirs) may compete in more than one class, unless the syllabus states otherwise.

16. No Conductor shall sing or recite with his or her Choir in competition.

17. When age limits are specified the age of the competitor on the last day of February 2012 will be taken for the whole of the Festival period.

18. The decision of the Executive on all matters not specially provided for in the Regulations shall be final.

19. The Executive may alter, modify or cancel any of the arrangements detailed in the syllabus as may prove necessary.

20. Teachers, parents or competitors must not engage the Adjudicator in discussion or conversation at any time during the Festival.

21. All enquiries, complaints or representations of any kind MUST be made through the Syllabus Secretary.

22. All written communications must be addressed to the Syllabus Secretary and must have a stamped addressed envelope enclosed for reply.


23. A copy of all Own Choice items, including Own Stories, should be sent to the Speech Convener, Mrs S Maclennan, The Old Steading, Wester Golford, Auldearn, Nairn IV12 5QQ by Friday 17th February 2012. Anyone having difficulty sourcing a test piece should contact Mrs S Maclennan.


24. 1. No person may compete in more than one team in any one class.

2. The same team may not compete with the same dance in two classes.

3. The dance 'Jig to the Music' requires a 3 couple set. Other sets should comprise of 4 couples. 3 couple sets

may take part if there are insufficient numbers, but only after consultation with the dance convener.

4. Competitors in all classes must intimate the name of the dance selected on the Own Choice form.

5. An official accompanist will be available. Competitors may, if they prefer, bring their own accompanist. The teacher of a team should indicate to the accompanist the speed required for the dance.


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All competitors must use either the official accompanist or their own accompanist, except for those entering the A Story in Dance: The Olympics 2012, who may use taped music.

(See page 8 opposite for copyright advice.)

6. Mixed teams, girls and boys, are accepted in all Dance classes.


25. Invitations may be extended to certain competitors to participate in the Festival Concert(s) on Sunday 18th March, 2012. This will be entirely at the discretion of the committee on the recommendation of the adjudicators.

ENTRY FEES All solo classes £5.00 Groups: up to 8 members £8.00 9 to 16 members £10.00 over 16 members £12.00

The entry fee for competitors entering more than one solo class will be £4.00 per class. N.B. The correct postage, as advised by Royal Mail in their guidelines regarding size and weight of mail, must be adhered to, especially when mailing multiple entry forms.


Many people have supported previous Festivals by becoming Patrons. The Committee has been most grateful for their support and hopes that it may continue for the 2012 Festival. Anyone interested in becoming a patron should complete the form on Page 2 of the syllabus and return to Mr A Morrison, Treasurer, Moray Music Festival, 24 Fraser Avenue, Elgin IV30 4EX.


The set pieces are available in many anthologies in addition to those stated in the syllabus. In the case of difficulty, copies of the Speech set pieces may be obtained from Mrs S Maclennan, The Old Steading, Wester Golford, Auldearn, Nairn IV12 5QQ.


The use of photocopies of copyright material is illegal and the Festival Committee will accept no 8

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responsibility for such copies unless accompanied by the written permission of the Publisher concerned. Likewise, it is illegal to make recordings of copyright material. Because of copyright restrictions and to avoid disturbing performers, the use of tape recorders, cameras and video cameras will not be permitted during any performance.


Sound and Vision, South Street, Elgin will undertake the supply of Festival Music Test Pieces. The availability of every piece has been checked with the publishers. Music shops have specific days and times when orders are placed with publishers each week. Missing the appropriate day means a further delay in delivery of at least a week. Mr Flett has advised that all teachers and competitors should place orders with him (even for single copies) by FRIDAY 27th OCTOBER, 2011.


Classes in Clarsach and Accordion have been introduced to the 2012 Syllabus following the 2010 introduction of Percussion, Rock Guitar and Pipe Drumming, in a continuing attempt to widen the choices available. There are also, for the second time, Burns classes in Solo Singing and in Speech for which Elgin Burns Club is again awarding certificates. Elgin Burns Club is pleased to be associated with Moray Music Festival in keeping alive the words and songs of Scotland's National Bard by supporting this Competition.


CHORALAction Songs, Choirs Classes 1-19Solo Singing Classes 20-48Vocal Duets, Trios, Ensembles Classes 49-53

INSTRUMENTAL Class and Creative Music Making Classes 54-59Orchestras and Bands Classes 60-72String Solos (including Guitar) Classes 73 -102String Duets and Ensembles Classes 103 -110Brass Solos Classes 111 -137Brass Ensembles Classes 138 -140Woodwind Solos Classes 141-165Woodwind Ensembles Classes 166 -170Wind Duos Classes 171,172Recorders Classes 173 -182Pianoforte Classes 183-202Duo, Recital Classes 203 -206Ensembles, Chamber and Mixed Classes 207 -211Composition Classes 212, 213

Percussion Classes 214-218

SCOTTISH SECTIONClarsach Classes 219 -223

Accordion Classes 224 -228 Fiddle Classes 229 -236

Piping Classes 237-245 Pipe Band Drumming Classes 246 -251

Dance Classes 252-272



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Choric Verse Classes 273, 274Solo English Classes 275 -280Solo Scots Classes 281 -288

Prepared Prose Reading Class 289Prepared Bible Reading Class 290Reading Own Original Story Class 291Group Presentation – Primary Classes 292, 293

Primary Public Speaking Class 294Group Presentation – Secondary Classes 295 -297Acting and Adult Classes 298 -306


Travel Subsidy of a minimum of 25% will be given to schools which apply.School groups competing in the following classes are eligible to apply:

Action Songs Classes 1,2Choirs Classes 5 -12Group Music Making, Orchestras, Bands Classes 54 -69Dance Groups Classes 251-271 Verse Speaking Choric Classes 272, 273Group Presentation Classes 291, 292

Secondary Drama Presentation Class 297

N.B. Only School Groups are eligible to apply for the travel subsidy.

