Download - Motivation

  • 1. Prepared by-Chirag Solanki SE Mech B-14

2. Define motivation Why motivate Types of motivation Motivation theories How to motivate Conclusion2 3. The wants, needs, and beliefs that drive an individual The will to act3 4. To drive individuals to achieve To help individuals work more efficiently To build morale To help individuals produce better results 24 percent of Japans workers are actively disengaged their lowered motivation accounts for $232 billion in lost productivity leadership in PM 2007 4 5. Extrinsic Bounces Use of company car Gift certificates Client golf outings Training opportunities5 6. Intrinsic Are specific to individual Personal satisfaction Cultural and religious6 7. Maslows hierarchy theory Fredrick Herzbergs hygiene theory Douglas McGregors XY Theory7 8. Performing at Your Peak Potential * Highest Level of Motivation Accomplish, Respect for SelfA Sense if belonging, love, acceptancePerforming at Your Peak PotentialFood, Clothing, ShelterSelf ActualizationEsteemSocialSafetyPhysiological8 9. Salary & benefits Work status Job security Working environment Company policy Supervision Office life such as relationship with managers* Hygiene Factors Prevent Dissatisfaction 9 10. Achievements Recognition Job interest Responsibility Advancement* Motivator Factors Lead to Satisfaction 10 11. Based on managing people Theory X Average person dislikes work Must be forced with punishment Avoids responsibility Is relatively unambitious Prefers to be directed11 12. Theory Y Work is natural Self-directed Ambitious and seeks responsibility Pursues objectives12 13. Identify individuals type (extrinsic, intrinsic) Empower to participate in project plan (team building) Communicate the goals of the project Assign responsibility Perks such as gift certificates, employee of month Great job, well done13 14. Team member 1 (Edward) intrinsic, job interest, responsibility Team member 2 (Paul) intrinsic, loves challenge, motivated by achievement Team member 3 (John) extrinsic, recognition, pat on the back14 15. People Are Capable of Remarkable Achievement If They Are Provided With the Right Environment and Given the Right Motivational Leadership. When You Motivate, You Increase Morale and In Return You Increase Productivity.

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