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The World’s Biggest

Book of Music Contests

2002 International Edition

Edited by Terry Kyle

[email protected]

© 2001 Ultimate Media

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the express written permission of the publisher. Breach of international copyright will be

prosecuted to the full extent of the law in whichever territory that breach takes place.

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Dedicated to Jonathan Dunn, for starting the music.

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Please Read This Important Announcement To pass on this electronic file to others without the consent of Ultimate Media is an act of piracy and theft from those writers and music enthusiasts who invested their labor in this book. If you would not appreciate your own creative work to have its copyright violated in such a way, then please do not pass on this file to others. Similarly, the Ultimate Media network is relatively large internationally. Should anyone in our network discover a customer’s involvement in piracy, prosecution to the FULL extent of the law in that country WILL follow. In certain territories, fines for such an act can exceed $500,000. This book has been supplied to you in electronic format for your convenience. We trust that you will not abuse that convenience. Thank You The Editor

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elcome to the 2002 International Edition of “The World’s Biggest Book of Music Contests”, a reference work that exemplifies the old adage that

‘knowledge is power.’ This book - the first of its kind on this scale - addresses the shortcomings of what sources of music competition information have been available thus far. It seems that all of these sources only offer ‘bits’ of useful information. For a busy aspiring or professional musician or songwriter, collecting these ‘bits’ is an extremely tedious and time-consuming process - time far better spent on one’s craft. “The World’s Biggest Book of Music Contests” is thus an overdue attempt to rectify that situation. As such, this book compilation contains a judicious level of critical detail wherein each of the music contest or award listings covers: - the deadline - how frequently the event is run - genre/s [cross-referenced by date with other music competitions being staged by the same organizers] - country - eligibility requirements - entry fee - name of contest - name of the organization/s running the contest - format requirements - theme or subject criteria


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- the mailing address - the phone number - the fax number - WWW address, and, - their e-mail address. Where these categories of information do not appear in a listing, this usually signifies that the competition organizer does not wish to be contacted via those means or simply does not possess that facility e.g. a Website. It should, however, be stressed that “The World’s Biggest Book of Music Contests” is intended only as a GUIDE for you to determine which competitions you are interested in and then acquire the COMPLETE rules and conditions from the organization through the channels listed in the book. Given, furthermore, that most contests and awards have lengthy form and presentation criteria, this data was simply too long to include [if it were incorporated, the book would run to thousands of pages!] and should be sought DIRECTLY from the contest organizers - usually via a #10 SASE [Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope]. In keeping with the ‘World’s Biggest’ vision of the book, coverage of contests includes events from as far afield as the

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United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Spain, Greece, Russia and Germany among others. The reason for such a global perspective is that the overwhelming majority of events listed in the book are open to international entry. Another fundamental objective of the Ultimate Media team was to present information to you in the most logical, accessible and helpful way possible. The information on each competition and award has thus been organized via a hierarchy of factors so that you can quickly determine if the particular event in question is of interest or accessible to you. It was therefore decided that the most pressing aspect of entry into any competition or award was the date that it closed. If that date had passed, then obviously you would look elsewhere. Please note that most annual events run in APPROX-IMATELY the same time frame each year. The entire book has been organized in the form of a yearly calendar so as to make it easier for you to ‘plan your attack’ in relation to forthcoming deadlines. **Please also note that we have only included events with a first prize of $1,000 or greater given our belief that the

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trouble taken in entering a music competition should be reflected by a substantial prize. In conclusion, therefore, we hope that you appreciate the fruits of our considerable labor and look forward to your feedback as we continue to develop “The World’s Biggest Book of Music Contests”. Warmest regards Terry Kyle Managing Editor Ultimate Media [email protected]

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Table of Hyperlinked Contents.

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Section 1. The 10 Biggest Mistakes Musicians Make In Competitions

and Awards

Section 2. The Top 50 Professional Musicians’ & Judges’ Tips for Entering Music Contests [& Music Success Generally]

Section 3. The Top 40+ Musician’s Websites

Section 4. The Top 50 Quotes Of All Time About Making Music

Section 5. The Annual Music Competition Calendar

Section 6. Ongoing Music Contests


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The 10 Biggest Mistakes Musicians Make In Competitions.

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he 10 Biggest Mistakes Musicians Make in Music Contests include the following. Refer to the following section - 50+ Professional Musicians’ & Judges’ Tips

for Entering Music Contests [and Music Success Generally] - for more detail about how to address these issues in your own approach. 1. Aspiring musicians don’t understand that the song is KING. THE SONG IS KING. It’s worth repeating. Forget image, PR, fancy haircuts, shiny suits, exploding pyrotechnics etc etc. The emphasis for any songwriter or performer always needs to be on the quality of the individual song. How many people love Dire Straits [no image], the Beatles [who can even remember their image?] or Bob Dylan [a fairly ‘anti-image’ at best]. But people LOVE the songs! Did you know that the biggest selling song in music history is Elton John’s Princess Diana tribute, “Candle in the Wind”. With all due respect, Elton John is a tubby geriatric suffering a bad hair LIFE. But the SONG evokes emotional loss, grief and sorrow in a way that it probably will still do in 50 years.


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Songs are what have power NOT images OR clothes OR spectacular music videos - the biggest selling songs in music history DON’T even have music videos! Time at the hairdresser or funky tailor is far better spent on developing one’s songwriting craft. So be tough on your original material - the judges and audience will be. 2. Musicians fail to observe the contest criteria. Ignoring recommended criteria and the exact requirements desired by the organizers are sure-fire ways to lose a contest at the very start. 3. Musicians present their work poorly. Relatively unrehearsed material and unprofessional presentation all scream “AMATEUR” at the judging panel and are weeded out early on in the culling process. 4. Musicians present tired and predictable material and treatments. Hackneyed material and treatments are tedious for everyone concerned. Cover acts take note here. Individuality and originality, however, stand out. Be ruthlessly tough on your material and approach - does it have an immediate impact? Is it original, striking or compelling?

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Or does it sound like your music idol/s? If so, then go back to the drawing board. 5. Musicians - like other creatives - suffer from a ‘limo complex.’ They believe that they don’t need to do anything in order to be ‘discovered’ because one day, someone, somewhere, will recognize their ‘genius’ and then a limo will turn up at the front door and take them away to Oz [i.e. Hollywood/LA/Success]. In reality, those musicians who are successful have been tirelessly proactive over YEARS. Overnight success is usually a fallacy - there is no substitute for persistence. With music contests, one failure should thus not irreparably destroy a musician’s ambition. Aspiring musicians shouldn’t just persevere though, they should learn and adapt at the same time. 6. Musicians submit their entry at the 11th hour. In any significant music [or other] contest where recorded or written material is judged, the vast majority of entries [to call it a tidal wave would not be an understatement] arrive at the last possible moment before the deadline. Judges are then confronted with the daunting task of wading through the mountains of entries and judging each and every piece of work with equal dispassion.

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In theory, it shouldn’t make any difference when an entry arrives but in practice, judges can give more time and thought to those entries that arrive before King Kong’s mailbag. 7. Aspiring musicians pin all their hopes on one contest. Not only is this unrealistic but will also distract them from what should be their focus - development of their [songwriting/ performance] craft. Art - including music - is HIGHLY subjective [take a look at the range of recording artists available in a music store and then WITHIN each genre!] and rejection in one competition should not be what determines whether a musician continues on or not. 8. Musicians often violate the basic principles of composition, songwriting and performance. By doing this, an ignorance of the fundamentals of music aesthetics is immediately apparent. Such entries will never win. Aspiring musicians need to educate themselves about the fundamentals of composition, songwriting and/or performance [and the judges’ expectations!] or else will be wasting their time in most music competitions. The seemingly-contradictory balance has to be found between adhering to aesthetic convention and creating an original interpretation or work.

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9. Musicians only think about entering a competition but don’t ever get around to actually putting in their entry. A musician cannot win what they don’t enter. Procrastination is eventually deadly for an artistic career. Start avoiding it today. 10. Musicians mimic their own idols. Rather than finding their own distinctive voice, they perform a faithful IMPERSONATION of their favorite artists. If the following bands’ and singers were played one after another to you, ask yourself if you could confuse them with each other: U2, Elvis Presley, Enya, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Alanis Morissette, Bruce Springsteen, Pink Floyd and Matchbox 20. If not, then clearly each of these artists has a UNIQUE sound and that’s what sets them apart. A UNIQUE sound is what any aspiring act NEEDS.

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The Top 50+ Professional Musicians’ & Judges’ Tips for Entering Competitions

[& Music Success Generally].

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or readers of our other arts competition books, please note that the professional practitioners and competition judges in each discipline [writing, photography etc]

offer similar advice to aspiring creatives and some of the same axioms thus apply here. Rehearse. Michael Jordan didn’t suddenly become a great basketball player. Eric Clapton used to sleep with his guitar and practice for hours EVERY day, year-in, year-out. If you don’t rehearse, your musicianship and songwriting craft cannot improve. Forget the glamour. Forget the pretty girls or cute boys or both. Forget the parties. They can all come LATER when you actually have something polished and worthwhile to offer. To launch yourself into the music competition circuit and industry without sufficient preparation and rehearsal suggests that you are only in it for the ego-trip. The music business already has too many of these charlatans in it and most of them never last. Enter the competition! This may sound TOO obvious but you only have a chance of winning those competitions that you actually enter. Talking about it, thinking about it, dreaming about it - none of these will actually do any good unless you write or rehearse the damn thing and put your entry in. It’s like the old saying that you fail 100% of the things you don’t try in life.


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Many contest and award winners talk about how they almost didn’t enter - don’t let it happen to you. Follow the competition rules. There’s no point in completing or mastering an extraordinary work that will change the course of music history and then submitting or performing it if it will be disqualified because the criteria weren’t PRECISELY met. Check, double-check and triple check. Most organizers now include the full details on their Websites which are listed in this book. Research. If possible on the major contests, try to listen to previous winning entries or watch an event that you will enter next year. Even if you don’t necessarily like the performances or material, it will give you some insight into the types of songs/arias/works and aesthetic styles that have impressed previous judges. It is not that you are going to copy these past works but rather make sure that your entry is not way too obscure/experimental/conservative for the contest. It’s a numbers game - to a certain extent. Try, entry fees permitting, to enter more than one work into a contest - especially the big ones. Forget what you think may be the best song. The judges may feel very differently.

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Art is incredibly subjective and it’s probably better to have a number of your entries ‘in the barrel.’ Many major contest winners have remarked that judges selected what they themselves considered to be their weakest entry as the overall competition winner. To this end, build up a growing repertoire of work that is constantly being polished and refined and keep submitting/performing the best and most appropriate of these in numbers. This strategy will both maximize your chances in contests and, more importantly, develop your craft as a songwriter/performer [which is what really matters, right?]. Make sure your band is all working towards the same music/professional goals in CONSENSUS with a respectful appreciation of each other’s talents. Bands in conflict usually look like it and while it works for some genres, it usually won’t inspire the judges. Except to give you the flick from the event. Try to avoid the last minute rush. There are a couple of sound reasons for this. The first is that your work may not have been the most polished, most coherent, most powerful it might have been.

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That one last rehearsal or polish may elevate your work to the sublime, so make sure you have time and proper planning to do so. Anyone aspiring to become a successful professional musician must be able to set and meet deadlines just like the pros do. Time management is thus a vitally important skill to develop. Using “The World’s Biggest Book of Music Contests”, which is organized by yearly calendar, will allow you to plan your creative output and maximize your time and chances. The other problem with last-minute entry, moreover, is that your entry will be arm-in-arm with the hundreds or thousands of other entries flooding into the contest organizers. In theory, that shouldn’t make any difference but in practice, overworked and underpaid judges will have more time and consideration to give those entries received BEFORE the tsunami of mail strikes. Avoid the music clichés. Please. We are exposed to them all the time and it can be difficult to avoid them. But we must try. When going over your material, ask yourself: is it hackneyed, does it sound too much like my musical heroes, is my treatment of the material sufficiently individual and tight?

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No matter how tough you are on your material, the judges will probably be tougher. Think about that before you send it in or prepare to perform it. Judges and audiences are totally bored with clichés and crave fresh new acts, material and interpretations. If they want to hear a certain artist’s version of a song, they can go and buy the CD - why do they need you to perform it for them? An imitation is ALWAYS an imitation. Long journeys are made up of small steps. The fact is that we can usually accomplish a lot more by habitually taking small methodical steps rather than trying to complete great slabs of work within absurdly short timeframes. Just by dedicating one hour every day to your music, you will soon have developed a reasonable body of work. The trick is in doing it EVERY day - it’s like exercise in that respect. This is that annoying time management issue again but the point is that trying to cram is much less likely than a disciplined - and that’s what music like all the arts is above all else, a discipline - approach to achieve anything. Write or perform little, but do it OFTEN! Doing a lot but not often will probably do very little for the development of your musicianship.

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Keep a folio of your ideas. This folio could include words, chords, melodies, fragments of ideas, images, descriptions of people or experiences or any other type of inspirational artistic element [Paul Hardcastle used the average age of US soldiers in Vietnam - ‘19’ - as the basis for a #1 UK dance song in the 1980s, for example]. Then, when you come to write a song, look back through the folio of your artistic materials for stimulus or for ideas to incorporate. All earlier ‘completed’ [if anything is ever completed] music should also be kept - there may be gems waiting to be [re]discovered or fused with some other element to create something interesting. Keep a ‘library’ of great work. Apart from keeping a folio of your own work that is developed over time and used for competitions, keep a selection of other musicians’ work that struck a chord [pardon the pun] with you or provoked your imagination. Given that so much contemporary music blandly capitulates into the growing mass of forgettable cultural output, anything that stands out to you should be kept. Let quality professional musicians inform your work by what they do. Keep sampling their work and learn from them. When you find other musicians who you resonate with [in terms of their work], explore their work deeply and analyze WHY you like it so much and what techniques and methods

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of songwriting/performance you find so satisfying in their work. Add these works to your audio library. Constantly learn from the creative output of other musicians [in terms of what to do or, more importantly, what not to do] and let it influence your work. Time management. Professional musicians work to deadlines every day of the week and their output can be relied upon to be delivered on time at the expected quality without fail. Make this a hallmark of your work. Get a big calendar and plot your attack on music competitions, grant applications, auditions and masterclasses. Time is your most valuable resource. Organize it wisely so as to achieve what you have set out to do with your music. Planning in your creative output is vital to maximizing the returns from your time invested. No planning will result in a sporadic, unprofessional, undisciplined music regime that runs the risk of completely falling apart. Time management is critical so get ultra-organized [but with realistic, achievable goals] and watch your career progress accordingly. Keep polishing. Aspiring musicians often settle for ‘near enough is good enough’. Wrong. Dead wrong. With that one extra rehearsal or polish, the material could be transformed into something great or greater. Only ever let a song out when it’s had a period of polishing.

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Before submitting your work to a music competition or the industry, consider whether more polishes are required. A simple equation applies here that is usually correct: the greater the number of polishes = the greater the quality of the completed work [unless a ‘rough,’ live improvised sound is deliberately sought]. Handling criticism & advice. This is a very difficult thing for many aspiring artists of all arts disciplines to handle. The trick is to find a balance between what you believe about your work and what others have to say. Obviously less importance should be attached to your aunt’s advice compared with that of a reputable musician but developing the necessary ‘thick skin’ to handle all kinds of responses is ESSENTIAL if you are in it for the long haul. Getting crushed by peer rejections to the point of giving up suggests that you may have been it for the wrong reasons. Most great musicians suffered years of rejection before breaking through [many of the great composers, for example, were only acknowledged after their death!]. The point is to not merely persevere blindly but rather learn from each rejection and adjust your attack accordingly. Each individual on the planet is subjective. In the area of art [including music], a tremendous diversity of opinion exists about the aesthetic merit of this or that work of art. After all, audiences

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exist for both Bob Dylan and the Spice Girls. So try not to become discouraged in the face of harsh criticism or rejection. It is usually only one person’s opinion so try to find a healthy balance between being dispassionate about tough criticism yet taking on board any relevant points that will improve your work the next time around. This is far easier said than done and many an aspiring muso has been irreparably crushed by an unkind reaction. The bottom line is to ‘hang in there’ and keep learning - nothing worthwhile comes without effort and sacrifice. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. If sporting metaphors must be used, music - like all the arts - is like running a marathon [or several marathons to be more precise]. It is not a sprint. Skill, craft, insight, technique, an ear for the rhythms and even the profession of music all have to be acquired over time. Sean Mullins, for example, spent years playing lousy two-bit gigs to tiny audiences who weren’t interested for years before his hit “Rockabye” launched his career. Rather than trying to depress you, this fact should prepare you for the campaign ahead. Recognize that music is a lifetime vocation and adjust your expectations accordingly.

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Take time and the humility to meet visiting musicians of note. Meeting musicians who have ‘made it’ is highly recommended for a number of reasons. The first is that it will ‘de-mystify’ music ‘greatness.’ In fact, these musicians will probably seem quite ordinary and not unlike yourself. No longer will they be faceless celebrity icons but rather human beings who went through as much struggle [or more] as you have to [or intend to] in order to get anywhere. Ideally you should come out thinking: ‘if they could do it, so can I.’ What they also provide is invaluable advice on ‘getting there.’ It’s not that they have any ‘magic tricks’ but rather they can give sound sensible, practical advice that could cut years off your music journey. Create your space. Creating the right creative environment for your music - regardless of genre or instrument - is extremely important. A space with good acoustics, soundproofing [ideally] and the right ‘vibe’ can really help your music output. In this space, you could have art, posters, enlarged album covers or all manner of material plastered everywhere. The point is to make it YOUR space - a space that you like being in, feel creative in and can work in for long stretches. Create the time. Finding time for a pursuit like music can be difficult given how busy all our lives are and the fact that

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most of us are ruled - time-wise - by having to make a living. Find the most productive and mutually acceptable [with family/partner etc] timeslot to work in. And then keep at it. Exercise and get into shape. Music is a lot like exercise. You need to get into shape and keep at it to improve. To this end, exercises that develop your creativity, creative vocabulary, instrumental skill or songwriting craft should be undertaken regularly. Ask yourself this question: am I really in creative shape for what I want to achieve or am I just full of good intentions? Learn the trade rather than the tricks. Great musicianship is a trade, a craft, an art and a vocation. As such, there are no real ‘tricks’ to the business but over time an accumulation of wisdom does take place that allows a musician’s work, confidence and skills to develop. Don’t look for the superficial tricks - commit to learning the trade instead. Why? Because that’s exactly how your musical heroes got to where they are today. Keep your expectations realistic - avoid the ‘limo complex.’ The so-called ‘limo complex’ is a problem for a lot of amateur creative people. The ‘limo complex’ is the delusional belief that an individual will be discovered with little effort on their part - the limo will simply turn up at the front door one day to carry them off to ‘Oz.’ The reality for

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those that have ‘made it’ in competitions or the music business is that it took a tremendous amount of effort and pitching - over many years - to become an ‘overnight success.’ Don’t wait. Mobilize and become fanatically proactive. Proact, don’t react. One day, those who have waited years or decades for the limo to come will sadly realize that it NEVER will and that they have wasted their most valuable resource - their time. Develop a single-minded vision for your music and pursue it. Decide what you want to do with your music. Do you want to work on soundtracks or perhaps write songs for major recording artists? Whatever your goal, develop a single-minded vision for your music career and then pursue it accordingly. The more single-minded your focus, the greater your chance of success. ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ is an old axiom that could apply here. Define your vision, calculate [with advice from others] how to realize that vision and go for it. Avoid professional distractions and ‘seize the day.’ Enjoy the process of music rather than dwelling on the potential rewards. The rewards that can come from music - monetary or otherwise - are considerable. Yet if that is your sole motivation, then it will show in an intangible superficiality in your work. Music should be pursued [like most things in life] because the process is enjoyable. The

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more you genuinely enjoy it, the more others will enjoy your material or performances. Know your genre. If you wish to have a death-thrash metal band, then become an absolute expert on the genre. Know the major influences, the turning points, the current state of the genre and why it’s there. This background will inform your work and give you professional credibility. Ignorance is not a good look in industry or competition circles. Study, learn and absorb the breadth and depth of your chosen genre and you will reap the rewards [or at the very least be able to compete with other musicians in the genre]. Appreciate the difficulty of music. As discussed earlier, the craft of music takes time to develop. Have respect for the craft as you would the learning of any highly-skilled profession. Approach your work with an appreciation of its difficulty and the need to devote yourself to the long-term process of learning how to play, sing or songwrite well. Approach your work with a sense of generosity. Treat your work as an act of generosity - a giving of something valuable to your audience [even if you don’t have one yet]. Repeating the generous act of giving something creative, something beautiful perhaps, to your fellow human beings - whether they recognize it and appreciate it or not will probably make you a richer person. Think of your own

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experiences where you felt certain musician/s gave you something extremely precious and valuable - these are extraordinarily powerful and can leave an impression on a person for a lifetime [some albums becoming defining influences on an individual’s life and shape them forever]. Passion. Are you passionate about your music? You need to be. Music - unlike many other disciplines in our increasingly corporate, economically rationalist world - is not merely functional. You are engaged in the creation of art. Be passionate about your art. Care about it. Love it. Engage with it. And fight for it. Passionless music is too common and is invariably transparent. If you aren’t passionate about it, do something else that you do care about. Use “The World’s Biggest Book of Music Contests.” This comprehensive reference source will allow you to plan your creative output around hundreds of music competitions. With millions of dollars worth of music competitions included in the book, this is the largest of its kind in the world. Treat competitions as an opportunity to create rather than as a quick cash-in. Many musicians enter big music competitions simply because of the desire to make a buck. Wrong. These events should be used as opportunities around which to organize your music calendar. All art is subjective and you may not win anything but the process of getting

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sufficiently organized to enter a quality piece of work on time is valuable practice for the world of professional music. Stop procrastinating and start creating your music. Many aspiring musicians are masters at procrastination. Procrastination = zero forward progress. You probably only have one life. Spend it wisely. Should you win a competition, exploit that fact as far as possible. If you have success in a music competition [even with a placing], become your own PR machine and exploit your success ‘to the max.’ Find an angle and formulate press releases for all relevant parties and indicate your availability for interviews. Don’t forget that the media has a lot of airtime/column inches to fill every day and your success story could fit the bill. The music industry may also take notice of the publicity so make sure it is included in your publicity materials forthwith. In short, don’t be backward about coming forward - those competing against you won’t. Keep your sense of humor. In life and especially in music, try not to lose your sense of humor. Humor allows us to keep things in perspective and not get too knocked around by the ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.’

