Page 1: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

m pw Es Board Acts to Check Coast Shipping Tieup

. s u p Vlgoroualy•’ Into-Oiimpiigii In Address

■ , . y 'at'SyTBCMO, .

‘ ^ J i j p O N MAPS 8PEE0HEfl|

BocUl Scooxity Board's Leadu Bcalffns.ifl Ordor to Qlvo

• • • Eoply to Kansaa

■\VA3HmGTON. Sept. 23 (DB—' PoUlIcal.devcIopracntfl today Bcot,

• • priSldenUal camptUBn ocUvlUca iBvcl M thotattltt for

:i(__N-ov.-3-baUflU-' - - -^ I ^ ’sldeiit Rooflovelt. forsaldng Un ••nDn-poUUpal'- n.le. wiil «ro

' ft "full liroadifdo" in hla-opo£lng uxmpalgn oddrcaa before tho York oUlo Democratic conv<In SyracuBo tonight ,

• tConfcrcnco On Power After Uio spccclx Ur. RoonortU

win Wftshlngton for ,a• contcrcace wllh utlUty cxecuUvea

on hla .proposed “power pool, bo-, fore IftOvlDB for tto^peiimiieo-in, Weat Virsloltt and a major speech■“ S ‘S A 'S S ’k.,m-a.

nresIdenUol nomlaee, returned to • , ■ Wfl home in Topojta. Kaa., after o

nitdwcstcm swlnu In which h* at­tacked. Iho ndmlniatraUoa'B

' policy, trade treaUea and social Bb- . • curtty ptijgram. Ha aonounccd a

■ iiow midwest Bwlng,for next week.,.WIU Answeif lA ^oa

John G. Wlnaat. clmlmuin of the social eecurlty b o ^ and f ^ « r

New Group Urges Extension Of . Contracts

By H. L. 8ULZ0ERGER , WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 f m - Tho newly crcatod nmrlUtno com’ mission acted today la on cUoH to prevent a marlUmo Ue-up on tha weat cooal by asking working'contracts,, which e

midnight tomorrow, be «1 for 00 days.In tclegrnina sent to west coast

shippers and union officials, th« com ^ lon ^ k ed for the oxtcn- sloa Of the working contracts Is order that Eovemmeat depart­ments may make on InvestlguUon !jn an'effort to .old in reachlnf; an [amicable jetUemcnt of the sltua.

Grave Fears The commission's eleventh houi

acUoa camo as reports, from the wtst coast indicated grave fcaiJ of a critical tlo-up In sblpplni; du< to InnbUlty of maritime unlom and ahlppera to agree upon terms of an extension of prescat work- I log agrcemtnLa.' Tha conunisslon's te lo g

Nazi Sentence


flovcmmont VirtnaUy Sclccto 21.40 Ratio to Dollar as

New ValTlatioQ

lA\rrence B. Bimpsoo, Ameri­can sailor, begnn scrrlng' tbo balanc© o f » Unw-yearseaUnw)

Jn.flcnnaafufodai-.affct.war/oi. Uon on scdlUon ehargta. X!e »-as fotmd ipillty of distributlner ConioiunlaUo lllorature. Four­teen of the 15 nonlbs hs bos already ap<tnt In n Knil JaU'wiU bo BppUed on bis sentence. '

•The maritime c 1 Jiut

ty atUck as a ptlval:« cltizcn.________ idquartcra la

BalUmore, Md; amiounced.Covci> It LtCndoa wil) mnke one of his

Hamlet________: two of th6rresUent' Doosevelt

came u a soiprlaa to ahlppIoE latettata. The two were Uoar AdmlroJ- Henry A. Wiley, fo^ tner oenmiaader ot tha U, 9. fleet, and Qoorge lAndlck, Jr, C. a treosary department .exBcaUce. Together vriUi llear Admlrta Harry O. Hamlet, they provide a working 4naJority, wllh two more member# yet U>

'T h e - • ■ -

loreatcd has.been advised that theidlUona on Uio west coast are about 'lo cxpire. It la requested that you and your organization make overy effort to arrange by mutual aBreo- ment that thcae cootracts bo ox-

• ‘ tor a period of CO days la! tat this commlsaioa may oppdrtunlty to confcr with

closlag compalsn addresM there Oct.27. . ■ V■ "Prank .'K nox,-R ei-----^

. presIdenUoJ • candidate,. ^ho wiU Jpeak'to BalUmow Oct 8. told the Ncw.rVork atal« Bopub]lcan con- vchHefii- ycslArday tha Dbboch "Sva'Tit^em M lTea flUt r f j flee,"' r * ' ' * ■

; Smltt Oponi Attack ^. \ AuM ' ^ Smith, aaU-New D

Democrat, wUl , foUow Roosevelt oa- the -radio Thuroi! . alBhf. Tbo-'NaUtool Jclferaohlaa

' (Oontlnu^ on Faffo 2, Columa 6)

i i l i E

' E^sl4enU Flee a|T-Ttirbtileiit Rivers Eosh Bonth After ">10,000,000 D am ^e' ,

••• WACO, Tei., S«pt,.2B IKB—TIio| turblileat, .raln-fcd, utrcaBu Texas dtalnwl from flooded i------

’k n u - m tbolr b^'Mhifating • ” - ' • rushed towart.the Gulf

FEDERAL C R li D R l l

make an Investigation In tha sincere hops that as i\o in^reated party It may aid In the roacbing of on amlcabia aettlemcnt A slm- JBJ telegram bas been sent to all interested parUes."

Fears Unloti Frwie-Out Horry Bridges, Paelflo Const'

^tematlonai 1/o n g s h o r cmen's union leader, coatcoda that ahlp- pers wish to.cUango coadlUons of jtbo working agreement oo that union hoUs will lose'their value Ito seamen-oa places whcro cm-

Loyalist Forces, Leave Toledo to Rebel Army;

Plan Madrid’s Defense]


Bcnato Action Tomorrow Will Oomplcto Far.Roaclilnff

Ourroncy Moyo


eramcnt hoa vlrluoly decldQi oi 20 per cent as Uie amount of Ui< dovalunUon of the franc, It woj

w o ^ ' placo the frano a' 21.45 fhinca to the dollar or 4.Cf cents per franc. Friday the frani woa 15.18 to tho dollar or around 5.68 <cnts per franc. ••

Chamber Approve*This bccame known today

the cbnmbor of deputies had . od the devaluation project by n vote of 3W to 221 and the acn- ato finance commlttco had ap- Iptwved devaluation, wllh rcaerva- Itlons 'on the govc:------- ----------

iBnrlal Thursday Witli Martial Honors for Admiral Blms,

. . Oommaniicr in 1017


Gaunt Survivor .TellsHeroic .^Icazar Story

By RETOOLDS PACKARD.(Copyrisbt, 1030, United Press)

TAlAVEtlA DD LA RlilNA, Sept 20 OlEI—A gaunt, cmaclatedl

Drop Effort To Re-Seize Fallen Town

■my lieutenant of 2B years, told In tl tal today tho fltory of tha altgo ot tlpltal today ........... . - ■Suffering from wounds and mal-

nutrlUon, ono of tho first men to bo ovacuntcd from tho fortresa pilaco, he told mo his own otory of tho moat heroic olcgo of reccnt timca how a (rarrlson of men, wo- m«J And chIJdrcn lidd out for 10, vJeeks un’der 'conllSil-ftroT-tltag- ed never to nurrendcr. to rcalnt sc long as ono man lived. ,

Ato UorsM, Mulc<i They lived on iioroo moat, saw

by candlq Ught la the deep rock ccllara. responded at Intervals day and night t meet loyaJl .meat when tho horso meat pive out-^yct danced to radio mualo os ' ilatened to tho miners of tho

drill tunnels from

3HINGT0N, Bept 2! A<Ii£lral WllUam

aims, retired, -who died lost night tn Boston, wilt be biirled Thursday wllh fuU military tonora la Ar- llacton national cemetery. - . \VhUo funeral.plans havo cot been completed, it was understood Rcrvlcea in a Waahingtoa church

bo attended by high g o v ^ -___it otflclals and army and navyofficers, to bo foUowcd by a f

to Arlington.

satory measures. The bUl U b 'granted'full powers to maUS- Juatmenta, -nie flnanc# . com te«'a retsloa wlU go to tho senate for debate tbmorrow.

Tho project OS passed by the .chamber today pcrmlUi tha gov eramcnt to fix tho rate of doval- uatton between 28 and 33 per cent; to fix tho gold content of the de-. valued fraoo at. between 43 and 48 mlUIgrams,

Th# oenato finance commlttce approved all tha purely monetary measurcfl In’ the devaluation proj­ect, seporatlnff Premier Lcon| Bium'fl wclal riders from the btu.

Senator# rewroU tho section ro- (Continued oa Page 2, Column 8)


I'Actjnts' Press .Wido Offensive ' Against Dopo Eapdlers aiid

. Oonntorrelters

WASUmaTON, Sept. 20 (DB-- with mbro 'than 300 perooaa un-

S S S 'ls f f f f i .S V -againat vlotaura of tho narcotics, liquor tax, cuetoma aod oounti felting law*., Enfdrcomoi

___ _ „ ___ hoped bcm that-ltalmoral- persuasionwould aid ini inverting tho present criala.- '


triliutarioa rushed toward, tV J J a x l o o and ln.;Mnam, .......

•• nte: McColloeh;tounOea residents -:fc«t«dn o w .

y ^ :V B«dd^ata;Ffce-..;'••••: i f . s‘-

4 1 ? '

___________ “ atruok last'I night in moro than 10 clUes in vlr- '• ovBry- .rtate,-. Hawaii and _______ in another of tho treas-

■ ■' Psrticlpato

Under, direction of Harold N. Graves, g e n ^ wmUnator o^^ocies, 2.ISOO a ^ U .^Sched . tte

eluded!.Oklabomav 4::Arkansas.‘4; WMWngtoa.'K:' Oregoo, ,7; Mon: tana,' B ;' •CaUfomla,- ,;2li •.-..Nw^ Agents ■«f tiw wooUos'bureau asd-tha'alcohol'.tax •.unit- formed

• — of tho attack. Back- i»-T(jcu*tomi’Bffeatfl.

and wcrat service • • oounter-



raia - Mrs LucUa Fcndd wouldn't hftv# a lawyer to nr- guo for her; eho dlda’fneed one.; After admitting aha bad been driving 4B mUea an hour; aho .ptflvod tbo area la which -«bo was driving wasn't a resi­dential area bccauio there were

-only alx bouses initcad ot the minimum 18 each, quarter mllo. 1*0 P " -------- 1-..-.a was reminded to

a. naral forces in£urope&a watata! 'rturlng' the World, war.;-H9-:died, la his Back Bay bonie of.* '■— *doUnpso which'followed'a ......opcraUon. : Ha waS'TT'yeara old. President Roosevelt has Breaking ongagBmcnta which.will tako him out of tbo 'capital' Thurtday — ’ la not:oxp«ted to attend the-— crai. Infotned ot Sima'death last night at Hyde Park. N. T,.h8 aaid hs was "deeply eriovod,” and add-

■‘'Hia death marks tbo closing, of brUUant and in

Uio navy, tho end of a remarkable of atrvica to-hU country,

j Io and forceful, be waa ad-, and respcctcd by friend and

ffS^aUka.'■ '

____waa bora in Port Hop*,:Canada. For hia acrviccs in the World-war ho-waa decoratod by. Great Britain,'France, Japan, Bel- giuai and Italy.

Ho . declined tha diatingnlshed; service medal o| tho United States.

' • • 1019.

house poQ by electkrn.clerks: A veterinary boapltal, .IB •’ghaatii''! • an- undertakipg; par­lor, 25 ‘ 'gfhosU ’,'; ■ , . . .

' 's a w lA ^ C T T T , Sept. » •.(5EH^<».. -l»W>d«d.'and-. .flf^

►regon Checking ' Pera of Flames

Iwhlch tho miners plained-to blast Itho Alcazar to blla.

It was LlouL Toiiia ICaUoa who told mo tho story. - Ho trwk refuge ■ la tho Alcazar oven before the aiogo began July 21,' four days af­ter tho outbrealt.of tbo civil war., The rebel garrison was able to hold out only bocauflo ot 250 bones and mules they bad and which

they aicd for soup and meat. With Iho rcalduo of fat they made dies.

Lying back weakly In Ida ho-iplt- nl Tx-J. Kalina aald: ^ “ 'a t 'W U W iror»ra“anrnlUlu;! tho entire supply of tbo civil guard aquadron ot tho Toledo area, that, made it poaalhle for uaolit Without them, wo -------could have lived. Flr^t we aU the horses. %Vhea they giiatarted on tho mules. ................fat Ut over we rondo candles, as kho enemy cut off our clcctric and] ' 3d gas light"I There was plenty of water first, Katina aald, from tho deep Iwclb of the Alcazar grounds.

Scant Water Supply

of lack[ tho fllego . . . ----- ---------------Iltro (a little more than a quart) day. The men, however, gladly,

Igave up aome of tiiclr ration for ' (Continued on Page 2, Ooluma-1)

OUAS, Bept. 2 9 .(D P )-T h t loyalists abandoned Toledo at - 8 a. m. today,-finally snrrondero ing comploto control to the ad* .- va^clrig rebel troops.' •

By United Pna* • V.“i[~Toclay'«~dcveldpateiilaTnlEJ ^ |Spanisli civil war: ' . '

WITH LOYALISTS NORTH OP TOLEDO — Lojalista plan ' .desperate attack to stop rebel* - ; on Madrid Uiglnvay, after de- - i- fcat which puts them in cntlcal. - position.V_ . , ; 2

MADRID — RebcLi repulsed '^ in atlaj^k noi>ljT_of Toledo, mimiquo .asserts; Commmimiquo . and anarcliists demand nabon-'. al defense committee and eom* pulso'ry army Ecr>'ice to stop rebels. . • :

TALAraRA--Army Ueuteaaat tells fint story ot life in the Al cazar at TolBdoj garrison lived ca Ibomo and mule meat; beard mla-

drilling tunnels under ceUar t»

13 Dead, Loss Soars In Rocky Mountain Snows

n region today counted tl_ gx least 64 years, at 13 deaths and aa estimated

Trip Throngli PDtration. PUnt '• Eoveols, Handicaps Pacing '

■Water Bystora

'convinced of tho neccaolty of tho’ instaUaUoa of » sctUlng banin for. Twin Falls’ municipal

turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight

Under tbo leadership ot Uayor Duncan McD. Jobnaton, a flcore

at tho plant at

Colorado. Wyoming and New Mex­ico oouU only be guo.«ed at.

Plane Crasboa - A aerie* of nutomobUe,. nlr- plano nnd other accidents brought J3 deaths since Friday nlght- wben the etonn first struck, aa i dust Wlaard before turning b rain and later to snow. - , . From 'Walscnburg, Oolo tho, mangled bodies of tw o--------------

burial. They were taken lato laat night from tho ahattered wreclc- n S of an airplane which crashed'

law, of El Paso, Ttx., nnd Mr.

the aystem la altempliiie to supply waUr without the bcocflt o f « ^ ' • ‘ jT«go fadUUcs. •

Heavy-Demanda , R waa pointed out-that at, tlmoathere are demands of Clve mllUon

‘ .................... pbsnt whichr.bOO gallona,

that la consiquenco the water

> .hundred .'and', fifty _____ _ 9t near_;SBlt

MARBHFTgLD, Ore., Sept. 29 » -iWlth'iaimedlato danger to.Coos

turned lU attonUon.ta bolding for­est flrta la cJioelt-and to.nbat^ , mtatlcat:-’ .' r . • -! I

-Rectureat nnwra tbst . taoen- I

tto visitors were equipped'with I boots and flash ligbta and la-, saUaued -ott Page 3,- Cdaan 8i

nnd- Mrs. Ben T. Elkins, of San Francisco. Elkina was, a Travel] and Air Umss company official.' • • Slect'bn WIoK". x , , Tho craah occurred- after thO: I plane, a maU and paaacnger eerv- ' • - - ohip, iad takes off from. Trial-

• • ■ return to Puebto, Coto.',

hlow up fortress.TANOIEB— LoyalUt destroyer -

sunk in sea batUo. ' ', SAN SEUASTIAN—RcboU. de­ifying threat to kilt hostages, agals jbomb Bilbao.

VIENNA — Alfonso carloi .d* ' Bourbon, pretender ' (o .Spanish.' throne wlut^ Carllsta on rebet Bide wanted to put on throne, dlea lot Injuries received In automobHa laccldont: waa rival to former Klril' ■ Alfonso, wham Carllsta .b e ld ^ ' . usurper. . - .

Sncnv and oieot oi believed i eldent.

I ao-

EAGERFiRAGEaow raoT .W U Leave Bprings

for Boise TMs Week to •; ;; Op'ra Smato Pisht. .

Gor. a Bei

, The city and environs, of Denver had Blx death# attributable to the

erm over the week-end.Other deaths in the region .

[due to automobile accUents bcller-, ed fndlrccUy caused liy 0

Bevcn thousand W P -- .ens were put to work la Denver t^ay cleaning the debris of tbej ; (Continued on Pago 2, Column 5)

Atty. Gen. Won’t Defend Girard in

Ballot SqunhWeBOISEi-Idaho, .Sept 29 <HD'

__ Attorney General Bert H.Killer said today bs would not defend B e m ti^ -■ of . Stata iSiaklta .Glrard U ' Oiwurd la brought before the Idaho mi* preme court to;ahow «ause v t j ha ahould not allow Union cao*.

nm on the Kor..Miller isUmted'ba .believed

.Qlrard,erred In baxttog .Union candldatea: tbat tbeywera CDed

By Loxjia r . :___"oltetf-FRM-Adto'BAUw - . r:

'adrid government /orce4 , : ?m Ibledo. formed tbek'- V mllu east of there ten'

( a desperate attempt tt:. ^

— ----------------- - every ehano*- !--of driving the kiyallsta baefe.lut<’ <: marehlng Into Madrid-on th««(t4.%i aide, .while cutUne tha'capltaTk^'. raU oommunicattona'to:tbi*'e-- on theothor. . - •

SoTora BIow- Tha Kksa of.Toledo^-a a..

.Irnr to the loyalistA It waa U mahi « ^ e o f munltlona. Tba IbUant'rebels were la - no--hu

- -H u y thelp'U


(Fust Segreo Usrder F Agtdsst Seven ;T<i 0 . 2n d D (5 r»V «n iH i< r .

. DBTRont-etiitfames&eca‘'of the'ti

, , ,gMt' SBnder-'tB U M '«( iiot* i Utf f^ C tu u le a 'A .^ 1

Page 2: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

Pftg6 Two tPAHO EVENING TIME S. TWIN FALLS. m AHOa^MaayvBcp'tOTVftr.29,1938

l a i s f S B tPmiiclated Yotmg EcbelBoldicr

BolatM Story of Hcrolam in Bpaqlsh Revolt

' 'fCoallnuKl From Eujtb OnoV tii8 women, luiU pMllculatly for a mother and two bablts.' "All tho women wero hcnolnen. They refused to enjoy extrn ra- tloiuivCt food. Tbcy.^ro magtur- Icent In thc-fttco of conotant dan­ger and almoat niRhUy otUcUB."

Tho Alc4*ar-L» not merely a. Bln- , clo bulldlns but'n group of buUcI-

. iBcs, v/llh tt couplo of nni Btrceta and a number of paths . bywnys; on a Wsh cliff overloolt- 1ns tho Tagua. Tho Alcaiar pro- ptr. the ccntml bulldloc. was re- Sueed to rulnfl. In tho jdcce. «id irom thtne ruln» the rebels fougbti

iS 5?-’="Besides Uio borsM and .multa,’

sold Katina, "*o iilso managed to ciputro 200 «i£Hs of

. w «o In a alorehouao outaldo the . Alecxar hut which we dominated.

From this we roado black bread. It-wa0 aa bard aa etone, almoat,

• ^eeauso wo lacked tic Ingredients — .to"inaKfrtU-Drcait-We-tievcr-aMfor onjoynfcnt, thougtv- Juflt to

"Wo kepi our spirits .up with . t l» -»d to wo hod. It waan-t imy

^ for Bcadlns hut we could pick ’. 2 p ^ Madrid (tho Joyallat gov

eroment) stnUons.Duoed to Oadlo

"When there were any ooneerUi : or jaiay' inuale, eomo <

youagcr'aet .Jirnced. .It wi ; Spirit which kept ta go JIB.

• "Many times wo heird-oX ntavy . loesea eJltRCd to have ^ cn eul- lered by the rebel*, oa broadeait from the Madrid radios. Wo never knew whether they were true or Bot—and we didn’t carc, for we wcro Pledged to hold out unUl not

. .. r ^ i l o oMOf U5W0i.left aUve."• -nio nights. Kalina «Ud. wet

. Iha niost weird part of alL.• •Thero wcro many Blecpless nlght«. for tho aenWes frequenUy

"woko up to repulse .enemy at-• t*Fk* '■

' . Uo Women Killed • —. Ho confirmed that no women

• v im kffled, M tho men kept ttem In aublorranejm 'fltiongbol^jNhiM

JMews in Brief]n<len of (ho £><nlni Ttmoi '

Hetars* from Rut Miaa Laltena Bloom hna relum­

ed to Twin FnlU from the « where she spent the summer.Aid Boclely-iaccU

Members of the tJidlca' Aid clcty of tho Lutheran church meet Thursday at 2 p. m. In the church porlora.Stovo to Washington

Mr.mid Mrs. WllHnm Conkllnj and daughter, Betty, hflvo left fori NewporC Wa^h., where they will] make their home.Leave* for Coast

Alfred Dunn, who has been spending tho summer with hts mother, Mrs. Marian . Dunn, left last evenlnp for Sealtlo where.he ;xpccta to make hla home.Accident'Victim Improves

J. E. Allen, 45, Buhl tclcRraph lopcrator who^waa a'ccldentnlly Ishot Sunday, wafl reported today Iby attondanta at the hosplUl hereto .bo------------------- - ---------s abdominal wo\mda.On Portland Trii- . Mrs. Ethel Ellb. adjutant of thelocal Salvation A rm y -------goDb'tO "

r. Ho received* e

0H 2ePERCEidovornnient Virtually Sclocta|

21.40 Batio to Dollar as Now ValiiflUon .

(Continued From Pace One) | nulsltloDlnp gold In order to aitouf; HccpUons for buslnesji men wlthl legitlmato requlreroenta to relnln: the metal.

The eximustcd chamber of depu- CO passed tho bill,.oompriflln(; 25 •tlelu, after a 21-hour session.

Refuses To Hurry Tho Senate met at 10 n. m. In

cmcrscncy'BWulon." It waa hopednt flrat that the finance commit­tee would report the bill this af­ternoon, and that the oenate begin itfl dcbata'at once, and vote In Umo for ItJ! proroulBHtion as Uw

■ In tomorrow’n official, JoumaJ. The scoute refused to be hurried.

Debate in the chamber was long ■but It eonalsted for tho-most pan

mto debalo will be Ulffeftnt, be-IreaoonaISenato debalo ------------------ - . ,........ mg oppoirttlon wao .cx-

jpccled —

;Bill Boyd Returned InjNext Roxy Tale

BUI Boyd first started to work. motion plcturu u an extra

der C B. DeUiUb noted screen director. Ho was later starred by DeUllle in mieh pictures as '‘IloaU to Yesterday," "Volga Boatman," "War and Women,” and many others.

Hla currcnt.Repuhlla release Is "Go-Get-'Em Hnlncfl," coming “ tho Roxy theater tomorrow.' ,this production, Boyd enacts newspaper reporter.

Playlnu opposite him are i troctlve Shelia Terry and Eleanor Hunt

withstood all ' aerial bombard' • S e ^ M d heavy artillery ahelling.' end even tho d^amltlng. • | : "All aurvivora were a wax pcy.

•• -. color but wcro apriebtly.'■■ • noorted. "Tbey lived mosUy for • ■ 2 S « ^ ^ d In mihterronean pw-

.e»ge8_ without light, except !' ■ ^ '^ e y are eUll remalnlnB In the

■ jOcaior, which ^ = a * 1 ? ? r S ^ “ThrnaU^^^:• ■ U reUcvers ilnally'fought tbelr. • way Xlamgii two b ^ h c a la tho

wnUa'at 7 Sunday night when the .; • relievera and tofc besieged firsty 'r “ - ^ c y embraced each other and ' thoutcd:

"ArTlha Espansl'\' *Tho besieged eald tho enemy

BomeUmes brought women from : Madrid who pulled tho lanyards i— to fire ahella upon them. •■- "Five hundred women are sun

In tho ATcajar but are being *U5- cored.. Eighty n « dead besides

•: , those klRcd by foJllng wails.

glonal confcreoco of tho tcUglouo onnmlsatlon. 8bo will return the latter part of the week.Betum from SewiooB

Mr. and Mr*. Richard S. Itobert-, .M nnd Mrs. T. M. Robertson have returned from Anaconda, Mont, and Sealtla whcro Mr. RoherlBon attended hotel managers' meet­ing.llere from New York

Guest of Mra. Ralph’ Quint lal her coualn, Mrs. Laura Miller,' Richmond Hilfs, N. Y. She planj to leavo soon to continue her trip through California, Mexico and tho Panama canal to Hew York.Hero for Servlet*

Mr*. WUllam Baw>'lra, Arllng- ,tou, Ore., C. H. ZUlcey and J. B.| Zllkey. Hailey, daughter nnd aona of Charles Zllkey, Twin Falta plo-'

resident who died ycalerdav....... orrlvcd hero to aaalst!------- *■in funeral aramgemcnta.Visit Parent*

Edmund U, Turner, Jr., field _itomologist for Libby, McNeil! and Libby company. Is hero visit-

u conservative However, pawge

aa regarded aa certain.W i n Seole right

In tho ‘cifiimbtr, tho big flE)it ■wajton ajjrtjvlslon lor alldlnff wogo Dcnlo for certaIa'eIawo"(jr'gOvem-l ment employes, dcalgned to adjust wages to buyinB power..

