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    The need to communicate is part of mans inherent being. Since the beginning of time the human

    race has communicated using different techniques and methods. Circumstances and available

    technology have dictated the method and means of communications. Many early forms of

    communication were writing, depicted on cave walls. Then communication advanced by the

    development of language and the use of symbols. Papyrus and paper were used to record

    communication for later use. Smoke signals of the early American Indians; the drums of African

    tribes; and the towers of the Chinese wall are indications of the desire to communicate beyond

    the immediate physical boundaries of space. Story tellers around the camp-fire are a good

    example of communication, using animation, gestures and sound to communicate their message

    to other members of the tribe.

    Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to

    another. It is the process of imparting ideas and making oneself understood by others.

    Communication (from Latin "communis", meaning to share) is the activity of

    conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by

    speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior.

    Although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the

    time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space.

    Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative

    commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the

    message of the sender.

    Hence the requisites of Communication: A sender, a message, a channel and a recipient.

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    The Nature of communication can be explained using following characteristics of


    Two-way process: Communication can occur only when there are at least two individuals. One

    person has to convey some message and another has to receive it. However, the receiver need not

    necessarily be an individual. Information may be conveyed to a group of persons collectively.

    For example, in a classroom, the teacher conveys information to a group of students. If the

    receiver needs any clarification, he can ask the sender of message immediately, for example, face

    to face or telephonic conversation. Communication may carried by means of letters, circulars etc.

    If communication is conducted via post or email, the receiver may respond by a letter or as per

    the mode desired by him or the respective sender.

    Knowledge of language: For successful communication, it is essential that the receiver have

    thorough understanding of the message. To heighten the possibility of effectual communication,

    senders must speak in a language the receiver is familiar with. For example, if the receiver

    cannot understand English and the subsequent sender conveys his ideas in English, the

    communication will inevitably be a failure.

    Meeting of minds necessary: The receiver must comprehend the intended meaning of the

    message the sender wants him to understand. A consensus is essential, which is nothing but

    recognizing the meaning of identity of minds. If weekly target declared by a supervisor is

    misconstrued by a worker as monthly target, there is dearth of agreement. Inattention, poor

    vocabulary, faulty pronunciation etc., may result in lack of consensus.

    The message must have substance: The gist of the message holds importance only until the

    receiver shows interest in the subject matter. In other words, the sender of message must have

    something worthwhile for the receiver. E.g., any discussion about cricket will be well received

    by a cricket fanatic.

    Communication can also be conducted through gestures: Communication should not

    necessarily be verbal or written. Certain gestures or actions can also depict an individual's

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    willingness or understanding of a given problem. Nodding of heads, rolling of eyes, movement

    of lips etc., are some of the gestures used for convey certain basic ideas.

    Communication is all-pervasive: Communication is omnipresent; it exists in all levels of

    management. The top management conveys information to the middle management and vice

    versa. Similarly, the middle management conveys information to the supervisory staff and vice

    versa. There is flow of communication in all directions in a workplace.

    Communication is a continuous process: In every workplace, someone will always be

    conveying or receiving information in some form. Sharing or exchanging information is a

    continual process. As long as there is workpersonal, official or unofficial, communication will


    Communication may be formal or informal: Formal communication follows the hierarchy-

    the official channel established. For example, when a worker wishes to convey certain

    information to the production manager, it can be channelized only through the foreman. He

    cannot bypass the foreman and convey information directly to the production manager. Informal

    communication does not follow the official channel. It provides individuals with the liberty to

    freely convey information to anybody else without considering the hierarchy. For example,

    discussion among friends.

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    The types of communication can be explained by the following figure:

    A. Verbal Communication: Anything spoken by mouth is called oral communication.

    Whatever is uttered from the mouth comprises words and the manners of pronouncing

    words. The manner of pronouncing words is called articulation. Verbal Communication


    1. Oral communication: Oral communication, while primarily referring to spoken verbal

    communication, can also employ visual aids and non-verbal elements to support the

    conveyance of meaning. Oral communication includes speeches, presentations,

    discussions, and aspects of interpersonal communication. As a type of face-to-face










    Postures and






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    communication, body language and choice tonality play a significant role, and may have

    a greater impact upon the listener than informational content. This type of

    communication also garners immediate feedback.

    2. Written communication: Over time the forms of and ideas about communication have

    evolved through progression of technology. Advances include communications

    psychology and media psychology; an emerging field of study. Researchers divide the

    progression of written communication into three revolutionary stages called "Information

    Communication Revolutions". During the first stage, written communication first

    emerged through the use of pictographs. The pictograms were made in stone; hence

    written communication was not yet mobile. During the second stage, writing began to

    appear on paper, papyrus, clay, wax, etc. The third stage is characterized by the transfer

    of information through controlled waves and electronic signals

    B. Nonverbal Communication: Nonverbal communication describes the process of

    conveying meaning in the form of non-word messages. Research shows that the majority

    of our communication is non verbal, also known as body language. In fact, 63-93% of

    communication is non-verbal.

    1. Eye contact:This helps to regulate the flow of communication. It signals interest in

    others and increases the speaker's credibility. People who make eye contact open the

    flow of communication and convey interest, concern, warmth, and credibility.

    2. Facial Expressions:Smiling is a powerful cue that transmits happiness, friendliness,

    warmth, and liking. So, if you smile frequently you will be perceived as more likable,

    friendly, warm and approachable. Smiling is often contagious and people will react

    favorably. They will be more comfortable around you and will want to listen more.

    3. Gestures:If you fail to gesture while speaking you may be perceived as boring and

    stiff. A lively speaking style captures the listener's attention, makes the conversation

    more interesting, and facilitates understanding.

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    4. Posture and body orientation:You communicate numerous messages by the way

    you talk and move. Standing erect and leaning forward communicates to listeners that

    you are approachable, receptive and friendly. Interpersonal closeness results when

    you and the listener face each other. Speaking with your back turned or looking at the

    floor or ceiling should be avoided as it communicates disinterest.