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A good sense of humor will probably preserve your ability to persevere with music more than any other single attribute. Learn to laugh at life, especially at yourself and try to never take things too seriously. Remember, you are only creating music - you are not saving lives or altering the course of world history. Keep your music in perspective and don’t let any desire for fame [or seduction by it] overwhelm you. Plan for the future but live in the now. As mentioned elsewhere in this section, developing a single-minded, clearly-articulated vision of where you want to go is vital to focusing your energies. It is also important, however, to live in the NOW and fully enjoy and participate in all of those experiences around you now. Many musicians and artists live their lives waiting for it to begin. In the process, they waste time, opportunities and potential moments of life-changing significance. What living in ‘stasis’ also does is diminish your observations of life which can only enrich your work. Expose yourself to artistic influences outside your generic areas of interest. Art is extremely broad. Expose yourself to other artistic influences both within music and elsewhere: the opera, theater, classical music, arthouse cinema, ethnic literature and anything else outside your normal ‘comfort zone.’

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As all art [ideally] seeks truth about the human condition, our society, identity and so forth, it should add greater enlightenment to your music. Irish mega-band, U2, for example, constantly acknowledge the enormous influence of Norman Mailer’s writing on their best-selling Joshua Tree album. Keep your old work [e.g. videos for performing musicians] and view it every year or so. Progress is difficult to measure purely from memory. Keep all of your old work [you MUST avoid the temptation to destroy it because of unhappiness with its quality] and every year, dig it out for a look. What you should discover is just how much progress your craft has made and it may even re-awaken old artistic ideas that interest you that you’d forgotten. Your old work is a powerful barometer of your artistic growth and should add to your creative confidence and thus momentum. The harder you work, the luckier you will be. This is an axiom straight out of the entrepreneurial publishing world but it certainly applies to music. Work hard and you will get opportunities. Your level of preparation, professionalism, confidence and ability to deliver will determine how you will capitalize on those opportunities. Led Zeppelin were rumored to be the hardest working band in the world when they were trying to make it and even in their prime - they played live

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almost every night of the year, year in, year out, as they built a considerable following. Leave and return to a piece of music. When creating music for a competition or the industry, the time spent away from the it can often prove just as important as that spent working on it. This is because working closely on something obscures or erodes objectivity and perspective about it. The way to get it back is to step back from it - even for just a day or two but preferably longer - and then return to it with a fresh eye. Problems that were not apparent before thus become obvious and are easily rectified. This rectification is only possible, however, by getting into the habit of building ‘away time’ into your professional calendar in relation to the work in question. Let everything about your work shine with absolute professionalism. From your biography to your demo CD, from the type of paper you use in your pitch letters to the way you handle rejection or talk to people in the industry, let every aspect of your work appear utterly professional. The best quality production you can afford on your recorded demos is essential. So is humble, polite enthusiasm and the absence of an attitude that says, ‘the world owes me.’ From stem to stern, act professional at all times and you will - in time - earn respect and work.

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Location can be a HUGE factor in creative success. Depending on the type of music you wish to pursue, your location can have a big influence on your [lack of] success. If, for example, you aspire to work in music soundtracks, then LA is the only place for you to be. All the wishing, dreaming and hoping in the world won’t assist your career if you are not in a major center of production in the type of music you want to pursue. Ask yourself which of these two bands of equal talent is likely to get signed my a music label - the one performing their originals to a core of followers in New York every night or the one performing their originals at weddings [late in the night when the clients are too drunk to notice!] in Smalltown, USA? If you are committed to your vision, relocate and pursue your dream. It may not pay off, but at least you won’t go to your grave wondering and staying put almost certainly won’t do anything to advance your career. Find one or more mentors for your music and nurture the relationship/s. Through gigging, music schools and the ‘scene’, try to find experienced musos that you respect who are prepared to be your mentor or at least sounding board. Such a person can be difficult to find but they are extremely

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worthwhile. Most working musicians are prepared to ‘give something back’ and that may translate into an informal mentor-pupil relationship for you. This is as much determined by chemistry between people as anything else but the trick is to keep your eyes open to opportunities for such a relationship and approach them in a non-demanding fashion. Mentor candidates should ideally be those whose work you know and like. Make friends with musicians at your career or craft level. Given that music is a tough and often seemingly unfair profession, the importance of building long-term relationships with other musicians is particularly important. Ideally these people should be at a similar level of development as you and not too competitive with you. You may even collaborate with them on material. When you feel understood and supported and encouraged by a fellow musician, it can sustain you through the hard times and give you the strength to keep at it. Conversely, you have someone in your area of interest to share the good times, the highs and the triumphs with as well. No man, woman or soloist is an island. Understand that you are competing with yourself more than other musicians. Like professional sportspeople, a musician’s main sources of competition come from within.

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Finding the discipline, perseverance, self-belief and ‘chutzpah’ to make it are usually much more of a challenge than any imagined rivalry with other musicians. If others do beat you on the day, it is normally because their discipline was greater [natural musicianship/performance ability notwithstanding]. Rather than blaming them or the judges, take a long, hard critical look at your own preparation and ask yourself it was good enough. Make the commitment to your music. In or out. The simple fact is this: music is a hard, labor-intensive pursuit. One of the benefits of a competition is that it quickly forces you to choose whether you’re prepared to do the ‘hard yards’ to make it as a musician. But by making the commitment, choosing to be IN rather than OUT [like a marriage to a certain degree], you will make considerable progress very quickly. Remember, however, that music will demand your time, money [going to gigs, equipment, music, lessons et al] and emotional/intellectual devotion [but it also gives a lot back too]. Let the song write itself. Once a song is rolling, many musicians will tell you that it virtually writes itself. The groove is flowing. It develops its own energy. It almost becomes a sentient organic entity whose path is pre-

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determined. When this [pleasant] dynamic develops, attempt to stay out of the way of the song’s momentum and let it flow through you as the mechanical means of its expression. Try not to over-analyze or intellectually interfere with this process at this stage when it happens - save the hardcore analysis and revision for later. What’s important in the moment is to just get the song out. Try to give back some of what you have gained. It is a pedagogic fact that we learn by teaching. If you have developed your music craft to some degree, consider running a music class for children or those struggling to get going. This will help focus your own thoughts and perceptions about song construction, performance, technique and attitude. Understand the ‘habit trap’ we ALL live in. Most of us are creatures of habit and tend to do the same things over and over. To this end, if you have any bad music habits, you need to break them and replace them with good ones. Professional musicians have disciplined themselves into good music habits - it’s as simple that. If you want to be a pro or do well on the music competition circuit, you will NEED good music habits - many of which have been previously outlined above. Habitual procrastination, for example, is one common trait that MUST be broken.

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Find out EXACTLY how other musicians in your field got their break. If you want to work as a songwriter for the contemporary heavyweights, then find out how people like Babyface and Robert “Mutt” Lange worked their way into that side of the business. Never ever forget that these musicians were once just like you - unknown, unproven and hustling for a break. Finding out their stories is useful in two ways: firstly, it can suggest similar trajectories for you and, secondly, should inspire you with the belief that ‘if they did it, so can I.’ Where can you find out this information? Try the Top 40 Websites at the back of this book for starters and then move into broader Internet searches [try metasearch tools like,, and even the superb - these are the best on the Internet at the moment]. If you are trying to sell yourself or your act to a music company, try to think like them. If you are trying to sell to a music producer or even well-established songwriter with industry connections, think like one. WHY should they choose your demo or act over the mountain of other pitches on their desk? Make it easier for them to pick your work i.e. provide compelling reasons for them to select you.

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This can be achieved via sound research of the company’s stable of artists or past preferences and immaculately professional presentation of your work. Make it ‘sexy.’ Make it ‘sizzle.’ Make it sell. Remember to think like a businessperson, NOT an artist at this point. Your ideal goal is to present a work that has plenty of reasons why it SHOULD be accepted and none or very few why it SHOULDN’T. Can you say that for the work you are presenting now? If not, then fix it up. Understand that almost all creative and business endeavors are built on RELATIONSHIPS between people. Why, for example, would Bruce Willis forego his [then] normal $20 million fee and agree to act in a small, gangster flick called “Pulp Fiction” for next to nothing? Answer: he liked Quentin Tarantino and thought he’d enjoy working on it with him. The point is that you need to be conscious of this critical dynamic when talking to anyone in the industry and remember that you need them just like they need you. Be friendly, professional and keep the egos under control. After their last Australian tour, British band Oasis found it virtually impossible to get any radio station there to play their subsequent material because they behaved like such absolute ‘wankers’ to everybody [admittedly, it’s a part of a weak

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‘bad boy’ act but it wore thin very quickly] and they burned a lot of bridges. Today’s music company secretary on the front desk could be tomorrow’s A&R [artists & repertoire - the division that signs bands and artists] President - how will he or she remember your conduct there? Take control of your own professional destiny. If you are finding it tough to get noticed by music companies or orchestras etc, then form your own label or group with some friends, start a Website, press your own CDs, stage your own gigs. Seize the day. The music business has a very patchy history with recognizing talent - even the Beatles suffered rejection before EMI picked them up - so if you believe in the quality of your product, prove it by masterminding your own industry path. If you do attract much attention on your own, the music companies will be coming to you and your bargaining position will be greatly increased. The cost of doing the above has never been lower thanks to technological innovation so what are you waiting for? Educate yourself about the BUSINESS side of the music business. Unless you want to join the long list of creatives completely screwed over by the ‘suits’, take the time and effort to educate yourself about issues like royalties, copyright, international distribution and even taxation [Australian tennis legend Pat Rafter does live in Bermuda for

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a very good reason!]. These may not seem sexy and probably sounds like it’s only for nerds but an ounce of prevention can be worth 10 tons of cure in the music business. You have been warned. Caveat Emptor.

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The Top 40+ Musician’s Websites.

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he following Websites constitute the best 40 or so that the Ultimate Media contributors to this book have found in their music adventures. Please note that the

sites are NOT ranked in order of ‘greatness’ and their usefulness will depend on your own particular favored genre of music. 1. The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada is the largest entertainment organization in the world with over 250 Local Unions throughout the United States and Canada. 2. A major source of paying jobs for local, national and international gigs for musicians. 3. Hitsquad contains music software, guitar, sheet music, 2000 music software titles to download, 2000 discussion forums, 1000 great guitar sites et al.


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4. The Musicians’ Union [UK] Website is a must if you’re trying to make it in the UK. 5. Musicians Network offers a valuable forum where musicians & the music industry can meet. 6. The World Federation of International Music Competitions is dedicated to establishing a global network of internationally recognized organizations that through public competition discover the most promising young talents in the great tradition of classical music and further their careers by presenting them before distinguished juries, general audiences, the media, and the rest of the music community. 7. General contemporary music site featuring unsigned bands, musicians and songwriters, music, midi, free web page for unsigned bands, musicians and songwriters.

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© 2001 Ultimate Media 8. A huge musician’s resource for finding music instrument and equipment retailers. Guitar, bass, drums and percussion, recording, pro audio, midi, used et al.

9. Musicians Showcase Recordings is a resource for classical and jazz musicians who wish to produce and distribute CDs worldwide. Musicians Showcase Recordings helps talented artists record their music, create CDs, and sell the CDs. 10. A recording studio directory online and musicians resource search center connecting recording studios, music producers and engineers, rental equipment, recording supply, educational schools. 11. Features online events listing, internet radio broadcasts, venue locator, concert info, record labels, radio stations,

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search engine, newsletter, research materials, music education information, recording spotlight, industry news, and more. 12. is arguably the largest music-related site on the net. Full of services and resources, there’s something here for every musician.

13. Music Network USA is a link centerpoint for a good range of important music industry resources on the Internet.

14. AudioGalaxy is the premier MP3 file-format Music Service Provider in the world.

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15. ASCAP is the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, a membership association of over 80,000 composers, songwriters, lyricists and music publishers. ASCAP’s function is to protect the rights of its members by licensing and paying royalties for the public performances of their copyrighted works. 16. Jeff Mallett’s Songwriting Resources is an extensive array of songwriting links on numerous valuable aspects of the craft. 17. A usenet newsgroup devoted exclusively to songwriting and a great way to discuss aspects of your progress with other like-minded individuals.

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© 2001 Ultimate Media 18. LA-based Li’l Hank’s Guide is a comprehensive resource-intensive site devoted to contemporary songwriting and songwriters. 19. One of the best virtual communities for songwriters and musicians on the Internet. Definitely worth bookmarking if contemporary songwriting is your thing. 20. is a major online guide to guitar stuff. Features articles, chats with musicians, online guitar lessons and tabs, gear reviews and more.

21. Guitar Notes offers tons of useful ‘guitary’ links, lessons, mp3s, tabs, shopping, and reviews.

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22. An excellent e-zine devoted to guitarology. 23. Diverse and central guitar site featuring links to 1000 other guitar and music sites on the Web + info on guitars, bands, MP3, tablature, resources, software, tuition, music search etc. 24. The Europe Jazz Network is a quality site for the jazz player and fan alike. Contains info on music, clubs, jazz networks, musicians and promoters.

25. Yup - it’s the official Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - need we say any more?

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26. Musician’s Friend features thousands of music-related products from more than 400 different manufacturers and are arguably the industry leader in musical equipment, information and customer service online.

27. Mainly one for our Australian readers - this is the best place bar none to get a hold of second hand music gear.

28. They may be struggling to survive online these days but CDNow were one of the music retail pioneers on the Internet and the site constains a staggering amount of information that is freely available.

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29. If you’re buying music, a visit to Amazon is pretty well mandatory now if you’re interested in saving those hard-earned bucks.

30. This site features over 50,000 titles of downloadable sheet music and MIDI files - beat that!

31. Rolling Stone may seem pretty long in the tooth now but this online e-zine will still keep you plugged in to the contemporary music industry in a way that few other magazines can.

32. Standout site for current music information in considerable depth and range.

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33. Here you will find a huge variety of sheet music arranged for piano and guitar. You can search to find a specific song or browse music by category.

34. contains a feast of Bass Guitar and Double Bass news, tabs, discussion, articles, reviews, and more. 35. is the Internet home for The Nashville Network [TNN], Country Music Television [CMT] and sections dedicated to country music.

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36. Like the name suggests, this site is dedicated to getting your contemporary act signed to a music company.

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37. Free indie music resources, with an emphasis on education in the music business + original articles.

html 38. Interactive website database where music industry talentseekers & the public can access signed & unsigned artists.

39. Visually ain’t that pretty but it offers a comprehensive array of files about classical music, including links to other web sites and information about music mailing lists; covering the last 900 years in Western art music.

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40. Searchable US calendar of live music and gigs - claims to be the biggest in the world and we won’t be arguing the point. 41. This songwriting education resource is designed to provide you with educational articles on the craft of songwriting, as well as inform you of upcoming songwriting courses and seminars.

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The Best 50+ Quotes of All Time About Making Music.

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he following axioms and observations constitute a selection of the favorites from those who worked on compiling this reference work. “Music is spiritual. The music business is not.”

Van Morrison

“It’s better to burn out, than fade away.” Neil Young

“I'm more interested in what I discover than what I invent.”

Paul Simon

“If you’re going to dream dreams, make them big ones.” Anonymous

“If anyone has conducted a Beethoven performance, and then

doesn’t have to go to an osteopath, then there’s something wrong.”

Simon Rattle

“The history of the music industry is a history of exploitation and theft.”

Robert Fripp


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“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”


“We would try to play other people’s songs, but we just couldn’t play them. We played them so badly, we decided to

write our own songs.” Bono [from U2]

“Music is everybody’s possession. It’s only publishers who

think that people own it.” John Lennon

“If you have to ask what music is, you’ll never really know.”

Louis Armstrong

“Music is higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” Ludwig van Beethoven

“That which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is

music.” Aldous Huxley

“Love is friendship set to music.”

Joseph Crossmann

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“Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of you.”

Charlie Parker

“All art constantly aspires towards the condition of music.” Walter Pater

“Music, in performance, is a type of sculpture. The air in the

performance is sculpted into something.” Frank Zappa

“Perhaps all music, even the newest, is not so much

something discovered as something that re-emerges from where it lay buried in the memory.”

Jean Genet

“A lot of pop music is about stealing pocket money from children.”

Ian Anderson

“I listened, motionless and still; And, as I mounted up the hill, The music in my heart I bore,

Long after it was heard no more.” William Wordsworth

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“I don’t know anything about music. In my line, you don’t have to.”

Elvis Presley

“Work is what you do for others. Art is what you do for yourself.”

Stephen Sondheim

“The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sing the best.” Henry David Thoreau

“There is no truer truth obtainable by man than comes of

music.” Robert Browning

“If music be the food of love, play on.”

William Shakespeare

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.”


“Music is the universal language of mankind.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of dates by which bills must be paid.

Frank Zappa

“We are all of us living in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

Oscar Wilde

“The whole [music] business is built on ego, vanity, self-satisfaction, and it’s total crap to pretend it’s not.”

George Michael

“People used to throw rocks at me because of my clothes. Now they wanna know where I buy them.”

Cyndi Lauper

“If I weren’t as talented as I am ambitious, I would be a gross monstrosity.”


“People really lead flat lives. They need some sort of peak. I like to be that peak.”

Michael Hutchence [from INXS]

“Anybody that walks can sing.” Michael Stipe [from REM]

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“Artists everywhere steal mercilessly all the time and I think this is healthy.” Peter Gabriel

“What pisses me off is when I’ve got seven or eight record company fat pig men sitting there telling me what to wear.”

Sinead O’Connor

“All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars.”


“We don’t like their sound. Guitars are on the way out.” Decca Records executive, turning down The Beatles


“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and

good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.” Hunter S. Thompson

“Anyone who thinks telekinesis, telepathy, and thought control are merely science-fictional inventions has never

attended a decent-sized rock concert.” Alan Dean Foster

[writer of Alien]

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“Music is a beautiful opiate, if you don’t take it too seriously.”

Henry Miller

“There’s a basic rule which runs through all kinds of music, kind of an unwritten rule. I don’t know what it is. But I’ve

got it.” Ron Wood [from The Rolling Stones]

“I have always believed that opera is a planet where the

muses work together, join hands and celebrate all the arts.” Franco Zeffirelli

“Who sent you to me? God?”

Puccini on first hearing Enrico Caruso

“I will seize Fate by the throat; it shall certainly not bend and crush me completely.”

Ludwig von Beethoven

“I’d rather be a hammer than a nail.” Simon & Garfunkel lyric

“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”

Rush lyric

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“If I knew where the good songs came from, I'd go there more often.”

Leonard Cohen

“Music breeds its own inspiration. You can only do it by doing it.”

Burt Bacharach

“Even Babe Ruth didn't hit a home run every time he was up to bat.”

Paul Simon

“I was painting a picture with the lyrics. There was no real idea to get across.”