AfUr 23U hour3,Ytho chamber adjourned. It had not been noccs- aory even, on any of tho votea, to poao tho question of confidence In tho government, oo agreed were Iho ilepuUea that tho blU must I The now frsflc will ho worth be­tween 20.15 and 22.05 to the dol- lar. compared with tho closing rate of 1C.18 to the dollar laat Friday.

Premier Leon Blum closed do bato in tho chomber aa day sue needed night. .

Inevitable Oour*o>I No oUier govcmmeat. he argued, could have acted otherwise than hlfl did. He asked depuUea to remem- jber tho situatloa when hla popular 'front cabinet took office, with the

Ing hla parenta previous transfer to PorUond by the

l^e haa bees stationed ata a

‘Gorgeous Huesy* to Hold Over for Day

Rcmilling from ths trtmcndoua Iresponao necorUed to '•Tho Gor-| peouo Husay," tho management ofi the Orpheam theater hoa arrang-. cd for a day'a cxtenaloo In tho en­gagement The picture wiU play up to and Including Wednesday.

‘Tha Gorgeous Huasy" la un- qucaUonobly tho most emationallj! appealing, dramntlcoJly dynamli ind pbotographlcally arreatlDg of ly.Joaa.Cntwford'fl elantaeJea-

Adding to the power nnd I of the atoiy, tho remark-

— . .jpporUnff cast of Robert raylpr. Lionel Barrymore, Fran- :hot Tone, Melvin Douglaa and * loat of others places a

••• all-together

_______ Iterate.Blum paid tribute to President

Franklin D. Rooacvelt for hla ex- ampla ln, Blum oold. allowing tho hcaeflta of UevaluaUon.

HANS obU> EXPORT PARIS, Sept 20 fUEl-France

today provisionally ordered that

1 1 0 0 B WBebels; Flon Seai2tanco

' oa Madrid Bead

ttle.Ibstum from Fjiat

Following a trip to Tulao. Okla.,

C Konaaa City, Mo., Mr. ojid Glen G. Jenkins and aon, Al; vln, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jenk-

Ina have returned to their’ homca here. They wero called enat by the acrloua iUne.ia of E. J. Jenkins' father.'FUcs Frobato FeUUon

Petition for probale of the ea- tato of her huahand. tho late V, C. Wrny, haa been filed by Mra. Lucllo Wray, who acclifl appohlt- ment aa executor. Peraonal pro­perty la estimated lo have a valuol ,of *10,000. Hearing oa iho petition, presented hy Harry Benoit, attor­ney, hoa been fixed for Oct 12.On Business Btoff

Word haa been, reeeivcd h that Mlsa Mario Haaaeh, haa been appointed on the advertising and Ulaa Beth Bothwell on tho pub­licity fltaffg of. tho 103G-37 Gem of tho Mountains,'• University ol Idaho atudent publication. Bothl glrla ore Twin Falla high eebooll grtlfoatea.

ICominunity ChestWill Meet

loffldal govetnmenl Journal. Ii 'waa daUd ,8ept 28.

The decree specified that t h e « ceptlona will bo tnado by thi Bank of FAnce and wlU apply ti jlngota, gold colna and gold dual

. (Continued From Page One). . highway ycatcrdoy and today, the - leleln made no-oppreclnblo ad- , 'Tanee, tut dW etand agalnat "■ turloua kiyallat counter-attack.

:Mndrid was plainly Bppr^tn- *1t“ aovemment communlquea •' nado tho moat of such m 'llt^ ‘ Bucceasea o» could be cialmcd.but ' - the people were uneasy. ■

‘ Demand OowwlpUon . - .AaarcMsta and Communist lead-

. t o . heading a powerful, faction, ' ■ 'dBjnanded unlveraU . ccnseripl on:: to errata a people's army In <^100

EP';'' BerWco wouW bo mandatoiy.,Tbey K' aiao'demanded immediate creation

S ^ a ^ k w . ' national dofeaM direct tbo defense of

r worth.touchhUe produAnother Interesting , -----,

will follow Wednesday at tho Or- phcum theater, 'Tho Devil la A Blsay," atarrinfr Freddie Barthol- omow, JacWo Cooper and Mickey Rooney. Tho feature la booked for a three day ahowhig starting with] Thuraday.


iF;D,ll.l1IEPMESm W D S B

President WUl Step Vi«orou#ly| Intp Campaign in Address

ot Syraonso • •

(Continued From Pore One) Democrats announced Smith v-l apeaJt la Chicago on Oct 22. /J

George N. Peck, former ,fA. .................. In a radio inteiyic’


Beeinnin* tomorrotv tho Ida­ho theater pre*cut« doe E. Erojvn In "Alibi Iker' with OUv- la DeUavniand, Rath Donnelly, Boecoe Kama and wmiajn Fmwley. Joo la leaguebosei>all I>tfore be becaoi* on actor. Now, In RIoc JUrdoer homo run eoniedy, ha does ev-, erythlng exeept atop Uao dri%-es with hU month.- The program la coropletai wlth-a-c*rto<w,- no\-elty nnd new*. Showlnif lor the laat thnes today la Frsnda Icdeter ln "Ono Ilalny A«er- sooa,*< wllb Ida Luptno.


News o f Record■ Marriage Lioenien

- i g h f accuacd . , RooscvelL of breaking hla 10321 campaign pledgea to farmera and I otfered hla support to Gov. Lao-'

)n for tho election campaign.Probo Coercion '

Tho acnato campaign expendl. .jrea commltteo' ordered an im- nltdlato InvcsUgaUon of alleged poUUcnl eocrclon, Intimidation and other IrregularlUes ia tha conduct of works progreaa admlniatratlon la Pcnnaytvanla.

RopubUcana charged WPA funds were belas used for .partisan pu-


(013—President Hoosevelt has been aroused by tho bitter campaign at; 'lack of hla opponenta. It waa ns ported lodor...OB<i.iriH.flro^* broadside'* in hla Jlrat camp^^ speech before the DemocmUc ataf- ccnvenUon in Syracuse tonight.

Tho exact nature of Ida addrcao Itoalgbt la not Imown, buf obaerT- era cipecled Mr. Rooaevelt to. con-' tlsuo hia Mntjoversy with ^bUah- ' T Winiom Randolph Heont byj itriklnr hard at charges that he

the American form of govern and that be nought their aid.

ny FREDEIuaC C. OmMAN - tbo W b and - the WASHiNO’roN.-Sept-2o aiB - whlch-ia under.thoJurisdkiUoa-

__ Mra. Roosevelt, aho ■'

Bcpt 28 Alma R. Toone and Jennie Har-

cr, both of Idaho Falla.

To Mr. and U«t. Mark Dayley, Murtaugh, a dnugbter laat night nt tho iy lit Falla county ho^ltal

iternlty tame.


jxrip 'Throngli ?iltmtion Plant; Eovcals Hondicapfl Faclng-

Water Byatcm

(Continued From Pac» One). Iduced to go down into the water otomEO apaco under tha plant to aco tho amount of aand which haa been dragged into it through over* uao of tho filter beda, nnd lo learn that tho reason the oani) la not removed la because It la imposalblo to atop- operatlona on account of tnademjato storage.

Clvlo Qr----- "

COWAN—Servlcea for Guy L. Cowan, 21, Hanaen farmer who died Saturday, will bo held tomor-l cow at 8 a. m. at Bt Edword’i Cathbllo church. Tho Rosary win bo recited today at 7 p. m. at tho Twin Falla mortuary. Interment will be In tbo local ctmetety.

Bnnding Permita

Eugene Scolt, to rcahlnglo’ dwelling on lot 7. block 70, at cost of *30.

I Losses Boar to 20 Million as Eocty

Surveys Damage ’

(Continued From Page Cn'») storm from tho atrceta and every available man with experience waa being mohUlrcd for work reatorlog the power ayotcm of the city to, Ita normal capacity.

■ Electric Power Off waa eetlmated that nearly hbmea la Denver and aur-

rounding aubuxbs would bo with- .out electric power or telephon aervlco unUl tonight. , >

' Ninety thousand trees were be lieved destroyed In Denver nnd li Iho Denver mouotala parka aj-s- .Um. at a loas of about $0,000,000. i In the city alone, 80,000 trcca wcro Iso badly damaged It waa bellev- led neceasaty to remove them.

Other clUea of Colorado we IdenUcol plight ,

Moro than 100 firea were report- 'ed ln tho area and tho Denver| Iflro alarm eyatem out of;

"I From Friday night imtu'thla; momlg moro than 29 Incbea of

'-•t, heavy « ut entirely

. TOl Diaeusa luxie*Mr. Roosevelt leavca Hyde Park

thla momlBg and arrives In flyro- cuao thla afternoon. His speech

I tonight, tho opening of his person­al jro-clecUoa campaign, will pave the way for moro. In wbleh he plana to wliot bo conaidersn a pammount Isauea. .

Tonlghl'a apcccli wlU bo the first of at leaat four major onea ho wlU mako during October. Although plans atlll are tcnlatlve, It waa I t^ e d Mr.- Rooaevelt Tvas conalJ- ering speaking on tho foUowing aubjecta:

1—Banking: 2—Government Fi­nancing! a—AgTlcullurei 4—Social Sc'u'^^^Uon.wiao Addrtoaes

'Thcao apeKhea will be delivered ^ totlon-wldo rodlo nudlcncea ia key clUca in tho Industrial eoat, the Bilddlo west and tbo Rocky Mountain atates. . .

Hie Bwinga Into the weat and middle weat WlU be undertaken shortly after ho completes a tour of West Virginia, . Peaaaylvanio, and New Jeroey within tho next two weeka. Denver la erpcclcd to bo tho most dlatant point ho will visit allhou^ 'lt was reiterated that ho had not cnUrely abandon-1 cd a plan to go lo tho Pacific coast

fino lady. Mr. Roosevelt, ho verraJlno Prcaldent .1*01100- welt—they verra flao felloa.

Bteve Vaallakos, ho verra tlno folia, too. he said today.. autographing us a bog of pea­nuts ond telUng ua ooajcthlng, ot the compIleaUoaa Involved In . operation of a verra fIno buaineaa monopoly.

Thero for 2T Yearn For 27 years Steve haa con­

ducted a peanut aland, red whcela,. steam whlallo and all,

•in' front of tha.^Vhlto Houac.' Motorists havo dctoured around- bla establishment, curslog, be- csuao Steve has made some verra flao frana omong tho presidents.

Whonovor-*-newapaper man couldn't find a story, he'd In-, tervlew Steve on the atato of the naUon. Steve gave'out some verra fine interviews, too. Four yean ago be told ua Mr. Hoover, be verra fine man, even though ho hover bought pea­nuts. Stevo aaid then (and ho soys so today) that Mr. Roose­velt la tho man for him. But a man with a monopoly can't bo too careful and SUvo adda that Mr. Laadoa also lo a verm fine man.•- First Lady Aids IDin • -

« ie subject of tody's Inlcr- 'v le w ls “not-pollUca, howcra,-

but bualneaa and tho part tbo first lady 1s playing therein.

Here’s Iho sltuaOcn, about oa Steve tella 11:

Some verra punk peaput ■men, they try last week to muscle'la. ■Ihcy tell poltee tbey got a right to aelt peanuts In front of \Vhllo House. They say If Bteve scUa, they do. They say if they don't, Stove don't •

Stevs l9 a Rood fella. Ho oI- wsya try to do right thing. He got many frana. \Vhen police come and wont to lock him up, Steve say akay, ho don’ core. Police, they put Steve and his stand In patrol u-agon J and taka him to court He | don' know whatsa going to happen. .

Oranda Fnui’ to Jtesetie • An‘ then that granda lady, that wonderful 'fran', the wife «f the Mr.- PrcaWent Mrs. Rooaevelt, aho writa letter. Po­lice Bay. okoy to you Steven, you go now, but you keep off

, street(Hero SUve's narrative be-

cornea n little complicated. It seems that the metropolitan po- loco control Iho pavement ot Weat Exccutiro nvenuc, where Steve's stand has stood so Ions. But they do not have power over tho strip of land between

•of tiio'park polke, .These latter offleera o p c ^ , under the ta- terlor department and are re­sponsible ultimately t o , the. PresJdeat, himself.) •

SUve's. story- ooaUnues:. . . .I«oUoe Cfhcckmafed

. A verra fin* Iran' of his, a fran* whoso namo he' will not reveal, UIW Stevo to puta'-hta cart on tho* Krasa. Hie poUce, they can do nothing. Kotblngji They kjolia ot*Bteve and -ho , looka back. Uke this, .(Steve glareti -at us, fiercely, -andtwirls hla mustache)................

So cverylhiBff la Verra fine agala with SUvo. Ho signs hla name on our sack of peanuts, with his old-tliTU flourish. All's well wlUl his world and we promlac, on our honor., that thla is the final inUrvlew to cfld OH Interviews, so far as w e. aro

.concemcd. With , that most in- Urvlewcd of Wttshlngtoniana, • Btevo Vaallakos. •

Democratic Giib Plans Two Dance's

today were laying plana for two dancca to bo staged at . Flier and ,t Buhl.. -

, -At-R-jrieetlnff fa-tho- Baptlal -bungalow last evening sUps were token to 'have precinct captains at worlc fluting the campaign. J.W. Porter, Ceroo<iatlc.stato com- mlttcemaa gavo a brief talic, and Prea. Lewi* P. Jones anpoinltd th« ' loilowlng dance committees:

Buhl—Harold L. Teamansi CTay Cox, Paul S. Boyd and

filer— Kenneth Allison, Lyons Smith and John B. Robertson.

TDOEE CARS IN WRECKThrco cars wcro involved la a

wreck oa tho highway east of hero last night when John Von Ordcn. Klmberiy, modo an unsuccessful attempt to drive helween machines being operated by Henry Cham« pUn. Twin Falla, and Dlak Mlmer, Callawsy.' Neb. Van Ordcn was thrown clear of hla car, which

,waa wrecked, while. boUi the oth­ers wero also damaged.



Wearing Apparel Damp

•.1; eommltteo to direct tbo defense '^i-V'.'.^*'o^flau3tory action occurred

.ion^roBti other tiaa tho Toledo, ?fiC'.’S l S X r « t « e d blaallng of O-'- P / -..*4o' on th* north eoMt may bo 'W V W ted 'a t any time. Tho govern-

■^to'afnM<?aclkin off the Strait • ii-'GlBtsItar. a loyalist destroyer . '■ W ’aank and nnotber crippled by Almlranle.Cer-i‘■^ 'w t^ lt waa estimated, 160. men'■•■»ay'1«T« gone down the sunk'■ ^-dcstroyor. - •. :

• • m m o R jaLUED. .Seut M. (UWr-PHnco

'<Mos ^^ourhotf- nnd Orleans wM UiWdJn the Bpsnlsh civil war

it w»«:i»MCd hero at I Boutbem UeodquartcM

^ , ''j

i» :ann i»W A »;.s .pL .M

- T^'.3«Jionra,--WlllngKnony^fif the loyal:

i,’ tHi'sausal »»• I. fUlB

Twin Falls Comajunlty Chest board of directors will meet ot

80 p. m. today to adopt tho bud- !t for Uio 1036-37 campaign lai I map plans for cond inual drive for fuoda.'

I Tho meeUng la .to bo held in city hall, with Prca. John P.-Kln- I ncy • presiding.

8EEK8 ANNULMENT Annulment of the marriage,

cr SOB. Jewell Edworda, 20. Sept -J to Jewell Edwards, is Bought ,ln a suit Instituted In district-court by Mrs. Lila E. Edwards, who charged her son was not of ogb at the time ot the cercmony and that he is unablo to support a .wlfo. Al- tomoya for tho poUOoncr are Ray- born and Raybom.


The Klmberiy Amertcnn Legion AuxlUarrwlll meet .nt tho home ot Mra. Harold Brodhtod Tburaday

,Commerce,- Llona, Rotary and iwonis clubs, city planning c Imlsslon, city council And' Blmiiar' Tliey were cscortca through the

innt by J. J. Pllgerrlm, CharlcJ uatin and Barty CarUon. .In tho delcgnUon, bealdes Ihi

mayor and city commiMlonera. 'were Roy Waahbum, J. J; Wlnter- holcr, J. D. Slnema, Leo Miller, Paul Qllman, Dr. U- O. Krotcher, iRonald Graves, F. 0. Thompaon, 'W. H., Eldrldge, Max Miller., H. FL Hedalrom. Gcorgo K. Paulson,

Shlnn.and othera. ,ProcwBca ot oupplylng chlorlao,

alum and .chorcool wero . demon-1 Htrated, the laboratory was -visit­ed, flltera wero cleaned and tho

■ of water

Familiar sight , on ' streets these days: worker trudging .olong wfth a sult-caso or two

* In hla- hands. . . . Guilty' ex­pression on tho counUnanc6 'of - that pestiferous. Individual who la always asking fOr' a-match;

Now excuses for husbands lo leavo homO: "Got to tOKwct . the filter planW" ; Tho wives'.

.roaponeo being, in xmlson, .*'0,- ycsnT". V. Patient, getting den-, tal service - by sacaUng lalo waiting room Without on ap--. polntment. and then simply Im*. pcalBg -.himself on dentist at

-nuittlng time. . . , Sorvlco sta- Uon operator, bowlnff' bis ap­preciation to tha.flustoaer ,wht» got hla^wiiidowa' all wiped, ri^. dlalorfiUed, and tires testedvn ft on*-«Uon- g a s^ B pnrehsso.

..VNowtst c*pl*aatlou,oI-why--. :ono petaon WM.lato to work: - .r>ayll!^t»«Tlag« Umo-Just quit: . botng in,-*ff«t.. .

viewed-by tho • delegation repre­senting ssvcral units which, al­ready have gone on record ' In favor: of a municipal hood Issue to jupply the sUrogo' requite* ments. / • .


20 iUr>^Bs«lU4.W. Ctark..D«mo- crhUe’ nominee for govemor. to­day hod promised ."to oil the north- south highway /rom t o ." ^ Canadian-border'; if h» is, elMwd^ “|*wm lose no time In brinks'!

ils Importoiit artory ug to’slondr ufd,'.' Clark said. 'I-Xeol;conn-; dent, with- tha cooperation of the: Rooaevelt adminlstnitlon and tho. federal Mil pubjle wdrks program,' that wo can expect fast ocUon.''

: CAR BCTUBNED automObilo .belongi

-----u«..Bhlao,>end-Stol«------- servico Stotlon.-lwro five.weeks, ago last nlght^wM returj^ today trom’North Platte, Neb, Whero'lt had been.-abandooed.-oftw.btlJIK drivaa-dlrectly'fram ttut «lty.-


Page 3: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

Taw>aBy, September; 29, 1930 • • TDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FAT.T.S. THAHO


Health B e p o ^ e n t Hoad] fledgci.AsHlstancB i v

Unit at Jerome

: ;iERb>tB,,Sept'. h xspcelal) — f i t ffurticicnt luntfa' nro niu«l-by

jB.tho-aUto 1 tli«'-tuniU'In support " ' le nurgbs for Joromo

___ _ ____n i Dr. L. A. Lam-'bcrt,' M. D.;'C."P.' a;; aircetor oi 0i8 stdlo* hoklUi' department ot BolM.'&t Uis-county huOtb'moct>, Jnp h6ld--ftt 'tte.hlgh school -bort radAjr.-A'promi^of-health pro: teeUon app«cdWo to UiB county wM buUlaed.'

- ■ 'Tho'BlMtlDB’a'obleetlvea aa-civ . w by Mra.'Nclllo'ltotM!rtj. couDl>r|

- sclioo:^ auperlnUndrat ofid dials >itnw'of tho' meeting,-were to pttt- ■ vide two riuTMB Tor Jetpmo coun

tyr'che'at tho cast and'Ito-otlMir nt tbe'wut'cod, iwd to perfect m>

•organlmUon- to artoiiBO for Umo r to • be B^nt-by.cursc* ln;*.

To contact • sebool • dlsWcU, juidorgnalzQtlona In.mnkloff tlio as

'rangem'entfl.'ahe appointed n eom- •mlltcb; of 1&8. -Lota Brldgmaii,

'• Tho nocusslly of provldlos a pro- .grani of health protection and - - •vcntlon Of dlscnaos

. cJiildnui Mtbcr tbwj walling for ' emoTBcncica to arioo before health • Ifl gl?en' atteaUon wna aUcased by 'tho doctor,.-He pointed out .that •oraphaala placed, on pcevtnUon (a ■belnjf.Jncreaacd by licaJlh educo-

. tlon among tcachcro,. pupUa and: ■panau, raatcrufll aod .Jnlant hy- . Bleno, Ibo oonifrol ot comrounlcahle,■ dlsoaaea by Icnoculatlon and better sur^^, better sonltirtioa tn

'Seboola .aod a moro 'syatcmatld nicUiod of recording health defecu

' by sunca and teachers:' ' .Ho 'ciophaalicd t^o impoHantB

of correcting child dofccta. tho■ most common'of whleh he cited -


t v

Latliam Plans New Idahio Sport ShopA. p. LaUiaia, owner of Uie

flniwball aport ■ shops, annbuncecl . today., that-ft new store, will bt ; opened la Mato Foils early In Oe- ' tobor' 'Which will be one 'of the

largcat of lU kind In Idaho. 'A. R ■■ Toonc, Twin Kalla. Xonnorly man- •. agetof tho store here, la In-charge.

It. B. Thomoi, BoUo is tailing : f lw jniuingerflhip of tba sJiop. ygto'^ U a ......... ,

• ; ^ u p n T i c k e t S a l e s V ;.v : S t a r t H e i^ e ^ T b d a yv- ;sal« ,0f. season JUckeU-for ath-

' > )eU»ovcnU In Uu^Tvrln Falls.hl](% nehool aUrtcd .today and will fcon-

- tlnuQ-until ^tbe aom lng-of'Oct.

; flr»t home game, Dale J, W;■ who la'In chorgo of ths•> »oune*a today, v. .............

.'.The four studenU.Tvho seU'thc m<«e Uckets^wiU >oecivo.i)ao ftee, .wlii!« the .'claia' puNhaalJig the

•• greater amoiiat ,wiu .reoelvo IOC ' pointa toward tbs-clUsenablp cup,• Wakem'lndlCAtad:..,-• ^sa)ec2a^'i2>o)tut9;JluTy..Beoelt.

Floyd^CwnptwU, '.Qordon Gardocr,. Hcrt«rt..IiUnicn.--Domad;ilartyn. • Carl-«it*lar,."--Lortalne-..Tlffanr •, Itoc.Well*,-IUicb«l, Ballenger, lmo-r.weiia, -itacow, uaueogvr, uno-

t> DavU,. Jainea Hawley, Qladyi ■»a Jean flc!!W8aaimMa,.3Ml t, nosainuy Btnctab, IMOBM s.-, auhart wMolun.' R u tt

Mrs. Beitram E. Henry, Wife, or Pastor, la Victim of

NeuHlIfl Attack

.ALBliw. B t k T ^ ^Special)—j RclaUves toda are making in-

Incral nrrangemcols for Mrs. Uary 'Henry, C2, wife of ncv. Uectram. iB. Henry, pastoi' of tho Congrcga- ItlonalVchurch here, follo«-log her 'dcatti yesterday from oeurfUa.. lUfl...Henry was bom Sept. 12„ 18T4, at Vnrdiilown. Ky.. end was tnarrlod Juno 22,1893. at Burltn - ton, la','For the past 10 years ah«'.........cil la Albion. -^1

s ourviv<sd by her bMban.iIl..........Mrs, E. B, Bdu.i

1 Utas Bello JDon- r at Albion

* tudio on Wheels Will Show Talkie Mysteries

vfrhat 'gave tho acrccn Ita ' Did you kiiow.'for caunplc;

that a email iMvnd of .micro* acoplo lioea hardly moro than an loch wide. ia. what causea tho.bero to ?ay "I lovp you"; just aa hla llpa formulate those wordsT

Thla band la known as "tho aoutul track" and It is oao of Uie many faaclnallng. and Interest­ing' sccreta of sound motion picture recording and projec­tion which will be explained to film f m of Twin-Falls and south' 'Idaho 'Wednesday when

.. ..._ Mctto-Qoldv fxnveliqg motion pic

.gtudlo ordvca bero on Its'good-Wwyn-plctliro,Mayer

■atudio_________________’ wlU ■ cxblbJlion- tour of th#

• • Completc1y;EquIpped■ .Tho tmvcllng atudlo, a cpm: pletely cqiUpped HoUywdod'stu- dlo'on wheels, comca to thla city after ciosslog'thb coatlnr

'Bni.'.Oa its arrival:hero'U ia to b«,op«ned lor publlo ihspec-

'.tioo and'.public"dcmonstraUflna •nnd.exhlbiUoaa of: tho Ulmlng'

. ' •Uie puUlo . domoastratloaa ' are 'echtduled to ' take 'place. froiB Bp.'m. unUl .7;30p.m.'.«n front of tho Orphenm theater.

