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Attracting hummingbirds with plants............................4Outwitting the squirrels...................................................66 design trends for 2015...................................................8Put some PEX into your plumbing..................................10Inexpensive patio spruce-ups..........................................12Outdoor spaces..................................................................14Modern-day spring cleaning............................................16Landscaping makeover.....................................................18Get your picnic on!............................................................20Preventing fleas and ticks................................................23A more productive home office......................................24Creating the perfect porch...............................................26Quality time in the kitchen..............................................28Tips for a better garden....................................................30Get a handle on household leaks....................................31Professional service directory.........................................32It’s all about comfort........................................................38c



Attracting hummingbirds with plants............................4Outwitting the squirrels...................................................66 design trends for 2015...................................................8Put some PEX into your plumbing..................................10Inexpensive patio spruce-ups..........................................12Outdoor spaces..................................................................14Modern-day spring cleaning............................................16Landscaping makeover.....................................................18Get your picnic on!............................................................20Preventing fleas and ticks................................................23A more productive home office......................................24Creating the perfect porch...............................................26Quality time in the kitchen..............................................28Tips for a better garden....................................................30Get a handle on household leaks....................................31Professional service directory.........................................32It’s all about comfort........................................................38c



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Have an affinity for hummingbirds, but just can’t seem to findany around your home? There are ways to attract the tiny fliersand keep them coming back time and again.

According to the Hummingbird Society website,, hummingbirds can be found in a wide varietyof environments, but their source of nutrition is primarily thesame— nectar from flowers. They also need places to perchand rest during the day and to sleep at night, usually trees orlarge plants such as cacti, and nearly all must bathe regularly.

PlantsAccording to, hummingbirds begin to ap-

pear in Ohio from northward migration in late March to mid-April and begin their southward migration at the end ofsummer.

One of the easiest ways to attract hummingbirds is by feed-ing them naturally. The birds favor plants that usually have long,tubular blossoms that are red, orange, yellow or blue with lotsof concentrated nectar, according to the Hummingbird Soci-ety.

Diane Green, manager at DeHoff’s in Alliance, said local of-ferings can include vines such as honeysuckle and morningglory; trees and shrubs such as azalea, butterfly bush, flower-ing quince and weigela; perennials such as bee balm, hosta

and coral bells; and annuals such as fuchsia, petunia and var-ious salvia species. She said many of the plants that attractbutterflies also attract hummingbirds.

Green noted that the plants can be grown in a garden or inwindow boxes, depending on where one wants to attract thebirds. She advised avoiding pesticides which can be harmful tothe birds.

Green said the plants will naturally attract the hummingbirdswill little other work required by the homeowner.

“It’s pretty easy to do,” she said. “Once you get plants in,they’ll come.”

FeedersTo make your home and garden particularly appealing, the

Hummingbird Society suggests in addition to growing enticingplants, enthusiasts should provide water for bathing, preferablyvery shallow, moving water or a spray mist, since hummers,more than most birds, need to bathe regularly due to the stickynature of nectar.

The Hummingbird Society also suggests placing nestingmaterial, such as Hummer Helper,” near a feeder to attract fe-males to nest nearby, making it more likely to see them duringthe five- to seven-week brooding period. Hummingbirds do notuse birdhouses because they are not cavity nesters, accordingto the website.

But a popular attraction is the feeder, Green said. The feed-ers should be put out in a timely manner, not too early nor toolate, she said.

“It will keep the birds too long and they don’t get to their des-tination before the cold,” she said.

Feeders can be filled with sugar water, changing frequently,Green said, noting that homemade mixtures do not have thepreservatives which can be bad for the birds.

A basic recipe suggested by the Hummingbird Society to at-tract hummingbirds features a cup of cane sugar with three orfour cups of spring (preferred) or tap water, free of red foodcoloring. An extra cup of water can help dilute the mixture if it

Attract hummingbirds with plants

Dicentra, or old-fashioned bleeding heart (forefront)

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is drawing too many bees. The mixture should be changedevery four to five days—more frequently if temperatures areover 90 degrees. If the liquid appears cloudy or mold is visible,the feeder needs washed thoroughly right away.

The best feeders should be ones the enthusiast can easilyclean and matches the size of the hummingbird population.

Feeders must be cleaned between refillings and never“topped off” without cleaning. Use a mild detergent and water;rinse thoroughly. About once a month, soak the feeder in a so-lution of bleach and water (1 tablespoon of bleach per quart ofwater); rinse very thoroughly.

Feeders should have ports above the pool of liquid to avoiddrips. They should be placed at least 4 feet above the groundso they are beyond the reach of cats and other predators and,if possible, in a shady spot.

More feeders will support more hummers and help reduceterritoriality.

Hummingbird PredatorsThe hummingbird’s small stature makes it especially sus-

ceptible to a variety of predators and dangers.

According to the Hummingbird Society, cats, both domesticand feral, are probably the most common predators of non-nested hummingbirds. To reduce the risks from cats, feedersshould be hung high—at least 5 feet above ground— andpreferably positioned so that a stalking cat is visible.

Other birds, such as hawks, also provide a danger to thehummingbird, catching and eating them, while eggs andchicks in the nest are often vulnerable to other birds such asblue jays and crows.

Due to their size, hummingbirds also have unusual preda-tors— namely insects. Praying mantises will position them-selves on popular feeders and strike at the hummingbirds,spider webs used in the construction of nests can trap the birdand bees or wasps can out-maneuver and attack it, the venombeing fatal due to the bird’s small body mass.

[email protected]

Red petunia

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(NAPS)—Bird feeding can be a fulfilling hobby, if youknow how to outsmart a clever squirrel who’s eatingyour birdseed. These tips can help:

1) Baffles: Install baffles, at least 15 inches wide andsloped, between the top of the feeder and its hangeron a hanging feeder or between the ground and thefeeder for feeders on posts.

2) Spinners: String spinners on a horizontal line.

