Page 1: Morphology: Words and their Parts

CS 4705

Morphology: Wordsand their Parts

CS 4705

Julia Hirschberg

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• In formal languages, words are arbitrary strings• In natural languages, words are made up of

meaningful subunits called morphemes– Morphemes are abstract concepts denoting

entities or relationships – Morphemes may be

• Stems: the main morpheme of the word• Affixes: convey the word’s role, number, gender,

etc.• cats == cat [stem] + s [suffix]• undo == un [prefix] + do [stem]

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Why do we need to do Morphological Analysis?

• The study of how words are composed from smaller, meaning-bearing units (morphemes)

• Applications:– Spelling correction: referece– Hyphenation algorithms: refer-ence– Part-of-speech analysis: googler [N], googling

[V]– Text-to-speech: grapheme-to-phoneme

conversion• hothouse (/T/ or /D/)

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– Let’s us guess the meaning of unknown words• ‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves…

• Muggles moogled migwiches

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• What are the ‘rules’ for constructing a word in a given language?– Pseudo-intellectual vs. *intellectual-pseudo– Rational-ize vs *ize-rational– Cretin-ous vs. *cretin-ly vs. *cretin-acious

• Possible ‘rules’– Suffixes are suffixes and prefixes are prefixes– Certain affixes attach to certain types of stems

(nouns, verbs, etc.)– Certain stems can/cannot take certain affixes

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• Semantics: In English, un- cannot attach to adjectives that already have a negative connotation:– Unhappy vs. *unsad– Unhealthy vs. *unsick– Unclean vs. *undirty

• Phonology: In English, -er cannot attach to words of more than two syllables– great, greater– Happy, happier– Competent, *competenter– Elegant, *eleganter– Unruly, ?unrulier

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• Regular– Walk, walks, walking, walked, (had) walked– Table, tables

• Irregular – Eat, eats, eating, ate, (had) eaten– Catch, catches, catching, caught, (had) caught– Cut, cuts, cutting, cut, (had) cut– Goose, geese

Regular and Irregular Morphology

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Morphological Parsing

• Algorithms developed to use regularities -- and known irregularities -- to parse words into their morphemes

• Cats cat +N +PL• Cat cat +N +SG• Cities city +N +PL• Merging merge +V +Present-participle

• Caught catch +V +past-participle

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Morphology and Finite State Automata

• We can use the machinery provided by FSAs to capture facts about morphology• Accept strings that are in the language• Reject strings that are not• Do this in a way that does not require us to list

all the words in the language

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How do we build a Morphological Analyzer?

• Lexicon: list of stems and affixes (w/ corresponding part of speech (p.o.s.))

• Morphotactics of the language: model of how and which morphemes can be affixed to a stem

• Orthographic rules: spelling modifications that may occur when affixation occurs– in il in context of l (in- + legal)

• Most morphological phenomena can be described with regular expressions – so finite state techniques often used to represent morphological processes

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Some Simple Rules

• Regular singular nouns stay as is• Regular plural nouns have an -s on the end• Irregulars stay as is

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Simple English NP FSA

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Expand the Arcs with Stems and Affixes




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• We can now run strings through these machines to recognize strings in the language• Accept words that are ok• Reject words that are not

• But is this enough?• We often want to know the structure of a word

(understanding/parsing)• Or we may have a stem and want to produce a surface form


• Example• From “cats” to “cat +N +PL”• From “cat + N + PL” to “cats”

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Finite State Transducers (FSTs)

• Turning an FSA into an FST• Add another tape• Add extra symbols to the transitions• On one tape we read “cats” -- on the other we

write “cat +N +PL”• Or vice versa…

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Kimmo Koskenniemi’s two-level morphologyIdea: a word is a relationship between lexical level (its morphemes) and surface level (its orthography)

Koskenniemi 2-level Morphology

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• c:c means read a c on one tape and write a c on the other• +N:ε means read a +N symbol on one tape and write nothing on the other• +PL:s means read +PL and write an s

c:c a:a t:t +N:ε +PL:s

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Not So Simple

• Of course, its not all as easy as • “cat +N +PL” <-> “cats”

