
MR. SOUTHWARD UNIT 1:FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC SYSTEMS ECONOMICS IS DUMB!! WHATS THE POINT? Why is it important to take this course and at least be familiar with the basics? THE FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC PROBLEM The overlying problem that faces ALL people is trying to figure out if there is ever enough. When is enough, enough? Scarcity exists throughout all of society; scarcity is the condition that results from society not having enough resources to produce all the things people would like to have. We all have needs and wants Needs? Food, Shelter, Water, etc. Wants? Everything else not in the category of a need WHAT IS ECONOMICS? The study of how people seek to satisfy all needs and wants in society by making choices. Why must we make choices? Scarcity. Is anything ever free? No, everything will have some degree of a cost. It can be free to one person, but there will always be a cost. There is no such thing as a free lunch TICKET OUT (AT THE END OF THE CLASS) Think about the term scarcity as we have just learned and now think about what is means to have a shortage of something. Are they the same? Why or Why not? RESOURCES: FACTORS OF PRODUCTION I want every person in the room to partner up and pick one thing between the two of you and list off all the resources that were necessary in order to produce that product. Try to think of EVERYTHING that go into making that product. FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Land gifts of nature, or all natural resources Labor people who use efforts, abilities, and skills to produce the product Capital tools, equipment, and other human- made products used to create other products. Physical (actual objects) and Human Capital (Acquired Knowledge or skills) Entrepreneurs The brains who take the resources and finds a way to combine them for a profit. Go back and look at your list and place them in the four categories of Factors of Production. ENTREPRENEURS What do they all have in common? TRADE-OFFS The act of giving up one benefit in order to gain another, greater benefit. They exist through-out all individual, business, and government decisions. Turn to a partner: Individual Trade-off Examples? Business Trade-off Examples? Government Trade-off Examples? OPPORTUNITY COST Every time we make a choice to do one thing, we give up the opportunity to do something else. When you do make the choice, you reject other optionsmore importantly you reject the next best alternative/ the one of those alternatives which is better than the rest. Opportunity Cost basically represents the value/benefits to you of what you were willing to sacrifice. Choosing is Refusing THINKING IN THE MARGIN Scenario : Lets pretend you just got off of work from the best job ever at SouthSubs, they make the best subs. in town. You arrive home at 7:15pm. After settling in and eating dinner yourself you realize that you have a really hard test tomorrow in your economics class with Mr. Southward during 1 st period. OH NO!!!! At this point in time, thoughts of studying come to mind and how much time you should dedicate to preparation for your test tomorrow. Use the chart below to weigh the benefits and the costs associated with the amount of time you are thinking about studying. Only fill in the benefits and cost columns at this time. TABLE Hours to StudyBenefits Marginal Benefit CostsMarginal Costs No Studying 1 Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours 4 Hours 5 Hours What do you obviously recognize after each progressive hour of studying? Marginal means to think about what changes as a part of every extra unit that is considered (in this case, it is the number of hours you plan to study)there are Marginal Benefits and Marginal Costs. Using your own understanding of the topics, write out an explanation for each of these below. Go back to the chart on the front page and tell what the marginal benefit and marginal cost will be for each successive units of hours you could plan to study. Now think about the business SouthSubs, what decisions do they have to make that require them to think in the margin? Give a few examples as a part of your explanation. THE PRODUCTION POSSIBILITIES FRONTIER Illustrates the concept of opportunity cost; it shows a representation of all the various combinations of goods and/or services an economy can produce when all productive resources are fully employed. In groups of 3 you will be asked to examine and interpret the production possibilities curve in more detail. I will get you started with the drawing of the curve. I would like for each of you to spend 7 to 8 minutes reading individually about the Production Possibilities Curve before you are given your task as a group. QUESTIONS ON THE PPC Using a red colored pencil or marker, draw 3 dots on the actual curve and label what these dots represent. Underneath your graph, write the number 1 and explain to me in your own words what these points are telling us about an economy. With a blue colored pencil or marker, draw a dot somewhere INSIDE the curve and tell me what that dot represents. Write number 2 and explain in your own words what this point tells us about an economy. What is an example of this? With a green colored pencil or marker draw a second line on the graph which represents growth of an economy. Write number 3 and tell me what are the ways in which an economy is able to grow. CRITICAL THINKING ON THE CURVE Write number 4 and tell me in a couple of sentences how the graph displays the concepts of opportunity cost and scarcity. Write number 5 and explain to me what you believe the reasons are for the line being curved and not straight. (Hint: think about resources in production of 2 products) 3 QUESTIONS TO ANSWER All economic systems (structure of methods and principles a society uses to produce and distribute goods and services)must ask themselves 3 basic economic question; In your Groups of 3, assign each of the questions to a group member. Each person needs to read about/examine one of these questions to explain an report their notes to the rest of the group. What goods and services should be produced? How should these goods and services be produced? Who consumes these goods and services? ECONOMIC AND SOCIETAL GOALS In the U.S. there are many economic goals we strive for on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. In your groups, you will be asked to examine one of these goals and create a billboard representing/advertising it. Be Creative in your drawings and really think about what this goal means in an economics. Please keep in mind that bill boards arent meant to convince the consumer of their product being the best option. Also, on your billboard, you will need to have some kind of statement about the goal to help viewers understand the goal. You will be presenting these to your class mates. ECONOMIC GOALS OF SOCIETY Economic Efficiency Economic Freedom Economic Security Economic Equity Economic Growth Note: each of these says Economic for a reason; please dont give me a billboard that does not emphasize these in an economic sense of the concept. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Reminder: a structure of methods and principles a society uses to produce and distribute goods and services. 4 Major Types: Traditional Free Market Command/Centrally Planned Mixed Market TRADITIONAL ECONOMIES A system that relies on habit, custom, or ritual to answer the three basic economic questions; CHARACTERISTICS Revolves around the family unit which could extend the several generations; Work is divided among gender lines along with the occupations; Relatively small and close knit communities; All people work to support everyone in the community, not just individual needs; Not really willing to adopt new ideas Examples: tribes in the Arctic region, in North America and eastern Russia, have maintained their traditional economy TWO EXTREMES: FREE MARKET AND CENTRALLY PLANNED ECONOMIES Each of you will be partnered up. Your job will be to examine one of the two economic system extremes using the provided diagram. After both students have had plenty of time to read and understand the major points of their specific economies, you will each take turns explaining/discussing the two types of economies to fill in the opposite side of the diagram. KEY POINTS TO FREE MARKET Specialization Circular Flow Adam Smith (self-interest and competition lead to the invisible hand) Advantages Efficient responses to change Choice Growth and innovation Consumer sovereignty KEY POINTS TO COMMAND ECONOMIES No Consumer Sovereignty Socialism (even distribution of wealth) Communism (government ownership and control) Authoritarian (strict obedience) The Soviet Union (1928 1991) and China (1949 late 70s) Disadvantages Expensive to run/lacks flexibility Social good, not individual No reward for innovation, very little growth Government chooses income, no equity MIXED ECONOMIES Is there any nation today that falls into a purely free market or a purely command economy? No. There will always be some individual choices along with some governmental needbut, to what degree. REASONS FOR GOVERNMENTAL INVOLVEMENT Some needs cant be met without central authority: national defense, highway systems, etc. Government desires for the goal of equity to exist: school systems, travel, etc. Protecting the rights and property of people: Stealing physical property and intellectual property In general, to make things fair. ECONOMIC GOALS DRIVING DEGREE TICKET OUT The degree of mixed market economies is really based off the societies desires in terms of their economic goals; Why? Provide general examples. THE CIRCULAR FLOW MODEL IN A MIXED ECONOMY Draw a picture to represent the government in the middle of the diagram and then write in the governments functions in the factor market, the product market, and even the transfers of money. (page 44) MIXED ECONOMIES TODAY Many nations are in a period still of economic transition, a period in which a nation moves from one economic system to another. In Chinas case, they are dealing with privatization, the process of selling enterprises that were once government owned to individuals and then allowing those enterprises to compete in the market place. THE US ECONOMY Label a section in your notes The US Economy and underline it so it is easy to find. Begin reading at the bottom of page 45 and finish on page 46; After reading, write a brief paragraph (4 to 6 sentences) in your own words explaining in general the US Economy as a mixed market economy. Be sure to discuss the roles of government and individuals in your paragraph. *inform me upon completion of the assignment so that I can enter your grade for the assignment* BENEFITS OF FREE ENTERPRISE In a group of 3 or 4 you will create a bubble map with all the details of a free enterprise system. You will find this information in Topic 2 Section 5 (pages 48 54) You will use this diagram as a part of your next assignment so please make sure it is very thorough in the details of a Free Enterprise System. I also ask that you incorporate all bold concepts in the text and highlight/underline them on the bubble map; there are 15 of them. I would also like for you to pick 3 of the major concepts of Free Enterprise and draw pictures around the paper somewhere. 10 STATEMENTS Look over your group bubble map you just made. Read over every part of a free enterprise system one more time. I would like for each of you to label a section in your notes 10 Statements of a Free Enterprise System and number off 10 well thought out statements about the free enterprise system. Try to make them the most important things about Free Enterprise. I would like for this to be done completely on an individual basis. TRADE TOPIC 10, SECTIONS 1 & 2 Based off the fact that one country may be better suited to produce a product than another country Specialization of a country is always based off the resources that can be obtained (factors of production) Exports-The goods and services that a country produces and then sells to other nations Imports-goods and services that one country buys from another country. BASIS FOR TRADE Absolute Advantage when a country can produce a product more efficiently than another country Comparative Advantage when a country can produce a product at a lower opportunity cost. THE GAINS FROM TRADE People will be better off producing the product that has a lower cost to them. RESTRICTING INTERNATIONAL TRADE Tariffs a tax placed on imports to increase their price in the domestic market; Protective Tariff a tariff high enough to protect less-efficient domestic industries; Revenue Tariff a tariff high enough to generate revenue for the government without prohibiting imports; QUOTAS a limit placed on the quantities of a product that can be imported; again, to protect domestic producers PROTECTIONISTS Favor trade barriers that protect domestic industries: National Defense we do not want to become too dependent on other countries Promoting Infant Industries new companies should be protected from foreign industries Protecting Domestic Jobs against the cheap foreign labor Keeping money at home have our money count towards our GDP Helping Balance of Payments helps balance the amount of money going out and that is coming in FREE TRADE MOVEMENT Fear that tariffs and quotas will cause disputes amongst countries, bringing retaliation If all countries use free trade then the world resources will be used more efficiently and will be less costly across the world

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