Transcript Page 1

Extended Edition Page 2


In the past mother of the bride and mother of the groom speeches were rare. Usually, at a wedding, you’d hear a father of the bride speech and a best man’s

speech. But other than those, any additional speeches—other than impromptu toasts—were usually not expected.

Today, mother of the bride and mother of the groom speeches are becoming

much more common. If you’re reading this book right now, you’re obviously in the

position to give one of them at an upcoming wedding.

Now, when it comes to this type of speech, it’s important to understand that they

aren’t always easy to give. A lot of emotion will need to go into both the writing

and the rehearsing process. It can be difficult, time-consuming, and emotionally-


What this book will do for you is give you a number of speech templates. You can

use these as the starting point when you work on your speech. All you will have to do is fill in names and specific anecdotes; and you will have something ready

to deliver when the big day finally arrives.

Once you have selected a speech and have changed the names, the anecdotes,

and the tone (if desired), you will have to rehearse it several times before the

wedding. This will ensure that your delivery is smoothed and measured.

With all of that out of the way, let’s take a look at the templates. Page 3

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

I was very hesitant to speak in front of this many guests today. However, (bride’s name)

asked me to so here I am. I want to thank all of you for coming and being here for this

lovey couple. There have been many months of planning go into this very special day. I

have been by (bride’s name) during this whole wedding planning process and know how

important this special day was to her.

(Bride’s name) I am so very proud of the young lady that you have become. I remember

helping you pick out your prom dress. I never thought you could look any more beautiful

than you were on your prom night. However, you look more beautiful today than you

have in your entire life. I am so glad that we got to share all of these memories together

leading up to your wedding. I am thankful that you wanted to share this with me.

(Groom’s name) you are such a sweet man. I am glad that you have chosen my

daughter to be your wife. It is so unreal to me that she is old enough for all of this to be

happening. I could not think of a better husband for my daughter. I know that you will fit

right into our family, in fact we have all loved you since the first time we met you.

Ever since she has met you (groom’s name) her whole outlook on life has changed. She

has been happier and more excited than I have ever seen her. She has always had big

dreams. You have not taken her away from those dreams. In fact you have pushed her

to achieve more than I think she ever thought possible. Love does that to people. True

love pushes people to be more than they ever knew they could be. Thank you so much

for cultivating this in her while still letting her be herself.

Thank you so much to (groom’s name) family. You guys have been so easy and fun to

work with through this whole process. (Groom’s name) is such a joy and I want to

congratulate you guys on raising a wonderful young man. He has been nothing but

respectful to my daughter and our entire family. I look forward to getting to know you

guys better in the future.

To all of (bride’s name) and (groom’s name) friends that are here thank you! Not only

are you appreciated for supporting them in this day, but for supporting them throughout

the times they have known you.

To the new couple may you have a lifetime of happiness. I cannot wait to see how you

guys grow in your love together. I cannot wait to see you guys evolve through the years

to come. I love you both more than you know. Page 4

Mother of the Bride Speech -Funny

Thank you all for being here. I am not sure how I always get suckered into doing the

things that I get myself into! You only get married once so I couldn’t say no. There are

so many great things about marriage. (Bride’s name), let me fill you in on a few

marriage secrets. First, love will last forever, but the honeymoon phase will not.

There are going to be things about (groom’s name) that you will find out about, things

you never knew about him. Though some of them will be good, some of them will be not

so great. For instance, your father seemed like a neat, tidy man while we were dating.

Now, he (annoying habit that husband has), this was definitely a side of your father I

had never seen before.

I know there is a honeymoon phase of any marriage. It is the annoying period where the

newlyweds think that their spouse can do no wrong. During the honeymoon phase, the

couple still longingly gazes at each other from across the room. The funny thing is, all of

this changes with time. Be prepared for the times that come after all of that. Eventually,

even when your spouse is right, in your eyes, they are wrong. When your spouse is

across the room, you don’t even notice. Do not worry there is still hope and love after

the honeymoon phase is over.

(Bride’s name), I know that you love (groom’s name). I also know that there have been

many things you have loved throughout your life. Things have come and gone, I hope

the same is not true for your marriage. I hope that this lasts longer than the (two week

stint of clarinet in middle school). I know I joke around with you, but I always have a

right to be more proud of you than some mothers. Your marriage will surely last longer

than the 72 day marriage of Kim Kardashian.

(Groom’s name), I am not quite sure yet what your tolerance level is. I spoke earlier

about how I thought her father was a neat and tidy man and when we got married I

found this to be far from the truth. Well, what I forgot to mention is that she is more like

her father than I am sure all of us want to admit. Invest in a maid. Seriously, it will be

well worth the money.

Thank you all for coming out today. Especially (groom’s mother) and (groom’s father).

Thank you for raising a wonderful son. We are glad that there is finally someone who

can deal with our sweet (bride’s name). To the rest of you who showed up, we are glad

to see you thanks again for coming.

I hope that you all have a long life of love together. I hope that the honeymoon phase

lasts forever, but take it down a notch or ten, not all of us want to see you guys gushy

and touchy all of the time. Page 5

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental

Thank you all so much for coming and for making this day so very special for (bride's name) and (groom's name). They have been planning for (length of engagement) to make this wedding a great occasion and they have done a beautiful job! (Bride's name), you were the most precious little girl. You used to like to play dress up and wear my heels across the house. Now, here you are more beautiful than I have ever seen you. Your father and I are so proud of you and the young lady that you have become. You are intelligent, kind, and most of all the most selfless person I know. I am so glad this day has been so wonderful, you deserve every second of it. It seems like just yesterday these two started dating, we all knew they would end up together, but I never imagined they would be this happy. It is so refreshing to see a young couple so in love with each other. I hope that they continue to love each other like that for the rest of their lives. (Groom's name), you have obviously made an impact on (bride's name) as she is now your wife. You have also made a huge impression on her father and me. You have captured her heart and loved her unconditionally. It makes me happy to see (bride's name) so happy. I cannot wait for your wonderful life together, I know you will continue to make her happy for the rest of your lives. A big thank you to (maid of honor), (bridesmaid), and (bridesmaid) you have been a tremendous help throughout this whole process. I know that (bride's name) would not have had such a wonderful time planning this wedding without you. Each and every one of you are very special to (bride's name) and I am glad that you got to be an integral part in the most important day of her life. (Groom's mother) and (groom's father) thank you again for all of your help through this process. There always seems like there is so much to do when planning a wedding and I am very grateful that we had so much help from you guys that made this go so quickly and smoothly. (Groom's mother), I feel as though we have finally gotten to know each other through this process and I am so excited that I have found a lifelong friend in you. This marriage is not just a symbol of two lives joining together, but two families. (Bride's father) and I are very pleased to formally be recognizing (groom's name) as our new son-in-law. We could not have asked for a better man to be coming into our family. Here is to the bride and groom. May they know as much happiness as I have known in my marriage. May they have a happy and joyful life together. May they always remember what brought them together and what initially attracted them to one another. May all of those things carry forward with them in their new start, in their new roles as husband and wife. Page 6

