








Brian &

KristenPlease  call  us  toll  free:  888-­‐934-­‐5935          Email  us:  [email protected]

Visit  our  website:  http: / /br ianandkristen.anxiouslyawait

H i !We are Brian and Kristen from New Jersey. We are ready to give our unconditional love to a child and expand our family through the miracle of adoption! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. Even though we do not know you yet, we have a great amount of respect and admiration for you. We cannot truly understand everything you are going through but please know we offer our sincere support and prayers. We can only try to understand the difficulty in the decisions that lie ahead for you. It is obvious the plan you are making is being made out of love, courage and selflessness and that you are trying to make the best decision for this child. We hope by looking at our photos and reading about our lives you will find comfort in knowing how much we want to share our lives with a child.

We l o v e t h e o u t d oo r s a n d e n j o y t a k i n g a d v e n t u r e s a n d

v a c a t i o n s t o g e t h e r

We have always known we wanted a large family. After having one miscarriage, we were blessed to give birth to our son Aidan. Due to medical complications it was decided it would be too risky for Kristen, and the baby, if she were to get pregnant again. There was no question in our minds that adoption would be the answer to making our dreams of a big family come true!

Two and a half years after Aidan was born we were blessed by the birth and adoption of our second son Tyler! Our boys are the love of our lives, but we are still hoping for another child to welcome into our hearts and home so we can love and adore them too! We continue to pray for the opportunity to expand our family through adoption, and we thank you for considering us as parents for your child.

Why We Are Choosing Adoption

Brian and Kristen met through mutual friends. We spoke on the phone and via e-mail for a couple of months before we had our first date. The date lasted for hours and we knew right away we would

Our Story

First moments with Tyler at hospital

spend the rest of our lives together. We did so many fun and exciting things while we were dating! We went to lots of baseball games, went into the city, out to dinner, and took weekend getaways together. The courtship was amazing because it gave us time to solidify our bond and experience life together as a couple. We knew it was meant to be and one year after our first date we were married. We had a beautiful church ceremony and an amazing reception with all of our friends and family supporting us. Besides being deeply in love with each other, we are also best friends.

Kristen is a very caring and kind person and I love her very much. From our first date, when we spent hours talking about everything under the sun, I knew she was the one for me. I have never had a connection with someone like I do with Kristen. She is my best friend and my biggest supporter. I feel Kristen’s love for me makes me a better person and also makes me want to try and improve on that everyday. She is a wonderful and devoted mother and wife.

Growing up I always gardened with my mom and grew to enjoy it as much as she does. I look forward to gardening every spring, and now Aidan and Tyler have become quite the helpers! I also take time to exercise whether it is going for a run, working out at home or going to my kickboxing class. About 5 years ago I started a small book club with some friends and have enjoyed being introduced to books I would not normally pick up. Prior to Tyler being born we joined an adoption family support group through which we found a great support system and met some terrific friends. I am now proud to say that I am co-heading that support group and find great joy in supporting people involved in or considering adoption.

Kristen with her

friends from high


We love our

Annual Moms

and Kids Summer Beach Trip!

What Kirsten Loves To Do

Brian Talks About K risten

Kristen with her cousin and their boys

There was never any question as to what I would do once we started our family. I always knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom and Brain was in complete agreement. Both of our mothers were home for us growing up and we feel that is was a priceless and positive experience. Thankfully, Brian’s hard work and income allows me to do just that. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed teaching and found it very rewarding I know with no uncertainty that I made the right decision. I love being a stay at home mom and would not trade it for the world! I get to experience all of the “firsts” – first step, first word, etc. I could not imagine it any other way. Watching the boys discover things, enjoy new experiences and face life “challenges” is what I love to do. I want to be there to help them figure some things out and give them the strength they need to gain their independence.

Kr is t e n as a Stay -A t - H ome Mom

Kristen and Tyler

enjoying a little beach


Aidan giving Mommy hugs on Thanksgiving

A fun day at the beach with Mommy!

