
Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School


Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

School Annual Report


Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School (MCPS)

Street Address: Kerinaiua Highway, Wurrumiyanga, Bathurst Island NT 0822

Postal Address: PO Box 45, Wurrumiyanga Post Office, Bathurst Island NT 0822

Phone: 08 8978 3986

Email: [email protected]

Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga (XCCW)

Street Address: Kerinaiua Highway, Wurrumiyanga, Bathurst Island NT 0822

Postal Address: PMB 139, Winnellie, NT 0822

Phone: 08 8978 3970

Email: [email protected]


Table of Contents

1. School Context and Profile Page 2

2. School Vision, Mission and Values Page 3

3. Principal’s Message – MCPS Page 4

4. Principal’s Message – XCCW Page 5

5. Deputy Principals’ Reports Page 7

6. Religious Education Coordinator’s Report Page 7

7. Curriculum Coordinators’ Reports Page 9

8. Student Enrolment and Attendance Profile Page 11

9. Staff Profile, Teacher Standards, Qualifications and Workforce Composition Page 14

10. Senior Secondary Outcomes Page 16

11. National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy Page 17

12. School Review and Improvement / Parent, Student and Staff Satisfaction Page 19

13. Smarter Schools National Partnerships Projects Page 19

14. Annual School Improvement Plans Page 21

15. Finance Page 31

16. Recommendation and Approval Page 33


School Context and Profile

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School (MCPS) and Xavier Catholic College (XCC) are located in the

growth town of Wurrumiyanga on Bathurst Island, 80 kilometres north of Darwin. MCPS and XCC together form

the Catholic Education Precinct and provide a Quality Catholic Tiwi Education for students from Pre-School

to Year Thirteen.

Wurrumiyanga (formerly Nguiu) means ‘land of the giant cycads’ and is traditionally owned by the Tiwi

people. In 1911 Bishop Gsell started a Catholic Mission and in 1912 MCPS (formerly St Therese’s Catholic

School) was established. XCCW followed in 1932.

An excerpt from the Northern Territory Government’s website provides a summary of the demographic:

The population of Wurrumiyanga and its surrounds in 2006 was approximately 1,543, of which 1,463

were Indigenous (95%). The largest numbers of people were aged between 20 and 44 years. Over a

third of all people were under 20 years old. There is significant short term mobility, with people moving

to and from Indigenous communities associated with Wurrumiyanga, as well as to Darwin. The

Indigenous population is projected to increase by 39%, from 1,463 in 2006 to 2,031 in 2026. The greatest

proportional increase is expected in the post working age group (65 and over) from 31 people in 2006

to 97 in 2026, a growth of 212%.1

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School (MCPS)

MCPS offers coeducation for students from Pre-School to Year Six. Our vision is to provide a Quality Catholic

Tiwi Education for the students in our care.

Our school is grouped into three areas: Pre-School, Early Childhood (Transition – Year Three) and Primary (Year

Four – Year Six). Students study Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Indigenous Language and Culture

(Tiwi), Information Technology, Health and Physical Education, and Integrated Learning (an integration of the

other learning areas).

Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga (XCCW)

Originally established as a boys’ school, XCC now offers coeducation for students from Year Seven to Year

Thirteen. Our vision is to provide a Quality Catholic Tiwi Education for the students in our care.

Middle School students (Year Seven to Year Nine) study Religious Education, Australian Curriculum English,

Australian Curriculum Mathematics, Science, History, Health and Physical Education, Creative Arts (Music and

Art), and Design and Technology (Woodwork and Food Technology).

Senior School students (Year Ten to Year Thirteen) study both academic and vocational subjects to earn

credits towards obtaining the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET).

1 Source:

[accessed 25 March 2013]


Vision and Mission

MCPS and XCC aims to provide a Quality Catholic Tiwi Education for the students in our care.

Our Values

Strong in Faith

Strong in Culture

Strong in Learning


Principal’s Message – MCPS

“We are standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us.”

2014 has been a year or renewal and continued improvement at MCPS. School success and improvement

relies on building on the foundations and hard work of all those that have contributed to building the school

over many years. We continued to build our school strengthened by more than 100 years that the school

(under various names) has supported, guided and educated the children of this community.

Our Catholic Tiwi faith is at the centre of all we do at MCPS. Together we celebrated the seasons of the

church, liturgies and the Sacraments alongside Xavier Catholic College and the Wurrumiyanga community.

The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation remain significant, faith filled celebrations for our

community. Father Tan and Sister Anne continued to provide spiritual guidance and faith formation

opportunities for our staff which we are deeply grateful for. For the first time in many years the students

performed the Holy Week play for the community, building on local Tiwi tradition from many years passed.

Despite a great deal of sadness from the many funerals in 2014, our attendance showed continual

improvement throughout the year and has built on gains from previous years. Our partnerships with the

Remote Schools Attendance Strategy Team (Yellow Shirts) and the Cathy Freeman Foundation have made

a significant and positive contribution to our strong attendance and strengthening relationships with the

community. The Awards Ceremony and Community BBQ brought together well over 200 community

members wishing to congratulate the individual students who had achieved over 90% attendance.

We have continued to provide students with relevant and engaging curriculum opportunities that make

them excited to attend school. We have continued to work in partnership with the Australian Children’s

Music Foundation to offer an exciting music and rhythm program for our students. The students also

thoroughly enjoyed extended workshops with Basketball NT, Gymnastics NT, Swimming NT and the Edu-

Dance workshops and community concert were an absolute highlight!. We also engaged with the Wadeye

Magic (AFL) Leadership Camp who came and trained our students with football clinics.

In continuing to strengthen our school and parent/community partnerships we held two very successful

community events that raised significant funds for our school iPad Program. Our well attended Community

Fete raised $14,400 and our Tiwi Grand Final Sausage Sizzle raised $2,400 and this funded each class

receiving a set of 6 iPads. The staff of MCPS deserve special recognition and thanks for the time and energy

they commit to building community through coordinating and organizing these very successful events.