    5. Proximity:Cultural norms dictate a comfortable distance for interaction with others.

    You should look for signals of discomfort caused by invading the other person's

    space. Some of these are: rocking, leg swinging, tapping, and gaze aversion.

    6. Vocal:Speaking can signal nonverbal communication when you include such vocal

    elements as: tone, pitch, rhythm, timbre, loudness, and inflection. For maximum

    teaching effectiveness, learn to vary these six elements of your voice. One of the

    major criticisms of many speakers is that they speak in a monotone voice. Listeners

    perceive this type of speaker as boring and dull.

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    has idea 1

    Senderencodesidea inmessage









    travels to


    Possibleadditionalfeedback toreceiver








    The process of communication as shown in above figure involves exchange of ideas and it can be

    verbal or non-verbal in nature. The pre-requisite of communication is a message and this

    message must be conveyed through some medium to the recipient in such a way that it is

    understood by the recipient in the same manner as intended by the sender. The recipient must

    respond within a period. The response from the recipient to the sender is called feedback.

    Therefore, communication is said to be a two way process, which is incomplete without a

    feedback from the recipient to the sender on how well the message is understood by him.

    Following are the components of the process of communication.

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    1. Context: Communication is affected by the context in which it may be physical, social,

    chronological or cultural. Every communication proceeds with context. The sender

    chooses the message to communicate within a context. E.g. The term Labor in relation to

    manpower or work load.

    2. Sender / Encoder: Sender / Encoder is a person who sends the message. A sender

    utilizes symbols (words, graphic required response. For instance a training manager

    conducting training programme for new joiners. Sender may be an individual group or an


    3. Message: Message is a key idea that the sender plans to communicate. It elicits the

    response of the recipient. Communication process begins with the planning of the

    message that needs to be conveyed. One must understand that the content of the message

    is comprehensible.

    4. Medium: Medium is a means of transmitting the message. The sender must chose the

    proper medium as there are high changes that it may not reached the receiver in a desired

    manner. The choice of correct medium is important for making the communication

    effective. However the choice of medium will depend on the feature of the given


    5. Recipient / Decoder: Recipient / Decoder is a person for whom the message is

    intended / aimed / targeted. The degree to which the decoder understands the

    message is depends on various factors like knowledge of recipient, their

    responsiveness to the message and the reliance of encoder on decoder.

    6. Feedback: Feedback is the main component of communication process as it

    permits the sender to analyze the efficacy of the message. It helps the sender inconfirming the correct interpretation of message by the decoder. Feedback may be

    verbal or non-verbal (in form of smiles, sighs, etc.). It could also be in written form

    (memos, reports, etc).

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    Effective communication can face multiple barriers. In business communication, obstacles occur

    because of organisational barriers. The obstacles could be:

    Size of organisation

    Physical distance between employees

    Specialisation of jobs, activities

    Power struggles, status of relationships

    Defensiveness, distorted perceptions, guilt, distortions from past

    Misleading body language, tone or other non-verbal communication

    Interpersonal relationships (individual or groups)


    The channels used to communicate

    The barriers to effective communication are as follows:

    1. Language Barriers: Clearly, language and linguistic ability may act as a barrier tocommunication. However, even when communicating in the same language, the

    terminology used in a message may act as a barrier if it is not fully understood by the

    receiver(s). For example, a message that includes a lot of specialist jargon and

    abbreviations will not be understood by a receiver who is not familiar with the

    terminology used. Regional colloquialisms and expressions may be misinterpreted or

    even considered offensive.

    2. Psychological Barriers: The psychological state of the receiver will influence how the

    message is received. For example, if someone has personal worries and is stressed, they

    may be preoccupied by personal concerns and not as receptive to the message as if they

    were not stressed. Stress is an important factor in Interpersonal relationships.

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    3. Physiological Barriers: Physiological barriers may result from the receivers physical

    state: for example, a receiver with reduced hearing may not grasp to entirety of a spoken

    conversation especially if there is significant background noise.

    4. Physical Barriers: An example of a physical barrier to communication is geographic

    distance between the sender and receiver(s). Communication is generally easier over

    shorter distances as more communication channels are available and less technology is

    required. Although modern technology often serves to reduce the impact of physical

    barriers, the advantages and disadvantages of each communication channel should be

    understood so that an appropriate channel can be used to overcome the physical barriers.

    5. Systematic Barriers: Systematic barriers to communication may exist in structures andorganizations where there are inefficient or inappropriate information systems and

    communication channels, or where there is a lack of understanding of the roles and

    responsibilities for communication. In such organizations, individuals may be unclear of

    their role in the communication process and therefore not know what is expected of them.

    6. Attitudinal Barriers: Attitudinal barriers are behaviors or perceptions that prevent

    people from communicating effectively. Attitudinal barriers to communication may

    result from personality conflicts, poor management, and resistance to change or a lack of

    motivation. Effective receivers of messages should attempt to overcome their own

    attitudinal barriers to facilitate effective communication.

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    Communication plays a very important role in an organisation. In fact, it is said to be the lifeline

    of the organisation. Everything in the universe, human or otherwise, communicates; though the

    means of communication may be very different. Communication is very crucial and unavoidable,

    as we have certain views and opinions, which we want to convey to another person, group or

    even to the outside world.

    Communication in an organisation is inevitable. Departments communicate on a periodic basis in

    respect to daily activities and the organizations relationship with the external world. This is

    done via written and unwritten means, either planned or impromptu. It could be hierarchical, that

    is, from top to bottom or vice versa. It could be formal, informal, vertical, horizontal or diagonal.Irrespective of the means, modes or types of communication, occurrence of communication is

    essential and of prime importance.

    Communication within an organisation could be grapevine or rumor. In totality, communication

    in an organisation is very complex and needs to be correctly managed handled and monitored to

    avert chaos, crisis or conflict. The basic functions and roles of the management cannot be

    conducted without communication. Planning organizing, coordinating, budgeting, monitoring,

    controlling, staffing, delegation; including marketing, production, financing, staffing (human

    resource managing), research and development, purchasing, selling, etc cannot be coordinated,

    harnessed and their goals achieved devoid of communication.

