Page 1: mPath: High-Bandwidth Data Transfers with Massively …xuy/publications/tpds-mpath.pdf · 2019. 2. 18. · Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Receiver Reorder Fig. 2. Overview of mPath. Acknowledgments


mPath: High-Bandwidth Data Transfers withMassively-Multipath Source Routing

Yin Xu, Ben Leong, Daryl Seah, and Ali Razeen

Abstract—The capacity of access links has increased dramatically in recent times, and bottlenecks are moving deeper into the Internetcore. When bottlenecks occur in a core (or AS-AS peering) link, it is possible to use additional detour paths to improve the end-to-endthroughput between a pair of source and destination nodes. We propose and evaluate a new massively-multipath (mPath) sourcerouting algorithm to improve end-to-end throughput for high-volume data transfers. We demonstrate that our algorithm is practical byimplementing a system that employs a set of proxies to establish one-hop detour paths between the source and destination nodes.Our algorithm can fully utilize the available access link bandwidth when good proxied paths are available, without sacrificing TCP-friendliness, and achieves throughput comparable to TCP when such paths cannot be found. For 40% of our test cases on PlanetLab,mPath achieved significant improvements in throughput. Among these, 50% achieved a throughput of more than twice that of TCP.

Index Terms—Multipath TCP, source routing, congestion control.


R ESEARCH has shown that there are often less-congested paths than the direct one between two

end-hosts over the Internet [1, 2]. These alternative pathsthrough the Internet core were initially not exploitableas bandwidth bottlenecks used to be in the “last mile”.Over the past decade, bottlenecks have been observedto be shifting away from the network edges due tothe growing capacity of access links [3]. As last milebandwidth is set to increase dramatically over the nextfew years [4], we expect that this trend will acceler-ate and end-to-end data transfers will be increasinglyconstrained by core link bottlenecks. We now have theopportunity to exploit path diversity and use multi-ple paths concurrently to fully saturate the availableaccess link bandwidth for high-volume data transfers,e.g. scientific applications [5] or inter-datacenter bulktransfers [6].While the idea of multipath routing is not new, pre-

viously proposed systems either require multi-homingsupport [7] or the maintenance of an overlay with only asmall number of paths [8]. Our approach is to use a largeset of geographically-distributed proxies to construct andutilize up to hundreds of detour paths [1] betweentwo arbitrary end-hosts. By adopting one-hop sourcerouting [9] and designing the proxies to be stateless, wealso require significantly less coordination and controlthan previous systems [8, 10] and ensure that our systemwould be resilient to proxy failures. Our system, whichwe call mPath (or massively-multipath source routing),is illustrated in Fig. 1.There are a number of challenges in designing such a

system: (i) good alternative paths may not always exist,

• Yin Xu, Ben Leong and Daryl Seah are with the Department of ComputerScience, School of Computing at the National University of Singapore.

• Ali Razeen is with the Department of Computer Science at Duke Univer-sity.








Direct Path



Fig. 1. Massively-multipath source routing.

and in such cases the performance should be no worsethan a direct TCP connection; (ii) when good alterna-tive paths do exist, we need to be able to efficientlyidentify them and to determine the proportion of trafficto send on each path; and (iii) Internet traffic patternsare dynamic and unpredictable, so we need to adapt tochanging path conditions rapidly. Our key contribution,which addresses these design challenges, is a combinedcongestion control and path selection algorithm that canidentify bottlenecks, apportion traffic appropriately, andinter-operate with existing TCP flows in a TCP-friendlymanner. The algorithm is a variant of the classic additiveincrease/multiplicative decrease (AIMD) algorithm [11]that infers shared bottlenecks from correlated packetlosses and uses an operation called load aggregation tomaximize the utilization of the direct path.We model and analyze the performance of mPath to

show that our algorithm (i) is TCP-friendly, (ii) will max-imize the utilization of the access link without under-utilizing the direct path when there is free core linkcapacity, and (iii) will rapidly eliminate any redundantproxied paths. We validate our model with experimentson Emulab.We evaluate our system on PlanetLab with a set of 450

proxies to show that our algorithm is practical and canachieve significant improvements in throughput over

Page 2: mPath: High-Bandwidth Data Transfers with Massively …xuy/publications/tpds-mpath.pdf · 2019. 2. 18. · Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Receiver Reorder Fig. 2. Overview of mPath. Acknowledgments


TCP for some 40% of the end-hosts. Among these, halfof them achieved more than twice the throughput ofTCP. In addition, when good proxied paths cannot befound or the bottleneck is at a common access link,mPath achieves throughput that is comparable to TCPand stabilizes in approximately the same time.The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in Sec-

tion 2, we describe the mPath algorithm and the designof our system. In Section 3, we present a theoreticalmodel for our multipath congestion control algorithm. InSection 4, we present our evaluation results on Emulaband PlanetLab. Finally, we present an overview of relatedwork in Section 5 and conclude in Section 6.


In this section, we describe the design and implementa-tion of the mPath source routing system. As illustratedin Fig. 1, the network is composed of a set of proxies thatare tracked by a central registration server (RS). Proxiesin mPath are light-weight because they do not maintainconnection state. The destination address is embeddedin every data packet, so proxies can simply forward thepackets received to the destination node. The RS tracksthe active proxies in the system and returns a subset ofthe proxies to a source node when it needs to initiatea new mPath connection. We currently implement theRS as a simple server application, but it can be easilyreplaced with a distributed system for greater reliabilityand/or scalability. The application at the end-hosts isprovided with a connection-based stream-like interfacesimilar to TCP to perform the data transfer, even thoughthe underlying protocols supporting this interface areUDP-based and therefore connectionless. Depending onthe nature of the application supported, the proxies caneither be dedicated servers or mPath clients.We use UDP instead of TCP for various practical

reasons. For one, mPath needs direct control over thepacket transmissions (and retransmissions) to implementthe congestion control algorithm that coordinates be-tween the different mPath flows. Moreover, the use ofTCP would limit the scalability of the system since asource node might need to communicate with hundredsof proxies and the overhead of opening and maintaininghundreds of TCP connections is excessive. Given that themajority of hosts on the Internet are behind Network Ad-dress Translators (NATs), it is also advantageous to useUDP because the NAT hole punching process for UDP istypically simpler, faster and more likely to succeed thanthat for TCP [12].A data transfer begins when the source node estab-

lishes a direct connection to the destination. Simulta-neously, the source node also queries the RS to obtaina list of available proxies. The data stream from theapplication is packetized and the packets are initiallysent only on the direct path. When congestion is de-tected on the direct path, packets are forwarded viathe proxies in an attempt to increase the throughput.


Scheduler& CM





Receiver Reorder

Fig. 2. Overview of mPath.

