

How can You Attract and Connect Quick and Easy with them?

Your Customers are Online, in Social Media and Mobile

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If you're ready to create a steady stream of hot, happy, super-qualified, ready-to-buy, prospective clients and a system to convert them into invested customers using the same strategies Top Marketers use to create Successful, Personalized Online, Social Media and Mobile Marketing Campaigns that run on Autopilot, today is your chance to get started!

And if you’re time-poor and struggling how to best Market your Business, you’re in the right place to get help!

questions, digging deep to find the fastest and most effective way to Market a Business like Yours! I know personally the Pain of how much time and money I spent on Marketing my first, a local Jewellery Business in a shopping mall, the HARD way!

With just a few changes and a Simple to create and Easy to follow Plan I doubled turnover and tripled customers and You have now....

Hi, I’m Sigrid de Kaste and I’m known for asking ‘needling’

An Easier Way of Marketing a Business Like Yours! Here is my Proven 5 Step Formula for you:

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Online Marketing is a 3-Step Process...



Transact $$$

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Attract Connect Transact

Attract Ideal Clients Easy using Vibrant Video and a Marketing Message that Sticks. The #1 thing that gives people who’ve never heard your name the confidence to invest heavily in what you’re offering is Your Unique Marketing Message that offers the Solution to their Problem




Connect with Your Customers where they are, Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Device. Smart Phones are in the hands and pockets of consumers almost 24/7 – text messaging and emails are checked throughout the day and are your Opportunity to be visible everywhere

Transact: Engaging and Nurturing with ongoing, relevant information, free tips and tools sometimes, keeps you first in mind and first to want to buy from when the customer is ready

The ACT Formula


Marketing in today’s environment is challenging. Your buyers are exposed to thousands of brand messages, have endless product options, and complete the majority of their research online, whether you are in Real Estate, Insurance, a Law Firm or an Author

That means, you need to consider carefully who your buyers are, how they act, and where they are. Implementing an engagement marketing strategy is about building a relationship with your buyer wherever they are. You need to place your message across as many channels as you can and instead of shouting broadly make it personal.

To effectively market in this dynamic and noisy environment, you need to adapt and shift your strategy towards engagement marketing – engaging with your customers long before they buy

Promoting your business, products, and services online and through mobile applications is quickly becoming essential whether you are a local business or able to sell to a Global audience

70% of a Consumer’s Buying

Experience is made Before a Sales Person

gets involved


Online advertising is only the tip of the iceberg. You need to dig deep into who your buyers are to discover the most impactful strategies required to build a thriving business.

Consumer Behaviour has always been a large component of marketing but is often missed or misunderstood when business owners do their own marketing without being marketers. Do you?

1. Engagement Marketing is 2. Multi Channel Marketing means 3. Makes Social Media, Online and Mobile Marketing so important for you

Critical in today’s environment is also that it takes 10-20 points of contact with your buyers before they will buy from you.

Before we dig into what you need to deliver your Social Media, Sales and Marketing Message everywhere your customers are, let’s get clear on what.....

Attract - Connect - Transact

Let’s explain those three points a bit more.....

1. Engagement Marketing the art of creating meaningful interactions with people, based on who they are and what they do, continuously over time. If you are an Insurance Business, your customers want to know, like and trust you before they will come to do business with you


Engagement Marketing Relies on Understanding:

• The customer as an individual • The customer’s job, hobbies, and actions • How to connect with customers seamlessly across channels and devices • The ideal outcome of every customer interaction • Where customers spend their time both online and offline

Engagement marketing is marketing that engages people towards a goal, wherever they are

That could be publishing Insurance relevant information on your blog or in Social Media. It might be inviting consumers to an online Q&A event. You really have endless opportunities

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You Flyers


Local Places


TV Website



Social Media



2. Multi Channel Marketing is You, Visible to Your Buyers, on Many Different Channels:

It simply means to be visible in a variety of places where your potential customers might be looking and searching

As an Example, Real Estate Agents, relying on their Online Agent Portals only, miss massive Opportunity to connect on other Channels with Buyers and Sellers


3. What makes Social Media, Online and Mobile so Important for You?


Your customers are everywhere, and if you are not there, your competitors will be!

Use the information gathered so far to determine on which Social Media your customers are and where Online they are most likely to look and present yourself there. Make sure all your sites and pages are Mobile friendly, meaning, they are easy to read on a mobile device, including your email news and up dates

Engage Mobile Ways to capture your customers’ attention and connect with them such as QR Codes, SMS and Video

In a Nutshell...

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Your Business

Website SEO


Business Cards

Are these Your Points of Contact? There are a lot of businesses who are spending a lot of money and a lot of time on bringing in new traffic, and attracting new leads, and doing all the things to get seen and get known. But unless you have worked on what I have given you so far, it’s likely not working well! Remember, it takes 10 – 20 times of ‘touch’ with your customers before they will buy, you need more than the three ‘points’ listed below and you need to ‘engage’!