    Communication plays a key role in meetings, annual general meeting ordinary meeting, urgent

    meeting, etc. The effectiveness of an organisation also depends on the success of its meetings

    where goals to be achieved, targets to be met and activities to be carried out are ironed out and

    discussed. If the ideas are not comprehended at meetings, the workers are bound to then one need

    to be sure that the workers will mess up everything. Thus, the chairman of the meeting must be

    an effective speaker or communication capable of ensuring that everyone got what has been

    discussed correctly. This will help eradicate rumors and grapevine and eventually achieve set

    standards, goals and/or objectives. In conclusion, everyone in an organisation needs to have good

    communication skill, not the boss only, but also the subordinates.

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    1. Effective Functioning of the Organization: The efficient functioning of the organisation

    totally depends on the effective communication system. A business organisation consists of

    people and network of decision affecting them. Managing an organisation is getting things done

    through others Communication serves the management and makes everyone aware of what the

    organisation wants to achieve.

    2. Smooth Running of the Organisation: A smooth running of an organisation greatly depends

    on the effective system of communication. It is only through a good and effective office

    communication system that effective leadership, good human relations, high morale and

    motivation in the organisation can be maintained to ensure success of management objectives.

    3. Proper Planning and Co-ordination: Plans and decisions must be effectively conveyed to

    those who translate them into action. Effective communication is essential for quick and

    successful implementation of the management decisions. Good communications are essential to

    co-ordination. Effective communication is a pre-requisite for solving managerial problems.

    4. Exchange of Information: Communication helps executives to acquire more knowledge. It

    also facilitates executives to share the acquired knowledge with their subordinates which resultsto increase in the overall managerial skill of people in the organization. It also helps in

    understanding the problems and offering solutions to them.

    5. Human Relations: Most of the conflicts arise due to misunderstood motives and ignorance of

    facts. Proper communication helps to minimize friction and maximize mutual understanding, co-

    operation and goodwill. A good relation can be created with the help of an effective method of


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    1. Horizontal Communication: Horizontal communication involves relaying information

    between people who occupy the same position in a business. The information is relayed

    in an informal manner. It encourages cooperation and understanding between the

    employees. Horizontal communication is crucial to the success of a business. If a

    business has employees working in the same position that does not get along, information

    will not be relayed properly, leading to lack of efficiency. Good horizontal

    communication builds stronger relationships between workers. When the workers

    understand each other well, they are more likely to work more efficiently.

    2. Downward Communication: It means the flow of communication from the top

    management downward to the operating level. It may also be called a communication

    from a superior to a subordinate. It follows the line of authority from the top to the

    bottom of the organization hierarchy. Downward communication consists of plans,

    instructions, orders, rules etc.

    3. Upward Communication:Upward communication means the flow of information from

    the lower levels of the organization to the higher levels of authority. It passes from

    subordinate to superior, for example, from worker to foreman from foreman to manager,

    from manager to general manager, etc. Communication of this type includes ideas,

    suggestions, complaints, appeal, ports etc. Upward communication is very important as it

    serves as the feedback on the effectiveness of downward communication.

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    Negotiation: It is a win win situation where both the parties should come together and proposals

    should be fulfilled without harming each other.

    Meeting: It is the transformation time among the member of the office where the ideas for

    improvements are taken.

    Conferences.: Event Large gathering ofindividuals ormembers of one or severalorganizations,

    for discussingmatters ofcommoninterest.
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    Business writing is an art. Even though letters have transformed into e-mails and SMS, it is still

    venerated as an art; only the medium has changed. Letters can be broadly classified in two

    categories- formal letters and informal letters.

    Formal letters comprise official letters, business letters, letters of complaints, applications, letters

    to editors etc. while informal letters take account of personal letters, letters that are written to our

    friends and family. While writing formal letters a certain format has to be adhered to but while

    writing informal letters, one can be flexible. However, letter writing is a skill that needs to be

    honed over time with practice.

    Certain ground rules need to be followed while writing business writings:

    Write your full name, address and date before you begin the letter

    The name and the designation of the person you are writing to should be correct.

    Start the letter with 'Sir/Madam' or 'Dear sir/Madam' and then mention the name and the


    State the purpose of the letter in one line titled 'Subject' before beginning to write the letter.

    Your letter should be very crisp and precise, giving only the information, which isrequired.

    Your letter should clearly state action/information required/supplied or requestingaction to betaken.

    While closing, end your letter politely by using phrases like 'thanking you' andundersigning

    your letter using 'Yours faithfully/sincerely' (Name).

    Although this is the basic structure of a letter, it can be appropriated to suit the purpose for which

    it is written and the person to whom it is addressed. For example, a job application should have a

    resume enclosed or attached, and this should be mentioned in the application.

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    Employees' writing skills - or the lack of them - substantially affect the bottom line in ways you

    may never have considered. Here are just a few:

    * Badly written instructions can lead to incorrect procedures, lost time, damaged equipment, lost

    customers - and lost profit.

    * Ineffective letters, which often took too long to write in the first place, can create a poor

    company image, wasted time, bad customer or supplier relations, lost customers - and lost profit.

    * Interdepartmental miscommunication - often through incomprehensible e-mail exchanges an

    result in fragmentation of the workforce, loss of corporate loyalty, missed collaboration andinnovation opportunities, possibly lost employees resulting in more recruitment and training

    costs - and lost profit.

    * Cold, impersonal boilerplate letters in response to customers' problems or complaints can

    lead to loss of those customers, bad news spread to their friends and colleagues, loss of present

    and future income - and lost profit.

    Mangled syntax can cause expensive confusion, inconvenience or even danger. Here are

    just a few examples:

    1. A consultant's proposal on a new benefits package for his corporate client read, "By paying a

    5% premium on wages, all employees will be enrolled in the company insurance program". Who

    was supposed to pay the 5%? According to this sentence, the employees would be liable to pay -

    but in reality the company is suppose to pay. It should have read, 'By paying a premium of 5% of

    wages, the company can enroll all employees in its insurance program'. There is a gaping

    difference between both.