Acknowledgments for the received data packets are sentfrom the destination back to the source along the di-rect path. A congestion manager and scheduler modulemonitors the acknowledgments to determine the qualityof the various paths and controls the transmission andretransmission of packets. Finally, packets are reorderedat the destination to produce the original data stream.This process is illustrated in Fig. 2.In general, the congestion control on the direct path

is similar to TCP. Modifications to the standard TCPAIMD algorithm were made to coordinate between themultiple paths and ensure that the combined paths donot behave more aggressively than TCP in increasingthe overall congestion window. Also, we implementeda simple algorithm to infer correlated losses betweenthe direct path and proxied paths, and a load aggregationmechanism to aggregate traffic onto the direct path whena shared bottleneck is detected. Our algorithm causes thetraffic on redundant proxied paths to converge to zeroover time. While the overall idea is relatively simple,there are a number of implementation details requiredto get the system to work in a practical setting. Thesedetails are described in the following sub-sections.

2.1 Proxy Probing

Given the large number of proxies, each mPath connec-tion starts with a probing phase that uses data packetsto identify proxies that are unreachable, non-operationalor exhibit non-transitive connectivity [13]. As mPath istolerant of packet reordering and losses, it is acceptableto use data packets in the probing process instead ofactive probe packets.Probing starts immediately after the source establishes

a direct connection to the destination and receives aproxy list from the RS. To prevent path probing frominterfering with the data transfer process, we limit theprobing rate to one probe every 250 ms, which is approx-imately the average inter-continental roundtrip time [14].Sending one probe packet every RTT will not likelyinterfere with the data transfer because the sender isexpected to forward tens or hundreds of packets in oneRTT. When the sender decides to probe a proxy, it willrandomly select a proxy from the proxy list and attemptto forward a data packet through it to the destination. Ifthe sender receives an ACK for the data packet withinτ seconds, the proxy is considered usable and is addedto the available list, which is the set of proxies that canbe used to forward packets. On the other hand, if thesender fails to receive an ACKwithin τ seconds after two

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consecutive probing attempts, the proxy will be markedas unusable. Once all the proxies in the list have beenprobed, mPath will request for more proxies from theRS. Clearly, the threshold τ limits the maximum RTTof the proxied paths in the system and controls thetradeoff between the quality of the paths selected and thesize of the buffer required at the destination to handlereordering. We show in Section 4.6 that a value of τ thatis two times of the direct path’s RTT yields a sufficientlylarge number of good proxied paths and an acceptableamount of reordering.

2.2 Sequence & Acknowledgment

TCP was designed for a single direct path and only needsone sequence number to handle both ordering and thedetection of packet loss. In mPath, packet transmissionacross multiple paths can result in significant reorder-ing at the receiver. A single sequence number wouldsuffice to preserve ordering. However, having only onesequence number would make it harder to detect packetlosses for individual paths, which is needed for propercongestion control. We considered using SACK and thescoreboard data structure proposed in mTCP [8] torecord information for all the paths. However, we foundthis method to be inefficient in handling hundreds ofpaths. Like MPTCP [7], we use two sequence numbers:a stream sequence number and a path sequence number.The stream sequence number is used to identify andretransmit lost packets, while the path sequence numberis used to detect packet loss and control the congestionwindow for each path.Acknowledgments. When the destination successfully

receives a number of packets, an ACK packet is sentback to the sender, which contains both the global streamsequence number as well as a set of path entries for thepaths on which the receiver had received data packets.Like TCP, the receiver cumulatively acknowledges thereceipt of packets by sending back the stream sequencenumber of the earliest missing packet. In addition, eachACK packet also contains a set of path entries, eachrecording the largest sequence number seen and theaccumulated count of the packet losses observed onthe associated path. The path-level acknowledgment isbased on the latest packet received rather than the ear-liest missing packet because we have decoupled streamordering from path packet losses and we can use newsequence numbers for retransmissions. This also allowsmPath to retransmit lost packets on a different path.The accumulated packet loss count is included to ensurethat the sender has a more accurate view of the packetlosses on each path. Given that there are occasionallosses of ACK packets, this allows the congestion controlalgorithm to recover in the event that it wrongly infersthat there are data packet losses.Negative Acknowledgments. The sender is notified

of the holes in the stream sequence with a stream-level NACK (SNACK) packet and of holes in the pathsequence with a path-level NACK (PNACK) packet. As

holes in the stream sequence can be the result of reorder-ing across multiple paths, SNACKs are not sent immedi-ately when the holes are detected. Since only paths withRTTs less than τ seconds are used as proxies, we wait upto τ seconds for holes in the stream sequence to be filledbefore sending a SNACK to avoid false positives. Toprevent an overflow of the receiver’s buffer arising fromthe delayed retransmission requests, SNACKs will besent immediately if the receiver’s buffer is more than halffull. When the sender receives a SNACK, it retransmitsthe required packets immediately but does not modifythe congestion window. Unlike SNACKs, PNACKs aresent as soon as packet losses are detected. The senderreacts to a PNACK according to the congestion controlalgorithm and performs a quick retransmission with anewly selected path.ACK Aggregation. mPath sends ACKs, SNACKs and

PNACKs via the direct return path. We found that it isquite common for ACKs to be lost when there is con-gestion on the return path. If ACKs were sent for everypacket, mPath might experience greater ACK losses thanTCP because the number of ACK packets for mPath canexceed the number of data packets sent on the direct pathif a large number of data packets are sent along proxiedpaths. To reduce congestion, we reduce the rate at whichACK packets are generated by aggregating up to 10acknowledgments into a single ACK packet. To ensurethat acknowledgments are not delayed excessively, wealso limit the delay to no more than 10 ms.

2.3 Path Scheduling & Congestion Control

As the quality of proxied paths can vary significantlyand change over time, it is not possible to staticallydetermine the optimal set of paths. Previous work onpath selection is mostly based on active probing, i.e.using ping [10] or traceroute [8], which incurs a largeoverhead and does not yield accurate results for the en-tire transmission period. Our approach to path selectionis to passively detect changes in path quality and todynamically react to these changes.Proxied Path Creation. mPath first sends packets on

the direct path to the destination. In this state, the systemcontrols congestion, much like standard TCP, by em-ploying a ‘slow-start’ phase and halving the congestionwindow if loss is detected. However, in addition tohalving the congestion window, packet loss may alsotrigger the creation of proxied paths. The number of newproxied paths to be created when a loss is detected isa proportion β of the direct path’s congestion window(and limited by the number of paths in the availablelist). We found that β = 0.25 achieves a good trade-off between the time taken to find good proxies andthe utilization of the direct path. Proxies are chosen atrandom from the unused proxies in the available list. Ifall the available proxies have been used before, mPathchooses the best proxy that it has observed thus far. Foreach newly created proxied path i, mPath also maintainsa congestion window wi that is initially set to one.