Soundgarden on Black Hole Sun

And our #1 all-time favourite:

“All you need is love, love. Love is all you need.” The Beatles lyric

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The Annual Music Contest Calendar.

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he below competition calendar is sequentially organized with all January to December competitions listed after any ongoing or recurrent music contests.

Please note that virtually all of the contests listed in this compilation are regularly staged and deadlines thus fall in similar timeframes from year-to-year or event-to-event. It is critical, however, to ALWAYS check with organizers for confirmation as details can and do change. Ultimate Media makes no representations and accepts no responsibility for, the conduct of organizations, contests, competitions or individuals listed below - this compilation is merely your signpost to these contests, not an assurance of their legitimacy [something that is physically impossible to ascertain]. Should you be involved in the running of a music competition or award and would like your event listed [free] in this publication, please contact us via [email protected] - we heartily welcome your participation.


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ENTRY LEGEND Please read this Legend for a full understanding of the Competition Entries below: LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: The final closing date for entries [usually postmarked] - some contests may only be entered during certain ‘windows’ and are thus shown in this section e.g. January 1-February 28 2002. The acronym “TBC” that sometimes appears in a listing here means “To Be Confirmed” - in short, organizers have not finalized details yet but all details from the previous running of the event are included for your information. FREQ: How often the event is staged e.g. annually, every 3 years etc. INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Lists what type or types of music this competition or organization runs e.g. piano, lied, cello, songwriting etc. Where an organization runs another contest that closes on a different date to the entry it appears in, its deadline will appear in brackets after its listing in the generic type. CITY/COUNTRY: Tells you which city and country the competition organization is located in, which in many cases - as per the next heading, OPEN TO: - may or may not affect your eligibility to enter.

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OPEN TO: Defines who is eligible on the basis of nationality, residency, age, sex, race, education status or professional status as a musician. FEE: Details entry fee required for your application/ submission. Dollar amounts are usually in the currency of the organizer’s country unless otherwise stated. TITLE: This is the contest name. Please note that if the organization running the event forms a part of the contest name, then the ORG/S [organization] section below is deleted as it would merely repeat the same information. ORG/S: The body or bodies running the event e.g. Billboard Magazine. LENGTH: Any relevant length restrictions for the song or performance to be entered into the event. Often though, these are so detailed and long that their inclusion here is not possible [especially for classical music events]. THEME: Any thematic or content-specific restrictions [common for classical events where the possible repertoire is set] for the song or performance to be entered into the event. EXTRA: Any special additional information that might influence your decision to enter or not. NOTE: Always check with organizers for specific presentation criteria [this is self-explanatory and a must]. PRIZES: Main prizes are listed here e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. including performance engagements if relevant. ADDRESS: The mailing address for the organization staging the contest. Virtually all listed contest organizations require a

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#10 SASE [Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope] in order for comprehensive guidelines to be posted back to you. PH: The organization’s phone number. Listing of a phone/fax number usually indicates that the organization is happy for entrants to contact them via this means. The absence of such numbers similarly means that they do NOT wish to be contacted this way. FAX: As per phone number above. WEBSITE: The contest/contest organization’s URL [WWW “address”] to be typed into your browser. E-MAIL: The contest organizer’s e-mail address through which they can be electronically corresponded with.

Good luck in your music projects!

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January-December Music Competitions.

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************************************************* “BATTLE OF THE BANDS” COMPETITIONS

************************************************* iven the ad hoc nature of ‘Battle of The Bands’ type of pop/rock band contests, one of the best ways to locate these is to check at your local music instruments retailers as most of these events are

sponsored by instrument manufacturers. Flyers for the next event or information from the staff in these shops is thus the fastest way to find out about them. Nonetheless, these are some fair ‘Battle of The Bands’ links: Such is their one-off nature and lack of ongoing structure, that their inclusion in this book was virtually impossible. Another option is to do a web search on a local search engine [or the superb] with a search string like: “battle of the bands”+dallas or “battle of the bands”+liverpool A third option is asking the contemporary music department of your local conservatorium or university.


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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Next nomination deadline is TBC and will be posted on Website below shortly FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: See OPEN TO CITY/COUNTRY: Canada OPEN TO: Individuals may not put forward their own nomination. They must be nominated by three specialists in their field or in a related field. Individuals from any country are eligible, and may come from a broad range of fields, including musical creation or performance, film, video, television, radio and recordings, music-theatre and writing. FEE: No TITLE: Glenn Gould Prize, Glenn Gould International Protegé Prize in Music & Communciation ORG/S: Glenn Gould Foundation LENGTH: N/A THEME: Glenn Gould Prize recognizes an exceptional contribution to music and its communication through the use of any communications technologies. The Glenn Gould Prize is awarded to an individual who has earned international recognition as the result of a highly exceptional contribution to music and its communication, through the use of any communications technologies. PRIZES: Prize is awarded every three years and consists of C$50,000 + original work by a Canadian artist. Glenn Gould Prize laureate selects a young adult from anywhere in the world to receive the City of Toronto - Glenn Gould International Protegé Prize in Music and Communciation. The Protegé Prize, which is provided by the City of Toronto and awarded in Toronto at the time of the Glenn Gould Prize, is a cash award of C$10,000. ONLINE ENTRY: No

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NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: The Glenn Gould Foundation, PO Box 190, 260 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1N1, Canada. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Opens 1st Quarter 2002-refer Website below for details FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting/Popular Music Performance-Categories: R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap, Reggae, Gospel, Country [**Christian/Secular music] COUNTRY: USA OPEN TO: All FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: GGM Annual Song Contest ORG/S: God’s Gift Music LENGTH: TBC for 2002 THEME: See GENRE/S PRIZES: $10,000 total prize value ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Contest address is TBC for 2002 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Vary throughout year-refer Website for numerous individual awards FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Musicology CITY/COUNTRY: Philadelphia, USA OPEN TO: Varies across numerous awards FEE: No TITLE: Annual Music Awards: Alfred Einstein Award [June 1] 1, Philip Brett Award [July 1], Noah Greenberg Award [March 1], Otto Kinkeldey Award [no set deadline], Howard Mayer Brown Fellowships for minority graduate study in musicology [April 1], Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Dissertation - year Fellowships [January 15] ORG/S: American Musicological Society LENGTH: Varies by event-refer Website THEME: Varies by event-refer Website PRIZES: Vary but usually considerable monetary reward + kudos [e.g. Greenberg - $2,000] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Each award address varies across the US though AMS address is: AMS, 201 S. 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6313 USA. PH: 215-898-8698 OR 888-611-4267 [Toll-free] FAX: 215-573-3673 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Announced shortly on Website below FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: All CITY/COUNTRY: New York USA OPEN TO: All instrumentalists, singers, and chamber ensembles, with no age, place of residence, or other restrictions. FEE: TBC for next staging TITLE: Web Concert Hall International Competition ORG/S: LENGTH: competition is conducted via recorded submission of live concert or recorded in a recording studio or equivalent in CD, cassette tape, or DAT format from the contestants THEME: Open PRIZES: ‘Each basic award is worth a minimum of US$10,000 dollars in terms of the publicity and broadcast time. It may, of course, be worth far more, in terms of exposure to the managers and other music professionals.’ ONLINE ENTRY: Yes-refer Website NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: ‘The purpose of International Web Concert Hall Audition is to promote and advance the careers of gifted artists internationally, not only by broadcasting the performance of winners on the Web Concert Hall but also by promoting them to various managers and institutions.’ ADDRESS: Web Concert Hall, Debut Audition, 2565 Broadway #316, New York, NY 10025 USA. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: To request for the next year's competition, email [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINES: Vary by regional audition date-applications must be received at least 10 days prior to audition date-refer Website for regional dates. FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Opera-2 Categories: Professional, College CITY/COUNTRY: Indianapolis, USA OPEN TO: US citizens via regional auditions-sites are listed on the application instructions [Maximum age limit for the professional division is 36 years of age on date of audition. All applicants must have performed a stage Role. Maximum age limit for the college division is 25 years at audition; Schmidt Youth Awards is for Indiana high school singers]. FEE: $30 [Professional], $10 [College] TITLE: MacAllister Awards, Schmidt Youth Awards ORG/S: Indiana Opera Theatre LENGTH: Varies by category-refer Website THEME: Varies by category-refer Website PRIZES: 1st Professional Division $20,000 [prizemoney c. $64,000 total] 1st $1,000 [Schmidt] ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Opera, 7515 E. 30th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46219 USA. Schmidt: The Schmidt Youth Awards, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 USA. PH: 317-925-0049 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: TBC for 2002/3 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Palm Beach, USA OPEN TO: Invited competitors FEE: TBC for 2002/3 TITLE: Palm Beach Invitational International Piano Competition ORG/S: Guild for International Piano Competitions LENGTH: TBC for 2002/3 THEME: TBC for 2002/3 PRIZES: 1st $15,000 + recital at Lincoln Center in New York ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Palm Beach Invitational International Piano Competition, PO Box 3094, Palm Beach, FL 33480-1294 USA. PH: 561-833-8817 FAX: 561-833-6735

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: NSC starts in January and culminates with the finals in Nashville, July 28-30 [TBC for 2002]. FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [Karaoke] CITY/COUNTRY: Nashville, USA OPEN TO: US residents 21 years or older FEE: No but venue may have general cover charge TITLE: National Singing Championship [a networked karaoke singing contest throughout North America] ORG/S: NSC LENGTH: Open - choose the song in your participating local venue THEME: Open - choose the song in your participating local venue. At the State and National Finals, only songs from the Sound Choice library are to be used [details on Website]. PRIZES: NSC Grand Champion in Nashville receives $10,000, 2nd place in Nashville receives recording session at Sound Choice studios in Charlotte, NC, 3rd place in Nashville receives ProSing Hardware. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Local contests are held over a 10 week period. That results in 10 local winners. The local venue will have a “sing-off” for those 10 winners, and send one winner to the state finals. At the state finals, all the local winners will compete for one representative. ADDRESS: Search for a local venue on “Locate Contests” page at OR National Singing Championship, 12555 Enterprise Blvd. #102, Largo, FL 33773 USA. WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: January 15 2003 [TBC][held March] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Epinal, France OPEN TO: All between 15 and 30 years of age FEE: FRF500 [76.22 Euros] TITLE: International Piano Competition [Concours International de Piano] ORG/S: International de Piano d’Epinal LENGTH: TBC for 2003 THEME: TBC for 2003 PRIZES: 1st Epinal Grand Prize FRF40,000 [c. US$5,400]; 2nd FRF20,000; 3rd FRF10,000, 4th FRF5,000; medals, concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: May be limited to 110 candidates. Final round with The Orchestre Symphonique de Montbeliard. Accommodation with host families if available. ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours, International de Piano d’Epinal, B.P. 428, F-88011 Epinal Cedex, France. PH: [33] 329-82-53-32 FAX: [33] 329-35-26-16

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: January 15 2004 [TBC][held July] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Lawrence, Kansas, USA [next staging in Lisbon, Portugal in 2004] OPEN TO: All between 18 and 28 years of age FEE: TBC for 2004 TITLE: Vianna da Motta International Music Competition ORG/S: The Vianna Da Motta International Music Foundation LENGTH: TBC for 2004 THEME: TBC for 2004 PRIZES: $50,000 total prize value ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Vianna de Motta International Music Competition, PO Box 4008, Lawrence, Kansas 66046-1008, USA. PH: [1-785] 832-0838 FAX: [1-785] 832-2643 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: January 15 2002 [held March 30-April 13 2002] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Utrecht, Netherlands OPEN TO: All born after March 30 1971 and before March 30 1987 FEE: No TITLE: International Franz Liszt Piano Competition ORG/S: Music Centre Vredenburg LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 1st EURO15,000 [c. US$13,000], 2nd EURO5,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Competitors must not have any other professional commitments during the period of the Competition. Free lodging and travel expenses for semi-finalists. Airfare will be repaid [up to maximum of 750 Euro] to all semi-finalists. The Foundation has exclusive rights to visual and sound recordings made during the Competition. ADDRESS: Liszt Competition Foundation, c/o Quinten Peelen, PO Box 550NL-35000 AN, Utrecht, The Netherlands. PH: 31-[0]30-2-862-229 FAX: 31-[0]30-2-316-522 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: January 15 2004 [TBC][held March] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano [See also April 1] CITY/COUNTRY: Vilnius, Lithuania OPEN TO: All born on or after January 1 1982 FEE: 100 Litas [or equivalent in Euro or US$] TITLE: Stasys Vainiunas International Piano Competition LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st 4,000 Litas [c. US$1,000]; 2nd 2,000 Litas; 3rd 1,200 Litas; 4th 800 Litas + 2 prizes of 400 Litas ONLINE ENTRY: No but application form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Competitors will play on a Steinway piano. ADDRESS: Stasys Vainiunas International Piano Competition, Ausros Vartu str. 5, LT-2001 Vilnius, Lithuania. PH: [370-2] 685-840 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: January 15 2004 [held May 4-June 7 2004] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin, singing [classical], composition [classical]-varies each year CITY/COUNTRY: Brussels, Belgium OPEN TO: Candidates must be under 27 years of age on the 15 January 2003 FEE: Yes-TBC for 2003 TITLE: Queen Elisabeth International Musical Competition ORG/S: Concours Reine Elisabeth LENGTH: TBC for 2003 THEME: TBC for 2003 PRIZES: Range from BEF50,000 to BEF500,000 [c. US$11,000] + concert engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours Reine Elisabeth, 20 rue aux laines, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. PH: [32-2] 513-00-99 FAX: [32-2] 514-32-97 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: January 31 [held April 30-May 11] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Flute, trombone [varies each year] CITY/COUNTRY: Markneukirchen, Germany OPEN TO: All soloists of all nationalities born after January 1 1972 FEE: EURO70 TITLE: International Instrumental Competition LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 1st EURO5113 [c. US$4,500], 2nd EURO3579, 3rd EURO2556 [for each instrument] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Sekretariat, Internationaler Instrumentalwettbewerb, Am Rathaus 2, D-08258 Markneukirchen, Germany. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: January 31 2002 [held June 16-23] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: String quartet performance CITY/COUNTRY: Reggio Emilia, Italy OPEN TO: String quartets of all nationalities whose members were born after June 16 1967. The total age of the ensemble shall not exceed 120 years on June 16 2002. FEE: EURO80 TITLE: International String Quartet Competition LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 1st EURO19,000 [c. US$17,000] + contracts for the 2002/2003 season for international tours in Europe and United States; 2nd EURO13,800; 3rd EURO6,600 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Board and lodging provided to all selected quartets. ADDRESS: Concorso Internazionale per quartetto d’archi “Premio Paolo Borciani”, Teatro Municipale Valli, Piazza Martiri del 7 luglio, 42100 Reggio Emilia Italy. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: February 1 [held June 1-9] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Varies by event [*2002: Flute] CITY/COUNTRY: Odense, Denmark OPEN TO: All aged under 30 years FEE: US$70/bank cheque for DKK500 TITLE: Carl Nielsen International [Clarinette *] Competition LENGTH: See THEME THEME: Set repertoire choices-refer Website PRIZES: 1st DKK125,000 [c. US$15,000]; 2nd DKK75,000; 3rd DKK50,000; 4th DKK30,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: The Carl Nielsen International Music Competitions, Odense Symfoniorkester, Claus Bergs Gade 9, DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark. PH: [45] 66-12-00-57 FAX: [45] 65-91-00-47 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: January 28 2002 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition CITY/COUNTRY: Louisville, USA OPEN TO: All submitted work must have premiered between January 1 1997 and December 31 2002. FEE: No TITLE: University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition ORG/S: University of Louisville LENGTH: See OPEN TO THEME: See OPEN TO PRIZES: 1st US$200,000 paid in five annual installments of US$40,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Grawemeyer Music Award Committee, School of Music, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292 USA. PH: 502-852-6907 FAX: 502-852-0520 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: February 14 2002 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting/popular music performance [all genres] CITY/COUNTRY: New York, USA OPEN TO: All FEE: US$10 [payable to “ModMusic Indie”] TITLE: Indie Band Search ORG/S: Modmusic Records LENGTH: CD/s or audio cassette/s or DAT/s containing no more than 2 songs, 5 minutes or less each in length. Photos, lyric sheets, press and additional promo materials may be submitted, but are not required. THEME: Open PRIZES: 10 finalists will receive a slot on the ‘Indie Choice 2002’ compilation CD, which will be released on ModMusic Records and distributed nationally through Big Daddy Music Distribution. 1 of the 10 finalists will be Grand Prize Winner and two others will be 2nd and 3rd. Top 3 winners will receive prizes worth up to $10,000 [see prize list-refer Website]. Remaining 7 finalists will receive gear and prizes worth over $1,000 [see prize list-refer Website]. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: International submissions are accepted. ADDRESS: Modmusic Records Indie Band Search, PO Box 3310, L.I.C., NY 11103 USA. PH: 212-479-8418 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: February 22 [held April] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: For 2002, Sonata duos: piano-violin, piano-cello [classical-genres vary each year] CITY/COUNTRY: Barcelona, Spain OPEN TO: Varies by genre. Piano: 18-32 years of age, Singing: 18-35 years of age. FEE: Yes-TBC for 2002 TITLE: Maria Canals Barcelona International Musical Execution Competition LENGTH: Set repertoire TBC for 2002 THEME: Set repertoire TBC for 2002 PRIZES: ESP4,000,000 [c. US$21,000] total prize value + medals, diplomas ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: 40 lodging and breakfast allowances for first 40 enrolled who ask by letter. ADDRESS: Ars Nova - Concours, Maria Canals, Gran Via de les Corts, Catalanes 654 - pral., E-08010 Barcelona, Spain. PH/FAX: [34-93] 318-77-31 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: February 28 2002 [held September 6-22 2002] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Indianapolis, USA OPEN TO: All between 16 and 30 years of age FEE: US$100 TITLE: International Violin Competition of Indianapolis LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: Over $250,000 in cash prizes and engagements will be awarded. 1st Josef Gingold 24k Gold Medal + $30,000; 2nd Silver medal + $15,000; 3rd Bronze medal + $10,000; 4th $7,000; 5th $6,000; 6th $5,000 + numerous other ancillary prizes. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: The International Violin Competition of Indianapolis 32 E. Washington Street, Suite 1320, Indianapolis, IN USA. PH: +1 [317] 637-4574 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 [held June 3-8 2002] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano [see also October 15 for professional event] CITY/COUNTRY: Fort Worth TX, USA OPEN TO: Minimum age is thirty-five years as of June 3 2002. Applicants may not derive their principal source of income from public performances or piano instruction. FEE: $60 [payable to “Van Cliburn Foundation”] TITLE: Van Cliburn Amateur Piano Competition ORG: Van Cliburn Foundation LENGTH: Applicants will each present a program not to exceed a total of 12 minutes [later finals longer]. THEME: Competitors are free to choose their own programs for all phases of the competition. However, no works may be repeated in subsequent rounds. PRIZES: 1st $2,000, 2nd $1,000; 3rd $500. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Attn: Amateur Competition, Van Cliburn Foundation, 2525 Ridgmar Boulevard, Suite 307, Fort Worth, TX, 76116 USA. PH: [1-817] 738-6536 FAX: [1-817] 738-6534 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 [held May 24-31] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Oboe in 2002 [Varies, 2003: Bassoon; 2004: Horn] CITY/COUNTRY: Toulon, France OPEN TO: All under 31 years on the date of the competition FEE: FRF500 TITLE: Toulon Wind Instruments International Competition [instrument varies year-to-year] LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: Total EURO15,000 [c. US$13,000] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours, International de Musique de Toulon, 117 Avenue Lazare Carnot, F-83000 Toulon, France. PH: [33] 4-9493-5545 FAX: [33] 4-9424-1610 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 2002 INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: New York, USA OPEN TO: All from 17-33 years of age FEE: No TITLE: International Piano Competition ORG/S: Walter W. Naumburg Foundation LENGTH: Application forms and a tape recording of no less than 30 minutes of satisfactory listenable quality. THEME: Open PRIZES: 1st $7,500 + 2 Subsidized Recitals in Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center + Orchestral & Recital Performances; 2nd $3,500; 3rd $2,500 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Finals to be held in Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center and will be open to the public. ADDRESS: The, Inc., 60 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023-6588 USA. PH: 212-874-1150 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 2003 FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Cleveland, USA OPEN TO: All pianists who are between the ages of 17 and 32 FEE: US$70 per entrant TITLE: Cleveland International Piano Competition ORG/S: Piano International Association of Northern Ohio LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 1st US$15,000, New York debut recital, compact disc recording, concert engagements, 2 years management, 2nd US$10,000, 3rd US$7,500, 4th US$5,000, US$1,000 each semi-finalist, US$500 each quarter-finalist ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Ms. Karen Knowlton, Executive Director, Cleveland International Piano Competition, The Cleveland Institute of Music, 11021 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 USA. PH: 216-791-5000 [Ext. 299] FAX: 216-707-0224 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 2004 [TBC] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: String quartet - performance CITY/COUNTRY: Banff, Canada OPEN TO: Quartets of all nationalities whose members will all be under the age of 35 on September 2 FEE: US$400 per quartet TITLE: Banff International String Quartet Competition LENGTH: Refer Website below for full details THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: Royal Bank Awards: 1st C$20,000; 2nd $12,000; 3rd $8,000; 4th $5,000 + 1st prize also includes a quartet of bows by internationally renowned Canadian archetier Michael Vann + recital tour to be arranged by The Banff Centre for the Arts + offer of a residency at The Banff Centre for the Arts which includes the production of a promotional compact disc, recorded and produced by The Banff Centre’s Music & Sound Program [value in excess of $45,000]. Pièce de concert Prize $2,000; Székely Prize $3,000. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: No more than 10 quartets will be chosen to compete. ADDRESS: Banff International String Quartet Competition, Banff Centre for the Arts, Box 1020, Station 23, Banff Alberta, Canada T0L 0C0. PH: [1-403] 762 6188 OR [1-800] 565-9989 [Toll-free in North America] FAX: [1-403] 762 6338 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 2003 [held June 11-24 2003] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Zurich, Switzerland OPEN TO: All pianists born after June 11 1971 FEE: CHF300 TITLE: Geza Anda International Piano Competition LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st CHF30,000 [c. US$18,000]; 2nd CHF20,000; 3rd CHF10,000 + certificates + international concert engagements + free management services ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: The final concert will be accompanied by the Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra. ADDRESS: Geza Anda Competition, Bleicherweg 18, CH-8002 Zurich, Switzerland. PH: [41-1] 205 14 23 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 2004 [Last held July 5-15 2001] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Harp CITY/COUNTRY: Bloomington, USA OPEN TO: All aged 16-32 years FEE: TBC for 2004 TITLE: USA International Harp Competition ORG/S: Indiana University School Of Music LENGTH: See THEME THEME: Mandatory works in each stage of competition are selected by the USA International Harp Competition Music Selection Committee and are announced many months in advance of the competition. These works are compulsory and cannot be changed or other works substituted for them - refer Website for details. PRIZES: 1st 24-karat gold-gilded Lyon and Healy Concert Grand Harp [value: $55,000] + debut recitals in London, New York, Paris + debut CD recording + David and Linda Rollo Award of $2,500 + Gloria Rensch Memorial Prize of $2,500. 2nd place receives 2 debut concerts or 1 concert + CD recording + $2,500 Vanderbilt Music Company Award. 3rd place receives the $5,000 George and Catherine McDonald Memorial Prize. 4th place receives the $4,000 The Jill Bailiff Prize. 5th place receives the $3,000 Lorraine L. Yagel Memorial Prize. 6th place receives the $2,000 Peter S. Reis and Rebecca Flannery Award. 7th place receives the $1,000 Clare McLaughlin Student Prize. 8th place receives the $1,000 Cui Jun Zhi Prize. Harp Column Prize of $1,000 for best performance of Ami Ma'ayani's Maqamat. Jan Jennings Prize of $1,000 for best