’ ths ' boUa of MetroMSoldwyn-: .Moyer'.pictures here.'. ‘ - '■ A boo'plet«-.crew,,ot;'CBm«;

'osd sotindmea and xaovla Dtako-. -'iip'' experts .U-.'acboapuyls;’ 't£» leo.ocW'.atUdln dn.lta<a>.t ^ v e }aunt;'&Kiuad';ll&.;E!obe'.

learn just how talklag plclurta aro filmed. They will bo pennit- ted to inopcct the vaiuabfo mo­tion ' plcturp camera and tho' sound r e c o r d in g ' amplifiers which aro us;d in thD'aludloa to rccord tho volceo of tbo stars. They will- see the oiaborato oouDd ■ prol»ctlen apparalua, uaed la-'tbo proJecUon of tbo' films onto the acrccn, and a eomprehtnslvo lecturo on thin aubjcet wlll bo deUvercd by tho expert sound tccholclaoa.

Visitors to the atudlo will also be pcrroltted to lalor\-Iew Mar­cia UiPloe. expert Max Factor taokcup artist from tho otudlos la California, who will explain

•the art o f ’scrccn makeup, and demonstrate the cffecUvo use or color harmony .In atrcet inakeupas usedb;' scrcenstnrft

Viewed'by Millions . .■ Tlio tnivollng atudlo; sine# It -began Its tour; baa visited mora ' than 5,000 dtles aad.towna'and Itaa bcch lsspected by mllUoha of people.. . .

n o stadlo Is'hauled by a Btganttc -tracMcss - locomotlvo, named "Tho' Globe' Trotter." This " locomotive,.'.painted a colorful Kd, la eald to be an a m a ^ sight In'ItseU.

Grange at Jerome Has Booster N ig h t j

JEROME, SepL 29 (Bpcclftl) — Flnt and second degrce'mcmber. KhJp was conferred upon seven ot tho Jerome Graogo meeting Friday Arnngcmcnts were mudo for tho jlnilnlng of another degree team -living first and aecond uegreeo un- Itr tho direcUon of Harold COolc.

gives .In tho Grange hall 'WedncS' lilay afSiSO p..m. Dr. \Vr F. Shaw I president of Gooding coltlge, li .deflnltfly acheduled to glvo thel

address.tecelvldg membcrahlp de

Ignses aro Mr. and Mrs, Frank TI, Itua. Dr. and Mm. P. H. Davis. Mrs, I^ n Stockton.- OUio Smith,

. DEaiAIB. STACTS MONDAT ;IntO'r-cIm'debate la t£e Twi

Falls high Bchool wUl start, Moi jdajr; Gerald ,Wallace,' coach oi InounM*.',Tho r^ucallod'this year

• l:'That the Neut— '‘ -

liiS,' lM,OOb.UreM a day;29,000.000

t p ro^ m t

HEYBURN !. A ward reunion was held at tho Hoybura L. D. S, church. Thei'e wna a pro/rram In early aflcmoon, after wlileh the bamjuet for the parenta wa.1 served. After sdiool U)9 chlWren wcro BP/ved. After they had cilcn Uicre waa a' daucc for tlio children, and ono later for; adults,

Mr. aod Mrs. Agnrr Jensen, Payette, are vlflillns here at tho I homo of Mrs. Jctiaen's parents,! Mr. and Mrs. W. P. CrofL !

Mrs. John Henning and Kmall' in, Bobby Jeon, La Junto. Colo.. :o vlaltluf;. Itcro at tho homo of

Jtfir fliswr. Mm. J. W. IJolslca. , I Mr. and Mrs. Dorsa Qualles of] Tuscon, ArU.. who are vlaiUni;| hero at the homo of her father. C. S. I3ro yn. spent the week-end

: ttic home of Mrs, Emery Moahy. Mrs. , Lizzie Lumber ot Grldley,

Calif., spent tho n-ceJc-encl hero at tho homo of Mrs.-Jeaoetta 'Welch. -Puplla ot aeveath grade etijoy-,

ed a cloEO party Friday evening at| tho lionio of Mrs. A. C. Hutchlr ' |Bon. Games were played and n. Ifreshmenta aorved.' Their teadieri Mlsa Moncur, chaperoned tliei party.

of her sinter..........[few of her latlmato friends [there. '

0 opening aoclal of the mutual held la tl4e church Monday

. -. ng with Carl Helner la charge of the program whlrfl.con- flUted of a reading by Donnla Hutchinson; solo by Alfred Thax- ton; Negro moaologuo Bishop

By William E. McKonnoy

Range Meets Will Be Held in Idaho

• ‘ S U R E ’ s e t : n o t s o s u r e ’' DT U1L E. SIcItENNEV.Secretarj-, Ainericsn Brldso

LeagueYou can hardly blame South fori

feeling that ho could dcfcat»Eaifa|contract of four spades, and thal Ibe and hla .partner were 'robbM ofr a 'vulncrabJoHenco hla douhlo camo aa l. .....ter of counie, for tbo altemative pfj faiddlog tivo hearts. and perhaps going down Uiree trlcka appeared ------------ rialc.

'two t n hearts, at least o

Today’s Contract ProblemSoHtii. U nIayifW Ihe con­

tract at tliree - no • trump. -Should dcclarcr win the Orst club 'irick, and. If not, he mike ihc ■ li.ind without or- tcmplinc a spade finesse? *0982

V K 04. . . .♦ K107

■ , + 7 5 4 - ■ 1 :

;Q J103 • 4 A Q J .

*A J 8 - , - AH vul. Opcnci-—* K, Solution In' next Isjue.

Solution to ProTions Contract Froblem

nul)l>cr-N. & s. vul. Sonlli West ' Noxlh Fjut IV - - 'i'f. 3 A4 Y 4 A Pau Viit iDoublo Pass Pa«. ran .

Opcni/iK Icad-V K. . -

..MOSCOW, Sept. ,20.(Spcd*l)-rr:,’ i-' irther coasldcr^Mra of tho v imngo conaervaUon .p 'bo Uio paipoM -ot. a- --• ‘nga to bo held . . . ____ .____ockmcn,. as announced' by •!Dcan E.-J. IddlBgs of tha Id*hJ> lagrlcultural octenalon aorvlce.I Tho mcetlnga will bo. held to I consider a tentativp program of .'ra/ige-JIrcatock pncticet p t------■*from suggcstlona mode b] stockmen at the meeting in 'tetlo, Aug. S and from i ...I suggestions' mado by Btoekmen of . '-her slates. , ^

Tho three dlsCHcH^otloga ar* jschcdalod- tor . Lowiaton, - today; . iBolse, OcL 1; and Pocatct^f>,Oct4-'

laecond ro'una ot hearts, ho led] one round of trump, only to flndi that ho'must looo a trump trlek. '

He then-led Uie club three flneiilng the ten. Ho had to tal« tho finesse against both lUng one Jacfc. if iie was to make ills can- ' troct. Ho returned a heart,' niff- ilng In'hls own hand, (v vital step 1/1 Jjb lino of piny, as hearts

Iclubs'had to bo eliminated 1.I tho dummy, before Soulh could ob- '-iln tho lead.-

Next camo another round ol .-umps, and then the flncaso 5t U/c

Iciub queen was taken and the-iwc lot clubs cashes.I No^v; a epado was led, ani jSduth won. Ho relumed ft dla- Imond. East won with tho ten., loflt only ono diamond trick, ondl made his contract. ,' ICopyrlghf, lOSC. NEA ServIee, Inc.

ICrandall. Refrcshmenta were i led and a dance followed. .Muslcl was fuminhed by Jiappy :orcbestra.

I Girl Reserves Hold . Kimberly SessionI

KtiCDEBt-V, SepC 20 (Special) i —Kimberly Girl - Rcnervca hold tiiclr first meoUng ot the fall Frt* day at tlxo liomo ot Mra. Walter Coiner. Miss Ruth. UcUanXmlo, Held secrotnry, presided'at lie business session. Ura. John Gour- Icy,-leader and 15 members present. ,

Guests wero\Mrs. Guy Olln andl Mrs. Roy Durk. Tho next raeeUngl will bo held at the boraa of Mrs.j GourJcy, , ^ '

I Building; Burned at Fairfield Repaired!MRPIELD, Sept. 20 (Spedal)l

-.Jbuildlng of tho Rea hoUl,' burned Friday, has been bcgim.' Tlio blase 1* aald to havo bcca caused by diJfectlvo wiring In tho attic-and tha greater part ol the ,damage wasUiroughtiwcatlro sec- ' id lioor causcd largely by water.

Damage is partly covercd by In- laurance.

A year ogo tho building .wai oown as tho Murpliy, prior 16 tho

.._tai shooting o f tho pnprtttrcss,' lUrs. Fraooca Murphy., The United States Is the largest, llcather producing countty In tbej [world. .

nttoD. at the*i

MElmNQ.-SCilEpOtBD ., Fourth Estate, local chapteik [Qidll and Scroll, InletnaUonnl ffi orary society for hJgb'schooI Jot jnftllats, will meet la tho JouinaliJ [room for a short business meetli [tonight after i cedca J. Paul, r

F L Y !Give.Wings to .- Express Parcels From Twin Falls to

• Barley• , F ocatk lo ' .• Kampa •. Boiso

?;S, &“lTfaSS5S;'Plane leaves Twin Falla ,- dally, except Sunday. ,

8:20 a. m. .. . 'Arrives Nampa „.0:16A.M., Arrives Bo1bc-_-0:30A .M .;.

5:30 p.m.Arrives Burlcy_^9:4fiP.lI. Arrives PocatoJlo_0;lBP.U.


rhone US Trvla Falla

Experioheed w h /llio se whoVcbecQ 8?rf^ ng feiycjrs and yeais--'-: experienced s m o k e u -r -/^ ate the OQca w ho knorr. ^

: best o f flil why iifs sodi ft fine idea to .su d k .w .i-j A c t u a l s h o w a t o i '

diem the extra j o f m a Lucfy S inlt.'i.aa ieixuav the dioice cmftf /m «t o f the finest tob aa o-dut- :>

. m oae7& ttb^.A Bdactu*lsm ofcjnghiis^S;^^ themwhocL^VcicIu5tTejiroccs$,f^B'j3i<ff/«dJ^t: means ia throat p r o t ^ 'p a against icotatloa and cough .ffyou 'reaoc'a lt^ fsm oluoglu^es,1bu fit

. pack and ^ theia Y ou'll, discover why.’c q j ^ i caced smokers advisees

* * NEWS FUSH! * * :Over 6,500^000 "Svife ‘ '


iggsaiGood iiJ dn ip l a i « we. Cl c It*—«)9Ml»-oH(jhf5»SolsE?

te n s .t Lte^ procMc, iT w iltd ,* .ftMn <y«i JtvQ^ . p f * ' IMtlort aflfltnit-JrrHa*

m m n

Page 4: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

. m AHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. roAHOTncB»Jay, Septcmbet 29,\1Q3

TELEPHONE 38II Lcu<a Wlr« BflfTle* UDll«a P

IMlillttixl SU Darsr*iDMio*T


.All n«llee» t«qti1rtd by l»w lo 0» Buhllnticd ir«kfy. »rll [ap«r puMuanl to SeeilBn 6 L«w” o**Id!

..V X ) TS H O T SThe Gentleman in

the Thh-d RowA


Xaturo 5n Uic rougli is Holdoiii mild, wc tire toiil, aud| few there art! to doubt tlic contention.

, From UiG Koutbwcat coast o l Oregon, coidcs news of •Btnrk tragc<ly atf demon fire dcstroj'H timlicr, ravislieH| towiiH and .txiliUi-its toll in Iiunian life.

From Texas wc learn o f floodH making 2,500 purfions!' hoiiielcHS as ciglit iiiclics o f water fell from a mcrcilesH fikj,

A n d 'jn our own & iw tootli mining region, ciglitytonB ^ f mtick cave iii a atopc nnd t ie rcBult is two lives Bnnffed■ out“ wUir,HtiaitionarmIncr8' Injurcdr - ............ ' --------------------- nro tragcflias • to tJio KCHSlbjlitJos o f thcj• nioat hardened, for Jt lH not only lives which arc taken,' bu t there is inieery, want,- despair, sorrow and. property Josh o f incnlcuabk* value Jc/t in Uie wake o f nature on a! _ronipagc.

But in the same E vening'T im es which parried this news was the routine' announcement tliut Idalio to date had sacrificed 79 Uvea on the allar of motor Tcblcle travel.

Such a deatli list all at oncc in a single placc would . constitute a national disaBter. Multiply this in all t ie I

Btatea according to the population and you can see wbyl the national total this year will pcrlmps aggregate 35,000[ .or 30,000. . . . .

• In .tic Oregon iircs nt Jeafit BGvcn lives were lost. But already thia jeari Twin Falls county baa cbolked up six Tictim« of auto accIdcnts. The only favorahle fact in thel .^ocal fitiitfstics }b tlint tlic eJi arc two lean thnn recorded .at the Game time last year, and four Icss^tban at the end o f September in 1034. ‘ , .^ Ifan , taklng-Iils cue from nature, prof/ta little Irom'

' the example. Nature ia rough, but man, left to lila own de- . TicoB, cballengeB naturcV record.

Thug wo have nature-mnde and man-made disnstere, both equally shoeldng and tragic iii their continuing con- Bcqnenccs. . ^ •


A few more weeks and the agony wil^bc over. W e fifialf .have clected our prc.sident and our congrcss, the wild yells and the frensied appeuls of the campaign -will have

. (lied dowii. and wo shall foi-gct about most o f them while w c look forward in 'the pious hope that the next four years

, will ho kinder to ua than the last four.But there is one thing we should not'forget, though we

shall find forgetting it very eaej': the fact that this coun- try fiJiJI conUlHa.a good Jwanj xdIHIods o f men who needj to work, and want to work, but who cannot find jo l

Just how many millions of them there oro BcemB to hcl . an open «iBefit/on. Tiie campaign lins 1/rooght forth rldicu-

• lously varying estimates.But one thing Ib certJiiii; there ate altogether too many

o f tiiem, and wo ehau't be able to pat ourselves on the back over our “ recovery” until wo have got their nura-

_ ber whittled down very materially. .

Poverty, we need to remember — the kind o f poverty which means aHeolute defjeudcnce on oatsldo help, with

■ tho last resources gone and no Job in flight—poverty is a tho body politic, and it is just os dangerous to

; • those -who ba p p en ^to . h ave-jobs, bank account^ and ‘ comfortably lined Etoniachs as an outbreak o f Aeiatlcj

cho^gra would he._____ It,m ay sniolder along ,fo r quite n tiine,^ttncldng only. those whom wc complacently look on as Ita natural tIc*

• • tim s; hut It can sp«M d with dire'rapfdity and strike Intx)places were it never was known before.

The dcprofiRlon must have taught u s bow fatally easy It Jfl fo r tho jobJesB nnfortiinate to Infect' the white collM

. uian^ the nicrchont^ tho manufacturer, even-the banker., This dlMaee can go like wlldfirt.

A nd wc BlisH’t be a W saj t ia t we ia r o recoverctjj n n t i l^ c have a t least got> this infection under control.1

' -.'For'we want our recovery to he a lasting affair, not juat• -a month-by-niontli taste o f prosperity.i ' . ' W e can’t nfford to take a chance on being reinfecltd •■ ' -•juH .as the epidemic Is subduing.i'-i- ' V: Tiie^ task thatT confronts ub, Uien, Je that o f finding >• ' joos for men who need them—real, honest • to ?.goodncas •W-iMjPV 'r - ^ : To .«iy that is a great deal easier tjian to d o I t ; yet il

-nniKc he obvious that the job ought not to be oh bard aa, ,:r jn oHi- moments o f pessimJsiD, It Bocmfl to be. tv ^Vc bi\vc a marvelous productive p l o ^ able to turn out

• pYcrythiug from loayea o f bread to st«am ehovcls at a rate i 'i , ' n o iw jJreoiJJoir.of, bW oro in W slo iy ; w o hare o J“ i< .v.;;.: Iji^iuming ovei* with people who need, thinga tho plan .^ -jvcau-ptotluco; wo have, in short, the necdB,.the‘ workers ^yB nd^;thg,capacity to the o oc siippJr the btier.r

- Suirdy-ft-'connti^ as fenergctic an il'& t«lllgcnt os oura - - 'i : i^u’ t.r im a in -b a ffled h^ thlB problem forever.:Tho onlj

M dauger ls^ tlint a glimpse o f retnming prosp>erity :^. niaite ub' f o r ^ t that pMblem cxiBts. ' , ; .

„.. ClCTetondygcl a p y booB^ .proving th a t .j e j e w , 60 alfio ' '

" ili.cfic' trailer dftjB, the p rop w thing Uf a8k'a ios'f

\--r: .....

REMAHKS ON INFANTSl-ITever rtallMd bef'or#

How many peopte know 8o many varied thing* to help

An Infant crow.I have a baby'now and If-

I took thoie hints on care,I'd need a child of »o1id Iron

To itand the wear and tear)And funnlctt fact of all to ma

l_ (linear)/ drivet me wild) Most advrdo It frbrn'the-follis

Who never had a 'chlldl—Junior's Ma

S.'KThird Row Uaa;

Unless thens'B .......In two -Tm Jn bufllnesa"

can SM, this ought lo qualify: rm In buslneaa.Wiuit buslaessT

I Phonnaey business. sh ow 's business?

Just drusre nc olonc,.—Oto-Kalntuck


Pot ShoU:I used t« play that "I’m In

builness" many’s th# year odo. to I don;t SCO »ny reason v — I can't win youp 60 cents.

I'm Jn^buslnen. Wh>t:^»Ine«s7 'Mattress business.How's butlnessT ,


D1936,NEAScrvIcc,Inc. I

DEAiff tnaiB TonATItAT BUKW, >>»*■

**K*r anmrd to wtUrm SlTlilan at Ika arrrlc*. MOSTIJ

DiaUB,’’M 'a ad"p«»d'T-T»*l ' ao>. bf«»«a rlna trlcBO*.

I S S S S “| r SOlslK. Kar >ot Cl


to psTllr*. 'KOW 00 OX WITH THE 8T0UV

CHAPTER XV r ’OF flvc months Koy’s life tvas

made up c£ lonc./mcventlul •weeks ol wailing for Ted’s retarn, IntcrsperscJ by brief onJ dclight- Jul days when ho was at home.

ToficUier they wasted time glo- riouaJy whenever ho hnd fis much os a week oshorc—Idllnc on tlic

—A La Carte

Pot ShotsL ■ I read Ihat radloffram from ."Nulty Ned" to Pot Shots In the EvcUmea In which ho hints Ihst Bome of your contributors nmy b« your former pals in Uwt InsUtu- Uon (asylum at lOvi^oot).

WcU, os n nwtt?r-^of fact I huvo been' in tho asylum there at BlBCkfoot And if-you don’t be­lieve me. I can U!l you about It.

.n . vi-ap nnd i Onthc tmns-Poclllc flight WOtaTc! .«V w h v j. cverrthins worked out . Certain im?*^o een?. T bours for sleep, tho proper diet,

tho proper exercise. That's the woy it should bo—"

Kay said, "I should think that when you're aihore you’d want to,

Oh. very bed. V • | bnak all that rouUne. It Munds

For instance, there'*’ a. high fence oil around^e plac4S (or there was. beeau«3"thia was years Ago and 1 UUlo more t: a Hid.) The matron sbowcd — around, since it was visltoia' day. Wo saw one old lady who .flpent evcr^minute, while not eaUny. in raaklnic aniT then un-making her bed. la what looked Uke a parlor or reception room, was a lovelyi younff woman playing on the] piano while' a coupls of othersl sang. ■-____ Seated - nbcut in chair#other womeo of different aces sewed, read or, talked. All look-

• - inUlURtnt

at tho alrporL Ho was putlinc .final touchcs io tho gyropUot, hop­ing to usQ the robot on a trial I lUrJit aeross the Paclilc.

Kay tried (o overcome her lonc- Uncsj, told herwOf that when Ted had iSnlshcd work on the ayropUot he would ho his old self again. Then they woul4 hove m times.

But one nicht ho .cam more llred than Jisual.

*'I had a physical eta_____today," ho amwunced. "The doc-

'I oUBht to takcupsomesport,! oo.” Suddenly liSs eyes glowed, 'I have ill If I cat lunch at the alnwrt, 111 save enough time so, Uiat I can play golf wlUi.Jeny at; four.

••The doctor says goJf is tlie sci- eniinc game," Ted said. "It co­ordinates tho jnlnd and.muscles and trains the rcilexcB for flyint It’s bolter for my Job."

"Cut, Ted,” Koy protested, "even when you’ro in port youTl be nway from home almSat all dayl She sat down beside him, leaning

.her head nffolnst his shouMcr."Darllnc/I ho sold, stroking her

head. But ho didn't change hts, plans."

•'Couldn’t i Jcara to play SoU with you?" she asked presently. ■

He frowned. 'T d lovo to have you, Koy, hut you cee, at the club, ihe/ro mosUy men. The flying personnel. 1 need thir contacts with them, o/l Uio job. It im­proves the morale of the force."

tea primly. •"That's what we'nll think, ray dear—ualil wo leam." .

“Leam?"•■My dear, there Is a chUd psy­

chology school in Oakland. ImusL tako you there nnd enroll you. On our way home well stop al my house and 111 lend you some books.”

, for the books and Mrs. V/atts accompanied Kay home for. a sec­ond cup of tea. It was not more Uian flvo minules before Dickie aiTlvcd, running Into tho house. He had stopped al the airport and his focc and clolhcs ’

Bolng toaprofc&lonal...He looked ot her again. "Go

dl" ho said. "More power to. By the way, IVo got a bud- hcrclam y poekct that ought

you. ] .get here lu - ......lo help you run the house r easily." . .

planned tho days. She got up at 7 every morning, In time to see

iDlckio oflr to school. She took 'beauty excrdscs by radio, then went lo cooking school, la the

• -took a golf 1.......

He gave her an Indulgent t-----that madeljcr hands feci hot .with rising rebellion.

“I’m- going to bed every night at 11 o'clock,” he said. "Eight hours of sleep. Then some set- ting-up'exercises. And I've got to cut out some ot that heavy food you've been giving mo for break­fast. rruit Juice, eollec, toast and two eggs from now on." . .

Sho Joined two duhs, with the, result thnt the played bridge in tho colony almost every aftcmooD, whether cr not Ted was in port

,And, becauso sho. was Interested In the new novels, sho Joloctl weekly club where younger mi trons met to discoss literature.' II was there that she met Mr*. .Waits, who w ai/ not really a younger matron. Jrtrs. Watts was the mother of flvo children and seemed lo bo well versed in chUd .psycholojy, a subject ollen .jlis- cusscd by the elab. ' •

"My dear,” she said one day to Kay, "jour marringo seems **rro- mantle. And you have that dar­ling DIckic—but he -must bo a

"Didii'e?" Kay said. "Why.ho’s a ‘sweet, obedient child, I doaH

■ know a sweeter one." ,1 Mrs. WatU smiled, stirred her)

wlth'grcase. Jerry, tho mechanic, followed, opologetlc.

But when Jerry saw Mrs. Watts' B turned to go. Kay had to call

alter him, "Thanks for bringlag Dlcklo homel"

Tlie older woman peered throuj* Ihc curtains at Jerry's rcUcating figure. ‘Tliat man," she said, “doesn’t look lo me liko Uie sort

d want to trust q dilld with." Kay only lau£h</d. Sb.e arose to

cel Diekic his bread and’Jam, and when sho relumed Mrs. Walta eyed her, obviously horrifled. UJcile lionxsu 'ton ina- a'tale- whlch he repealed now to ICay.

"My broUicr," ho announcedr "has a seaplane bigser than a ho­tel Yesterday he andJ flow aU tho way to China. Wo killed clEht pirates and cut off their heads with butchcr knives." Ho swung hU arms' about, emphasizing thB bloody details.

Mrx Walls cried, out, "Who Is this brolhct?"

Kay shook her head, denying tlio tale. "Dickie," sho said easily, "eal your jam now." When ha ran cut of tho room shortly after­ward, Mrs. Walts arose and be­gan to walk ihff floor.

