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MU0017 –Talent Management - 4 Credits

Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Q1. State some of the practical steps that can be taken to improve the talent acquisition?

Ans. Given Below are the seven practical things that help improve the talent acquisition:

Define talent acquisition approach: The most difficult and the most vital step in innovating talent acquisition is being very practical, for example, active and busy HR professionals who feel like teachers in an overloaded classroom. If changing needs to be done then there is need for help in achieving that. Execute the initiative by educating management that practical talent acquisition helps in improving company brand and strength.

Outsource internally: The superiors, recruiting managers, and the subordinates must be involved. Their ideas and concepts are gathered to improve the productivity, fulfillment, and success. The questions to be answered include:- What skills are required?- What personal mannerisms are useful?- What are the team strengths that are already present in the team and what might be missing?If all these questions are answered then it would be easy to look for in a good candidate. Competencies and personal style play a crucial role in building an ideal candidate profile.

Advertise the openings in very innovative ways that are not attempted before and maintain relationships to reach people. A staff interest station is set up in lobbies, at tradeshows, or conferences. Identifying and reaching out for the talent is the first step in building a long term talent network.

An extensive referral network is created that functions constantly. Current employments, association colleagues, retirees, high performers, and so on who are not the employees of the company are considered to be excellent reference points. Using “wanted” posters, description of an ideal candidate, or offering of a cash reward can be more strategic approaches. Incentive referral programs, which are in the form of recovery for prizes, travel or paid vacation days can also be considered.

Proper interaction with people who are really interested in joining the company is also necessary. Both active and inactive job seekers are great source of information about the business, industry, competition and customers.

Creation of a company website helps people to easily investigate about the company, as what it is about, what it is like to work for. It also helps in global reach and continual possibilities for proper interaction and relationship building.

Workload reduction and finding the right people for open positions quickly by asking the interested job seekers create their profile. More details are collected related to company’s hiring goals and also workload is turned. This helps in building the talent pool exponentially.

Q2. The talent selection consists of five selection processes. List them?

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Ans: Talent Selection

Recruitment is a method of looking for skilled candidates for employment and motivating them to apply for jobs in an organisation. Recruitment acts as a connector between the recruiters and the job hunters. Some definitions of recruitment include:

- It is a process of detecting and attracting competent candidates for employment. The process starts when new employees are required and ends when their applications are submitted. As a result, there is a pool of applications from which new employees are chosen.

- It is a method adopted to determine workforce sources to meet the needs of recruitment schedule. In this method, effective measures are utilized to attract that workforce in sufficient members and also to help in successful selection of a capable working force.

Hiring process:

Before appointing an applicant for a job position, a company follows a step-by-step hiring process.

This process has three important phases which include planning, recruitment and employee selection.

Steps involved in recruitment process/talent selection:

There are five major steps involved in talent selection process which include:

Online application

CV/Resume screening

Initial interview

These steps which are involved in Talent Selection process can be explained as follows:

1. Online application: During this phase, the desired candidate applies for a job online or on company website.

2. CV/Resume Screening: This is the second stage wherein the CV (Curriculum Vitae) of the applicant is screened by hiring managers to ensure if the candidate is fit enough for the post.

3. Initial interview: This is the most crucial stage wherein the candidate is asked to take up a written test.

Technical and competency interviews

Job Offer

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4. Technical and competency interviews: Once the candidate clears the written test, the next stage would be technical competency round. This stage involves the recruiting managers ensuring if the candidate possesses required technical skills suitable for the position which can be in the form of either face-to-face questioning or a written test.

5. Job offer: This is the last stage of the interview process wherein the candidate receives an offer letter from recruiting manager after he clears all the interview rounds.

Q3. What are the retention strategies adopted by organisations?

Ans: Retention is a method of enabling the members or volunteers to remain active with in an

organisation. Retention mainly focuses on preserving a convenient environment, member morale and

organizational growth.

Retention is vital for many reasons in having: A pool or members who have the ability to be the future leaders. A strong pointer for organizational success. A happy organizational environment A group of members who come to your help when required.

Some of the retention strategies include:

Conversations: Active conversations with members help in creating a convenient working environment and making sure that members have a secure feeling in the organisation. It is not mandatory that conversations must deal with organizational business or concerns but instead a small-talk and chit-chat are enough.

Updates: Regular updates through emails, news-sheet, websites, or meetings help in sustaining a high level of interest as it is evident that people may lost their interest in an organisation if they do not get constant updates about what the organisation is planning for.