3) Location: Mount bird feeders on a smooth metalpole at least six feet high and prune any brancheswithin a 12-foot radius.

4) Feeders:• Metal Feeders help minimize the damage from

hungry squirrels.

• Wire Cages placed around a bird feeder will keepsquirrels out and allow smaller birds to continue feed-ing but prevent larger birds from accessing the feeder.

• Slammer Feeders designed with doors triggeredby a large bird’s or squirrel’s weight close and ham-per access to seed.

• Interactive Bird Feeders such as the Squirrel BossBird Feeder. This humane and effective squirrel-proofbird feeder has a remote control operated by you frominside your home that gives the squirrel a harmlessstatic shock correction that “tingles” but doesn’t hurtthe squirrel in any way.

For more information, visit orcall (888) 476-9499.

5) Seed: Squirrels are less enticed by nyger, millet,safflower, canary and canola seeds. Adding capsaicinto birdseed can also deter squirrels.

Outwittingthe squirrels

To keep squirrels out of yourbird feeder, remove debris andspilled seed from the groundaround the feeder that could beattracting them.

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(BPT) - As the new year kicks off, it’s the premier time to re-fresh and refocus on certain aspects of your life ... and thehome is no exception. Say goodbye to lackluster interiors asrenowned interior designer and DIY television personality,Taniya Nayak, has forecasted the top trends for 2015 that willbe sure to enhance and revive any home.

Deep, rich huesBe bold with shadowy and opulent tones; there are many

ways to infuse a rich colorscheme into your space. “Don’tbe intimidated by dark hues,”says Nayak. “Incorporateshades from the same colorfamily throughout a room with acoordinating accent wall, rugand decorative pieces - such aspillows and blankets. This cre-ates a bold, yet harmonizing vi-sual.”

“The concept of a ‘pop’ ofcolor is blown up in 2015,” addsNayak. “We’re seeing deep, richhues adorning walls, lavishly up-holstered furniture pieces, win-dow treatments and area rugs.This year, we like to say ‘go boldor go home.’”

When painting with deep col-ors, imperfections are more vis-ible than with lighter shades. Toensure your painting project isflawless, use FrogTape brandpainter’s tape to achieve sharppaint lines. The tape is treatedwith patented PaintBlock Tech-nology, which prevents paintbleed, leaving you with an im-pressive, crisp edge.

Gallery wallsCreate a room that’s uniquely yours by making a gallery wall

with items of your choice. Display an array of mirrors, framedfamily photos, sketches or even postcards - the key is to becreative and be yourself!

“2015 is all about you,” Nayak explains. “Hanging a varietyof frames or objects in a well thought-out cluster on the wallprovides the perfect place to showcase pieces that are impor-tant and meaningful. When people walk into your home, they’llknow exactly what you love.”

Bold patterns in neutral colorsAlthough neutrals provide a calm palette, it’s possible to in-

fuse bold statements into these rooms, as well, with the use ofpatterns. Revitalize your room with a geometric rug in an earthtone, and also add window treatments with a daring floral de-sign in a complementary, yet understated, color. When mixingprints, pair structured, linear patterns with organic ones for a

look that’s polished, and not too “matchy.”“This is a beautiful way to add drama and what appears to

be ‘texture’ to a space,” adds Nayak.

60s modThe retro panache of mid-century modern decor will perk up

rooms with its soft, sculptural lines, woven upholstery andbright accessories in geometric shapes. Search for vintage fur-niture pieces like rounded chairs and button-cushion couches

with short, tapered legs to adda sense of authenticity.

“We are going retro mod -way back to the 60s where de-sign was about curvy forms, vi-brant colors and eccentricpatterns,” Nayak says. “Be pre-pared to leave your designfears at the door and go fullthrottle with the bright and loudelements found in the modmovement. “

Organic elementsThis year, mount antlers

above your mantel; or createcenterpieces with shells, metal-lic leaves or branches for a rus-tic vibe. With these earthycomponents juxtaposedagainst woodsy furniture andivory tones, you’ll create an im-pressive, outdoorsy aesthetic.

“It’s easy to bring nature andorganic structures into yourhome,” Nayak assures. “Leavelinear styles out of the equa-tion. Instead, think of free flow-ing shapes, colors found innature and the peaceful seren-ity associated with the out-

doors. The goal is to evoke the same emotional responsesthroughout your home.”

Copper“Each year we see a particular metal rise to the top of every

designer’s list; and this year, it’s all about copper,” Nayak says.

Copper is a captivating metallic that adds a modern edge toeven the simplest scheme. Small pieces make a big statement,so subtly pepper in copper pieces to your decor, like light fix-tures, planters or table settings.

Display copper cookware in your kitchen - it’s a great way toadd a touch of glamour without being gaudy.

2015 is full of impressive design trends. Use Nayak’s ex-pertise, and this year, your home will serve as a canvas for self-expression, creativity and style.

6 design trends for 2015

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By KATIE WHITEStaff Writer

Sweating a copper wire isn’t generally something a home-owner wants to do. That’s one reason why PEX tubing is be-coming more popular.

PEX tubing has been around for decades, but it wasn’t untila few years ago that Gary Eichler, owner of Eichler Construc-tion, noticed an increase in interest for the material amongColumbiana County homeowners.

“Homeowners can work this stuff. Not many people knowhow to sweat copper. It’s a lot more consumer friendly,” hesaid.

The tubing can be easily fitted into a wall without the sweat-ing required to maneuver a copper wire into place. Sweating iswhen heat is used to make the copper more flexible, and canbe somewhat of a fire hazard.

Eichler said sweating one copper fitting alone can take be-tween 20 and 50 minutes while a PEX fitting can be installed inabout a minute.

PEX also requires fewer fittings, and those fittings are alsoeasier to install. A sharkbite fitting for PEX can be easily pushedinto place.

“Everyone can put in a sharkbite ... some contractors call itthe lazy man’s plumbing but I call it the easy man’s plumbing,”he joked.