Mother of the Bride Speech –Funny

Thank you all for being here tonight. Not only do you have the privilege of watching one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever seen, but you also get the honor of hearing me thoroughly embarrass myself. It is not often people trust me enough to hand me a microphone and tell me to speak from my heart. I guess there is a good reason for that. (Bride's name) you have always been a special young lady. From the day you were born you insisted on your father and I not sleeping. You insisted that you got fed as soon as you were hungry. You even insisted that you always had the most up to date clothing throughout your entire school career. So, I guess no one should be surprised that as soon as you decided you wanted to get married (groom's name) did not have much of an option. You always did get your way and I am sure that your new husband is quickly learning not to keep you waiting for too long. (Groom's name) you are a brave man. Though I am sure you did not need any sort of warning from us when you got to the point of the relationship where (bride's name) was ready to get married. You obviously take her threats well. For that you are a true saint and we are honored to welcome you into our family. Let me give you some advice before you get too deep in the marriage without figuring these things out. There is never a good moment to tell (bride's name) no. Whatever she wants is your command. Another piece of advice, she is terrified of (fear that bride has). If you ever want to get back at her just proceed in torturing her with the advice I just gave you. I know is sounds mean, but sometimes a husband has to do what a husband has to do. Welcome to the family (groom's name). We are very keen on gifts for every occasion in our family. Feel free anytime you come over to shower us with presents. In case you do not know what to get for me, I mean the family, I do love large shiny objects. You did a great job picking out (bride's name)'s ring I am sure you are capable of finding something. (Groom's father) and (groom's mother) thank you so much for being so generous through this whole experience. I know it is very hard to let go of your child. We never want them to grow up. I guess just because they are ready to get married does not necessarily mean they are grown up, I have learned that from my husband throughout the years. To the rest of you who are here with us today, there are a few things you should probably be aware of. First of all, this was a difficult guest list to cut down. This means that you are here because you have been important in either the bride or groom's life. Lastly, if you ever want me to speak at a public event in the future, just look back to this event and rethink if you really want to ask me or not. Let's all raise our glasses to the bride and groom. May they enjoy every moment of their married life. Let's hope they get a taste of their own medicine when they have children. But, most of all let's take a drink to their new lives together. You are both very loved. Page 7

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental

(Bride's name) from the moment you were born I knew you were destined to do amazing things in life. You have never let me down. From (early achievement) to (another great achievement). You have always been such an outstanding young lady. I always knew you would grow up and become a wife. I knew among all of your great achievements capturing the heart of a man and falling in love would be one of the greatest. There is no other achievement that can even come close to matching true love. I look at you right now and realize that you are the most beautiful bride on the inside and out. You have been a joy to be around even when wedding planning got stressful, you never let it get the best of you. You have always conducted yourself in an elegant way and today is no different. (Groom's name) you stole my daughter's heart, you therefore must be a worthy man. She has a good head on her shoulders and would never settle for anything less than the man of her dreams. She made a list when she was younger of the things she wanted in her future husband. Some of the things were (________), (______________), and (________________). To her you are all of those things and so many more. Thank you for loving her and cherishing her. Welcome to the family, you are truly accepted as one of our own and I am proud to call you my son. (Groom's mother) and (groom's father) you have raised up a wonderful young man. Thank you for encouraging him and being great role models for him. Your son loves you guys and that is one of the biggest blessings any parents can have. To the bridal party, you all have done a wonderful job of sticking by (bride's name) throughout her life. I know she respects and trusts each and every one of you like her very own sister. It is not every day that a girl can find a good best friend, (bride's name) has (however many girls are in her bridal party). Thank you for sticking by her side not only today, but in the past and certainly in the future. To all of our lovely guests here this evening, thanks for traveling to be here. I know some of you have traveled from far distances just to be here for this joyous occasion. Others of you did not have to travel far, but we appreciate you just as much. No matter how far you had to come I know there was some personal sacrifice in order for you to be here today and that within itself shows how much you care for (bride's name) and (groom's name). Congratulations to you both for finding your soul mates. May you love each other with unconditional love for the rest of your lives. Page 8

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

On behalf of the bride and groom, I would like to thank everyone for coming here

tonight. I know they didn’t get the chance to tell you all this, but they asked me to

say something. So thank you.

For those of you who haven’t met me, I’m [name of bride]’s mother. And I

couldn’t be happier tonight to see my beautiful young lady settle down with the

man of her dreams.

When I was first asked to do a mother of the bride speech, I wasn’t sure if I

could. I’m a pretty shy person. And I know that a lot of people probably don’t

want to hear another speech after the best man and after my husband were

finished delivering their speeches.

But I agreed to do it. And here’s why: [Tell a humorous or interesting story about

the bride and/or groom that illustrates why you choose to do it].

But that’s not all I want to tell you about my daughter and her husband. I can still

remember the first day my daughter told me about him. [Tell story about the first

time you heard about groom].

Yes. She was truly in love from the start. It wasn’t long after they met that she

secretly began planning the wedding—at least in her mind. I think she always

knew that they would end up married. It was just a matter of when and where.

Now that I’ve said what I wanted to say, I won’t keep you all any longer. But

before I go, I would like to propose a toast to the beautiful bride and her

handsome groom. <Raises glass.>

To my daughter and to her husband: I love you both. May you find true

happiness in each other. May you learn to be patient, understanding, and compassionate towards each other always. And may your love for each other

grow stronger every day. Cheers! Page 9

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

As a married woman of [number of years you have been married], I was excited

to hear that my daughter was getting married. I’ve known the joy, security, and

peacefulness of marriage. And I had hoped that my daughter would be able to find someone to share it with, too.

Well, find someone she did. I can still remember the first day she met [groom’s

name]. It was [explain the time of the year and events surrounding the meeting]. I

still remember it well because I thought it was so uncommon at the time.

Usually, when my daughter met someone new, she didn’t bother to tell me right

away. And I’m sure most single people are the same way. You don’t want to

announce a relationship to the world—to all your friends and family members—

when it is still fragile.

But somehow, someway, she new pretty quickly on that this was for real. It

wasn’t even months or weeks after she had met him that she called me. On the

phone, she told me [Tell humorous or funny store about phone conversation

about the groom].

From that day forward, I looked forward to meeting that young gentleman. I knew

that if he made my daughter that happy, then there must be something good

about him. He must be someone special.

As it turns out, he was. A mere [amount of weeks/months before you met groom]

after I first heard about [groom], he showed up on my doorstep, looking

handsome and, frankly, a bit nervous. I think my husband scared him a bit.

But after meeting him, I knew even more that my first impression was correct. I

knew he was loving and kind. And I knew that he truly made my daughter happy and full of joy.

So, today, as I watched these two get married at the altar, my heart filled with joy

and my eyes with tears. I knew that they were a perfect match for each other; and that this wedding couldn’t be a better occasion.

So, to my daughter and to her wonderful new husband: I want you to know that I

love both of you; and I want nothing but the best for you. I hope the marriage that

you two share is filled with the delight and the joy that mine has been for the past

[number of years married]. Page 10

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

Since no one has said it yet, I want to tell you an important story: the story of how

my daughter met the handsome man that she married today. Bridesmaids and

single ladies—take notes. Maybe you can land a hunk, too.

[Tell story about how your daughter met her groom].

What amazes me even more about this story is that they both knew it was right

immediately. And it wasn’t in that sort of teenage, puppy-love way, where you

think any relationship is right, but in a deep, mature way.

And maybe this is why I had such an easy time liking [groom’s name]. From the

start. I knew that he made my daughter happy. I knew that he loved her. And

from the stories my daughter had told, I knew that they were right for each other.

And from then on, I watched their relationship grow each day. It grew out from

that initial seed—that recognition that they were good for each other—in a large, sturdy tree.