General meetings: General meetings are the most accepted methodologies adopted by an organisation to circulate information and update members. However, the main disadvantage with general meetings is that they are inactive wherein members simply sit and listen to what the leaders speak. These meetings must also focus on getting members involved in some activity.

Top 20 strategies to improve employee retention

It is evident that turnover is expensive. According to the recent survey done, it is found that the average expense to substitute a leaving employee is 30 percent of that employee’s salary. The full amount includes expenses incurred while the position is vacant, for example, overtime expenses for other employees or the expense of hiring temporary employees; the expenses associated with identifying and choosing a substitute employee (including advertisements, interviews, and referral bonuses); and expenses on training the new employee.

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Given below is the list of 20 main strategies adopted to build dedication and loyalty among employees and enhancing the department’s retention rate:

1. Propose reasonable and competitive salaries: Employee loyalty is assured by both reasonable compensation and offering reasonable salary. Regular salary reviews are conducted for various job designations entry-level and experienced workforce to retain employees.

2. Consider the benefits: Although benefits are not the main reasons for employees to work in a company, the benefits offered must not be obviously worse than those offered by the opponent companies.

3. Guide supervisors, managers, and administrators: It is not often true that employees stay or quit the company because of their bosses and not because of their companies. It is very crucial to have a good employee/manager rapport for employee satisfaction and retention. The managers should be properly trained to develop good supervisory and people-management skills.

4. Clearly the job roles and responsibilities: Prepare an official job description for all the positions in the department. Ensure that employees have a clear idea about what is expected from their job and what kind of own decisions they are allowed to make, and to whom they are supposed to report.

5. Offer sufficient improvement opportunities: Implement a career ladder and ensure that employees know what to do to get promoted and this in turn encourages employee loyalty. Regular performance reviews need to be conducted to recognise employees’ strengths and weaknesses. This enables them to progress in areas that are essential for job advancement. A clear and advanced professional growth plan helps employees earn their incentive based on their performance.

6. Propose retention bonuses instead of offering sign-on bonuses: The employees are provided with longevity allowance and are normally rewarded with an annual raise and added vacation time after three, five or 10 years. Offering other seniority-based incentives would be a better option for developing a retention rate, for example, providing a paid membership in the employee’s professional union, a paid membership to a local sports club, and full compensation for the expense of the employee’s uniforms. Sign-on bonuses support technologists to change their jobs, whereas retention bonuses offer incentives for staying.

7. Hold somebody answerable for retention: Determine the turnover rate and hold someone responsible for reducing it.

8. Perform employee satisfaction review: An unspecified employee satisfaction review must be performed on a regular basis to determine the pulse of workplace.

9. Promote a teamwork environment: Although more time and effort is required to build an efficient team, but the output will be improved productivity with better usage of resources and enhanced customer service and increased confidence.

Given below are some ideas to promote a teamwork environment in a particular department:

- Ensure that all employees realise the department’s purpose, task or goal.- Encourage conversation, participation and contribution of ideas.- Rotate leadership tasks and roles based on employees’ abilities and the team requirements.- Engage employees in decision making and allow them to make decisions through agreement and

teamwork.- Support team members to appreciate their colleagues for their advanced performance or


10. Avoid the paperwork trouble: Paperwork pressures can make employees feel more stressful and burnout. Reduce needless paperwork; change more paperwork to an electronic format; and appoint non-clinical organisational staff to look after the paperwork burden.

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11. Have some fun: Recognise when the targets are achieved and celebration for successes are necessary in a fun-filled environment. Team lunch or dinner, birthday parties, team outings, and creative contests will make people think that the company is a great place to work.

12. Develop a mission statement for all the departments: All the employees must work towards a meaningful and valuable goal or mission. Hence, develop a departmental goal statement working with the staff and later publicise it for everyone to see. Ensure that employees understand their contribution to the organisation is very crucial.

13. Offer a variety of tasks: Identify employees’ talents and then motivate them to widen their abilities into new fields. A variety of challenging assignments or tasks assist in keeping the workplace inspiring.

14. Ensure an open communication: It is evident that most of the employees are dedicated to a company when they believe that their managers keep them informed about major organisational issues. Hence, an open interaction between the employees and the managers is necessary, and it is nearly impractical for a manager to "over-communicate."

