  • 1. MY CHILDHOOD In general I think that my childhood was very happy, I was always playing all the day and having fun. When I turned five years I moved to Puebla, was there where I met many of my friends, with my neighbors always hung out to play in the street all day and also to ride a bike. when I turned eight years I moved to Cuernavaca, here also came out to play in the park with many friends who lived near my house. We enjoyed going to the park and it was very large and there we could play many games. I am very happy with my childhood, I think it was very good, always having fun and I spend playing, and I think that might be the childhood that every kid wants.

2. TOYS 3. RELATIONSHIP WITH MY PARENTS I think the relationship with my parents has always been good, I think I've always had communication with them and that is why I have confidence. My parents , have some rules. For example when I go out I have to return at the hour they tell me I have to make my bed everyday, one day a week should I wash the dishes, I must do all my chores before playing video games. 4. ADOLESCENSE A comparison of my adolescence with the others I think my adolescene was very different because I never had problems, and I've heard that this is the age where you have a lot of trouble and do not know what to do to solve I think my teen has been good, It was fun and I liked that I learned many things, an example could be that learning to drive, and also I learned to play the guitar, my friends and me make a band that played in all the school festivals, at first it was complicated a bit, but we decided to rehearse every day and thanks to that we got to play better. 5. IN THE FUTURE in the future I see myself as a doctor, I would like to pursue a career in medicine because this is something very interesting and also very important today to be very knowledgeable about this race as medicine advances so fast, that's why you must be completely updated .. Another point I find interesting about this is that you can help people when they are ill health. Also when I grow up I want to marry and have two children and also live in Mexico City. I do not like to be a strict father with my kids because I believe that children should have some freedom from childhood, they should be understanding what you should do and what not, of course everything has a limit, and if we also give them much freedom can cause damage young. 6. THE MOVIE in my opinion, the movie we saw I liked it too, because it is not a film to which we are accustomed, this movie was very different and why convey a solid message that will serve as a clear example is Barrie, a very good man that was looking the way to help children, in this case with a very funny and interesting play of peter pan.

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