[Tell story about how relationship changed over time. Try to make it light or


And even through the tough times, they stuck together. When things got difficult,

they banded together, rather than looking for an excuse to cast each other off for something fleeting and momentarily exciting.

[Tell somber story about how they responded to a difficult event and go through it


So today, I can tell you this with complete certainty: these two are a wonderful

match for each other. They truly love each other. And I expect them to have a

long-lasting and loving marriage.

Everyone, please lift up your glasses. To the bride and groom: may you grow

closer each day. May you overcome challenges together. May you find new ways

to love each other more. And may your marriage always stay exciting and fun.

Cheers! Page 11

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

To everyone sitting in this reception hall tonight: thank you for being here. I know

that my husband and the best man have already thanked you for it, but it cannot

be said enough. Having a wedding filled with all of your best friends and relatives truly makes it an even more special event.

Now, you might be wondering ―What is she doing up there? Didn’t her husband

already speak? And you’re right: a mother of the bride speech is pretty rare, but

the bride and groom asked me to do it, so how could I decline?

Now that I have your attention, there are a few things I want to tell you about my

daughter. These are things that probably only her husband, my husband, her

[brothers/sisters], and her closest friends truly understand. They’re what I think

make her a great person.

Number 1: [Quality of the bride #1.] [Give one story from her childhood and one

story from her adult life that illustrates this quality.]

Number 2: [Quality of the bride #2.] [Give one story about her and the groom that

illustrates this quality.]

And number 3. [Quality of the bride #3.] [Give one funny or sad story that

illustrates this quality.]

And finally, as of today, the other thing which makes her a great person is her

husband. He truly is an amazing man who wants nothing but the best for her. I couldn’t be happier that she found him; and that he has her. I love you both.

I’ve said all I wanted to say for now. Let’s close this by toasting to the bride and

groom. <Lift glass and wait for others to do so.> To your happiness, success, and love. Cheers! Page 12

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

What can I say? I love my daughter. And when she asked me to deliver the

―mother of the bride speech,‖ I had to say yes. Even though they didn’t do

mother of the bride speeches in my day. Even though I’d be coming after two other

speeches, I still said yes.

And here’s why: [Give charming story about how you wanted to be able to say

something important to your daughter and her husband on their wedding day].

Now, for those of you who don’t know, the bride and the groom met in a pretty

interesting way. [Tell story about how the bride and groom met].

So, you can see why it is no accident that they are getting married today. They

were truly meant for each other.

Now, with that said, I want to use this opportunity to tell each of you about my

own marriage— to impart some wisdom on you that has helped me and [name of husband] survive [number of years of marriage] of marriage.

Number 1: Always be patient. At times in your marriage, you will run into difficult

situations. You will be frustrated with each other and you will want to give up. But be patient. Your marriage is worth it.

Number 2: Keep the lines of communication open always. Your partner is worth

it. No matter how angry you are or no matter how angry she is or he is, it’s worthy

it to communicate. Get your point across and hear hers. You’re both reasonable

people, so don’t let hot-headedness get the best of you.

Number 3: Never forget why you fell in love in the first place. At times in your

marriage, you’ll both be bogged down by your careers and with the kids. Make

sure that you never forget that spark that joined you together, no matter how

busy you are.

Number 4: [Name of daughter], find new ways to love your husband each day.

Don’t look for deficiencies or problems, but look for ways to be happy and to

provide love. And [name of groom], make my daughter feel secure and loved

always, no matter how angry you two get at each other.

Marriage is truly a partnership. Doing it right and making it work requires

compromise, love, and hard work. But when marriage works, few things can match its beauty and the joy it brings.

I wish you both the best in life and in your marriage. May you two love each other

more each day; and strive to make your other half happy always. Page 13

Mother of the Bride Speech -Humorous/Sentimental When my daughter asked me to give a speech at her wedding the first thought that crossed my mind was, How can I say no? The second thought that crossed my mind was, Is she crazy? Did she really want to take such a big risk on her wedding day? A microphone in the hands of someone who talks more than Oprah, the Queen of talk? The results could be a wedding hazard. Did she really want to risk me telling the story about the time she reenacted Romeo and Juliet in the 3rd grade and was nearly suspended for suggesting that she be allowed to kiss Ryan Thompson during second recess? Oops! See what happens when you give me a microphone? Seriously, though, I am overjoyed to be given the opportunity to stand before my friends and family today and talk about my greatest blessing in life, my daughter. ______________ is one of the most kindhearted people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Yes, all parents see their children through rose-colored glasses, but the choices that she has made in her life and the way that she has faced struggles head-on have transformed her into the woman you see here today. I cannot stop staring at you, _____________________. My Lord, you are beautiful in that gown. _________________, I hope you realize what a gem you have to walk beside you hand in hand everyday for the rest of your life. I promised ________________ I wouldn’t get emotional, but I think that is one promise I am going to fail to keep. A mother always wants the best for her child and I am feeling so grateful tonight that she has found a man who will treat her kindly and love her forever and always. Before I finish speaking tonight, I want to address all of our friends and family who have traveled near and far to be with us tonight. Thank you for your well-wishes, the overabundance of gifts that you have graced these newlyweds with tonight is incredible. Perhaps my husband and I should renew our vows. Its seems that some of our Tupperware has gotten a little dingy after 30 years of marriage, we may need some replacements. All joking aside, I want all of you to know the extent of my gratitude. In one way or another, you have shaped and molded the lives of these two individuals you see now joined as husband and wife. Family and friends are important in the lives of a married couple. I am grateful that _____________ and _________________ have so many at the start of their marriage. I will end now by merely saying, Congratulations! May your love be eternal. Page 14

Mother of the Bride Speech -Reminiscent I am awestruck that I am standing before friends and family today giving a speech about my little girl getting married. Is that even possible? My little girl is married. The words are still foreign on my tongue. It seems as though it was only moments ago that, ___________________ was rummaging through dress-up clothes in the attic searching for the perfect wedding ensemble so that she and Mr. Bear could get married in the backyard. Now, that was a gorgeous wedding. Dandelions and clovers were the bouquets. Lemonade and oatmeal cookies were served at the reception. How is it not possible that it was only seconds ago that __________ was going on her first date to her winter formal? Dressed in a sky blue, ankle-length formal, I cried silent tears. I could never imagine her looking more beautiful. I was wrong. I suppose the reason that it is possible for us to be here today is because time is fleeting and unresponsive to a parents’ request for time to stop. __________________, your father and I are incredibly blessed that we were given the opportunity to raise such a generous, awe-inspiring young woman. We always knew you were special, even when you doubted yourself. I remember the time you were convinced that you were not going to make the varsity cheerleading squad because your cartwheel fell a little flat and your voice was raspy from a lingering cold. Your father and I sat with you on your bed, decorated with a collection of rag dolls, consoling you and trying to convince you not to lose hope. Your talent was real and a couple mistakes would not change the inevitable outcome. Look at what happened? You made varsity and went on to cheer in college. What’s the point, Mom? I will tell you what the point is. Never stop believing in yourself. Never doubt your ability to be fantastic. To my new son-in-law, I have some thoughts about you as well. Don’t look so worried, they are kind. It took ______________ a while to warm up to the idea of you. I remember your persistence, the way you would call her 3 or 4 times a night. Always interrupting dinner. Eventually, my daughter fell in love with you and there was never any doubt that you were the one for her after that. Mr. Bear never stood a chance once she fell in love with you. _____________________, my husband and I would like to officially welcome you into our family. You will be the son we never had, which if my husband decides you should go fishing with him could be not so advantageous for you. _____________ and ________________, congratulations! We love you both! Page 15