All applications should be submitted to The Treasurer after the Festival and not later than Friday 4th May 2012, stating classes entered and enclosing receipted accounts. Further information may be obtained from Mr A. Morrison, Treasurer, Moray Music Festival, 24 Fraser Avenue, Elgin IV30 4EX.


Class Title Composer Publisher

ACTION SONGS Non-competitive1. Action Songs (Nursery Schools, Whole Class)

Own Choice - not to exceed 3 minutes. Competitors are not permitted to use props or costumes. 2. Action Songs (Primary 1-7, Whole Class) Own Choice - not to exceed 3 minutes. Competitors are not permitted to use props or costumes. 3. Children’s Action Songs (Uniformed organisations such as Brownies) Under 11 years only. Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes. Competitors are not permitted to use props or costumes.4. Campfire Class (Teams from uniformed organisations)

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.


SCHOOL CHOIRSNo choir to exceed 60 voices

5. Primary Schools (P 1, 2 and 3)(a) The Rain Song Eileen Diamond Universal

from Super Song Book (b) Holly the Hedgehog Ralph McTell Boosey and Hawkes from Singing Sherlock Book 16. Primary Schools (P 4-7)

(a) Humpty Dumpty Dave & Jean Perry Alfred Choral Designs(b) Own choice of contrasting song

7. Primary Schools with 1-3 Teachers (a) The Osprey from Junior Voiceworks Book 1 Lewknor School OUP


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(b) Own choice of contrasting song8. Primary Schools with 4-6 Teachers (a) Five Eyes (Three black cats]) Kevin Stannard OUP from Junior Voiceworks Book 2 (b) Own choice of contrasting song9. Primary Schools – Scots (a) The Fidgety Bairn from Songs of the Isles Hugh Roberton

(b) Own Choice of contrasting Scottish song10. Secondary (Unison and Two-Part) Own choice of two songs.11. Secondary – Songs from the Shows

Own Choice of two contrasting songs12. Secondary – Mixed Voices

May include staff.Own Choice of two songs, with or without piano.

Class Title Composer Publisher

JUNIOR CHOIRS13. Choirs, excluding school choirs, under 14 years

Own Choice of two songs14. Choirs, excluding school choirs, under 19 years

Own Choice of two songs


Own Choice of two contrasting songs16. Adult – Female Voices

Own Choice of two contrasting songs 17. Adult – Male Voices

Own Choice of two contrasting songs18. Sunday School Choirs

(a) Own Choice of Hymn (No more than three verses)(b) Own Choice – Unison song

19. Church Choirs or Combined Church ChoirsOwn Choice of Hymn and Anthem

SOLO SINGING – GIRLS20. Age 9 and under

Cuckoo M. Shaw Bosworth from “Singing Time" Grade1 21. Age 11 and under A-roving (With repeats) arr. Turnbull Bosworth from “Singing Time" Grade 2 22. Age 13 and under

Polly Oliver (With repeats) arr. Chappell Bosworth


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from “Singing Time" Grade 3 23. Age 15 and under One Hand, One Heart Bernstein & Sondheim Bosworth

from “Singing Time" Grade 4 24. Age 19 and under

Own Choice

SOLO SINGING – BOYS25. Age 9 and under The Smuggler’s Song (With repeats) Appleby & Fowler No 43 from "Sing Together" 26. Age 11 and under Cockles & Mussels (With repeats) Bosworth from "Singing Time" Grade 2 27. Age 13 and under

The Mallow Fling (With repeats) Appleby & Fowler No 92 from "Sing Together" 28. Age 14 and over (unchanged voices)

Own Choice29. Under 19 (changed voices)

Own Choice

Class Title Composer Publisher

SOLO SINGING – SCOTS GIRLS30. Age 9 and under31. Age 11 and under32. Age 13 and under33. Age 15 and under34. Age 19 and underSOLO SINGING – SCOTS BOYS35. Age 9 and under36. Age 11 and under37. Age 13 and under38. Age 14 and over (unchanged voices)39. Age 19 and under

Classes 30-39 inclusive:Own Choice from the Oxford Scottish Song Book, The New Scottish Song Book, Songs of the Isles, Songs of the Hebrides for Schools, or Songs of Scotland (B & H).N.B. Only the title of the song needs to be stated on the entry form. The melody edition only is available for the Oxford Scottish Song Book. No song should exceed 3 minutes. Transpositions up or down one semitone will be permitted provided the key required is stated on the Own Choice form.

SOLO SINGING – ROBERT BURNS Certificates to be awarded by Elgin Burns Club. 40. Primary Own Choice of song by Robert Burns. 41. Secondary Own Choice of song by Robert Burns. 42. Open Own Choice of song by Robert Burns.


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43. OpenSoprano, Contralto, Tenor and Bass VoicesOwn Choice of two contrasting songs, one of which should be by a 20th Century British Composer.


Own Choice – not to exceed 4 minutes

OPERA45. Open

Own Choice from Opera, Operetta or Gilbert & Sullivan – not to exceed 4 minutes.

SONGS FROM THE SHOWS46. Age 15 -18 Own Choice – not to exceed 4 minutes47. Age 19 and over Own Choice – not to exceed 4 minutes

LIEDERVoice and Piano48. Open

Own Choice (Must be sung in original language and not to exceed 3 minutes)Both singer and pianist are competitors and will be adjudicated.


Own Choice50. Vocal Duet – open

Own Choice51. Trio – Female – open

Own Choice52. Quartets and Ensembles – open (not more than 12 voices and no fewer than 3 vocal parts)

Own Choice of two contrasting part songs – unaccompanied.53. Barber-Shop – open

Arrangement(s) of own choice. Time limit 5 minutes.