As a school community we continue to strive to be true to our values; Strong in Faith, Strong in Culture &

Strong in Learning. We continue our OLSH tradition and charism of having “Spirituality of the Heart” as we

relate to our students and one another in our school community using the example of Jesus.

A heartfelt thanks to all of our students, staff, parents, and community who have given so much to our

school in 2014. We look forward to 2015 with anticipation and excitement!

Daniel Graves (Principal MCPS)


Principal’s Message – XCCW


This year has been a successful one academically, spiritually and professionally.

The beginning of the year saw minimal staff turnover, with only two new teachers joining the Xavier team. The

departing staff members were outgoing Principal Cameron Hughes and his wife Cherilyn. Reflecting on the

year, they are to be congratulated for the time, energy and passion they put into their work at XCC and

MCPS; especially Cameron, for his two years of service as Principal of XCC, Cross Campus Deputy and

Curriculum Co-coordinator. The cross campus priorities and structures that Cameron, in conjunction with the

former Principal of MCPS, Leah Kerinauia, put in place have ensured the sustainability of Quality Catholic Tiwi

Education for the island.

XCC achieved many things this year. With the introduction of Culture Days with the Strong men and Women;

we saw increased engagement and sharing of cultural knowledge with our students. We also saw enormous

growth in our Teacher Assistants with six of them (including our NTCET completers of 2014: Jericka Mungatopi

and Amber Tipiloura, enrolling in the Charles Darwin University, Indigenous Teacher program in 2015. This

program; entitled G.O.O. (Growing Our Own) and works in conjunction with the Darwin Catholic Education

Office, Darwin.

Staff and students were also involved in Catholic Identity Professional Development days and retreats in 2014

( refer XCC – REC report) with staff growing in their knowledge of the Catholic faith and students in their pride

and confidence to participate in cross campus Masses and Liturgies. In 2014 the college also focused on

developing prayer and gathering opportunities. One of these was the introduction of a weekly assembly on

a Tuesday morning. These assemblies brought the college closer as a family and have become a way of

acknowledging special events during our school week, in particular school attendance with the RSAS

(Remote Schools Attendance Strategy) team joining us and giving out awards.

Within curriculum, the college has had a particular focus on Literacy, Numeracy and VET (Vocational

Education and Training). With the introduction of the MAI (Mathematics Assessment Interview) program and

the Accelerated Literacy approach to Literacy instruction (combined with regular testing procedures) the

college has seen marked student progress (refer XCC – Curriculum Coordinator’s report). VET (Vocational

Education and Training) has played a major role in education on the island for many years. Currently we have

Certificate 1 in Kitchen Operations (eight students and one staff member completed this certificate this year

and the college received a High Achievement award for remote cookery), Certificate II in Construction

Pathways and Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology (two graduating students in 2014). In 2015 XCC

is introducing a Certificate I in Agri Foods (Horticulture).

In 2014 our relationship with our sister college, Tiwi College, has continued to grow and XCC looks forward to

continuing to build this relationship as we work towards best outcomes for Tiwi Youth. Alongside Tiwi College I

also wish to thank the Cathy Freeman Foundation, The Indigenous Literacy Foundation and the Indigenous

Reading Project for their support and generous donations to the college this year.

As we look back on 2014, we are grateful to God for His many blessings and we remember in our prayers,

members of our community who were touched with sadness this year with the passing of loved ones. We pray

that 2015 will be a year of joy and consolidation for the college and the Tiwi community.

In closing I wish to thank the staff of XCC, Sr Anne and Fr Tan for their hard work, support and dedication to

the students and the community. I also wish staff leaving the very best of God’s grace for the future.

Tess Fong (Principal – XCCW)


From L to R – Amber Tipiloura and Jericka Mungatopi (2014 NTCET completers) and Casimira

Tipiloura (Stage 1).


Deputy Principals’ Report

Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

There were many highlights at the college during 2014. These included School Camps, Carnivals, Culture

Days and other school community events. 2014 was also the year in which both Jericka Mungatopi and

Amber Tipiloura completed Year 12, and began working at the school at Teacher Assistants. The college’s

total of Year 12 completers now stands at eight, as past students create the pathway for others to follow.

Thank you to all of the XCCW staff for their dedication, allowing us to achieve our vision of a Quality

Catholic Tiwi Education. I would also like to make special acknowledgment to the hard work and

commitment of the teachers who are moving on in 2015. I wish Russell Smith, Mitchell Donaldson, Annalea

McCurry, Rebekah Sibenaler, Melissa Anderson and Seetha Ravimandalam the best of luck and success for

their future endeavours.

Have a Merry Christmas.

God Bless,

Benjamin McCasker (Deputy Principal – XCC)

Religious Education Coordinators’ Reports

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School

This year MCPS appointed dual Religious Education Coordinators including a qualified teacher as well as a

Tiwi Education Assistant. This joint partnership helped foster the unique Tiwi Catholic faith and reinvigorate

some past traditions such as the Holy Week Play in our community. We worked closely with Xavier Catholic

College and held several cross campus masses, liturgies and religious celebrations.

During the Lenten Period we raised over $500 for people in need throughout the world. We held school

fundraisers for Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day), Movie and Popcorn afternoon and Water Bomb the Teacher

Day. These were wonderful fun school events that raised money for a good cause.

This year we have also worked with the Catholic Education Office to continue writing the RE Units for ICCS

schools. This has really improved the quality of RE teaching in our school.

This year the MCPS staff started a new Tiwi Leadership Awards called the Leah Kerinauia Award. The award

winner is chosen by the school leadership and is awarded to the Tiwi staff member showing outstanding

leadership. This year the award was presented to Lisa Puantalura.