Let me Give you: 7 Steps to Help You Decide on More Channels


1. Identify who you sell to Do you have multiple buyer segments? For example, Office Supplies: customers who want fast delivery, customers who want specialized equipment = you need two different messages as these are two different ‘buyer segments’

2. Understand your business goal and objective for each customer segment How and what can you deliver fast and how fast eg ‘Same Day Delivery’? Can you increase your margins for the specialized equipment because no one else sells it?

3. Pick the right way to engage with your buyers Your ‘Same Day Delivery’ customers may prefer phone contact, online ordering and flyers while the Specialized Equipment segment may search online and like e-newsletter updates

4. Understand your buyers’ journey Does a buyer purchase your product or service immediately or does it take several months? Will they ask other people or want to read specs?

Attract - Connect - Transact

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7 Steps to Help You Decide on Your Channels continued:

5. Identify the right message and content For example: Same Day Delivery – might be the perfect message for the those who want fast delivery from you. Get to know each buyer segment and become clear on what message they are looking for and what other, more detailed information they want

6. Determine how you will measure success In order to grow your business, make sure you have clear objectives and that your activities can be measured. With Technology, Marketing can be more easily measured

7. Define and select your channel mix by knowing the details to the previous 6 Steps When you clearly determine the first 6 steps listed here, deciding on which ‘channels’ you should be engaging on with your customers becomes easy

Attract - Connect - Transact

The Blueprint


Putting it all together.....

On the next Page


Be Seen, Be Heard, Anytime, Anywhere

Connect using Free Offers

Foster Relationships

$$$ New Customers!

Send Offers

Social Media

Search Ads Blogs Video

$$$ $$$


The Blueprint Steps Explained • Clearly define who your buyer or buyer groups (target markets) are • Research what their greatest Frustration is that you can Eliminate • Create Reports, Step by Step Lists, Video etc around that Frustration • Offer it FREE, ask for email address so you can send it to them • Start a Conversation about the Topic/free Offer you sent them • Keep the Conversation going, introducing more and making occasional offers


The Key to Attracting is defining the RIGHT Message!

• Research the Places your buyer uses eg Industry Websites, Social Media, Searches • Consider connecting via Digital Channels like Search, Retargeting etc • Use Mobile connections such as QR codes, SMS, Email, Blogging etc • Traditional channels are also relevant for some campaigns, like flyers, ads etc • Put your efforts in the Social Media relevant to your buyer(s)

• Make sure you set goals and targets you want to achieve for each channel activity

I’ve included 3 Multi Channel Examples – coming up shortly!



The Blueprint Steps Explained • Once you’ve connected you need to keep in touch – foster a Relationship • Engagement with Prospects is the New SEO • Make Your Nurturing Personal using Information relevant to your list • Continue to measure and monitor data, such as email opening rates • Use your data to fine-tune your Engagement • Invite your Prospects to Events, live and /or Online live • The more you know about your Prospects, the easier your Conversion to Sales • Send your Offers, make them relevant for your Potential Buyers


Segmenting Your Audience and Speaking to them in their own Words, Personalized, is Essential to Your Marketing Conversion Success!

Now tell me, does all this sound like a lot of work? More than you think you can handle on your own? Much more than you perhaps are already struggling with doing on a daily basis?

Then You Need This:


Your Customers are Everywhere: Online, Social Media, Mobile If you’re not there – Your Competitors will be!

Now before I keep my promise and put you behind the wheel of this powerful system for you to see and feel for yourself what you can achieve with the tools, machines and marketing tips for your business, let me re-cap the Blueprint!

Online Marketing is a 3-Step Process: Attract – Connect – Transact

1. Know what your Buyers are looking for - Offer FREE Tips, Tools & Information Everywhere (Attract across Many Channels) 2. Ask for prospects email, so you can send the information (Connect, Build your List) - Keep in touch, foster a Relationship. Make it Personal with Personalized Wording 3. Integrate your Offers to Buy into your Nurture Process and you’ll get the Sales

So here’s the Solution to do this, Fast and Easy....


Now let me keep my promise and put you behind the wheel of this powerful system!

Grab it for 30-Days FREE!

See and feel for yourself what you can achieve with the tools, machines and marketing tips for your business

Set up as many Pages, as many Systems as you need! Upload Videos, any number, no restriction, no limitation! Personalize your Emails, using pre-set tags! Send email Broadcasts specific to your Prospects’ needs! Set your marketing goals and measure your success, adjust if need be Send out your posts to Social Media, RECURRING – no need to set them up ...again, the system does it for you!

Top Tip: In order for you to succeed in this new age of marketing, YOU NEED THESE TWO THINGS:

1. Valuable, Interesting Information: CONTENT 2. SEAMLESS DISTRIBUTION of Your Content

Your Marketing Department offers you exactly that!


Of Course, you can use what we’ve given you here ‘as is’

Feel Free to do so – set it up and already see an Improvement in Attracting New Clients and Customers Or Jump in and: • Get your messages about your business or product spread everywhere online • Establish your credibility, authority & trust with prospective customers • Highlight your special qualities and differentiate you from your competitors • Create desire for your product or service...automatically! • Decrease or eliminate the need to “sell”

Grab it FREE for 30-Days!

See and feel for yourself what you can achieve with the tools, machines and marketing tips for your business

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