At roughly $9.50 for a 50-foot-roll of tubing, PEX is also moreeconomical than copper, which runs at about $50 to $70 forone foot, he said.

Fittings for PEX are more expensive than copper fittings, butrequire less labor to install than copper fittings.

PEX consists of a crosslinked high density polyethylene poly-mer that allows it to endure freeze and thaw weather cyclesbetter than copper because of its durability and flexibility.

“It will swell a little bit to where copper will not swell, it justsplits,” he said.

Eichler said his company uses PEX about 90 percent morethan copper and actually only uses copper if requested by acustomer.

The company is currently in the process of a bathroom andkitchen remodel for one customer using only PEX tubing.

PEX is especially popular in local home construction involv-ing the installation of floor radiant heat systems, he added.

Put some PEX into your plumbing

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“As far as heating bills it’s more economical to do a radiantfloor heating system. It’s more expensive to install at first but itpays you back within the years,” he said.

When it comes to commercial construction, contractorsare still opting for copper plumbing, although he is notsure of the reason, he added.

Brent Yoder, residential service manager forEllyson Plumbing and Heating in Salem, said thecompany has had “really good luck” with PEXtubing.

“We use it pretty much on all new installa-tions now. It is pretty forgiving. If you get intocold spaces, it’s not like copper where it wouldexpand and burst,” he said.

Yoder said they are seeing PEX used moreand more in new construction, mainly becauseof its lower cost.

“It does help bring the cost of new installationdown a bit,” he said.

The company provides service to residents inColumbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull counties, andalso Alliance.

[email protected]

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By LAURA REEDStaff Writer

As the weather getswarmer it’s only natural that

most people head outside toenjoy the sun. The gatheringpoint for most families is typi-cally a patio or porch.

I have memories of my par-ents enjoying the newspaperand coffee as they relaxed inthe comfortable tempera-tures of an early spring orsummer day on their sunporch. Now, my husband

and I enjoy doing the sameand hosting family get-to-

gethers on our newly-renovated back


Patios andporches are al-ways a popu-lar topic inhome remod-eling. For

many housesthe patio is thefirst area

guests see and itgives a glimpse

into the style ofyour home, so it’s

important thatthis area beinviting.

With the recent explosion of websites such as Pinterest in-expensive patio spruce-up ideas are endless.

Last summer my husband and I redid our patio. We did all ofthe work ourselves with the total of supplies coming to a littlemore than $1,000. The bulk of our work included pouring con-crete to increase the size of our patio and adding a woodenpergola overhead. Concrete cost $300 and the wood for thepergola roofing was also $300.

Pergolas are a style of archway that offer shade to patios orgardens. They are composed of wooden posts that supportcross-beams on top. We liked the unique look this covering of-fered and even fitted clear polycarbonate roofing over thebeams so that we can be outside in the rain. Another optionwould be to add a tinted covering if your location is in directsun for most of the day.

Once the base of the patio was complete we purchased aset of patio furniture from for $430, which in-cluded free shipping. The set included two chairs, two footstools, one couch and a table. While $430 is quite the bargain,the option of making your own furniture is a nice alternative tooand can even be less expensive. For instance, wood palletshave taken over the decorating scene and pallet furniture is atthe height of its popularity.

Pallets can be used in building almost anything and theyhave a great rustic look. Most businesses that use pallets willgive them away for free, which leaves tools as the only expensefor the builder.

The style and look of the furniture is up to you. offers a large selection of ideas and how-to videosconcerning the topic of making your own furniture.

Any form of recycled decorating is a nice alternative to buy-ing, and don’t worry about the imperfections, that’s whatmakes the piece unique.

Another item that makes a nice addition to patios is a light orheat source. Whether it be a brick oven or tiki torches, fire lightadds a nice warmth to patios at night. One of my favorite itemsto fulfill this need is the chimenea. A chimenea is a type of

Inexpensive patio spruce-ups

A chimenea isa type of portablefire place shaped

like a pot bellystove and is typi-

cally made of clayor metal

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portable fire place shaped like a pot belly stove and istypically made of clay or metal. The clay chimeneasare more expensive and commonly cost more than$400, but the metal versions can be found for $200 orless on

Flowers are another obvious choice for brighteningup a patio. They don’t always have to be planted inconventional pots and planters though. Using draw-ers from old dressers or wash stands as a vessel forplanting can be a fun idea. If you don’t have any olddrawers they’re easy to find at antique malls. You canliven them up with a fresh coat of bright paint or leave

them as is for a vintage look. Either way, they will definitely adda whimsical touch to your setting.

When it comes to patio makeovers keeping it simple is best.Why pay a hefty price for furniture and decorations that youcan fashion yourself out of recyclable materials? If you createa comfortable atmosphere your company is sure to feel right athome.

[email protected]

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Household goodsCrafts, BirdhousesCorn Hole GamesNew & gently used sportswearFurnitureMany useful items for the home

(Family Features) Inspired by neighbors, home improvementshows and social media channels like Pinterest and Houzz,today’s homeowners are entering the deck planning and build-ing process more informed than ever before. But sortingthrough this wealth of information and inspiration can make ithard to decipher what’s really hot for today’s outdoor spaces— and to choose what’s right for your home.

Surveying the wide variety of optionsis the first step in deciding how you’llapproach designing your outdoorspace. Start by considering some ofthe top influences expected to domi-nate the outdoor living landscape thisseason, according to the experts atTrex Company, the world’s largestmanufacturer of wood-alternativedecking and railing.

Designing outside the box. Gone arethe days of simple squared-off decksand basic slab patios. Regardless ofthe size of the yard - or budget - home-owners today are thinking and building beyond the basicsquare space. Remodelers and architects report increased in-terest from customers in decks with multiple levels, curves,cantilevers, pergolas and even walls to create three-dimen-sional interest and define different functional areas.

