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Muscle Testing - Yes / No Divination - Finger Method

Muscle testing is a way to use the body as a sort of divination tool, to connect with its innate

wisdom to obtain "yes" and "no" answers to questions related to healing. My first time trying it, I

found it less complicated and quicker to use then a pendulum. Though pendulums are better with

charts for other forms of testing.

There are many different ways to perform muscle testing, either on yourself or another person.

You can also act as a surrogate and muscle test for another person. The standing method is likely

the simplest method. It is probably best to start with this one. Many theta practitioners teach to

their clients and have them test themselves instead of doing the testing for them. But, many who

have approached me want to learn how to use the fingers, and it is the method I learned from

Gary Craigs DVD's so I am passing along that method here.

With muscle testing, you need to first have a question or statement for which to receive a yes or

no answer to. You will know if the answer is a "yes", if the muscles being tested respond

"strong" (by holding their strength). If the answer is a "no", the muscles will respond "weak"

(will not be able to hold muscle strength). To begin a muscle testing session, one of the first

things you may want to make sure to do (after making sure you are hydrated), is to do an initial

test for a proper "yes" and "no" response. So, the first statements to test with would be one

regarding something you know is a yes response. For example: "my name is Mandy", I should

get a strong muscle response, because that is my name. If I then say "my name is Mary Ann"

(which it is not), my muscles should go weak.

I remember way back in the 1990's, when I first had muscle testing performed on me, I did not

understand what it was or why the person performing it was having me hold out my arm and then

trying to push it down (one form of muscle testing). I also did not understand why, when she

asked certain questions while pressing down on my arm, my arm would go weak and fall.

However, for other questions, it would remain strong and parallel to the ground. Often, the

muscle tester didn't even audibly ask the questions so that I would even know what they were.

I now see muscle testing as a way your energy field is having a reaction to certain stimuli or

thoughts being presented into it. It seems that when one asks a question to the energy field, or

even places an object in its aura which it doesn't like or correspond with, it will react by going

weak, thereby causing any muscles being tested to lose strength. Anyways, however it works,

muscle testing can often be very helpful when used in EFT session, as well as with other

therapies, to get information about the body, the state of emotions, or what the energy field feels

is true or false.

So, how does one perform muscle testing on the self? There are a number of ways to self-muscle

test, and certain ways will be more natural and easy to perform that others for different people.

One common way is to pinch both of your thumbs and forefingers together so that they make the

shape of an eye. Then, insert the eye you formed with the right hand into the hole/eye made on

with the left hand. Then, using the thumb and forefinger as a lever, open the eye of the right

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thumb and forefinger, pushing the forefinger up (pushing on the forefinger of the other hand) and

the thumb down towards the ground (pushing on the thumb of the other hand). You want to see if

pressure applied by the right thumb and finger will cause the eye of the left hand to open and

break. If the answer is yes, or "strong", your left hand finger muscles will stay strong, so that

your pressure exerted using the right hand will not break the connection between thumb and

forefinger of the left hand. If the connection breaks, it means your energy went weak and

resulted in a "no" response.

The idea is to try to keep the fingers of your left hand pinched strong but relaxed. It is not a test

of physical strength. The testing of muscle strength and its results are more subtle. Testing your

name, the pinch should not open, and you should feel your fingers on the left hand strong enough

to stay shut. Testing a name that is not yours or your clients (if your using surrogate self-muscle

testing), your fingers should go weak.

Another method I particularly like is similar to the above method, but quicker to perform. It also

helps me to break through any ego interference that might stand in the way of accurate results. In

other words, I find I can use it in ways where there is less time to think about if the answer will

be weak or strong. Therefore, there will be less chance of my receiving a inaccurate result (which

can happen in muscle testing if one isn't relaxed or detached enough).

To perform this method, start with the thumb and forefinger of one hand pinched in the shape of

an eye.

Then, use your right forefinger as a wand and insert it into the eye almost as deep as your second

knuckle on your finger.

Now, once you have formed a yes/no statement or question in your mind, state it and then use

you use your right forefinger as a wand, lightly sweeping it through where your left hand fingers

are pinched together. Like a sword sweeping through a joint where a twig meets a branch. You

want to know if the sword will break through that joint, or if it will it stop at the joint because the

twig and branch connection is too strong for it to break? You want to keep your left hand fingers

pinched together in a strong but relaxed manner. Try not to let your mind interfere. Try to abstain

from judgment regarding if the answer should be true/false, yes/no. If your finger is able to

sweep through the connected fingers, like below picture, it is a "no" cause your pinched fingers

muscles went "weak".

If your finger does not swipe through (I usually move from left to right), then that is a "yes"


Keys to successful muscle testing:

1. Both the therapist and the client (or just yourself if doing self-testing} should be properly

hydrated or muscle testing might produce unclear results.

2. Both or yourself should aim to remain as detached to an outcome as possible and as open

as possible. Anticipation and conscious resistance can both influence results. Sometimes,

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if I am feeling way to attached to an outcome and not sure if I manipulated a result, I will

use a tarot card and tell from reading it or you can use odd numbers is no, even is yes.

3. Rub the collar bone points (the junction where collarbone meets breast bone} to get the

meridians flowing in the right direction on both therapist and client or just yourself if


4. Focus your intention on valid results and on what you are testing. You can even state an

intention before starting.

Holding breath or tension in the body can confuse results.

5. If working on someone else, you should not make eye contact during the muscle testing

and make sure the client knows it's not a test of physical strength.

Muscle testing techniques these are really valuable for testing for blocks or what are caused

"psychological reversals", which stand in the way of clearing energy states and conscious and

subconscious issues. So, that being said, what again are reversals? See the article called

"psychological reversals" under "Tips"

Muscle Testing might be less accurate if one has a condition called "switching" (polarity

switching) or if one has something called "neurological disorganization" (when to much energy

is running through the meridian system). Methods to correct these conditions are below:

While there are ways to test for "switching", sometimes its just helpful to do the exercises to

correct it. I do them prior to using a pendulum or working on myself. To correct "switching":

1. Stimulate the navel/ belly button while rubbing the collar bone

points. You can hold the belly button or rub is lightly. Rub the collar bone points a little more

deeply than the belly button. About 10 seconds.

2. Stimulate the navel/belly button while rubbing the point under the nose in the same fashion as

step 1

3. Stimulate the navel/belly button while rubbing a point directly under the bottom lip (centered)

in the same fashion as step 1

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4. Stimulate the navel/belly button while rubbing the coccyx (lowest point on spine) in the same

fashion as step 1.

See if your testing improves.

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