15. Promote learning: Provide opportunities for the technical team to grow and learn. Provide them compensation for seminars and professional meetings; talk about current journal articles with them; allow them to explore a new scheduling technique for the department. Inspire employees to know about at least one new thing regularly, and create a work force that is energised, encouraged, and committed.

16. Be flexible: It is a known fact that today’s employees are committed outside their job, which often includes responsibility for children, aging parents, persistent health conditions, and other problems. They will be dedicated to workplaces only when their lives are made more convenient by providing them onsite childcare centres, onsite hair styling and dry cleaning, flexible working hours, part-time positions, job-sharing, so on. For example, employees who have children of school-age would like to work nine months a year and would like to spend the summer vacation with their children.

17. Create an efficient orientation program: Adopt an official orientation program which includes a methodical overview of all the areas of department and an introduction to other departments. Allot a senior staff member as a tutor to the new employee during the orientation period. Create a checklist of topics with the employees to ensure that all the topics related to orientation are effectively addressed.

18. Hire aides: Consider hiring aides who can carry out non-clinical tasks in the radiology department to enhance both confidence and productivity among the technical team. These aides help in office duties, transport patients and process films.

19 Provide employees the best equipment and supplies: No employee would prefer to work with equipment that is old or that is facing continuous breakdown problems. Ensure that the equipment is in suitable working condition, and frequently upgrade machines, computers and software. Additionally, provide employees with the best quality resource materials that are affordable.

20 Ensure employees that they are valued: Identify excellent achievements promptly and openly. Also, focus on small achievements that employees make on a daily basis to the organisation’s mission.

Q4. What are the four major keys involved in promotion of ethical behaviour in the workplace?

Ans: The four major keys involved in promotion of ethical behaviour in the workplace include:

· Confess.

· Follow the book.

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· Good communication and information.

· Consider the “Problem Trio”.


When employees commit a mistake and fail to raise the issue to management so that the issue can be resolved then the situation becomes worse.

Most of the times, problems increase rapidly and get larger. The situation becomes even worse when employees start blaming each other as to who was the culprit. When the employees commit mistake, the best way to resolve it is to inform their manager and take the blame. This blame game may result in complete disaster and hurt workplace morale. In most of the cases, blaming each other results in workplace enmity and work in an organisation comes to a halt.

Employees who confess their mistakes are more consistent and trustworthy, and they also have the ability to perform damage control. Managers know that if the employees willingly come forward to confess their own mistake they will be less likely to cover something up. It also proves that they have better things in their mind for the organisation to develop. The warning to this point would be to not to allow the employee repeat the same mistake.

Follow the book:

Another common mistake that employees do is attempting to resolve a problem by bending the rules. This results in creation of a new list of problems. Performing some acts such as backdating the documents or signing the documents for their managers might resolve the issue at that point. But, later those fraud activities will result in some serious problems once the culprit has been found out. Hence, it is better to confess to a problem and possibly be seen as not competent enough for committing such a mistake which is a worse case situation, than covering up a problem with no ethical values, without considering the outcome. Employees even though have good intentions sometimes become too absorbed in the thought of getting something done.

Good communication and information:

In today’s business scenario, it is evident that success of a business depends on good communication. Communication plays a crucial role in an ethical workplace because the way an employee communicates can either create or destroy the positive framework of a workplace. Some acts such as gossiping, which seem undamaging, may result in distrust and unfaithfulness through rivalry in the workplace. Open and consistent communication helps to keep employees and managers informed about the recent events. It also prevents problems and also helps in decision making in the company that are “above board.” Lack of communication or hiding motivations results in dilemmas around workplace ethics.

Consider the “Problem Trio”

Greed, lust, or anger can be considered as the three major problems that are the root cause for failure in workplace ethics. The best example for greed is an employee who steals or performs illegal business dealings. Greedy decisions are the outcome of a wish to get more than they deserve from their position in the company. Lust is generally seen in improper relationships that are not accepted by any organisation. For example, a manager/assistant relationship can create a direct and negative impact on working

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environment and also serve to erode the organisation’s chain of command depending on wrong fraternisation. Anger is mostly seen in employees who have the feeling that the organisation owes them something because of poor working environment, bad salary, or other disturbances. In this case, employees more often become greedy or choose a self-destructive form of action against the organisation.

Workplace behavioural ethics are applicable to any job, any industry, or any organisational environment. Employees who have high morale, strong character, and solid communication are the signs of an ethical workplace. It is very important to present yourself in an ethical manner to ensure a moral workplace.