“Ho b o problem chUdl” iho said ominously. “Yon must make

P A U L M ALiIj.O N 'S . •

• N E W S B E H I N D T B E

.. N E W S

By tm Expert InterpreUr and Coramentatar,(Copyright, 1935, By Pali Mollon)


^ been made that President Roosevelt will make only olx major ipctches. Intlifl end, ho wlllmti' .noro than that, probably nlno tcB. But ho will not lalto hlsi planned big swing around the cir-clo to Uio PaclUc. a ............ ..."do much", aa the“ T s . “ s r s » « . d w .I>ark confcrenco at which Ibis de­cision waa' reached, have hinted the, Presldept ifl highly confident Hla privato r e p ^ . they s y . imve

> him to believe a coast swing m not necesoary. That may be true. bo«t-wna not the biala upon which the decision was readied. | More thah conflclenco waa discuss­ed la tho Ilydo Park parlor.

i/cared Ihoowe^s.

Similarly, ,.I>eraocniyij. tnalders havo received many complaint that stats organizatlonB tCalifor- nio, for ono) BitUng cm their

DiaiEIUNOThero eeenw .to be . a> good,

cbanco that. Ur. nooscwlt's mecUng Wednesday with Prels* dent WcndcU WUkio of Cent- monwealth and Southern will work out some satisfactory so- liltJon of th# Tennesseo vaLey

fler, Morrta Cooke, and Powe*Vj-' Commlsaloaer Manly are under­stood to have hecn.worWaff un­der cover, for an agrcenient, • whUo TVA-er UUlenthBl has been Bhort-circuitlnff thiim.

, Ho may defend. Oo; Imny attack. Or bo can make more,

|ty unlnteicsUng,ttM rftS irh i i for!

tho ,oplaloT 'orus 'ftSoda'tcs.' SInU. lily , there Is not much for him t< attack. Tho chanco ot a perw - attacU o » Govenior landon is ■ Tho DomoeraUo theory Is that London Is a good fellow btit doe* net know ranch, llio ls«il« dan has been bringtaff op in his ipeechee do not.raise My new pSnla which con be tom to

u- decision now. 11 s

_ Kay tiiought ol what she said. Tho word "bllghled”

frWitcned h v and she began to worry. Xvcn Ted had been alarmed by Cickie’s starlcs.

■ Sho called Dickie In from Iho ' yard bcforo dinner, but she i couldn't flnd it in her heart to de-I stroy_________________I Tears rushed to Kay’s eyes and I she hufiged Dickie closer to her. Therf she stood for along time be­fore Iho window, gating at the tea. EmoUoa clioked ber. Sho. was frightened. •

(ToBeCoallntied) ,

H I S T O R Y of Twin Falls City & County

Aa aicantd from niea of

.an we'd imagined they Well, wo visited kitche

hoU, etc., but'thla ia e t „ „ _ .., prove to Nutty Ned that I was: there. 'I t - - - • ■ - But what can tho

;i5 YEAEB A d O -BEPT. 29, 1921

Seventy-three ot tho i•who were in Idaho .in

I very interesting, what pleosea me la -that 1 bo«t,of bavins gone through InsUtuUon without having

been detained. Con you?. —Ann Teek

. P. S.—Hey did sot let us go i through tho men'a wing, so I 'didn’t meet Pot Shot4 (fortunate*>y). . . , ,BETTEB LUCK riEXT TIMEI Pot OhoUs-

I still think It would be twell If eroeners made • habit of those trans-Atlsntia fligh ts , even IhouBh KoroT^ichmtn did return s a f% .' .

• -Sourpuss

- ..........JINQ FOR—,1) The bustnessmen who don­

ned rubber boots and made that ilato-bour..^grlnta^ out thnnigh Itbo Twin fUter plant

3) The gent who wasted'to , MW If 'the liremea’s clock wa# Un hour slow «very night, on that

tho real pioneer days met yester­day al Burley and formed tho OldTimera aaaoclatlon of southcnIdaho, ending up with a banquet :in which tho scenes of a half cen- itury ago were revived in speeches. ' Frank Drlbell, Ualla, was eleet-

..................... ■ ■■ Twined.prealdcnt; Joh bilk^nrsf vice piId . Oonant,' Burley, second vice, '- — leal; Mrs. Anna BrJdger, Al-

secrcUry, and Judge Law-

U&a% & k lld tmJr B y Olive R o tc r ls B a r lo n ^ •

Tho other day my Bister and _h o " S S e ^ H l n ' ^ ) ‘*hM

Iwrittea la ter story many of tho that made her sad aa a And tho whole rigid .tuor

of the Umca in which we Uvcd.Parcnto wero strict to tho point

of fanaUdam, Religion hnd-----of its softer ojipccts. people cruel In their judgraonts end chll-|

got ths-bnmt of i t Yca,_we| thiog ia to try to in­

corporate ia the growing child th< fact that he breaks i-----your child. And to try to turn his eyes to your, side of the mat­ter of ralaing & Xamily. Ho should

edoU, for instance._ bad brought her fi

York, and sho broke. She was whipped for breaking It. as thoi^ber_own_hcart-^t!eak _af.

r the result' of her.

look on you. hU parenla, aa peo­ple; not beslgnsnt gods, to toler­ate, sacriflco and forgive r ' - elcmally. but people enUUed run their domain according to' their beat ahiUty and eonvIcUons. Of^yright, IDSO, NBA. Service, Inc.

Th# greatest attenUonahowa .the vctsran Gem E-------by tho peopled Burley end by|

-------bouquets of f lo * .» ^ jU n ^

|27 YBAES&EPT. 29,'1909 ' - • 2, local bakers,

a-ehangoln:the_______________ ad loaves. Theflv«i<e8t loaves which :were dl»-

most And . for forgetting my ove sp9UIng anew ^ i o f

lie. of the bread

started taking elaborate precau- U6ns two nights ago because he

'thought Hallowe’en came Sept OaITA NO WONDEHI

___ hots!There's (

covery that , many t t______Americans are not aware that one of their 4ega;-is- longer than; the

.nd.ttwgh^__Pot j^ ts ,acpou ;^ foj. ______________ _campaign time an army of poU- ticlotts goes around pulling our lejBl.,


A CANNON BADRAGEl. Dear aot-pota: •

' Wldls I wos bock east on

____prices, will bo xsade ai^nby the bakira and Uo Un-«est' loaves win be increased tn 'alM an d ;^gh two ounces.:

The “WednMdairMMlcol'f. ;wlU begin a' lour' moatha rtudy ol American composers ' and . their

. Ity Way ot Contrast I, ^ i^.memoriea. ^ «0 |

|New openings Will Be Offerea in CCC

.ii>nouMement'f4 made by H. B. Burkhart of the, assignment of aS K S f S ' ’ :” ? : ' : ’” ;!”-

and 28 y m ^ o f ^ ,^ - | jUM^flt,clUl

lied’s'parent* and new .imdentiudlng with' of the SVs^and M's. And

___ I Bald, "Maiy, but youWERE brought a d< from New Yerk. Uggtr and better than any other child near .us had. And I WAB taken away-to th ‘ resort fdr the anmmer. . . . — evetylhlng.’ We had a k>vely home

They worked , and sac

"WhSi^wo look .back, there___n’f much .We .missed., Is'nt Itastpnisliing^how c^dren remem- ber-tbe things; they resented and fon A the rest? Why don’t you wrlW about'ltr JVell, I-have written about it.

but not r ^ t l y . . And bow i-am wrIUsg about It again;. Becpuse, in nil. homes there are' those un-« s s a 5 ' ^ 5 " s ”.sK

'Today’|i,'pa«Bta are .xwt nearly

Ing. a new hat, maybe; oi 4 for eorao trifle they wen

■■ ^

jy attack. This leaves Ito Mct of mnldng more promlsea. The

meoUon of it Is its own an»- ivcr. promises of crop Insunmco, balanced budget, ctc., made or ato being prepared, btrt if Ibero i* anything, else, his friends

overioobed itfrom the



B thoBj:A administrator on aU drouth

' farm oommiUoea and ewsortlng _ closor and dosor up fronts .Uo

ts-weU onUuj-way to beeonilDg the- Ko. 1 brain tnster of the momeot.

Cooke’s had » broader back- gromid than moat of them havo

foondatlon. Be has served the N Deil as .bmd of . tho Ulsaisslppl, roUey ccramlttee la FWA, and was on the New York power anthorlty.Uo got his start as a ner---------•“ "and worked In the war

- - - tholvar.The' only thlag against him is

that he Is a BepohUcao. bnt hU friends explain his listing as soch In who's who by saying he la tho Korrtt-lAFaUelte Uad. -

Mr. and Mrs. August Nelson have returned from a Ahrce-weeks

• in parts,ol Idaho and Wyom-

Tho poUUcal plannersrhero i > be mOT« iagCT and anxious

S e n t groups usual- lyare. lAleat eaample: H>o agri­culture buUiUng was turned around and-faced west throughout Landon's last tour. 'UnuBual steps wero taken to get ooplca of Ws Bpcechcs in advance, to offset hia

Observer might construe , situaUoa as Indicating fright and discouraging inside reports. Op- nflnr.ntk havo said as mucb. >ponenti havo said as much.

However, the working theory ..hlch thew Shia'l^^retoU oii.Mr. Roosevelt not only, ■waWs, to |win.butls — ......................Ilo win bandUy. He wants a » U

This explain^ they say, why he

lA ls ho Is sure to win. He wants


Mrs, A. W. Posten left last week for their bome In VUl- liica. Ia, foltowing a few iirceks' vlalt with Mr. Postea's slsttr, Mrs. Otis Sampson.

Flro broke out Saturday mom- _ g in the closet of tha homo ot Mr. and Mr*. Harry Prior. Some of the dothes wore burned before It wa8-fevered. The ’cause ia ra-.Mrs. Jaek Hawklns, San Francl»-

cor Calif’., SJrived here Batiwday, callcd boeause of the set.

_______ esa ef her mother, Mrs,Kirkpatrick.

Mrs. A. a Daw and sons, Ken- • seth and Leonard, relumed Bun- day from Idaho Falls,.Miere.she had been visiting tor tho past week afthe home of her parents- .^ r . and Mnr. John Carlson..Mr..IJaw and her brother, OUver B>»retti .

- the wee»-end there return-


with Mrs. Daw Sunday. - •

to draw out Uio _ largest ««*lhle popular vote. . Ukewise. It sug- gecta tho reason for Us newly aa- Eounccd plan Cf going. Into New

erntlon plant containing, aOO lock. er bozc& n is now tram:.-'■ Uio I&dles of-the •C6mmunlty COUBCQ are sponawtag the, annual teachers'.' andminUtCTB'

jsngmnd, which la.admUtedly lost! toblm^. He wants to cut down op>'

reception to b« held W day ore- Bing at the Oommunlty ebtmh. Tho people of. tho CO” — eordioDy al

iw m .t^eplasen

;You May . N ot Know That—

lanjiety was' given r ^ t ly . by a New ^ e r who does not know much about politics. Afterretam^ Ing fitim a trip,rhaboafl*-'


s:.8unday; Oaeo next

_______________ ■IbB'chUdreatak-ing part in the erercise# are naked to be t ) w ft short time before.-lO. ,

UooUnl was ahowliir.&'ClaBB' of poliee-ReniU Iunr to handle tear «^ ,b 6 in l& Captalii’ .Mooklnl drop^ 'th* bonb.’ Ibe clQU. was

Up to Sept. 1, Idaho has registered 1.614 more'pass-:

. u g e r automobiles tb'aa for tho -enti'rc Tear 1935 and ••8,724 iBflre-tlftn .'.for tho . iirst eight montha.o£.1935.!'

"The total o f paaacnger'cara'’: registered up to Sept 1 ' this year J s '98^02..: The state regiBtcred'4,M5 more.

. traehs o f elossu ia the first dght montbs. oie'.iaai; . than for 1

C lo s e u p a n d C o m e d yi y . K|NEV0HNS0N-=<5E0RGE s

Iva^on, I w e n t 't^ ^ f ^

Ifodder — buftbat.wM the flrst *-l ^ e r d <Mght BigK of cannonj

, FAMOUS “i;Ast:i.rNE...-;7.* . , ; W<ll,'who d’ya pick In• weHd Mrleaf iS '. ■


y .itU ,;,Bgenclcs.• 6*.TBAn CW- ..

, TOiiax) ata-rHjj*>b, 'which enrc.......... ..

.wjw- bavo .'UvwH In'. Toledo Uai'Myw».-t>ow;toT.upt-

• allbuil -------------

jlcK ^ns-KU':Cltlr

th« bleealngii beatowed-wmbe taka.jM> a natter of onirse.

--:don’f*5ttcUy know '— * done abpot iU 'You , . here- to set them' right and efr ln .thaf:you spent .the trl> nsy i-ou were • counting oiu ii

,«^'>IaS*l her Ji4w fur eodt. ’JI6rh m to.remlM.-Bob that y«l‘ •• have bought a new'lltUfl

- yountettiny --------


period a year ago, and 702' more than for ih o entire year of 193S,; Total motor •, Heense fee receipta for. the.; first eight months, of ieas:’

.•were_r iljflOS,683.70, or.1 W27,162.31 'more than foR-^ tho Mmo .mopths'a'.^3’CM% ■sgo ,nna;^'25,G39;46 faoM; Vj' than for the tolii^e year Of ' '

• NEW YORK (NBA) — Jimmy Cztjwley .puts .power ahead ef.the latent para in£s aohme of.Udng*


S ‘ art«V fS rte t»«t-u S tor UteralpMS.’^■■.BUff.:idis»«MariJi'«^

Page 5: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

7ae^y. Scplflinbor 29, 1030 IDAHO EVENTNG TIMES. TWIN FAIXS. IDAHOPage

HISS BAOOIf w ed s in ca u f o h n ia . Miss Catbertne Bacaa, dau]

of Mr. Md -MTfc T. C.-Bacon. . . Vchard- Houdwn. son of ,Mr. Md UiB. Frnuk Houtmum, Twin Fan*, were manHcd Thursday In Los Aa- Btiea; OmclaUng W08 Rov, EUliah

• HUaBbmko,. formerly Mclhdolat uasLor bet«, at tha cercmony bcid St lU borao. AtUndbB tbo ritca were Mtb.-Bacon and Dob Bocon, noUier and br«llier o( Uio bride. Ulsa Bacon vore n snmrt fait suit In navy -^ooi and bluo occessorica.

FollowlnB-tho cercraony Mr. and Mrs. Housmnn lett ior Catalina tnlnnds lor tholr bonBymoon. On

tbclr relum they vrtU jnoho thtlr bomo In-Hollywood.

Ur. and Urn. Houamaa attend' cd -the local BChoola and Lon£ Bcacb Junior colleffe.

-Tho 00th birthday of Mrs. Elvira C BcU vraa celebrated over the ■wMlt-end at her homo at 103| Eighth avcBUD cast. During the i dav a reunion wa» held

. her three chUdrcn. Mrs. John Byers, Blrmlnghttm, In., Mias Qmco BcU and P. S. Bell, Twin PalW. Other caests wcro Mrs. F. S ^ i r , .M « . J. A. Woods.-Mrt, Barbara SutcUIf,. Mlaa .Juanita


“^'Com« on, now—iryou wantyeohriCodl-crtCTaa^ I 'K ^ d W 'b n ^ ’iiboiif bow '

many dance* you sat out."


^ Jennie Harker. . Idaho Falls. anJ'Alma R. Toonc,. now o f Idaho Falls and formerly of this city, were united In m orr'"- • • • - - - 1, nt tho hyeaterdayof A. O. lAthara on DUO north. Juirtice of the Pcoec II. M. Holler officiated. .Witneases wero Mrs. Amy I*. Tbone, mother tit tho bridgrooni, and Mr. Ui- thanu '. Mr. and,Mra..Tobno left today for Idaho Falls whera Mr. Iboas Is associated with the new

. sport shop opened there by Mr.

. Latham.cLtm enA bt^ s ___M OniBtS AT DnmATION

Mothers of Trt-C members and . vledffes were special, cuesta this

wMS-ead-.ol the sertoua laltlAtlcn

i t ^ homo of Mm., A. C Victor. Tho -Tltual was conducted by fire-

and candlelight byUlao Mar- , jorle Klngibury and Included read*

infr of tto i»em. ,"IC' by^Mlsscs• BlUle Mas WWtA. Betty Wagoer.. Joaa OlostAod and Id» Leo Luab.

■ui^ Harriet alumna oftlo club.'i>toycd musical selee*'*-

•, and Mlsj Betty Wosner preaen Tocal number. Hlag Frances WU<

.• * » . prMldunt lost ypap,.Kavo a . r e a ^ and Miss Z>oiothy I> .-*0 aa alnmaa, read & modem w

,, rion of .-Of." MU. Holm SlMk ‘ played ths aceompanlment.for the

ivi-C adnas. ■ • - . ; New i a « b « . arc Misses .Msiv- caret Bacon. lUta MM Balmnn,

^ - lA u a . 'J e a a and Joyce Fierce, MM-J^Bl*ck,De«Heppter,Imo-

- n n e Davla. Marilyn Biuee. IXn»B^th and Molnc


- -Ihe tooma of ,-Mrs. Junes, n Shields, Jr4 In BuhJ, was lb(

• • aceno -yesterday of an attractlv(, eUvcT 'tea arranged-by taembera

of the Women's R c p u b ^ league ■ ' ot Twin Fans county. Flftymem-

. .befli Sid ffuesta of the otgar— -■ • ;:.Uon attended. . '.....

' . - A Biornun was presented• Jncluded.alnslng of ‘ 'Oh'.'Su.. -iiah,"l«dbyMt»;JamesD.-peoce,

. TaUng BS his toplo ,social• ■ -eurlty. and^tbe oJd-age pensloo,• • B. M- ' RayMm,''ffUer. candidal*

for state- senator, addreSMd-' tiie ' imd airs. OenerleTa.jmright,


Evto’ono who's ever trted to make a clothcs budget stretch till It crcaUs will agree that thtro ls| nothing Uko a captivating alter-1 noon iro iin o pep up the limited: wardrobe. For this reason. Pattern, 0378, with its up-to-the-minute sleeves and bright accents wUl be everydoy wear. And for times when soft femininity is the order Of tho day, thh full skirt and deli­cate shirring wlU be delight^ , "right" Don’t overlook tho flat-, tery of tho pointed yokes and cleverly, tolled collar. You U .ftad It fun to cut and' sUtch this de­bonair frock made so easily with tho aid of Its Complfito Diagram­med Sew Chart. Choose-synthtt-' Ic, wool, satin, or challls.

•Pattern 0078 may bo ordered ly in SIMS- H, 10, 18. 20, 82, S*. aa. J8. 40 and 42, SlM 10 « quires 3% yanls 30 inch fabric.

Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins] or stamps (coins prefeirtd) for' EACTI MARIAN MARTIN pat­tern. B« sure to write plainly your NAME,. ADDRESa, and BTXLE nomlKr.

' Be Bute Bo sure to order the NEW IB-

BUB OP c u n MARIAN MARTW PATTERN BOOKI B« the fltrt to wear the latest fall models'that U shows — for home,.l>uine^'^p-


Harold T. Poto Oontmts Life o f American Youth With

' pther Nationalities

At a banquet for scouters from! iBnakc rtver-srtA-ot-lho-Park-lw 'tel last evening, Harold P. Pole, nationnl director of pcraonntl of Coy Scouts of America, apohe on' ‘•Dreams of YouUi," comparing tho life of tho average American youUj w lti the boys of Cerniany, Italy and Rusala—three major nn-, Lkna--where Uicre are no'Boy' Scouts. , X. IThat tho Scout program In tJie .•eglon bad expanded during Uo| past IB months was lh« op nli of Edward L. Cartis. Portland, r pional scout executive. Ho praised tho work done

Opeo. -Tho address of wclcomo wbs

of Commerce, who pointed out the vital inflotnco of scout worK amonK tho youth of todoy. Dr. J. N-. Davia. Kimberly, area csmmls-

ncr. »rpoke of tho reviews held uurlng the paot few days. corgo|Denman. Burley superintendent DChooU, reoomntendcd that a roi

I'S-b FjUliC- spoke on tho impor-IUmco‘ o'f'^'c7fl<lcnt-tT<Jop- com-

S. Hin. "smikc River •ca couneU president, presided,

liuv. Georgo.iiioDcruj- led the sooutLath nnd Roy.,F. PotUr. Twin Falls, led group singing.' Preceding tho banquet e«^lon

tho finance and Jamboree

Make I t YourselfTho graceful ca •talls. waving In

tha brceie, seem rather proud of USelr rtsponablUty In making tho tea lowel rack, and tho liltchen in jgcncral, brighter and more attrac­tive. A NUMO hot iron thanafer ' these designs Is No. C8068. It

. bo used several times, and In­cludes doaigns for tea towels, " glass or band towel, and a p holder.


[ P a i i l D e a l l i C a s e

B a C f l c B O f f i c e r s !

RUPERT, Sept. 20 (Special)—|I Officers are InvestlgaUng tho death of an unidentified, man. 'about 00,. found beside a road two mUca nouthwest of Paul yes-|

a ascribed death to heart fall-|............ wearing new work

ahocn bought In Lewifllon. A Jar of eoffce In hla pack boro a Black-foot-lftbel-and-hlB-shlrt_wna_pur?chaacd In Boitman. Mont.

Tho body 1s being held Goodman moLruary.

To order, ink for No. C8558. — -ar out illustration and send wlUi

. » ccnts stamps or coin, (Any throo 10 cents "Mako It YourseU" paaems only 25 cents.) Address] j-our order to IDAHO EVENINGi TIMES, UAICE IT YOURSELF! PATTERN BUREAU, BOX 100, fCANSAS aTY, MO. Bo sure givo camo^^d complete addres

Pattc^ureau,M ako^ Yourself - “Box 100, Kansas Oty, Mo. Enclosed Is 10 cenls in coto (20 ccnts for two patterns or 26 ccnts for three) for

Iscrrico Bet for Ono AccidentLnjoy. There wero'no m'arks - Victim at Hailoy; Other Iviolenco and _Coroncr_W^_A._c^-

BoU7 Is Bhippcd

HAILEY, Sept. 20 (Special) —Followlnf7 yesterday's cgve-ln at the JJorlh Staro mine, funeral Bcrviccfl wcro behig arrangeJ\lo doy for tho two victims, HaAlj Downing and Grover Davis. •

Body of Dowlng, 27, was takei to Salt Lako (My today by Ui«Harris funeral coach. Ho was bom Nov. 17, 1000, in Balt Lako City and la survived by hla wife,- Mrs.Emma Walters Downing, hla par­ents. n brother and two children:

Sorvlcca for Grover Davis, 48,111 bo helil Wednesday at 3 I. ot tlie Eagle loilse rooms. - - os bom Juno 0. 18^, at Holden,

Mo., and leavcs-hls wife and two children, Edna May and Ralph.

Democrat Central Committee to Meet

ooN ffm trnoN A L AMENDMXNT8 , ,

I. Franklin Girard, secretary of ■ ■ of Ihs Stoto of Idaho, naa •

lowing are ftdl. truo and correct copies Of houso joint rcsoinHon No. •J, passed by the regular session of ■ tho Twenty-third scssloo of tJio .. leginlaturo of the SUto ot Idaho la 1&35. and sanato Joint resolution No. 1. passed by tlio first extraor--. -' dlnary scaalon'of tho Twcnty-tblro -■ sesflion of tho legislature of ths Stato of Idaho fn 1D35. to bo sub­mitted to tho electors of tho Statsbo held NoTcmber a. 1036.

In teaUmony whereof. I havo hereunto set my hand and affixed

CALia FOR HEARING , H. D. Dunn, charged with is- Uuanco of a fraudulent check, will

riven preliminary cxaminnllon nrobalo fourt Wednesday, foI-| Ing his arrafBiimcnt yestcrdny

when hla bonds ■ wcro fixed nt 11,000. Police Chief Howard Gil­lette signed tho eomploln a ^ the defended Is represented by W. u|


tho great seal ot the state." Dono ,at Dolso City, the capital of Idaho, 'tills 2nd day Of September. A. D.

FRANKLIN GIRARD.Secretary of State.

. (U. J. It. No. I)A Joint R»oIuUon

proposing amendmcDt ot Section . of Article 0 of tho consUtutlon of tho Stato of Idaho, anil suhmlttlng to tho electors of tho Stato for their approval or rejection tho , queaUon of whether said secUon

Icommltteo meetings.


. . the cle

hop-merchant hutterfly lays Tea c o m p « ^ ' Into ^ltd Kgs b edumna. which are sit- China,-elaba of copper I n ^ c d c t tAohed to leaves. Ibe last- laid mU«, sOlV; salt and tp^aeco, sJ

V ■•poMdbmtles.-.ln.-pQUtlcs. ,Mrs.--H. • -W. Oonchslti national eoaimJltee*

: ,«ago. An lnt«r«sUag talk tos th « e given'by^Jlr«.--B(Sfk«r<j Topeka.