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To prevent rapid and uncontrolled creation of proxiedpaths, the system will only create new paths after allexisting paths have encountered loss.Multipath AIMD. mPath eliminates bad paths and

exploits good paths by scaling congestion windows withan additive increase/multiplicative decrease (AIMD) al-gorithm [11]. Like TCP, a packet loss causes the con-gestion window of the affected path to be halved. Themain difference between mPath and TCP is in how thecongestion windows are increased when ACKs are re-ceived. During slow-start, the congestion window of thedirect path will increase by one for every ACK received.In congestion control mode, cumulative ACKs receivedwill increase the congestion window of either the directpath or the proxied paths. The congestion window ofthe proxied paths is increased with probability P andthe congestion window of the direct path is increasedwith probability 1 − P . The probability P is obtainedwith the following formula:

P =w0

Wρ +

W − w0


where ρ is the proportion of proxied paths that havenot encountered loss, w0 is the congestion window ofthe direct path, and W =

∑wi is the total congestion

window (over all paths inclusive of the direct path). Theintuition is to use P to apportion the load between the di-rect path and the proxied paths according to their states.If some proxied paths have never encountered loss, wewould like to increase their congestion windows rapidly;if all the proxied paths have encountered loss, then anyincrease in the overall congestion window should bedivided between the direct and proxied paths accordingto their estimated relative available bandwidths.When we decide to increase the congestion window

of an existing proxied path, mPath selects an activepath that has recently received an ACK and increasesits congestion window by one. Paths that have neverencountered loss are given higher priority. If all the pathshave encountered loss, the addition goes to path i withprobability wi


wj, where wj is the congestion window of

proxied paths that have recently received ACKs.Shared Bottleneck Detection. We need to identify the

shared bottlenecks between proxied paths and the directpath so that we can shift traffic to the direct path. Weuse a simple but effective scheme to infer the existenceof such bottlenecks: mPath records the transmission timefor every packet sent and the loss detection time if anACK arrives indicating that packets were not received.Each path then maintains a time range (“loss interval”)indicating when the last lost packet was detected andthe time that the packet was sent on the path. If the lossinterval on the direct path overlaps with the loss intervalon a proxied path, we deduce that the packet losses arecorrelated and the paths share a common bottleneck.This is illustrated in Fig. 3.Load Aggregation. Upon detecting the shared bottle-

neck, mPath will then move a proportion min(α, w0P


: Data packet

: Packet loss

: ACK packetDirect path

with correlated lossProxied path

Proxied pathwithout correlated loss

TimeOverlap in loss intervals

Loss interval

Fig. 3. Inference of correlated packet losses.











Proxy A


Fig. 4. An example of bottleneck oscillation.

of the proxied path’s remaining congestion window tothe direct path, where wj is the congestion window forthe proxied path that experienced correlated packet loss.The upper bound w0


wjguarantees that the congestion

window of the direct path will not be more than w0.In other words, mPath will decrease proxied path i’scongestion window wi to half for a normal loss onthat path, but decrease it to wi

2 (1 − min(α, w0P

wj)) for

a correlated packet loss and add wi

2 min(α, w0P

wj) back

to the congestion window of the direct path. We callthis operation load aggregation. We found that α = 0.5achieves a good trade-off between the utilization ofgood proxied paths and the direct path, and reduces theutilization of bad paths relatively quickly.

We choose to gradually decrease the congestion win-dow of a proxied path instead of dropping the pathcompletely in order to prevent bottleneck oscillation. Weillustrated this with an example in Fig. 4. In this example,the transmission is initially limited by the 10 Mbpscore link bottleneck on the direct path. As new proxiedpaths that can route around the core link bottleneckare found (e.g. proxy A), the common access link withcapacity 15 Mbps will become the new bottleneck. Whena correlated packet loss is detected at the new bottleneck,the naive approach of dropping proxy A completelywill cause the bottleneck to shift back to the core. IfmPath then uses proxy A (or some other good proxy)to improve throughput, the bottleneck will eventuallyshift back to the 15 Mbps access link and the systemwill oscillate. By aggregating the congestion windows ofthe proxied paths to the direct path, the stability of thesystem is improved.

Handling Timeouts. Like TCP, mPath detects timeoutfor all paths with a mechanism based on the estimatedRTT for each path. The direct path reacts to a timeoutby reverting to the slow-start state. However, when atimeout occurs for a proxied path, we drop it instead ofreverting to slow-start since it is easy for mPath to eitherfind a replacement among the unused proxied paths

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or redistribute the load across existing paths. The pathcan be dropped temporarily or permanently dependingon the historical contribution of the path. If the path’scontribution to the throughput is significantly belowaverage compared to other proxied paths in its lifetime, itwill be marked as unavailable and dropped permanently.Otherwise, it will only be dropped temporarily and maybe reused at a later time.

3 ANALYSIS OF MULTIPATH AIMDIn this section, we extend the classic Chiu and JainAIMD model [11] to analyze multipath AIMD. We showthat our algorithm (i) is TCP-friendly, (ii) maximizes theutilization of the access link without under-utilizing thedirect path when there is free core link capacity, and (iii)rapidly eliminates any redundant proxied paths.Following the notation in [11], we obtain the multipath

model for a single user, which is illustrated in Fig. 5.The user imposes a total load of x on the system, with aload of xi on each path i. Path 0 refers to the directpath, which has a core link capacity of Xgoal0 , whilepaths 1 to n are the proxied paths available to the user.Without loss of generality, we assume that k out of then proxied paths are limited by core (or AS-AS peering)link bottlenecks, each with a capacity of Xgoali , 1 ≤ i ≤ k,while the remaining paths from k + 1 to n are free ofcongestion and can accept more load. The capacity atthe access link bottleneck is denoted with Xgoal. We alsodefine Y to be the feedback vector to the user, which isa tuple comprising of binary feedback values yi for eachpath i. A positive feedback (yi = 0) implies that thereis no packet loss on path i, while a negative feedback(yi = 1) implies that congestion has occurred.When a negative feedback is received, mPath will

halve the load on the associated path, and if it is acorrelated packet loss, mPath will perform load aggre-gation. When a positive feedback is received, mPathwill increase the load by one with probability xi




denoted by γi. Clearly, γi is less than 1 for each path i and∑n

i=0 γi = 1 at the access link bottleneck where all pathsare aggregated. Thus, for one mPath flow, the additive-increase value on any path is always less than or equalto that of TCP and the multiplicative-decrease value isalways equal to that of TCP. This implies that mPath isTCP-friendly. In addition, because the behavior of mPathwill be similar to that of TCP at the access link, mPathwill compete for resources fairly and efficiently [11].There are three scenarios under which a bottleneck

can occur: (i) the direct path is limited by a core linkbottleneck but there is insufficient free capacity on theavailable proxied paths to saturate the access link; (ii)the direct path is limited by a core link bottleneck andenough free capacity via other paths can be found tosaturate the access link; or (iii) the bottleneck is entirelyat the access link.(i) Core Link Bottleneck, Insufficient Capacity. The

first case is where the direct path experiences congestion

Feedback Y = (y0, y1, . . . , yi, . . . , yn)