Class Title Composer Publisher

CLASS MUSIC MAKING Non-competitive(Song with instrumental accompaniment. Hand props and minimal costumes may be used.) Whole Class. Not to exceed 5 minutes.

54. Primary Schools with more than 6 teachers Own Choice55. Primary Schools 1-3 teachers Own Choice56. Primary Schools 4-6 teachers Own Choice 57. Secondary (Standard Grade Classes)

Own Choice


CREATIVE MUSIC MAKINGThe material for this section should be entirely original. Teacher input to be noted on the score.Time not to exceed 5 minutes.58. Primary59. Secondary

In the following classes, 60 - 67, if piano is used, the pianist may be an adult.



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Each group will draw pupils from one Primary School.Own Choice - not to exceed 10 minutes.


Each orchestra will draw pupils from one Secondary School.Own Choice - not to exceed 15 minutes.

STRING ORCHESTRAS – OPEN62. Division A – Under 13 years Own Choice - not to exceed 10 minutes. 63. Division B – Orchestras competing in Division A are not eligible to compete in this

class.Own Choice - not to exceed 15 minutes.

ORCHESTRAS – SCHOOLS (Must include Strings)With or without piano64. Division A – Primary

Each orchestra will draw pupils from one Primary School.Own Choice - not to exceed 10 minutes.

65. Division B – SecondaryEach orchestra will draw pupils from one Secondary School.Own Choice - not to exceed 15 minutes.

ORCHESTRAS – OPEN66. Division A – under 13 years

Own Choice - not to exceed 10 minutes.67. Division B – Orchestras competing in Division A are not eligible to compete in this class.

Own Choice - not to exceed 15 minutes.

Class Title Composer Publisher


Own Choice - not to exceed 15 minutes.69. Concert Bands Own Choice - not to exceed 15 minutes.

BANDS – OPEN70. Brass Bands Own Choice to include a Hymn Tune. Programme not to exceed 20 minutes.71. Concert Bands

Own Choice - not to exceed 20 minutes.72. Big Bands or Swing Bands

Own Choice - not to exceed 20 minutes.

Classes 70 - 72 Any performance exceeding 20 minutes to the last note will be disqualified.


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Class Title Composer Publisher

STRINGSCompetitors are eligible to enter one category only.Competitors in Categories D and E should tune their own instruments.

VIOLIN – SOLO73. Category Pre-Grade 1 (a) Thinking Things Over (DC repeat) Mary Cohen Trinity (b) Lullaby Johannes Brahms both from "Violin All Sorts"- Grade 1 74. Category A (Grade 1)

(a) Rocky Mountain Trad. arr. Mary Cohen Trinity(b) Chill! James Rae

both from "Violin All Sorts"- Grade 1 75. Category B (Grade 2)

(a) Gavotte from Suite in D (No repeats) JS Bach Trinity(b) Out 'n' About Rag Mary Cohen

both from "Violin All Sorts"- Grades 2-3 76. Category C (Grades 3-4)

(a) La Bourbonnoise: Gavotte (With repeats) Franҫois Couperin Faber(b) Mazurka (DC repeat only) Nathalia Baklanova

both from "Young Violinists Rep." Bk3 77. Category D (Grades 5-6)

Sarabande in G minor (No repeats) Carl Bohm Warner from "Solos for Young Violinists" Vol.2 78. Category E (Grades 7-8) (a) Meditation from Thaïs Jules Massenet


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UMP79. Open (Post Grade 8) Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes

VIOLA – SOLO80. Category A (Grades 1-2)

(a) Riggadoon Purcell ABRSM (b) Theme from Andante Grandioso Mozart

both from "Time Pieces for Viola" Vol. 1 (Both with repeats)81. Category B (Grades 3-4)

(a) Tambourin Gossec ABRSM (b) La Nouvelle Carel Anon both from "Time Pieces for Viola" Vol. 2 82. Category C (Grades 5-6)

Pavane Pour Une Infante Défunte Ravel Editions Max Eschig83. Category D (Grades 7-8) Andantino con moto and Hummel Kunzelmann GM164 Allegro non troppo 2nd & 3rd movts from Fantasie for Viola 84. Open (Post Grade 8) Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes

VIOLONCELLO – SOLO85. Category A (Grade 1)

A Lively Tune and Martial Tune Adam Carse Stainer & Bell both from "Three Short Pieces"86. Category B (Grade 2) Minuet No. 2 – No. 17 JS Bach Summy-Birchard/Faber from Suzuki Cello School Vol.187. Category C (Grades 3-4) Hungarian Stomp No. 2 Pamela Wedgwood Faber from Jazzin’ about for ‘Cello (With DC) 88. Category D (Grades 5-6) Spring Song Bridge Stainer & Bell 89. Category E (Grades 7-8) Sonata in B flat, RV 46: 1st and 2nd movts, Largo and Allegro (No repeats) Vivaldi Barenreiter BA 6995c (Sonata RV 40 & RV 46 Published together) 90. Open (Post Grade 8) Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes

Class Title Composer Publisher

CLASSICAL GUITAR – SOLOCategory A (approx Grades 1-2) Category C (approx Grades 5-6)Category B (approx Grades 3-4) Category D (approx Grades 7-8)Competitors are eligble to enter one category only.91. A – Own Choice - not to exceed 3 minutes.92. B – Own Choice - not to exceed 3 minutes.93. C – Own Choice - not to exceed 5 minutes.94. D – Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.

CLASSICAL GUITAR – DUET95. Open Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.

ROCK GUITAR – SOLOCategory A (approx Grades 1-2)Category B (approx Grades 3-4)Category C (approx Grades 5)Competitors are eligible to enter one category only.