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performance of Alberto Ginastera’s Concerto for Harp and Orchestra. The Phia Berghout Memorial Prize of $1,000 for best performance of Michael Leese’s Dilling Fantasy. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Mandatory works in each stage of competition are selected by the USA International Harp Competition Music Selection Committee and are announced many months in advance of the competition. These works are compulsory and cannot be changed or other works substituted for them. Final stage with The Indiana University Festival Orchestra. Lodging provided whilst competing in competition. All works performed during the competition must be performed from memory. ADDRESS: USA International Harp Competition, PO Box 5157, Bloomington, Indiana 47407 USA. PH: [812] 856-5715 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 2004 [TBC] [last held June 22-July 5 in 2000] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Opera CITY/COUNTRY: Sofia, Bulgaria OPEN TO: Women born after January 1 1967; Men born after January 1 1965 [years to change for next event] FEE: Yes-TBC for 2004 TITLE: International Boris Christoff Competition for Young Opera Singers LENGTH: TBC for 2004 THEME: TBC for 2004 PRIZES: Grand Prize US$8,000; 2 1sts $4,000 each; 2 2nds $3,000 each; 2 3rds $2,000 each + opera and festival engagements in Bulgaria and other countries [total over US$30,000] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with The Sofia National Opera. ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours, International de Jeunes Chanteurs, d’Opera “Boris Christoff”, 7A, rue Aksakov, BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgarie. PH: [359-2] 987-1772 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 Annually FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition CITY/COUNTRY: New York, USA OPEN TO: Pulitzer Prize in music of $7,500 "for distinguished musical composition of significant dimension by an American that has had its first performance in the United States during the year." FEE: $50 handling fee [payable to “Columbia University/ Pulitzer Prizes”] TITLE: Pulitzer Prize In Music ORG/S: Columbia University, Pulitzer Prize Board LENGTH: Open but refer Website for materials required THEME: Works that receive their American premiere between March 2, 2001 and March 1, 2002 are considered. Entries must be received by the March 1, 2002 deadline, but works premiering earlier in the year should be submitted in advance of this date, if possible. PRIZES: Pulitzer Prize in Music is $7,500 ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Entry forms from: The Pulitzer Prize Office, 709 Journalism, Mail Code 3865, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 USA. PH: [212] 854-3841 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 2005 [TBC] [last held October 4-22 2000] FREQ: Quinquennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Warsaw, Poland OPEN TO: All between 17 and 28 years of age FEE: TBC for 2005 TITLE: International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition ORG/S: Frederick Chopin Society LENGTH: Set-TBC for 2005 THEME: Set-TBC for 2005 PRIZES: 1st US$25,000; 2nd $20,000; 3rd $15,000 + medals ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final round is with the National Philharmonic Orchestra. ADDRESS: International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition, Ostrogski Castle, ul. Okolnik 1, PL-00-368, Warszaw, Poland. PH: [48-22] 827-5471 FAX: [48-22] 827-9599 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 2 2002 [NY Auditions] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano [classical][Voice competition scheduled for Spring 2004 - details on Website shortly] CITY/COUNTRY: New York, USA OPEN TO: Citizens and permanent residents of the US and to international full-time students with valid student visas. Applicants must be between the ages of 16 and 22 as of April 6, 2002 FEE: $35 [payable to “Kosciuszko Foundation”] TITLE: Chopin Piano Competition ORG/S: Kosciuszko Foundation LENGTH: Entries must include biography/curriculum vitae; 2 letters of recommendation emphasizing artistic ability; typewritten copy of program from the required repertoire [on Website]; copy of an official document denoting proof of age; B/W photo suitable for reproduction no smaller than 3 x 5 inches. THEME: Set Chopin repertoire of 60-75 minutes total [refer Website] PRIZES: 1st $5,000; 2nd $2,500; 3rd $1,500 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: The Kosciuszko Foundation is dedicated to promoting educational and cultural relations between the United States and Poland, and to increasing American awareness of Polish culture and history. In addition to its grants and scholarships, which total more than $1 million annually, the Foundation presents a variety of cultural programs including lectures, concerts, and exhibitions, which explore and reflect its mission of promoting Polish culture in

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the United States, and nurturing the spirit of multicultural co-operation. ADDRESS: The Chopin Piano Competition, Kosciuszko Foundation, 15 East 65th Street New York, New York 10021-6595 USA. PH: 212-734-2130 FAX: 212-628-4552 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 15 2002 [held June 25-July 6 2002] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: In 2002, violin, piano and voice CITY/COUNTRY: Leipzig, Germany OPEN TO: All aged 16-34 years FEE: Yes-TBC for 2002 TITLE: International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition ORG/S: Competition is affiliated with the World Federation of International Music Competitions, Geneva. LENGTH: See THEME THEME: Set repertoire choices-refer Website PRIZES: 1st DM12,000 [c. US$5,500]; 2nd DM9,000; 3rd DM6,000 + concerts, CD production ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Internationaler Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Wettbewerb, Bach-Archiv Leipzig, Thomaskirchhof 16 D-04013, Leipzig, Germany. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 15 2002 FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Conducting [classical composition every alternate year] CITY/COUNTRY: Besancon, France OPEN TO: All under 35 years FEE: Yes-TBC for 2002 TITLE: International Young Conductors Competition LENGTH: See THEME THEME: Set repertoire choices-refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: 1st FRF70,000 [c. US$9,500] + opportunity to Conduct international orchestras ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with l’Orchestre National de Lyon ADDRESS: Réglement et Inscription: Festival, International de Musique de Besançon Franche Comté3bis, rue, Léonel de Moustier F-25000, Besançon, France. PH: [33] 03-81-25-05-85 FAX: [33] 03-81-81-52-15 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 1 2002 [held May 29-June 9 2002] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Terni, Italy OPEN TO: Pianists of any nationality regularly enrolled and who were born after 1st January 1972 FEE: ITL150,000 TITLE: International Piano Competition LENGTH: Set repertoire- refer Website THEME: Set repertoire- refer Website PRIZES: 1st ITL15,000,000 [c. US$7,000]; 2nd ITL8,000,000; 3rd ITL5,000,000; 4th ITL4,000,000; Alessendro Casagrande Prize ITL5,000,000; Musical Criticism Prize ITL4,000,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Concorso Pianistico Internazionale, ‘Alessandro Casagrande’, Comune Di Terni 05100 Terni Italia. PH/FAX: [39-0744] 549-713 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 15 2004 [TBC] FREQ: Quinquennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Helsinki, Finland OPEN TO: All women born in 1968 or later, men born in 1966 or later [years will change for next event] FEE: TBC for 2004 TITLE: Mirjam Helin International Singing Competition ORG/S: Finnish Cultural Foundation LENGTH: See THEME THEME: Set repertoire choices-refer Website PRIZES: 1st FIM100,000 [US$17,500], 2nd FIM70,000 [US$12,000], 3rd FIM50,000 [US$8,500], 4th FIM25,000 [US$4,500] [same prizes in both men’s and women’s Section] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage with the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. Competitors will be accommodated free of charge with private families in Helsinki, and will receive a daily allowance of FIM100 during their active participation in the competition. The Competition Comite could give a travel allowance to non-European competitors. ADDRESS: The Mirjam Helin International Singing Competition, Finnish Cultural Foundation, PL 203, 00121 Helsinki, Finland. PH: 358-9-680-2875 FAX: 358-9-640474 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 15 2003 [held September 3-20 2003] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Pianoforte CITY/COUNTRY: Leeds, UK OPEN TO: Professional pianists of all nationalities born on or after September 1 1973 FEE: Yes-TBC for 2003 TITLE: Leeds International Pianoforte Competition ORG/S: University of Leeds LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 1st £12,000 [c. US$17,000], 2nd £6,000, 3rd £4,000, 4th £3,500, 5th £3,000, 6th £2,500; Semi-Final Prizes: 6 X £1,500; 2nd Stage Prizes: £800, 20 X £700; Schubert Prize £2,000; Contemporary Music Prize £1,000 + concert engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No but application form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Leeds International Pianoforte Competition, Piano Competition Office, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 31 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Compositions [for ensembles in the field of ‘New Music’] CITY/COUNTRY: Freiburg, Germany OPEN TO: Composers and groups of composers FEE: No TITLE: Elisabeth-Schneider-Prize - International Competition of Composition ORG/S: The Elisabeth Schneider Foundation LENGTH: The composition should be arranged to include at least 3 and no more than 15 performers. The following instruments are at the composer’s disposal: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon; trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba; violin, viola, violoncello, double bass; piano, harp, percussion; Voice. Duration of the composition is unrestricted. THEME: Open. Conceptual scores and works including staged elements, as well as those using additional electro acoustic equipment and media are eligible. PRIZES: DM26,000 [c. US$13,000] which can be divided into up to three prizes by the jury ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Only compositions that have not been performed, published or awarded at any other competition can be submitted. ADDRESS: Ensemble Aventure, Wilhelmstraße 17f, D-79098 Freiburg, Germany. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 31 2002 [held June 24-30 2002] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Bratislava, Slovak Republic OPEN TO: All under 32 years of age at beginning of competition FEE: Yes-TBC for 2002 TITLE: J.N. Hummel International Piano Competition ORG/S: Foundation of Cyril and Methodius LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st SKK120,000 [c. US$2,400] + 5 concerts; 2nd SKK60,000; 3rd SKK40,000; Hummel Foundation Prize; Yan Cikker Foundation Prize; Ministry of Education Prize; Music Fund Prize; NMC-Slovkoncert Prize ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is performed with the Slovak Philharmony. ADDRESS: International Piano Competition, Foundation of Cyril and Methodius, Venturska 9, 81101 Bratislava, Slovak Republic. PH/FAX: [42/17] 54-41-90-61

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: March 31 2004 [TBC][last held September 5-16] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Glasgow, Scotland OPEN TO: All under 30 years of age FEE: £40 [payable to “The Scottish International Piano Competition”] TITLE: Scottish International Piano Competition ORG/S: Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama LENGTH: TBC for 2004 THEME: TBC for 2004 PRIZES: 1st Prize: £10,000 [c. US$14,000]; 2nd £5,000; 3rd £2,500 + medals. In addition to the cash prize, the winner of the competition will be entitled (subject to certain conditions) to receive an award from the Alfred-Reinhold-Stiftung Foundation of a 190cms Blüthner Grand Pianoforte. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. ADDRESS: Robin Barr, Scottish International Piano Competition, c/o Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama, 100 Renfrew Street, Glasgow G2 3DB Scotland. PH: 44-0141-332-4101 [Ext. 243] FAX: 44-0141 332-8901 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: April 1 2003 [TBC] [Held September 13-22 in 1999 - September 2003 for next event] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Organ, Piano [See other events also on April 1, January 15] CITY/COUNTRY: Vilnius, Lithuania OPEN TO: Organists born on or after January 1 1964; Pianists born on or after January 1 1969 [years will advance for next event] FEE: DM100 [could change for 2003 event] TITLE: M.K. Ciurlionis International Piano and Organ Competition LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st US$5,000, 2nd US$3,000, 3rd US$1,000, 3 X US$1,000 + medals ONLINE ENTRY: No but application form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Steinway piano will be provided for pianists’ performances. ADDRESS: M.K. Ciurlionis International Piano and Organ Competition, Ausros Vartu str. 5, LT-2001 Vilnius, Lithuania. PH: [370-2] 629-460 FAX: [370-2] 626-989 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: April 1 2004 [held June 2004] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano, singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Zwickau, Germany OPEN TO: Pianists under 30 years of age; singers under 32 FEE: Yes-TBC for 2004 TITLE: Robert-Schumann International Competition LENGTH: Set-TBC for 2004 THEME: Set-TBC for 2004 PRIZES: Pianists: 1st DM15,000 [c. US$7,500]; 2nd DM10,000; 3rd DM5,000; Singers: 1st DM15,000; 2nd DM10,000; 3rd DM5,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Internationaler Robert-Schumann-Wettbewerb, fur Kalvier und Gesang, Munzstrasse 12, D-08056 Zwickau, Germany. PH: [49-375] 212-636 FAX: [49-375] 834-130 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: April 1 2002 [held August 15-23 2002] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Organ CITY/COUNTRY: Odense, Denmark OPEN TO: All organists of all nationalities, under the age of 35 FEE: DKK 500 TITLE: International Organ Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for details of repertoire THEME: Refer Website for details of repertoire PRIZES: 1st DKK40,000 [c. US$4,800]; 2nd DKK15,000; 3rd DKK10,000; 4th DKK5,000 + organizing committee will try to arrange a concert tour [about 10 concerts] in Denmark for the 1st prizewinner during the summer 2003. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Odense International Organ Competition & Festival, Læssøegade 74, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark. FAX: [45] 6613-6363 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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DEADLINE: April 15 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano, wind ensemble, jazz CITY/COUNTRY: Rochester NY, USA OPEN TO: All aged 14-18 years FEE: US$25 for Music Horizons, Summer Jazz Studies, Summer Wind Ensemble; US$100 for Piano Competition [payable to “Eastman School of Music”] TITLE: International Piano Competition, Music Horizons, Summer Wind Ensemble, Jazz Composers Weekend, Music Technology Weekend ORG/S: Eastman School of Music LENGTH: Entry must include music resumé, letter of recommendation + taped audition THEME: Open PRIZES: $6,000 in total prizes + scholarships ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Eastman School of Music, Community Education Division - Summer Session Office, 26 Gibbs Street, Rochester NY 14604-2599 USA. PH: 716-274 -1521 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: April 15 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [contemporary classical music] CITY/COUNTRY: Omaha, USA OPEN TO: All composers who are 25 years or older on or before April 15 FEE: US$30 [payable to “Omaha Symphony Guild”] TITLE: New Music Competition ORG/S: Omaha Symphony Guild LENGTH: Should not exceed 20 minutes THEME: “The composition must be scored for chamber orchestra or chamber ensemble personnel [winds: 2222, brass: 2211, timp+2 percussion, harp, keyboard, strings: 6-6-4-4-2 maximum]. Compositions for full chamber strings only, [6-6-4-4-2] as well as concertos, will also be accepted. Compositions for small ensembles such as trio, quartet or quintet will not be accepted.” PRIZES: 1st $3,000+ winning composition performed by Omaha Symphony Orchestra conducted by Victor Yamplosky + possible inclusion in Omaha Symphony Season ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Omaha Symphony Guild, Nancy Szalay, 13505 Parker Street, Omaha, NE 68154 USA. WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: April 15 [Last held May 21-27 2001] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Chamber Music Performance [groups with piano and string instruments from duo to quintet] [Categories: Violin and Piano Duo; Viola and Piano Duo; Violoncello and Piano Duo; Piano and String Trio; Piano and String Quartet; Piano and String Quintet CITY/COUNTRY: Trieste, Italy OPEN TO: All but members of the ensembles must be of an age which [on average] does not exceed 32 years on December 31 2000 FEE: 200,000ITL [lire] per ensemble TITLE: International Competition for Music Chamber Ensembles ORG/S: Associazione Chamber Music-Trio di Trieste LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: Premio Trio di Trieste ITL20,000,000 [c. US$9,000]; 2nd ITL10,000,000; 3rd ITL8,000,000; Special Prize ITL20,000,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No but application form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Associazione "Chamber, Music-Trio di Trieste", via Mazzini 12, 34121 Trieste Italy. PH: 39-040-3480-598 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: April 25 [held September 2-20] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Bassoon, Piano, Piano Trio, Oboe [genres vary with each annual event. 2003 Competition: Voice, Clarinet, Double Bass, Trumpet] CITY/COUNTRY: Munich, Germany OPEN TO: Soloists 17-30 years; Trio 17-32 years; Singers (female) 20-30 years; Singers (male) 20-32 years FEE: DM150 [Quintet DM300][Competitors from Germany and other European countries are asked to pay with Euro-cheque] TITLE: 51st International Music Competition of the ARD LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: Soloists 1st DEM20,000 [c. US$10,000], 2nd DEM15,000, 3rd DEM10,000. Piano Trio 1st DEM45,000; 2nd DEM33,750, 3rd DEM 22,500. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Internationaler Musikwettbewerb, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Rundfunkplatz 1, D-80300 München [Munich], Germany. PH: [49-89] 5900-2471 FAX: [49-89] 5900-3573 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: April 27 2003 [TBC][held June 23-29] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Provence, France OPEN TO: Tenors born after January 1 1967; Baritones and base-baritones born after January 1 1965; Sopranos born after January 1 1969; Mezzo contralti et alti born after January 1 1967; French Melody Prize born after January 1 1963 [Years to vary for next event - add 2] FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: International Singing Competition of Paris [Opera & French Melody Prizes] LENGTH: TBC for 2003-refer organizer THEME: TBC for 2003-refer organizer PRIZES: 1st Opera Prize FRF50,000 [c. US$6,500] [Total c. FRF170,000] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Concours International de Chant et, de Musique de Chambre de Paris, 8 rue du Dome, F-75116 Paris, France. PH: [33] 1-4704-7638 FAX: [33] 1-4727-3503 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: April 31 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Music theater, piano, strings, voice CITY/COUNTRY: Woodmere NY USA OPEN TO: All between the ages of 17 and 26 [“and whose futures are in the field of professional musical performance”] FEE: US$25 per entry TITLE: 5 Towns Competition ORG/S: 5 Town Music and Art Foundation LENGTH: Solo Instruments and Voice competitors shall have four works of Baroque, Classic, Romantic and Contemporary styles ready for presentation. Music Theater competitors shall have six selections from the standard stage repertoire ready for presentation. THEME: See LENGTH above PRIZES: 1st $1,000; 2nd $500; 3rd $350 [in each category] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: **Applications are limited to the first 28 received in each category. ADDRESS: 5 Town Music and Art Foundation, Inc., 6 Atlantic Avenue, Lynbrook, NY 11563 PH: 516-569-0011 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 1 2006 [TBC] FREQ: Quinquennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Harpsichord CITY/COUNTRY: Budapest, Hungary OPEN TO: All under 32 years of age FEE: Yes-refer prospectus TITLE: International Music Competition ORG/S: Interart Festivalcenter LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus for full details THEME: Refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: 1st US$6,000, 2nd US$4,000, 3rd US$3,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Lodging offered to the candidates from the finals. ADDRESS: Interart Festivalcenter, PO Box 80, Vorosmarty ter 1, H-1366 Budapest, Hungary. PH: [36-1] 266-31-08 FAX: [36-1] 317-99-10 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 1 2002 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Sydney, Australia OPEN TO: Age restrictions apply so check Website for latest age brackets in each category [Mathy Scholarship: All Australian singers under the 26 years of age at 23 June in the year the Scholarship is to be awarded] FEE: Refer Website for detailed explanations in each category TITLE: Australian Singing Competition: Marianne Mathy Scholarship, Mathy Awards, Opera Awards LENGTH: Refer Website for detailed explanations in each category THEME: Refer Website for detailed explanation PRIZES: Mathy Scholarship: $30,000 + numerous other ancillary prizes. Opera Award $20,000 + numerous other ancillary prizes. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Australian Singing Competition, PO Box A2325, Sydney South 1235 NSW Australia. PH: [61-2] 9231-4888 FAX: [61-2] 9221-8201 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 1 [Last held August 9-18] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Sion, Switzerland OPEN TO: All aged between 15-32 years FEE: Refer organizer’s prospectus for detailed explanation TITLE: Tibor Varga International Violin Competition LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus for detailed explanation THEME: Refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: Grand Prize CHF10,000; 2nd CHF7,500; 3rd CHF5,000; 4th CHF2,500; Nouvelliste Prize CHF2,000; “Touring Club Suisse” Prize CHF2,000; Pierre Gianadda Foundation Prize CHF1,000; “Maison Pfefferle & Cie” Prize CHF1,000. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Concours International de Violon Tibor, Varga, Case Postale 1429, CH-1951 Sion, Switzerland. PH: +41-[0] 27-323-4317 FAX: +41-[0] 27-323-4662 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected] LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 15 [TBC][Last held August 31-September 5 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Opera CITY/COUNTRY: Los Angeles, USA OPEN TO: All singers in all voice categories up to the age of 30 - born after September 5 1969 [add 1 year for next event] FEE: No

