
Marine Fire Protection Safe for certain.


… and nobodyhas to leave the ship

SAFETYThe variety of fire risks onships requires a partner who provides fire protection from planning through torealisation and who takes the special requirements into consideration.

Minimax is the leading full-service provider for fire pro-tection in Europe and one ofthe leading companies world-wide.

With Minimax you ”playsafe“: we provide completestationary and mobile fire protection solutions from riskanalysis via technical design toinstallation.We look after approval of thecomponents, submission ofdocuments to the classifica-tion societies and acceptanceof the systems during commissioning on your ship.

Due to its close cooperationwith all important classifi-cation societies on a nationaland international levelMinimax often contributes to laying the basis for new regulations worldwide.

Minimax provides a custom-ised fire protection conceptand a perfect combination ofindividual systems.

Our fire detection systemsdetect fire risks fast and reli-ably 24 hours a day. Theywarn persons at risk, informthe people responsible andprovide all relevant informati-on to initiate correct emer-gency measures immediately.Minimax provides fire detection and extinguishingcontrol in one system: theextinguishing process is auto-matically triggered ondemand and the fire is extin-guished in its initial phase,thus minimising damage.

Minimax gas extinguishingsystems suffocate fires in theirinitial phase: without extin-guishant residues, extinguish-ing damage or ecologicaldamage. Adapted to specialfire risks, they are suitable forfire protection in cargo andmachinery spaces.

Leading shipyards and shipowners rely on Minimax:Our sprinkler systems areused in passenger areas likecabins and restaurants world-wide. Minimax sprinklersystems automatically identify,detect and extinguish firesand thus, provide permanentreliable protection.


Alternatively to conventionalsprinkler systems fine spraytechnology provides a verysafe and economic solution. In case of fire our Minifog finewater spray systems show avery fast and effective reac-tion because of their optimaladaptation to the protectionobject and the expected spreading of the fire.

They spray the tiniest dropletsof extinguishing water. Thusthe cooling and suffocationeffects are very effective. The pollution of the environ-ment and the impact on people is reduced by bindingsmoke and harmful substancesin the extinguishing water.

Using fine spray technologyreduces:

pipework dimensions and weightsthe amount of extin-guishing water requiredspace requirementscontaminated extin-guishing water residue extinguishing water damage


This is why we also use finespray technology for local protection of combustionengines and oil burners as an alternative to conventional sprinkler systems.

Deluge systems are used inspecial harzard installationswhere a fast fire expansion isto be expected. e.g. protec-tion of large areas like cardecks and tank decks on gasand chemical carriers. Theyfacilitate extensive fire-fighting and cool down theburning substance.

The heat impact on objects inthe vicinity is also reducedand the fire is thus preventedfrom spreading. The systemcan be activated automaticallyor manually according torequirements.


Certificated to ISO 9001

Foam extinguishing systemsare the solution for fightingliquid fires. High-risk areas,like engine, boiler or pumprooms, are perfectly protectedwith high-expansion foam.Low-expansion foam distrib-uted with monitors is a veryeffective extinguishant forlarge open areas like tanker,freight carrier and helicopterdecks.

Powder extinguishing systemsare ideal where sudden fire”knock-down“ is necessaryand extinguishing damage is irrelevant, such as on thecargo decks of LPG or LNG tankers. The systems are available with different supplies and capacities.

MINIMAX water/foam moni-tors are perfectly suitable forequipping class 1 to 3 fire-fighters. They operate with awater throughput of up to3,600 m2 per hour and aresupplied with hydraulic liftmasts, diesel and electricpumps as well as the foamequipment.

Firefighter containers are designed for fire fightingfrom various places of operation. Installed on tugs or at shore they provide special mobility and flexibility regarding their range of application.

A large amount of hot fat inthe galley bears a high risk offire.Manually or automaticallyactivated Minimax galleyprotection systems extinguishfat fires in a matter ofseconds. The special extin-guishant is highly effective,leaves only a small amount of residue, which can be re-moved quickly, and is gener-ally recognised as hygienicallysafe. Devastating consequen-tial damage and operatinginterruptions will not occur.

Mobile fire protectionFoam/water hydrants, fireextinguishers as well as fireextinguishing devices are apart of the basic equipment ofevery ship and offshore unitand round off the Minimaxrange.


Minimax GmbH & Co. KGMarine & Special SystemsIndustriestrasse 10/1223840 Bad OldesloeGermanyPhone: +49 4531 803-0Fax: +49 4531 803-140E-mail: [email protected]









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