Page 1: Ms access ii (class 5) iff function

1 MS Access: Level II (2688-01)

MS Access: Advanced Functions Lesson Notes

Author: Pamela Schmidt

iif Function iif («expr», «truepart», «falsepart»)

There are three parts to the iif function divided by commas.

«expr» = the test

«truepart» = What MS Access should do if the test returns true.

«falsepart») = What MS Access should do if the test returns false.

The iif function can be used in queries, forms, reports, macros, modules.

When used in a query, create a new field, then add the function. The function can be typed in or the expression builder can be accessed by right clicking on the field.

Be sure to enclose field names in square brackets.

isNull Function IsNull («varexpr»)

The isNull function examines the field to see if it is empty. It returns a value of either true or false. The isNull function can be used in combination with other functions such as the iif function.

Example This example returns the person’s full name, but only shows the comma if the suffix exists. If the title is Dr., it drops the title if there is also a Suffix. It also does not put in spaces if a part of the name does not exist.

FullName: IIf(IsNull([Title]),"",IIf([Title]="Dr." Or [Title]="Dr",IIf(IsNull([Suffix]),[Title] & " ",""),[Title] & " ")) & IIf(IsNull([FirstName]),"",[FirstName] & " ") & IIf(IsNull([LastName]),"",[LastName]) & IIf(IsNull([Suffix]),"",", " & [Suffix])

Page 2: Ms access ii (class 5) iff function

MS Access: Advanced Functions


Left Function Left («stringexpr», «n»)

The Left function returns the characters starting at the left of the string.

The Left function has two parts

«stringexpr» = the text field to examine

«n» = the numbers of characters to return starting on the left

Example This example returns the first five characters of the Postal Code.

FirstFive: Left([PostalCode],5)

DateAdd Function =DateAdd("h", 3, [ArrivalTime])

The DateAdd function adds hours to the current time.

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