Bringing the indoors out. The lines between indoors and outwill continue to blur as homeowners look to extend the style,comfort and function of their interior spaces to their outdoor liv-ing areas. More and more indoor activities are migrating out-side with the addition of features such as outdoor kitchens,dining nooks and fireplaces. Demand also is up for featureslike integrated benches with cushions and accent pillows, stor-age components and lighting, along with accessories such asornamental post caps and railing with decorative balusters sim-ilar to those found inside the home.

Tropical staycation. From New England to Southern Califor-nia, the look of the tropics will dominate as a top outdoor de-sign scheme. Materials that evoke the ambiance of an exoticisland getaway are all the rage, from tiki torches, cabanas andwaterfalls to deck boards featuring warm colors and multi-col-ored streaking inspired by tropical hardwoods.

High performance, low maintenance. While aesthetics drivemany deck-building decisions, performance is just as impor-tant. Increasingly, homeowners are seeking high-performance,low maintenance materials that allow them to spend more timeenjoying their outdoor living space than maintaining it.

This motivation has contributed to the continued innovationand popularity of composite decking and railing. Unlike wood,high-performance wood alternative decking such as Trex re-sists fading, staining, scratching and mold. Upkeep is hassle-free with no sanding, staining or painting required, and foodand drink spills wash off easily with just soap and water.

To see examples of outdoor living settings featuring thisyear’s top looks, visit the Inspiration Gallery at

Outdoor spaces

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LISBON – In days gone by, when homes were heated by coalfurnaces and lit with oil lamps, an annual spring cleaning aftera long winter was a necessity to clear away soot and oilyresidue from walls, floors and curtains.

Today’s more efficient furnaces and electric lights have less-ened that need, but there are still folks who like the idea of afresh start each spring: Sparkling windows, clean walls andfresh draperies.

In the past, when more women were stay-at-home house-wives, they did the heavy housecleaning themselves, but intoday’s two-income households, hiring out the work is muchmore common.

Independent housekeeper Sheila Backus said it isn’t oftenthat she is asked to do a thorough spring cleaning for the 25 to30 customers she services.

“About one or two ask me to do the walls, curtains and fur-niture,” she said, adding that, she cleans things as she notesthey need attention so “most don’t need spring cleaning, butsome do.”

Although Backus usually works alone, when someone needswalls to be cleaned, she enlists the help of a friend.

She offered one tip for helping keep the home tidier in be-tween cleanings: Keep your furnace filter clean.

“You can tell when you constantly have dust that the filterneeds to be cleaned,” she advised.

Backus works “by the job,” meaning she charges one set

Modern dayspring cleaning

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Spring Has Sprung at DeHoffs!

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fee per home instead of by the hour. The cost averages at least$50 but can range between $40 and $60, depending on thesize of the home and the work that needs to be done.

Amanda Bolen, owner of A&A Cleaning Specialist in Canfieldsaid, “They do!” when asked if people still ask for deep springcleaning.

She said her staff usually gets requests for a one-time top-to-bottom cleaning in the spring and then again in the fall priorto the holidays, which includes windows, walls and sometimescarpets, which are subcontracted out.

Other customers ask to have their cabinets cleaned insideand out and then treated with oil on the outside, as well ascleaning of light fixtures and ceiling fans, which Bolen said aredismantled and cleaned really well.

She finds that her clientele is equally divided between theelderly and those who have two-income families and don’thave time to do their own cleaning.

Bolen believes every home should have a deep cleaningtwice a year, at least, to eliminate germs, admitting, “I have fourlittle boys and two pit bulls. I do it once a month (at my home).I want to make sure it’s disinfected.”

Her advice when cleaning: Complete one room at a time in-stead of skipping from room to room, especially if taking every-thing down to clean it.

“That’s really the easiest way. You can get side-tracked oth-erwise,” Bolen said.

Cleaning on a regular basis is also a good idea, she said.“You’ve got to get down and dirty and really clean so it does-

n’t get overwhelming,” she advised, saying some of her clientscall in the spring and then again in the fall because they havebeen so busy over the summer that they let the cleaning goand it “gets away from them.”

Her companycharges by thejob, depending onthe size of thehouse, with freeestimates givenupon a home visit.

[email protected]

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(BPT) - Low- and no-maintenance features top the list whenmaking over outdoor living spaces because less time main-taining means more time enjoying.

Low-maintenance landscaping outranks native plantings,water features and food/vegetable gardens according to theAmerican Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) 2014 Resi-dential Landscape Architecture Trends survey. Landscape pro-fessionals love to share their secrets and show off their craftwhen redesigning outdoor spaces for low or no maintenance.Armed with know-how and using sweat equity, do-it-yourselfers also can employ tips that professionals use for ano-maintenance landscape makeover.

Landscaping with hardscapesLandscape professionals use retaining wall systems for a va-

riety of landscaping solutions. Segmental retaining walls arecommonly used to transition elevations, shore up slopes alongfoundations and define spaces such as creating planters, treerings and other features.

“Hardscape products like retaining walls and pavers are im-portant tools for both landscapers and do-it-yourselfers in cre-ating low-maintenance landscapes,” says Scott Arnold,manager of Villa Landscapes in St. Paul, Minnesota. “With justthe standard VERSA-LOK retaining wall unit, you can easily cre-ate seat walls, curved couches, columns and other features.”

Retaining wall systems combined with concrete pavers canbe used to create beautiful raised patios, replacing high-main-tenance wooden decks, says Arnold. In addition to being ascost effective as a wooden deck, a raised patio offers severaladvantages.

“A deck railing can be replaced with wrought iron fencing ora low seat wall so the view is unobstructed,” Arnold says.“Raised patios also look great with a contrasting paver courseor rock barrier for potted plants, and steps to the ground canbe created with retaining wall units.”

Retaining wall units and interlocking concrete pavers comein a variety of colors, shapes and textures to complement anylandscape design and are often used to create design conti-nuity in outdoor spaces. Tree rings can be coordinated or color-contrasted with raised patios, retaining walls and otherhardscapes.

Permeable pavers are an environmentally sound and low-maintenance solution where impervious surface limits, stormwater management, water quality and water conservation areissues.