96. A - Either (a) Jazz Trip Finbar Josephs Rockschool 2006 or (b) Gotta Lotta Rosa Joe Bennett Rockschool 2006 97. B - Either (a) Night Bus John Murphy Rockschool 2006 or (b) Martha's Park Joe Bennett Rockschool 2006


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98. C - Either (a) Download Hussein Boon Rockschool 2006 or (b) Little Shady Noah Lederman Rockschool 2006 ROCK GUITAR – ENSEMBLE 99. Open Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes. (No fewer than two and no more than twelve players)

UNACCOMPANIED BACHAny orchestral stringed instrument. No transcriptions permitted.100. Under 16

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.101. Under 19

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.102. Open (Post Grade 8) Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.

STRING DUETSAny combination of two orchestral stringed instruments. Published material only.103. Under 13

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.104. Under 16

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.105. Under 19

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.106. Open

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.

STRING ENSEMBLESNo fewer than three and not more than eight players – unconducted. One player per part.107. Under 13

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.108. Under 16


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Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.109. Under 19

Own Choice - not to exceed 8 minutes.110. Open

Own Choice - not to exceed 10 minutes.

Class Title Composer Publisher

BRASSCategory A (approx Grades 1-2) Category C (approx Grades 5-6) Category B (approx Grades 3-4) Category D (approx Grades 7-8) Competitors are eligible to enter only one category.Competitors in Category D should tune their own instruments.

N.B. In all Brass Classes, where the music shows repeats, they should be played.

TRUMPET/CORNET/FLUGEL – SOLO111. A – Hot Chilli Wedgwood Faber from "Really Easy Jazzin’ About for Trumpet" 112. B – An American Dream A Wilson Spartan from "Bebop to Rock for Trumpet" 113. C – Raiders March Williams Brass Wind from "Great Winners for Treble Brass"114. D – Arioso and Caprice Hanmer Brand Publications

FRENCH HORN – SOLO115. A – Cheeky Cherry Wedgwood Faber from “Really Easy Jazzin’ About for French Horn”116. B – Yesterday Lennon and McCartney Editions Marc Reift from "The Beatles for French Horn" 117. C – Mapp and Lucia Jim Parker Brass Wind from “The Music of Jim Parker”


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118. D – Nocturne Op. 7 Franz Strauss Universal

TENOR HORN – SOLO119. A – La Mourisque Susato Brass Wind from“Winner Scores All” 120. B – Sweet Georgia Brown from “All Pinkard, Carsey Brass Wind Jazzed Up for Horn” (Eb ed.) & Bernie 121. C – Summertime from “A Little Light Music for Horn in Eb" Gershwin Brass Wind122. D – Capriccio Sparke G & M Brand

BARITONE/EUPHONIUM – SOLO123. A – Apple Pie Waltz from “Up Grade Wedgwood Faber for Trumpet Grades 1-2”124. B – Chicago Sunset from “All Jazzed Ramskill Brass Wind Up for Trombone”125. C – Chatanooga Choo Choo Gordon & Warren Brass Wind from “Big Chillers for Trumpet”126. D – Sonata No. 3 in A minor Vivaldi EMR 325 3rd & 4th movts

TROMBONE – SOLO127. A – Dance of the Mirlitons Tchaikovsky Brass Wind from "Winner Scores All" 128. B – Royal March of the Lion Saint-Saëns Boosey from “The Magic Trombone”129. C - The Groove’s the Thing David Mitcham Brass Wind from "Blue Bone" 130. D - Fantasy for Trombone James Curnow Winwood Music

BASS TROMBONE - SOLO131. C – Danse Profane No 2 from Jean-Michel Defaye Leduc "Deux Dances for Bass Trombone"132. D - Andante and Allegro Spiritoso Senaillé EMR

Class Title Composer Publisher

TUBA/BASS – SOLO133. A – Postman Pat Daly Brass Wind from “Winners Galore for Tuba” 134 B – Fletcher from “Top Line Jim Parker Brass Wind Album for Eb Bass/Tuba” 135. C - I Got Rhythm from “A Little Gordon & Warren Brass Wind Light Music for Tuba” 136. D – Sonata in C 3rd & 4th movts Handel EMR 230 BRASS SOLO 137. Open - Any Instrument Post Grade 8 Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes BRASS ENSEMBLESNo fewer than three and not more than ten players – unconducted.138. Primary

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.139. Secondary Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.140. Open

Own Choice - not to exceed 10 minutes.


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Class Title Composer Publisher

WOODWINDCategory A (approx Grades 1-2) Category C (approx Grades 5-6)Category B (approx Grades 3-4) Category D (approx Grades 7-8)Competitors are eligible to enter one category only.Competitors in Category D should tune their own instruments.FLUTE – SOLO141. A – Cat Walk (No repeats) Pam Wedgwood Faber from ‘"Really Easy Jazzin’ About for Flute" 142. B – Gavotte (With repeats) Prokofiev ABRSM from "Time Pieces for Flute Vol 3"143. C - Adagio molto and Allegro con brio Jardanyi ABRSM from "Selected Flute Exam Pieces" Grade 6 (No repeats) 144. D – Allegro malinconico: 1st movt Poulenc Chester/Music Sales from Sonata (No repeats)

OBOE – SOLO145. A – Old Nick’s Journey Around the World Beethoven Faber from “First Book of Oboe Solos” (No repeats) 146. B – Tambourin (With repeats) Hasse Faber from “Going Solo - Oboe”147. C - The Busker’s Hat (No repeats) Robin Grant Faber from “Going Solo - Oboe”148. D – Elegie: 1st movt from Sonata Poulenc Chester/Music Sales (No repeats)


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CLARINET – SOLO149. A – Puppet’s Dance (No repeats) Walton ABRSM from “Selected Clarinet Exam Pieces”150. B – Widmung, Op 25 No 1 (No repeats) Schumann ABRSM from “Selected Clarinet Exam Pieces”151. C – Prelude: No 1 from Five Bagatelles Finzi B&H/MDS (No repeats)152. D – Allegro tristamente: 1st movt from Poulenc Chester/Music Sales Sonata (No repeats)