M n.■ Stuart ;B«Tr -I- •ttla4 '''Klinte^> -wUO' gave psr-

-'- V-ebnU'-'jtUiypaM '0<'. Got,- AJf., K,« tea- hour Miss Slor:

•: .-rlriw,-;w«ra' Jln .CIoocheltitl^ord, ma- Mrs,

'4-H Club Girls Hold A<.hieveraent Pay

'£03' ■' ths latest fabria and costuma ac-,



Send yaur 'o^er to ths Evening

Sodalcs' plnochlc • club yflll meet Wednesday, afUcnoon at the homo of Mrs. Lloyd Jones.

* * «Mountain View club vlll meet

Joraorrow at tho homo of Mrs. H. W. Rledeman. Ail members an requested to bring fruit for the Children’s home.

Evenlhg Guild of Ascension Epl»»pal church wUl meet to- m o m r ^ t 8 p. m. at tho home of iCiB. Neale Hazsard, 413 •Fourth avenue nort^

The Salmon unit of the ^ I n Falls- county Democratic Wo- men's club will meet Friday at 2 p. m; at the homo of Mrs. E. L. Henstock. HoUlster.' Salmon Social club wiU meet

Thursday at tho home of Mrfc Don Fleming. A full attend-, anco Is deslred>aa orrangemcntfl aro to bo completed for the wln-

. ter dances ' * » 'Tho regular monthly mect-

liur of. tha Amorlcaa Legion ii^U ary will J>o held tomor-

p. m. la Mem­orial lialL Officeiw wm bo in- stalled and aU' membem arcurged to be prwent.^-

• T w ln -F ^ flrst «md s e ^ d

topics will bo presen- K l : a O P ;»• by thc^rcijcc;tlTO teochcr-tralaers.Boelal • - ^1 nour will bo held under Qjo-dlrectloB


ou8ly.for-sl*we«J«:: .

: wiir ba-serTCi’ e for memherthlp a attend. It Is an-


WiirjB>e In The m e Location Up To November X«f: ^ENli IN YOUR CLEANING

Some of Om- Special Price. Thi« Week At The Store—


^t Bctaril Bo it rewplvcd by tho legislaturo

of'tlic State of l a ^ : '■ Section 1. T t o SecUon O^of- I Articio 0 of tho AjnsUtutlon of tho , State of IdaJio'bo amended to read, las follows: - ' ' ,' SecUon 0; Original and'JurlsdicUon ot Supremo CourtTho Ruptrae- Court shaU hftvo., jurladlclloa to revle*. upon appwl, iuiy decinlon ot the district cour- • or Ujo Judges Urercof. and any

ncal Bcona ot appeal. andTroceff-, — on appeal from orders of the.:

Uc utUlUes commission and of , lu^IndustrislAcddent board. On appeal from orders of Uio Indu^, •

‘ trial Accident Board Uio court shall bo limited to a w letr of , questions ot law. ’ T1 Court shall also have oi _ diction to Issuo writs of n: certiorari, prohlWUon. ai

^SecUon I The quesUon to bo - trahmltted W the electors of Ihe ■, Stato of Idaho nt tho next generalctectioa Bliall be os follows:

," S ^ l sboWon 0 of oracle. 6 of : uio consUtSKi ot ths Stato « Maho be amended so osto provldo that the Supreme Court shall have .

dent Board and that such api be limited to quesUons of law.*

SecUon 3. Tho SecreUrjr . -of ' j State Is hereby directed to pubjto.

Iprior to. Uie next general elecUoa;-- 'm one cewrpapcr of general <*■«•....

A Joint IMolutlra ^\S of ArUde 0 or the e of the Stats of Ids'

SSJJgSS'fiB’S S !S Land . Commlasloners I.

. . . P K > T E C T T H E M W L t H C O R R E C T

of Uie BtaU of I d a » : , ...........SecUon 1. nxat BecUi

do 0, o f ths consOUU SUito of Idaho be amended

foUows; •• ......... ■ -

Ujo sUto by -the'

<iu«nl lh « IiMlth o f your cyM. B« sure-you hAve pi»nty o f ■Itctrk ligh t In your horn*. I» U th« chespett «yo inaurince you c m buy. It eoctt $o liltfe lo .fi«r« «11 riiA.Iijrht you riM<l

t houif.

FILL EMPTY SOCKETSI ,« They Menace YourEyesandYourffappiness


'V ta Tbwi »t H*w U v«r Otetrk 9 »\ n

, . .P fkason-U w *s1x«lW .0W »«have^

f ^ i l e c t r k a l | P £ q u i p m e n t S a l e s A s s o c i a t i o n

in Umt Cluap o .

Page 6: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

I , ;\-IDAHO EVENiNG TIMES. TWIN FAT.LS. mAHO ' - Tiiesdsf,' Scptflxaberi20,-


BEI fflomnESmZifiO-Xcy.

Forest Deer Hunt Starts On Thursday,

,B^ohnU„W i«ft-to W orld Sofiea BcsUog V w iih Oarl Hnbbcll .

r i DT OBOEOE lUnKSEr , .. treiW-.T5fe. B o p t . — . .Crosrds .poUrcd4ato Now York to- '■-.'-.clay «n tbo eve«f the icIUloo-dol- - - Ur ‘ '*ubway- world acrtcs, anU G- ■''-'mea'lnvuUg«tcd widespread tic* •- hct'BtalpIng M tho-Olante -mJrt '"Tankeea made fUukl - vreparatlona I' .f»r theopeainE Bama WcOacii'-- ' 1 ' With all rcacrrcd' and box- V- aold for tSe Ursl Bbc Rtunca, ttre •• .-osrlta'wlU.hlt Iho uHlllon dollar < '.’clafis eTcn If It (roes only the irilal' t . 'mum of 'four garaca ■

■ Ticket 8oerita ..anBttla

_e a ticket acaa-' Uio exorbitant

scalptrs- SO.CO Bt-J1T.60. and J5.60 tc-

I .-.scrN-oa fl2. It wna r«- i ' ,- ' ported Uint Bcalpcra had comcrcd

' mart' than JIM,000 worth ol tic-

lliflcs >Tcre oilc3 and camp­ing equipment wns gettiiiR n thorough’ p.liecking-ovcr toJ/iy ns a small army, of co’utbcrii Idnlio hunters inoilo m d y for tho ■'Mibiilolin '' fipcoial deer hunt sljirtiiig! TlVursdny ftiid erlcnding fliroiifjh Oct. 10.• Ad influx of'50 0 jiimrods, ih'hny' of thcm^womcn, will desccnd, on tlio Cassia division

.'of tlio. MinUlokh fbrat for tho] hunt. ’Of Ihc 500' pcrinit-wm- nera.wLoJvilliuvjidfl.llle forcfll, oxjictly 237 hail-from :Twin Falla nnd .Cassift.c^wm'icii..'

,. ,7Jio open territory In the hunt, locatcd In Uib'Caiisltt dlvlsIon only, Includca tcrrltoiy 'In'both Cassia and Twin Talla couatlcfl but docs not Incluilo'tho amaU fprcit il' loan other than th!*, It wtva at; cd hero today by Grover C. D deputy eLalo samo warden.

' Can Clieck In'

V:. .'' Intemat revenue ilcpartment, head. V' 'ed by, Stcphtn'nyaj).'have olJcned. i', ,;:' ft';artve-OBaliut the. slUcwalk ticket,

•,-1 Odd*'p'svor Vania ■' . BettinB odda conUnuei] Ip .

y '.. .Uie YaaJtfcs. Jock Doyle, Broad- ,'way.betUnir.comni5aiiloncr; quoted

tlie latwl prlcte: S to 3 n p ^ t the .yaolu wlnnlnff .the aertrs; 0

., 6 affolnBt the Glanta triumph- • - ■ Ins: 6 to 8 BsalMt the Yanks In

. the « n t same It HubbeJ t>!tchc8| c“ "-. 3 lo -6-aB»lnat tho Glanla In the

firat ffamo with Hubbcl pIWlilDC.| vji'.; -Earlier tho price of tho scries waa, : j . . U to 20 Bffolnst tho Yanks, and ? ;-V- ‘ la to 10 affalnirt tho GlanU. - | gV’N'.; ' -A* tho CTpcrta oeo It, tho out-

come of the scries hlngea oa how, :tb« YaJikees- murderous baltlns:

>V- V ■' away • wlU perform netUnst a' i!. ,V..‘ .»tranee variety, of It hM|

-«■ and F^ed iHtainimons- taucklejNew to Yankees

- All Uireo oj tho Giants' pitchers - have .deliveries tho Yanka^don’t

■?. see In .tho Aiacrlcan IcaBno. In ■ »„>'-\;;four out of seven B«“ no

that.trio might sUenee the Yanlts' .•blp-berthaa:Iong cMUCh for the uaderdOB: Glanla to creep tlironRli 'to .victory btToro'the ^ c r lco n leagiio Tnarouders get the range.

• Tho G la .......................... .. ...S'/-.: a . have the game's

^victories. That means If Hubbcll wins twice, tho Yanks must cap- turo four of the other ^Ivo itnraen to take tbs title. Tbst's a dlinculc osslgiuacaL ' .- But nony'studentx of the gnme believe Hufabell, for aU Ida grcat

'neaa,.won’t bo able to uinother the Yanlts moro jhaa once. ~

• Hay Click Better ... Fitzsimmons. nn<l Sehumodier ‘havo had only fair aocccsa In tliclr. :'own league tills year, but National "•league partisans t>cllovo they will ,'b« more elfccUve the -'they face tho Yanlts

.’i thclr Unuiuil deliveries, forelsn to /v'anythJilK In Uio American IcaRUe.! r,: TS© Yanks- three top pitchera

'ore Bed Ruffing, Lefty Gomez and •i, :MoBto Pearson. PcarBon. figured

do to start the.thlrd,game,.has a -.back 'Wlment which haa.failed to

1 ; ; : .rc»pond to trtmtmcTit and bo may I&jI bo out of',tho-»ertcs. If Pearuon]

G E iyU B B E LL fl

to Lou for Fourth Time, Oari for Second

ST. Lom s. Sept. 2S OlPl—tou, Gehrig of tho Ncw.York Yankees and .Carl’ lluhbell, of Uio Giants, iwero .■accorJcd / ’laoflt' yaluablej player" honors.In their reapeeUvB; leagues'today Id o poU Qf ^ eb o ll' writers conducted by Tbe Spoctlhg News, nalloonl baseball weekly, -v.

For. wliytHig-20 gamfcfl ngnlnat 5lit losses, virtually.pitching “ Giants to, tho Nutlonftl -l«.„..

Hubbcll was. namedfor Uio.second tlaio In his' carecr.


ri'c3diiy.“'intlio<rBh'TjUnilncannot begin before Thursday, Oct. 1, Da-I 'n sold,Fa^na j,nd ^Ike doer arc'bar-The four checking.slaUons. tJi-

vls pointed out. arc locatcd re- apecUvcIy on the west sldo of Sho.

s rango station on tho Roger- Toad; on Big Cedar creck

___ tt Iveroon ranch between Aj-tcalan and Oaltley; at North Wa ter, between OaUley.ond'Bostottcr ranger etallon; at tho Sliaw ranch on Trapper. crock nbovo Goose creclc reservoir.'

Must ItfRlBter Hunters must check ip and. lt|

IB equally neceeaary to eheclc out, Davis emphnalt^. Deer U which must |)o carried In nddli lo th)} hunt permit jiid.Uio, latlon state Ilccnao arc tho chccldng stations, huntinj; permits aro i rablo after tho hunter has checked In, tho deputy warden uald. Hunt­ers checking-In on n transferred permit, he added, must also have their own regular hunting license.

Davis gave vigorous coUco that the laws coveting road and auto- moWlo shooting will bo strictly en­forced. Ho urged utmoat cauUonl on flro hazards becaust "tho forest' Is extremely dry."

Oftlelol Itemlndera Davis and Blalno Betenson. for-

It flupcrvlsor, Issued tho following! ,-jmmarlzed fojest acrvlco-gamel Idcportnicnl notice to tho opocta-

ST A N FO R D UNIVERSITT, calif., Sept. 20 (UB—Jimmy Cot- fis, stocliy back, will bo-In shape to rejoin tho Stanford squad wben ft-jBoef—Wnshlagton-StataJicol'' lege at PuIIfflon, tt Vas Indicated today. Coffls. Injured In pracUce two weeks ago, was not in tbo lineup when Santa'Clam trounccd the Indians last Saturday.

BEARS REVAMP BERlCELEy, Calif..', Sept. ■

(UVf —. Co^ch' Stab Alilaon tod planned to rebuild Uio loR side ... his forward \-^l boforo tho-Bears

- Fourth for LouThis Is Uie fourth Imo Gehrig

os been named tbo .most valuable. haVlnj; won the honor In 1027.' 1031 aadlOM,, . Kubbell was . tho moLs:popuiar| Icholce, with a total of-Cl points. iOehrig. who lead hlo league wlUi 149 homo runa this year, received8B-p(^nts:~PBUl-Waner,-NflUonBlleague hatting champion, was scc- lond In hlfl loop with 35. and,F,w;l {Averlll-won sccoad hoDors Ir " ' American with 49, '

Tho Id leading players la eachIcacuc: • '

National—Carl HiibbeM, New York, 61? Paul Waner, Pitts.

• 35; Dlziy Dean. St Lou- Joe Medwick, St. Loult,

Ily Herman, Chicaoo, 27; van 'Mungo, 'Brooklyn, 1S; Hn«n Cuyler, Cincinnati, 12; Ernie Lombardi, Cincinnati, 11: Dolph Camliii, Philadelphia, 9; Wall/, Berfler, Boston,'6; Gab­by Hartnett and • Froni< Be-- Maree, Chicago, 6; Woody Jen­sen, Pittsburgh, 6.

Amerfcan—Lob Geiirifl. New Yfirk, S5; Eari Averilf, Cleve­land, 4B; Luke Appling, Chi-

•caoo, 41j Charley Gehringer, Detroit, 3S; JImrhy Fouc; Bos­ton, 24; Joe Kuhal. Washlnoton. 16: Jimmy BeShong, Washing- tan, 11; Lyn-Lary, 8L LouU, 10;

, Joe OiMagglo, New York, 8: Vernon Kennedy, Chicago, 7.

.last Saturdny • when-Ws. ... , beat California Aggies and CoUegel

|of tho Pacific. . ,• 'THREE HUSKIES HURT

SEATTLE, , Sept. 20 tUIU — Al: though three of his top-notch play- ;era tvero In tbo hospital as the 1:6', suit of. Injuries rcccived In the Minnesota , game,. Coach' Jimmy' Phelan today looked forward to Washington’s f i r s t ■ conference Romo. ogalnst Idaho next Satur­day with optimism. Phelan was t)lcased 'witk Ute 'Ruskles' show­ing ligalnut the Gophcra. Tho th"" InJurod-playeta-wora-Jlmm;-

(s out, pot M&lono or Johnny] Droou'wlU'stcp'Up os a starter.'

. . : Hubbeil Holds Key ., Any discussion of world serlcsl

nitchlni; comes right bade to Hub-1 t .... . . . . ........... *0 010 scries.I

'" tho. Tanka might awccp through,four . ..stralgbt, bcltlnfr..... -

.Giants’ pitching, from pillariVtil'post,' '-■ ' ThU'wrltcr beUevcs Hubbcll

.:'stop' them In the first game, and. - --mka:wm wln the next four]

. . . ___ .jw,‘ bdttlng Hubbcll.......... 'H.ond.Uaie ouf." •

........... killed.•2. Shooting from Ulphway wiltj

not bo allowed. No hunting will bo penjilltcd within onc-qusrtcr mllc' of tho Boatetter-Shoshoao ranger stftUon road for tho' following sons: CCC cnrollcca and olhcr —.. . ployes aro now working In thnti vicinity; the pet decr along the road ore more valuable from a rec­reational standpoint and should be protected.

Can't Shoot Klk *3. Protect the elk. There are n

[few elk on Uie Cassia division of this forest, and all hunters roust bo fluro they aro not ahooUng at

"4. fires. Withi 500 hunters on this division, the: Hire hazard is greatly increased. |tuid each.and every ono must ex- jcrclflc eitremo care.' Thcr will bo patrolmen on tho job during this

Inpeclnl hunt, and aziyone causing 'n flro will be subject to prosecu­tion.

"B. Clean-up your camp and ,bury your refuse. Do not mark — Idcface living trees. / '' Check Deer (Out

“ 0. Check your dceVovit at t checlting stalion, prtfefttbly at I ono where you .checkeiMn. Ideslro to get certain infdSjiatl Ircgordlng weight, nge, and lUonofdeer. • „

■'7. Drive carefully. Thefe ortf U-cadlcroua curves In the ro4u»«f,| nnd extreme caution must be ob­served lo avert scriou.f accident. ,Intoxleatlng liquor and mountain 'roads’ do not mix—if you drink.

jJerome Junior HigK Conquers Wendell

JEROME, Sept. 20 (Special).— Uncoln Junior high football team won a 20 to 7 victory over Wen­dell Friday afternoon. Tho team of 11 members la coached by Vem. Tomlinson. . Bud Henry . Is' manager., .

Members of the team {irc,Rogct Jorgenson, If; Jim T ol lsol1 rh; Jesaio Coief; Ray Stnnger, q; Jun- Iro Kinsloy, c; Carl Smith, rg; Richard Cole. Ig; Charlie Emerson,; It; Daniel Olson, rt: Fred Arnold,

.Charlco Miller le.

Sightseers AidedHONOIitrtiU fUEi—Future tour-

its may view Haleakala, world’t largest dormant voicana, from be­hind n window pane. An obseni-a., tory building of glass Is to be constructed on tbe- rim ot tbe I crater, which la in tho Hawaii naUonal park on Maul Island, 100

'mllea southeast ot Honolulu.

liiE E H O IlL E R SIdon’t drive; II you drive, don’t Idrink” -

i Here’s Teiilalive Order of Baltiiigl

Joe '.E fcs 'Eed Huffing. - Gamble on

.....Lclt^Oom ej

« t; EW..'‘SrORK,,S*pL 20 <V£> — K&'.'O Jaw-Joe" McCarthy.-managerI

Nmv York Yanltecs. ------

;’ uccirth'y's5'cholco rested ^bv«Bi.Re<J Rufflng.-Lclty Go...-,' ._ .;. ;r ie s s5 .W ;..r.MqCaiOiy. hai’alwaya played t.'ih8csaf« W . - atid unless ho

B,:,.,rf«p3;i6ut of character .tbo Yanks'

svUkely choice iB-Oomer.

Delton Whips Levin

-"se4 ''tw * (H ir- bout tbat _ a until.early UjUirmom. r -OevJa to'onaflt.tia-.iop cislmi;

th*:«iaii)plcwwJilp..;T cADS BRpiO ilBSULTa,

M g s k i nP a r a g r a p h s

. By. Decdii .n Over Former Divinity Student

, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20 ai£) I—Ray .ImpeUiUerre, hugo No# iTork Italian, advanced a notch In

following Ilia 10-round, decision vlc-' -Sry' over Phil Brubaker, IDlnulja,I

allf.,' fighter,' at Dreamland' \6rium last night.'ImpeUltlerro’o win douWo-checW-

ed Brubaker's rise lip the pugilis- Oo'Iadder.' THo former Coliego of tliui Pnclflo divinity student seem­ed'headed for tho tielghts.until Jack Sharkey atopped hlm In " " ton last Bummor. ' . . ,• Impellltlerro Jabbed Brubaker|

,repeatedly with hU left, ahd'on'coi caught .him on ■ the 'chin,' sending

' ’- '1 Into Uie ropes. Biiibaker, of-'Uring badly,'•rallied In the,

....Lh nnd UnUi and out-foughtlthe Italian, hut tho margin against• Im was too' large. ,

IrapclllUorro_ weighed 243.; Bru-

balfbacki 'W olly Zemeck. aopbo- more Uckic, nnd Jack McKenzie, I'etterman tackle. ■


Coach Howard Jones, who used two separata- Southern California teams-nBOinat Oregon■ State'last Saturday, sold today that'.he In­tended keeping'tho -veteran’' and "sophomoro". units Intact nnd will suhsUtute full teams rather than Individuals in tho future.

G O O O l'G ’ CLUB

brands' Hist 'Chosen President; of Oollego LoUenncn's


GOODING, SepL 23 (Special)—] iTho tDcmbcra of tho Gooding col-' I lego lettermen's club, moro com- 'monly known ai Uio "O” club, met last week and elected now officers tO’ hcad the organlzaUon for tho currcnt ochool year.

Francis Rlst. Gooding, chosen prealJenl: .Huglx Nt Fairfield, . vice president;. iw«> Slmmona, .Dietrich, aecrctary: El­mer Rush,- Rupert, treasurer-; Jnck .Goodhig. Goodlnfr. ecrgeant- at-arms. Retiring o/ficera were

,Don Blakely, Twin Folia,' prcsl-; [dent: Jnc c Gooding. Gooding, 'vlco. 'prcaldent; nnd Francis Riot. Good­ing. secretary.

Foikwing the election, plans ere discussed for the new year;

_id a coramittevwas «ppolnt< to jwork out o constltuUon for tho| [organization.

6.000-PIBCE Q om r. ■WINDSOR. Conn. OIPJ — Mrs.

Mary A, Barnca, who celebrated her 84th birthday recently, la working on a bed quilt which, will I conUln 5,000 pieces.

NEW YORK. Sept. 29 (tU!> — iProb.ibie batting order and bat-i Ung averages of players for thoj opening world series gsme tomor­row; , '

I YankeesCrosettf, M ..............Rolfe, SbDlMogglo, cf ------ --Gehrig, lb ..............Dickey, o - - - -Powell, U ------------SeiklrkTTf -------- —----------Ruffing <O Ri'""™ "”“ " .ZGomez, p —.........—

GiantsMoore, K

Te , i“ -.~-----


Jackson, Sb . Mnncuso. c ’... Whitehead. 2 Hohbell; p .

.278IC Gomes pitches Uiber will ro-

place Ripple In center field, and bat .fourth; with Ott hitting third

. and Itn fy -fifth. I^lber’s batUng

— .BIVK-rODND' WATCH. ■.rRESNO;:CaiU..'.rapj;~,Formor

Mayor W. Packer, jrporU a flvo-pound 'Vfatch., I t 1* ono of.tho. WS tlJlnga in CaUfpmla that was. not du« to cUmote. It was him by a circus midget

BaayYoMS* M lEles And ^ u n % A s s 'S S i ie l la i

- . - A t—

U ls a r a s o m d r i i i iw . . C o . 'And EEaiSTEE for the 30 EBfiIIKOTON AUXOMATIO for tha WIDEST BPEI3AD Iher H ofw —and tbs SHOT OUH for tho LONQBST-TAn. P h ca p it

edge:Serie Broadcast'DrainaUo radio broadcast

of tho world serial sninca atarUnff .Wednesday wUl b« offered agalo thU year'-by the Idaho Evenlnnr noMs throBgh sUUon KTCT, Tnla FaHs. ' - '

Bpoelal.Unltrf -Preas wlfwi •) -ajfccrjfDm-<be‘PbT5-gSfii'd«iiind Tanliu ’stadium. it-fU' bring «Ter7 -Bun-e instantly- Into-tbo bcoadcasUog room' located in odltoHal offlcea ot the-ERuanir -Ttioeii. Yoo-U hear a bompleta asd coiorful

. story of. cadi enow as 'the•NewTork. • ■

. .Takb.Uilnga eosy-Wldo a -rodio. and -Usten. as .the Giants )nnd .Yankees battlo for - tbo .nerld; champlohshlp. -

Jbo.openeV WedneUIay Is ached nlnl. for~'npproxlma(e!y' • ' , • ’.Tuntf Iri on basehaU’s an-

. jiudl ahow. ’ ^

B l N S D i » FOR E l i M

Brr^mmllg'A yjln1^nT yyn^ «y tnr\ ■ PoUalxinff-Pp; .Open at , ' '

.Idaho Falb Friday

ho'FaUs Friday!._____________,crs' Briilnfl of. Twlo-Palis ;Wm«


Facing tin; season 'oiwheV at Ida-|--------------'ayi.OMChHMl-*'- '

iBuUdogs bJi

Although Idaho Falls-swamptd Dillon, Uont', under'a Cl-Ottbuch- doTO , landsUdo ■ BatuiavH Powers a&w tho'gmo^lM.WAan't too p^sBlintsUo-today.'. .The Bruin mentor reiterated-hla,belief, that ho has a'battling team -thla.jycar, ........... itoJ.'that Idaho F>l!s wlU

OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 20 O l —PorUand and Oaklanil meet to­night in the fourth and possibly decidinggnmo - of tho Pacific Coast league pennant ptayoCf aeries.

The gamo will bo played under lights ot Uio Emeryville ball park.

Tlie Beavers beat tbo Oaks three straight games last week. They need one more victory to give them! tho.-Bcvcn-gamo scries o id tho 1030 pennant.

elther\-Manager BUI Sweeney BlUy Ueycia has announced

his atorUng moundsmaa.