Gloria Purutatameri (Tiwi REC- MCPS)


Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

This year has seen numerous opportunities for faith development among staff and students. Staff have

participated in two Catholic Identity Days, led by Robyn Craig and Fr A Raass, and Dr Richard Leonard,

respectively and a Staff Retreat, led by Fr A Raass. Students also participated in a Retreat led by a group of

students from Nazareth College, Adelaide.

There have been two major highlights of 2014; Fr Rob Galea’s visit and the Break Away Youth Camp. Fr Rob,

in addition to being a Priest is also a musician and singer and we were fortunate enough to have him

perform at Xavier and share with us some of his experiences. Then, during the Bush Holidays, a group of

eleven staff and students attended the Break Away Youth Camp organised by the Darwin Youth Office. It

was four days filled with prayer, reflection and singing. It was such an inspiration we are already planning for

and looking to increasing our numbers for next year.

2014 has also seen the strengthening of the music ministry at Xavier with the establishment of the Xavier

College Choir. At recess, lunch, or in homeroom, religious songs made be heard playing with students

singing along. We hope that by engaging students in music ministry, we may make them active participants

in faith celebrations.

Prayer has also become a part of daily school life with prayer being said every morning in Homeroom or at

Assembly and at all staff meetings. However, due to the high number of funerals during this year, the

number of Class Masses per year has reduced from 4 to 2.

We have also had many successful events throughout the year, including:

~ Cross Campus Opening Mass

~ Cross Campus Ash Wednesday Liturgy

~ Fundraising events for Project Compassion

~ Catholic Identity Day with Robyn Craig and Fr A Raass

~ Easter Liturgy

~ Session with Fr Rob

~ Break Away Youth Camp

~ Catholic Identity Day with Dr Richard Lennox

~ Cross Campus Liturgy for All Souls Day

~ Junior School and Senior School Retreats with Nazareth College, Adelaide

~ Liturgy for the Feast of St Francis Xavier

~ Staff Retreat with Fr A Raass

~ Cross Campus Advent/Christmas Mass

Belinda Pereira (Acting REC - XCC)


Curriculum Coordinators’ Reports

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School

This year has once again seen much change with the commencement of a new Principal, Deputy Principal

and many new staff members.

At MCPS we have continued to implement the Australian Curriculum for English, Mathematics and Science.

Ongoing support has been provided by CEO staff with the focus on EAL/D phases and the learning

progressions associated with these phases, across all areas of the curriculum.

Accelerated Literacy was implemented across the school from Years 2-6 with both Transition and Year 1

using different Literacy programs that they felt were more relevant to their students.

All staff members at MCPS were involved in intensive AL Training with Bronwyn Parkin during the Orientation

week at the start of 2014.

The Indigenous Language and Culture Program has continued this year using a school-based scope and

sequence. Tiwi Language and Culture is an integral part of our school.

Technology has continued to expand and improve, with all classrooms now having smartboards, better wi-fi

access and more iPads for use in each classroom.

MCPS has subscribed to Sunshine Online this year and it has proved to be a very valuable tool across the

school. It has enabled teachers to access a variety of reading books for each year level.

PM Readers have been purchased for use in Guided Reading throughout the school .

Early Childhood teachers have implemented Jolly Phonics this year with one staff member attending a PD in

Darwin and the purchase of resources for each classroom.

Students have participated in national and school based testing for Literacy and Numeracy. Years 3 and 5

students participated in NAPLAN testing.

School based testing has included SENA testing, the Marie Clay Letter Identification assessment, Sight word

Identification and PM Benchmarks.

Next year the Maths Interview Assessment Tool will be implemented across MCPS.

These assessment tools help us to monitor each student’s progress and development. Individual teachers

implement a range of assessment procedures that relate to their daily teaching.

Formal Reporting is completed each semester and A-E Reports are given to parents at the end of each


Meredith Quail (MCPS Curriculum Coordinator)


Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

This year, as always has been yet another busy and productive year in the school curriculum. The college has

successfully introduced and implemented the Australian Curriculum for Science and History and continued

to improve our teaching and planning of the Australian Curriculum for English and Mathematics. We have

had a great deal of focus directed on the assessing and reporting of the EALD learning progressions and

developed a personalised EALD reporting document for end of semester reporting. The College has

successfully graduated our second group of Stage 2 students who have received their NTCET.

The students have participated in national and school based testing for language and literacy and

numeracy. Nationally year 7 and 9 students participated in NAPLAN and within the school we focused on

testing all of our student’s literacy and numeracy though individual one on one testing. School based testing

is conducted throughout the year to measure their individual progress. In 2014 the college has focused on

introducing the Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) for mathematics which has provided teachers with

extremely useful data to inform their teaching and monitor student growth. In language and literacy we have

continued to use the PM level testing for independent reading and working levels with reading records and

introduced the colour words and letter recognition tests and the Probe comprehension testing for students

with PM reading levels over the score of 20.

Our senior students working towards their NTCET completed the following stage 2 courses; Health, Recreation

and the Community, Integrated Learning: Child Studies and Integrated Learning: Sport. Stage 1 courses

included; English as a second language Part 1, A and B, Numeracy and Daily Living, Numeracy and

Construction, Integrated Learning: Driver Educations, Personal Learning Plan, Creative Arts, Community

Learning and Physical Education A. We have continued with NTOEC Year 10 as an introduction and

preparation phase for Stage 1. These students completed the following units; Bridging English, Mathematics

4, Nutrition and Art. Our senior students also had the opportunity to complete their Certificate 11 in

Construction, Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology and Certificate 1 in Hospitality.

To allow teachers to provide quality teaching and learning opportunities we have focused on providing staff

with professional development, utilised specialised teaching staff, maintaining staff wellbeing and sustained

small class sizes. XCCW has offered numerous professional development opportunities to staff including;

Accelerated Literacy (AL) training, MAI training, PM and Probe Testing training, bronze medallion and pool

life guard certificates, mandatory reporting and prevention of child abuse and neglect training, staff retreats,

religious education PD, senior first aid training and TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages).