BASSOON – SOLO153. A – March (No repeats) CPE Bach ABRSM from “Time Pieces for Bassoon Vol 1”154. B - Hornpipe a l’inglese: 4th movt Galliard Peters H753a from Sonata No 1 (With repeats)155. C - Introduction and Hornpipe Francais Baines Schott ED10531/MDS (No repeats) 156. D – Romance, Op 62 Elgar Novello/Music Sales (No repeats)

CLASSICAL SAXOPHONE – SOLO157. A – Pirates Ahoy from “First Repertoire Paul Harris Faber for Alto Saxophone” (No repeats)158. B – End of a Perfect Day Richard Kershaw Spartan Press from “Latin Nights” (No repeats)159. C - Spanish Love Song from “Concert Anon Faber Repertoire for Alto Saxophone” (No repeats)160. D –Samba Triste: No 1 from “Three Richard Rodney Bennett Novello/Music Sales Piece Suite for Alto Saxophone” (No repeats)

JAZZ SAXOPHONE – SOLOBacking tracks may be used161. A - Food, Glorious Food Paul Harris Faber

from "First Repertoire for Alto Sax" 162. B – Lengthening Shadows Richard Kershaw Spartan Press from "Latin Nights" (Hunt Edition)163. C – Tango Till You Drop (With repeat) Richard Kershaw Spartan Press from "Latin Nights" (Hunt Edition)164. D – Tango and Charleston Trevor Hold Thames Music Sales

Class Title Composer Publisher

WOODWIND SOLO 165. Open - Any Instrument Post Grade 8 Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes

WIND ENSEMBLES (Unconducted)No fewer than three and not more than eight players – One player per part. May include Recorder and

French Horn.166 Primary

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.167. Secondary

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.168. Open

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.

WIND ENSEMBLES (Conducted)Maximum sixteen players.169. Secondary

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.170. Open Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.

WIND – DUOS171. Wind Duo (Two identical instruments only.)


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Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.172. Mixed Wind Duo

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.

SAXOPHONE may be included in classes 171 and 172

RECORDER – SOLO Category A (approx Grades 1-2) Category C (approx Grades 5-6)Category B (approx Grades 3-4) Category D (approx Grades 7-8)Competitors are eligible to enter one category only.

NB: Class 174 America - Please note error in Descant Recorder part. Bar 25 should read F#, F#, D on high register and not A, A, F#. No error appears in the Treble part.

173. A – (Descant Recorder Only) Herding Song - No 6 (No repeats) Brian Bonsor Faber from "The Really Easy Recorder Book" 174. B – (Descant or Treble)

America - No 15 (With repeats) Steve Rosenberg B&H from "Amazing Solos for Descant Recorder" or from "Amazing Solos for Treble Recorder"175. C - (Descant)

Reverie - No 4 from "Jazzy Recorder 2" Brian Bonsor Universal C - (Treble)

Sonata No 4 in C 1st & 2nd mvts Telemann Schott. (No repeats in either piece)176. D - (Descant, Treble or Tenor)

Own Choice - not to exceed 5 minutes.177. Open (Post Grade 8) Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.RECORDER – DUETS178. Open (any combination)

Own Choice - not to exceed 5 minutes.RECORDER – ENSEMBLESNo fewer than eight and not more than sixteen players179. Primary (conducted) Two Descants (a) Gavotte John Pitts Chester Music (b) Own Choice from "Recorder Duets from the Beginning" Book 1 180. Primary (conducted) D. Tr. T.

Own Choice181. Secondary (unconducted) Two Descants

Own Choice182. Secondary (unconducted) D. Tr. T.

Own Choice

Class Title Composer Publisher

PIANOFORTE – SOLOCompetitors are eligible to enter one category only.183. Category Pre Grade 1 (a) One Step at a time from "Fun Club 0-1" A. Haughton Mayhew184. Category A (Grade 1)

(a) Calm Seas A Haughton Mayhew (b) On Your Bike both from "Fun Club 0-1" (With repeats) 185. Category B (Grade 2)

(a) Lullaby A Haughton Mayhew (b) Cool it both from "Fun Club 0-1" 186. Category C (Grade 3)

The Juggler W Gillock Breitkopf from " Hello Mister Gillock Carl Czerny"187. Category D(Grade 4) Flamenco W Gillock Breitkopf from " Hello Mister Gillock Carl Czerny"188. Category E (Grade 5) Either Tarantella Op 100 No 20 Burgmuller ABRSM from “25 Easy and Progressive Studies”


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(No repeats) Or Song of the Cavalry Op 27 No 29 Kabalevsky ABRSM from “Romantic Sketchbook for Piano Bk 3”189. Category F (Grade 6-7) Either Refrain du Gondolier Op 109 No 14 Burgmuller ABRSM from “More Romantic Pieces for Piano Bk 4” Or Traumerei No 7 Schumann ABRSM from Kinderscenen Op15 (or any standard edition) 190. Category G (Grade 8) To the Spring Op 43 No 6 Grieg ABRSM from "Grieg - 38 Pianoforte Pieces" Bk2 (or any standard edition) 191. Open (Post Grade 8) Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes PIANOFORTE – DUETS192. Category A (Grades 1-2)

(a) All through the night Christopher Tambling Mayhew (b) All in a garden green (With repeats) both from "Tunes for Two" 193. Category B (Grades 3-4)

Papageno’s Aria Christopher Tambling Mayhew from "Tunes for Two"194. Category C (Grades 5-6) Own Choice - not to exceed 4 minutes. 195. Category D (Grades 7-8) Own Choice - not to exceed 5 minutes.196. Open Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes


Any first movement from a Beethoven, Clementi, Kuhlau or Mozart SonatinaPIANOFORTE SONATA – SOLO198. Open

Any first movement from a Beethoven, Clementi, Haydn, Mozart or Schubert Sonata

Class Title Composer Publisher

BACH PIANOFORTE SOLO199. Age 12 and under

Any Piece from Anna Magdalena Bach Book of 1725 ABRSMexcluding pages 8 ,9, 11 and 12

200. Age 15 and under Any ONE of the Eighteen Little Preludes ABRSM from "Easier Piano Pieces No18" OR any Two-Part Invention201. Age 19 and under

Any movement from the French or English Suites OR any Three-Part Invention.202. Open

Any one of the 48 Preludes and Fugues (Both Prelude and its Fugue to be performed)

DUO Pianoforte and one other instrument. Both competitors are adjudicated.203. Open

A movement of a Sonata (post Baroque)


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Own Choice (time 6 -10 minutes) Equivalent to Grade 4-5 Associated Board

Pianoforte, Orchestral and Brass Band instruments, Classical Guitar and Recorder.205. Under 19

Own Choice - not to exceed 15 minutes. A standard equivalent to Grades 6 -7 Associated Board is expected.

Pianoforte, Orchestral and Brass Band instruments, Classical Guitar and Recorder.206. Open

Own Choice - not to exceed 15 minutes. A standard equivalent to at least Grade 8 Associated Board is expected.

Pianoforte, Orchestral and Brass Band instruments, Classical Guitar and Recorder.

The emphasis of classes 204, 205 and 206 is on the successful presentation of a balanced programme.

ENSEMBLES - CHAMBERNo fewer than three and not more than eight players.Any combination with or without piano – unconducted.One player per part.207. Primary

Own Choice from standard repertoire - not to exceed 6 minutes.208. Secondary

Own Choice from standard repertoire - not to exceed 8 minutes.209. Open

Own Choice from standard repertoire - not to exceed 10 minutes.

ENSEMBLES – MIXED (unconducted)No fewer than three and not more than eight players. With or without piano.One player per part.210. Family Class

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes. The ensemble may include a singer.211. Mixed Instrumental Ensemble

Own Choice - not to exceed 6 minutes.

COMPOSITIONClasses 212 - 213: A score/performance plan, which must be entirely original, and an audio recording should be sent to the Music Secretary by Friday 10th February 2012. At the competition, the work(s) can be performed live or by using the CD.

Adjudication will take the form of a workshop.212. Up to and including Standard Grade Time limit 5 minutes. 213. Open Time limit 5 minutes.

Class Title Composer Publisher

PERCUSSION - SOLOCategory A (approx Grades 1-2)Category B (approx Grade 3)Category C (approx Grades 4)Category D (Open - minimum Grade 5)

Competitors are eligible to enter one category only.Competitors may perform with or without piano accompaniment. 214. A - Own Choice - not to exceed 3 minutes. from "Tuned Percussion Grades 1-5" Trinity Guildhall215. B - Own Choice - not to exceed 3 minutes. from "Graded Music for Tuned Percussion" Bk 2 arr. Ian Wright ABRSM (With repeats) 216. C - Own Choice - not to exceed 4 minutes. from "Graded Music for Tuned Percussion" Bk 2 arr. Ian Wright ABRSM (With repeats)


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217. D - Own Choice of any Category D pieces from either Associated Board Syllabus ABRSM or Trinity Guildhall Syllabus Trinity Guildhall (With repeats) Programme not to exceed 5 minutes.

PERCUSSION - ENSEMBLEEnsemble may include tuned and untuned percussion e.g. African drums, steel band etc.218. Open Own Choice Programme - not to exceed 10 minutes.


In classes 219 - 223, the set pieces are also available in "Scottish Graded Exams - Harp" RSAMD pub. Taigh naTeud

219. Category Pre Grade 1 (a) Fires at Midnight Wendy Stewart Cairn Water

Music from "Standing Wave" (b) Own Choice of stand-alone piece220. Category A (Grades 1-2) (a) Queen Elizabeth's March William Ross Kinmor Publishing (b) Own Choice of stand-alone piece arr. Alison Kinnaird221. Category B (Grades 3-4)

(a) The Little Cascade G S MacLennan Harpstring House from "About Time Too" arr. Wendy Stewart (b) Own Choice of stand-alone piece222. Category C (Grade 5)

(a) The Old Woman's Dance Donald MacLeod Taigh na Teud arr. Patsy Seddon

(b) Own Choice of stand-alone piece223. Open (Post Grade 5)

Own Choice - not to exceed 5 minutes


224. Beginners Own Choice of March225. Elementary Own Choice of March226. Intermediate Own Choice of March, 227. Advanced Own Choice of March, Strathspey & Reel228. Open A Recital of Scottish Music to include a minimum of three tempos - not to exceed 6 minutes


An official accompanist will be provided for this section. (Copies of the chosen pieces must be provided for the official accompanist.)

Alternatively, competitors may provide their own accompanist or may perform without accompaniment.All titles and composers of pieces must be stated on the Own Choice form.There is no time limit for these classes.

Class229. 10 and under

Own Choice of any two tunes.230. 12 and under

Own Choice of any two tunes.231. 16 and under

Slow Air232. 16 and under


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March, Strathspey & Reel233. Open

Slow Air 234. Open

Slow Strathspey, March, Strathspey & Reel235. Orchestra – Open

Slow Air, March, Strathspey & Reel236. Composition – Any tune in a Scottish idiom A score of this work, which must be entirely original, should be sent to the Music Secretary by Friday

27th January 2012. The composer must arrange to have the work performed as part of the competition although the performance itself will not be adjudicated.