“Permeable pavers are a best practice for storm water man-agement and quality issues because they prevent runoff and letrain water infiltrate in place naturally,” says Burt Plett, productmanager of Willow Creek Paving Stones. “Permeable paversreduce the need for irrigation in drought-prone areas, unlikepoured concrete or asphalt.” It’s best to consult a landscapeprofessional who is experienced in installing permeable pavingsystems so that they work properly and consistently, Plett says.

Low-maintenance landscaping practicesLandscaping practices can make it easier to control weeds

and manage lawn care as well. The use of rock mulch and nat-ural rock in gardens and beds, as walkways and as steppingstones offers an attractive solution to weed control and also


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lessens the need for irrigation. At least three inches of rockmulch or four inches of natural mulch will prevent weeds.

A landscape fabric under stepping stones and rock mulchoffers even more insurance against weeds.

A simple way to cut down on trimming is to add a course ofpavers along the bottom of a retaining wall, tree ring or planterso the mower can get close to the wall, says Arnold.

Maintenance-free outdoor accessoriesSelecting maintenance-free outdoor furniture and acces-

sories is an easy way to make over a space. Outdoor furnituremade of recycled HDPE like Comfort Craft requires no storageor maintenance other than cleanup with soap and water.

Unlike wood, Comfort Craft furniture won’t chip, splint, crackor rot and never needs painting.

Hardscape kits - containing everything needed to create afireplace, firepit, water feature or grill island - are some of themost popular low-maintenance landscaping products, Arnoldsays.

“Using easy-to-install kits like those from Willow CreekPaving Stones, homeowners and contractors alike can createbeautiful features such as grill islands, bar islands, fire pits andfireplaces that are long-lasting and low-maintenance,” Arnoldsays.

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INGREDIENTS• 3 pieces white toast• 4 slices bacon• mayonnaise• lettuce• tomatoes sliced• 1 egg• salt and pepper

PREPARATIONToast the three slices of bread. Fry bacon. Spread mayonnaise on allthree slices of toast. Add lettuce and tomatoes on first slice of toast.

Add salt and pepper. Add second slice of toast, then add bacon. Fry eggover hard and place on top of bacon. Cover egg with third slice of toast.

Cut diagonally into quarters and secure with toothpicks in the middle ofeach quarter. Place quartered pieces on their sides on a serving plate.Add chips. Makes one sandwich.

Silver Mirror Sandwich

Get Your

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INGREDIENTS• 6 medium potatoes• ² teaspoon salt• ³ teaspoon pepper• 4-5 slices diced bacon(save bacon fat)• 1 medium onion chopped• 1-2 stalks celery diced• 1 green pepper finely chopped(optional)

• 1 tablespoon yellow mustard• 4 tablespoons water• 3 tablespoons vinegar• ² teaspoon sugar• Maagi or beef boullion cube• 3 hard-boiled eggs coarsely chopped

German Potato SaladPREPARATIONCook potatoes and peel. Potatoes have

to be warm; cut into thin slices.

Add diced onions and celery (and op-tional green peppers). Add salt and pep-per. In a pan, cook bacon until crisp(Drain bacon fat, but save.)

In the pan leave the bacon grease, addmustard, water, vinegar, and sugar. Adda little Maggi or a half beef bouillon. Heatthe pan and bring to a boil. Turn off andpour liquid mixture over the potatoes; mixwell Add the hard boiled eggs.

Add salt and pepper to taste. If thedressing is too dry, add a little morewater and vinegar. Serve at room tem-perature

Picnic On!Recipes by Helga Wengler

Local Televsion Host

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Select Cut

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(NAPS)—When it comes to your pet’s health, investing thetime and effort to use tick and flea preventatives can really paydividends. For starters, such treatment will do more than justeliminate your pet’s itchy fleas and prevent allergic reactions.The right medication can also prevent fleas, ticks and other

insects from biting your pet, and prevent these pests from get-ting inside your home, on your furniture and in your bedding.

Prevention Beats TreatmentExperts agree that fleas and ticks are stubborn parasites that

can cause discomfort and transmit dangerous diseases. Theycan also be difficult to get rid of. That’s why prevention really isthe best medicine.

Many pet owners believe that a topical application offers thebest protection against ticks and fleas, but ingredients thatmake the better products effective can also cause them to beexpensive.

Now, thanks to a new product, it’s possible to provide yourpet with exceptional protection for up to 40 percent less thanvet prices.*

The product, called PetArmor® Plus, contains fipronil, theNo. 1 vet-recommended active ingredient, and (s)-methoprene,which prevents eggs from hatching and growing. PetArmorPlus provides the same flea and tick protection as FRONT-LINE® Plus but at a significant savings.

As an added plus, the product is safe to use in a multipethousehold. However, pets should be separated for 24 hoursfollowing application to ensure that the product has dried com-pletely, thus helping to reduce the chance of other pets in-gesting the product off of the treated pet.

Available in three application doses, it can be used for dogsover 4 lbs. or cats over 1.5 lbs. and 8 weeks of age or older. Inaddition, it can be used on breeding, pregnant and lactatinganimals.

Additional Tips•It’s important to read a product’s label and prepare to fol-

low directions thoroughly before applying any powerful medi-cine to your pet. Even if you have a product made specificallyfor dogs, applying it correctly is still essential.•Buy the right product for the right species. Always choose

a cat product for cats and a dog product for dogs. These prod-ucts are different formulations based on the pet’s species andshould never be used interchangeably.•Know your pet’s weight.•Consider your pet’s age.

PetArmor® Plus is available in four weight breaks for dogsand one weight break for cats and should only be used on pets8 weeks of age or older.

To learn more, visit

Preventing fleas and ticks

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E&S HardwoodsOwners Emanuel & Sarah Troyer

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(BPT) - It’s a common piece of advice from effective home-based workers: start each day as if you were going to work inan office outside your home (translation - take a shower anddon’t work in your jammies). The philosophy behind this tidbitis easy to understand. By dressing professionally, you’ll feelmore professional and your productivity and quality of work willkeep pace.