    2. A passenger broke into the flight deck on a commercial airplane. Subsequent investigation

    revealed that written regulations said, "The doors to the flight deck must be locked only on

    takeoff and landing". What exactly does that mean? Must they be unlocked at other times or are

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    they simply permitted to be unlocked at other times? Misinterpretation of this ambiguous

    message almost resulted in disaster.

    3. An airport terminal sign read, "No smoking areas available". Does that mean there are no areas

    for people to smoke or does it mean there are areas set aside for non-smokers?

    4. A company tried to cancel a contract, believing the contract allowed it to do so under current

    conditions. However, because of the incorrect placement of a comma in the agreement, the other

    party contested the cancellation and successfully sued the company for $1.2 million. The comma

    proved to be very expensive.

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    A business letter is a formal letter of correspondence and is often used to convey official

    messages. It is usually written by one company to another, to clients, to customers and to any

    other third party. A well-written business letter helps in enhancing the chances of achieving good

    friends and good business ventures. Business letters should be written in the correct format. Even

    before the reader actually reads the letter, the format catches his eyes. Focus on the key points,

    which grasp the readers attention like the reason for the letter, qualification, experience, date,

    time, venues etc.

    It should be written in a warm and polite tone but not too personal. Always address a person rather than a department or in general, the sup ervisor as it gives a

    personal touch to the letter and grabs the readers attention.

    The body of the letter is very important. Clearly mention what and why you are writing about

    and what action you expect on the letter. Give the details for the request, e.g. attach a resume,

    invoice receipt etc.

    Always keep the letter short and precise. Do not write lengthy letters, be specific and to the

    point as the reader might not like to spend too much time reading the letter.

    Business letter should have a reference that gives the reader knowledge about contents of the

    letter .

    End the letter by restating the reasons for writing the letter and thanking the reader for their

    time and effort.

    A Business letter should follow the rule of AIDA (Attention / Attract, Interest, Desire,


    Attention/Attract: To grab the attention of the reader, potent words, or pictures can be used.

    The e-mails should have subject lines that encourage recipients to open them and read the

    contents. E.g. People can be encouraged to attend a company training session on giving feedback

    by incorporating the email headline, How effective is yourfeedback?, which is more likely to

    grab attention than the purely factual one of, Thisweek's seminar on feedback.

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    Interest: The reader should be able to pick out the messages that are pertinent to them quickly.

    Bullets, subheadings and breaking up the text make the central points of the text stand out.

    Desire: As you build the reader's interest, you also need to help them understand that what you

    are offering can help them in a real way. The main way of doing this is by appealing to their

    personal needs and wants.

    Action: Finally, be very clear about what action you want your readers to take rather than just

    leaving people to work out what to do for themselves. E.g. order a product, send a report etc.

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    When creating business letters, employ 8 " by 11" unlined paper. Although 24- pound paper

    with 100+ brightness is a little more expensive, it will make a superior impression than mundane

    copy paper. Use 1" margins on all four sides. Use a serif font such as Times Roman (12 point),

    Arial (12 point) or Georgia (11 point). A business letter should be single-spaced and if possible,

    typed on a computer. Print the letter on only one side of the paper. Fold the letter horizontally

    into thirds. Mail the letter in a No. 10 security envelope (4 1/8" by 9 ").

    There are several business letter formats, but all of them can be subdivided into two basic

    groups: the block format and various indented formats. Although the block format is somewhatmore common, (perhaps because it is easier), either one is acceptable. All conventional formats

    contain the same features.

    The common formats that are been observed are as follows:

    1. Return address of the letter writer.

    2. The date of the letter

    3. Complete name, title and address of the recipient

    4. Salutation with a colon

    5. Body of the letter

    6. Closing

    7. Enclosures

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    There are various kinds of business letters for different purposes. They are divided into twotypes: the business to business type and the business to client type.

    A. Business-to-business types are intended for company to company communication.

    Examples are:

    Appreciation letter is a letter of gratitude and appreciation for help extended or a goodbusiness


    Thank you is a letter of gratitude

    Congratulations is a letter that praises the recipient for a job well- done

    Letter of recognition is a written statement of recognized efforts similar to an appreciation letter

    Letter of reference is a character reference letter. It is a letter building up the character of a

    person to be accepted in a job.

    Recommendation is an endorsement letterto hire a certain person

    Sympathy letter is a letter of condolences to a person or family

    Invitation letter is a letter persuading a person or a company to join an event or anoccasion

    Letter of credit is a way of endorsing a certain business to be considered for a credit loan

    Letter of interest is a reply to an invitation that confirms presence on the event/occasion

    Business memorandum is notices that are distributed to the staff. They are reminders of

    company activities or imminent changes in the company.

    Business introduction is done to introduce a new business to the readers

    Business letter is a letter that talks about the plans for the business

    Donation letter is a letter asking for donations

    Termination letter is more popularly knownas a resignation letter. It signifies someone's desire

    to leave a job permanently.

    B. Business-to-Client letters are:

    Welcome letter welcomes the client and thanks him for choosing the company.

    Letter of appreciation thanks the client for having business with the company.

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    Apology letter asks the client for reconsideration and apologizes for failing to deliver.

    Collection letter gives a notice of outstanding payments due.

    Invoice letter template asks the clients to state the invoice number of their transaction.

    Letter of invitation invites a client to join a certain gathering.

    Marketing letter states the newest products that the company will provide soon or ispresently


    Rejection letter states the rejection of the client's request.

    Business letters are more formal in writing. Follow the formats strictly. Be concise, clear and

    direct to the point.