Q5. What are the steps to be followed while doing an assessment of an organisation?

Ans: An assessment of an organisation includes the following steps:

1. Review of strategy and key challenges: Here, the constructive analysis about organisational strengths, opportunities, and challenges is done. This discussion sets the organisational framework for considering the workforce development.

2. Environmental scan: In addition to the review of strategy and challenges, organisational departments can perform a more detailed strategy review. An environmental inspection reviews the current and changing client requirements and requests for services.

· Workforce analysis:

It is a systematic process in which an organisation identifies the critical jobs and competencies, needed for the current and future employees, and develops strategies to overcome any gaps.

Its main priority is using information to obtain an overview of the workforce and targeting talent management initiatives which are given as:

a) Identifying critical job roles for analysis and planning.

b) Reviewing knowledge/skills/attributes needed.

c) Determining employee population for review.

d) Gathering demographic information.

After recognising organisational priorities, the next step focuses on the roles and skills needed for the department to be successful.

- Identification of critical roles: The management team determines the key job functions and roles that will be the primary focus of the talent review discussions.

Based on the requirement, a talent review committee focuses on any of these groups:

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a) All staff in a particular function or organisation unit.

b) A specific group or job category of the employee population.

c) A specific level of leaders, managers, or supervisors.

-  Inventory of skills and knowledge: Here, the leaders discuss on skills, knowledge, and performance that adds to success for the identified job roles. This information serves as a basis for evaluating the performance and potential of a particular employee group. This process also includes an overall strength/gap analysis of the department that encapsulates existing workforce capabilities and identifies gaps that is required to be met by external hiring or internal development initiatives.

· Talent review:

A Talent Review is a process to involve more senior business executives in sharing and analysing talent information, mostly part of an overall succession management process. Compared to talent alignment sessions, talent reviews present a chance to discuss talent at a higher level of depth and focus. It provides an overview of how to encourage a discussion of key talent in the given ways to:

a) Identify readiness and potential for future assignments or positions.

b) Review possible succession plans.

c) Determine strengths and development needs of employees.

Having set the organisational goals, management teams can start with the process of reviewing talent in the organisation. The type and significance of a talent review can vary based on the department’s need. Talent review examples include:

Talent Inventory which in turn involves the current performance and future capability of a selected employee group. The objective is to get a combined perspective of strengths, requirements and development opportunities for specific employees, and to identify the organisation’s "talent pool." Readiness for major assignments or future jobs is considered.

Succession planning which recognises the potential successors for key roles. In association with a general talent inventory, management teams can also focus on vital job roles to assess current and future bench strength.

Capability planning which focuses on the competence and availability of staff to provide key services. As a substitute to evaluating prospective successors for particular job roles, the management team uses a similar method to review key jobs, efficiency, or competencies that need to be implemented in the organisation. Knowledge Transfer focuses on the supporting, developing, or transferring of skills and knowledge in the organisation. Knowledge transfer begins with an account of proficiency in the department, and continues with a discussion about workforce learning. Knowledge transfer programs facilitate managers to recognise internal "leaders" who can motivate and increase knowledge of other team members through informal mentoring or peer teaching relationships.

· Development planning

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Development planning refers to the strategic quantifiable goals that a person, organisation or agency plans to achieve within a certain amount of time. It deals with the implementing development activity in the organisation after the talent review.

Given below are some of the developments of planning activities:

a) Review development assignments for on-the-job learning.

b) Identify appropriate training and education programs.

c) Explore formal and informal mentoring initiatives.

d) Plan and conduct development discussions.

e) Hold follow-up sessions to review outcomes of development discussions, assignments, and learning plans.

Talent Review discussions help managers to identify the development priorities for the department. Consequently, managers or senior leaders are better prepared to have follow-up development discussions. These discussions have the advantage of helping managers to include job experiences, development assignments, or training in the short-term that can help organise employees for future responsibilities.

Q6. Explain the methods adopted to control recruitment and hiring process?