PIPING SOLON.B. If a candidate has moved on to pipes, but is not entering a pipe class, he/she should not enter a chanter

class.237. Practice Chanter – Beginners under 12

Own Choice of any March238. Practice Chanter – Beginners under 15 Own Choice of any MarchN.B. Candidates entering Classes 237 and 238 may not enter Classes 239 - 245.239. Bagpipes – under 12

Own Choice of any March240. Bagpipes – under 15

Own Choice of any March241. Bagpipes – under 15

Own Choice of any Strathspey & Reel242. Bagpipes – under 19

Own Choice of any March, Strathspey & Reel243. Bagpipes – under 15

Own Choice of any Jig244. Bagpipes – under 19

Own Choice of any Jig245. Bagpipes – Open

Own Choice of any March, Strathspey & ReelN.B. In Classes 239 -245, candidates entering more than one class (e.g. 239 & 240) must not repeat the same piece.

PIPE BAND DRUMMING SOLOEach performance should commence with two three pace introductory rolls.246. Under 12 Pad and Sticks Minimum 2 parts march tempo accompanied by solo chanter.247. Under 15 March Minimum 2 parts march tempo.248. Under 19 March Minimum 4 parts march tempo.249. Under 19 March, Strathspey and Reel Minimum 4 parts of each tempo.250. Open March, Strathspey and Reel Minimum 4 parts of each tempo.251. Open Hornpipe and Jig Minimum 4 parts of each tempo.


Descriptions of dances are available from the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, 12 Coates Crescent,Edinburgh, EH3 7AF or

NOTE: A team is eight pupils. A team of six will be accepted in exceptional circumstances. This excludes Jig to the Music which requires three couples. Four couple dances will be danced 4 times. The full dance will be repeated. Jig to the Music will be danced 3 times. The full dance will be repeated.Other three couple dances will be danced 8 times. With two couple dances, couples 1, 2, 3 will dance three times and couple 4 will dance twice.


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PRIMARY SCHOOLS252. Schools with 50 pupils or less Choose one dance from: J The Brudenell Jig Gr Bk2

R Mr Michael Bear’s Reel Gr Bk 2253. Schools with 200 pupils or less Choose one dance from: J Charlestown Chaser Gr Bk 2

R Easy Peasy Gr Bk 2 254. Schools with 500 pupils or less Choose one dance from: J Another Woodland Wander Gr Bk 2

R The Barmkin Gr Bk 2255. Primaries 1 - 3 Choose one dance from: J The Waratah Weaver Gr Bk2

R Rabbie’s Reel Bk 40256. Primaries 4 & 5 Choose one dance from: J Jig to the Music Gr Bk 2

R Knit the Pocky Bk 11257. Primaries 6 & 7 Choose one dance from: J The Glenrothes Gr Bk 2

R Round Reel of Eight Bk 27 SECONDARY SCHOOLS258. Secondaries 1 & 2: Own choice of reel or jig259. Secondaries 3 - 6: Own choice of reel or jig

PRIMARY SCHOOLS260. A Story in Dance: Olympics 2012 This is a presentation to convey the theme of the Olympics in music and dance. Music can be provided by the pupils themselves, by the teacher or it can be pre-recorded (see Rule No. 5 Dance Classes Only). Appropriate dress should be worn.

CEILIDH DANCING261. Primary Schools (A team is three pupils of Primary School age.) Choose one dance from: Britannia Two Step Collins Pocket Version

Palais Glide 262. Secondary Schools (A team is three pupils of Secondary School age.) Choose one dance from: Britannia Two Step Collins Pocket Version

Palais Glide263. Open (A team is three pupils of any age.) Dashing White Sergeant Bk 3


Class DAY 2



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A team is eight pupils. A team of six will be accepted in exceptional circumstances. Domino 5 requires teams of five. 264. Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs Choose one dance from: J Flying Scotsman Schools Pack R Reel for Jeanie Bk 40265. Guides, Rangers, Scouts, Explorers Choose one dance from: J Joie de Vivre Bk39 R Round Reel of Eight Bk 27 266. Mixed Groups (combination of adults and children) Choose one dance from: J Cumberland Reel Bk 1 R Domino 5 Gr Bk 2

*COMMUNITY GROUPS A team is eight. A team of six will be accepted in exceptional circumstances.

*OPEN 267. 12 and under Choose one dance from: J Granville Market Gr Bk 2

R The Dancing Man Gr Bk 2268. 14 and under Choose one dance from: J The Weathercock Gr Bk 2

R Summer Assembly Bk 35269. 16 and under Own choice of reel or jig270. Adult Own choice of reel or jig


271. Open - A team is three Choose one dance from: Britannia Two Step Collins Pocket Version

Palais Glide272. Open - A team is three A Dashing White Sergeant Bk 3.

*Uniformed OrganisationsThis can include: rainbows, brownies, guides, rangers, beavers, cubs, scouts, boys brigade, girls brigade etc. etc.

*Community GroupsThis can include: WRI, Church Guilds, Ladies Clubs, Rotary, Young Farmers etc. etc.

*OpenThis is open to any group according to the age requirement.


Class Title Author Source



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273. Primary 4 and 5 Breakfast Boast Moira Andrews Patchwork of Poems, Belier274. Primary 6 and 7 Dog In the Playground Allan Ahlberg Please Mrs Butler Conducting in any form (e.g. mouthing) by the teacher is not allowed. No accompaniment. No movement. Purely vocal.