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    1. Confirmation Letter:

    12thJanuary 2012

    KIND ATTENTION: Mr. ODonovan Eugene

    Northstar Healthcare Limited,

    3300 Cork,

    Airport Business Park,


    Dear Eugene,

    As per our last teleconference on 5thJanuay 2012, Monday, I am pleased to confirm the business

    meeting between Alembic Phrmaceuticals Limited and Northstar Healthcare Ltd at 10 am

    on 12th

    March 2012 on Monday at Alembics CPHi stall ( Stall Number A 18). The

    attandes from Alembic Ltd. for this meeting would be Dr. Ashwin Rao ( Associate Vice President : Business Development)and Mr. Nirav Chudgar ( General Manager Business


    As I mentioned you in the telephonic talk, Alembic Phrmaceuticals Limited is interested in the

    new range of products that it can market in Europe territory.

    The detail agenda of the meeting would be mailed to you latest by 19th January 2012 before

    13.00 hours GMT( Irish timings).

    Warm Regards,

    Mr. Bankesh Patel .

    ManagerInternational Business Unit.

    Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited I Alembic Road I Vadodara I Phone: 0265 3007718 I

    Website: www.alembicindia .com

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    2. Acknowledgement Letter:

    Date: 20thJanuary 2012

    KIND ATTENTION: Mr. Bankesh Patel

    Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited,

    Alembic Road,

    Vadodara - 390008


    Dear Mr. Bankesh Patel,

    With reference to your letter dated 12thJanuary 2012, I acknowledge the receipt of the agenda of

    the meeting on behalf of Northstar Healthcare. As per our last teleconference on 19thJanaury

    2012, the NHL representatives would be Mr. Jimmy Morrisey and Mr. Colm Moyniham.

    NHL would be sending you the signed business agenda latest by 24th January 2012 at your

    designated office address. The tracking number of the same would be available to you by maillatest by 21stJanuary 2012.

    Thanking you in anticipation,

    Best Regards.


    Northstar Healthcare I Alembic Road I 3300 Cork I Airport Business Park I Dublin I Ireland

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    3. Enquiry Letter:

    18thMarch 2012

    KIND ATTENTION: Dr. Ashwin Rao Associate Vice

    PresidentBusiness Development,

    Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited,

    Alembic road,


    Dear Dr. Rao,

    Greetings for the day!

    It gives me an immense pleasure to inform you that the latest strategic alliance between Pfizer

    Inc and Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limted for developing and marketing Azithromycin 250

    mg tablets in Asia Pacific territory has crossed a sales of USD 5 million in the financial year


    However Pfizer Inc. Market Research team has identified a new business opportunity for

    Azithromycin 500 mg tablets in Asia Pacific region whose IMS sales for the current financial

    year is estimated at of USD 5 million and market growth is estimated at 10% per annum.

    As Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limted has the licensed to develop and market Azithromycin500 mg tablets in Asia Pacific territory; Pfizer Inc would be interested in accsessing the

    Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limted product dozzier.

    This is new a business opportunity for Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limted and the company

    would be interested for this product. I am expecting the product dossier latest by 31st March

    2012, so that necessary arrangements can be done from our side.


    Mr. Milin Sonawane.

    Pfizer Pte Ltd, 1 Science Park Road, Science Park II, #04-01, The Capricorn, Singapore 117528 ;

    Phone: +65 6403 8888

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    4. Reply Letter:

    27th March 2012

    KIND ATTENTION: Mr. Milin Sonawane.

    Pfizer Pte Ltd,

    1 Science Park Road, Science Park II,

    #04-01, The Capricorn,

    Singapore 117528

    Dear Mr. Milin,

    Thank you for your letter dated 18


    March 2012, enquiring about our Azithromycin 500mgtablets. I am also pleased to hear the favouable comments about Azithromycin in Asia Pacific


    I am enclosing the product dozier giving full information about the product technicalities,

    protocols and the specifications.

    Please do not hestitate to contact me and I shall ensure that the your inquiries would be

    addressed on time.

    Best Regards,

    Dr. Ashwin Rao.

    Associate Vice PresidentAlembic Pharmaceuticals Limited.

    Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited I Alembic Road I Vadodara I Phone: 0265 3007718 I

    Website: www.alembicindia .com

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    5. Collection Letter:

    5th June 2012

    KIND ATTENTION: Mrs. Monica Garmonnn

    Heritage Pharmaceuticals Inc,

    105 Fieldcrest

    Avenue Edison,

    NJ 08837,

    United States.

    Dear Mrs. Monica,

    On 28thMay 2012, we wrote you to remind you that your April 2012 statement showed a balance

    of USD 4500/ - against Invoice number 221085 dated 4 thApril 2012. This amount is outstanding

    and is due for payment.

    Settlement of this accounts is necessary as there is two months delay. We kindly request you to

    send the payment earliest so that future dispatches are not impacted.

    Also attached is the copy of invoice number 221085 dated 4 th April 2012 and a statement of

    accounts for your kind reference.

    A prompt reply will be appreciated.

    Warm Regards,

    Mr. Bankesh Patel .

    ManagerInternational Business Unit.

    Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited I Alembic Road I Vadodara I Phone: 02653007718 I Website: www.alembicindia .com

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    1. Interview Letter: It is always a good idea to add an interview letter with your Resume

    since it provides additional information not given in the resume. The interview letter

    should grab the attention of the interviewer so that you get a chance for an interview. Inan interview letter, every word counts, so carefully select the words that you want to use

    when writing an interview letter. Before you are called for the interview, a good

    interview letter or the cover letter is the first communication you have with the

    prospective employer, so you should spend a good time on preparing it. Be very polite in

    your approach and show enthusiasm to work with the company. Begin the letter by

    stating the position you are applying for and why you are interested in that position.

    Explain why you think you are the best for the position. Try to avoid the contents written

    in the resume. Focus on your accomplishments, skills and personality, which must match

    with the job. Let the employer know that you are ready for the interview. Provide your

    contact details.. After completing the letter, read it once again for any kind of spelling

    mistakes or grammatical mistakes. Even one small mistake creates a bad impression on

    the interviewer.