Ans: Most of the organisations irrespective of fact whether they are small, medium or big scale

companies have their own methods of hiring the candidates for the required positions. Sometimes, this

process is dealt within the company itself or it is handled by some subcontractors or recruiting


Following are some of the aspects of the recruiting process:

Get the candidates resume/CV from different job portals. Classify the candidates based on different criteria like experience, technology, so on. Send automated mails to sorted candidates for the interview. Schedule/reschedule the interviews. Manage many rounds of interviews for the candidate. Manage interviewers for different rounds of interview. Send automated mails and SMS alerts to keep the interviewers informed about the

interview schedule. Handle interviewers remark and rating for the interviews. Send alerts for the scheduled interviews, hold candidates, joining candidates, so on. Get the soft copy of documents like experience letter, relieving letter, resignation

letter, so on from previous company once the selection process ends. Manage background check result for the candidates. Get feedback report for ex-employees, ex-employee documents like experience letters,

pay slips etc. Support different reports like hold candidates, selected candidates, candidate feedback

report so on.

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Candidate information management

Personal information of a candidate is collected from various sources like job portals, employee referrals so on. Personal information include full name, contact number, address, email ID, designation, so on. The resume or CV (curriculum vitae) of candidate is also managed, and the soft copies of these resumes are uploaded in different formats.

Evaluating recruiting and hiring strategiesEvery recruiting and hiring decision is vital because of demanding economy. Companies must ensure that employed candidates perform to the best of their capability and increase the productivity giving a significant value to the organisation. Hiring high-quality employees is the biggest concern that every business struggles with.

Traditional employment strategies that were used in the past are now outdated. Today’s rapidly changing business settings demand for a new and innovative recruiting and hiring strategies. Companies who still use the outdated, poor employee recruiting techniques will lose precious time, money and resources; and they may also experience the shortage of talented employees. Due to a competitive business trends, it is necessary to be practical in recruitment processes to make sure that key talent is hired.

Recruiting and hiring high-quality employees is the most important activity done in any organisation.

Recruiting and hiring solutions facilitate managers and organisations to:

Employ the right person for the right job: Know the core features of top performers in a job and then utilise them as a benchmark to assess job candidates.

Utilise the existing process in a proper way: Achieve better understanding about the existing hiring process to find the right talent.

Get insights quickly about a new employee: Adopt measures to increase the productivity of the employees and inspire them to deliver the best output.

Cut down the learning curve for new employees: Get new hires quickly associated with the organisational objectives to help them contribute to organisational success.

Recruitment guidelinesGiven below are some guidelines which would ease the recruitment process and also help in selection instructions, recruitment policies, hiring strategies, positive action and diversity goals, and problem solving.

It is very essential to consider the following information in recruitment and hiring process:

Preferential rehire policy: Preferential rehires who fulfil the minimum requirements and qualifications of a position are considered before any other applicants.

Testing and interviewing: Applications are made accessible for online review within two working days of the closing date. The employment agent would check and approve the selected candidates before the interviews are scheduled.

Reference checks: A prior consultation and authorisation by the employment agent is needed for reference checks to be done.

Candidate assessment: Candidate assessments are done within the online employment system for each interviewee, and also providing reasons for selection/non-selection of candidates.

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Job offers: Without a prior consent by the employment agent, hiring department cannot make any job offers or hiring assurance.

Notification procedure: Hiring department is accountable for notifying the unsuccessful candidates.

A checklist for successful recruiting and hiring process

Given below is the checklist for successful recruitment which will assist in organising a procedure for hiring employees. It also helps in maintaining a track of recruiting efforts. It involves:

Verifying the requirement for a new or replacement position. Arranging a recruitment planning meeting with the recruiter, the HR head, the hiring

manager, a fellow worker or internal customer. Developing and prioritising the important requirements essential from the position and

the special credentials or qualifications, qualities, features, and skill you look for in a candidate. These will help human resources department in advertising by posting the job online i.e. on the web site; and view the resulting resumes for possible candidate interviews.

Developing the job description for the position with the support of HR department. Deciding the salary range for the position. Posting the position within the company on the job opportunities notice board for one

week Emailing to alert workforce that a position has been posted and that employee is

hired. Arranging an interview for internal candidates, with the hiring supervisor and the HR

manager. Arranging interviews with each interviewer who has a clear idea about their role in the

interview process. For example, cultural background, technical qualifications, customer awareness and knowledge are some of the screening tasks that the interviewers would think.

Filling out the Job Candidate Evaluation Form. Recruiting online by advertising the jobs online and newspaper-based websites which

include the company website. Posting the position on career-related or professional-related websites. Discussing with university career centres. Contacting temporary help agencies. Suggesting some other possible ways to find a well-qualified pool of candidates for

every position.


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