The college has also established Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) which meet fortnightly. This has

assisted in developing a team approach to teaching and learning. The Numeracy and Language and

Literacy PLC’s have been able to ‘revamp’ their resources within the school, develop data and assessment

schedules, 2014-2016 plans, increase their focus on assessment collection, analysis and develop whole school

language and literacy goals and tailor classroom learning to their student’s needs.

At Xavier we are continuing to offer a number of programs to enhance students learning and knowledge

such as, The Japalinga Mob, Accelerated literacy and work ready senior programs including VET, NTOEC Year

10 and Stage 1 and 2 and Work Experience programs for senior students. Students have also had the

opportunity to participate in school and Interschool Sports including swimming, athletics, football, basketball

and cricket. The school also participated in a range of school camps and excursions such as a school camp

to Darwin, culture days, the 2014 Charles Darwin University Presentation for VET completers, NTOEC study

camps and Breakaway Youth Camp.

At Xavier we use a variety of assessment tools and strategies to monitor and assess student’s level of

understanding and development. We formally report to the parent at the end of each teaching semester.

We use school-based assessment procedures and proformas to inform students and parents of their learning.

Senior students enrolled in NTOEC also receive written reports from their NTOEC teachers and statements of

attainment at the end of each semester.

Tahnee Gale (Curriculum Coordinator – XCC)


Student Enrolment Profile

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School

Student Enrolments2

Year Level Number of Students

Percentage of students

who identify as


Percentage of students

with a disability

Pre-School 31 100 0

Transition 29 100 7

Year One 28 86 4

Year Two 21 95 20

Year Three 33 97 9

Year Four 36 100 11

Year Five 38 100 10

Year Six 17 94 18

Total 233 Average: 97 10

Student Attendance3

Collection Period Active Enrollment Passive Enrolment Active Attendance


February (1) 237 - 77.6

March (2) 243 - 71.6

May (3) 247 - 63.6

June (4) 241 - 68.9

August (5) 236 - 55.1

September (6) 235 - 66.8

October (7) 241 - 71.8

November (8) 236 - 72.9

MCPS manages attendance through:

Interrogating attendance data and actively targeting families and specific children with the

assistance of the Yellow Shirt Team (Remote School Attendance Strategy), our Aboriginal Liason

Officer and Milimika (Tiwi Leadership Group)

Regular reviews of the school roll

Employment of an Indigenous Home Liaison Officer

2 Data obtained from the August 2014 Census 3 Data obtained from the Department of Education and Children’s Services Validation Report: Enrolment and

Attendance 2014


Correspondence with parents and guardians regarding attendance patterns

Our Partnership with the Cathy Freeman Foundation that rewards and acknowledges students with

90%+ attendance.

School incentives eg: Reward Football on Friday for high attenders, Dedicated Attendance Merit

Awards, Yellow Shirt Weekly prize presented at Friday Assembly.

Programs aimed at promoting positive school attendance eg, School Nutrition Program, Active After

School Communities Sport, No School- No Pool agreement with Tiwi Islands Regional Council

Quality, engaging Teaching and Learning programs

Promotion of a safe learning environment


Student Enrolment Profile

Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

Student Enrolments4

Year Level Number of Students

Percentage of students

who identify as


Percentage of students

with a disability

Year Seven 23 91.3 39.1

Year Eight 14 100 21.4

Year Nine 13 100 15.3

Year Ten 17 94.1 29.4

Year Eleven 8 100 12.5

Year Twelve 15 100 6.6

Year Thirteen

Total 90 Average: 97.5 20.7

Student Attendance5

Collection Period Active Enrollment Passive Enrolment Active Attendance


February (1) 109 0 63.3

March (2) 122 0 67.2

May (3) 112 0 48.2

June (4) 104 0 54.8

August (5) 96 0 39.6

September (6) 101 14 57.4

October (7) 92 19 64.1

November (8) 92 19 59.8%

XCC manages attendance through:

Regular reviews of the school roll

Employment of an Indigenous Home Liaison Officer

Correspondence with parents and guardians regarding attendance patterns

School incentives eg: raffles, camps, excursions, certificates, etc.

Programs aimed at promoting positive school attendance eg, School Nutrition Program, Activities

Programs, etc.

Quality Teaching and Learning programs

Promotion of a safe learning environment

Operating a School Bus (morning only)

RSAS support

4 Data obtained from the August 2013 Census 5 Data obtained from the Department of Education and Children’s Services Validation Report: Enrolment and

Attendance 2013


Staff Profile, Teacher Standards, Qualifications and Workforce Composition

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School

Staff Profile

Number Full Time Equivalent

Teachers 17 16.6

Non-Teaching Staff (including assistant teachers) 33 30

Total 50 46.6

Teacher Qualifications6

Summary of Teacher Qualifications Number Percentage

Post Graduate Qualification 3 18%

Bachelor Degree or Equivalent7 17 100%

Other Qualifications 2 12%

6 Data obtained during August 2014 7 All teachers have a minimum of four years training and are registered with the Teacher Registration Board of the

Northern Territory. Percentage appears more than 100% in cases where teachers hold more than one Bachelor Degree

or equivalent.


Staff Profile, Teacher Standards, Qualifications and Workforce Composition

Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

Staff Profile

Number Full Time Equivalent

Teachers 14 13.4

Non-Teaching Staff (including Assistant Teachers) 15 13

Total 29 26.4

Teacher Qualifications8

Summary of Teacher Qualifications Number Percentage

Post Graduate Qualification (Masters of above) 3 21.4

Bachelor Degree or Equivalent9 14 100

Other Qualifications 10 71.4

8 Data obtained during August 2014 9 All teachers have a minimum of four years training and are registered with the Teacher Registration Board of the

Northern Territory. Percentage appears more than 100% in cases where teachers hold more than one Bachelor Degree

or equivalent.


