Page 1: Moving, Positioning and Falls Management of People The impact of legislation on the moving and positioning of people

Moving, Positioning and Falls Management

of People

The impact of legislation on the moving and positioning of people

Page 2: Moving, Positioning and Falls Management of People The impact of legislation on the moving and positioning of people


By the end of the session delegates will:

Define the responsibilities within current moving and handling legislation

Relate the principles of problem solving to risk assessment


Page 3: Moving, Positioning and Falls Management of People The impact of legislation on the moving and positioning of people

Why you are here? Legal requirement

Implications if absent through injury

Cost to the organisation

Duty of care3

Page 4: Moving, Positioning and Falls Management of People The impact of legislation on the moving and positioning of people

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992Employers Duties -The Employer MUST


AVOID manual handling tasks, so faras is reasonably practicable

ASSESS RISKS where manual handling tasks cannot be avoided, a suitable and sufficient risk assessment must be undertaken

REDUCE OR ELIMINATE all risks identified to the lowest level reasonably practicable

REVIEW the assessments when there is a change

Page 5: Moving, Positioning and Falls Management of People The impact of legislation on the moving and positioning of people

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

Employees Duties – Employees MUST


Take reasonable care of their own safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions.

Make full and proper use of any equipment or system of work provided.

Inform their employer if any moving and handling task is causing a problem.

Page 6: Moving, Positioning and Falls Management of People The impact of legislation on the moving and positioning of people

‘So far as is reasonably practicable’

The judgement must be made before the accident.

The risk must be balanced against the sacrifice in money, time and trouble needed to avert it.


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Shoulder height

Elbow height


Mid lowerleg height

Shoulder height

Elbow height


Mid lowerleg height



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An unforeseen occurrence


The potential to cause harm


The likelihood of harm occurring and its


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A careful examination of what in your work could cause harm to people, so you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm



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Risk Assessment

LOAD Person/Patient/Service User

INDIVIDUAL Staff member

TASK The activity

ENVIRONMENT Where you are working

EQUIPMENT What you use to manage the load


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