Access link










Fig. 5. Model for a single user using multiple paths.

on a core link and mPath cannot find a set of alternativepaths to fully saturate the common access link. Loadaggregation will ensure that any proxied paths sharingthe same core link bottleneck as the direct path willeventually be dropped, i.e. only the proxied paths thatdo not share a bottleneck with the direct path will beretained. In the steady state, the congestion windows ofthe active paths would be oscillating in a manner thatis equivalent to the semicoupled algorithm [7] for a = 1,where a is a constant that determines the aggressivenessof the congestion control algorithm. Raiciu et al. [7]determined that only the paths with loss rates satisfyingthe following condition will be used:

(1 − pr)1

x̂= pr



where x̂ is the average load of the user, and pr and x̂r

are the loss rate and average load on path r respectively.This condition follows from the intuition that paths musteither reach an equilibrium for the average increaseand decrease of their load or converge to zero and getdropped. In other words, mPath will distribute as largea load as possible to paths with low loss rates and dropall the paths that have loss rates too high to satisfycondition (2).(ii) Core Link Bottleneck, Excess Capacity Sufficient.

The second case is where mPath is most effective. Whenthere is a bottleneck on the direct path and sufficient corelink capacity exists, the additive-increase phase will fullysaturate the access link by utilizing the free capacity onproxied paths k + 1 to n. This occurs even with a smalladditive-increase value of γi < 1, for k +1 ≤ i ≤ n, sincethese paths experience minimal packet loss. On the otherhand, the congested paths 1 to k will experience packetloss and their loads will undergo multiplicative decrease,eventually converging to zero.(iii) Access Link Bottleneck. Finally, if the flow is

limited by an access link bottleneck, using multiplepaths will not help. The proxied paths will experiencecorrelated packet losses with the direct path, and, overtime, load aggregation will move most of the traffic ontothe direct path and cause the load for all the proxiedpaths to converge to zero.We further analyze the performance of mPath for

scenarios (ii) and (iii) in more detail. We consider asimple flow where there is only one proxied path, witha core link capacity of Xgoalp , sharing a common access

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ΣUser XgoalXgoal0


Feedback Y = (y0, yp)

Fig. 6. Model of a shared access link bottleneck.

link with the direct path, as shown in Fig. 6. We definethe load at time t on the direct path’s core, proxiedpath’s core and access link to be x0(t), xp(t) and x(t)respectively. Depending on the feedback values receivedat time t, given by Y (t) = (y0(t), yp(t)), mPath will derivethe loads at time t + 1 as follows:

1) Y (t) = (0, 0). When positive feedback is receivedon both paths, the load on the direct and proxiedpath is increased probabilistically:

x0(t + 1) = x0(t) + 1

with probability γ0 = x0(t)x0(t)+xp(t)

xp(t + 1) = xp(t) + 1

with probability γp =xp(t)



2) Y (t) = (1, 0). When only the direct path hasnegative feedback, we obtain:

x0(t + 1) = x0(t)2

xp(t + 1) = xp(t) + 1(4)

3) Y (t) = (0, 1). When only the proxied path hasnegative feedback, we obtain:

x0(t + 1) = x0(t) + 1

xp(t + 1) =xp(t)



4) Y (t) = (1, 1). When negative feedback is receivedon both paths, the loads will be halved and loadaggregation (with parameter α) will be performedto shift part of the load from the proxied path tothe direct path:

x0(t + 1) = x0(t)2 + α


xp(t + 1) = (1 − α)xp(t)



Now assume that Xgoal is saturated at time t. Thisimplies that there will be shared loss (i.e. Y (t + 1) =(1, 1)), which will cause the overall load to be halved(x(t+1) = x(t)/2) and load aggregation to be performedaccording to Equation (6). If bottleneck conditions donot change and there are no other losses, it will takeapproximately x(t)/2 time intervals for Xgoal to be sat-urated again to produce another shared loss, since theaverage increase for x(t) is 1 at each time interval, asdescribed by Equation (3). We can then deduce that afterk intervals of shared losses under these conditions, attime u = t + (k − 1)x(t)/2 + 1, the loads would be:

x0(u) = x0(t)2 + [1 − (1 − α)k]


xp(u) = (1 − α)k xp(t)2


For scenario (ii), where the bottleneck is in the core andsufficient capacity exists (i.e. Xgoalp is large), x0 and xp

would increase until either Xgoal or Xgoal0 is achieved.If Xgoal is achieved first, correlated packet losses will bedetected and load will aggregate to the direct path at anexponential rate until there are no more correlated lossesas described by Equation (7). This behavior ensuresthat the direct path is never under-utilized. The overallperformance in this case is the same as that for a normalTCP flow competing for resources constrained by theaccess link bottleneck. If Xgoal0 is achieved first, mPathhas over-utilized the direct path and caused congestion,so x0 will be halved and xp will increase (as describedby Equation (4)) until Xgoal is achieved. This meansthat mPath will always maximize the utilization of theaccess link without under-utilizing the direct path whensufficient core link capacity is available.For scenario (iii), where the access link is the bot-

tleneck, the proxied path is redundant. All losses willoccur at the shared access link and load aggregationwill always be performed to shift traffic to the directpath. Thus, as described by Equation (7), the load of theproxied path (xp) will be aggregated to the direct pathat an exponential rate until xp is reduced to zero (i.e. thepath is dropped).Like the classic AIMD model [11], we assumed a

synchronous feedback/control loop and omitted theRTTs of the paths in our analysis in order to keep themodel tractable. We can extend the model to considerpaths with different RTTs, but doing so will not shedsignificantly more insight. An extension of the classicAIMD model incorporating the RTTs [15], showed thatthe system would simply be biased against paths withlonger RTTs. As mPath is a variant of AIMD, we canexpect similar results. We show in Section 4.1 that evenwith paths of varying RTTs, mPath behaves as expected.


We evaluated mPath by running experiments on bothEmulab and PlanetLab to show that mPath (i) behavesin a manner consistent with the model described inSection 3, (ii) is practical and can often achieve significantimprovements in throughput, and (iii) is scalable andthat end-hosts can be used as proxies. We also investi-gated the tradeoffs associated with the choice of systemparameters.In our experiments, we compared mPath with TCP by

sending continuous streams of randomly generated data.However, we did not use the native implementationof TCP due to two issues: (i) bias towards differenttransport protocols (e.g. by firewalls or routing policies)may skew the results; and (ii) PlanetLab limits the TCPwindow size, which limits the maximum throughputattainable. Therefore, we used an implementation ofTCP (New Reno) based on UDP, which is available inUDT [16]. This implementation has been shown by itsauthors to have similar performance to native TCP.

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Proxy 3


Proxy 1










90msProxy 2

Fig. 7. An Emulab topology where mPath is able to findgood proxied paths.