Senior Secondary Outcomes

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School

N/A as MCPS is a Primary School

Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

Element Number –


Number –


November –

2014 Notes

Number of NTCETs

awarded 0



Number of students who

completed senior

secondary school



2 Defined as achieving

their NTCET.

Number of awarded VET

qualifications 0



8 – Cert 1 Kitchen Operations 2 – cert III Christian Ministry and Theology

Number of students who

undertook a school-based





Number of students going

on to further education

and training, including

university, TAFE and





Number of students who

left school during the

school year and who are

now employed




Number of students who

left school from 2012-14

who are now seeking

work or engaged in a gap





National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School

MCPS NAPLAN Summary (2008 – 2014)10

Year Three

Reading Writing Spelling

Grammar and

Punctuation Numeracy

2008 242 - N 193 226 276

2009 156 - N 228 216 206

2010 118 - N 235 211 218

2011 278 219 P 234 274 303

2012 263 155 P 230 219 217

2013 300 168P 226 259 234

2014 258 188 260 225 245

MCPS NAPLAN Summary (2008 – 2013)11

Year Five

Reading Writing Spelling Grammar and



2008 305 - N 268 254 335

2009 216 - N 321 168 243

2010 306 - N 372 283 346

2011 368 231 P 320 305 362

2012 304 176 P 277 282 334

2013 399 241P 327 374 347

2014 328 211 298 323 330

10 Data obtained from the My School website 11 Data obtained from the My School website



National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy

Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

XCCW NAPLAN Summary (2008 – 2014)12

Year Seven

Reading Writing Spelling Grammar and



2008 408 294 N 442 392 418

2009 364 252 N 309 182 364

2010 415 295 N 366 369 387

2011 407 257 P 389 359 335

2012 387 319 P 371 404 402

2013 378 301 P 376 339 403

2014 400 334 355 358 417

XCCW NAPLAN Summary (2008 – 2014)13

Year Nine

Reading Writing Spelling Grammar and



2008 397 319 N 380 400 404

2009 497 311 N 357 299 496

2010 577 - N 452 563 422

2011 407 228 P 419 334 409

2012 365 301 P 409 397 440

2013 476 246 441 358 459

2014 434 165 354 406 458

12 Data obtained from the My School website 13 Data obtained from the My School website


School Review and Improvement /

Parent, Student and Staff Satisfaction

At the end of 2011, the need for the two schools to work more closely together became strong. At the

beginning of 2012, we formed the Cross Campus Leadership team (with leaders from both XCCW and MCPS)

to lead a new beginning for both campuses. This work became the core vision of our departed Principal and

with her expertise the goals for 2012 became:

Continue growing our Catholic Identity

Explore more opportunities to empower our staff

Cater for the educational needs of our students

Provide quality teaching

Support our children, staff and the wider community

Develop stronger partnerships

In 2012 MCPS and XCCW undertook the School Improvement and Renewal process outlined in the Catholic

Education NT School Improvement and Renewal Framework. The key areas of Leadership and Community

and Culture were reviewed. The process aimed at answering three key questions:

1. How are we going?

2. How do we know?

3. What are we going to do now?

The process included a self-assessment survey whereby staff and a focus group of parents provided feedback

to the Cross Campus Leadership Team. Feedback included affirmations, ratings and recommendations. These

recommendations informed the 2013 Annual School Improvement Plan.

Smarter Schools National Partnerships Projects

In 2013 MCPS and XCCW were directly involved in three Smarter Schools National Partnerships projects. They


1. Japalinga Mob – a program targeted at improving educational outcomes through developing

student capacity in the following areas: academia, sport, the arts, culture and leadership.

This program aims to help develop and improve the skills of selected students from the College.

Students are nominated and selected by staff based on attendance, leadership, individual talents

and attitude towards their studies. The selected group is given added support both in and out of

classes. Mentoring the Japalinga students is aimed to help their development as young adults and

enhance their future prospects.


Other than the development of life skills such as leadership, the program has a focus for students

to complete Year 12 at the College. These students in the final years of their schooling are provided

added teacher support within their Stage 1 and 2 subjects. The extra assistance is provided to help

students engage during class and finish assessment tasks. The students from the group are also

able to access extra facilities such as the Japalinga Gym as an added incentive to attend school.

These regular attendees also participate in the annual Japalinga Leadership Camp. These camps

take place on the main land in the greater Darwin region and in southern states. The program ran

for the past three years and funding for the program concluded at the end of 2013. In 2014 XCCW

continued the Japalinga Mob from school funds and in 2015 we will see the program merge with

the Cathy Freeman Horizon’s program.

2. Counselling for Health – a program targeted at improving educational outcomes through

improved student wellbeing:

As a part of the Smarter Schools National Partnership funding, XCCW began participating in the

Counselling for Health program from 2011 - 2013. The program was designed to support the

wellbeing of staff and students of XCCW living on Bathurst Island. By supporting staff and students

our goals were to improve student welfare, learning outcomes and attendance and also positively

impact staff retention. The results of the program were very positive with improved staff retention

and excellent staff feedback about the program. Staff and students have had the opportunity

to experience some interesting and creative activities which offered opportunities for self-

reflection, developing self-confidence and strategies to manage wellbeing. Following discussion

with the Catholic Education Office, Darwin it has been deemed a priority to continue the program

in 2015.

3. P–12 – a program targeted at improving educational outcomes through developing a seamless

education precinct.

The Catholic Education Precinct Wurrumiyanga (P-12) Project aimed to streamline and improve

the delivery of education from Pre-School to Year 13 in Wurrumiyanga. The Project’s goal was the

development of a single unified Catholic Education Precinct, combining Murrupurtiyanuwu

Catholic Primary School (MCPS) and XCCW and building sustainable systems across the two

campuses. Previous to the Project’s inception in 2010, MCPS and XCCW operated as two separate

educational entities while partly sharing campus grounds.