SOLO ENGLISH275. Primary 4 (a) I Opened a Book Julia Donaldson Crazy Mayonnaisy Mum (b) Homework! Oh, Homework Jack Prelutsky New Kid on the Block276. Primary 5 (a) Tiger to Tea Margaret Thomas Poetry Corner 2 (b) Midsummer Night Leonard Clark Collected Poems and Verses

for Children277. Primary 6 (a) The Foal Jean Kenward Poetry Corner 2 (b) Life’s Not Been The Same in my Family Jack Prelutsky A Pocket Full of Pie278. Primary 7 (a) The Old House John Foster Usborne Book of Creepy Poems

(b) Grey Geese Kenneth C Steven Scottish Poems Chosen by John Rice 279. Secondary 1-3 (a) Boy into Heron Celia Randall Harraps Junior Book of Modern

Verse (b) Snow Walter De La Mare Poetry and Song Chosen by

James Gibson280. Secondary Senior (a) `Like Rain it sounded till It curved' Emily Dickinson By Heart 101 Poems to

Remember Edited by Ted Hughes (b) Glasgow Sonnet No.1 Edwin Morgan Collected Poems, Manchester: Carcanet Press

SOLO SCOTS281. Primary 4 (a) Snawman J K Annand Twice for Joy

(b) A Ghostie Kathleen Craig Fit Like, Yer Majesty?282. Primary 5

(a) Lichtin The Fire Sandy Thomas Ross Bairnsangs: Nursery Rhymes in Scots

(b) Zebra J K Annand Bairn Rhymes: Scots Verse for Children

283. Primary 6 (a) Doric -Reggae-Spider Rap Sheena Blackhall A Toosht o Whigmaleeries

(b Wee Davie Daylicht James Robertson 100 Favourite Scottish Poems to Read Out Loud 284. Primary 7 (a) Fower Wunds Sandy Thomas Ross Bairnsangs: Nursery Rhymes in

Scots (b) A Dug, a Dug Bill Keys 100 Favourite Scottish Poems to Read Out Loud 285. Secondary 1-3

(a) Healthy Lifestyle Margaret Boyd Fit Like, Yer Majesty? (b) Bonfire Nicht James D. Glennie The Living Doric286. Secondary Senior

(a) With The Herring Fishers Hugh MacDiarmid Glimmer of Cold Brine (b) The Cautious Lover Sir Alexander Gray 100 Favourite Scottish Love



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SOLO VERSE – ROBERT BURNSCertificates to be awarded by Elgin Burns Club. 287. Primary 6 and 7 Rantin' Rovin' Robin' Burns Anthology (Chorus to be recited at beginning and end only) 288. Secondary Girls - Braw Lads O' Galla Water. Burns Anthology Boys - O Bonie Was Yon Rosie Brier Burns Anthology

PREPARED PROSE READING 289. Primary 6 and 7 Taken from “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, Chapter 1 (p11-12) from ‘ “Yaxley, Snape,” said a high clear voice’ to ‘the night before the boy turns seventeen.’

PREPARED BIBLE READING290. Primary 6 and 7

Strictly from the Authorised Version St Luke Chapter 2 Verses 1 to 14 -The Christmas Story


No longer than 3 minutes. Both the content of the story and the reading will be assessed.

GROUP PRESENTATION – PRIMARY292. Primary Group Story Telling

Time limit 10 minutes (flexibility up to a maximum of 12 minutes will be allowed but NO LONGER). In this class the object is to involve the whole class or a large group, not selected children. The method of ‘story telling’ can be interpreted very flexibly. Costumes, props, live or recorded music, singing, dance, mime or instrumental groups may be used, but are not essential. This is a stage presentation. Scripts of published plays may not be used.

293. Primary Group Talks on Subject of Own ChoiceTime limit 15 minutes. This is a presentation by means of speech (with or without notes) designed to show enjoyment in communication. It is given by a group of children and its subject may well arise from whatever theme is currently being studied by the class. Diagrams, paintings and models may be used but these are not essential. The assessment will be made on the group’s ability to communicate by speech and they should be prepared to talk about their presentation with the adjudicator.

PRIMARY PUBLIC SPEAKING294. Primary 6 and/or 7

In this class a team of three pupils from Primary 6 or 7 or in combination will consist of a Chairperson, Main Speaker and Proposer of the Vote of Thanks. Entrants must choose their own subject for a formal presentation lasting not more than seven minutes. The Main Speaker will be asked at least one question on his/her topic by the adjudicator.


295. Secondary 1, 2 and 3

296. Secondary 4, 5 and 6In these two classes, teams will consist of a Chairperson, Speaker and Proposer of the Vote of Thanks. Entrants must choose their own subject for a formal presentation lasting no longer than 10 minutes overall. The main speaker will be asked at least one question on his/her topic by the adjudicator. The Vote of Thanks will thank a team other than his/her own team.

Recital on a Chosen Theme297. Secondary 1 – Open

In this class a group will present an anthology of prose and poetry on a theme of their own choice. Maximum time 15 minutes.


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ACTING298. Secondary

Improvisation: Secondary 3-6Piece of improvised drama, either speech or movement -based, or a combination of both. Theatre arts may be used if desired but are not essential.

Time limit 15 minutes.

299. Drama PresentationTime limit 15 minutes maximum. Costumes, props, music (live or recorded), singing or instruments may be used. This is a stage presentation. Entrants must use a published script, which may be an excerpt.

300. Group Acting Contemporary Scottish TheatreCompetitors must select an extract from any post 1945 text. Extracts should involve more than one actor and should last not less than five minutes nor more than fifteen.

301. Group Acting Specified TextsCompetitors must select an extract from any specified text currently listed for Higher Drama. Extracts should involve more than one actor and should last no less than five minutes and no more than fifteen.

ADULT302. Reading of Own Original Story

Time 5-8 minutes. Both the content of the story and the reading will be assessed.303. Recital on a Chosen Theme

In this Class, a group will present an anthology of prose and poetry on a subject of their own choice. Time 12-15 minutes.

304. Play ReadingSeated Reading from a play for four or more characters. Time 12-15 minutes.

305. DuologueActed scene for two characters. Time 8-10 minutes.

306. Group ActingActed scene with three or more actors. Excerpt from any play, or original writing.Time not longer than 15 minutes.



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