0 5 10 15 20 25 30

mPath (Overall)Benchmark TCP

mPath (Direct path)










0 5 10 15 20 25 30

mPath (Path 2)mPath (Path 3)mPath (Path 1)



Time (min)Time (min)

Fig. 8. Plot of congestion window over time for thetopology in Fig. 7.

4.1 Is our model accurate?

We first verify the behavior of mPath with a series of ex-periments on Emulab, to show that mPath (i) can signif-icantly improve throughput when there is sufficient corecapacity and automatically distribute load over the pathsaccording to the available path capacities, performs noworse than TCP when (ii) there is insufficient capacityin the core or (iii) the access link is the bottleneck, (iv) isTCP-friendly, and (v) can dynamically adapt to changingnetwork conditions.(i) Core Link Bottleneck, Excess Capacity Sufficient.

Our first set of experiments was conducted on a topologycontaining a core link bottleneck as shown in Fig. 7. Inthis topology, we created three proxied paths, with oneproxy sharing a 10 Mbps core link bottleneck and allthree proxies sharing a 20 Mbps access link bottleneckalong the direct path. We ran mPath for 30 minutesand compared its performance to a TCP benchmark thatwas run for the same duration. As expected, mPathachieved an average throughput of 14.31 Mbps, and thebenchmark TCP flow achieved an average throughputof 7.21 Mbps.The congestion windows of the various paths (direct

path and three proxied paths) used by mPath are shownin Fig. 8. The congestion windows of the proxied pathsare labeled according to the proxies that they passthrough. We also plot the congestion window for thebenchmark TCP flow and the overall mPath congestionwindow over time for reference.Initially, the three proxied paths compete for band-

width, with the congestion window of the direct pathincreasing slowly to allow those of the proxied paths to







0 2 4 6 8 10

mPath (Overall)Benchmark TCP







0 2 4 6 8 10

mPath (Direct path)mPath (Proxied path)



Time (min)Time (min)

Fig. 9. Plot of congestion window over time for thetopology in Fig. 7 when only proxy 3 is used.









5msSource Proxy Destination

Fig. 10. An Emulab topology where the access link is thebottleneck and the proxied path is useless.

fully expand. In the process, mPath detects the sharedbottleneck between path 1 and the direct path andapplies load aggregation, causing path 1 to be dropped11 minutes into the transfer when its congestion windowis reduced to zero. This leaves the system in a stablestate where paths 2 and 3 efficiently exploit the accesslink capacity that cannot be utilized by the direct pathalone. Path 2 carries more traffic because it has a largercore link capacity. Observe that load aggregation alsoensures that the direct path is fully utilized throughoutthe transfer, handling a load of about 7 Mbps.

(ii) Core Link Bottleneck, Insufficient Capacity. Toinvestigate how mPath performs when there is insuffi-cient core link capacity to saturate the access link, weuse the topology shown in Fig. 7 but with proxy 1 and 2removed. That is, we have a 20 Mbps access link, a10 Mbps core link bottleneck on the direct path and a5 Mbps alternative path via proxy 3. Our results fromrunning mPath and TCP individually for 10 minutes areshown in Fig. 9. Clearly, mPath can still effectively utilizeall available capacity on both direct and proxied paths.

(iii) Access Link Bottleneck. For this scenario, wedesigned a simple topology where the access link isthe only bottleneck in the system, as shown in Fig. 10,and ran mPath and TCP individually for 10 minutes.The results in Fig. 11 show that mPath and TCP pro-duce similar patterns for their congestion windows andachieve about the same throughput: 4.36 Mbps for mPathand 4.40 Mbps for TCP. Some traffic is sent along theproxied path at first, but this drops significantly whenmPath determines it is of no benefit and the proxiedpath’s congestion window is aggregated to the directpath. This example verifies that when a good proxiesare not available due to an access link bottleneck, mPathbehaves much like TCP.

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0 2 4 6 8 10

mPath (Overall)Benchmark TCP






0 2 4 6 8 10

mPath (Direct path)mPath (Proxied path)

Time (min)Time (min)



Fig. 11. Plot of congestion window over time for thetopology in Fig. 10.










0 20 40 60 80 100 120


mPath TCP-3

mPath (Overall)mPath (Proxied path)











0 20 40 60 80 100 120


mPath TCP-3


mPath (Direct path)



Time (min)Time (min)

Fig. 12. Plot of congestion window over time with com-peting mPath and TCP flows for the topology in Fig. 7.

(iv) TCP-friendliness. We ran another experiment onthe topology in Fig. 7 to evaluate mPath in the presenceof competing TCP flows. We started a TCP flow (TCP-1)in the background, after which we started mPath to ob-serve its influence on TCP-1. Next, TCP-1 is terminatedand another TCP flow (TCP-2) is started to observe howmPath reacts to the new flow. Finally, mPath is stoppedcompletely and a third TCP flow (TCP-3) is started toprovide us with a benchmark for two competing TCPflows. After starting/stopping a flow, we give the system20 minutes to stabilize before making the next change.The congestion windows of the various flows over timeare shown in Fig. 12.

We found that running mPath in parallel with TCPcauses the TCP congestion window to drop by about25% on average, which is better than the TCP-3 bench-mark which causes a 50% drop as expected. When TCP-1is terminated, the direct path for mPath quickly soaks upall the excess bandwidth freed by the departure of TCP-1. When TCP-2 is started, it is able to achieve a steadystate congestion window that is equivalent to that forTCP-1. The congestion windows of the proxied pathsremain fairly stable throughout because they do notshare the core link bottleneck with the direct path. Theseresults show that, in the presence of good proxied paths,mPath can achieve an overall throughput surpassing that












Proxy 3


Proxy 1










Proxy 2













Fig. 13. An Emulab topology to investigate how mPathreacts to changing path conditions.





0 10 20 30 40 50 60

TCP from A1 to B1

TCP from A2 to B2

TCP fromA3 to B3

mPath (Overall)mPath (Direct path)

mPath (Path 2)mPath (Path 3)mPath (Path 1)



Time (min)

Fig. 14. Plot of throughput over time with interfering TCPflows on proxied path 2 for the topology in Fig. 13.

of TCP while remaining TCP-friendly.

(v) Adapting to changing proxied path conditions. Toshow that mPath can dynamically adapt to congestionon the proxied paths, we created a new topology byadding some new nodes to the topology in Fig. 7, asshown in Fig. 13. Under this new scenario, path 2 of themPath flow is disrupted by incrementally introducingthree TCP flows that all use the path segment R3 toR4 to reduce the available capacity of the segment. Theresults are shown in Fig. 14. The mPath flow is given 15minutes to stabilize before we start the first TCP flowfrom A1 to B1, which has an access link capacity of6 Mbps. In this state, proxied path 2 still has sufficientcapacity to allow mPath to saturate the access link.After another 15 minutes, we add a second TCP flowwith an access link capacity of 8 Mbps from A2 toB2. Now path 2 does not have sufficient capacity andmPath automatically redistributes some load to path 3.mPath’s overall throughput in the steady state dropsfrom 12.0 Mbps to 11.4 Mbps. When the final TCP flowfrom A3 to B3 is started, the segment R3 to R4 becomeshighly congested and causes significant packet losses onpath 2. This leads to path 2 being dropped completelywithin 2 minutes and an overall drop in the steady statethroughput of mPath from 11.4 Mbps to 10.6 Mbps.