Under the P-12 Project, the two schools have aligned their strategic, operational and action plans

in order to better coordinate and deliver quality education to our Tiwi students. A crucial objective

of the project was to ease the transition of our students between primary and secondary school,

making it as smooth as possible for students to see through their education from Pre-School to the

completion of their NTCET. The P-12 priorities will continue into 2015 with a renewed focus on Cross

Campus Spirit, Cross Campus Leadership Meetings and Professional Development.








c Id



Strategic Plan Goal Strategies Accountabilities Evidence of Success

Staff develop knowledge and understanding of Catholic Faith contributing to personal faith formation and enhanced T&L program

Staff Faith Formation retreat Regular discussion and training in staff meetings Termly RE meetings supported by Catholic Identity

CEO Catholic Identity Team REC DP Principal

Successful T&L program Feedback from staff

Succesful Induction of new REC

Support the new REC in her role. Regular meetings with Leadership Team Utilize the gifts and experience that she brings to this role.

Principal DP Leadership Team Milimika

APRE is settled and active in her role. Staff feel supported. Feedback from REC

Our Catholic Tiwi Faith is known, visible and celebrated

Faith integrated into ILC program Greater student and staff involvement in Catholic Practices Religious icons evident Faith focus at assemblies Continue termly class masses Regular class visits from Sr Anne

REC ILC Teacher Leadership Team Milimika

ILC Program Visible icons Liturgical Celebrations






Strategic Plan Goal Strategies Accountabilities Evidence of Success

Succesfully implement whole school programs and assessments for literacy and numeracy

Staff are suitably trained, in relevant programs and assessments: Accelerated Literacy, Jolly Phonics, Observation survey & MAI Classes are appropriately resourced for programs and assessments to enhance T&L (reading books etc)

Principal DP/CC P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader Education Staff

Training programs delivered Measurable student performance


School-based literacy practices guide is further developed and embedded to ensure consistent, quality teaching and learning

Workshop in teaching teams Appropriate resources procured Ongoing Focus in teaching teams

Principal DP/CC TBC P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader

T&L program evident in the class Measurable student performance Physical environment

Personal Learning Plan standardized assessment tasks are implemented and enhance Teaching and Learning

CEO T&LTraining and support for staff in MAI (Maths Assessment Intreview), Observation Survey, PM Benchmarking and EALD

Principal DP/CC TBC P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader

Training programs delivered Measurable improved student outcomes

Enhance learning structures appropriate to our students’ needs and background

Improve in-class student teacher ratios to 1:20 Ensure Tiwi AT in every class Specialist Tiwi PE AT in PE lessons Introduce and develop role of P-2 and 3-6 Educational Leader

Principal DP/CC TBC P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader

Class structures Reduced incidence of serious behaviours PLP implmentation

Successfully use technology to engage students and enhance Teaching and Learning

Regular training sessions for school staff ICT Co well trained and upskilled Ensure Red Cats and hearing hats are used in all classes

P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader ICT Coordinator

Feedback/confidence levels of staff to integrate ICT into daily learning

Investigate and develop a school-based Numeracy Practices Guide

Introduce a common approach to the teaching across all year levels. Collaborate with CEO T&L team

Principal DP/CC P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader

Development of NPG





Strategic Plan Goal Strategies Accountabilities Evidence of Success

Develop leadership roles, capabilities and responsibilities of Milimika and CILT

Milimika leadership role in morning lassemblies and meetings DP/P focus on Leadership skill development during Leadership Meetings

Milimika DP Principal

Visible leadership development and input of Milimika


Successful appointment and induction of new Deputy Principal/Curriculum Coordinator

Support DP and guide DP in new role

Principal DP Leadership Team Milimika

DP skill development, confidence and success in role

Establish and embed new leadership structure

Weekly meetings and support for P-2 Ed Leader and 3-6 Ed Leader with DP and Principal Promote Vision for Leadership

Principal DP/CC P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader

Development of new leaders Level of support offered to teachers

Develop a structured and sustainable leadership and accountability system

Utilise sophisticated archiving system (Smartbox) to ensure long term record/document compliance/accountability Develop electronic and hard copy student filing and recording system Develop electronic document sharing system for school leaders and staff

Principal DP/CC P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader CEO ICT Team

Archiving system Student record system Document sharing system for Leadership Team and Staff









Strategic Plan Goal Strategies Accountabilities Evidence of Success

Implement School Wide Positive Behaviours Program across the school inside and outside the classroom

Whole school PD/SWPB workshop. Develop scope and sequence of desired behaviours Review current BMP and integrate with SWPB and teaching and learning Weekly focus behaviours

P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader DP Principal Milimika

Reduced contracts, suspensions Teachers using reward system

Develop and enhance the role of the Well-Being Coordinator to include staff well-being

Targeted activites to improve staff morale, team building and togetherness Investigate developing a Well-Being Committee

Leadership Team Milimika WBC

Staff retention Reduced absences Staff feedback

Continue to target identification, early intervention and support

Education Leaders upskilled and trained to lead this area Ed leaders access network

CEO IS Team P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader P and DP

Ongoing Diagnosis High level support in all classes especially early years


structures for At Risk students.

