Page 1: Music video evaluation

Reece Mechan


I think my music video production looks really good with the black and white edit set throughout the music video. The colour scheme I chose looked good because I think it helps the audience focus more on the characters instead of their focus being put onto the settings and other distractions. Another reason why I think the black and white edit made my video look better is because the footage looks more professional than it did when it was in colour; the examples of this are shown on the right. In the examples shown below it shows me it makes me focus on the characters I also think it covers up the fact that in the coloured version of the video the light made the characters darker than we had hoped they would seem. Instead during the black and white version everything looks the same lighting. Another thing that I think went well in my music video production is the scene where the camera is focusing in and out on the flower, which is shown on the left. I think this scene is one of the best ones in the

video and I think the reason for that is because you can see the detail of the flower very well, also I think it just fits in with the music video and was used as a good time filler where I could just put it anywhere in which I didn’t have a shot to go. Another reason why I like this shot is because it gives the audience a break from just seeing shots with characters instead it focused on an inanimate object. Another

reason I think that it was good that we chose to include shots of flowers are because they are usually seen as a gesture of romance.

One of the many challenges our group faced was when we had a disagreement within the group that led to one of us leaving the group before we even began filming. This led to many problems that we then faced because we couldn’t use the person’s house. We had to sort out another location for the video to be shot. Also, we had to find an actress to be in the music video this lead to us changing things numerous times. I think next time I would choose who I work with more carefully than I did on this assignment, as a result of doing this I think it would make the pre-production and the planning stages easier than we experienced it this time round. Another problem we faced was that after we found an actress and a location to film in the two actors we used didn’t really work well together so we decided to use Zara and her girlfriend Lucy. We chose to use these because they were dating so it didn’t involve much acting for them. Also they appeared to be very comfortable in front of the camera when they were with each other. After experiencing these challenges we faced as a group, I feel like it has helped me learn how to do it if I was to film another music video or produce a project with a group of people. This has built up my confidence with working in a group as this was my first proper group project.

Page 2: Music video evaluation

Reece Mechan

As mentioned in the photo diary we had to re film some of the scenes due to the fact that they were out of focus, or they weren’t steady. I used some of the out of focus scenes because they looked better in black and white than the clear footage. I think this was due to the lighting on the day we re-filmed the scenes, an example of one of the shots is shown on the right. In the example used the shot is out of focus and isn’t steady. I think this is a result to us not using a tripod for some scenes and

also due to us getting use to the camera because we couldn’t remember how to do some stuff on it. In the next example shown on the right, I kept that in the video because it wasn’t planned and it was just random so I think if we recreated it it’ll look worse because it would look staged. Another reason why I kept this shot in was because I think it looks better in black and white than it

did in colour. When it was in colour it made Lucy really bright and made Zara darker but in black and white it looks like they have the same lighting on.

In my edit of the music video I didn’t stick to the storyboard and the script because I think if we all did the same footage in the same order it would look the same. A problem I faced after I chose to do stuff was trying to get it all to flow with the song. One of things I took out was the scene that referenced that the couple was having sex during the instrumental part of the song. I removed this scene because I thought it would look better if I just had footage appearing. I think if I decided to do this earlier I could have added photos into my video and just have them flashing up over the video. If I would have done this idea I would have made them look like the pictures were on Polaroid. I would have added this effect into the music video because in some films and some music videos they use the effect of Polaroid as a way to let the audience know that the couple or the friendship has lasted a long time. Another result of adding this effect would be that it made the music video look more creative than it did. Another thing I would have added to the music video would have been that I would have put the title of the song over an image so you could see bits of that within the letters. As a result of doing this I think it would have made the title credit to the music video look more interesting than it does in the picture shown above.

If I was to film another music video I think I would choose my group more carefully, edit the footage better and I think I would make the video look more creative.

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