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TITLE: Operalia - Alberto Vilar Award, Prize of the Public ORG/S: “L’Association Operalia” LENGTH: TBC for 2002 THEME: TBC for 2002 PRIZES: Total of US$175,000 in prizes ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Operalia 2000 was under the artistic aegis of Plácido Domingo. Operalia, founded by Plácido Domingo in 1993 and run under his artistic aegis, is one of the largest annual international contests for opera singers of all voice categories who are in the early stages of their career. Each year the Operalia application and information is distributed to musical institutions around the world and to professionals in the field, teachers, coaches, managers and agents. Press representatives publicize the contest regionally. The application form is available from all these sources and you can get your application form here. Paris, Mexico City, Madrid, Bordeaux, Tokyo and Hamburg have hosted Operalia in the past years. Outstanding young singers far outnumber the prizes and this makes the Operalia contest so difficult. This is why Operalia has created a “Follow up service”, free of charge for candidates seeking engagements. This branch is in permanent contact with opera managers and agents, distributing CD’s and repertoire. Candidate portfolios do not bear any telephone numbers or addresses to avoid direct contact between agents and candidates.

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ADDRESS: Plácido Domingo’s Operalia, 230, Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, F-75008 Paris France. PH: +33 [1] 53 75 00 82 FAX: +33 [1] 53 76 00 92 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 15 2003 [Held November 29-December 12 in 1999] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Conducting CITY/COUNTRY: Katowice, Poland OPEN TO: All under 35 years of age FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: 7th Grzegorz Fitelberg International Competition for Conductors LENGTH: TBC for 2003-refer organizer THEME: TBC for 2003-refer organizer PRIZES: 1st US$10,000, 2nd US$8,000, 3rd US$5,000, medals ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Miedzynarodowy Konkurs, Dyrgentow im. Grzegorza Fitelberga, ul. Sokolska 2, PL-40-084 Katowice, Poland. PH/FAX: [48-32] 596-074 WEBSITE: [Polish language site] E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 15 [TBC][Held August ] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Oslo, Norway OPEN TO: All born after January 1 1969 FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: The Queen Sonja International Music Competition LENGTH: TBC for 2003-refer organizer THEME: TBC for 2003-refer organizer PRIZES: 1st NOK125,000 [c. US$18,000], 2nd NOK75,000 [c. US$10,000], 3rd NOK50,000 [c. US$7,000], 3 Finalists NOK10,000 [c. US$1,500] each, concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Free hotel lodging. Final stage is with the Norwegian National Opera Orchestra. ADDRESS: The Queen Sonja International Music Competition, PO Box 5190, Majorstua, N-0302 Oslo, Norway. PH: [47] 2336-7067 OR 2336-7000 [Ext. 430] FAX: [47] 2246-3630 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 15 [Last held September 14-19 in 1999] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: String Quartet CITY/COUNTRY: Bordeaux, France OPEN TO: All under 33 years [average age of quartet] FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: Bordeaux International String Quartet Competition LENGTH: TBC for 2003-refer organizer THEME: TBC for 2003-refer organizer PRIZES: FRF500,000 Total prize value, concerts, CD production ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Concours International de Quatuor a Cordes, 3 rue Mably, F-33000 Bordeaux, France. PH: [33][0] 5-56-44-01-58 FAX: [33][0] 5-56-48-86-10

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 15 [TBC] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [Country]-Categories: Male Open class, Female Open class, Male 14 - 18 Class, Female 14 - 18 Class, Male 9 - 13 Class, Female 9 - 13 Class, 8 & Under [combined], Masters Male [50 years and over], Masters Female [50 years and over], Duets, Songwriters, Country Gospel CITY/COUNTRY: Simcoe, Canada OPEN TO: Canadian citizens or landed immigrants in Canada FEE: Vary class from $50 down to $25 TITLE: Canadian Open Country Singing Contest LENGTH: “Contestants must sing two songs of their own choice in the following order: First song must be a ballad, second song must be up tempo. A good contrast in tempo is recommended. Your selections must be country. Failure to comply may result in point penalty regardless of voice quality” THEME: See GENRE/S PRIZES: Up to $3,000 for 1st but varies by category-refer Website +1st place winners of the Male and Female Open Category will receive a recording session produced by Albert McDonald from EDI Productions ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria

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EXTRA: Contestants in the Songwriter’s class are to sing one song only, tempo of their choice. Singer performing song in songwriters class must be writer of song as you are judged on the song and not the quality of the singing. No faxed or emailed entries accepted. ADDRESS: Canadian Open Country Singing Contest Inc., Box 426, Simcoe, Ontario, N3Y 4L5 Canada. PH: 519-426-3714 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 19 2003 [TBC][Last held November 13-26 2000] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Hamamatsu, Japan OPEN TO: All born after January 1 1972 [add 3 years for next event] FEE: 10,000 Japanese yen TITLE: The 4th Hamamatsu International Piano Competition LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st Y3,000,000 + CD recording; 2nd Y1,800,000; 3rd Y1,200,000; 4th Y750,000; 5th Y600,000; 6th Y450,000; ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Performance with Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Osaka Symphoniker, Hamamatsu Symphony Orchestra. Financial aid towards international travel expense. ADDRESS: Secretariat of the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition, Hamamatsu, PO Box 105, 430-7790 Japan. PH: 81-53-451-1114 FAX: 81-53-451-1123 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 30 2002 [TBC][Last held September 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Spain OPEN TO: All under 31 years of age FEE: Yes-refer prospectus TITLE: 13th Jose Iturbi International Piano Competition LENGTH: Set-Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Set-refer prospectus PRIZES: c. ESP5,000,000 total prize value ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: International Piano Competition “Jose Iturbi”, Diputacion Provincial de Valencia, Plaza de Manises 4, E-46003 Valencia, Spain. PH: [34-96] 388-2774 FAX: [34-96] 388-2775

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 31 2002 [Last held during November 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Geneva, Switzerland OPEN TO: All FEE: No TITLE: 22nd Queen Marie Jose International Musical Composition Prize LENGTH: Duration of performance: minimum 12 minutes, maximum 25 minutes. The duration must be indicated on the scores. THEME: Prize is designed to reward a work that has already been created and recorded. string quartet [2 violins, viola and cello] and chromatic concert accordion or string quartet and bandoneon. PRIZES: 1st CHF15,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Secretariat du Prix, International de Composition, Musicale Reine Marie Jos, Case postale 19, CH-1252 Meinier/Geneve, Switzerland. PH: [41-22] 708-7287 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 31 2003 [Last held September 20-23 2000] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Parma, Italy OPEN TO: All FEE: Yes-refer organizer’s prospectus TITLE: Goffredo Petrassi International Competition for Composers LENGTH: Set-refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Open PRIZES: 1st ITL15,000,000; 2nd ITL10,000,000; 3rd ITL5,000,000 + 1st composition will be published by Ricordi Publishing House and performed by Arturo Toscanini Symphony Orchestra ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Fondazione Arturo Toscanini, Office for International Competitions, Via G. Tartini 13, 43100 Parma, Italy. PH: [39-521] 274-421 FAX: [39-521] 785-257 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 31 [TBC][Last held August 17-September 2 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Bolzano, Italy OPEN TO: All aged between 16 and 32 years of age on May 31 2000 [add 1 year for next event] FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: 53rd Ferruccio Busoni International Piano Competition LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: Busoni Prize ITL 20,000,000; 2nd ITL 13,000,000; 3rd ITL 8,000,000; 4th ITL 6,000,000; 5th ITL 5,000,000; 6th ITL 4,000,000 + over 60 concert and recital engagements, Diplomas and certificates for the laureates ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage with The Bolzano and Trento Haydn Orchestra. Laureates’ concert on September 2 2000. Free accommodation for competitors in a hotel chosen by the Competition Committee, since the date of the convocation till the last day of their active participation in the competition. ADDRESS: Conservatorio C., Monteverdi, Piazza Domenicani 19, I-39100, Bolzano, Italy. PH: [39-471] 97-65-68 FAX: [39-471] 97-35-79 WEBSITE: [intermittent Site]

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E-MAIL: [email protected] LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 31 [TBC] [Held September] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Conducting CITY/COUNTRY: Trento, Italy OPEN TO: All aged 18-35 years FEE: ITL200,000 TITLE: 6th Antonio Pedrotti International Conducting Competition ORG/S: Associazione Culturale, Antonio Pedrotti LENGTH: TBC for 2003-refer organizer THEME: TBC for 2003-refer organizer PRIZES: 1st ITL12,000,000; 2nd ITL8,000,000; 3rd ITL 6,000,000; concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Associazione Culturale, Antonio Pedrotti, Piazza della Mostra 19, I-38100 Trento, Italy. PH: [39-461] 231-223 FAX: [39-461] 232-592 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 31 [TBC][Last held September 29-October 8 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Genova, Italy OPEN TO: All aged 16-33 years FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: International Violin Competition [Paganini Prize] LENGTH: Set-refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Set-refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: 1st ITL20,000,000; 2nd ITL 12,000,000; 3rd ITL8,000,000, Concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage with the Symphonic Orchestra of The Carlo Felice Theater, Genova. ADDRESS: Segreteria del Concorso, Internazionale di Violino, Premio N. Paganini, Comune di Genova-Casella, Postale 586, c/o Ufficio Postale, I-16100 Genova [Centro Italia]. PH: [39-010] 557-111 FAX: [39-010] 246-9272

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 31 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting [refer range of 15 categories at Website] CITY/COUNTRY: Fort Lauderdale FL USA OPEN TO: All FEE: $30 per song [payable to “USA Songwriting Competition”] TITLE: USA Songwriting Competition LENGTH: Single songs, 5 minutes maximum each THEME: Refer range of 15 categories at Website PRIZES: Overall Grand prize US$50,000 [$32,000 cash and $18,000 worth of merchandise from sponsors] + numerous place prizes-refer Website for detailed explanation [+ Acoustic Cafe will provide radio airplay of the winners of the USA Songwriting Competition, giving winners great exposure for their work] ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: USA Songwriting Competition, 4331 N. Federal Highway, Suite 403A, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 USA. PH: 954-776-1577 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: May 31 [TBC][Last held July 29-30 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting CITY/COUNTRY: Sonora, CA USA OPEN TO: All [but check live performance criteria detailed in PRIZES] FEE: US$15 per entry TITLE: Sierra Songwriters Festival Competition LENGTH: Send 2 song entry on a cued cassette tape [with no case], with both songs on the same side, and not exceeding 5 minutes per song. Please include legible 8 1/2” x 11” lyric sheets. THEME: Open PRIZES: 20 entrants will be selected from all entries to compete in live competition at the festival July 29th & 30th, and will play for audience as well as panel of respected music industry professionals, who will determine 4 1st place winners. Winners will receive $150, commemorative plaque, and stage appearance at one of these California music festivals listed: Fire on the Mountain, High Sierra, Millpond Traditional, Napa Valley. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Please send entries to: Sierra Songwriters Festival, 12940 Mt. View Rd, Sonora, CA 95370 USA. PH: [1] 209-588-1023

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WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected] LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 1 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [Works are to be for piano quartet - violin, viola, cello, piano] CITY/COUNTRY: Clinton NY, USA OPEN TO: All FEE: No TITLE: 2nd Annual William Lincer Foundation Composer Competition ORG/S: William Lincer Foundation LENGTH: 10-20 minutes in duration. Submit full score and separate parts for piano, violin, viola, and cello. THEME: Works are to be for piano quartet [violin, viola, cello, piano]. The submitted work is expected to be a newly composed work, which has not had a prior public performance or recording. The Foundation is interested in works that will have a wide appeal to both professional and pre-professional performers. PRIZES: 1st $500 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Only one work per composer may be submitted.

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ADDRESS: The William Lincer Foundation, c/o Dr. Hermine W. Williams, Sec., 300 College Hill Road, Clinton, NY 13323-1217 USA. PH: 315-853-8796 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 1 2003 [TBC][Last held November 5-18 2000] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Hanover, Germany OPEN TO: All violinists born between 18 November 1970 and 5 November 1984 [add 3 years for next event] FEE: DM100 TITLE: Hanover International Violin Competition ORG/S: Foundation of Lower Saxony LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: From the selected work by J. S. Bach-refer Website PRIZES: 1st DM50,000 + CD production + Concerts; 2nd DM30,000; 3rd DM20,000; 4th DM15,000; 5th DM10,000; 6th DM 5,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No but complete application materials may be ordered by e-mail. NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Stiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover International Violin Competition, Ferdinandstrasse 4, D-30175, Hannover, Germany. PH: [49-511] 990-5413 FAX: [49-511] 31-4499 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 1 [Held November 15-30] INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Napoli, Italy OPEN TO: All aged under 30 years FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: Concours International de Violon Alberto Curci LENGTH: TBC for 2002 THEME: TBC for 2002 PRIZES: 1st ITL15,000,000; 2nd ITL7,000,000; 3rd ITL5,000,000; Special Prize ITL3,000,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Concorso “Alberto Curci” di Napoli, Via Narbones 8, I-80132, Napoli, Italy. PH: [39-081] 417-244 FAX: [39-081] 764-9370 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 1 2003 [TBC][Last held November 5-18 2000] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Hannover, Germany OPEN TO: Violinists of all nationalities born between 18 November 1970 and 5 November 1984 [add 3 years for next event] FEE: 100 DM TITLE: Hannover International Violin Competition ORG/S: Foundation of Lower Saxony LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 1st cash, concert engagements + CD recording ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Stiftung Niedersachsen, Hannover International Violin Competition, Ferdinandstrasse 4, D-30175 Hannover Germany. WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 1 2002 [TBC][Last held August 24-September 2 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Opera, Oratorio, Lied CITY/COUNTRY: s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands OPEN TO: Al under 30 years of age FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: Dutch International Vocal Competition LENGTH: Set-refer prospectus THEME: Set-refer prospectus PRIZES: 1st EUR20,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Free accommodation provided. ADDRESS: Dutch International Vocal Competition, PO Box 1225, 5200 BG, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. PH: [31-0] 73-6900-999 FAX: [31-0] 73-6901-166

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 15 2003 [Held September-October 2003] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin [See also pianoforte on same date] CITY/COUNTRY: Koln, Germany OPEN TO: All aged under 30 years FEE: DM150 TITLE: International Violin Competition LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st DM15,000, 2nd DM10,000, 3rd DM5,000, Scholarships, Concert engagements, Auditions ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Internationale Musikwettbewerbe Koln, Dagobertstrasse 38, D-50668 Koln Germany. PH: [49-221] 91-28-18-103 FAX: [49-221] 13-12-04 WEBSITE: [German language Website] E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 15 [Held August 16-27] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Vevey, Switzerland OPEN TO: All age under 27 years [born after December 31 1973] FEE: CHF250 TITLE: Clara Haskil International Piano Competition LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st Clara Haskil Prize CHF20,000; CD production, concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No but application form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final with the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande. ADDRESS: Concours Clara Haskil, 31 rue du Conseil, Case postale 234, CH-1800 Vevey, Switzerland. PH: [41-21] 922-6704 FAX: [41-21] 922-6734 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 15 [Held September-October ] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Pianoforte [instrument varies each year] CITY/COUNTRY: Koln, Germany OPEN TO: All under 30 years of age FEE: DM150 TITLE: International Pianoforte Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st DM15,000; 2nd DM10,000; 3rd DM5,000 + scholarships + concert engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: ADDRESS: Internationale Musikwettbewerbe Koln Dagobertstrasse 38 D-50668 Koln, Germany. PH: [49-221] 9128-18103 FAX: [49-221] 131-204 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 15 ANNOUNCED: By August 1 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting-Categories: [1] Rock/Alternative Rock; [2] Pop; [3] Country/Folk; [4] R&B/Blues; [5] Jazz; [6] Latin/World; [7] Contemporary Christian/Traditional Gospel; [8] Dance CITY/COUNTRY: Tulsa OK USA OPEN TO: All - if you’ve averaged less than $5,000 per year total royalties earned from music since 1992 [including prize winnings from previous song contests], you’re eligible. FEE: $30 per entry [entries postmarked on or before December 1, 2000 will receive $5 off each entry] [payable to “Billboard Song Contest”] TITLE: 10th Annual Billboard Song Contest ORG/S: Billboard Magazine LENGTH: Each entry must be submitted on cassette or CD. Contestants may enter as many songs in as many categories as they wish, but each entry must have a separate cassette or CD, entry form, and lyric sheet. THEME: Open PRIZES: 7 Grand Prize Winners will receive the Award for Excellence in Songwriting award [at an Awards ceremony to be announced later], an Epiphone Guitar with case [$1,800], a one-year subscription to Billboard Magazine [$250], a one-year subscription to Taxi Magazine [$300], a pair of BluBlocker Sunglasses [$60], a set of Elixir guitar strings

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[$15], and song placement on the 10th Contest Winners compact disc [CD]. 8 second place winners will receive placement on the 10th Contest Winners CD, a one year subscription to Taxi magazine [$300], a set of Elixir guitar strings [$15], and a pair of BluBlocker Sunglasses [$60]. 8 third place winners will receive placement on the 10th Contest Winners CD, a one year subscription to Taxi magazine [$300], a set of Elixir guitar strings [$15], and a pair of BluBlocker Sunglasses [$60]. The top 10 songs in each category will be included in a 3 hour broadcast on the Live365 website []. The top 3 songs in each category will be placed on the official Billboard Song Contest website. Top 500 Songwriters will receive a pair of BluBlocker Celebrity Series Sunglasses. Top 1500 Songwriters will receive a set of Elixir Guitar Strings from Gore. Winning songs will be presented to top industry professionals. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: All songs receive a judging report. If entrant is under 18 years of age, the signature of a parent or legal guardian is required. All songs that have placed in any category of the BBSC in the previous years are not eligible to be resubmitted. Previous winners, however, may submit new material. ADDRESS: 10th Billboard Song Contest, 7947 East 50th Street, Tulsa, OK 74145-6001 USA.