Kristen talks about BrianBrian would best be described as a warm and caring husband, father, brother, son and friend. He too comes from a large extended family that is very close. Brian is especially close with his dad, Aidan and Tyler's ‘Poppy’, and adored his mom who passed away in 2005. Brian has a great sense of humor. He is a kid at heart and enjoys playing as much as the kids do. Brian is an extremely supportive and loving person. He is a wonderful husband and I have witnessed him first hand instantaneously become an amazing father. Aidan and Tyler are his “best buddies” and have been since each one entered our lives.

Brian, Kristen’s Dad & our boys taking a swim

E n j o y i n g

n a t u r e t o g e t h e r

Brian as our ProviderBrian is a hard worker and is very successful in his career as a financial consultant. He has provided our family with a comfortable lifestyle so I can be at home each day with our children. He has formed strong friendships at work and he is well respected by his employers and co-workers. The boys and I are so grateful he doesn’t have to travel with his job and he is able to be home with us for dinner each night. We love spending our evenings together as a family.







What Br ian Enjoys

I enjoy being outdoors, especially with Kristen and the boys. My favorite things to do are playing sports such as football, softball or anything on the beach. I also enjoy running. I love to go fishing when I can, and am looking forward to spending time with Aidan, Tyler and our new baby on future fishing trips.

Coloring Easter eggs together

Aidan is almost 5 years old and is so much fun to be around! He enjoys singing and rocking out on his guitar with his little brother. Since he was a little boy we have read to him everyday and we look forward to that time together. He now loves "reading" to Tyler and us. He is a kind hearted little boy and genuinely cares for others. He has such an amazing personality. He enjoys playing soccer and we participate in various programs through our parks department. Since Aidan was 6 months old he and Kristen have been in some kind of mommy and me class/program. They have met a lot of great people in these classes and love having friends the same age that live close by. Aidan is in preschool part time and has fun learning. Although we love having him home with Kristen, we know how important it is for him to begin his school experience. Aidan is an awesome big brother and loves Tyler so much! Even when they have the normal "brotherly battles" over a toy or who gets to go first they always hug and make-up. We know Aidan would love to have another baby brother or sister to love.

A i d a n

Some t ime s b e i ng a

bro t h e r i s e ve n b e t te r t h an b e i ng a

s upe r h e ro .  -M arc Bro w n

Tyler is 2 ½ years old. When we look back and think about how he came into our lives through adoption we just can't believe how lucky we are. We have always said that we wouldn't change anything that we went through after Aidan's birth because if we did, we wouldn't have Tyler and that is something we just could not imagine. The thought of Tyler brings a smile to our face. He is such a funny little boy with so much personality. He is just the sweetest and is very proud of himself when he shares with his brother, friends and cousins. If there is one thing Tyler enjoys more than anything else its sports.


He cannot go anywhere without bringing a ball with him, as you may have noticed in the pictures. Tyler and Kristen started going to mommy and me classes a little before he was one. Gymboree was by far his favorite. Tyler loves his big brother so much. They have a blast together. He has recently been around some little babies and is taken by them, which confirms our belief that he will be a terrific big brother.

We are so thankful for Tyler’s birthmom. The fact that she wanted

us at the hospital so we could all welcome Tyler into the world together

meant more than we can explain.

The summer of 2008 we received a phone call that changed our lives forever! Emily was 7 months pregnant and was looking to plan an adoption for her son. We were so excited to get her call that day and enjoyed the next two months getting to know her. In that time we formed a strong bond with Emily despite the fact that she lived on the other side of the country. She

grew to be an important part of our family and we were thrilled that she allowed us to be involved in her pregnancy and Tyler's birth. At her request, we flew out to be with Emily for a couple of her ultrasounds and doctor appointments. She invited us to be in the delivery room when Tyler was born and we feel so lucky to have been there when our little miracle arrived! Looking back we weren't only happy for us, we were happy we were there to support Emily too. We love being able to tell Tyler that we were all there together to welcome him into the world with love.

At the hospital following Tyler’s birth

Ty ler

What We Are Hoping For In Our Next Adoption

We were blessed to get to know Tyler's birthmom and would love to get to know you too, if you would like. We look forward to being there for you during this difficult process and offer our support. If you are looking for an open adoption we want you to know we are definitely open to that. If you would like to meet us, we would feel honored to meet you and spend some time together. However, if you are looking for more of a closed adoption we certainly respect your privacy. We will be here to support you anyway we can at the level you are most comfortable. Please know our door will always be open to you and you will be in our prayers each day.