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental I clearly remember the day that _______________ met ____________________. Her eyes sparkled when she would say his name. She seemed to glow as if someone had cast a magic spell over her. Watching __________________ experience love so strong made me want to be young again, experiencing the first blooms of love. Seeing _________________ and __________________ standing at the altar today, I observed how strong their love and commitment is for each other. It is awesome and contagious. Witnessing the way my daughter admires ___________________ makes me certain that their marriage journey will be joyous and loving. Everyday, I am thankful that you, _______________, are a part of my daughter’s life. You have made her a happy woman. Your love for her has made her weightless. She seems to dance on clouds every time is around you or speaking of you. ______________, although I feel I should be sad that today officially means you are no longer solely mine, I am ecstatic that you have a partner who will support you and inspire you for the rest of your life. I have a few tips for my daughter and new son-in-law. Feel free to apply these to your lives as you see appropriate. But one knows that a mother never minces her words. My first bit of advice is never lose sight of who you are as a married couple at the very core of your relationship. A marriage can be trying at times. The elation you feel today may not be what you feel when you are tired from a long day at work or the kids have kept you up late the night before. Avoid picking fights with each other because you are bored. Trust me, I have been there and done that. Your father is already nodding his head in agreement. Picking a fight to ease boredom never works. There are much more enjoyable way to erase monotony. Some of these ways may even produce my first grandchild. My last bit of advice is this - never fail to say, “I love you” at least once a day. Right now, that seems like an easy thing to do. However, the life of a married couple takes off at the speed of light. When life gets hectic it is the simplest habits that disappear the fastest. For the past 24 years, I have been blessed with a beautiful daughter who has given me the easiest job in the world, the job of being her mother. To list all of the accomplishments I am proud of, to tell all the stories that make me a lucky mother, would keep us here too long. So, I will simply say that I love you ________________ with all my heart and soul. I wish you the greatest joy in the world from this day forward. You have always been my shining star and now, with this newfound love inside of you, I know you will be a shining star to the world. May God bless you, and your new life with the man of your dreams! Page 16

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

To all of our friends and family, I thank you for being here today to celebrate the

marriage of my daughter to her new husband. Over the course of the last couple of

months, during the preparations for the wedding and this new marriage, I have

contemplated how meeting _________________ has changed my daughter. I would

like to share some of my thoughts with you.

Before _____________________ met ____________________ she was simply my

daughter. Feisty, rambunctious and full of energy. As a toddler, she would romp about

the yard digging in the dirt and bringing me her treasures - slimy, wiggling worms.

When she grew into a teenager she fell away from her love affair with worms and

became obsessed with celebrity gossip. The walls of her room were plastered with a

celebrity posters ripped from teenage magazines. Before _____________ met

_______________ her Friday nights were spent at home watching Friday night

comedies or reading one of her beloved books.

But after ___________________ came into my daughter’s life, things began to change

quickly. The most immediate change was we no longer saw ________________ on

Friday nights. As time passed I witnessed more changes inspired by the growing love

and admiration between _______________ and __________________.

My doe-eyed teenager blossomed into a confidant, free-spirited woman. Still feisty and

fierce, but consumed with love for this man. When ___________________ became a

part of _________________‘s life he took away our little girl, but he gave us this strong,

self-assured woman you see here today.

We couldn’t be prouder of our little girl who now collects worms to go fishing with

_____________ and instead of celebrity pictures the walls of her new home are

adorned with photographs documenting _______________ and _____________

journey together.

Everyday I am filled with happiness that my daughter found that special person who

brings out the best in her. We couldn’t be happier to have _______________ as our

new son-in-law.

Please raise your glasses to honor this newly married couple. We love you! Page 17

Mother of the Bride Speech -Welcome When I was a young bride, many years ago, it was not customary for the mother of the bride to give a speech. That particular emotional hurdle was left to the father of the bride. But as times have modernized, so have the wedding speeches which is why my daughter,_______ has asked me to speak today. How amazing is it to be able to spend this evening surrounded by so many people who know and love ____________ and ____________. Each person here tonight has been an intricate part of the bride’s and groom’s lives. Some larger than others, but still each of you have shaped and influenced ____________ and ___________ in some way. First, I would like to welcome _________________ to our family. We have known ___________ and his family for many years. ___________ is a man with strong family values and a unyielding faith. Those traits set him apart from so many other young men. They are the traits that make his transition into our family seamless. We couldn’t have picked a better man to become our daughter’s husband or our new son-in-law. Tonight, I must also take a moment to pay compliments to the bridesmaids. Each young woman standing beside our daughter tonight has stood beside her since they were kindergartener’s at Holy Infant Catholic School. Friendships that stand the test of time are rare. To know that these young women are still my daughter’s companions and confidants warms my heart. They, too, are like my own daughters. Girls, you look beautiful tonight. I would like to take a moment to also welcome the parents of _______________ into our newly extended family. Your son has been a blessing to our daughter. We are grateful for the way that you raised him and that he chose our daughter to be his lifelong companion. I look forward to a future of many shared experiences; Christmas dinners, Fourth of July picnics and, dare I say it, grandchildren. How can I go any further without mentioning the young woman glowing before you tonight? It is not merely the candlelight that makes her shimmer, but it is the depth of her love for her new husband that makes her shine so brightly. ______________, I want to wish you a lifetime of happiness in your new marriage. May your marriage be as fulfilling and fruitful as your father’s and mine. May your strengths and weaknesses compliment each other so that you may build a strong partnership that will stand the test of time. Without further hesitation, I'd like everyone to raise your glasses and prepare to drink in honor of the _________ and ___________ . Here is to many years of love, laughter and joy! Page 18

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

I am not sure how customary it is for the mother of the bride to give a speech at a

wedding reception, but I just could not resist. (Bride’s name) is my pride and joy. From a

young age she just lit up the entire room. She has always had quite the personality and

I would not be doing her any justice if I did not proclaim to the entire room how much

she means to her father and I.

Thank you all for coming it has been wonderful to meet some new friends and

reconnect with some old. I appreciate the time you have taken out of your busy

schedules to be here to celebrate the joining of two very special lives as they have

become one today.

(Groom’s mother) and (groom’s father) thank you for raising a genuinely sweet son. He

has been nothing short of loving and respectful to my daughter as well as (bride’s

father’s name) and me. I have enjoyed our conversation and know that our friendship

will continue.

(Bride’s name), sweetheart you look gorgeous. Thank you so much for letting me be

such an integral part in all of this wedding planning. I have always dreamed that you

would ask me to go with you dress shopping, it was such an honor to have you listen

and care about my opinions, and you definitely made the right choice, you are stunning.

Thank you also for never thinking that you are too cool to have your mother along with

you while planning. I know that you are fully capable of all of this on your own, but you

thought highly enough of me to include me, that will stick with me for the rest of my life. I

am thrilled with your choice in the man that you married. He loves you and we love him.

He has been a joy and fits into our family wonderfully. I hope you know that even

though your father handed you off to him today we will always be here for the both of


(Groom’s name) you are an answered prayer. Her father and I always hoped and

dreamed that a man would come along that would sweep her off her feet. That is any

parent’s dream. You have done much more than that, you have impressed us as well,

you have wisdom far beyond your years. You have made this transition of our little girl

growing up not near as scary as I always thought it would be. Keep loving her and

taking care of her like you do right now and we will never be disappointed.