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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


mPath TCP-3

mPath (Overall)mPath (Proxied path)









0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


mPath TCP-3


mPath (Direct path)

Time (min)Time (min)





Fig. 15. Plot of throughput against time forthe path from

4.2 Does mPath work over the Internet?

To evaluate the performance of mPath over the In-ternet, we ran a series of experiments on PlanetLabusing approximately 450 proxies. In this section, wepresent results from two representative experiments thatdemonstrate mPath (i) can improve throughput whilemaintaining TCP-friendliness when good proxied pathsexist and (ii) performs no worse than TCP when a goodproxied path cannot be found.

Performance with good proxied paths. The firstexperiment follows the same procedure as that ofthe Emulab experiment for TCP-friendliness describedin Section 4.1. The only difference is that we nowgive mPath an additional 20 minutes to stabilize,since we now have significantly more proxied pathsand it might take longer for good proxied paths tobe found. The results from running this experimenton PlanetLab nodes are shown in Fig. 15.

We observed similar behavior as that for the earliercorresponding Emulab experiment. In both cases, mPathachieves a relatively large increase in throughput. How-ever, when TCP-1 terminates, the increase in throughputoccurs on the proxied paths, rather than on the directpath as observed on Emulab. This is because the senderis given exclusive access to the topology in Emulab,while many users may have flows passing throughthe same core link bottleneck on the Internet for thePlanetLab experiment. Flows that pass through the samelink will be given a share of the freed bandwidth whena flow leaves. In this case, stopping the flow of TCP-1will only increase mPath’s share of the direct path bya small amount. However, stopping TCP-1 also freesup bandwidth on the access link, which can then beused to increase the congestion windows of the proxiedpaths. Since the direct path is unable to supply enoughbandwidth to fully utilize the access link, the proxiedpaths will take up most of the slack.

To better understand the improvement in throughputachieved by mPath, we did traceroutes for the direct and










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80



Time (min)


Fig. 16. Plot of proxied path usage over time.

proxied paths used in the experiment. The default routefrom to used a direct path from, which is a route across the In-dian Ocean to Europe. We found that the prox-ied paths that contributed most to the through-put did not intersect with this route. In particu-lar, most of the proxied paths used crossed the Pa-cific Ocean, continental America, and the AtlanticOcean before reaching Europe. To some extent, this isnot surprising because the Earth is round and there aregenerally two ways to connect any two points on theplanet: clockwise and anti-clockwise.We also examined how mPath finds and uses the

proxies in the system to establish a stable set of prox-ied paths. Fig. 16 is a plot of the distribution of theproxies over time. The probing phase to determine theavailable proxies completes relatively quickly and takesapproximately 2 minutes to build an available list ofapproximately 400 proxies out of the 450 registeredproxy nodes. mPath attempts to use all the availableproxies in 75 minutes while maintaining an active setof between 10 to 20 proxies at any one time. Comparingthese results with the evolution of throughput in Fig. 15,it is clear that the system finds a good working set ofproxies long before it tries out all the available proxies.In fact, enough good proxied paths were found almostimmediately after starting the transfer.Performance without good proxied paths. In the sec-

ond experiment, we used a pair of nodes ( and for whichmPath failed to find any good proxied paths. Thethroughput achieved in this experiment is shown inFig. 17. For this pair of nodes, we found that all theproxied paths experienced a bottleneck at the sameaccess link. We can see from Fig. 17 that the throughputachieved by mPath and TCP are similar. mPath achievesits steady state throughput within 2 minutes and spendsonly about 12 minutes assessing the 450 available proxiesbefore giving up.

4.3 How often and how well does mPath work?

We investigated the throughput achieved by mPathfor approximately 500 source-destination pairs (distinctfrom the proxies) on PlanetLab and compared it to

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30

mPath (Overall)Benchmark TCP

mPath (Direct path)mPath (Proxied path)

Time (min)



Fig. 17. Plot of throughput against time forthe path from







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Same continentAll

Different continent


Ratio of throughput (mPath/TCP)

Fig. 18. Cumulative distribution of the ratio of mPaththroughput to TCP throughput for 500 source-destinationpairs.

the throughput achieved by TCP. Fig. 18 shows thecumulative distribution of the ratio of the throughputachieved by mPath to that of TCP over all the node pairstested. Each data point was obtained by running mPathfor 30 minutes followed by TCP for another 30 minuteson each pair of nodes.We found that mPath performs at most 20% worse

than TCP for a small number of node pairs, whichwe believe can be attributed to the natural temporalvariance of the available bandwidth on the Internet dueto congestion and cross-traffic. To verify this, we rana large number of TCP flows back-to-back for 30 min-utes on random node pairs and plot the ratio betweenthese two flows in Fig. 18 as “TCP benchmark”. Theline provides us with a benchmark for what would beconsidered performance equivalent to TCP. In this light,we consider mPath to have achieved an improvementover TCP if it achieves a distribution that is to the rightof this benchmark line. We see that about 40% of thenode pairs seem to achieve an non-trivial improvementin throughput, with about half of these pairs achievingmore than twice the throughput achieved by TCP. Thisis a significant proportion and it verifies our hypothesisthat many of the bottlenecks for the direct paths arein the core, at least for PlanetLab nodes. From ourobservations, we found that the remaining 60% of nodepairs could not improve their throughput using mPath,possibly because they were limited by their access links.











0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 >350

90th PercentileMean

Median10th Percentile




RTT (ms)

Fig. 19. Plot of ratio of mPath throughput to TCP through-put against RTT.







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Good proxied paths not foundGood proxied paths found


Time to stabilize (min)

Fig. 20. Cumulative distribution of the time taken formPath to stabilize.

Even for cases where mPath seems to perform morepoorly than TCP, the distribution is still on the rightof the TCP benchmark line, suggesting that even whennetwork conditions deteriorate, mPath is likely able toameliorate the degradation.

Intuitively, the distance between the sender and re-ceiver would have a significant impact on how muchmPath can improve the throughput. We expect that ifthe sender and receiver are very close (e.g. in the sameAS), the throughput gains would only be marginal. Thisis evident in Fig. 18, where we plot the improvementratio of node pairs that have been categorized accordingto whether they are located on the same continent or ondifferent continents. From these results, it is clear that thepairs located on different continents can achieve largerimprovements and this conforms with our intuition. Inaddition, we plot the throughput improvement ratioagainst the direct RTT between the sender and receiver(for 500 node pairs) in Fig. 19. As expected, node pairswith a higher RTT have a greater chance of benefitingfrom mPath and this suggests that mPath should useproxied paths more aggressively if the direct path RTTis larger, but this remains as future work.