• BUFFALO,- N.' Y.,’ Sept. 20 (HE) —Buffalo'a International Icaguel

I.champlonfl'came' 'homo today fafi-' [iag tho tremendoua'Task of win- inlng four straight U they are te, nin baseball’s Junior title in the

IlitUo «vortd series. , •The MUw'aukeo Brewers’ 34o 1

victory at Mllwaukco last night gave them a tbree'-to-nothing'lead in the series. The winner of four games gets the tIUe. .

Marshall Piris .TurkDETROIT, Sept 29 lUD—Ever­

ett Marshall,-Denver. Colo., throw All.Baba, Detroit Turk; U o ,Wy- koff, IConsaa City,. Mo„--defeated Dutch Heffner, Texas, {foul);.Old Shlklna. Japan, Uirew. Bad .Man Uwls, Denver, Colo,, Blanley Bur-

|fU3d tfijt'out..' ' IttcJdo'BIay Bo Soly-ed ;- Bills Gardner has'becii’ hol__„down', the tackle . berth .’ oppo^te: 0111 Bates,.and Powers.was hoplngi today^that-hls' troubles, dt ,‘ Uuit spot may Im subsiding. 'Ilia at:&ty backflcld lines up with Toko Slater at .futlbsck. ‘’Olo": Anders6n’ and Frank Carp'critcr at halves,; and EUU-Andr<wB- aVquart«rback;-Uao I Hopkins fills tho cchter post; andl Ray Pulaier'and Ken Skeen been-seeing most acrvlco'afgOa-tho-flanks much of-tbo ___are-Frank Perrihe and -Willard Spenper. Half a dozen' of tbo bcrtlu 'Aren't cinched' by any means, however. and'Art'Trannier, Bus Crockett, Ancll Hill and:sev­eral others aro showing plenty of stuff.

OFFICERS ELECTED , High , school French .club met iyestcrday afternoon for tbs first jtimo this year nnd elccted officers. %Uss Margaret.. Scethoff, Frcnch teacher and dub'Sponsor, was pre­sent. Bert-Tolbert was ' elccted president, and Marjorie Driscoll, vlca president. - -. - ., . A ruby-colored humming .bird which makes a ndlco like a beo, land Is valued at $1000 Is owncdlby I p . F. Hopkins of Surrey,' EnpC ‘

Studio Gonfinns Trojan Practice Dtiriiig Film Job

|But’ Paramotm'f Denies M en', Drilled •‘Ab a Unit;* - . ,

., HOIXTWOOD. ’Sept. 29.C m ." — '.Ponunount: studio. olflclals tbdayCohflmied tho report that .

. 16 University- of- Southern. Coll-, fortila.foolball.-ptayc'rs bad,la* dulgwl ' ih p'ro-seaBOtt'pcrformJ . .

:on'ce«'ln.tho'.filmlnff'-of .‘ 'ROSB ' BowJ,’.' aTooUwiTflbn'schcdulM ;. .for'.njleaso this fHI. . . -

' They denied,' ht)wovcr,. that . Iho Trojan Vactot*’’ were suUty. ' of. vloloUng-a .'Padfl8';coast

“a unlt''as"itforo‘ Ui_________squad.',Tho'.U, B.'C;'S3iiad U

: -Jehy Barton,’ dlrttctof of Un produeUpa, said ho bad ■ ’ •,'TMian'OjAdams ,. acted os “ technlcal'advlsers" la tho film. ' , - V • 'S

Cborgu that BouUiem Cal(.

faU pracUco were" voiced by' 4l»* appointed Oregon Stato rooters, after w'atchlng a well-^lled TTO;. Jaa team run up a 884 score oa tho Beavors-Baturdoy.-

Oreji*a'Stato players, qucs- Uoned in Corvallis, Ore., declin­ed to enter the dlsputp, beyond tho remark that Southern Call- fcrhla had ono ot Uio smoothest .working . !‘flrst gamo” teams... they had over seen. .

Now SO-SO Winchester Carblnci - at ??7,M • •

- SO-SO Sarage Sporter - at ?J7.50 " •

This 30 liemiogton' 'Antomaliff ExpressJRifle goes FREE to Soma Diamond Hardware Custptncr. j

• Nice Picld'QloMM at - ' See tbo Now 348 TViu. - - $ 1 .5 0 -: $ 2 . 5 0 $ 4 . 9 8 olieslcr nifle-W ltli-318 ■ 8.1’ owcr Field G Ioasw _.5W .S8 CjHibte Bullet, Velocity' Fine ninocnlan tip to .i -$ 2 2 .^ i2 9 8 0 Feet Per Se;bad.

CLOSE ODT V . BiFLi: s ^ i s ;

.25 Remington ! ■' -■ Slielis___ ______QSt•SO'Etnflnglon ...- ShcliB.......32-Jte'mington - .'

Shells ..........

SHOT OUN SPKOIALSiBoys—We haye.Pump Quns]

-18 itBTforonly . . ..Our friend Monkey-'Ward

■'Co. sfllli'thj sadiB’ tUnB'’ «or- ..........

^W b hay# nice Doubla Guns, 12,16 or 20'sa. forJ$W.BO

; Sronl(ey-'\^rd sellaUhom lor

Come to DiBmond Hardn’&ro:; for ’ TENTS," QosolinB„and Camp S to ve s ;. H u n t in g l^ ivcs, CieaiiioK Hoda,‘ Qiin Oil and Recoil Pads. .


We Invite Comparison As To ConditionP rices A ctu a lly Cut $25*‘$75,We need the r^m and sroing to clear out our entire s ock of used cars> Take advantage of tiiis great Used Car Sale and sai e real money on your used car« •1935 FORD DeLUXE SEDAN—V Bnllt-in tmnl^ A-1 conditios, hot w st«r luator. ijk e .,

now. Average TwiitFalls price $B76. C fS M B - CUE PBIOB ........ ;.......- ........ ......

1935 PLYMPUTH DeLUXE COUPE- .''G.ply-tirea, 13,000 ndles, Looln and rims lika’ ncw.T • Avoratwpri»?C26.00. '

; OTO PWOB ..... .1 ,D .

1935 CHEVROLET COACH—, -19,000 znBosi.liot,wat9C.lieaier, A -I condition.' Aver. -

1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN-^Master model -Actual ipileBgo 18,000 miles. Good

-paint ^ 'd tin3'..'.01o'aii tu 'a p lo;B est in t o ^ Avocage prico $550.00. • - - - -

. 'O r a PEIOB

1934 PLYMOUTH COACH-- Heater, new tiiw . Average p r } « $626,00, C / I f f


1934 PLYMOUTH COUPE-..Deluxe'model Low mheago. A ffobd buy. A y e ^ . '

■ - prica:$405,00.- • .--Clffft'.OTO PBioE ” • ■1934 PONTIAC COUPE^- ' beliixe 8 model 'U otor OToitanled, sei?

-■ heater. A real value, Avoriigb Twin • ■ Falls price ?B50,OO..OUB PEIOE -1932 PLYMOUTH SEDAN-

- *A, good family oar. AveraBO price . , §376.00. OTO' moB

$ 5 0 0

1932 CHEVROLET COUPE-: Priced to aell &t oaoB. A rm g o prie«

. • $326.00. OtJB PBIOB


.V-8 w i i ^ V ,!^ d o n r t ^ i 'A n a V m to drive t« '• A v e^ b -p r iw $275.00. " ■ . ^ 2 2 5 ' -

S t a n d i model'Heater. Fiao o . out. Avorugo price $500.00.' OTO PEIOE . $ 4 2 5

WE HAVE—'1 O o ^ e Sedah; 2 Kaah-Scdaiu; 1 Hi^nii

- 1 .O bryal.^ 'Se^fud'm iiny o tb n i '

^ M a k e U. An Offer-


, BUY FROM A DEPENDABLE DEALER, ^ -b A s ^ ''i * 4 h o ■

, , PHONE 164 Plymouth'

Page 7: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

i i i l r: i i w T sjpxfieloiji., HftVflvEyM on Plaiuj ': . y o r 'j^ t^ o Program o£


.MOSCOW,^Bepti 20 (Sptcial) — ■hat dfllclaU 'ot tbe TJoivcralty of^ ^ “ Stnldng olros

iUar'tt) Uw9e •Do'popular-ln.lare-jtf-eM tcni vunJvcnlUcfl; ,1s. opih^I j t t ' fi«m>:*taUinents-.--m^o-.byfJ?^lacnt-M. O.'^NMlo in hl«

optninff a*scmbly oi itoo'.cUrrcnt'colItgc'ycar.c : -•• ?T"Ui#t winter I dlKUMcd with 'Burot«r of.aLuaeoU “ ‘l.w'tti se.- ,tral -fttculty; membera-ftttUlUM •jBhJeh wo mlsM-'wrae - a r -■wloUr-! /ipori*." ■ •| N*o!s-'B3ld; •■thavo'ft f«ellnff U«>tim-.aacquBtcVlntcr, aporta-pt^r ^ ^ - . , , ‘ o„c,ot our ErontMUrec-

nMiU, nna J lhough



2ri;lti5 •flports •he « ,Ouui most o( S - Mva^thsueht coulU • bo -pr^

New nfoUMtloii • '^nlveralUea' ofliJ cblUgco -lust. bcglAnUie'to come-to I Juxallon or-lhe,,poasibUlUM Of tvnw o f . outdoor .recriatJon. At Dartmomb c'qIIcbo 200 tc: 2,400 ^ e o .belong :16 on '.buUnE- club

S . “S !*ricl* pcopla'from -aU. parta of« g 5 S , b. jtopf.» l » -vrouia ralflo qucatlona ,m to Bhy a univorsily.should be Inter.i Utod •ln:provldli>g fiftica’ lor student. piny and -for iudciit acUvitlcs-'- Such. IndlvldU:

Jilfl no ’doubt-bollovo^In aH.hon- thnl a atata' tducatlonal-ln-,

liatltuUDn-ahould-bo . place .for ^flrk^and not lor.Pjay.■lo'ilwtit BlronKly.oi-tlie,opW<ffl

S w T a r o 'a l^ y too ;»aay-■-Ewi-arid'eatra-curricutaneUvlUea.•£d that whM “ irtoini to the Bpartan Blmpllclty K-^Scad, or na expansion of faclU-

_ Uca tor rccreaUon. .'Thla contcnlon mlgnt have nao

w^nuch' vaUdlty-b an earlier re-


■ZKilED.3[lllRI; I I

|womati, Orohddaughtcr Dead;. Tbrco la Hospital Alter

Wrcckago Bums

IDAHO FALLS, Sept. 20 a’.E)— Snow C. Fcrfcuaon, Hobcrta, Idaho Mllio KcIlcr, Idaho l'‘(aLi uxl clrlv> cr. and Elmona O'Brien, ItJaJio Ffllte. rrero in aertoua "chniUUDn o f.juries' suffered In an automobile aceldent \vhlch clalmcd two U’ cs

cfftcrday.Ura. S. C. Fcrg\i8on and her

*.irco ♦. year - old pranddauBhtcr, .Vonnle Fuhncr, daughter o£ Ur. and Jfm. &itca Fulmer, Roberta, were Itlllcd when tliE Fcrpuson car and tbo tnxl coUiiled.and cauf )it flro on iho RoVrla hlnhwny, 10 mllea north ot Idaho Kafla. Tbe baby waa killed Icstnntly.. Mra. Percuaon died-of acvere bums.' •

Fercu-ion, badly burned, \vaa not expcotcd to live. .Keller am) Mliui O’Brien were cxpected lo recover.


'nEW^'ORK lUi!)—A boolt of mote* -w n 100 number trleks which puzzle and amuse, yet rc- nulro-no mBUioroaUcaL.flIiUI..Jloa

■ -ed. ' I•inc publishers *ay .tlmt.‘ ’En9y|

Number Trlek-i for Younjr Old” will provld ft <lcvcr»lon

I entertaining and atlmulatlnR |cro.«-wonl puzzles. The book 'written by Jo-ieph C. Brown. perlntendent of nchooU al relham. N. Y., and published by Strath-, more company,- Aurorii, lU. it

:c(intaln« puzzle-i dependlnjf on 1 phraseology, others aolvablo by Irea.sonini; and , mathematical pbe; I nomena.


KTFI PROGRAMiMOUo. . ’1.000nr»tt«

W^ONEpOAY, SEPT. 30fl;00'^ 1t .TomIltt popular Vo-

f - 6:l6('orsan Memories,,. .■fl;80!BvD nlnff. Tlmej|.,J{e^. < l;«^ 2 rtw e 'T jb l»t Vocalist, feTiOO,'"rhB Mystic." ’

r:ia FVcne Paga Drama; "Ouiif I . ■ ...•.flnUed LovB."SsaO;Worid-wfd* .r r a n s r a d lo

iVtowffiashca.5>”iluil«hiki!r Chainptons."

,»:00!Banltbna' Bsrcethearts.'. • p:iO';MACon Quartette ind Ulg:-

“ jfjnSUtera. -- ' J:SO:Drama:, :*AMcot on Per-

• jiuj." - 8:iS:Uclodlti oT OM 'With BiUy • ■ ■HaSe..

f'.OO-Baptist'Vesper Hour.10:00 E»en(ng Bequest Raur.

r.U:00.Slebl9S.Off Time.• ‘; th u r8oav, ,6 ct. T .

f iro'Farwers BKaWaat CTub.■ Wrtngiam ; , .

6130 ;m in and Homo Tlashea. . 0 :45: Gaaeml ilarkot QuoUUMur '1;SQ Moming-DevoUonals.. . •,?:15,WQrW:Wl(Io TtftB B lttdti . . V. Newa-BTaahee. • ■ . r- •7;80,Bud- BlUlags .*nd.-.Care«

• .-Re*lnaao. ■ ' — ......fUS Jan Cuber- and ])ls Oreii'

§ -• M t r a . : . - ^ - ■ _• *... BiOIX Bialuiwa' BoreaBiders

<t:iB»Roy F « Favoriiea: - , ■ #5S?-,»^-.WaterB--I>opulat Vft.|

..8;4JropeoiDg Hulwt QuolftUons. 9iOO:4?oi>ular-’. Uelodiu .

..•.'.-iDay. " '■P:lBXstiDdTy Schoo) ot tho 'Air. i;.." ¥;Stf'SvertIny ••■HiaeB News

■hl.^Bduw-.WftUwKr --. • 'ttlS'-TwIn rallH-MRrketa. - . •

J ; a ® a l » ^ « t o a , « a hto ,0i

NewaFlMhM , >J. 00 UOeA Dance; . 5 ? » » r . r - i

«8<»mv.«-(ting TimM- tfflwa

By HENRY MoUEMORE NEW YOIUC, sept- 2 0 , " ^ -

• And you’re a Bucker it youVanka in four slralgbt

or the Giants In four etraighf, what do«a it matterT

Terry KlIU Enthuslaim ' That’s the way 1 feet

taiklng. to BIU- T * ^ 1»Giants ^ a i n j room at tha

e<t about-the-thing. And^■•perfectly -natural.. New Tortt'a seven .or eight-mUllons were talking of : nothin? else.Five dollar eeata wero ?euuigfor twenty dollars, so g r« t the • aporU pages -werelUled with Blorl«.about the two S ^ d the frpn'. pages toW o f : apecial tralas, loaded, wi^ hysterical fans,,8rWvlng.forihe

• battle, dutalflaih'e Pelp.grtmnd* half ■*'hundred' raBged .detefmlned. to . get at ^ t standing room, sat on rickety

■ stooJa waiting■ epea Borne ol them had been there for a week. . , . . • :>nien-l talked-to Terry, and jsjy cnthiUlaam,wMt Ump.

Doesn’t Ferf Thrilled • He’sthe njanflfroMhaaiMts

- th e wham lead them, into . batUo-and -fof-M- .talked of tbe Berles-aa d lsw . alonately as. a Oshmonger dU>, fii«ring the price of frown haU-

■ *^Befor6 he flnlahed 1 actually 'fell-llko. wnnlns-.outsldo and ,

■ t*)»ng thoae feUows sltUnfr aldo'thc KeoanU' take; •thoseVfUty:: cents.. ;U>ey.cliltchlafi lft'their-bands , and.'go snend It.ona gopd-movle.--", -r-iTlquoto'-a-few Unes ot w tfonveraatlon' up Terry Is over, the

■*^Sw .3o you f « l this, we- BUlT'aottlog i Uttlo .on.

• Just .Ball -Oamea ,

playing the>’Vankee8 for tte‘•Not much. S?me of the Itlda

— - -blt'eiclted, ^ t they'llget V. that'

Het Stuff? NIxl That’s hot stuff, isn't It?

Enough, to make any reporter catch Q cab back to tho office and write a powerful piece about how the Giants and the Tankeee, mortal enemies, meet tomorrow on the bat^ground !n a duel to death for<he cham* plonshln ol the world.

It must be, because a lot ot . 'em -ar»«~ andf K a s u T w ’r * -(Copyright, 1836, Unlied Press)A true bliziard muat be accom

panled by a galo of wind, Mn .teroperatu^ and drifUng, pow dery_snow,'

{Business Staff IsSelected’ for Play

Production alalf of the nli:«hool play, "The Rond to Ye.itcrday." ia announced by MIsa Florence Rcea, high achool, dnunatic coach. Na­than Tolbert has been chosen as business manager, Irvin Johnson ao (tago manftser..-Eva Ruth Word, customo-director. Iran johnson electrician and Leo -Waltan, aasla-

Twcnty more alucicnta.wUl be toe needed for a scene In tho third act of thif comedy of Dlx and Sutherland. . ivtiicurimjn wlU btgin as soon as tho boolcs arrive, Miss Reea indicated, and wiU continue until Nov. 12 and la, the two eveninKS that the double caat.wilL.appear.------------------


Walter Dllks, BoUe,-waa arrested Sunday for fishing too closo to Macle dam. Ho was fined J27.50 and .court costa and bla fishing tackle was taljp away f ro y

fntll televWott, Julia Sandemon nnd Frnntc CnimU, CD.S Mar*, --■* bo'ntile to liroadcast cntertalnmcntlllUc tliLi. Mls .Sandrr-

..... - her partner, flddUtijj uUli tha raiined Kond*■.......... ........... I doIiiK'."’ T.irn to lastBon IK nil attention iin iiur

anJ MlMnrd Ktlrlcn, ilemand. pngo

Giant Outfielders Seeing To Have Bulge on Foes

jFireworks Will Fealui-c Vandul

Football RallyMOSCOW. Sept. 29 <8pcclaljr-.

Idaho’fl' annual footbaU rally foe . tho Washington SUto bomccom..Ing gatoo, Oct 10, will go mod­em, John Moats, Vandal yell king, announced tbday. -• Fireworks dlsplaya in tlio foot­ball atadlura the night before the game vrill replace tho tredltional frooh bonfire The pyrotechnics will bo tho most elaborate w hlblted In - Moscow, declared

dents through- the campua and -'owiitown sections. - ' -

For ycar.5, all the male fresh- len at tlio-unlvcrslty have worji-

_d several dnys and nights In Bothering roaterlni for the bon- fire. Guarding the huge pile to keep It from being prematurely burned lins llltwlBC been a big , Job.

I'uei Scared ,One of tho major foctors /or ILi

discontinuance, however, is. that Moscow ha.1 been virtually deplet­ed of «tray lumber In reci-nt years, and the n-v.oclatcd students' or- ; gnnlz.iUon has been put to consid­erable expense for material app;-'»- prlated by over-zealous freahmrii.

Tlio boom cliys for the bon-wiete nlilewalks-wero. replacing v ooilen onc-1 and n modem city sewage plant was Installcil,-

Wcrd coming from Craduato lI.inaKer(iGeor«e Horton ,1s that tu;.-! ycflki crowd for tho Wai . Incton 'statQ-Idnlio game will break nlft prcvloiio rccorda,


■ 'Pa<b.8^ f ~

Miss Horrible Death■WEST HAVPN, Conn. iV.p-

Three frishtened youngaters, Ihor- ouchly "whipped." tumbled from the cyllndef of a hiigo cement mixer near Colonial Park school which had' been set in jgolion by a companion who tho human material -Bmin. A cable becamo entangled trtth the ninnlnir rear and stalled the, motor before a passerby, attracted

- the crica of tho boys, reachcdi mixer.

“Home” GambsMOItAGA VALLEY, Cal-

• If. Sept. 2B (NEA)—Homo games played by 8t. Mary s ^ean a 60-mllc trip, SO over land and 20 over water, to KeMT.sta«Uum in Ban Fran- clseo; -To gft thtro . tha Gaels pass through Berke­ley. Oakland, alid aciosa 8aa Francisco Bay. Three coun- Ucs. Contra Costa, Alameda, and San Francisco are tm* versed.

By GEOKGE UIRKSF.V NEW YORK, Sept. 20 tl’-ID-i...

analysis or the outfields of the world Jierles rlvnl.i gives the ad- vantoge. to the Giants, eountei'- acting oomewhat the edge conced-

• •- the Yankees in llio infield., Giants’ margin of auperlor»llty in the outfield la not as Im- Ipresslvo as the Yankee.i’ edge In tho Infield but It Is enough to raise tho hopca.otBlll Terry's NaUonal league suppbrtert. . " y _

Here Aro Stiftcr*The Giants' starling outfield will

bo composed of Joe Moore in left, Jimmy Ripple in center and Mel Ott in right. Their composite bat­ting average Is .318. Tho Yanks I* mado up of Jako Powell in left, Joe DlMagglo In center anci George .--...I-.- In right. Aa " ‘ hev...... ................. unit, theyro batting .311.Generally spealclng, tho Gianta

trio poascsaes the greater defenslvo flklil. covers moto ground and boasts belter throwers.

Comfortalile Ed go III left, Joe Mooro haa the edge

un Powell by ft comforUhlo mar­gin. Mooro la one of the beat lead- off men tn tho majors, and a great fly chaser. Ho has a nuuvckjua a ^ . and has thrown out 10 base runners this seaaon, more than any other outfielder on ellher club. His batUng-avcmgo-ia .318 to Powella .297. PoweU has driven in more

77 to 67. but tho Yankee

toutfleider, batting .■icventh, I-'' advantaKeoua poiillion w

in runs than Moore hilling No. 1 /ipot."DLMnp" a.1 Mnrniii

•me YTinkii have tho bulge In ccnter by.a wldo marci i, with Di- MagRlo, tho spectacular 21-y(nr- old San Francisco rookie, outciaas- ing Ripple and Hank Leibcr, a right-banded bailer who will play center when Lefty Gomez for tho Yonks. DlMaggio-,- iiiig .333 aKainst-nipplc-a-.3lO-Bnd| LelbcE'a .270, .and he can covci

ground than cither of'them, mil arm la deadly, perhaps tho beat in thft maiora for dintanco nnd ac- curacy. Tho Italian rookie has hit 29 homera nnd driven In 123 run*

In connection willi DlMagglo la well to remember that ho was big flop in the mid-season all-stxu gr^o In Boston. Few rookies have

drive, lie picked up Lclber when the Dutchman slumped and be- cjime probftbly the main cog In the Giants’ offense. He is a fair out­fielder, and might bo one of tho

- playeni in the Bcrics. ■ cro of the 1033 workl aeries

ana all-around pUycr on ,tho . Giants oiituldo ot Hubbcll, is head and shoulders over Selkirk in r ght field.. OU. batUng .326, has drlvm liJ-134 runs and hit 33 homera. Ho-

, fine arm, and Is a great play- I ft pinch, Selkirk ill balling

.303, nnd has driven in' 105 mnij. Ho is awkwanl In tho outfleln, EomeUmoa making, easy catchea look hard.- Ho may .have trouble playing balb off tho right <,__

Ono of the tasks of Unflo Sam’s forest rangers is countmg tho number of big game animals In tho national forests. -

0 in uoston. r ew rooKieu jmvu I ever ahincd in tha world aeries. But DlMagglo la n cold-blooded propo-i altlon nnd ho may craah through toa hero’s rolo In th<S worid a

nipple.has been a great to tho Giants' la their ]

YOTO LATODE7 And Clothing Are Fully

. Insured When Sent to thePAEIBIAN. m o .

Phone 8£0

S 'Uio 'lUanfiBuaHA. iM»ut

1 .

^ o o k a l i k e . . . ^ / ^m P S THE m G U E f

' TI'6 pcrfarmance that counu-ln s ball plaj.tc1 M woH a« a whiskey I Oo'*mSni/roM f ir -■ JlsrpiaW?, you ’ll f in i f f ln d to r .a le a d e r among

jiiipU at-pricca m a ig h f bourbon Jvlm tiei. I t

' B a y ) l f 9 Slheri In .the botUe, J)nt in thi • ’fa l i l i i t i championship quality cannot be mii^

ialccn-Ifha<lnstlhatH nd.ofi:lcb|robu3t,rounii-

bpdied BellcloStnfl'll. " ". SOnId «p e c { :o t» HMskoS. ; 8;[pertly^diatillcd and,«gc(J H .^ational.P ifU llcrfl,,'


Safe Bargains! Honest Values!