Here is a toast to the bride and groom that they have many years of happiness, lots of

adventure, and eventually a beautiful family of their own. I hope that one day they get to

stand in my shoes and gush about their children. I love you all! Page 19

Mother of the Bride Speech -Funny

Every time I drink alcohol I usually find myself with a microphone in my hand. This time I

promise I will not sing my rendition of any selection from the Beach Boys collection or

even attempt to remember the words to any Michael Jackson song. I will try to be as

cordial as possible. I should not have a problem bragging about my daughter because

(bride’s name) is one of the most amazing people I know.

Throughout the years we have not always seen eye to eye. We went through the stages

of (bride’s name) being too cool to be seen with me in the parking lot of her elementary

school to her being angry with me in middle school because I refused to let her wear a

short skirt to school even though every other girl was, to high school when she gained a

lot more independence. Now she is entering a new phase in her life, one where I cannot

dictate what she wears every day or monitor her school dances. I do hope she still asks

for my advice and I do hope that there are times where her old stubborn self, will argue

with me. No, I never thought in a million years I would say that.

I know that everyone looks at the bride and tells her how beautiful she is, and she is

particularly beautiful today, but I spent a lot of time on my outfit as well. I wish some

would at least acknowledge where the bride gets her beauty from.

(Groom’s name) go ahead and soak my beauty in, this is how (bride’s name) will look

about (age difference between mother and bride) years. I know you love her for more

than just her dashing good looks. Our whole family appreciates the way you look at her

and the way you talk to her. We can just tell you love her, which is refreshing because

after (amount of time the bride’s parents have been married) of marriage, you tend to

forget how being young and in love feels. I think as long as you buy her plenty of shiny

things and continue telling her you love her everything should be ok.

To (groom’s mother) and (groom’s father) we will have to compare notes on our children

later, I am certain they both are not perfect, I guess in a way this could be getting back

at them for always talking back or rolling their eyes at us when they are younger.

To the rest of you all thanks for coming, you survived this speech which means you are

good in my book. Thanks for loving the bride and groom enough to be here to share in

their special day. Now let’s hurry up and get the reception over so the bride and groom

can go enjoy the part of the evening that they have been dreaming about! Page 20

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental I am honored to be standing in front of you today, I have no idea how I will follow after (person who made a speech before you)’s speech, but I will try. I have been the luckiest woman in the world. Starting (bride’s birthday, including year) my life changed for good. I got to hold in my arms my pride and joy. So much has changed since that wonderful day in (month of bride’s birthday). But, a lot of things have not changed at all. (Bride’s name) what a beautiful young lady you have become, although I am not surprised. You have always been physically beautiful, you have always been one of the sweetest too. However, with time sweetness usually fades and teenage attitudes replace the sweetness of younger years. You obviously went through your teenage years, but your father and I were blessed that your attitude was just as precious as it always had been. You have always strived to put everyone before yourself and I know that will not change in your marriage. I know that you will be serving your husband from this second forward. Remember that marriage may not always be easy, it may not seem comfortable at times, but remember that (groom’s name) loves you and that you love him. That above all else should be enough to get you through. When times do get tough, be slow to anger, be slow to call and share with everyone the things that your husband has done to hurt you. No matter what, your first priority is loving your husband even when you are angry. The more you share with others the more you are setting yourself up to hurt you and (groom’s name) more than the original fight may have done. I know you are getting a lot of advice, but that is the best piece of advice I know to give you. (Groom’s name) normally I think it would be easy for the mother of the bride to say scary or intimidating things to her son in law. Really though you have become one of my own and threatening you seems both unnatural and unneeded at this point. (father of the bride’s name) and I have gotten to know you over the past (length of bride and groom’s relationship). Since getting to know you we have gotten more comfortable and even excited about you marrying our daughter. We know that you will take care of her to the best of your ability and that is all we could ever ask. I mentioned that (bride’s name) was selfless earlier, I feel as though you are as well. I know for a fact at this point you will be perfect for each other. (Groom’s mother) and (groom’s father) thank you for all you have done to make this wedding successful, I look forward to continuing a friendship with the both of you. To all of you who have come out today, thank you so much for showing your love for the bride and groom, my daughter and new son. You are very appreciated. Page 21

Mother of the Bride Speech -Funny I have always been very good at telling my daughter what to do. Since (bride’s name) has always wanted everything to be about her, I thought I would actually stop and not embarrass her any further on this day that is all about her. So I thought I could maybe go for the sympathy vote tonight and make most all of this about (groom’s name). So I thought since I am good at telling people what to do and I am making this all about (groom’s name) I would just tell him what to do. First thing is first. I will go ahead and tell you right now it is now your obligation to make sure that both you and (bride’s name) come home to visit for every single holiday. You see I have begged and pleaded for years for this to happen. She always wanted to spend holidays with you. Now that you have a little bit more pull and say and there is no way you want to say no to your new mother in law, you all will be coming for Christmas. Now that that is settled we can move on to the next order of business. I am telling you also (groom’s name) that you are going to have to do something about the weird clothes obsession my daughter has. No one person should have that many clothes stuffed into one tiny closet. So that being said, you are going to need to go ahead and build her a bigger closet, or if that is too much to ask in the space you have you could always build her a bigger house. You thought I was going to say maker downsize her wardrobe, but let’s be honest with ourselves here. If you had her do that she would just go out and buy more clothes because she had nothing to wear. So I gave you a few decisions for that one just then, which I do not normally do, so I will leave you some time to think on exactly what it is you are going to do to fix that last conundrum. The last thing I am going to tell you to do is love (bride’s name) with all of your heart. Love her more than anything else you love on this earth. I should not have to tell you to do that, but I am telling you anyway for any future fleeting moments you may or may not have. Now that you have been so gracious in listening to me (groom’s name) you are off the hook for the rest of the time I am speaking this evening. (Bride’s name) I hope I took care of some of the vitals with your new husband, if only someone would have told your father sooner! In all honesty you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen and I know that today you are getting everything you ever wanted. I know most of this speech was not geared towards you directly (bride’s name) but you already had a bunch of attention the second you stepped foot on the aisle. Congratulations to you both I am now a proud mother of the most beautiful daughter and a brand new son who so far seems to be soaking in everything I have told him to do! Page 22

Mother of the Bride Speech -Sentimental

I do not even know where to begin. It has been an emotional day for me. I saw my little girl turn into a woman before my very eyes. I still cannot believe that she is old enough to be getting married, I still cannot believe I am old enough for my daughter to be getting married. I am so proud of her and all of her accomplishments, especially this one. I want to thank each and every one of you for coming out (this evening / or this afternoon). There is only so much a mother can hope for her daughter. Beyond some things, you have to let your daughter make her own decisions. The few things I have wished for her were that she would find a wonderful man to marry, which she has done. The second thing is that she would have a large group of close, supporting, and loving friends. It is apparent to me that she has also accomplished that.

(Bride's name) I hope I have told you enough while you were growing up how much I love you and just how proud of you I am. If I have not told you that in a while, I am so sorry, but please know I mean it one hundred percent. You have always been a wonderful daughter and friend to me. Throughout the years you have taught me so much about myself and about life as well.