Planned frequent communication and support from CEO IS team Family EAP meetings Trained class ATs


Increase attendance and engagement of students

Continue to implement relevant, highly educational, multiple outcome programs with Aus Children’s Music Foundation (ACMF), Edu-Dance, Bike Ed, Swimming NT, AASC (Active after school Community) etc Continue to build strong relationships with community partners: Cathy Freeman Foundation, Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS), School Enrolment Attendance Measure (SEAM),

P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader Principal DP

Improved attendance overall Sustained attendance of 90% attenders

Improve the health of our students

Continue to access nurse from Health Centre Investigate part-time nurse employment Continue to consult with nutritionists in Nutrition program Continue to offer the Rainbows Program for Traumatised Children Continue to implement BBC, ear spears and teeth cleaning daily

Teachers ATs P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader Principal DP

Health screening data particularly Iron Levels and hearing loss Reduced negative behavior from traumatized students

Develop staff/teacher efficacy and support structures

Engaging Access Counsellors when required Develop and produce Staff Handbook and Milimika Guidelines Enhance school communication by developing shared, live calendar

ACCESS Leadership Team CEO IT

Teacher satisfaction survey Increased voluntary teacher participation Resources Produced











Strategic Plan Goal Strategies Accountabilities Evidence of Success

Produce Tiwi qualified teachers

Support 4 ATs in GOO Program

GOO students Leadership Team Milimika

Student participation and progression


Improve parental and community involvement and participation in school activities

Continued focus on community communication; Facebook, newsletters, assemblies, notices & functions Investigate locally developed modified reporting Milimika welcoming and thanking families for visiting school Skin group gatherings after school masses and activities Continue Christmas Hampers and Books in Homes initiative.

Milimika Leadership Team Staff Indigenous Liason Officer

Local FB followers Community presence at school events

Greater student engagement in ILC program

Dry season family bush trips Suitably resourced ILC room and program with locally developed resources Engage Donna Robbins (CDU) for Tiwi IT training

ILC teacher Milimika Leadership Team Lit Prod Centre

Engagement of students

Training, upskilling and qualifications for local staff

HLTAID004 First Aid in Education and Care Settings (Asthma, Resuscitation, Anaphalxis) Drivers Licence, Cert 3 Childcare (as appropriate), IT skills

IT Co Pre Teacher Leadership Team

Qualifications and skills gained

Develop a male Tiwi community reference group to support Milimika

Investigate viability and develop a structure/system of engaging with this group to advise the school

Milimika CILT Leadership Team

Group Developed and engaged

Tiwi staff in all classes involved in the teaching/learning process

Funding distributed to ensure Tiwi AT in every class for translation, education and PC. Tiwi TAG (Tiwi Action Group) Meetings Milimika developed Expectations updated and presented regularly School hours modified, breaks realigned and specialist PE AT employed to support regular joint planning between AT and Teacher.

Principal Milimika P-2 Ed Leader 3-6 Ed Leader ATs DP

Class Structures Class T&L meetings

F i n a n c e , F a c i l i t i e s


R e s o u r c e s

Strategic Plan Goal Strategies Accountabilities Evidence of Success


Investigate, apply for and access available grants to ensure school is suitably resourced and structured

In 2015 apply for BGA, NT BTS, NT Sports Vouchers and Mercy Works. Spend and acquit grants utilizing staff and community consultation

PE Co Pre Teacher Principal Business Mgr

Securing grants and acquitting appropriately

Ensure the school has suitable educational technology and support to deliver an engaging and educationally sound T&L program

Refresh suite of computers in the lab in 2015. Continue rollout of bank of 6 ipads per class Provide teacher ipads to upskill teachers. Provide computers in staff room for all staff to access technology Upgrade IWBs when repairs not viable Appointment of ICT Coordinator

CEO IT IT CO Leadership Team

IWBs, Computer Suite, iPads used by teachers and ATs to enhance learning. ICT appointment

Develop a shared calendar and communication system for staff

Investigate and develop effective electronic whole school storage and access system Shared Calendar developed

CEO IT IT CO Leadership Team

Resource and guidelines developed and used

Develop additional staff learning spaces and teaching areas

Refurbish unused transportable for Yr 2 Classroom as per BGA 2013/2014 Grant Seek 2015 BGA Grant to refurbish LPC/Exterior Staffroom/ Old Kitchen

Principal Leadership Team Business Mgr Facilities Mgr

Grant received and plans made 2015 Classroom refurbished

Continue development & enhancement of Outdoor play spaces and eating areas

Resource age/appropriate eating areas, shade structures, playgrounds, equipment, toilets, cooled drinking fountains and play areas Outdoor areas safe and well maintained

CE Infrastructure Principal Leadership Team Facilities Mgr

Improved external facilities Safe- well maintained environment

Procure appropriate fleet of machinery, equipment and vehicles to support the maintenance, service and educational needs of school

Maintain 1x bus, 1x van, 1x work ute. Investigate selling old school car and possibly purchase additional dual cab flat top ute. Investigate purchase new grounds mower. Continue to develop maintenance workshop.

Bus Mgr Facilities Mgr Leadership Team Principal

Schools transportation and service needs met Increased community involvement/attendance


School Annual Improvement Plan

Xavier Catholic College


Quality Catholic Tiwi Education Strong in Faith, Strong in Culture & Strong in Learning Tomorrow’s Leaders Today






Catholic Identity

Induct and provide ongoing opportunities for all members of our community to develop their understanding of contemporary Catholic identity.

Provide ongoing opportunities for all members of our community to celebrate our Catholic identity through liturgy, practice of social justice, respecting Tiwi culture and the dignity of each person.

CC: Ongoing professional learning opportunities for all staff to engage in our Catholic Story and Tradition.

CC: Ongoing commitment to a Cross Campus staff retreat celebrating our Catholic Identity.

XCCW: Focus on incorporating prayer/music more widely into the daily life of the College through the development of a Prayer Policy, supporting resources and professional learning.

CC Develop MITIOG program for Year 6-13

Accreditation A report

Accreditation A report and Retreat.

Development of written Prayer Policy

Inclusion of Weekly Homeroom prayer guidelines

Whole school hymn practice prior to Liturgies/Masses

MITIOG Scope and Sequence

XCC Religious Education Coordinators

XCC Religious Education Coordinators

XCC Religious Education Coordinator

MCPS/XCC RE and Curriculum Coordinators


Maintain a Catholic Education precinct that aligns P-13 provision.

