Page 1: Mormon Latter Day Saints

MormonismA BeginngersGuide To The

Latter Day Saints C.R. Holloway 2011

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One Man. Five Wives. Forty Six Children

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Some members of the Church have submitted the names of Holocaust victims, and prominent Nazis , such as Heinrich Himmler, for vicarious baptism

The Mountain Meadows massacre was a mass slaughter of the Fancher-Baker emigrant wagon train at Mountain Meadows, Utah by a local Mormon militia.

FLDS: The largest Mormon fundamentalist denominations and the largest practitioner of polygamy.

According to Mormon interpretation Kolob is an actual star or planet in this universe that is, or is near, the physical throne of God.

The Book of Abraham is a purported translation made in 1835 by Joseph Smith, Jr. of a set of Egyptian papyri purchased from a traveling mummy exhibition.

The Book Of Mormon (BOM) claims that millions of Native Americans were descended from a lost tribe of Israel that reached the New World more than 2,000 years ago. There is absolutely no scientific DNA evidence of Hebrew origin that can be linked to even one Native American.

Book Of Mormon Archeology: No person mentioned in the Book of Mormon has ever been identified in the ancient archeology of the Americas. No place mentioned in that book has ever been located geographically. The language referenced in the Book of Mormon is Reformed Egyptian and no evidence for that language has been found anywhere on the earth. No event mentioned in the Book of Mormon has been confirmed from any objective source. Many objects mentioned in the Book of Mormon (e.g. steel, coins, wheels, swords, horses, Christian or Hebrew artifacts) have not been confirmed with archeology.

Mormonism has many Gods. Just like Heavenly father has planet Earth which he administers from His Home Planet, so do other as yet undiscovered planets have their Gods, also. Each planet, populated by sentient beings, is administered by a worthy Mormon male. Dead Mormons, once resurrected, now administer their very own planets neighboring those of Extra-Terrestrial Space Aliens. The wives of resurrected Mormons-gods, act only in a supporting role. They produce young. The Mormon name for the spouses of Gods, and for their spouses here on earth is "Precious Vessels". Offspring born to the Gods are immortal. They travel through outer space to the third planet on our solar system and appear through the birth canals of women who have had sex

The Adam–God doctrine was a doctrine taught by Brigham Young involving the status of Adam as a god prior to his appearance in the Garden of Eden.

Mark Hofmann is a counterfeiter and forger who fabricated Mormon historical documents that church leaders believed to be authentic. Amongst the manuscripts bought by the LDS Church was the Salamander letter, which appeared in 1984. Supposedly written by Martin Harris to William Wines Phelps, the letter presented a version of the recovery of the gold plates that contrasted markedly with the church-sanctioned version of events. Not only did the forgery intimate that Joseph Smith had been practicing "money digging" through magical practices, but instead of an angel, "a white salamander" had appeared to Smith

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