Our Adopt ion Of

From the first phone call with Emily in 2008 I have kept a journal that we will one day share with Tyler when he is old enough. We want him to know that Emily chose adoption, and chose us, out of the love she had for him. Until we were in a relationship with Tyler's birthmom, we did not know the depth of love, respect and admiration we would feel for her. She is truly an extended part of our family and is the reason Tyler is in our lives. We are so thankful for her. I've tried many times and have fallen short of explaining to someone how I feel about Emily, about the woman who gave my family the one thing that I could not.

Our Relationship with Tyler's Birthmother

What We Like To Do As a couple we enjoy cooking dinner, sharing household responsibilities, going to the movies and dancing. As a family we love to relax at the park, take walks, travel, play games, and have family get-togethers. Our home is filled with love and laughter and we dream of expanding our family by adopting another child.

Making Pizza!

At the beach in NJ

We will provide a life where a child feels secure in the love and support of their family. We will raise

P a r e n t i n g & E d u c a t i o n

our children with Christian values and we will promote respect for all people. Our children will be encouraged to pursue their dreams, whatever they may be. We have already started college savings funds and will provide for a college education and other opportunities as well. We do our best to introduce the boys to new adventures ~ music class, swim lessons, skiing, gymboree, t-ball, soccer, etc. We also enjoy simple things like going to the park, walking around the neighborhood, visiting friends and family, going to local attractions and sometimes just sitting home and hanging out. We, as a family, would love the opportunity to share these experiences, and more importantly all of the unconditional love that we have, with a new baby.

Our Home & CommunityWe live in a family oriented neighborhood, with many parks, beaches and amusements within driving distance. Our home is a two story and has 4 big bedrooms. Our favorite place in our house is our large family room because it is set up for family fun! We have a large yard filled with lots of toys and climbers for all of the kids to use when they come over.

Backyard Fun!

The boys picking veggies out of our


Summer Swim!

Grandpa & Grandma (Kristen’s parents)are so excited to

welcome a new grandchild into our family!

Kristen’s fun loving family

Adoption has always been part of our lives and has touched our hearts in so many ways. By far the biggest and most profound way that we have been touched by adoption was when our son Tyler was born. We could not imagine our lives without him. Growing up adoption was a familiar thing to both of our families. Kristen has a brother and a sister who were adopted, as well as several cousins who were adopted. Some of them have gone on to adopt children of their own which has been such a blessing to our family. Brian’s brother has adopted three children in the last seven years, and has a cousin who was adopted. We are fortunate to have these people in our lives so we can talk with them about their roles in adoption, and how it affects everyone involved. We definitely feel it has helped us to gain a better appreciation, insight and understanding.

H ow A d o p t i o n H a s T o u c h e d O u r L i v e s

Tyler having

fun with his

Great Grandma

OUR FAMILYWe are a family that loves to have fun! We spend a lot of quality time together – whether it is just the four of us, or if we’re with our extended family. We both come from large families. Brian has two brothers and a sister. Kristen has two brothers and two sisters. We are fortunate enough to have a large family with 11 nieces and nephews. Our family gets together often and the children all enjoy playing together. Holidays, birthdays and special occasions are best when spent with Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins.

Brian’s Family“Poppy”

(Brian’s Dad) with the

grandkids at Christmas

c o u s i n s !


Please  call  us  toll  free:  888-­‐934-­‐5935          Email  us:  [email protected]  our  website:  http: / /br ianandkristen.anxiouslyawait

We have so much love to share with another child and we are excited to have the opportunity to expand our family through adoption. If we are given this privilege to adopt your baby, always know we will unconditionally love and cherish your child and they will forever know the sacrifices you have made out of love. Thank you once again for taking the time to read our story. We wish you all the best in everything you do, especially in the coming months when you will be faced with some tough decisions. We respect your decision to follow your heart and pray that God will give you the strength and courage to do what is best for your child.


Aidan Tyler

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