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PH: 918-627-0351 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected] [Ryan Gardenhire]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 16 2003 [Held November 13-24 2003] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Augsburg. Germany OPEN TO: All under 30 years of age FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: 5th Leopold Mozart International Violin Competition LENGTH: TBC for 2003 THEME: TBC for 2003 PRIZES: 1st DM15,000, 2nd DM12,000, 3rd DM8,000, 4th DM4,000, Mozart Prize DM3,000, Richard Strauss Prize DM3,000, Audience Prize DM 3,000, Prize of DM3,000 awarded for best interpretation of an unpublished composition by Rodion Shchedrin, Scholarships DM10,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with the Bavarian Radio Orchestra. ADDRESS: International Violin Competition Leopold Mozart, Hochschule fur Musik, Maximilianstrasse 59, D-86150 Augsburg, Germany. PH: [49-821] 324-48-92 FAX: [49-821] 313-088 WEBSITE: [German language site] E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 30 2002 [TBC][Last held September 17-24 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Pamplona, Spain OPEN TO: All female singers under 32 years of age, male singers under 35 years of age [add 2 years for next event] FEE: 10,000 pesetas TITLE: 9th Julian Gayarre International Singing Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for detailed explanation THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st [male and female] 1,500,000 pesetas; 2nd 1,000,000 pesetas ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Concurso Internacional de Canto Julian Gayarre, Santo Domingo 6, E-31001 Pamplona, Spain. PH: 34-948-426072 FAX: 34-948-426389 WEBSITE: [Spanish language site] E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 30 INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting-Categories: Pop; Rock/Alternative; Country; Gospel/Christian Contemporary; Folk; R&B; Jazz; Dance; Instrumental; Comedy/Novelty; Rap/Hip-Hop; Latin CITY/COUNTRY: Memphis USA OPEN TO: All unsigned original songwriters, composers, bands, singer-songwriters and solo artists FEE: US$30 per song [payable to “Encore Productions Inc.”] TITLE: Songwriters Contest ORG/S: Encore Productions Inc LENGTH: Must include: (a) Completed entry form or photocopy of the entry form (all signatures must be original); (b) One CD or Audio cassette(s) containing one song 5 minutes or less only; (c) Lyric sheet (English translation if applicable). For the instrumental category only-no lyric sheet is required; (d) Picture and bio of yourself (and other band members if applicable); (e) Check or Money Order for $30.00 (U.S. currency only) for each song entered. One check is acceptable for multiple entries, but separate entry forms and lyric sheets are required. THEME: Open but refer Categories above PRIZES: Winners will have their songs distributed to the top 25 radio stations in the US and top 2 stations in the UK for play in those areas. A management contract will be awarded to all winners. Winning songs will be sent to several record labels A&R Departments. Also the winners will receive a

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certificate with their name and category. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: All qualified entrants will receive one copy of the winners on CD. Winners must sign a management contract at 15% with Encore Productions Inc.. If you do not choose to sign the management contract, your winnings are considered null and void. ADDRESS: Encore Productions Inc., 5402 Brantford Ave., Memphis,TN 38120-2440 USA. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 30 2004 [TBC][Last held September 22-30 2000] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Vienna, Austria OPEN TO: All under 30 years of age FEE: Yes-refer prospectus TITLE: 6th Fritz Kreisler International Violin Competition LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st ATS150,000; 2nd ATS120,000; 3rd ATS100,000; 4th ATS70,000; 5th ATS60,000 + concert engagements TV, radio, CD recordings ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with the Wiener Symphoniker. ADDRESS: Internationaler Fritz Kreisler Violinwettbewerb PO Box 76, A-1030 Wien [Vienna], Austria. PH: [43-1] 711-55 FAX: [43-1] 711-55 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 30 2002 [Last held September 25-October 7 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Guitar [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Charleroi-Jumet, Belgium OPEN TO: All under 32 years of age FEE: Euros 74.37 [BEF3,000] TITLE: 7th International Guitar Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: BEF1,000,000 [EUR24,790] total prize value + CD recording for 1st laureate, concerts for 1st 4 prizes at Brussels Town Hall and in Charleroi at Palais des Beaux-Arts. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final round with the Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonie and of French Community of Belgium, conducted by Georges Octors. Lodging with host families. ADDRESS: “Printemps de la Guitare”, Concours International, c/o Pierre Denis, Place du Chef-Lieu 9, B-6040, Charleroi-Jumet, Belgium. PH: [32-71] 35-04-48 FAX: [32-71] 35-53-20 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 30 [for reception of scores] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Guitar Composition CITY/COUNTRY: Caracas, Venezuela/Bloomington USA OPEN TO: Composers of any age and nationality FEE: $25 registration fee [must be paid by check or money order drawn from US bank] TITLE: 4th Rodrigo Riera International Guitar Composition Competition ORG/S: Mavesa Cultural Project, the Latin American Music Center at Indiana University, the Caracas Hilton and the National Council of Culture of Venezuela LENGTH: Works should have a minimum duration of 15 minutes-refer Website for full details THEME: Competition will accept works written for guitar and orchestra PRIZES: 1st US$10,000 [indivisible prize]; 5 Honorary Mentions ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Compositions must be identified with a pseudonym. Three copies of the competing works must be sent. All works will be donated to the MAVESA Library at the Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas and to the Latin American Music Center at Indiana University.

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ADDRESS: Latin American Music Center, Re: Rodrigo Riera Competition, Indiana University School of Music, Bloomington, IN 47405-2200 USA. PH: 812-855-2991 [US] WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: June 30 INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting CITY/COUNTRY: Concord, Ontario Canada OPEN TO: All FEE: No but maximum of 3 submissions per entrant TITLE: Windrift Songwriting Competition ORG/S: Windrift Music LENGTH: Send a cassette/CD of 1 song, including typed lyric sheet, along with your name, address, and telephone number THEME: Open PRIZES: Grand Prize $500 in cash + Make Your own demo CD + 50 CDs courtesy of Windrift Music + Web Hosting of Your Song on Windrift Music Site + Artist Home Page with download of music + 1000 promotional Flyers of CD + Free promotion of artist CD to major labels ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: No song previously recorded and released through national distribution in any country will be eligible. ADDRESS: Windrift Music, 151 Spinnaker Way, Unit 4, Concord Ontario L4K 4C3 Canada. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: July 1 [TBC][Last held September 22-October 8 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [Lied, Oratorium, Opera] CITY/COUNTRY: Amsterdam, Netherlands OPEN TO: All under 30 years FEE: Registration 150 EURO TITLE: International Vocal Competition ORG/S: IVC LENGTH: See THEME THEME: For the first round, participants are free to choose three works with a maximum total duration of 15 minutes. Participants decide the sequence in which the selected works are to be performed. For the semifinal and the finale, participants must submit fifteen pieces in at least three different languages. In the competition, the jury will make a selection from these works and decide the sequence in which they are to be performed. A maximum of two works per composer is allowed. It is not permitted to repeat works performed in the first round. PRIZES: 1st 20,000 Euro; Arleen Auger Award for All-round Vocal Musicianship 4,500 Euro; Essent Music Press Award 3,400 Euro; Essent Public Prize 2,750 Euro; Encouragement Prize 2,750 Euro; Caroline Kaart Prize 2,750 Euro. ONLINE ENTRY: No

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NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: **Only the first two hundred entries will be taken into consideration. ADDRESS: IVC 's-Hertogenbosch, PO Box 1225, NL-5200 BG 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. PH: +31-73-6-900-999 FAX: +31-73-6-901-166 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: July 1 [TBC] [Last held September 4-11 in 1999] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Opera CITY/COUNTRY: Marseille, France OPEN TO: Females/males aged 18-33 years FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: International Opera Competition LENGTH: TBC for 2003 THEME: TBC for 2003 PRIZES: 1st FRF50,000, 2nd FRF25,000, 3rd FRF15,000 [same prizes for female and male categories] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final round with l’Orchestre de l’Opera de Marseille. ADDRESS: Concours International d’Opera, Parc des Cedres, 77 Boulevard du Redon, F-13009 Marseille, France. PH: [33] 491-41-28-26 FAX: [33] 491-26-65-15

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: July 10 2002 [TBC][Last held September 18-23 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Toulouse, France OPEN TO: All between 18 and 33 years of age FEE: FRF100 TITLE: 44th International Singing Competition of the City of Toulouse LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: c. FRF140,000 total prize value ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with the “Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse.” ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours, Theatre du Capitole, F-31000 Toulouse, France. PH: [33] 5616-21351 FAX: [33] 5616-29690 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: July 15 2003 [TBC][Last held August 20-30 2000] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Freiburg, Germany OPEN TO: All aged under 32 years FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: Ludwig Spohr International Violin Competition LENGTH: Set-refer organizer’s prospectus for full details THEME: Set-refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: 1st DM12,000; 2nd DM9,000; 3rd DM7,000 [Total prize value DM45,000] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Internationaler Violinwettbewerb, Ludwig Spohr, Burgunderstrasse 4, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany. PH: [49-761] 23-380 FAX: [49-761] 554-862

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: July 15 2002 [TBC][Last held September 29 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Guitar Composition [classical-for solo guitar & orchestra] [see also August 31] CITY/COUNTRY: Alessandria, Italy OPEN TO: All FEE: ITL120,000 TITLE: 5th Michele Pittaluga International Classical Guitar Composition Competition ORG/S: City of Alessandria LENGTH: Refer Website THEME: Open PRIZES: 1st ITL5,000,000, 2nd ITL2,000,000, 3rd ITL1,000,000 + publication ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Compositions submitted should never have been published nor performed in a public concert. ADDRESS: Concorso di Composizione per Chitarra Classica, Michele Pittaluga, Piazza Garibaldi 16, I-15100 Alessandria, Italy. PH: 39-131-251-207 FAX: 39-131-235-507 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: July 30 [TBC][Held December 15-22 ] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano-Duo for 2 pianos CITY/COUNTRY: Miami, USA OPEN TO: All aged 18-35 years FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: Murray Dranoff Two Piano Competition LENGTH: TBC for 2003 THEME: TBC for 2003 PRIZES: 1st US$12,000, 2nd US$6,000, 3rd US$3,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Host families, meals, transportation and practice rooms will be provided in Miami for the accepted contestants. ADDRESS: The Murray Dranoff International Two Piano Competition, 180 N.E. 39th Street, #207, Miami, FL 33137 USA. PH: [1-305] 572-9900 FAX: [1-305] 572-9922 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: July 31 [TBC] [Held September ] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Dortmund, Germany OPEN TO: All born after October 1 1966 [year to change for next event - probably to 1968] FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: International Schubert Competition for Piano LENGTH: TBC for 2003 THEME: TBC for 2003 PRIZES: DM52,000 Total prize value + CD production, Final Concert at the Dortmund Opera House with Philharmonisches Orchester der Stadt Dortmund, Concert Engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Accommodation will be provided. ADDRESS: Sekretariat des Internationalen, Schubert-Wettbewerbs, VEW Energie AG-Rheinlanddamm, 24 D-44139, Dortmund, Germany. PH: [49-231] 10-38-36 FAX: [49-231] 4-38-25-99 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 1 2002 [TBC] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [classical], [see also March 15 for Young Conductors] CITY/COUNTRY: Besancon, France OPEN TO: All under 40 years of age FEE: Yes-refer organizer for current level and exchange mechanism if needed TITLE: 11th International Composition for Orchestra Competition ORG/S: Festival International de Musique de Besancon LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: FRF30,000 total prize value + performance of the work in 2003 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Reglement et Inscription, Festival International de Musique de Besancon, Franche Comt, 3 bis, rue Leonel de Moustier F-25000 Besancon, France. PH: [33] 03-8125-0585 FAX: [33] 03-8181-5215 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 2 2001 [Last held November 4-13 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Vina del Mar, Chile OPEN TO: All between 17 and 32 years of age FEE: Yes-refer prospectus TITLE: International Music Execution Competition LENGTH: Set-refer prospectus THEME: Set-refer prospectus PRIZES: Grand Prize US$10,000; 2 distinctions $1,000 each + recital engagements, diplomas ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with The Vina del Mar Symphony Orchestra. ADDRESS: Direccion del Concurso, Calle Arlegui, n° 683, Casilla 31D, Vina del Mar, Chile. PH: [56-32] 680-633 FAX: [56-32] 680-633 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 15 2001 [Held September 14-22 2001] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Liege, Belgium OPEN TO: Females aged 18-30 years, males aged 18-35 years FEE: TBC for 2001 TITLE: 14th Verviers International Singing Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: BEF1,150,000 Total prize value ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Lodging available with host families. BEF1,500 allowances beginning with the semi-finals. Travel expenses refund for the finalists. ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours, International de Chant de Verviers, Opera Royal de Wallonie, 1 rue des Dominicains, B-4000 Liege, Belgium. PH: [32-4] 232- 4216 FAX: [32-4] 221-0201 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 31 2001 [Held September 24-28 2001] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Classical Guitar Performance [see Website for details of 2002 event in Composition] CITY/COUNTRY: Alessandria, Italy OPEN TO: Soloists of all nationalities are eligible for the competition, provided that they were not born before 1st January 1971. FEE: ITL100,000 per entrant TITLE: 34th International Michele Pittaluga International Classical Guitar Competition ORG/S: Permanent Committee for the Promotion of the Michele Pittaluga International Guitar Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for detailed explanation THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st ITL12,000,000, 2nd ITL6,000,000 ONLINE ENTRY: Yes-refer Website NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Comitato Promotore del Concorso di Chitarra, Classica “Michele Pittaluga”, Piazza Garibaldi 16, I-15100 Alessandria, Italy. PH: 39-131-251207 FAX: 39-131-235507 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 15 2001 [Last held August 25-September 1 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Guitar [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Castellon, Spain OPEN TO: All under 32 years of age FEE: ESP5,000 TITLE: 35th Francisco Tarrega International Guitar Competition LENGTH: Refer Website THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st ESP1,600,000; 2nd ESP800,000; Tarrega Prize: ESP400,000; Audience Prize: ESP275,000; Finalists: ESP160,000; Selected: ESP 75,000 + scholarship for best guitarist living in Valence Community: ESP135,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Lodging and breakfast provided during the preselection for all competitors and until the end of the competition for preselected candidates. ADDRESS: Ayuntamiento de Benicasim, Medico Segarra 4, E-12560 Benicasim [Castellon], Spain. PH: [34-64] 30-09-62 FAX: [34-64] 30-34-32 WEBSITE: [Spanish language site] E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 18 2005 [Last held November 18-December 2 2000] FREQ: Quinquennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Helsinki, Finland OPEN TO: All born after 1970 [add 5 years for next event] FEE: No TITLE: 9th International Violin Competition LENGTH: Refer Website THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st 16,000 Euro, 2nd 12,500 E, 3rd 9,000 E, 4th-8th 1,800 Euro + Finnish Broadcasting Company will award a special prize of 1,800 euros for the best performance of the Sibelius Violin Concerto. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Accommodation with private families in Helsinki. Limited number of travel grants available. Notices of participation sent by fax will not be accepted. ADDRESS: IX International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition, Box 31, 00101 Helsinki, Finland. PH: [358-9] 4114-3443 FAX: [358-9] 2200-2680 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 21 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting CITY/COUNTRY: McLean VA USA OPEN TO: Songwriters who’ve not received more than $5,000 from royalties income within the past year FEE: $20 for first entry, $15 each thereafter [$13 for first entry, $11 for each thereafter SAW members] TITLE: The 18th Annual Mid-Atlantic Song Contest ORG/S: The Songwriters’ Association of Washington LENGTH: 1 song per cassette + complete lyrics of song THEME: Open PRIZES: Grand prize $1,000 + 3-year SAW/1-year m/ship, 1st $500 + 2-year SAW/1-year TAXI m/ship, 2nd $200 + 1-year SAW/1-year TAXI m/ship ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Mid-Atlantic Song Contest, PO Box 10703, McLean, VA 22102 USA. PH: 1-800-218-5996 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 31 2002 [Held October 19-29 in 1999] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Milan, Italy OPEN TO: All aged under 30 years at beginning of competition FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: 9th International Piano Competition [Dino Ciani Prize] LENGTH: TBC for 2002 THEME: TBC for 2002 PRIZES: 1st ITL25,000,000, 2nd ITL10,000,000, 3rd ITL5,000,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Reimbursement travel expenses for 1st and 2nd prize winners of competition members of the WFIMC. ADDRESS: Premio Dino Ciani, Teatro alla Scala, Via Filodrammatici 2, I-20121 Milan, Italy. PH: [39-2] 887-9280 FAX: [39-2] 887-9424 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: August 31 2001 [Held January 11-26 2002] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing, Piano, Violin, [see also February 18 for Composition] CITY/COUNTRY: Salzburg, Austria OPEN TO: Female singers born after January 26 1972. Male singers and instrumentalists born after January 26 1970 FEE: EUR160 TITLE: 8th International Mozart Competition ORG: University Mozarteum, International Mozarteum Foundation LENGTH: Refer Website for details THEME: Set-refer Website for details PRIZES: 1st ATS120,000; 2nd ATS70,000; 3rd ATS40,000 [in each discipline]; Encouragement Prize for improvement [male singers], International Mozarteum Foundation Prize ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Confirmation of registration for the divisions voice, piano and violin will be sent out after October 10 2001. With this confirmation foreign participants can, where necessary, immediately apply for an entry visa. ADDRESS: 8th International Mozart Competition, Universitat Mozarteum Salzburg, Alpenstraße 48, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria. PH: [43-662] 6198-2200 FAX: [43-662] 6198-2209

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WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected] LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 1 2001 [Last held October 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical], piano, cello CITY/COUNTRY: Vercelli, Italy OPEN TO: All singers 35 years of age or under, pianists 30 years of age or under, cellists 30 years of age or under FEE: Varies-refer organizer’s prospectus TITLE: 52nd Gian Battista Viotti International Music Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: Opera & Piano: 1st ITL25,000,000; 2nd ITL10,000,000; 3rd ITL5,000,000; Chamber Music: 1st ITL15,000,000; 2nd ITL10,000,000; 3rd ITL5,000,000 + concert engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Singing and cello competition is with the “Orchestra del Teatro Regio di Torino”; piano competition is with the “Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI”. ADDRESS: Societa’ Del Quartetto, Castella Postale 127, I-13100 Vercelli, Italy. PH: [39-161] 252-667 FAX: [39-161] 255-575

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WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 1 2001 [Last held January 20-February 5 in 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Pretoria, South Africa OPEN TO: All under 32 years of age FEE: US$50/R150 [cheques & bank drafts payable to “International Music Competitions, Unisa”] TITLE: Unisa International Music Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: ZAR275,000 total prize value ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with The New Arts Philharmonic Orchestra, Pretoria. Return air ticket provided for successful applicants. A maximum of 35 competitors will be chosen to compete. ADDRESS: The Secretariat, Unisa International Music Competition, PO Box 392, Pretoria 0003, South Africa. PH: [27-12] 429-2583 FAX: [27-12] 429-3644 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 1 2002 [Last held October 29-November 3 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Chamber music performance CITY/COUNTRY: Paris, France OPEN TO: All under 35 years of age on the year of the Competition-average of members’ ages for quartets, quintets and sextets is 36 years of age or under FEE: Yes-refer organizer’s prospectus TITLE: Paris International Chamber Music Competition LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Set repertoire-refer prospectus PRIZES: FRF90,000 total prize value + concert engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Concours International de Chant et de Musique, 8 rue du Dome, 75116, Paris, France. PH: [33] 1470-47638 FAX: [33] 1472-73503 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 1 2001 [Held November 2001] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin, piano [Thibaud] CITY/COUNTRY: France OPEN TO: All aged under 30 years FEE: FRF500 TITLE: International Violin Competition [Marguerite Long-Jacques Thibaud] LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: FRF425,000 total prize value + concert engagements with Tokyo New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra and l’Orchestre de Radio France ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Lodging provided with host families. ADDRESS: Concours Long-Thibaud, 32 avenue Matignon, F-75008 Paris, France. PH: [33] 1-4266-6680 FAX: [33] 1-4266-0643 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 5 2001 [Last held October 9-15 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Chamber music performance-trios, quartets, quintets [average age must be 32 years maximum] CITY/COUNTRY: Italy OPEN TO: All aged under 32 years - for trios, quartets and quintets the average age must be no more than 32 years FEE: ITL250,000 TITLE: 25th Florence International Chamber Music Competition [“Premio Vittorio Gui”] LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: ITL25,000,000 Total prize value, Concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Reimbursement expenses are provided for the finalists. ADDRESS: Associazione Concorsi e Rassegne Musicali Via Solforino, 15, I-50123 Firenze, Italy. PH: [39-055] 277-9446 FAX: [39-055] 277-9446 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 15 2002 [Last held December 1-13 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Voice [Lied/Oratorio], Cello CITY/COUNTRY: Geneva, Switzerland OPEN TO: All within age brackets at December 1 2000: Singers [men]: 20-33; Singers [women]: 20-31; Cellists: 30 FEE: 200 Swiss francs per entrant [payments by cheque are not accepted] TITLE: 56th Geneva Competition [formerly known as the Geneva International Music Competition] ORG/S: CIEM-Geneve LENGTH: Refer Website for detailed explanation THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st CHF15,000, 2nd CHF10,000, 3rd CHF8,000 for each of the following categories: Voice [men], Voice [women], Cello. Special prizes: Patrick F. Liechti offered by the Foundation for Music SUISA: CHF5,000; Pierre Fournier [cello]: CHF4,000; French Music [voice]: CHF4,000; Audience Prize: CHF3,000. A number of engagements will be offered to Competition prizewinners after its conclusion. ONLINE ENTRY: Yes-refer Website NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Winners of First Prize at previous Geneva International Music Competitions [CIEM] are not eligible in the same category. Travel costs shall be borne by the participants.