    The desired format of an interview letter is as follows:

    Your Name

    Street Address (including Apartment No)

    City, State and Zip code

    Country (if other than the USA)

    Telephone, Fax Number and Email (recommended)

    Company's Name

    Employer's Name Employer's Title

    Employer's Division

    Company's Street Address (and Suite No.)

    Company's City, State and Zip code

    Company's Country (if other than the USA)

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    (Title) Employer's Name:

    First Paragraph:

    State the reason for writing the letter.

    Name the position or type of work you seek.

    Mention how you heard about the opening.

    Second Paragraph:

    Explain why you are interested in the position and/or working for that company oremployer.

    Request an employment application (if still needed).

    Explicate how you are ready for the challenge, perfect for the position or in what way you can

    be beneficial to the employer.

    Third Paragraph:

    Convey that you have enclosed a copy of your resume (and a completed employment

    application, if appropriate).

    Ensure that you will follow-up for an agreeable meeting time to discuss your qualifications and

    their company's needs.

    Include your address and number should they need any additional information.

    Explain that you expect to hear from them soon.

    Thank them for their time and consideration.

    Sign your name by hand (over a typed signature) and use Sincerely.

    Suggested Enclosure(s): Resume, Completed Employment Application (if applicable) and

    writing or other work samples (again if appropriate).

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    2. Appointment Letter: An appointment letter gives an assurance to a prospective

    employee of a position in the new company. A letter of appointment is a significant

    aspect of every person's career. So before issuing an appointment letter, carefully check

    every detail and information, so as not to miss on any important point in the letter.

    An appointment order must carry the following details and have the following format:

    Date of appointment


    Job profile

    Job timings

    Compensation package

    Transfer or travel details

    Notice period and company rules and regulations

    Dear Mr./Ms. ,


    I am pleased to offer you employment in the position of with I

    am eager to have you as part of our team. I foresee your potential skills as a Valuable

    contribution to our company and clients. Your appointment as will Commence on

    As , you will be entitled to a monthly starting remuneration of Rs 00,000/-

    (Rupees. only) which indicates cost to company. You will be on a probation period of

    six months. Regular performance review will be conducted to assess your performance and

    suitability. Your continued employment at is dependent on your successful

    completion of the probationary period. Your salary will be reviewed after a period of 6 months

    and thereafter every 12 months. You will be entitled to all allowances ad benefits whatsoever

    decided by the management. You shall receive your payment before 5th of every month. Leave

    and other company policies are available at . These policies are reviewed and

    posted at our website from time to time by the management of for your

    benefit. Your signing this appointment letter confirms your acceptance of the terms and

    conditions and that you would be joining on the given date.

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    I am looking forward to working with you.



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    3. Resignation Letter: It is a business letter written by an employee to the employer when

    he is on the verge of leaving the organization. This letter is generally the last form of

    written communication between the employee and the employer before the exit interview

    and hence necessary care needs to be taken by the employee to end his journey on a

    positive note. The following is one of such format of the resignation letter.

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    Business emails are generally less formal than business letters. Business emails written to

    colleagues are generally direct and ask for specific actions to be taken. It's important to keepyour business emails short, as the easier it is to reply to an email the more likely it is that a

    business contact will reply quickly. It is amazing to find that in this day and age, some

    companies have still not realized how important their email communications are. Many

    companies send email replies late or not at all, or send replies that do not actually answer the

    questions you asked. If your company is able to deal professionally with email, this will provide

    your company with that all important competitive edge. Moreover by educating employees as to

    what can and cannot be said in an email, you can protect your company from awkward liability


    There are many etiquette guides and many different etiquette rules. Some rules will differ

    according to the nature of your business and the corporate culture. Below we list what we

    consider as the 32 most important email etiquette rules that apply to nearly all companies.

    32 most important email etiquette tips:

    1.Be concise and to the point2.Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions

    3.Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation

    4.Make it personal

    5.Use templates for frequently used responses

    6.Answer swiftly

    7.Do not attach unnecessary files

    8.Use proper structure & layout

    9.Do not overuse the high priority option

    10.Do not write in CAPITALS

    11.Don't leave out the message thread

    12.Add disclaimers to your emails

    13.Read the email before you send it
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    14.Do not overuse Reply to All

    15.Mailings > use the bcc: field or do a mail merge

    16.Take care with abbreviations and emoticons

    17.Be careful with formatting

    18.Take care with rich text and HTML messages

    19.Do not forward chain letters

    20.Do not request delivery and read receipts

    21.Do not ask to recall a message.

    22.Do not copy a message or attachment without permission

    23.Do not use email to discuss confidential information

    24.Use a meaningful subject

    25.Use active instead of passive

    26.Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT

    27.Avoid long sentences

    28.Don't send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene


    29.Don't forward virus hoaxes and chain letters

    30.Keep your language gender neutral

    31.Don't reply to spam

    32.Use cc: field sparingly
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    The following is a format of writing business mails with reference to writing the subject,

    content, text and closing and sending the same to the required recipients.

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    Business memos are written to an entire office. When writing business memos make sure to

    clearly mark for whom the memo is intended, the reason for writing the memo and who is

    writing the memo. Memos tend to inform colleagues of office and procedural changes that applyto a large group of people. They often provide instructions using the imperative voice.

    Standard Memo Heading

    Though the format for a memo may vary from one organization to another, the standard heading

    consists of a series of clearly labeled lines that convey key information about the memos

    contents and its distribution. The following are standard elements of a memo header:

    Date: The date on which the memo is distributed

    To: The person(s) to whom it is primarily addressed (sometimes with job title)

    cc:Name(s) of anyone else who receives a copy (sometimes with job title)

    From:Name of the writer, usually followed by his/her handwritten initials (sometimes with job


    Subject: or Re: Concise statement of the memos topic

    The following points one should Remember When Writing Memos

    Identify your audience before you begin to write.

    Ask yourself, should this be persuasive, directive, or technical?

    Be concise and come straight to the point.

    Maintain a business-like tone.

    Use headings, bullets, and/or numbered lists so key points stand out and the document is

    easy to read.