- Becosditioned and Guaranteod, oars you can depend o% cars ■with a ntonoy back gnarantce, cars priced far bdpw aolnal value. , . ,.

$4ftS8i> Plytaoutli Bcdan - ■ 85 Ford V -Sjrudor S

80 ■Willy&77'6cdari.9550• 85 Ford Tudor-Deluio .ODd .Trank ■-------------

■ 5'P ord .F ord or..'rn jn k :-------- -— .......... - ,,$5 7S84 Ford D clo jc Fordor, new motor—83 Ford ■ Tador Sedan, n m motop»»_-------

■ 83 Ford Conpe, now motor—.^-84 Ford Tudor Sedan, new. nio1;or.j.i.w—r-. 23 Pontiao' Conpe --------:: aoW iUys Eniglit Conpo •..-;'80 Ford.^.Coi

;0 NaA C'30 Sedso Sedan SO Grolam Coupe -

• 31 IJorJ-Victoriii' B lF ord 'C f2D Fora.Tudor Scdoa. 29 Ford' Conpo —

j , .TBtJOKSJ • TE0OK8I.■ . M Fora-TrtJci. DW." 34 Ford Tmekj^new-jnotor V.JU

32 Ffird Truck IS? -------------^0 Fowl Tm ok, 15 7 -------

. ; M^Pord ^Pickup/^'-'- -. 35^PoKliK ekB p;w

tn S M e m d w i o i i w h w e y


Page 8: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

, Pago mi% » roAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO_________

I".'j i . -* T o n 'l l F in d R e a l O p p o r tn n it ie s in th e


.. ■ WANTED TO BITY-IOOO c to wreO(. Formera' Aulo Supr

Part*. Dept. Phone 22!t-W

Oliver potato UlCRcr. nearly new. .Larira circulating heater. Phoae 1380-J. 130 Addison avcnu# WMt.

Jno. .B. ^^iteI'M Sccond Ave. NorlU

1030 model Bulck nport ci .. Fender welb, healer. Very ijood buy. &37 ThlrU avenue east. Pboni lOlO.FBUITS AND VEQETABLEB


Public Mnrkel. 313 Shoahono J

BUBINESB OPPOETUNITIEBGroccry and meat market. ...

«nd up to date slock, doing Rood • cash bualncas, good location, cheap

rent. Cannon’*, Cufltleford. Ida.

DellclQuii, Jonathan, Winter B3‘ nona. and King David apples., Kenyon Green.


Dellcloua applea }IJ25 -per. box.| Bulk ratca to tnickera. Hyde; ranch, 2 ml. cast 2<x south fn Kimberly. Pliono Kim. 81-0-4.

Eoom for 'recL 202 Sixth a

■ FurolsticU cosy rooms—3 bloclui from bleh school. Brlclc bomie,

.lUam beated; bath. 360 Filth K.••— 7-Roonr ana-.boBrt -for tw

• 711 Third nvenuo north.' •aBS-U. •

Priine.i lit Auction Ground Frultl iSlaniJ until frone-25c, 45c. Good

2-s at ■7&c.,Nlee half buahi-‘ llaakcls packed COc hosUel. CO. 'Klondllto melons—your cholcc for: 10c.


vBookltecpcr and HlBhest prices paid for your fal :hlchent ani turkeys. Independ- cDt Uest Co.

HELP WANTED-MALBExpert watch rcpalnniui. Must

have' pfevloufl cxpcrlenee. Call at Twin Falls Loan Office.


_..o younR.Jersey cott-s clvlnj?] milk. Range slove. Some fumlturc.' Set hamcM. »i ml. North o£ — JCClnlB. 8,.J,J!CFWlcinil.______

Young married,ma or dairy work. Way Prattfl Auto Camp.


.. Auto WindihlEld and Door GUUa.'

. Thometa T^p.acd Body W<ri(s.. Window GIoas-i-Brlnff la ;

. «uh. ThomeU, Top A Body Work*.; • 580 cleclTio waaher offered . ■ cut. Practically new, uacd only . eeveral weeks.. Phone 1139.

■ FOR HALE — Crane plumbing, flxlures and plumbing luppllc* of

, mi kinds. tCrcncel'B Hardware. ', • WHEELS FOR ANY CAH!

See ua for tho beat prices.- Rt capped .Tires, Inc., 135 Sccond Avo. South. Phono 24D.

Now trailer houBe for sale . , ' borj^a. U’s factory made, fully

’ - equipped and accommodatea four. C n. Haaan. 114 Bboshona Avc. West, Perrins Hotel Building.

FOR SALE — Repairs for Uc- Conntck, Decrlng, John ..Deere. Moline, Milwaukee. Dain and Em-.

’ ersoa mowers. All guaranteed: .► ICrcnEel'a Hardware.' Auto Door Class, Wlndshlotdi ■' and Window Gtaa*. No chargo fori ' setting 'glaaa. Bring In you sash! •' cr iJrlve > In. Protect your ' ' health. Save on . your fuel bills-

Phono a. Moon's. ;FOR SALE—A carload of Mu-

: rc3co In bulk. Buy whnt ynu need, brine back what you have left. W« loan you bruah to put It on free. McMuttry House l>olnt. 4-Hour

' -.Enamel, Floor and Unolcum Var-| ; ' slsh dry* In .two hours. We alsr' ' have n large stock of Wall Papei

and Linoleum Hugs Why pay wai . prlcc. Phoao B.. Mooa't ’ , .

: ABERDEEN CO'aL By the Sack NOW,-.

. rNTERMOUNTAm SEED . AND FUEL CO. , .• Phono 142. or 120

rO B B A fe .O E T E iD E '

.JTV.-Q .ranges— Cood...CQndlUon.

FOR SALE — Tree-ripened IlaJ- m prunes. Will start picking ct. 3. Kollraeycr ranch, C.W of I! comer of Buhl. ,

Anjou and ICIeffer pears. H. tUcdcman, 4 ml. So, and H from E. end of moln. I’h. 0380J4,


aercs on North Side Twlnl 'Falls tract with or without etockl land machinery. Box 267-T, cn

acres adjoining icimbe.. five-room UwelUng^garoge, frultl trees, nice lawn, $2000. Peavey- Taber Co. Inc-, 202 Shoahono 8t


40 acres, Jl.OOO.OO XuU price. North of-Plcabo. Good Water right, bouse, bam, chlckcn house, gravel Sxiad, fenccd. M. mllo from .school and high­way. Crops; grain and hoy.


xlai Oil Fcrmancnt. >1.00. , . . . . Oil Penuanent, 52.00. Klaaa iBcauty Shop, :30 Sixth Ave. East iPhone 1335.

Permanenta — J l .» to JShami)06 and flngerwavo — ___Uabel Marie .Beauty Shop. ISO Main North, Phone 44T


, Pecmanent waving, flncerwav- 'lag, marcelling, hair dying, facials,' (nijlvldual hair cutting. Oil per- :monents from $1JS0. Artistic Benu-

Darrow, Wendell. Idaho.Good ciuality bedroom.' ‘ llvliig- >om and dining room furniture.

I Give full detolb and phone num- ............... Box 276-IC. care Times.

For Sale — One good gucmseyj WANTED-MISOELLANEOUSi

Custom killing also latest tbod curing." Bring your bogs to Idaho PBClilng Co. Phone IIK).' North of sugar factory. ,


Wanted — To trade now Crane I plumbing fbttures for your oldl

[bathroom fixtures. ICrcngcl's Hdw.

bags betw and-city limits on Addlaon. Gal!

Times. RewaW.

TRUCKING WANTED!: oro equipped to move any-

I thing up to 15 ton. See W. W. Wll- |ilam.i,- 133 Sefcond Ave, So. Phone;

I LOST — Duneh keys and gas tank cap. Finder pleaao return to

|Tlmes office. Reward.

Wanted — Upholnterlng. repair­ing. furniture rcfinlshlng. window Bhado work. Crcsa 4 Bruley Puml* iture Co. Phono C55, 130 Second

MISOELLANEOUSCanvas, Tents, Awnlnga.

iklnds Canvna repairing. Tbomctx iTop & Body Works.

Young couple wants 4 or 5 modem liouse with good narage. Phone 813..

Custom Hllllog. curing smoking meals. Phono 28. I pendent Packing Plant.

Eatlmates gladly given ot .... idnda of Job prlnUng at offlco of , Idaho Evening Times.

CARBURETORS — Carburetor parts and sen,’ice. F. G H. Motor Service, 230 Shoshone St. \ Twin Falls.

TRUCKilEN ATTENTION t^t U3 recap your tires n you SOCJ to, lOOCi on j

...e cost. Tho new guaranteed way. Rccappcd Tirca,-Inc., Second Avc. So, Phone 2<0.

Tho those who cxpres-sed theli /mpathy In so many bcautifu ncl practical ways during our re-

Cent bereavement wo extend oui heartfelt thanlw,

Mrs, Mabel Staley, anil family,

M, E. Staley,Everett Staley, Stephen Staley, n, J. Staley,T. J. Staley, ^Mrs. Olive, Peterson,

, Mr*. Belhla Staley,

, SPRING FILLED MATTRESS-, ES MADE FROM YOUR OLD] ONES. Mattresses renovated andl recovered. Wool carding. Tb-1i Falla Mattress Factory. Phone

[51W __________For Federal-Land Bank Loans:

- W. McDowell,Bank & .Trust St. Will be In Uie oCflco on cach afternoon but Saturdays. Phone' No. 421 offlcc or 020SJ1 home.

ve Money on Lumber by Buy* ,t the Idaho Junlc House. .in2

Second avenue south. Rough luni-


, C l o s i n g - O u t S a l e '■ JJ75 head Uvestock-Horses, .- ',«ittl« andnheep.-•

;^»chlnery,': J. F, Bymo farm East cdgo. o f Richfield. 10 miles Norlh- ca4t Shoshone. ,

J.'F. BYRNE. Owner.' : a Brlngle', Auctioneer


,„.^flassco-thmy«)ve3. Write

MONEY TO LOAN'On Twin 'Falls dwellings.

■ Lowest r.-itea. Long terms.. . Quick Service.".. . S-fcNGER-JONES Eatato — Loans 123 Ualii E. , Phono 427


S060 allghtly used Sohmer planol -t excellent condition for Jia3-00.| Logon Music Company.

Sacrajnento, leaving Wednesday. i Shore*. expenses. < 11 Standard; Stntlonfl on. Main;

Know about your future! An-ne- ciirfttB account of your past and future told-by Modomo Elolnc. 404 Second avenue South, Apt' 2 up­stairs. I Aoi not a Cypslo.- From 8 a, m. to 0 p. m.-- ..

PAINTING — DECOBATmol......... . . . V - i —

■\Vanlcil. to bu.v or trade for beds, 'Bprings, mnl- trcssM, slovcs, drcssc;-a, rug.s, cliaira.'IInyes Furni­ture EsebanRc. Pliono 73.

Ing. E. L. Shaffer.Wonted —Painting and Uabo-

mining with guarantee. 032 Blue I Lakci^

\VanteJ: Painting, .l<0l30mlnlng| id-Tipcr ijonging- with -cuanm*] ■e. M. A. WilUams.’Phono OSl-W.




Estate of Henry W. Farrar, iceaaed.

Notice Is hereby given by the I undersigned admlnlstrlx of the ' ‘ ate of Henry W. Farrar, deceas-

to the creditors of and . . . a having claims against the said eased, to (ahlblt them with tho

;bers, wlthli ' ‘ndmlnis-l

tratrlx at tho office of E. M. WoU(, ■ Building. Twin Falls,

county of Twin Falla. State of lda-| ho, this being the place fixed for ■ tho transaction of the buaineaa i ‘

estate.Dated Sept. 13. 1030.




;Catlle; 1,700; steady, trades Irreg. lulorfbeef ntcera S7-9.S0; cows and heifers 54-».18; cnlvea J5-0; feed­ers and Btockers «4-S.50; bull* «4- 4.60. -----

sow* ?8.85.0.B0: pigs J7-7.50; stags «<> / “ 'y{3-D..

Sheep: 10,000; oteady, acting atrotig; fat- l^nbs SS.60-9.50;

fender straight-



CtnCAGO Ln'ESTOCK , CHICAGO, Sept. 29 a'-!;j—Hogs,] 112,000; market steady t •'than Monday's averagu.,.40; bulk desirable 20O-SOO Iba. 1.10-10-33; most well flnlaheJ 100- ;200 lbs. SO.QS-10.23;' coroparablo !llgllt llghls ?B,8D-It.0S: beat -- tosis. V

Cattle 0,000;VaIves l.BOO; kilting classes firm; trade fletive; bulk yearUngs aold on early roundal at new high on crop; quality sldercd; also good action onvrelghu nnd weighty s teers___eapeclolly on low priced killers; top

paid for'm ed. weight___ j; bcstj^carllngs J10,36j 1,387pound averages $10.25; builc better gmdcs {0.25 upwards; stkrs. feedcra slow; but n litUe ' ' tlion lato last wcclc; ai: slightly higher; cutter cwws acu- Ing freely at J4.00-4.25; weighty, naufiago’ bulls up-tb 55.00; veal^l ------•; largely {11.00-11.50; few

1 general pllnt- Phons 1203-J,


Sheep, 11,000! fat lambs acUve, rong; other classes steady; bulk

mnge'lambs S0.60 down; range.‘ Jdllers {8.25-8,50; moat fat

. . .J {0-25-0-50 to packers; few to small killers {9.05-9.S5; range ewea $; double plain 40 lb. feeding lamba {8.00. -

0.M-ULV” U ^ T 0 C K OMAHA. Neb,, Sept 20 (I’Jri — |

(U3DA)—Hpgs 0,000; generally steady; some strength on ISO lbs.! down; early top { 0.00; small lots' • - - ird trades $10.00; other

tot* held at that price; Set-

RATES >ER blNE PER DATSix days, per line per <lay----- 4oThreo days, per lino per day_5c! One day, per Ua# _

___ T>ro LlnM ,Minimum Chargn 2So

Classified Display Ratrs on Re­quest

la accepting copy for classi­fied udvertisunenli for nubllca- Uoa la Uis Idaho {svoalng Times, ths .Imcs Publishing

_ advertiaemcat, the . . BfowdblUty of ths Tima Pub­lishing Company, ceases ’ after | first puhhcatkm U Ue odver- User aoea not call Its attenUon' V) the error.

All Classified...........E

Times reserves ths right change the wordbg of an au- vertlsement If by doing so a Nearer meaning will result.

Classified Ait which carry a letter and box number Instead ot tho name of the advertiser mujt be answered by letter. ricaM do aot ask tor ths name ot the advertiser which U obso- lutely coafldeatlal in auchcaoea.





- . . ’ i03l5. ,, NOTICE is hereby.giv. . . [Martin' N. ICnudson, of Hollister, Idaho, who, on January 18, 1034, made Desert Land Entry, No.

1015742, for NWi; SWi/i, Bcctloa 3, 'lowSship 133, range Ifl KBM. has filed, notice of. Intention to make- final proof, to establish claim to llio land above described, before

,F. S.'Bcll. U. S. Co • •Tivln Falla, Idaho, o IS ^7th dof October. 1036., Calment names as witnesses: J. E. Pholman, A. E. Caldwell, j : il, pierce, C. W, Strickland, all if Hollister, Idaho.

Source of water supply: Salmon iRlver Canal Company, vol. I-*"''

per second of lime.

Mre. Myrtle Kirkpatrick, 62,| Connty Besidcst 23 T cu?,

; Passbs Bt Hospital

Mrs. Myrtle Iva.Hcnry Itlrkpat rick. 52,-resident ot Haasea'Vi- clnit:! for the post 23 years, died today, at 10:30 a. in. at the hospit­al here.’ . She, 'Was preceded In death, by- her husbaad, James W. Kirkpatrick, on F?h. 0, 1020.-^ra. Kirkpatrick -wa* horn li

Paradise. Ifia.'h: two cUldTcn, Oall Jamei Klrkpat rick, Hanstn, an3 Mrs. 3. R-.Haw- kina, Saa -Francisco, imd the fol­lowing brothers and ..sljtcns: George R. Henry,-Huelton; Hra., O. F.-Mothcmhead. Hftnsen; Mra-| Nick Johaaton Uurtaugh; Un- J. J, MllUr, Paradiaa; Mrs. Her-, loa Hanson,'Pmdlae,- and- Mrs. I lay Critca, - ■ •Pending

ENQBAVIHGr o o m o ANN0UNCEMBINT8 colling cards eDgravni or

Iprluted - Uany rorrtet stylov to I&.60M th« Bvcalng .TUsu . ottlce, -22S >lBln Avcnoe

Teltpheoe 23. ..

RAGSl'nilAGSf W A N T E D ■


-4c per lb.■ . . —at— ■ TIMES OFFICE

Today’s Markets and Financial NewsLIVESTOCK

L“ fS

0 $12.01----------GRAINTADLrCHICAGO, Sept


, r , - ,..... - 160-180 Iba. $ ?8,25.-i).35; ..cholcc. 150

Cifttlc 8,500; calves 1,000; steers and yearlinga uneven, year- llngi and light ateera flteady- strong;-weighty alow, steady; all

stock steady; bulla and vcal- - . . ateady-Btrong; Jrtociiers and feeders steady; fed ateem and yearlings {8-25-0.50; few loads yearlings $3-60-045; price 1018 Iha. $10-00; fed heifers {; few loads up to {0.50; practical ton 'calera {7.00.

Sheep: 11,500; hilling classes op-

,8.76: Bortcd choice lamba bid up u ' er;- cwca S3-50 choice feeding '


—Hogs: 250.\ Steady with Mon­day's close, qriully 25c lower than Friday. Good-choice llghtwolght drive-ins {10.00. Heavies Light lights {9-50-0.75. P sows $8-25-8.50. liberal supplyi holdover feeder pigs unsold. Best • ild around $8,50. ' -

Cattle: 225, holdovers around 450, calves 135. Very few salesbids fcenerally oBlUng steady . ___Monday's lato 25c declhie. Steers nblpi scarce. Best load Monday 7,50. 282, total to

M G EfflO S NEW YORK Sept 28-(ttE)-ThB| market closed Irregiiior. '

lAlasha Juneau Allied Ch ' '

tied the entire wheat market to- lay on the Chicago boa>d o f trade.

At the close -wheat was un- :hanged to' off i j j , December at $1.13^. Com was,up H to %rDc-

■ r P5c ccnta. Oat* wr-- “ _.-cen)ber 41% cent*; a

,w(is off H, December 80ii UTieat futures were on-t . ..

I grade at tho "fltort borrowing istrenglh from Liverpool and Win- jnlpeg. July soon developed an In- jdepeaclently weak tone, however, land all deliveries reacUd from tho

beat levels. SelRng of July Inspired by reports

:iorgc.Trade in com generally reflect­

ed fluQtuatlons In wheat. Weather was cool and ripening of the now crop -n’aa reported to be proces­sing slowly. Interest in the mar- ket was light'. Oat* and rye were dominated by the actkm of other grains, and price changes httlQ consequence. -


Cont. Oll of Delaware-------S3Com Products,---- -------------.' 60«DuPont <Ie Nemours...:.____162Eaatmaa Kodak ......... ......-IGOElectric Power 4c Light___ 16ViGeneral ElecUIc ........... .... *5<AGeneral Foods General Motors Goodyear Tire

Kennecott Copper .-.----------- 4& ILooWs Inc-------------------------58SMontgomery Ward Noah Molora'

Open lUgh Low qoao._;,.114%'H4« 113H „....113 113H 111% 111% -,..-101',4' lOHi 08Vi 08H‘ ., D5«4 OSH OlTl

National Dairy Producta,— . 2i‘ New York Central Packard Motors


Dec. — D5«i OSH OlTl 05U .May .... 00‘4 00>4 80»i OOM

Oats'""Dcc. 1... 42H 42H 41% 41«May ---- 42?i 42% 42 42July __ 88',i 35% 3814 38S

Rye:ec. .... 82 , 82» 80>4 80HBarley: ,cc. .... 70!4 70'.4 79'A 7D15

casIT o uainCHICAGO,. Sept 20 fUPI ~

Wheat: 1 lianl $1.22 4; 1 c^cU$ua>i.Com; 4 mixed $1.10i ; 2 mix­ed { 1.10; 1 yellow $1.15; 2 yellow $1.15: 3 yellow Jl.12; • -- — ,10-l.T -white ___ _

hito SLI3i;;t 5 white {1.10; lo S1,0M,03.Oats: 1 white 45ii-46c; 2, 45K-

4Cc: 3 42-41c; 4, 41>4-c; 3 mixed, 12-43C.

Rye: No sales.Barley: Old 3 Iowa, $1.00; feed

I72-85C; molting $1.12-1.47,' Timothy Seed: old crop $5.75-

Paramount Pictures - J. C. Penney . Co—— Pcnna. R. R.—Radio Keith Orpheum- ~ yiiolda Tobacco B...,

Icwny ' ISears Roebuck —Shell Union Oil-------------Simmons Co. -----

Standard Branda ......Standard OU-of'Calif..-

COTexas corp.v—-J----------------Trans-AmeriCk.^---------- ----13H|Union Carbide and Carbon-: 06y'Union.Pacific—jio.^ales.___ .. _.United Aircraft __________ 2ltiUnited Corp. ----------U. a. Steel, com.------:.Warner Bros...........—\Vcstem Union ......... -Wcstlnghouse Electrle................F. W. Wooiworth Co........... 53«American RoUlng Mills---- 28%


IDAHO FALLS, Sept 20 (US DA)—Upper valley cash to. gtcrw- crs, bulk per cwt., nioatiy around $1, delivered warehouses for U. S. No, 1 russets; 65o to 70c for U. S. twos. ,


, eatlicr clear, temperature 58; I

Med. ■ $5.75-6.75. Fleshy heifers clo-sed fully 25o lower Monday at, mostly {5.75 dov n. Low cutterj and cutter cows around {2.75-3.00. Good becf.oows quotable {4.50-5,00. Few bull* $4,60-5.00, Vealers stea- dy-wealt.. Good-choice $8.00.0,00. Odd head $0,25. Heavy calves very! slow. ■

iWeatlier clear, temperat-.- , 395, arrivals 08, tfack

• • 75,078, last.... 07,10'/: supplies -Ubcrnl. mand western stock good, ol stock moderate. Ukt steady e.

Sheep: 300. Ho early sales. Ask­ing atcady_ at Monday’s_ 25c dccllne,

around $7.50- $3.00-3.25.