(Bride's name) you are about to embark on the most amazing journey that you will ever happen upon. Your world is about to change. Up until now you have loved (groom's name) with all of your heart. Be prepared for your heart to open up even more. I know you think that is impossible now. With time your attitude will go from I am so excited to be with (groom's name) to I cannot imagine my life without him. Relish every moment that you have with him. Realize the things that seem big probably are not. Pick your battles, love is too sweet to focus on the negative. Look at what you have right in front of you and pursue it with your whole heart. If you do that I know you will be the best wife that you can be.

(Groom's name) open your heart to change as well. The love you have for my daughter is apparent. You will learn that the things that stretch you now will mold your love for her even further still. I know you have a large heart. I know your capability to love is great. Do not waste any love staying mad at each other. I would hate for you all to wake up one day and wonder where all the time had gone.

I will be here for the both of you whenever you need me. I am only a phone call away. Try to resist the urge to leap out for help from others. Your first priority should be that of trying to work though things together.

Know that you are loved. With my parting words I want to tell you that the most important thing in the entire world is love. Love begins and ends in the home. From loving your spouse you can inspire and change so many around you. Page 23

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental Good evening everyone! I’m so glad that all of you could come here tonight. This is such an important occasion in my daughter’s life and I’m glad that you all are here to share it with her. Getting married is an important event in a person’s life. As the mother of the bride, I find it honorable to be the one to have raised such a fine young woman as my daughter. I’m so proud of her. When she came to me and said that she and <name of the groom> are already engaged, I was so thrilled. She had spent half of her life trying to be the head of the family since her father died almost 10 years ago and now, it is her chance to build a life of her own. It does make me a bit sad to know that she will not be as present in our lives as she used to be when she was single. But, it gives me the great comfort while knowing that she will be imparting her love and wisdom to her own children. That’s the only thing a mother could ask for: to be able to see her child become the woman, who she is supposed to be. <Name of the bride> I want you to know that I will always be here to support and guide you no matter what will happen. As I always tell you that I am just a phone call away. <Name of the groom>…. all I ask you is to take care of my daughter like my husband did to me. I am so glad that you have decided to propose my daughter. (Smile on your face) I assure you that you will never ever regret it. Now back to you my daughter, I just want you to be the best that you can be as a woman and as a mother. Your dad and I always used to talk about you. He used to tell me that how proud he was of you. I know that he wasn’t very showy of his feelings towards you, but I can assure you that he used to love you very much, probably more than I do. I hope that you will become a good mother. As I said earlier, I will always be here to guide you. Do not forget to put God in the center of your relationship, because while doing so, you will never go wrong. Always show your husband that how much you love him and make sure that you can always put a smile on his face every day of your marriage. That is what I did and because of that he never even thought of leaving me. He was my best friend. I hope that you and your husband’s relationship will be the same. I love you both and God bless you! Page 24

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental Good evening to all of you. Before anything else, let me just thank all of you who graced us with your presence tonight for my beloved daughter’s wedding. For those of you who do not know me yet, (laughs) my name is <name of the mother of the bride>. I’m the lovely bride’s mom. I am here, in front of you, to tell you more about my daughter and how she came to be the beautiful woman that you see tonight. Where do I start? <Name of the bride> has a lot of great characteristics that are worth mentioning. Oh, I remember this one particular incident involving her and her dad. She was about 13 years old and we were having a family day and we all decided to ride our bikes to the nearby park. <Name of the bride> was quite sporty back then and was more attuned to ride a bike than either of her parents. (Whispers) Maybe because of our ages… (Laughs) She was a way ahead of us and was giving us a hard time about not being able to keep up. However, her father caught up soon enough. I decided to slow down and just watch them together enjoying themselves immensely as a father and child. She had always been the daddy’s girl. <Name of the bride’s father> had always given <name of the bride> special attention, maybe because she’s the only daughter. Anyway back to my story, I watched them as they rode their bikes together laughing and really enjoying each other’s company. That’s when I realized that if ever she found a man that she would truly love, then she would definitely be a good wife because she will take care of her family and make her husband happy just like she did with her father and me at that moment. She makes sure that we are always happy. Being a nurse, she can be quite stern about us taking meds especially her dad since he has a heart problem. I sometimes call her “mom” because she is often more of a mom to me than I am to her. <Name of the bride> wants us both to be happy and healthy in our old age. I am so lucky to have her as my daughter. I am sure her husband would be feeling lucky to have her as his wife. I saw how she grew into the reliable and responsible young lady that she is today. She would not take nonsense from anyone. This is why; I knew that she would make the right choice regarding her future husband. (Smiles at the couple) She always believed that love is not searched for, but it comes as expected like the forces of nature. Perhaps, this is why; it took her 29 years to find the man of her dreams. She was being prepared for something very special. Well, I’m just glad that she found her prince charming because I know deep in my heart that she wants a family of her own. (Smiles thoughtfully) <Name of the bride>, sweetheart I would just like you to know that I will always be there for you, not only as your mother, but as your friend too. If you need someone to talk to, just say my name and I will be there. Page 25

And to you, <Name of the groom>, I know that you love my daughter and that you’ll always take care of her, but if you ever hurt her in any way, I will personally make sure that you will go home bald to your mother. (Laughs) Just kidding, welcome to the family and I hope you will keep my daughter happy. Now, let us all raise our glasses to the bride and groom. May you have all the blessings in the world. Congratulations! Page 26

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental A pleasant evening to all of you! We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of my daughter <name of the bride> and her husband. I am so happy that I can be here today to share this special occasion with you. I remember when she was a little girl. She used to try to do everything to please us, because we never had the habit of coddling her. We always tried to instil the value of independence in our children and that’s how; she has grown up to an independent woman. But it doesn’t mean that we did not have our moments. Whenever she had a problem, we always made her feel comfortable enough to come to us, no matter what it may be, and she always did. Of course, for girly problems, she used to come to me. I always appreciated her ability to listen and consider all the options before doing anything that may change her life permanently. It is also applied to her wedding. It took her about three months to accept her husband’s proposal. It was understandable because she had a great career as a journalist that she did not want to leave immediately. She also had us to think about. Since she is our only daughter, so she always felt a certain responsibility to take care of us, but I assure you <name of the bride> that you do not have to worry about us. We will take care of us. We will always be here for you, no matter what happens. We raised you to an independent girl and always allowed you to experience life on your own. Marriage is one of your ultimate decisions. This is a journey that you would have to take with your husband. It gives you an opportunity to build your own family, which we definitely look forward to. I am so happy for you my dear. I trust that you will make the right decision in educating your children. Of course, we will be there to guide you whenever you will need our help. Eventually, it will be your wisdom and love as a wife and mother that will pull you through. <Name of the groom>, please take good care of our daughter. Protect her with all your might and love her with all your heart. I am sure that you will never regret your decision to marry her because she will be the best wife and mother that you have ever encountered in your life. Before I go, let me just leave you with a few words of advice. As I said, marriage is a journey that you take together. It may not be perfect, but always remember that as long as you have each other, there’s nothing that will stop you from achieving your goals for your family and for each other. Thank you everyone! Page 27