To determine how quickly mPath can find a good setof proxies, we plot the time taken for mPath to reachits steady state throughput in Fig. 20. We see that ifgood proxied paths exist, mPath can find them within5 minutes for 80% of the node pairs. If good proxiedpaths cannot be found, mPath gives up within 1 or 2

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7





Ratio of throughput (mPath/TCP)

Fig. 21. Cumulative distribution of the ratio of mPaththroughput to TCP throughput when different numbers ofproxies are provided by the RS.

minutes 90% of the time.Based on these results, we see that the practicality

of using mPath largely depends on the location ofthe bottleneck and the duration of transmission. If thebottleneck is at the core, and the transmission takeslonger than mPath’s stabilization time, we can expectthe throughput improvements shown earlier. On theother hand, if the bottleneck is at the access link, or ifthe transmission duration is too short, throughput gainswith mPath will be marginal (if any). This suggests thatmPath is only suitable for high-volume data transfers.

4.4 How many proxies are minimally required?

We are also interested in the number of candidate proxiesrequired for mPath to find a good proxy set. In thisexperiment, we limited the size of proxy lists returned bythe RS and compared the throughput achieved by mPathto TCP. The sizes of proxy sets investigated are 1, 10, 50,100, 200, and all the available proxies (approximately450). As shown in Fig. 21, the performance of mPathimproves up till about 50 proxies, after which the per-formance gains of having more available proxies becomenegligible. This suggests that the RS should providesource nodes with at least 50 proxies. As these resultsare for a system where only one mPath flow is active, itis possible that more proxies will be required in practice.

4.5 Is mPath scalable?

Since mPath is expected to support a large number ofusers, we want to understand how the performance ofmPath will scale as the number of users in the systemincreases. We used 200 PlanetLab nodes (distinct fromthe proxies), partitioned them into 100 disjoint pairs ofsenders and receivers, and ran experiments with 1, 50and 100 pairs of nodes transmitting to each other simul-taneously. By using four different random partitions, weobtained 400 data points for each of the three scenarios.These results are shown in Fig. 22.Since mPath is useful only if it improves the through-

put for a node pair significantly, we focus on the pro-portion of node pairs for which mPath can achieve












0 1 2 3 4 5 6

100 pairs50 pairs

1 pair


Ratio of throughput (mPath/TCP)

Fig. 22. Cumulative distribution of mPath throughput toTCP throughput with n disjoint source-destination pairstransmitting simultaneously when proxies and end-hostsare distinct nodes.












0 1 2 3 4 5 6

200 pairs100 pairs

50 pairs


Ratio of throughput (mPath/TCP)

Fig. 23. Cumulative distribution of mPath throughputto TCP throughput with n disjoint source-destinationpairs transmitting simultaneously when the end-hosts arethemselves proxies.

throughput that is at least twice that of TCP. We hadshown earlier that when there is only one user, about20% of the source-destination pairs can achieve twicethe throughput of TCP. As shown in Fig. 22, for 50 and100 concurrent users, this number drops to about 10%of the users. This can be explained as follows: mPathconsumes the unused bandwidth of proxies to improvethroughput and users who are concurrently sending orreceiving data would compete for this same bandwidth.If the amount of unused bandwidth is kept constant,then as the number of concurrent users increases, thenumber of users who see an improvement in throughputwould decrease. Hence, the scalability of mPath dependson the amount of unused bandwidth available in thesystem, as expected. As we are limited by the PlanetLabnodes available, we are not able to conduct larger scaleexperiments to study this in greater detail.

Using client nodes as proxies is one potential wayof improving the scalability of mPath. To evaluate thefeasibility of this approach, we devised an experimentwhere 450 PlanetLab nodes are used as proxies and50, 100 and 200 source-destination pairs are randomlyselected from these proxies to concurrently send/receivedata. As shown in Fig. 23, mPath is still able to improvethe throughput for some node pairs. For 50 and 100

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0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1

mPath (Overall)mPath (Good proxied paths)

mPath (Direct path)

Load aggregation factor α



Fig. 24. Plot of throughput against load aggregation factorα.










0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1

mPath (Overall)mPath (Proxied paths)

mPath (Direct path)

New path creation factor β



Fig. 25. Plot of throughput against new path creationfactor β.

pairs, about 10% of the pairs can achieve at least twicethe throughput of TCP. This drops to a very smallnumber for 200 pairs, but this is not entirely surprisingas this means that some 400 out of the 450 proxiesare sending/receiving data. Since these proxies do nothave much unused bandwidth to be exploited, mPath isunlikely to be able to use them to improve throughput.Our results suggests that if the number of users con-currently sending/receiving data is less than 50% of thetotal number of proxies, it is feasible to use client nodesas proxies.

4.6 How should the parameters be tuned?

mPath is characterized by the parameters α, β and τ . Inthis section, we investigate the tradeoffs for each of theseparameters. We investigate the effect of α on Emulabbecause of the controlled environment and the effect ofβ and τ on PlanetLab because it was not practical tocreate hundreds of proxies on Emulab.Load Aggregation (α). The first parameter, α, is the

proportion of the congestion window moved from aproxied path to the direct path when a correlated packetloss is detected. If α is too large, it may result in low uti-lization of good proxied paths and reduced throughput;if α is too small, it may take a long time for bad proxiedpaths to converge to zero and cause the direct path tobe under-utilized. As shown in Fig. 24, our experimentsindicate that α > 0.75 would lead to a decrease in overallthroughput. We also found that when α ≤ 0.25, mPath







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

TCPmPath with τ=1*RTT0

mPath with τ=1.5*RTT0mPath with τ=2*RTT0mPath with τ=4*RTT0

mPath without RTT limitation


Buffer size (MB)

Fig. 26. Cumulative distribution of the maximum buffersize required for different maximum proxied path RTTs τ .







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

mPath with τ=1*RTT0mPath with τ=1.5*RTT0

mPath with τ=2*RTT0mPath with τ=4*RTT0

mPath without RTT limitationCumulativedistribution

Number of usable proxies detected

Fig. 27. Cumulative distribution of the number of usableproxies detected for different maximum allowable proxiedpath RTTs τ .

would take more than 30 minutes to eliminate the badproxied paths. Thus, we set α = 0.5.Proxied Path Creation (β). Next, we investigate

β, the number of new paths created as a fractionof the direct path congestion window when loss isdetected. This number trades off the time taken bymPath to find a good proxy set against the utiliza-tion of the direct path. Using a pair of nodes ob-served to have good proxied paths ( to, we perform data transfers lasting 30minutes and plot the throughput achieved against β inFig. 25. The graph shows that when β ≥ 0.5, the utiliza-tion of the direct path decreases, and when β > 0.75,there is even a slight drop in the overall throughput. Wealso found that when β < 0.25, the time taken to findgood proxies increases significantly, and that beyondβ = 0.25, there is no substantial reduction in this time.Therefore, we set β = 0.25.Maximum Allowable Proxied Path RTT (τ ). Intu-

itively, the maximum allowable RTT for the proxiedpaths is directly related to packet reordering and thenumber of proxied paths that can be used, and thesefactors will affect the achieved throughput. Fig. 26 showsthe effect of τ on the maximum buffer size required atthe receiver. Clearly, increasing τ results in greater re-ordering and thus larger buffering requirements. Fig. 27shows the number of usable proxied paths as we increaseτ . We pick τ = 2 × RTT0 because this provides a

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sufficient number of proxies and because we found thatincreasing it beyond this value did not yield significantimprovements in throughput.