:—Hogs: 8C0. Slow. Steady to 101 ccnts-lower, early top {lO.OS^on' best, kinds; nixed weights ond

radsfl around $0.00 down; pack-, ig $7.25 to {7.76.- CatUe: 700. Steady at week's

strong prices,. early sales niosUy odd lots she sti>ck,'hclfer8 {5 to I$5.fl0,-med. and. good cow* $4.25 I '- Including lo • •

Tuea. Ida. Russet Burbanks 2 $1-93, 14 cors {2.05, 2 cart {2,10,' car $2.05, fine ....................

ir $2.20, 1car $1.75,----------— ,

- car {1,50; Wash. Ruaoclt Bur­bank* washed fine quality large 3 cars $2.50, Wash, —

to $).50 Including lohd Idaho feeders dt $4.35. xmder gnuJa cows $XDO to {3.75, few lota good veol- er*'-'$3. late Moo. car'good 107B lb.. Idaho steer# $6.76,'load IllB •' Wyo.,^6,50, few load

I lots Ida. $0.25, l o a d - .____$5.00, com^teers and heifers Ti to $4£0; bull* $4.U5 lo $5. I extra good Ida. cow* $8.25, t load Ida. $5.10, bulk med.

good locals $4.25 to $4 er grades down to $3 and

beat vcalers $8-to $3.50. heep: 5060. No early sa.—, I. car 83 lb. Nev. hitabs $7.76, I Nev. feeders $7. two Itoda b. Utah feeders $7, 25 average

out $0, 424 head 80 lb. truckcd-ln • • $7,50. load ISO lb. UUh

3, 113 Ih. plain Utah*

-Bosl Estate Ttaiufert

TUCnS, SEPT. 21 Deed: - 0. E. Stevens, county

ltreasn.rerr lo.Twla- Tolls North- ' ilde InvesCnenl (>>:, $26.14. lolA 4, J, 6,-16, 10; blooJc 84. Hollister,'-

,'.'L«a8e: E,-'E. Ostnmdcr to' the Tqxas Co^'lot* SI, 83, blocic 72. “ • Falls.'.'-' •

, E.. C. Squires to C. B.H*ndtr*jn. $1. part lot,

peci«e: DlsUUt tst J. T, Ewu» ,to S. -A. Ztin*. lot 'ts. hlook 9, Tnbi FjUU. and-Ual -ln Ooodlns

[county. ■ • • -


100: 15-23 cetiU lower: llgbt gndn fe<Is $10^5-1L10.-some heta -hlgh., er; heavy locals $l(?-10.2d.' "

CatUe: 1.100. slow, Bteody to 25«| lower: med..-ateera $7-85:-Mex. $S.S5-9.40:JBrau halferfl'ja down: cows $4,60-5.66;: cutter grades $2- .75-4^5: bulU.40 $6.76;: calves

$8.60: M other *Al«: Ute Mon. ay’9 $3.t»-$3.60. ,

PLtTMKEIlS’XO MEET,. ,, J^aMerpiumbeni of nuUieTD'U-

QhQ,wm meot- ftt a-dlnaerat Uis ParK hoUl »t'7 p - ------- --neMay. It was osnoeocedofflefcr* « Uv orgnn latlc-......... .heallb sod Mfety crohUrn* wOl .lM' d i s c u s s e d . I

no quality targe 1 r $2.25, commcrdal

__ ffnmge 1 car $1.25; Colo. Red>fcClurca 1 car $2, 1 car $2.10, 1 CAT $2.15, cotton saclcji 1 cor $2.20; Nebr BUas Triumph 1 car $1.00; WIs..Cobblers 3 car* {1.70, fine quality large 1 car $1.75, ' car $1.B0; Ulnn. Cobblers 1 c. $1.65, 1 car -$L70; N. Dale CoWl biers 4 cars $1.70, Bliss Triumph I


SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 20 ni£) — Hogs; 500, direct ,300. Bulcbers fully 15c higher, 'top $10,00 on big load 200-215 lb. ;CaIif. about two loads 175 lb. nver- jages $10.85,'8ortpd 15 head $10.60; Isows practically absent, few Iheavlea $7.50, good quoted to {S

Cattle: lOO, direct 20;. holdovers , ). AU.,Classc* In light tiupply; Istcer* nomhiftlly steady, load med. Ishort-fed steers $7.40/ with 4 heat ^7; half-load. 1045 Ih. Utah gfasi 'steers $7.25, sorted 3 heod;- part- |lo^ med. 1030*lb. .grassera $0.2 lllfihtly - sorted; good light; ftd Isteers ‘ - - ‘ - j -------*-•>'I- arouQl; $8

» K S H :ll*ilynKtures advanced and .the' forei^ exchanKes continued stagnant ■ ■: ■■

Greatest volume on the", ex­change centered on Paramount ' jvli1cli.,along with

tlve', especially General iMotors which camk out la blocks ranging to 5.000 shares early.ln the day. , Some ot tho utilities notatjly Com.- . raoawealth a id Southern had large tumoveia. Ralls were Incgu-

nverages *Ko«'cd: Industrial, 168-46f. o ff '0.53; railroad M-9a,-up-0-«,'7--, utility 34-24 up 0.06.

TrMBaetlonB. opproximatcd l.« 380,000 shores compared .with 1,- 450,400 nharea yesterday. Curb sales were 325,00' sharea compared with 307,000 aharcs yesterday. ■

Markets at a GlanceOy,‘ United Press

, Stock* Irregular lo fairly active ' Itradlng.

rulariy. lower.,„(hirb otoclca Irre^lar lIi mod­

erate trading. * Chicago stock* Irregular.Call money 1 --------- *Foreign cxcht _

•franc fluctuatca v —.., , . . , Colton 6 to 7 points higher. Crains: Wlieat unchanged to 1?*'

cents a buahel tower; corn up H ■ 1 >i; oats off %; rye oil n .

Rubber up 14 -to 19 points. ^

BUYINO FlUCXSIsoft Wheat------------ -- ------|Oata,'a hundred[Barley, 1

.(Market fumiahcd by R. E .’ UGamandr-U^S—Scan-Inspector)___

N. No. 1------------ $4.250. S. G. N. No. 2________ $4.15

ISmall R'eds, No. 1____ $3.5l)-$3i}0' " Reds, No. 2____ $3.40-«J«)

-,3.40I Pintos

Chicago pneumatic Tooi.J^oSale«|curilsa Wright .............. ....... 0^National DlstUlers-------------3014North American Aviation ... . 7%Electric Auto Lite.........— 45Clark Equipment------- -------37 .'Schenley.Distillers .Studebakec

H. Y. CTOB EXCHANQE American Super Power.—.- 2?iCities Service, com--------— -Electric Bond and Share__ _ 22^Ford Motor LdL ,,_ .__— '


Sudler, Wecner A Company . Elka DUg- — Phoaa DIO

Fund. Trust, A. »Corp. Trust ...__■Quar. In c ...... ....

POTATOESOct delivery ________$LBS-$L04

delivery ------- ---— $2.40.BONDS

HOLC 2V. Pet ..■$10I.825-$101.75 FFMC S Pet ________$104.12T

MINING STOCKS 'Mtn. a t y Copper____ $750-Park a ty Consol._____ 20c-21WcSUver ICtog.CoatlUon _____J. — ’Tintlo Standdrd___ ..._,_:.$3,03-$0|

LOKDON BAS (3ILVEB LONDON, Sept. 29 (ttti- Bar

silver wa* fixed at 10,15-16 pencc oiinco-today, a decline of H

pence aver yesterday'* price, hosod iterllng at $4,04H; the Ameri-I

__ equivalent vorkoit out. at 44. '64-c«ita. • •

ForwoRl - BlWer was , quoted at 18 16-16_i»nce.'an ouncc,-«ff U

by. 'Tha'marltet .was ^ e t 'I n - .. and China soWwhlie specula-

'tors'hought'small oUerloi;:^

lb.' wtfoled 6ro. lambs'itl!^ imrt*d23 per ecnt tjied. at -$T.25:

|...v days? -l4to Moa: 'bulk 108-[118 lb; ewea]

_________ 44%- cento a ' fine[ounce today, uactm&fed. •

' ^MONEV MABKjrr.........-NEW VORK,-Sept...28-mEti —

Monev rates'remained-unchangedtoday. - . •••-■■ ....

Rediscount rat^ at-Ncw-.Yorlc 1%'per cent ;

- - /^WOOL- BOSTON.' Sept. 21> lUa—Very

little idomesUe wonl' ww^-novjng in.thfl BosUii««;tr.'a.


Local Markets


Colflr^ hens, over 6 Ibe. ___ I60Colored henJL to d lbs..... __15oColored hena. under 4 lbs.___ 0«LcRhom- bens ----------------OoColored roasters, over 4 lija. _..14cLeghorn fryers _________.__.12aLeghorn broilers, 14 to 2 iba_13o Colored fryers, 2*j to 4 lbs. __12o Old cocks___________ -________40

- Produco..... I Butterfat------No. 2 TJuttcrtaf .L___

[Eggs, special —.Extras __________IWhites, medium _____Bakers _

_____130Eggs, ungraded. In tradt

LIratock Choice Light Bulchcrff, leO to ;■

200 poundera _______4___$9.75verwcight Butchers. 210 to'- ■ - ;$t,,».

Ovem-cight Butchers, 250 to300‘ pouoders '...................,$u.wi

Underweight Butchers, 125 t6 ~ :100 poanders ..._._..__.__.$0,00

.Packing sows, light ...,_____-$7.00Ipacldng aows. heavy ...........48.60 -Helfera . 14.00 6,00

Stock feed, 100 Iba. _ Stock feed, BOO Iba. _

■■•Heod . One dealcK qnotest


SAN FRANCISCO.-Sept'20 (015 -Sutter: 02 score.-MUi :n.«rore 34: C0:«ore.-a3H; 89 ikow-SS.';.,; ,

Cheeao: flats 1614: tripleta'ie,. -. ^^Effga: lnrge.35; jnedL.20%t pm^


luttcr.„«tra STHo;-. prime-flrsla. 4uc; stani)anl* 34c; ..uhdersrade.

_„’gs, large and , led; N0. I- candled I extra* SS^c,' down

.V “ xancA «o , CHlpAGO, .Slept i9

market- easy, rocelpU 4,?8l ease freah- graded floats 35^. 'w (i first ,?fli;, dlrtlea 21, currcat.reeplW;2S^W;-'-" ‘ ' '8 10.

Mayhew Anraigned ,in Probate. Court

Vollay MayheWiVoh*TKe<Ii.wlth assauU with a dMdly wotpoa. « u v rs s ^ :ln , 'p t9Wle c«uit-today 6nd.M toil.for»j>nlim iB«-- • ins'.-wbte&'M* :’tbod:for.4i ' «,jwrt,;wedt.;Hl*:bon.fsod :wedc.:Bla: boi

sisaDealer, amJ-.-maiiufaeturcia were •• -■.to>mric-'Uffle-w.;they

3mknta,lo the,for-«ltuatK^' ''nibv're*

. .............. the pound . rterUnjj;___ atlmiUateflttift plactogiof *mj#|otd«nr.’ la‘ :Awlt8ll#vb}'.' Araerlcan;

gt7rto.t«at:th« mwtet,:bDt-a*' .. -OTly. very •.•limited



Funeral I*for Tomorrow-'-

ftIn«r^• acrviees'-wOJ- - - -TrrMnw.jit:SU D. church iM Beybun - % : Ur«. bcha FuUm'an.:wb»;dlM('-.Bat; .V, unlay,*, imd. Mt*.-:QadeUa nral8^' v — ...........C*Jlf.r. mothcf-,t!t •' M «;

Page 9: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under
Page 10: mpwEs Board Acts to Check Nazi Sentence Loyalist Forces… · turaal vUlt to tho fUtration p last sight Under

- I D A H O E V E N IN G T IM E S . T W IN F A T J .S . T n A H O

E L E G I M S' U n . Sam Eald]\ of Jflrome Za]

iac-oleolc'i President at SessioM Hero.

1. Dcdvci

BOTH SIDB:o f t h e

'CAMPAIGNOffldal vioOT of the Ecpnbllcan ond-Domocratio nti.

llonol conunitttcs on leading lis^cs of too- oompaign u o preionted by (caders o f tho two parties in this scries of 12 artloles. Tho Republican and Democratic arguQicnts are boing prcscnt^d-altcnmtely.--------------------------------------------

iUjOvei'tliB wrearna or iwme'dflhB recbverlDS Induatrial and flnnnclol paUBalii, to tbs eUoct tbat our govemtnent la pluajflng headlong iQlo ovemhelmlagr debt, are noth* Ing but hyakcrla: any wJac medl. cal iniui recognlic* nnd Ignorca tbem. ~■-.The eupcrb.htalUi-wWch li In.

• tnry-lrcaaurcr. respecUvcly ot tho - ’ district rarciK'Teacher association rr that-wcMn TSltl’ FallffyMtcTdaTlD : 'tourth orniufa acaalon.

; At noOT n couritay luncheon :.^aa aerveJ, and i p. in. a t«a and,

' birthday coJia lioiiorinR the tcnthl• ■ birthday of tho dialrlct orRanlia-l ' tlon was hold. Urs. Claudo Dct-| welltr, council hospitality chalr-

niu),.waji In charge........... HeadUae Speaker

„ . Headlining tho . propram ; SHutUewarth. D<

fourth naUonar vlee-prcsldcat of •. ,the" Poreat-teacher asaoclitlon.

and auperintcnflcat Ccots« Dca.- man.-Burlcy. prealdent of tho Ida-. C hq Education association. Mrs. I., E. Joslyn. atato P.-T. A. prcaldont,

Mrs. R. V. JoDcs. Mrs. Hoy Evans,

sel Potter led theffroup alnginff.

•i '• tJrjcM Sei EdaoatlonThe coaJercnce went on record

(• for wider atudy course and Ui ! tnducUon of.aox education . the public schools. .It WM propo#-; . ed that, tho educaUon be Intro-

I In .home;ond'glrl r

■- ed In the proffram at the ifght-age. . A comiBltteo>of edueaton, parents

And .members. o( tho.bealt& units v 'WM theufiht to l>e tho best vay to • ftceomplUh tho proposed sex ‘. cation .tourae.

.'ReartaB vlM-president la Mrs. P J. Fahey, Murtaueh and' Ui8.

,:joha Balsch, Twin Falls, scerotaiy

llntercst charBes.

P l E E R l i f

(DEMOCRATIC)■ K c n lu c l t y —S e n a t o r r r G f f e r s —D a t a r 't g r r i ’r o v e '

N e w D e a l F i n a n c i n g I s S o u n d

Dy ALBEN W. BARKLBV ..- Xlnlled States (Jenator from Kentucky

In the consideration of public os well os private.Indebtedness must conslder-tho condition ol the debtor, his Income In proportion to debt, and tho InUrcst wqulrcd to bo paid on the d’ohL 1

Let us assume that la 1033 a man—for coavcnierico we will call him a Mr. Hoover-had an Income of $208i per year. His' Indebted­

ness on' which ho was required to pay Interest amounted to *22,630. ,

Let us nssumo that In IBSB-nnother man—for convenience call him n ilr. Roosevelt—had an In­come 6t 11110 per year, and owed $33,778 on which be was required to pay Interest'

' Our Ur. Hoover, conjildered by mu_, „ . . ndoilmbly cautious bualness man,.had not hesitated to assume n debt which was more than 10 times ' ' annual Income In J933.

But for 1030 Ulls Mr. Roosevelt, to whom we have' referred. Is Indebted In an amount only oovcq times his annual Income. •

On account of-tho RcncraHy'more healthy state, of bis business Mr. Roosevelt wai able to reduce tils Interest ch or^ durtns tbo post munmcr to| rtllghtly moro-thin 2% per;-ccnt:;but;Mr.-Hoovcr|

. i ^ I t oVlhls eltu^iion'uliiat Mr. Hoover-p-Interest charseal In 1033 omauotcd to }G80 per year, while Ur, Roosevelt's in 1D38,'are' J740 per year. •*----------------------------------

Mr. Hoover’s Income was threoi interest charges.

............- - comparison ofiIts autus with similar ratlosl among: private corporations.

Corporate Comparison _Jn_l)nlct.thatj»mparlsoaj

)t-bccomo odious, we nray.falie summary of some corporate ra­

tios I>ubllsbe7 In Uie middle of August hy, one of the foremost

Mrs. Isabolla McFali, Shoshone,. Burled at SBrvicos Today.

at Fomocs Eostelry

BHOStlONE, SepL SO (Special) —Last honvs were paid to Mrs.

, ;toabella HcFalI,.a2. pioneer Bho- ..flbone resident, at eervlcea held

this ttftenioon at the UcFall ho- .. tcL OUlclating WM-Ulss CaudUi,| . UapUst. minister, *pd latenncnl was In Slionhone cemetery, unde:

. direction of tho Burdett mortU'

.ary.Ura. McFall. who was bom

May 20, 1864, . In Nova Scotia, Canada, died yeaterday alter be-

.InR .lIl for Bcvcfal. months. She

..was.married In Eureka, Nev., In

. JB78 to Matthew UcFalt and with him came to Bellevue In 1881 to

■ open a.hotel.‘ ln 18B3 they moved •:to Shoshone and operated tho Me- PalfboUl Jalntly untU Mr. -Mc» Fall’a death a few yeara ago. Since that time Mrs. McFall has been la complete charge.

She leaves a son. John McFall, -ot Shosbone. and four daughters, Mlsa Stella McFall of Sbochone, Mrs- X W. Lundln. Mn. Clarence

•Tolman and Miss Lcoaa McFall,. « f Portland. .All were boro at tho time of their matherfa death. -

Final Services Held For Roscoe Callen

________ . 't 39 (Special) —Services for Hoscoe Callen. farmer,'

..near.hero who.dled Frlday mom- ' I-,, . - . j , Sunday In the- Pres-,

n church, Bev. W. F. .Wills

i ^ j n t of partlslan politics —. clumge It. As you have probably sun^jed, the Mr. Hoover to

‘ - a I am referring was Presl- of Uie tfnlted States. Tho

Ur. Roosevelt rrferrcd to now oc­cupies that high station. The fig­ures 1' have ■ used represent the mUllons and billions of govern­ment . debt, govcmment revenue aad government Interest charges taken frOm tho treasury state­ments and reduced to the dlmpler term of thousands, to make thei

)rchenslblo to Uio man c ___ jrate means end ordinary fi­nancial experience.

Not only can any banker derstand the last comparison which I have made, but any In- vestor'who bos ever read a pros­pectus or examined a corporate balance sheet should liot only ho able to understand but to rejoice. Under President Roosevelt the govcrnmcnt'a Income. Ita tax rev- ----- s from oU sources, were 014

, times tho govemmenfs Ir I charges.' Hoonr Status Worse

Under PresliIent.Hoover, though I' a smaller net debt, tho Jntereat .largcs were' only mnallcr in ac­

tual amount by some CO mlllloa dollars, but tbe Income out* of which they had to bo paid was only three Umes their amount In other words, although as a result of tho depression President Roose­velt bus been compelled to In­crease tho national debt to a net

mt about equal to tho In­to under Mr; Hoover, yet the no of tho treasury under Mr. evcltU 6U Umes r.’s Interest charges,_______ ,

der Mr. Hoover It was only three' times those charges, notwithstand­ing Mr. Hoover’s Increase in taxes durbg his administration.

' Claims Saperb Finance Tho criterion by which every

lender and every wise Investor Judges an enterprise' U thla-mUo, ' camlngi to Interest TO"

•more reliable index ol .... jilc health In any business than this criterion. In business It is os Important as ths doctor’s ther- mometei; and tho puloe cotmt In measuring physical healUi. Along-I side this showing, "

,markable record In compd;___I with that of tho government. BvenI |la tbe prosperous Umes of 3D2H\ and 1020, tho ratio of uUllty net Inoeme to fixed charges flcidom' exceeded 3 to 2. VtUIUes' net In­come for.-22 compaBlcs dropped--------------- --------- In 1032. But

. . . . . j been alowly recovering. Tbe net iaccme for

I Indicated!

. .k quartet compoMd, of E3bert . IUc^ HaroW Roberts. Joe Da? ana

Dick Lee. accompanied by Mica■ "Abide'>■ BM«h_Frecnian. aang

•/. • ,be«-and^Joe .Day eang•;V. PaUbesreni. were' Dlck, Ellsl V.* . .worth,- Gus, Bueno*. Bert imd • : ••Ohri»-CaUon. brother* o l ths d«-

' ‘ ' —*- i M e»l»n ot tho Woodfaan World ’ fjodge attended in a.body. .. |

-■■;;i.''. U)tetBioat Wft8 tn the-Jerome || - ''eeiaetery.'uiUIer the direction ofi .-.-ittairWllw Funeral home. .. '

, .Mrs. J. B. Burgoiyne,.' Paid Final Tribute

:• ,;0';fEkOME,.B<pt7M.-{SpcctaJ).—i ; i:'Berr}ce«.ror. Mnt-.J. B, Burgoyno, .MjrJw' dJed-Wednesday tn HamoUi. ■-.fsJWUilOre., were held here yostc^ ^ '01 the Jerome Fimerol chapel. I V.’ for*.' A.-; b. MarllB OfflcIaUnff. • . ‘

i'lbjiftti''w ere- Charles- Bird,' Fred Vi ’-SbUnp.'-Veea Buekels, Jack Short, | j?»^ % ftlte , W;,^Ua»barger.^'ilgSMUiry-iiBdcr-the direcUon' Of vY tJM’serome Funeral mortuary. •

-Coker Gives S p e ^ at Grange


Sa le of Furs' Through the Co-oporation o f , ,

nam ilton Fur Co., Denver ’ TODNESDAY-AND THUBSDAY ONLY

-- .Abovo all. liaTO a new Piir Coal this aeaaon ■ . . . Yoti’U want one in tlie btcat fasbion• "SanlrreJ « Ctu*«jl # I eepMd Cat # BroadtaU ,

-.Tony • Northera Beal • Uoalrnt'# Mendoxa ^ r t r .

■■■• ■ ' . Beautiful new l»a7 styles'.'.,; the Pur Tunjc . . . tho Princess Silhou.' - •

.-ctto...nDw Baby Swaffgors.-.-.and.'- - Belted Btvlcs . . . Beautiful linings. '

*‘Do*Pun” AnswerWhat am I.dolngr Mhiaihg my P's and Q's.

1 b y a

United, States. Though not paral­lel, UiO comparison between oor- poratlon's net Incomcs to thcit fixed charges U close enough for tho purpose o f this illustratioo.’

.A.saminary-of 403 Industrial -orpo.ratlons . over a . period of years abows that in prosperous Umes their net Incomes averaged

:as much as 10 times their fixed cliargoa, to wit: interest' By' 1031, however, these samo cqrporaUonS

more than, ________rest charges.

In 1032 Uielr noflneomo was leas than ono-holf their . latereat charges. ■ ■

' Says Industry Improi _ j t in 1033, after lo months of

the Rootfflvolt.fldmJnlstriitiQn. thbir net incomes were back to four times, .their. Interest charges; in 1034 the ratio was almesrsu t<5 I. and In 1035 It had cUmbed back to 10 to I.--.

UtmUes,'hlUicrto S:

ip . In -less V • »o interest.

•ii tho gov-emment debt of thewith- other ■-great „ _________debts, tho Bosa conservatism of.

flnanelal polleles of the Roose­velt admlnlstratloa'hajrbeea'lhi stnimentol ia reduclniT ths ^talhidehtedness ot.tho American-p^

■ 20-billion .doJ.

of government revenues for for- c l^ couatrles comparable In curacy to our own. So this c?atison la made between'debt__;babeatesUmatcsoftotal national' Income instead, of actual gove'm-j mental revenue/ On this but) thelper cent of, the British national income. Tlie French'naUonal debt Is almos double France's national lacomc.

^Mmpw b le^ ^ tl^ to jgovernment U only allghtly mt.. than one-half our cstlmatea aa- w u a l natkmal income.

Denouate* Debt' Scare It wUI bo' reafllly uDderstood.l

therefore, how utterly false ls| tho assumption by those who Wlehl * •) that -

iplng upon ouraelvca ...I-..,., -ar children and indebted- Ineaa which is out^of proportion to 'our wealth, • our coming ......• It ought.ahw to be stated Uiat while, as a result of tbe aeprea- Slcn; the debt of the -United SUtes

has been Inbreased by

lore heap!

<: publle and prlrater'fiorporato : and Individual, has been decreased by about .20 bUllon ’ dollars. We cannot' talk nbdut the Indohtedness of,"theanrth'TSSi-'fftMSstotcs government This . oonati. tutes only a.small proportion of our toUl indobtedneaa,

Bliat Consider All , The total indebtedness' is made

up of ail forms Of p.uhllo and prl - debts, not only federal bul

___ , county, municipal and dis­trict It Includes railroads and ia*|

cles. It also includes iadebtedaess of farms and hemes, and mort­gages on ‘ real estate of every character.

When we consider that .Uie

r tnereose o f 10 h"ites government'

...vr of the fact that t meat’s Income Is 6Vi tr terest chargos upon t‘ BOISE,-Idaho, 2 9 'o m — c

Labor shortage for ougnr ^ t and L . potato harvests la souUiem i

Ninety per cent of ths p<raple ial iinerlca 11; in on^ftLmliy houEea.1

' dirMlor. tO'isaue-oii-order whleh| _ |rtii aUw W state WPA ^pleyea:

Present WPA projects will Unue operating as long m eneugh men ore available. Men'whoenUr privato omploymeot caa


Wants i|i<5 to packed right •~ahd gets it that way

•PRINCE ALBERT has a dlsUuUvo tastossd . ' aioma.- Lon WHk>^ *It'a mUdcr' and net*

lower.” Try P. A. for *m«]daV cltrarottei ^

BuiseU's aenuloe Hand Seived Elght-Xach OU 'Xan Boot

Baa a soft grisUe Mle.that wlU not Blip on the rocks. Uppers v e r y , soft and waterproof. Especially priced- .

^ ^ § 9 . 9 5



9 8 cTwo button dow n

.-.flap.pockets. P in e , quality suede fabrie. I

Sizes MVi to 11


Men’s Fine Suede TAN SHIRTS

7 9 cMcUium weight. Full out


- . . • . Sanforlied

f y / . - .


$ 1 .4 9Button leg— ror- cst green. , color.

" Double knee and



4 9 cIHir' Inbasd

The ideal bunting ctfp. Can l « worn wiUi cith­er tiie tan red suede to . tlie' out- stdo.' -' - '


$ 6 .9 5Full doubFo .leather sole. Wide back aUy. Steel Btyd hooks. Leather laccii.

bear for wear. •


Men’s Forest Green , Whipcord Riding Br^ches

$li98—Button'down pocketi.'; -lGuaM ^:'fuU ;cut< 'j',


A NEW BOOT• ;Meo’8 lIMn. « il tan boot ' B u^ell’fl. genoine ,I ia sd

Bawed;.^spce|al -■.'Uather sole. At—

•ANB0 9 T'MEt^S® ...........


• • aooNOsnr'iBjiSE

O; m B IiiS ^ E T

-Jiat ;ih»rvwelght-'''fcir.’ i ^ . . camptaff-.;.trfps.-AIL.


Men's - ' ■


fiusrii UTOJHC

SHIRKS; « 8 . 9 8 ;Oqtor<ul..',*mall

*“ MtefS'sxpa*;.

m x y t m o K i : -

4 9 c

I -

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