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental

Good evening everyone, may I have your attention please. I am so glad that you all were able to make your presence here to share my joy during my daughter’s wedding day. <Name of the bride> is a very simple girl having simple dreams. We never had much, and she hasn’t asked for anything. As her mother, I want to see her happy. I know that <name of the groom>, you will make her happy and therefore that does the same for me. So, for you honey, all I can say is that I hope you stay as happy as you are right now. I also hope that <name of the groom> will be able to bring the best out of you, even more than I or your father could. We are so proud of you for making the right decisions in your life and being responsible enough to take care of yourself first before committing to someone. As I’ve always told you when you were younger in order for people to love you back, you should be able to love yourself first and that’s what you did. Never ever forget that we will be there to help and support you whenever you will need us. You have your whole family to support and guide you in this new journey of yours. So do not be afraid of anything. I trust you that you will make the right decisions as you always did. Don’t be just a wife to your husband. Be his friend, his second mother, be everything to him. Most importantly, remember that you are not living alone now. You should always consider his opinion whenever you have to decide on something. Respect is an important ingredient that your marriage should always have. If you have this, you will never have any doubts. Another thing that you need to take care of is to try to avoid the mistakes that I have made as your mother. Only take the good things with you, when you will become a mother. I am so proud of you and I will always be proud of you. Before I forget, I would also like to thank your husband for making you even happier than you already are. You have made the right choice when you decide to propose to my daughter as she did when she decided to choose you to be her husband. I am so glad to have a great addition to our family. I pray that you be blessed with many children so that you may be able to share the wisdom and love that you have for each other for many generations to come. Again, thank you very much all of you and enjoy the rest of your evening! Page 28

Mother of the Bride Speech -The Pivotal Moment Good afternoon to all of you, I am here today to celebrate and tell you all about my lovely daughter, <name of the bride>. She has been a very good daughter. It gets me so much joy to know that she will be spending the rest of her life with a man who truly loves her, just like I did. Let me tell you why she is the best daughter that anyone can have. For me, she is the best daughter because she is the only one who gets to understand my moods. I don’t need to explain myself to her. Whenever I got mad at her, she does not cry. She just leaves me and lets me calm down before she talks to me again to apologize. <Name of the bride> is often the one who takes care of me whenever I feel sick ever since her father died. I’m not saying that her other siblings do not take care of me, but it’s just that they don’t live with me anymore, and she is the last one of my children to live in my house. Perhaps it is the reason why at first when I heard she is going to get married, I was a bit opposed to the idea. Honestly, I was afraid to lose her because that meant living alone. But when we had a talk and she assured me that she will never abandon me. I finally realized that I should let her live her own life. Besides when I met <name of the groom), I knew that he was a decent young man who can make her happy. And so here we are. We’re here today to watch my daughter go into her new life as the wife of a wonderful young man. I just hope that she will take care of her family as much as I did. (Turns to daughter) <name of the bride> honey, I would like to tell you that I love you very much and I hope that you will take good care of yourself and your family well. Let me just give you a word of advice. You see, marriage is not something that you go into without thinking it through. Always remember that you are now a couple. So you need to work together and consult each other while making decisions about your family. Keep your communication lines open and you will never go wrong. Always trust each other, and be honest, as these two qualities are fundamental to any successful marriage. If you do this, I’m very sure that nothing will ever go wrong in your marriage. That was my formula for my marriage and look how it turned out. Your father and I had a wonderful time when we were together. He was the perfect husband, and I took good care of him. That’s what I wish for you, to grow old together and live a happy life with your children. Do not worry about me; I was just being dramatic… (Laughs) I know that you will always be there for me even after you get married. I wish you to be happy and I’m sure everything else will follow. (Turns to groom) And to you my new son, I just want you to know that you are now part of my family. I love you and I will be there for you whenever you will need any advice Page 29

on how to handle your wife. I know that we went off to a rocky start, but I assure you that my love for you as my son will always be there. Just make sure to treat my daughter right and you will have no problems with me. Before I forget, if you will need someone to take care of your future children, my house is always open. (Laughs) May you have everything you ever want in your life. God bless you and enjoy your life together! Page 30

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental I want to thank you all for spending this day and night celebrating my daughter, ________’s marriage to our new son-in-law, ________. A lot goes into planning a wedding and each of you here tonight have contributed in one way or another to make sure that this day was flawless. Even the weather was agreeable today. After a week of soggy conditions and a daunting weather forecast for this morning, when we woke up the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and I knew that there would be no blemishes on this day. My baby, ___________, I cannot stop looking at you. At times I see you as you are, a stunning bride marrying her Prince Charming. At other times, you transform into the little girl that hosted Saturday afternoon tea parties and enjoyed prancing around the backyard with your stuffed horse, Mr. Whitey. As I look at you now, I see you clearly in your beaded gown that shimmers when you make the slightest movement. But just a moment ago, I would have bet my life that you were sitting at that table, no more than six years old, wearing my wedding dress, playing dress up. Alas, there is no need to play make-believe games anymore. You have finally found your fairytale. You have matured into a gorgeous, refined young woman who has a brilliant mind and a bright future. You father and I could not be prouder than we are tonight. To my new son-in-law _________, I couldn’t be more grateful that you were brought into our lives. You find ways to make our daughter smile each and every day. When she first started going out with you, we were a little concerned about her getting all consumed by someone at such a young age. We tried to distract her with family trips and, I am embarrassed to say, we even tried to set her up on a blind date so that she would have options. But as you know, _______ is a stubborn girl. She wants what she wants and can never be dissuaded. She wanted to be with you from the very beginning. Once we had the chance to see the two of you together, we knew that there was something special and we were able to relax. There is no doubt in our minds that you want nothing but the best for our daughter. You glow just about as bright as she does when you are in her presence. There were no two people more right for each other than the two of you. Treat the love you have for each other as a precious commodity, a treasure that must be protected. As your life together ripens, it will change, but you must always remember how you feel for each other on this day because that is what will continually renew your love. Remembering the person you fell in love with every day, is the best advice I can give. To ________ and _________, cheers! Page 31

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental Welcome to all of our friends and family, I cannot thank you enough for being here today to celebrate the marriage of my daughter to her new husband. We all lead busy lives. Our schedules are jammed full with obligations. So, to know that so many of you made it a priority to spend not only this evening, but the entire day celebrating with my family and with our new son-in-law’s family, we cannot thank you sufficiently. I also cannot begin to adequately express how grateful I am for your generosity towards my daughter and son-in-law. The amount of presents, cards and well wishes we have received over the past several weeks has been overwhelming. I only hope that each of you know how much we cherish your presence in our lives. The nuptials that you witnessed this morning warmed my heart. They were the exact same wedding vows that my husband and I spoke to each other 35 years ago. When __________ asked me if she could copy our wedding, I wasn’t exactly sure what she had planned. I happily handed over my wedding album and all the keepsakes from that day. Not expecting much, but simply thrilled that she wanted a piece of my history to be a part of her future. My daughter is very good at keeping a secret. As a teenager, her secretiveness drove me crazy. I resisted the urge to read her diaries, instead relying on her friends to accidentally tell me something juicy. Sometimes it worked, most times it didn’t. I was mostly clueless. At the rehearsal was the first time that ____________ let me hear her vows. Needless to say I was speechless. Even my husband was struck by the sentimentality. Witnessing _____________ and ______________ professing their love for each other today and speaking the same words my husband and I spoke to each other all those years ago was like we were renewing our vows. I am euphoric that my daughter found her life partner; a man that I am confidant will love and cherish her for the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. Their love is evident in their expressions, in their body language, in the way that they hold each other in the highest regards. It is obvious to me that there could never be two people more in love than __________ and _____________. As we eat our meal this evening and mingle among friends, old and new, I challenge everyone to think about the first time you felt love as real as the love between ____________ and _________. Hold on to that memory and let it take you through tonight into tomorrow and continue to share that love with your family and friends for the rest of your lives. To my daughter and her new husband, may your love shine as brightly as it does today and may you never know anything other than laughter and joy! Page 32