In this section, we provide an overview of prior work inthe literature related to mPath.Bandwidth Bottlenecks: Bottlenecks are commonly

thought to occur at the access links. Akella et al. werethe first to dispute this assumption, by highlighting thatnearly half of the Internet paths they investigated hada non-access link bottleneck with an available capacityof less than 50 Mbps [3]. Hu et al. suggested thatbottlenecks exist everywhere, at access links, peeringlinks or even inside ASes [2]. Our experience with mPathseems to corroborate their findings.Detour Routing: The benefits of detour routing using

an overlay network has been demonstrated by manyresearchers [1, 2]. Anderson et al. built a resilient over-lay network (RON) [10] based on detour routing andshowed that it could recover from a significant num-ber of outages and path failures. mTCP [8], built overRON, attempts to improve throughput by exploitingmultiple paths but has scalability issues arising from themaintenance of the RON overlay. An overlay networkis also used by Skype [17] to improve the latencies ofVOIP. mPath differs from these systems in that it aimsto maximize throughput by using hundreds of light-weight proxies to do one-hop source routing instead ofdepending on an overlay network [8, 10]. Gummadi etal. were the first to propose one-hop source routing as ameans to address RON’s scalability issues [9].Multi-homing and Multipath TCP: Another common

mechanism that can provide path diversity is multi-homing [18], but it needs to be supported by the ISPsat the network-layer. Multipath TCP (MPTCP) [7] wasdeveloped to support multipath TCP over multi-homingand has been proposed for use in intra-datacenter bulktransfers [19]. The design of MPTCP is similar to mPath,e.g. the separation of the connection-level and subflow-level sequence numbers and a coupled congestion con-trol algorithm to take into account shared bottlenecksand to maintain TCP-friendliness. The major differencebetween mPath and MPTCP is that MPTCP seeks only toallocate traffic optimally over a fixed (and small) set ofavailable paths, while mPath needs to solve two separateproblems simultaneously: (i) identify good proxied pathsout of several hundred paths; and (ii) allocate the opti-mal amount of traffic to the good proxied paths. Also,mPath can exploit, but does not require, multi-homing.Parallel TCP and Split TCP: mPath also differs from

Parallel TCP [20, 21] and Split TCP [22]. Parallel TCP wasproposed to increase throughput by exploiting multipleTCP flows at the expense of TCP-friendliness. In mPath,we strictly adhere to the AIMD mechanism to maintainTCP-friendliness and achieve greater throughput by sim-ply routing around core link bottlenecks. Split TCP in-creases throughput by exploiting the pipeline parallelism

of multiple low-latency segments, which, unlike mPath,requires buffering of data at the proxies and breaks end-to-end guarantees.Path Selection: Previous work on selecting good paths

from a large pool includes random-k [9] and the earliestdivergence rule [23]. mTCP’s path selection method ofusing traceroute to select disjoint paths is not adaptiveand has been shown to be unscalable [8]. We believethat our approach of dynamically assessing path qualityand adaptively adding and dropping paths dependingon their performance will be more scalable in practice.Congestion Control: The AIMD [11, 24] algorithm

employed in TCP is easily implemented and workswell in achieving fair bandwidth distribution betweencompeting flows. Our congestion control algorithm isa variant of AIMD that uses information from mul-tiple paths in a correlated manner. This is similar toCongestion Manager [25], where congestion control isperformed for multiple applications for a single host.In mTCP [8], congestion control is performed for each

individual path without coordination among the paths.We found that this strategy is overly aggressive whenthere are a large number of paths. It has been shown thatcoordinated congestion control is better [26, 7], so wealso adopted a coordinated approach. mPath is similar inmany ways to the multi-path TCP algorithms proposedand analyzed by Raicui et al. and we verified that ouralgorithm satisfies all the requirements proposed in [7].Our key innovation is a load aggregation mechanismthat attempts to maximize the utilization on the directpath and causes the congestion windows for redundantproxied paths to converge to zero.There have also been a number of theoretical works on

multipath congestion control algorithms based on fluidmodels [27] and control theory [28]. However, Raiciu etal. simulated these algorithms and found that they donot work well in practice [7].


We propose mPath, a practical massively-multipathsource routing algorithm, that (i) is TCP-friendly, (ii)will maximize the utilization of the access link withoutunder-utilizing the direct path when there is free corelink capacity, and (iii) will rapidly eliminate any redun-dant proxied paths. This is achieved with a modifiedAIMD congestion control algorithm that uses loss inter-vals to infer shared bottlenecks and incorporates a loadaggregation mechanism to maximize direct path usage.Multipath routing is currently not widely used in prac-

tice due to the lack of infrastructure support and limitedavailability of multi-homing, which existing solutionsdepend on. Since mPath only requires stateless proxies toenable efficient multipath data transfers, we believe it isa more practical solution given the state of existing net-work infrastructure. Another factor that has traditionallyhindered the adoption of multipath routing is the lackof use cases. However, recent work on using multipath

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solutions to transfer bulk data between datacenters [6,19] shows that there are useful applications for multipathrouting, and mPath can potentially be applied to theseand other scenarios as well.


This work was supported by the Singapore Ministry ofEducation grant T208A2101.


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Yin Xu is pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Sci-ence at the National University of Singapore. Hereceived his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Sci-ence in 2008 at Fudan University of China. Hisresearch interests include distributed systemsand computer networking.

Ben Leong is an Assistant Professor of Com-puter Science at the School of Computing, Na-tional University of Singapore. He received hisPh.D., M.Eng. and S.B. degrees from the Mas-sachusetts Institute of Technology in 2006, 1997and 1997 respectively. His research interestsare in the areas of computer networking anddistributed systems.

Daryl Seah is pursuing his Ph.D. in ComputerScience at the National University of Singapore.He received his Bachelor’s degree in ComputerScience in 2008 at the National University ofSingapore. His research interests include dis-tributed systems and computer networking.

Ali Razeen is pursuing his Ph.D. in ComputerScience at Duke University. He obtained hisBachelor’s degree in Computer Science fromthe National University of Singapore in 2011.His current research interests include distributedsystems and networking.

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