The same axiom canapply to your home office. Isit tucked in a dark corner ofthe spare bedroom? Is yourdesk beside a bed coveredin old toys? Is your filingcabinet stuffed in the closetunder clothes that no onehas worn since the first Bushpresidency? If your home of-fice doesn’t feel professionaland uplifting, how produc-tive and happy will you bespending eight or morehours a day there?

Decorating your home of-fice isn’t an art, but followingsome basic principles of of-fice design can help createan organized, effective andproductivity-enhancing space.

Choose a wall color that facilitates focus.Even if your home office will be in the guest room that you

just painted last year, it may be a good idea to repaint. Not onlydoes a fresh coat of paint make a room feel energized andnew, repainting gives you the opportunity to put a color on thewall that’s office-appropriate.

In an interview by Chris Bailey of the blog “A Life of Produc-tivity,” color psychologist and author Angela Wright suggeststhat your home office color scheme needs to match the type ofwork you do because different colors create different effects.For example, Wright says, blue might be stimulating if you doa lot of mental work in your home office. Additionally, yellow

could encourage creativity, and green might be soothing if yourwork is particularly stressful and balance is important.

Luxuriate in light.“You are stuck in your office - albeit at home - all day, work-

ing and slaving away, staring at the same wall and some blandoffice furniture you got at agarage sale,” writes Her-man Chan in Home Busi-ness Magazine. “Spendingall those hours in the samespot, it would behoove youto splurge on one luxurypiece.” Chan suggests aninspiring piece of furniture,but you can also create aluxe effect - with only amodest “splurge” - by dec-orating with lighting ele-ments such as a skylight.

“The mental and physicalhealth benefits of naturallight and fresh air are welldocumented,” says RossVandermark of VELUXAmerica, makers of EnergyStar-qualified skylights.“Energy efficient venting

skylights not only make your home and your home office feelmore open, airy, bright and productive, they can help you con-trol heating, cooling and lighting costs, too.”

Add a solar-powered fresh air skylight and an energy-effi-cient solar-powered blind to your home office and the prod-ucts, as well as the installation, can be eligible for a 30 percentfederal tax credit as a green home improvement. Ground-flooroffices can benefit from SUN TUNNEL tubular skylights. or to learn more about en-ergy-efficient skylights.

If your home office happens to be located in a renovated atticspace, roof windows, which are very much like skylights butare in-reach, can offer natural light and fresh air plus access to

A more productive home office

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the roof for debris removal, maintenance or for emergencyegress.

Organize with attractive storage.If your idea of home office storage includes the cardboard

boxes you used to transport files from the last job you had out-side your home, it’s time to revisit your organizational plan. Acluttered, disorganized home office can cause you to misplaceimportant documents and can make you feel overwhelmed.

As more people have begun working from home, office fur-niture manufacturers have branched out from the sterile-look-ing metal storage units ubiquitous in workplaces across thecountry. Today, it’s easy to find attractive storage options thatfit with virtually any home office decor.

If you just can’t find a file cabinet that speaks to your soul,why not try some alternative storage options? Move that beau-tiful sideboard you inherited from grandma - that just never fitanywhere else in your house - into your home office and use itfor filing.

Not in love with any of the desk options available at your localoffice store? Hit an antique shop and find an antique desk oreven a dining table that you adore. Remember to keep fur-nishings and storage solutions size-appropriate for the roomso your home office doesn’t feel crowded.

Working from home offers many advantages, including theopportunity to decorate your home office the way you want. Byfollowing some basic steps and incorporating your own per-sonality, you can create a home office where you’ll be produc-tive and happy throughout the work day.

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(BPT) - Your porch should be a warm, welcoming outdoorliving space that offers comfort and helps make a house ahome. Whether you want to remodel your porch from theground up, or just give it a refresh-ing new look and feel, it’s easierthan you think to create a perfectporch.

Start with a Kleer deck as en-chanting flooring for your remod-eled porch, choosing from the rich,nature-inspired color palettes avail-able for the Sierra Series andCoastal Series Decking.

Sierra offers deep, solid earthtones with wood grain texturessuch as Sequoia, plus streakedtropical wood looks, such asGolden Teak.

The Coastal Series offers charm-ing Cobblestone and serene SandDune hues, which give your porcha relaxing feel reminiscent of a sea-side resort.

Framing your porch, like a pic-ture for the world to see, is easywith Kleer Trimboard. Add elegantwhite or colorfully painted accenttrim around the top, bottom andsides of the porch using durablecellular PVC trimboards in a varietyof sizes.

This trim can even be craftedinto ornate gingerbread or curvedusing heat-bending to make soar-ing arches. Kleer Mouldings canbe readily cut so that you can add eye-catching detail any-where.

Using Kleer Beaded Sheets, you can build a porch ceiling

with great warmth and charm. For a picturesque porch, en-close columns in Kleer Post Wraps to protect them from the el-ements while adding wood’s natural, finished look.

To complete your perfect porch,dress up nearby windows anddoors with distinctive touches thatcomplement the look and feel ofyour outdoor living space.

High-impact, budget-friendlyideas include adding Mid-AmericaSiding Components’ richly-coloredshutters with matching windowheaders to enhance your porch’swarmth and curb appeal.

The sophisticated Flat Panel andgeometric-style Classic Dentilheaders pair perfectly with decora-tive shutters like the classic OpenLouver or Old World-style Board-n-Batten.

Another quick, easy upgrade isan inviting door surround in cream,white or another neutral color to en-hance porch aesthetics.

Adding a door surround is a nat-ural way to create that “welcomehome” feeling too.

Designed for easy living, Tapco’senduring Kleer and Mid-Americabrand solutions never require paint-ing or wood’s time-intensive up-keep.

Whether you want to transformyour porch into a cozy gathering spot or grand wrap-aroundretreat, Tapco’s exterior products can put the perfect low-main-tenance outdoor living space within your reach.