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental Welcome our beloved friends and family! Today we have joined together to witness the marriage between two remarkable people, my daughter ______________ and her new husband, ____________. The tale of _____________ and ________________‘s marriage begins over 22 years ago when my best friend, __________ and I were pregnant. She had just given birth to a baby boy, a big baby boy - 10lbs 8oz. I still had another three months to go with my pregnancy. We often joked that if I had a girl we already knew that we would someday be in-laws. Youth can render you senseless, invoking grand statements that rarely have the possibility of coming true. Well, 3 months later _____________ burst into this world during one of most horrific snowstorms of the decade. Twelve feet of snow blocked our front door and my husband was forced to drive separately to the hospital while a police car whooshed me as quickly as possible to the nearest hospital. To keep this story short, I will summarize. As the years passed, __________ and I remained the truest of friends, but the hopes of our children growing up together were dashed early on when _________ and her husband were relocated a thousand miles away out to the west coast. Then tragedy struck and brought us together as my best friend lost her husband to cancer. We flew to the west coast to attend his funeral and that is when ____________ and ______________ met again for the first time in years. After a few days we were separated again, but __________ and __________ stayed in touch throughout the next several years, building a friendship that nurtured their soles. When ____________ decided to attend college on the west coast, I knew in my heart that there was a greater reason than a decent education. And so, here we are today. Exactly where _________ and I said we would be all those years ago. To my lovely daughter, you make me the happiest mother on the face of this earth. You are a woman of strength, beauty and integrity. You encourage and inspire me to live each day courageously and fully. To my new son-in-law, whom I have loved from the moment that you were born, you have grown into an exceptional man. You have an angel that sends you goodwill each and every day. I know that if you father were here he would be beaming. You have his smile. His spirit shines through you each time you smile. Today is not a day to pity ourselves; it is a day to count our blessings. Today is a day to witness the love that blossomed out of adversity, a simple message of the immense love’s immense power. If something is meant to be it finds a way. ____________ and ___________ you were always meant to be happy and in love. We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see the amazing heights you achieve as you build your life together! Page 33

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental As Mother of the Bride, I want to formally welcome everyone who has traveled near and far to celebrate the wedding between our daughter, ____________ and our new son-in-law, __________. We are honored by your attendance and your incredible generosity. So many of you guided and provided for my daughter and ____________ throughout their engagement. My speech would be too lengthy if I thanked everyone individually, so please accept this simple public acknowledgement. As Mother of the Bride, it is my responsibility to pass on advice to. I promise to keep the advice as short and pain free as possible. When you spoke your vows this afternoon, you promised to love, honor and cherish each other. Those words seem simple, the actions easy enough to accomplish, but sometimes life gets in the way of our intentions. Intentions are fragile. A simple choice can shatter an intention creating a new reality instantly. Do not take your vows lightly. Weigh the choices you make during your marriage carefully. Never take advantage of each other. Sometimes it is okay to go to bed angry. Sometimes you need time to think when misfortune threatens the sanctity of your marriage. No marriage is without problems. Some problems will be as simple as figuring out who is responsible for emptying the dishwasher, but others can endanger trust such as not being completely honest about your feeling. Trust is just as fragile as intention. Treat the trust you have built in your relationship up to this point gently. There is a lot of planning that goes into a wedding ceremony. You have spent months planning every little detail of today’s events. When the party is over tonight and you leave the company of friends and family, remember that today was just the beginning. The ceremony may be over, but your journey as husband and wife has just begun. Continue to put as much thought into your marriage as you did your marriage ceremony. Constant nourishment is the only way to make a marriage work and thrive. As you and your marriage grow your love should never falter, it may change, but you should always try to keep the intensity of your love burning bright. Don’t forget to be romantic. Don’t forget to take time to say I love you each day. I hope that you will take this advice as my wedding gift to you. Don’t worry there is a really big wedding gift over there with all the other gifts, but I think that advice is more valuable than blenders, coffee makers and duvet covers. My daughter, I love you to the moon and back. You have been a dream come true to me. I hope that the rest of your life with _____________ is as blissful and jubilant as it is now, at this moment. Know that I will always be no more than a phone call away and will always be happy to provide more advice at the drop of the hat – solicited or not! Congratulations to the happy couple! Page 34

Mother of the Bride Speech –Sentimental Good evening, everyone! How delighted I am that so many of our friends and family were able to join us today to celebrate our daughter’s marriage to _____________. Although the evening festivities have just begun, I hope everyone is enjoying it so far. This has been a blessed day to be able to watch our baby get married. I think I cried more today than at my own wedding. __________, you looked so incredibly enchanting when you walked down the aisle this afternoon. And tonight, in the glow of the candlelight, I am awestruck. When I witnessed the nuptials between _________ and _________, I was reminded of my husband and mine’s first year of marriage. We were clueless about how marriage can change two people, for better and for worse. Mostly, though our marriage changed us for the better. We left behind the silliness that is common of childhood sweethearts, and somewhere along the way, we learned what true love really meant. Each challenge in our marriage we tackled with enthusiasm. That is my first bit of motherly advice. When adversity rears its’ nasty head, attack it with eagerness. Positively responding to challenges together will make you stronger. A life lived alone is meaningless. Over the years, I have discovered that we are wealthier in spirit and in life when we allow our hearts to be open to those who truly love us. It is so easy to shut down, refuse to be vulnerable, but when we are vulnerable we are not revealing a weakness, but a new part of ourselves for someone to love fully and completely. If you are unable to share your life with someone to whom do you reveal your desires? Who is there to catch you when you stumble? Yes, a life lived alone is meaningless, but opening your heart to love is profound. ____________, you are my favorite only daughter. My sunshine, my garden of flowers that makes my heart swell with unfathomable love. I have enjoyed every moment of this journey with you. From the moment you announced your engagement to this very moment, you have included me in every step. You were patient with me when I let my opinions threaten to derail your plans. You were gracious enough let a mother help her daughter be a part of her wedding in an emotional way, not just as a piggy bank. For that I am eternally grateful that God blessed me with such a sweet, kind-hearted child. But you are no longer a child, are you? As much as it hurts to let you go and watch you grow into this beautiful woman, I have no choice. You have picked an exceptional man to be your husband. I know that the two of you will have many years together, making memories as you begin your own family. Friends and family that are with us tonight please raise your glasses in the air to toast my newly married daughter and her lucky husband! __________ and __________ we love you both and wish you an enchanting life together! Page 35


In this book, we covered a number of different templates you can use when it

comes time to give the speech on that big day. It doesn’t matter whether you are

giving a speech for the bride or for the groom, you have a good template that you

can use to craft a compelling, heart-felt speech or toast for the occasion.

It is important to understand, however, that the template in itself is not sufficient.

You should use it as a starting point for your own speech. From there, at a minimum, you will need to fill it in with powerful anecdotes (and, of course, with

the correct names). You will also want to change the style, so that it matches

your speech patterns and mood.

Finally, the most important thing you must do is practice your speech. As the

father of either the bride or the groom, your speech will be highly anticipated; and

if you aren’t well-prepared, wedding-goers will notice. So spend some time preparing by rehearsing your speech until you feel comfortable going through it

without any notes.

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