• What do we do about geese, mice, oxen?• Many spelling/pronunciation changes go along with

inflectional changes, e.g.• Fox and Foxes

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Multi-Tape Machines

• Solution for complex changes:– Add more tapes – Use output of one tape machine as input to the

next• To handle irregular spelling changes, add

intermediate tapes with intermediate symbols

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Example of a Multi-Tape Machine

• We use one machine to transduce between the lexical and the intermediate level, and another to transduce between the intermediate and the surface tapes

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FST Fragment: Lexical to Intermediate

• ^ is morpheme boundary; # is word boundary

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FST Fragment: Intermediate to Surface

• Rule: insert an e after a morpheme-final x, s or z and before morpheme s, eg. fox^s# foxes

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Putting Them Together

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Practical Uses

• This kind of parsing is normally called morphological analysis

• Can be • An important stand-alone component of an

application (spelling correction, information retrieval, part-of-speech tagging,…)

• Or simply a link in a chain of processing (machine translation, parsing,…)

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Porter Stemmer (1980)

• Standard, very popular and usable stemmer (IR, IE) – identify a word’s stem

• Sequence of cascaded rewrite rules, e.g.– IZE ε (e.g. unionize union)– CY T (e.g. frequency frequent)– ING ε , if stem contains vowel (motoring

motor)• Can be implemented as a lexicon-free FST (many

implementations available on the web)

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Important Note: Morphology Differs by Language

• Languages differ in how they encode morphological information– Isolating languages (e.g. Cantonese) have no

affixes: each word usually has 1 morpheme– Agglutinative languages (e.g. Finnish, Turkish)

are composed of prefixes and suffixes added to a stem (like beads on a string) – each feature realized by a single affix, e.g. Finnishepäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellänsäkäänköhän ‘Wonder if he can also ... with his capability of not

causing things to be unsystematic’

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– Polysynthetic languages (e.g. Inuit languages) express much of their syntax in their morphology, incorporating a verb’s arguments into the verb, e.g. Western Greenlandic'However, they will say that he is a great entertainer, but ...'

– So….different languages may require very different morphological analyzers

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Concatenative vs. Non-concatenative Morphology

• Semitic root-and-pattern morphology– Root (2-4 consonants) conveys basic semantics

(e.g. Arabic /ktb/)– Vowel pattern conveys voice and aspect– Derivational template (binyan) identifies word


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Template Vowel Pattern

active passive

CVCVC katab kutib write

CVCCVC kattab kuttib cause to write

CVVCVC ka:tab ku:tib correspond

tVCVVCVC taka:tab tuku:tib write each other

nCVVCVC nka:tab nku:tib subscribe

CtVCVC ktatab ktutib write

stVCCVC staktab stuktib dictate

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Morphological Representations: Evidence from Human Performance

• Hypotheses:– Full listing hypothesis: words listed – Minimum redundancy hypothesis:

morphemes listed• Experimental evidence:

– Priming experiments (Does seeing/hearing one word facilitate recognition of another?) suggest something in between

• Regularly inflected forms (e.g. cars) prime stem (car) but not derived forms (e.g. management, manage)

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• But spoken derived words can prime stems if they are semantically close (e.g. government/govern but not department/depart)

• Speech errors suggest affixes must be represented separately in the mental lexicon– ‘easy enoughly’ for ‘easily enough’

• Importance of morphological family size– Larger families faster recognition

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Summing Up

• Regular expressions and FSAs can represent subsets of natural language as well as regular languages– Both representations may be difficult for humans to

understand for any real subset of a language

– Can be hard to scale up: e.g., when many choices at any point (e.g. surnames)

– But quick, powerful and easy to use for small problems

– AT&T Finite State Toolkit does scale

• Next class: – Read Ch 4 on Ngrams

– HW1 will be due at midnight on Oct 1

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