Engage remote Indigenous students in clear leadership tasks

XCC: Support staff to undertake the Masters of Educational Leadership qualification through the Australian Catholic University and/or Broken Bay Institute

XCC: Continuation of the Japalinga program (student leadership group)

XCC: Support staff representation on Catholic Education Council Standing Committees.

Number of participants and units successfully completed.

Japalinga activity report submitted each semester.

Appropriately qualified and experienced staff represented on CEC Standing Committees.

XCC Principal

XCC Deputy Principal

XCC Principal


XCC: Identify and support younger Tiwi staff in moving into positions of responsibility

Regular attendance at work and engagement in meetings and processes (CILT)

XCC Principal

Teaching and Learning

Prioritise catering for the diverse needs of our students across our learning community.

Implement quality teaching – defined, explicit and Tiwi focused

CC: Implement the Australian Curriculum: Geography from Transition to Year Ten and continue to consolidate the Australian Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science and History.

CC: Implement data collection processes and digital recording processes to track student progression in literacy and numeracy across the precinct

XCC: Continue to develop staff proficiency in Curriculum and IT through professional development

XCC: Completion and Implementation of Whole School Literacy and Numeracy Plans and Assessment and Data Gathering Schedules

XCC: Improvement in NAPLAN results, achieved competencies in VET and Successful completion of the NTCET by the third group of senior secondary students including the first group to obtain an ATAR.

Development of School Based Careers policy

School based curriculum documents eg: scope and sequence, teaching and learning programs and pro forma.

Implementation of digitised data collection and training of staff

Attendance at appropriate PD opportunities, Statements of Attainment, implementation of PLC’s and CEO Teaching and Learning Officers presence and on sight PD

Implementation and review of Whole School Literacy and Numeracy plans and assessment schedule for 2015

Improved student learning outcomes / NAPLAN, VET competencies and NTCET.

Implementation of School Based Careers policy

Implementation of Careers class for AC

Student participation in Work Experience in Darwin (Smith Family)

XCC Curriculum Coordinators

XCC Curriculum Coordinator

XCC Principal. XCC Curriculum Coordinator

XCC Principal and Curriculum Coordinator

XCC Curriculum Coordinator and Numeracy and Literacy teams

XCC Curriculum Coordinator

XCC Careers Co-ordinator

Pastoral Care and Wellbeing

Continue to provide support services to all students and staff.

XCC: Link into Catholic Care and Headstart programs

XCC: Continuation of Friday afternoon activities program into a Pastoral Care Year Level program

Evidence of programs and improved perception of pastoral care.

XCC Principal and Deputy Principal

XCC Deputy Principal


XCCW: Reinforcement and continuation of the Zero Tolerance towards fighting and threatening behaviour policy.

Implementation of policy. Reduction of serious incidents.

Improvement in student attendance, engagement and behaviour.

Redevelopment of the student behaviour management policy.

XCC Deputy Principal

Community and Culture

Develop strong partnerships with the community to ensure that more community members remain in continual involvement with / within the school

CC: Continue to contribute to the Catholic Indigenous Leadership Team.

XCC: Provide opportunities to build the capacity of Tiwi staff to form a Tiwi Leadership group with representation from the four skin groups.

XCC: Expand the Xavier Wizards concept.

XCC Participation in Red Cross Friday culture program

Appropriately qualified and experienced staff represented on CILT.

Formation of a leadership group.

Participation of the Xavier Wizards in various sporting competitions.

Rotation of class groups attending the Friday Red Cross Culture programs

XCC Principal

XCC Principal

XCC Deputy Principal and Sports Coordinator

XCC Deputy Principal

Finance, Facilities and Resources

P-13 maintain and improve our facilities and work areas so as to sustain high quality, healthy, safe and welcoming learning environments for all members of our community.

XCC: Redevelop the College oval to include an outdoor learning area and repositioned goal posts.

Redevelopment / construction of the facility.

XCC Principal

XCC Deputy Principal

XCC Site Manager


Finance – 2014

School income by sources of funds:

Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School

Recurrent Income 2014 $ Total $ Per


Australian Government recurrent funding $ 4,086,977.09 $20,232.56

State/Territory Government recurrent funding $ 742,093.68 $ 3,673.73

Fees, charges and parent contributions - -

Other Sources $ 119,285.67 $ 590.52

Total Gross Income $ 4,948,356.44 $24,496.81


Xavier Catholic College Wurrumiyanga

$ Per

Recurrent Income 2014 $ Total Student

Australian Government recurrent funding $3,267,483.00 $29,922.01

State/Territory Government recurrent funding $436,713.00 $3999.20

Fees, charges and parent contributions $12,558.00 $115.00

Other Sources $177,871.00 $1628.86

Total Gross Income $3,894,625.00 $35,665.06


Publication of Activity under the Stronger Futures Quality Teaching Initiative

The effective teaching of Indigenous students in our school has been promoted by targeted

support from Education Officers and Consultants in the Catholic Education Office. Teachers,

Assistant Teachers and other school staff have participated in whole school and smaller group

professional learning to develop teacher practice in literacy and numeracy. This has included

Accelerated Literacy, THRASS and Count Me In Too. Individual support for teachers has been

available as required. There has also been support for the inclusion and assessment of students

with hearing and learning difficulties, as well as for meaningful and positive learning pathways for

students including VET in schools (secondary schools only). This targeted support is part of the

Stronger Futures Quality Teaching Initiative and has been made possible through the Stronger

Futures in the Northern Territory National Partnership Funding Agreement.

Number of Students (August 2014 School Census)

MCPS 228

XCC 90

Recommendation and Approval

The Principal of Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School and the Principal of Xavier Catholic College

Wurrumiyanga recommends to the Director of Catholic Education Office NT, the 2012 School Annual



1. Tess Fong

Principal (XCCW)

Sign T.Fong

Date: 23 June 2015

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