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ADDRESS: Concours de Genève, Rue Bovy-Lysberg 8 CH- 1204 Genève Switzerland. PH: 41-22-328-62-08 FAX: 41-22-320-43-66 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 25 2002 [Next held 10-16 June 2001] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [inc. Lied] CITY/COUNTRY: Cardiff, Wales OPEN TO: Competition is expressly intended for singers in the early stages of a professional career. There is no upper age limit and the minimum age of entry is 18 years. FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: Cardiff Singer of the World ORG/S: BBC Wales LENGTH: See EXTRA THEME: 25 singers are selected from worldwide auditions. They sing music of their own choice accompanied by Wales’ two great orchestras, the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and the Orchestra of Welsh National Opera. PRIZES: 1st £10,000 + trophy + appearance in London with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales; finalists receive a prize of £2,000 each; Lieder Prize £2,000. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: “Contestants in the Cardiff Singer of the World Competition are required to demonstrate their prowess in the disciplines of opera or concert music and Lieder [song]. During the course of the competition, well over 100 pieces of music are performed: piano-accompanied songs, oratorio [solo arias from sacred works] and operatic arias with

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full-blown orchestral accompaniment. Five finalists are chosen from five preliminary concerts, each involving five singers, but it’s by no means a foregone conclusion that each preliminary concert will yield a singer for the Final. The Lieder prize is awarded to the best performance of Lieder throughout the competition and not necessarily a finalist…contestants are brought to Cardiff and accommodated at the Competition’s expense. Each singer performs in one of five concerts and following the last, the finalists are announced. For non-finalists, Masterclasses given by members of the Jury are recorded for television and broadcast later in the year. The Final, which is broadcast live, is one of the major events of the UK musical calendar” ADDRESS: Anna Williams, The Administrator, Cardiff Singer of the World, BBC Cymru Wales, Broadcasting House, Llandaff Cardiff CF5 2YQ Wales. PH: +44-0-1437-563834 FAX: +44-0-1222-552973 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 28 2001 ANNOUNCED: By January 15 2002 GENRE: Songwriting COUNTRY: USA OPEN TO: All FEE: $30 per song [payable to “John Lennon Songwriting Contest”] TITLE: The John Lennon Songwriting Contest LENGTH: Single songs, 5 [5] minutes maximum on cassette or CD + lyric sheet typed or printed legibly [please include English translation if applicable]… Sheets not required for instrumental compositions. THEME: Open PRIZES: 1 Grand Prize Winner $20,000 for ‘Song of the Year’, 12 Grand Prize Winners $2,000 + $5,000 in Yamaha project studio equipment + $5,000 advance from EMI Music Publishing; 36 Finalists $1,000; 72 Runners-up $100. ONLINE ENTRY: Yes-refer Website for details NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: No song previously recorded and released through national distribution in any country will be eligible. ADDRESS: John Lennon Songwriting Contest, 620 Frelinghuysen Avenue, Suite 801, Newark, NJ 07114 USA. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 28 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [orchestral] CITY/COUNTRY: Tokyo, Japan OPEN TO: All under 35 years FEE: No TITLE: Toru Takemitsu Composition Award ORG/S: Tokyo Opera City Cultural Foundation LENGTH: 10-20 minutes THEME: Composition for an orchestra, except concerto, of within the following instrumentation, to be performed with one conductor. PRIZES: 1st Yen 3,000,000 - the judge may withhold or divide the prize ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Only one entry per person. Scores that have been published, performed in public concert or commercially recorded are not admissible. ADDRESS: Toru Takemitsu Composition Award, Tokyo Opera City Cultural Foundation, 3-20-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-1403 Japan. PH: +81 3 5353 0770 FAX: +81 3 5353 0771 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 30 2001 [Flute, Otavino, Clarinette, Organ] [Last held November 12-24 2001]; September 15 2001 [composition] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Flute, Otavino, Clarinette, Organ, Composition [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Rome, Italy OPEN TO: Instruments: All between 32 and 35 years of age; Composition: all 40 years of age or less FEE: Yes-refer organizer’s prospectus TITLE: “Premio Valentino Bucchi di Roma Capitale” International Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Competitions are dedicated to 20th century works PRIZES: ITL267,500,000 total prize value ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: The selected instruments vary. Partial reimbursement of accommodation costs from the semi-finals onwards. ADDRESS: Fondazione Valentino Bucchi, Via U. Peruzzi, 20 I-00139 Roma, Italy. PH: [39] 06-8720-0121 OR [39] 06-8713-1151 FAX: [39] 06-8713-1527 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 31 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting CITY/COUNTRY: Pasadena CA USA OPEN TO: All FEE: US$35 per song TITLE: Abet Music Songwriting Contest ORG/S: Abet Music LENGTH: Open but is in contemporary music competition THEME: Open PRIZES: 15 winners will have their music included on annual compilation CD and presented to A&R at major labels throughout the country. Prizes will also be awarded to winners in 6 categories, including Song of the Year, Production, Lyrics, Music, Vocals and Musicianship. Additional prizes include music, software, hardware, instruments, music magazine subscriptions, Each winner will also receive five free copies of the compilation CD. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Abet Music Songwriting Contest, 1058 N. Allen Ave., Suite B, Pasadena, CA 91104 USA. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 30 2004 [Held June 3-13 2001] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Vienna, Austria OPEN TO: All between 17 and 32 years of age FEE: Yes-refer prospectus TITLE: 12th International Piano Competition LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Set-refer Website PRIZES: 1st ATS98,000; 2nd ATS70,000; 3rd ATS56,000; 3 other prizes ATS 20,000 + 1st will receive a piano Bosendorfer type 200 + concert engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra. ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours, Universitat fur Musik and darstellende, Kunst Wien 18, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, A-1030, Wien, Austria. PH: [43-1] 711-55 FAX: [43-1] 711-55 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: September 30 2001 [Held December 4-13 2001] FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Saragossa, Spain OPEN TO: All between 16 and 32 years of age FEE: TBC for 2001 TITLE: Pilar Bayona International Piano Competition LENGTH: TBC for 2001 THEME: TBC for 2001 PRIZES: 1st ESP2,500,000; 2nd ESP1,500,000; 3rd ESP1,000,000; Special prize EPS150,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Auditorium-Congress Palace, c/o Eduardo Ibarra 3-50009 Saragossa, Spain. PH: [34-976] 721-300 FAX: [34-976] 350-514 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 1 2004 [Last held March 20-April 4 2001] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Tel Aviv, Israel OPEN TO: All aged between 18 and 32 years FEE: US$100 TITLE: 11th Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st US$25,000, 2nd US$15,000, 3rd US$10,000 + medals ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Free board, lodging and ground transportation as well as practice facilities provided during the period of official participation in the competition. ADDRESS: The Secretariat, 12 Huberman Street, Tel Aviv 64075 Israel. PH: [972-3] 685-6684 FAX: [972-3] 685-4924 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 1 2002 [Held July 2003] [International auditions held November & December 2002] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Chamber Music Performance-piano, trio, string quartet CITY/COUNTRY: Melbourne, Australia OPEN TO: Combined age for trio is 90 years, quartet 120 years, individuals must be under 35 years on June 1 2003 FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: 4th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: AUD$100,000+ total prize value, international concerts, recording contracts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: International auditions are held in 10 cities in the US, UK, Europe, Asia and Australia in November and December 2002. The 20 selected ensembles will receive free return travel to Melbourne and free accommodation for the duration of the competition. ADDRESS: Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition, PO Box 325, South Yarra, Victoria 3141, Australia. PH: [03] 9682-3411 FAX: [03] 9682-3422

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WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected] LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 1 2002 [Last held November 24-December 2 2000] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Bilbao, Spain OPEN TO: All born on or after December 3 1966 and no later than November 23 1982 [add 2 years for next event] FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: 10th Bilbao International Singing Competition LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Set-refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: For Males & Females 1st ESP1,000,000; 2nd 600,000; 3rd 400,000 [in each division]; Group A Prize ESP500,000; Audience Prize ESP200,000; Criticism Prize ESP200,000 + engagements for an opera in 2001 and 2 recitals in Bilbao [taking part in the audition of Eurolyrica] + Scholarship EPS1,200,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Concurso Internacional, de Canto de Bilbao Apartado de Correos, 1532, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain. PH: [34] 94-424-6533 FAX: [34] 94-424-6454

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 15 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting-several categories CITY/COUNTRY: Riverside CA USA OPEN TO: All FEE: TBC for 2001. In 2000, if Postmarked Before August 1: 1st Entry: $18 [£13] Additional Entries: $15 [£10] Each; If Postmarked After August 1: 1st Entry: $20.00 [£14] Additional Entries: $18 [£13] Each TITLE: Unisong International Song Contest LENGTH: 5 minutes maximum + “each entry must consist of completed and signed entry form, Cassette or CD and Lyric sheet [lyrics not required for instrumental category and cassette or CD not required for lyric only category]” THEME: Open but set categories PRIZES: Over $50,000 total prize value inc. all expense paid trip overseas. ONLINE ENTRY: Yes via MP3-refer Website NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Unisong ISC, 5198 Arlington Avenue, PMB 513, Riverside, CA 92504 USA. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 16 2004 FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano, [see also March 1 for amateur event] CITY/COUNTRY: Fort Worth TX USA OPEN TO: All Between 18 and 30 years of age FEE: Yet to be announced for 2004 TITLE: 12th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition ORG: Van Cliburn Foundation LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 3 medalists recognized as the laureates of the competition will receive equal cash awards of $20,000 and career management services from the foundation. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online [PDF format] NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, 2525 Ridgmar Boulevard, Suite 307, Fort Worth, Texas 76116 USA. PH: [1-817] 738-6536 FAX: [1-817] 738-6534 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 18 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting CITY/COUNTRY: Portland, USA OPEN TO: All who did not earn over $1,000 in royalties within the last year FEE: US$12 per entry [US$10 per entry after 1st three] [checks & money orders payable to “Songwriters Resource Network”] TITLE: Great American Song Contest ORG/S: Songwriters Resource Network LENGTH: 1 song per cassette. Send 3 typed lyric sheets for each entry [entries in lyrics only category require no cassette simply send 3 lyric sheets]. THEME: Open PRIZES: Grand Prize Winner receives $250 + 1-year free membership to TAXI Independent A&R Company [$300 Value]; 1st Place Winners in each song category receive an “Outstanding Achievement in Songwriting” Award + 1-year free membership to TAXI Independent A&R Company; Top 5 winners in each category [total of 25] receive an “Excellence In Songwriting Award” [to help promote your music to publishers, producers & the music media.]; All winners from all categories will have their names & winning entries announced to national songwriting publications. Grand Prize and 1st Place category winners will also receive

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a free year’s subscription to the publication “Songwriter’s Monthly”. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Writers retain all rights to their songs and lyrics. ADDRESS: Great American Song Contest, PMB 135, 6327-C SW Capitol Hill Hwy, Portland OR 97201-1937 USA. WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 28 2001 [Last held December 4-9 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Trumpet CITY/COUNTRY: Porcia, Italy OPEN TO: All aged under 35 years FEE: TBC for 2001 TITLE: 12th Giovani Concertisti International Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: ITL19,000,000 total prize value + concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with the Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto. ADDRESS: Amici della Musica Salvador, Gandino Via de Pellegrini, I-33080 Porcia, Italy. PH/FAX: [39-0434] 590-356 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 31 2001 [Last held November 19-25 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Chamber music performance by duos, trios, quartets and quintets CITY/COUNTRY: Trapani, Italy OPEN TO: For duo, trio, quartet and quintet: members under 35 years of age; average age of the ensemble must not exceed 35 years of age at October 31 2000 [add 1 year for next event] FEE: Yes-refer organizer’s prospectus for category fees TITLE: 21st International Chamber Music Competition LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: 1st ITL13,000,000; 2nd ITL5,000,000; 3rd ITL3,500,000; 4th ITL3,000,000; 5th ITL2,000,000; Press Jury Award for best performance of a romantic work ITL2,000,000; For best performance of contemporary work [composed after 1945] ITL2,000,000; Award for best interpretation by a String Quartet of a work by composer Antonio Scontrinoi ITL3,000,000, concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Reimbursement of travelling expenses [or part of] for competitors under certain conditions.

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ADDRESS: Secretary Office at the Assessorato of Cultura, Sport, Tourism of Provincia, Regionale di Trapani, Piazza Vittorio, Veneto I-91100, Trapani, Italy. PH: [39-0923] 23-692 FAX: [39-0923] 873-663 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: October 31 2002 FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Chamber Music performance: Section 1-String quartet, Section 2- String trio, piano trio, piano quartet, woodwind quintet CITY/COUNTRY: Osaka, Japan OPEN TO: All aged 16-35 years FEE: TBC for 2002 TITLE: 4th Osaka International Chamber Music Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st JPY3,000,000, 2nd JPY1,500,000, 3rd JPY1,000,000 [in each Section] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: All competitors living outside Japan will be provided with an economy-class return airfare from their nearest international airport to Osaka and their accommodation. ADDRESS: The Osaka International Chamber Music Competition Secretariat, Japan Chamber Music Foundation, 2-33 Shiromi 2-chome, Chuo-ku Osaka 540-8510, Japan. PH: [81-6] 6941-2184 FAX: [81-6] 6941-2198

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 5 2001 [Last held December 3 in 1999] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [see THEME for style] CITY/COUNTRY: Rochester NY USA OPEN TO: Undergraduate and graduate students registered in a degree program at any College, University, or Conservatory in New York, Connecticut, or Massachusetts. FEE: No TITLE: Lotte Lenya Competition For Singers ORG/S: Kurt Weill Foundation LENGTH: Set-refer Website THEME: Award “recognizes excellence in the performance of music for the theatre, in its broadest sense, including opera, operetta, and American musical theatre. Criteria for adjudication include vocal technique and beauty of instrument as well as interpretation, acting, idiomatic performance, and stage presence” PRIZES: Cash awards totaling $5,000 will be distributed at the judges’ discretion to as many as 3 winners. A separate $500 prize will be offered to an outstanding accompanist. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: The Lotte Lenya Competition for Singers, Attn: Scott Stratton, Eastman School of Music, 26 Gibbs Street, Rochester, NY 14604 USA. PH: [716] 274-1020

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WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 6 2001 [Last held December 1-10 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Chamber Music [Section A: Duo with or without piano; Section B: Duo with 2 pianos; Section C: ensemble of 3 instruments or more with or without piano] CITY/COUNTRY: Caltanissetta, Italy OPEN TO: Ensemble members age 37 years or under; average members’ age 35 years or under FEE: TBC for 2001 TITLE: 17th Musical Execution International Competition LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: 1st ITL 7,000,000; 2nd ITL 5,000,000; 3rd ITL 3,000,000 [Sections A, B]; 1st ITL 10,000,000; 2nd ITL 7,000,000; 3rd ITL 5,000,000 [Section C] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Facilities provided for 1st 50 enrolments. ADDRESS: Istituto Musicale V. Bellini, Corso Umberto 84, I-93100 Caltanissetta, Italy. PH: [39-934] 26-803 FAX: [39-934] 22-998 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 12 2004 [Last held November 9-25 in 2000] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Calgary, Canada OPEN TO: All who will have reached their 20th birthday and will not have reached their 31st birthday by November 9 2000 [TBC for 2004] FEE: TBC for 2004 TITLE: 3rd Esther Honens Calgary International Piano Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st US$22,500; 2nd US$17,500; 3rd US$12,500, 2 4ths US$4,000; Artist of Special Promise US$2,500; Best Chamber Performance US$2,500, Non-winning Semifinalists US$1,000 + 3-year Artistic and Career Development Program for 1st 3 laureates [“value…at least US$250,000] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: The Competition hopes to provide some air transportation at least for competitors coming to Calgary. Competitors will be lodged individually in private homes. ADDRESS: Esther Honens Calgary International Piano Competition, 134 Eleventh Avenue SE, 3rd Floor, Calgary AB T2G 0X5 Canada. PH: [1-403] 299-0130

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[Toll free North America 1-800-213-9750] FAX: [1-403] 299-0137 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 15 2001 [Last held December 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Tarragona, Spain OPEN TO: All FEE: TBC for 2001 TITLE: 9th Tarragona International Musical Composition Prize LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st ESP1,500,000 + winning composition will be played during world premiere in Tarragona by El Orchestra Simfonica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Ajuntament de Tarragona, Placa de la Font 1, E-43003 Tarragona, Spain. PH: [34] 977-296100 FAX: [34] 977-296118 WEBSITE: [Spanish language site] E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 15 2002 [Last held February 23-March 3 in 2000] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Duo for piano & voice [Lied], piano, string quartet CITY/COUNTRY: Graz, Austria OPEN TO: In Lied Category - Female singers born after January 1 1968 & Male singers born after January 1 1966/Pianists born after January 1 1966; In Piano Solo - Pianists born after January 1 1968; In String Quartet - Each quartet member born after January 1 1966 and combined age of string quartet must not exceed 120 years by the end of 2000 [**NOTE: year limits TBC for 2003 event] FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: 5th International Competition - Franz Schubert and the Music of Modernity LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: Lied 1st ATS120,000; 2nd ATS90,000; 3rd ATS60,000; Piano solo 1st ATS90,000; 2nd ATS 60,000; 3rd ATS40,000; String Quartet 1st ATS240,000; 2nd ATS180,000; 3rd ATS120,000; scholarships, concerts, radio broadcasts, recordings ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: University of Music and Dramatic Arts, GrazBR, International Competition - Franz Schubert and the

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Music of Modernity, Leonhardstrasse 15, A-8010 Graz, Austria. PH: [43-316] 389-1900 FAX: [43-316] 389-1901 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 30 2001 FREQ: TBA INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting CITY/COUNTRY: Nashville, USA OPEN TO: Amateur songwriters only. Writers that derive the majority of their income from songwriting or have ever had a staff writing deal with a publishing company may not enter. No songs under a professional contract may be entered. FEE: $35 for 1 song, $50 for 2 songs TITLE: N.S.A.I. Song Contest for Aspiring Songwriters ORG/S: Nashville Songwriters Association International [N.S.A.I.] LENGTH: Songs may not exceed 5 minutes in length. Contestant may submit as many songs as he/she wishes; however, the maximum number of songs per entry is 2. Each song requires a separate CD or cassette and lyric sheet. THEME: Open PRIZES: Grand Prize Winner will receive an all expense paid trip to Nashville for professional introductions to industry decision makers, a Bluebird Cafe performance, and a mentoring session with pro-songwriters. Plus, a major label artist will record a demo of the winning song to be produced by a top Nashville producer. The song will then be pitched to publishers, record labels and managers for one year. Also, a Big Baby Taylor Guitar with gig bag and other prizes from N.S.A.I. and our sponsors and patrons will be awarded to the