Creating the perfect porch

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(BPT) - The average American spends an hour a day in thekitchen preparing food and cleaning up afterward, according tothe American Time Use Survey by the Bureau of Labor Statis-tics. Add in the time it takes to put groceries away, load andunload dishwashers, organize cabinets and pantries or justhang out, and you spend a whole lot of time in your kitchen.

But do you really enjoy that time? Whether cooking is your fa-vorite activity or you would rather clean the bathroom, the liv-ability and usability of your kitchen can directly affect how youfeel about the time you spend there.

If you’re considering a kitchen renovation - among the mostpopular and profitable of all home improvements - keep inmind the value of upgrades that will enhance the efficiency,practicality and beauty of the space. This type of improvementwill not only pay off at the time of resale, but can improve thetime you spend in your kitchen.

Here are three key kitchen upgrades that can elevate the ap-peal and usability of your kitchen:

Improved natural lighting and ventilation

The positive effects of natural lighting on mood are well doc-umented. If your kitchen is small and dark, it can feel dingy andtired, no matter how new your appliances or shiny your granitecountertops. Consider adding natural light sources such as

skylights and roof windows. Not only can these natural lightsources improve the feel of your kitchen, they can decreasethe need for artificial lighting.

What’s more, if you opt for an Energy Star-qualified, solar-powered fresh air skylight, like those made by Velux, you canimprove your kitchen’s ventilation as well. These skylights cre-ate a chimney effect that passively vents fumes, odor, humid-ity and cooking smoke from the kitchen without the need for anoisy, less efficient exhaust fan. Adding energy efficient solarblinds can allow you to control the amount of sunlight that en-ters your kitchen, closing the blinds to keep the room cooler insummer and opening them to admit more warming light in win-ter. Operated by remote control, solar skylights and blinds, aswell as the installation costs, are eligible for a 30 percent fed-eral tax credit. Visit to learn more.

Upgraded fixtures

Sinks and faucets are functional essentials for a kitchen, butthey can - and should - also make a design statement. Re-placing a basic, dated faucet and swapping out an older sinkcan have a significant impact on the overall look and utility ofa kitchen - for a fraction of the cost of grander renovations.

It’s possible to find new sinks that fit virtually any designtaste. Stainless steel provides a sleek, modern look while de-livering outstanding durability. Apron sinks, which come in avariety of materials, blend well with a rustic design theme. Un-dermount and integrated sinks eliminate unsightly edges oncountertops. You can also find a variety of basin styles in virtu-ally every material, from single to double basins and prep sinks.

Whatever sink you choose, be sure to accent it with a high-tech faucet. Pull-down faucets make cleaning and filling pots abreeze, while touch-free faucets allow you to turn the flow ofwater off and on without ever touching the faucet itself - therebyavoiding the spread of germs. A vast array of colors, styles andhandle types ensure you can find an upscale faucet that im-proves usability and looks great in your kitchen.

Energy-efficient appliances

Appliances are a kitchen element well worth a little extra in-

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vestment. Considering how muchthe average American family usestheir refrigerator, dishwasher, mi-crowave and stove, improving theusability and efficiency of theseappliances can both elevate yourenjoyment of the kitchen and saveyou some money in the long run.

In the typical American home,appliances represent 13 percent ofthe household’s total energy con-sumption, according to the De-partment of Energy. Replacingolder appliances with newer, moreenergy-efficient models can re-duce your energy costs. For ex-ample, replacing an olderrefrigerator with an Energy Starcertified appliance could reduceyour energy costs as much as$300 over the lifetime of the refrig-erator, according to the Depart-ment of Energy.

What’s more, newer appliancesoffer many of the high-tech fea-tures that make life in the kitcheneasier, from touchscreen interfacesand temperature controls on dish-washers to Wi-Fi enabled refriger-ators. For more kitchen ideas

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(NAPS)—There may be few things more satisfying thangrowing colorful flowers or eating vegetables picked fresh fromthe garden. That might seem ambitious if you haven’t gardenedbefore, but getting started this year need not be difficult. Justfollow these simple gardening tips to enjoy the benefits of freshair, gentle exercise and healthy produce:

1)Pick your spot with care. Plants need sun and water to sur-vive. Vegetables and most flowers need full sun—at least sixhours of sunlight every day during the growing season. Plantclose to an outdoor water source to make hot weather water-ing easier.

2)Start with the soil. Because plants live by their roots, themost important part of any garden is below ground. Most soilaround houses isn’t ideal for plants but can be improved byadding nutrient-rich organic matter, usually in the form of com-post, shredded leaves or composted manure. Bagged soilmixes marked specifically for growing vegetables are ideal forcontainers.

3)Keep your first garden manageable. For beginners, try aplot 4 feet by 8 feet, or half a dozen good-sized (24–36”) con-tainers. That’s enough to provide a satisfying harvest of herbs,greens or a few tomato plants while you get a feel for theamount of time and effort it takes to water and weed. Pots arethe easiest to control soil, water and light. Creating a containergarden of vegetables, herbs and patio flowers is a good placefor novices to start.

4)Get a head start. Some vegetables and flowers may needto be started from seed 6–8 weeks before it’s safe to plant themoutside. You’ll need to do this for tomatoes, peppers, eggplantsand petunias. But other favorites like zucchini, cucumbers,beans and sunflowers are easily sown in the ground with seed.You can learn more about starting and sowing seeds Planting time will vary in each growing zone,but is generally best in the late spring.

5)Watch your garden grow. It’s fun for the whole family to ob-serve seeds taking root and growing into plants. Be sure towater and weed regularly as you wait for the bounty of your firstharvest.

Burpee’s free Garden Time Planner app makes planting inspecific garden regions easy. To download the app, buy non-GMO seeds and plants, or to access helpful “how-to” articlesand videos, visit or call (800) 888-1447.

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Tips for a better garden

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(NAPS)—Over 1 trillion gallons of water are wasted in theUnited States every year from easy-to-fix household leaks. Thatis the amount of water used by more than 11 million homesevery year!