    As when writing anything, each paragraph should contain one main idea. Also, try tokeep each paragraph short.

    Always proofread very carefully. Check all of your facts.

    Dont forget to identify any attachments. If not, a recipient would not realize anything

    was missing.

    Never include a closing. The From line eliminates the need.

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    Business agreements are those legal documents that the organization does with its employees,

    clients, suppliers, government agencies, etc. They tend to have a specific purpose and hence the

    format and the content do vary with its purpose. The following are the points that should benoted while preparing business agreements as they have legal and binding effect.

    1. Get it in writing:Although oral agreements are legal and binding in many situations, they're

    often difficult to enforce in court (and in some situations, they aren't enforceable at all). In the

    business world, most agreements should be in writing even if the law doesn't require it. A written

    agreement is less risky than an oral agreement, because you have a document that clearly spells

    out each party's rights and obligations in case of confusion or disagreement.

    2. Keep it simple:Contrary to what most lawyers think, you don't need a lot of "heretoforces"

    and "party of the first part" legalese to make a contract enforceable. Instead, create short, clear

    sentences with simple, numbered paragraph headings that alert the reader to what's in the


    3. Deal with the right person: Don't waste time negotiating a business agreement with a junior

    person who has to okay everything with the boss. If you sense that this is happening, politely but

    firmly request to be put in touch with the person in charge. Make sure the person you negotiate

    with has the authority to bind the business and has a vested interest in making sure the business

    performs its obligations under the agreement. If you're not sure who that is, ask. In a smaller

    business, it might be one of the owners; in a larger organization it might be a chief executive

    officer or chief operating officer.

    4. Identify each party correctly: You'd be surprised how often businesspeople get this wrongand how important it is. You need to include the correct legal names of the parties to the contract

    so it's clear who is responsible for performing the obligations under the agreement (and who you

    have legal rights against if things go wrong). For instance, if a business is organized as an LLC

    or a corporation, identify it by its correct legal name --including the Inc. or LLC suffix -- not by

    the names of the people who are signing the agreement for the business.

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    10. Keep it confidential: Often, when one business hires another to perform a service, the other

    business will become privy to sensitive business information. Your agreement should contain

    mutual promises that each party will keep strictly confidential any business information it learns

    of while performing the contract.

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    Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limiteds International Business Unit (IBU) is responsible for

    following types of business agreements with their global clients.

    1. Secrecy Agreement:This agreement to keep confidential the business secrets of both the

    parties with reference to sales, profits, product technicalities and Research and

    Development (R&D).

    2. Production Agreement: After the business agreement is signed between both the parties,

    this agreement is prepared whereby Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited commits thenumber of batches it will deliver to their global clients and the number of days it will take

    to deliver the same.

    3. Marketing and Distribution Agreement: After the batches are been delivered to the

    strategic partners, the next question would be the manner in which the profits would be

    shared between the company and the alliance partner. This agreement takes care of this

    issue. Again the territorial rights are also been allocated on the basis of the above


    4. Quality Agreement: Being Alembic in the pharmaceuticals portfolio, it is vital to

    maintain the quality of the product. The quality agreement would guide the quality of the

    product which Alembic is supposed to maintain for the products. Any failure of the above

    aspect would lead to rejection of the entire batch.

    5. Product Liability Insurance Agreement: Any business is always affected by the

    external threats. This agreement takes care of the external threat in case of any mishap

    during the dispatch and distribution of the product. Again this agreement would also

    guide the extent to which the losses that would be shared in case of any mishap.

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    Circular letters are sent to a large number of people. They are unsolicited letters. They usually

    convey information about new product, a new service, a new set of terms and conditions, the

    opening of a new branch, change of address, telephone numbers, seasonal greetings, discounts,price revision etc. Today, circular letters are printed in computers and sent. They can even be e-

    mailed to customers.

    Generally printed or cyclostyled circular letters have a few advantages such as, less expenses,

    any number of letters can be posted in a day, to a certain extent the personal meet of the sales

    agents can be substituted, and the recipient, if interested, may call upon the firm or the sales

    agent, and so the agent need not wait to have an appointment. The objectives of circular letters

    are: To obtain publicity for a merchandise, to impress the readers with the facts about the firm

    and the products, to make the readers more interest in their contents, to attain the confidence of

    the readers and to stimulate sales. The following is one of the samples of the circular:

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    24. NOTICES

    Notices can vary in how many people they are aimed at. This is because they primarily function

    as a way of informing or making people aware of upcoming news, events or actions. For

    example, you may use a notice to make all of your employees aware of what the company will

    be doing in the upcoming year. However, you could also issue a notice to a particular department

    instead to inform them of news that is only relevant to them. These can also be in the form of

    posters of handouts, but could also appear in a mass email that is sent out to the particular


    Circulars and notices are written forms of communication within the organization. Thedifference between a circular and a notice is circulars are announcements those are

    distributed to small or selective groups of people within an organization, whereas notices are

    meant for a larger group of people. The following is one of the samples of the notice.

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    A press release, news release, media release, press statement or video release is a written or

    recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcingsomething ostensibly newsworthy. Typically, they are mailed,faxed, or e-mailed to

    assignmenteditors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, or television


    The use of press releases is common in the field ofpublic relations (PR). Typically, the aim is to

    attract favorable media attention to the PR professional's client and/or provide publicity

    forproducts orevents marketed by those clients. A press release provides reporters with

    aninformation subsidy containing the basics needed to develop a news story. Press releases can

    announce a range of news items, such as scheduled events, personal promotions, awards, new

    products and services, sales and other financial data, accomplishments, etc. They are often used

    in generating afeature story or are sent for the purpose of announcingnews conferences,

    upcoming events or a change in corporation. Uncritical use or overuse of press releases by

    journalists has been dubbedchurnalism.