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Grand Prize Winner. Prizes will be awarded equally for up to 2 co-writers. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: NSAI, 1701 West End Avenue, 3rd Floor; Nashville, TN 37203 USA. Mark packages: “Attn: Song Contest”. PH: 1-800-321-6008 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 30 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [works for symphony orchestra] CITY/COUNTRY: London, England OPEN TO: All FEE: No TITLE: 2nd Masterprize International Composing Competition ORG/S: Masterprize LENGTH: 6-15 minutes duration. Works may have been previously performed and broadcast. THEME: Open but works should be scored for normal symphonic forces with a maximum of 90 and a minimum of 50 players. PRIZES: 1st £30,000, other finalists will each receive £1,000 ONLINE ENTRY: Yes NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Masterprize, PO Box 18867, London SW7 2WF UK. PH: +44 (0)207 591 4848 FAX: 44 20 7591 4848 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 30 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting CITY/COUNTRY: Hendersonville TN USA OPEN TO: All FEE: $15 per song [each on individual cassette] TITLE: Enormous Records Songwriting Contest LENGTH: Each entry must be on an individual cassette tape with lyric sheet enclosed with entry containing one song only, 5 minutes maximum. THEME: Open-song may be any form of pop, rock, urban, R & B, alternative, country or gospel music. PRIZES: The Grand Prize winning entry will receive $250 cash + plaque + single song publishing contract and may have the song recorded by an artist chosen by Enormous Records in a Nashville Tennessee recording studio + 4 sets of D’Addario guitar strings. ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Enormous Records, 235 East Main Street, # 264, Hendersonville, TN 37075 USA. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 30 2003 FREQ: Triennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition [Classical] CITY/COUNTRY: London, UK OPEN TO: All BUT entrants can only submit one entry FEE: No TITLE: Masterprize LENGTH: For works for symphony orchestra which, based on the composer's metronomic or tempo marking, will normally have a duration of 6-15 minutes THEME: Open but should be scored for normal symphonic forces with a maximum of 90 and a minimum of 50 players PRIZES: Winner receives £30,000; other finalists receive £1,000; for 5 finalists, Masterprize will provide air travel to and from the Final, if required, and hotel accommodation for two nights ONLINE ENTRY: No but entry form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: “Aim is to find symphonic works with the potential to enter the standard orchestral repertoire, and to involve and engage audiences worldwide in the development of new music.” ADDRESS: Masterprize, PO Box 18867, London, SW7 2WF England. PH: 44-20-7591-4846 FAX: 44-20-7591-4848 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 30 2003 [Last held May 5-18 2000] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Dublin, Ireland OPEN TO: All aged 17-30 years FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: Guardian Dublin International Piano Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st IEP10,000 + recitals in London, New York, Vienna; 2nd IEP7,500; 3rd IEP5,000 [Total prize value IEP39,200] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland. ADDRESS: Guardian Dublin International Piano Competition, Liffey House, 24-28 Tara Street, IRL-Dublin 2 Ireland. PH: [353-1] 677-3066 FAX: [353-1] 671-1385 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: November 30 2001 FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Opera, oratorio, lied CITY/COUNTRY: Barcelona, Spain OPEN TO: Females aged under 32 years; Males aged under 35 years FEE: TBC for 2001 TITLE: 38th Francesco Vinas International Singing Competition LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: 1st [men and women] ESP1,300,000; 2nd ESP800,000; 3rd ESP500,000; Special Prizes ESP600,000 to 150,000 + debut opera concert engagements + scholarships ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours, International de Chant, Francesco Vinas, Bruc 125, E-08037 Barcelona, Spain. PH: [34-93] 457-8646 FAX: [34-93] 301-7486

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 1 2001 [Held June 18-23 in 2001] FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Salt Lake City, USA OPEN TO: All aged 14-18 years [Junior category for 11-13 year olds] FEE: US$50 [in both age categories] [payable to “Gina Bachauer International Piano Foundation”] TITLE: Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition [includes Junior category] ORG/S: Gina Bachauer International Piano Foundation LENGTH: Refer Website THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st $3,000; 2nd $2,000; 3rd $1,500; 4th $1,000 + medals ONLINE ENTRY: No but application form is online NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: The Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition, [Add this line here for main event: PO Box 11664, Salt Lake City, Utah 84147 USA. PH: [1-801] 521-9200 FAX: [1-801] 521-9202 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 1 2003 [Last held April 10-16 in 2000] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: String Quartet CITY/COUNTRY: Hampshire, UK OPEN TO: Total age of quartet not to exceed 120 years on April 17 2000 [**NOTE: year limits TBC for 2003 event] FEE: TBC for 2003 TITLE: London International String Quartet Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1st GBP8,000 + Amadeus Trophy + European Tour; 2nd GBP5,600; 3rd GBP4,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: London International String Quartet Competition, 62 High Street, Fareham, Hampshire GB-P016 7BG England. PH: [44-1329] 283-603 FAX: [44-1329] 281-969 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 1 2001 [Held July 2002] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing CITY/COUNTRY: USA OPEN TO: Students of NATSAA Singing Teachers FEE: Announced on Website shortly TITLE: National Association of Teachers of Singing Competitions NATSAA [NATS Artist Awards] LENGTH: Announced on Website shortly THEME: Announced on Website shortly PRIZES: 1st $7,000 Cash + $3,000 Winner’s Recital at the next National Convention + Carnegie Hall Appearance under the auspices of Manhattan Philharmonic and Mid-America Productions; 2nd $4,000 Cash; 3rd $2,000; Dorothy Kirsten-James Browning Award for most promising singer $500 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: The next NATSAA Competition’s semifinals and finals will be held at the National Convention in San Diego, July 2002. ADDRESS: NATSAA Coordinator: Darleen Kliewer-Britton, 4635 E. Monte Way, Phoenix, AZ 85044 USA. PH: 480-893-0623 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 1 2003 FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Sydney, Australia OPEN TO: All aged between 17 and 30 years [date calculated from January 1] FEE: TBC for 2004 TITLE: 7th Sydney International Piano Competition of Australia LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: AUD$100,000+ total prize value inc. concert engagements throughout Australia and overseas including New Zealand, Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, USA, England, France and Germany. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage is with the Australian Chamber Orchestra and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. ADDRESS: Sydney International Piano Competition of Australia, PO Box 420, Double Bay, NSW 1360 Australia. PH: [61-2] 9326 2405 FAX: [61-2] 9326 2604 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 1 2001 [Held June 9-30 2002] FREQ: Quinquennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano, violin, cello, singing [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Moscow, Russia OPEN TO: In piano, violin and cello categories: all aged between 17 and 32 years; in singing: all aged between 17 and 34 years of age FEE: No TITLE: International Tchaikovsky Competition LENGTH: Refer prospectus for set options THEME: Refer prospectus for set options PRIZES: 1st US$10,000; 2nd US$8,000; 3rd US$6,000; 4th US$4,000; 5th US$3,000; 6th US$2,000 + medals + diplomas ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Organizing Committee will pay hotel and meals for contestants and accompanists during their official participation in the Competition. ADDRESS: Russian State Concert Company, “Sodruzhestvo”, 121835 Moscow, Russia. PH: [7-095] 248-3494 FAX: [7-095] 230-2427

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Violin: January 15 2001; Singing: January 15 2002 ; Composition: December 31 2002 FREQ: Biennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin, singing [classical], composition [classical] CITY/COUNTRY: Brussels, Belgium OPEN TO: All born after January 15 1974, Singing: All born after January 15 1968 [will change for next event] FEE: Yes-varies-refer organizer’s prospectus TITLE: International Musical Competition ORG/S: Concours Reine Elisabeth LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus for full details THEME: Refer organizer’s prospectus PRIZES: Range from BEF50,000 to BEF500,000 + concert engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours Reine Elisabeth, 20 rue aux laines, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. PH: [32-2] 513-00-99 FAX: [32-2] 514-32-97 WEBSITE: [Intermittent Website functionality] E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 13 2002 [Singing], December 14 2001 [Kapell] FREQ: Each of below competitions staged once quadrennially [different event each year] INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Singing [classical], cello, piano CITY/COUNTRY: College Park [near Washington DC] USA OPEN TO: Singing: All aged 21-39 years; Cello: all aged 18-30 years; Piano: all aged 18-33 years FEE: US$80 per entrant [checks/money orders payable to “University of Maryland”] TITLE: University of Maryland-Marian Anderson International Vocal Arts Competition, William Kapell Piano Competition, Leonard Rose Cello Competition ORG/S: Smith Performing Arts Center LENGTH: Varies by genre-refer Website THEME: Refer Website for repertoire PRIZES: Singing: 1st US$20,000 + recital, 2nd US$10,000, 3rd US$5,000, Semi-Finalists receive US$1,000 + up to half transportation costs. Similar prizes for other categories. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Contestants should be prepared to arrive in College Park no later than May 20 2002. Competition is not open to previous first prize winners of the William Kapell Competition or the University of Maryland International Piano Competition or the Leonard Rose Cello Competition.

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ADDRESS: William Kapell Piano Competition, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Suite 3800, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-1625 USA OR Rose Cello Competition, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, 1115 Holzapfel Hall, College Park, MD 20742-5611 USA. OR The Marian Anderson Vocal Arts Competition, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA. PH: 301-405-8174 FAX: 301-405-5977 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 14 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: The Scholarship follows a 4-year cycle covering the four sections of the orchestra: woodwind, strings, brass and timpani & percussion CITY/COUNTRY: Cambridge, England OPEN TO: Students aged between 14 and 22 of British nationality or resident in the UK for at least 3 years FEE: No TITLE: Shell LSO Music Scholarship ORG/S: London Symphony Orchestra LENGTH: Varies by instrument-refer Website for set repertoire on each category THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 1st £6,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Everyone who applies is offered an audition, and is then selected to take part in regional competitive workshops or non-competitive masterclasses later in the year. National Final held with the LSO. ADDRESS: Helen Thompson, Scholarship Administrator, 45 Howard Road, Cambridge, CB5 8QT England. PH/FAX: 01223-501709 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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DEADLINE: December 15 2001 [Held July 27-August 7 2002] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Piano CITY/COUNTRY: Santander, Spain OPEN TO: All FEE: No TITLE: Paloma O'Shea Santander International Piano Competition LENGTH: Set repertoire-refer Website THEME: Set repertoire-refer Website PRIZES: 1st c. US$46,150 + Kawai grand piano RX-3 + Rolex gold watch; 2nd c. $19,230; 3rd c. $7,700 + concert engagements [total value Ptas 15,000,000 - US$80,000] ONLINE ENTRY: No ADDRESS: Concurso Internacional de Piano de Santander Paloma O'Shea, Calle Hernán Cortés, 3, Entlo. E-39003 Santander, España. PH: [34-942] 311-451 FAX: [34-942] 314-816 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 30 2005 [Last Held October 13-28 2001] FREQ: Quinquennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Poznan, Poland OPEN TO: All under 30 years of age FEE: Refer organizer TITLE: 13th International Violin Competition LENGTH: Refer organizer’s prospectus THEME: Set-refer prospectus PRIZES: 1st US$25,000; 2nd $20,000; 3rd $15,000; 4th $5,000; 5th $4,000; 6th $3,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Secretariat du Concours International, Henry Wieniawski, 7 rue Swietoslawska, PL-61840, Poznan, Poland. PH: [48-61] 852-26-42 FAX: [48-61] 852-89-91

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 15 2001 [Last held May 6-15 in 2000] FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Flute, oboe [varies with each event] CITY/COUNTRY: Prada, Czech Republic OPEN TO: All but there are age restrictions TBC; in 2000 Cello: 30 years of age or under; Conducting: 35 years of age or under FEE: US$100 TITLE: 53rd International Music Competition LENGTH: TBC for 2001 THEME: TBC for 2001 PRIZES: 1st CZK200,000; 2nd CZK100,000; 3rd CZK50,000 + concert engagements in each category ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Prague Spring International Music Competition, Hellichova 18, CZ-11800 Praha 1, Czech Republic. PH: [420-2] 533-474 FAX: [420-2] 536-040 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 31 2003 FREQ: Biennial [from 2001 on] INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Music composition-2 categories: Dance, Original Choreography CITY/COUNTRY: Athens, Greece OPEN TO: All FEE: No TITLE: Onassis International Prizes For Original Music Composition For Dance And Original Choreography ORG/S: Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation LENGTH: 25-35 minutes THEME: “Modalities for the submission of the works: The works should be submitted in three videotapes, without editing. Optionally, three edited videotapes can be submitted” PRIZES: 1st US$100,000, 2nd US$75,000, 3rd US$50,000 [in each category] ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Secretariat of the International Onassis Prizes, Eschinou Street 7, [Plaka], 105 58 Athens, Greece. PH: 30-1-33-10-900 FAX: 30-1-32-36-044 WEBSITE:

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 31 2004 [Last Held February 9-16 2001] FREQ: Quadrennial INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin CITY/COUNTRY: Zagreb, Croatia OPEN TO: All under 30 years of age FEE: Yes-refer prospectus TITLE: 7th International Violin Competition - Vaclav Huml LENGTH: Set-refer prospectus THEME: Set-refer prospectus PRIZES: 1st DM10,000; 2nd DM7,000; 3rd DM5,000; 4th DM3,000 + concert engagements ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Hrvatski glazbeni zavod, Ilica 42, HR-10000, Zagreb, Hrvatska/Croatie. PH: [385-1] 484-7570 FAX: [385-1] 484-7570 E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 31 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Composition CITY/COUNTRY: New York, USA OPEN TO: Entrants must be members of the American Society for Jewish Music. Composers who are not members may join the Society for the usual membership fee [any age, gender or religious affiliation is acceptable]. FEE: No additional entrance fee for the competition beyond normal membership TITLE: American Society for Jewish Music Composers Competition LENGTH: 5-10 minutes duration THEME: Original sacred and/or secular vocal [choral or solo] and instrumental works on Jewish themes that are New compositions on Jewish themes, for liturgical use and/or concert performance that have never been available for sale in published or recorded form. PRIZES: Aaron J. Caplow Prize of $2,000 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: ASJM, 15 W. 16th Street, 5th floor, New York, NY 10011 USA. FAX: 212-294-6161

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: December 31 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Violin, string quartet [varies with each event] CITY/COUNTRY: Yugoslavia OPEN TO: Violinists under 30 years of age, string quartets with members under 35 years of age FEE: US$50 [violinists], US$100 [quartets] TITLE: Belgrade International Jeunesses Musicales Competition LENGTH: Refer Website for full details THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: Major prizes TBC + concerts ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final stage with Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. Full board and lodging for all candidates until the last day of their participation. ADDRESS: International Jeunesses Musicales Competition, Terazije 26/II, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia. PH: [381-11] 686-380 FAX: [381-11] 235-1517 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Opera, Oratorio-Lied December 31 2001 ; Piano December 31 2001 FREQ: Annual INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Opera, oratorio, piano CITY/COUNTRY: Greece OPEN TO: Opera, Oratorio-Lied: Open to singers of all nationalities: Female singers born between spring 1971 and spring 1983. Male singers born between spring 1969 and spring 1983. Piano: All born between April 1970 and April 1984. FEE: US$100 TITLE: Maria Callas Grand Prize for Oratorio - Lied; Maria Callas Grand Prix For Pianists ORG/S: Athenaeum International Cultural Centre LENGTH: Refer Website for detailed explanation THEME: Refer Website PRIZES: 1 Grand Prix GRD3,000,000; Finalists GRD300,000; gold medal, concert engagements, diplomas ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Final round is with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Lassy [Rumania]. Free meals for all the participants. Free accommodation only for the candidates selected for the 3rd stage. ADDRESS: Secretariat of the Athenaeum International Cultural Center, 3 Adrianou St., GR - 105 55 Athens, Greece. PH: [+301] 321-19-87 FAX: [+301] 321-11-96

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WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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FUNDING BODY: Jim Beam Bourbon B.E.A.M. Program [can be used for any music-related financial need that helps further one's career, such as recording costs, new equipment, or tour support] STATE/COUNTRY: USA ELIGIBILITY: Unsigned emerging US musicians at least 21 years of age PROGRAMS: Benefiting Emerging Artists in Music Program [US$100,000 in grants to be awarded] NOTE: Programs and initiatives periodically vary so always check with organization directly for detailed criteria & latest activities ADDRESS: B.E.A.M. Advisory Board, PO Box 5439, New York, NY 10150 USA. WEBSITE: [Click on Jim Beam Music-B.E.A.M] FUNDING BODY: Australia Council STATE/COUNTRY: Australia ELIGIBILITY: Open to all Australians PROGRAMS: Grants for New Work, Presentation and Promotion, Skills and Arts Development, International Residency, Fellowships, Strategic Partnerships. NOTE: Programs and initiatives periodically vary so always check with organization directly for detailed criteria & latest activities ADDRESS: Operations Section, Australia Council for the Arts, PO Box 788, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Australia.

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PH: 1800-226-912 WEBSITE:

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Ongoing Music Contests.

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Ongoing [Each contest ends when it is filled with 64 song entries] FREQ: N/A INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting COUNTRY: Tucson, Arizona, USA OPEN TO: All FEE: $20 per song [payable to “SongRiders Contest”] TITLE: Whitefeather’s Song Contest ORG/S: SongRider Studios LENGTH: Send on a labeled cassette or CD. You may send the song[s] through the internet on MP3 sound files but the check or money order must still be sent by snail mail along with the lyrics, your email address and your regular return address. THEME: Open but “unique syncopation, indispensable harmonies, expressive mood, clear message, imaginative lyrics and impressionable melodies - though not all of these need be present to win” PRIZES: 1st $440, 2nd $120, 3rd $40 ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: Contest judge is Gloria Loring. ADDRESS: SongRider Studios, Lakeside Village, 8250 E. Golf Links #49, Tucson, Arizona 85730 USA. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Ongoing [launched March 1 2000 - Competitions are back-to-back with each round limited to 15,000 contestants] FREQ: N/A INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting [Song categories include: Rock, Alternative, Pop, Jazz, R&B/Blues, Country/ Folk, Reggae/Ska, Latin, New Age, Instrumental, Gospel/ Inspirational, Christian, Classical/Orchestral, World, Dance/ Hip-Hop/Rap, Calypso, Hawaiian, Children’s, Lyrics Only] CITY/COUNTRY: USA OPEN TO: All amateurs and songwriters earning less than $5,000 per year in songwriting-related royalties FEE: US$20 per single-song entry, 2nd song is US$15, additional songs are $10 each - cheques or money orders payable to “” [Each song entered must be on its own cassette or CD and include its own entry form] TITLE: Belham Valley Records Songwriting Contest ORG/S: Belham Valley Records, LENGTH: Open-audio cassette[s] or CD[s] containing one song only per entry form [songs must be contestant’s original works]. THEME: Open but see categories PRIZES: Grand Prize Overall $50,000; 2nd Overall $20,000; 3rd Overall $10,000; Individual Category Prizes: 20 1sts $2,000 each; 20 2nds $1,000 each; 20 3rds $500 each + Belham Valley Songwriting Contest will produce and release on a compilation disc one song from the grand prize and each

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first place winner in all twenty categories. These two features will reward talented songwriters and composers with recognition from their peers and industry executives. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria EXTRA: No composition or lyrics previously licensed or released for commercial sale in any country will be eligible. This includes material which has been signed with a publisher or record label. ADDRESS:, PO Box 12367, Lahaina, Hawaii 96761 USA, Attn: Song Contest. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Bi-monthly [6 times per year] with each issue of the Magazine FREQ: Monthly INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting-lyrics only CITY/COUNTRY: USA OPEN TO: US writers FEE: $10 per song, 3 songs maximum [no tapes, lyrics only] TITLE: American Songwriter Magazine Lyric Contest LENGTH: Open THEME: Open PRIZES: Yearly grand prize of round trip airfare for 2 to Nashville and a master production demo of winning song, bi-monthly prize of Martin Guitar & Case ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: American Songwriter Magazine, Lyric Contest, 1009 17th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37212-2201 USA. PH: 1-800-739-8712/615-321-6096 FAX: 615-321-6097 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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LAST/NEXT DEADLINE: Ongoing [6-12 contests per year] INSTRUMENT/GENRE: Songwriting [Song categories include: Country/Folk, Rock/Alternative, Blues, Gospel/ Inspirational, Jazz, Latin, Instrumental, Pop/Dance] COUNTRY: International OPEN TO: All amateurs and songwriters earning less than $5,000 per year in songwriting-related royalties FEE: US$10 per entry. Must include completed entry form. TITLE: The International Contests LENGTH: Open-audio cassette[s] or CD[s] containing one song only per entry form, 5 minute max. [original songs must be contestant’s original works]. THEME: Open but see categories in INSTRUMENT/ GENRE above PRIZES: Grand Prize Overall 2% of all entry fees received for all contests. Individual Category Prizes: 10 1sts at 10% of entry fees for each contest/category; 10 2nds at 5% of entry fees for each contest/category; 10 3rds at 2.5% of entry fees for each contest/category. ONLINE ENTRY: No NOTE: Always check with organizers for exact criteria ADDRESS: Contests International Company, 14260 Garden Road, Suite 27B, Poway, CA 92064. WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected]

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