Leaks can be a real drain on resources andoccur in a number of places at home, includingfaucets, showerheads, toilets, and outdoorspigots and irrigation systems. According tothe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s(EPA’s) WaterSense® program, commonhousehold leaks can also add 10 percent to afamily’s water bill.

Finding and fixing leaks to save money andwater does not have to be difficult. Just followthree simple steps: check, twist and replace.

Check: Look at your water meter (usuallyoutside your house) before and after two ormore hours when no water is being used, per-haps while your family is at work or school. Ifthe number has changed, there is likely a leak.To check for silent toilet leaks, add a few drops of food color-ing to your toilet tank and wait 10 minutes before flushing. Ifthe color appears in the bowl before you flush, the toilet flap-per probably needs to be replaced.

Twist: Remedy dripping pipes, fixtures or hoses by twisting awrench to tighten the connections. If needed, twist pipe tapearound shower fixture or hose connections to seal them. Teach

kids to turn faucets and showers all the wayoff, and check washers and valves for persist-ent drips. If you’re not the “do-it-yourself” typeor you have a bigger leak on your hands, youcan consult a licensed plumber.

Replace: For old or inefficient fixtures thatare not easily repaired, replace them with Wa-terSense-labeled models. Toilets, faucets andshowerheads that earn the WaterSense labelare independently certified to use at least 20percent less water and perform as well as orbetter than standard models.

You’ll stop those nasty leaks and realizeeven more water savings in the process.These water- and money-saving products areavailable in a variety of styles and prices; lookfor the WaterSense label on boxes or websitesof your favorite plumbing brand.

Following these simple steps could save the average familymore than 10,000 gallons of water each year, or the amount ofwater it takes to wash 270 loads of laundry!

Get a handle on household leaks

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COLUMBIANA—Custom Comfort Systems has switched toBryant Heating and Cooling as its top retail line after being theonly Trane distributor in Columbiana County for 15 years.

That’s the big news, owner Mike Weikart said, noting he has-n’t bought his previous suppliers product “in about a month”while noting Custom Comfort Systems has just completed itstransition to the Bryant line.

“Bryant is just a better product,” Weikart, said. Weikart hasbeen with the business going back to 2000 when CustomComfort Systems was located on state Route 45, south ofSalem.

He moved the company to Columbiana in 2006 and withspringtime weather taking hold it is now without doubt the timeto check and clean furnaces, air conditioners and filters, Weilartsaid.

“Filters,” he said, “are in the basement and people don’t payattention.” They have a whole aisle of air filters at Home Depot,Weikart said.

“It’s amazing what’s out there,” he said noting the variousrating numbers on the filters means the higher, the better.

From its 8,000 square-foot facility, along with providing prod-ucts, Custom Comfort Systems is service oriented and and hasworked large industrial jobs like Hunt Engineering, churches,forms installed ducting and duct transitions in its fabricationshop.

With four full-time employees, the work is deployed with asmall fleet of service vans and Custom Comfort Service is au-thorized to provide an instant $300 rebate from ColumbianaGas for new gas furnaces and mail-in rebate from First Energyfor electric heating.

The company services Navion, Quiet Side, Rinnai andBosch. Dow Davis is the territory manager for the HabeggerCorporation and is coordinating the Bryant Heating and Cool-ing Systems switch at Custom Comfort Systems.

Both he and Weikart are very high on the new Rinnai LS se-ries of tankless water heaters. Weikart noted, “They are nice.You go away for a while and turn the gas off. Go away for win-ter and flip a switch and it’s instant hot water, right now. It’spretty slick.”

There is a flow switch that keeps if the tankless heater offwhen there is no water in it. No water, it shuts off. Simple.Weikart said there is a plumbing kit that can be purchased toflush and clean it as maintenance is a little more frequent.

Weikart put two in a nursing facility that replaced four largewater-tank heaters. The tankless heater is capable of heating7.4 gallons of water a minute up to shower temperature.

Weikart said people are all about their comfort. If it’s aboutheat, they can turn on auxiliary heaters and get by for a while,Weikart said, but in the summertime when the heat is really onthey want their air conditioning and they want it now. “Theycomplain loudly when it’s hot,” he said, “when it’s a/c they say,‘I want somebody now.’”

That’s one reason why stand-by generators are popular andCustom Comfort Systems can supply mini-split ductless heat-ing and cooling systems that are popular with churches andupstairs and elevated areas in residential homes.

Davis, a gearhead, noted that Bryant Heating and Coolingis the oldest non-automotive sponsor of cars in the Indianapo-lis 500.

Aside from the overall boost to the area’s economy, Weikartsaid the shale boom has had a secondary affect for CustomComfort Systems. “Our trucks with tools average eight to ninegallons and the lower prices for gas ... that’s huge,” he said.An industry veteran, Dow said the technology integration isamazing.

He pointed to WIFI thermostats that are “flying off theshelves” at Home Depot. Remote home management andWeikart said, “We can make is work with any system and set itup to have messages sent when a problem is detected.”Dow said home security companies are cashing in but rec-

ommends heating and cooling applications be installed byspecialists in that industry.

“There’s some really neat stuff out there,” he said. Weikartsaid his mother, Kathleen Yanek Weikart was a member of theSHS class of 1962, the first graduating class to cycle throughthe new building. As a 1989 Salem High grad, Wiekart belongsto the largest class to graduate.

For more information, visit:

[email protected]

It’s all about comfort

Mike Weikart, right,owner of Custom ComfortSystems on state Route 14in Columbiana, reviews in-formation on his company’sswitch to Bryant Heatingand Cooling as its lead re-tail product line with DowDavis, territory manager ofthe Habegger Corp.

Mike Weikart, owner ofCustom Comfort Systems inColumbiana, said spring isthe time to check all air filterson air contiditioners and fur-naces. It is important tomake sure each piece ofequipment has the filter withthe proper MERV rating formaximum efficiency.

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