    A press release is information supplied to reporters. This is an official announcement or account

    of a news story that is specially prepared and issued to newspapers and other news media for

    them to make known to the public. This form has also gained huge acceptability in the corporate

    thanks to the telecom revolution and the reach the media is having. It is widely been used to

    address the stakeholders which includes share holders, consumers, suppliers, government

    agencies and the society at large.
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    After the allegations were made by India Against Corruption (IAC) and by Mr. Arvind Kejriwal

    against the Chairman of the Reliance Industries Mr. Mukesh Ambani for holding the illegal

    money popularly known as black money. After the allegations, Reliance Industries instantly

    issued a press note depicting that all the allegations were baseless. The press release is as


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    A report can be delineated as a testimonial or account of some happening. It is purely based on

    observation and analysis. A report explains any circumstance. In todayscorporate world, reports

    play an essential role. They are a strong base for planning and control in an organisation i.e.reports give information, which can be utilized by the management team in an organisation for

    charting plans and for solving complex issues in the organisation.

    A report discusses a particular problem in detail. It brings significant and reliable information to

    the attention of top management in an organisation. Hence, based on such information, the

    management can make strong decisions. Reports are required for judging the performances of

    various departments in an organisation.

    An effective report can be written going through the following steps:

    Determine the objective of the report i.e. identify the problem.

    Collect the required material (facts) for the report.

    Study and examine the facts gathered.

    Plan the facts for the report.

    Prepare an outline for the report, i.e. draft the report.

    Edit the drafted report.

    Distribute the draft report to the advisory team and ask for feedback and recommendations.

    The essentials of good/effective report writing are as follows:

    Know your objective, i.e. be focused.

    Analyze the niche audience i.e. make an analysis of the target audience, the purpose for whichaudience requires the report, kind of data audience is looking for in the report, the implications of

    report reading, etc.

    Decide the length of report.

    Disclose correct and true information in a report.

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    Discuss all sides of the problem reasonably and impartially. Include all relevant facts in a


    Concentrate on the report structure and matter. Pre-decide the report writing style. Use vivid

    structure of sentences.

    The report should be neatly presented and should be carefully documented.

    Highlight and recap the main message ina report.

    Encourage feedback on the report from the critics. The feedback, if negative, might be useful if

    properly supported with reasons by the critics. The report can be modified based on such


    Use graphs, pie charts, etc to show the numerical data records over years.

    Decide on the margins on a report. Ideally, the top and the side margins should be the same

    (minimum 1-inch broad) but the lower/bottom margins can be one and a half times as broad as

    others can.

    Attempt to generate readers interest by making appropriate paragraphs, giving bold headings

    for each paragraph, using bullets wherever required, etc.

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    There are various kind of reports used in day-to-day business and routine functions of

    departments. Some of them are as follows:1. Progress Reports: When a long-term project or work is undertaken, the administration keeps

    itself informed through progress reports. The project may be the construction of a bridge or a

    building, the layout of a residential colony, the installation of equipment in a factory or the

    investigation of some problem. These reports also assist the officers and workers

    immediately responsible for the job to take stock of what has already been done and to relate

    it to the total amount of time and money available. The frequency of progress reports

    depends upon the practice followed in an organisation. These may be written and circulated

    at the end of each phase or a specified period or completion of the stage of work. If they are

    prepared at regular intervals, they are sometimes called periodical reports. The Performa for

    preparation of such reports is specified by each organisation but they contain the following


    Name of the work or project

    Total work to be completed


    Work completed to date

    Work to be completed

    Possible date for completion

    Remarks, if any

    Signature and designation of the reporting officer

    2. Laboratory Reports: A laboratory report is an account of various steps, findings andconclusions put together in a logic order. In fact, no scientific experiment can be considered

    valid unless it is presented in terms intelligible to other scientists. Thus, writing laboratory

    reports is considered an essential part of scientific investigation and experimentation. These

    reports contain the following elements:

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    Experiment No.


    Statement of objects

    Apparatus used

    Method or produce followed



    3. Inspection Reports: Inspection reports are of two types: It is a report, which incorporates the

    result of the inspection of a piece of equipment to ascertain whether it is functioning properly or

    requires any repairs or replacement. This may be done as a matter of routine or on receipt of a

    complaint. It is a report, which indicates the result of inspection of a product as a part of quality

    control. Most manufacturing organizations have a quality control section or department whose

    duty is to inspect every product with a view to ensure that it fulfills the required specifications.

    4. Inventory Reports: It is customary for every organisation to take stock of equipment,

    furniture, stationery, etc. at regular intervals. The person who checks the stock fills in his

    findings in a prescribed form.

    5. Annual Confidential Reports on Employees: Most organizations formulate a periodic

    evaluation of the performance and general conduct of their employees. The assessment thus

    made is used at appropriate times for rewards such as increments, promotion, and transfer to

    more responsible job.

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    It is an established fact that the present era is often called the Age of Communication and

    Information. The importance of communication has been greatly emphasized by all

    management experts. Communication, like birth, death, growth and decay, is a part of individuallife as well as organizational existence. Its importance is self-explanatory and is a common

    experience of all as well. In recent times, communication has turned into business; rarely would

    you find managers, subordinates, salesmen, technicians, foremen, lawyers, auditors, consultants,

    teachers, doctors or anyone else who is not concerned with the difficulties associated with


    It has been rightly observed that the number one management problem today is

    miscommunication. Group activities in context with common goals cannot be accomplished

    without communication. The entire organisation control, coordination and motivation cannot be

    accomplished in case of lapses in communication. A common practice among many

    organizations is moving messages vertically, horizontally and diagonally between various

    officially designated positions. The modern industrial scenario relies heavily on communication

    for its augmentation and survival. George R. Terry states: "Communication serves as the

    lubricant, posturing for the smooth operations of the management process". Hence it is vital for

    an organization to shape and re-shape them considering the changing needs of an office


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    Business Communication for Managers published by Symbiosis Centre for Distance


    Business Communication Volume11 Authors Raymond V.Lesikar, ,Marie E. Flatley,

    Kathryn Renty, Ne raj Pande published by Tata McGraw Hill Education Private



    A Survey on Office Communication by Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted in

    spring 2007.

















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