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National Defence University Pakistan

Leadership & Change Management

March 24, 2014

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Hina Habib

Muhammad karim

Lubna Khan


Introduction of NADRA................................................................................................................................5


Mission Statement - appearing in the NADRA Ordinance, 2000..................................................................6

The Reason for the Change of Mission Statement......................................................................................6

Vision Statement.........................................................................................................................................7

NADRAS Changed Statement of Vision........................................................................................................7

Company way of working............................................................................................................................8

Strategy of working with International, local, corporate clients..................................................................8

Local Clients.................................................................................................................................................8

International Clients....................................................................................................................................9

Corporate Clients.........................................................................................................................................9

Strategic Partners........................................................................................................................................9


Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC).............................................................................................10

National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP)............................................................................10

Smart National Identity Card.....................................................................................................................10

Pakistan Origin Card (POC)........................................................................................................................10

Pakistan Passports.....................................................................................................................................11

Family Registration Certificates (CRC).......................................................................................................11

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Child Registration Certificates (FRC)..........................................................................................................11

PURPOSE OF THE CHANGE........................................................................................................................12

Good Governance......................................................................................................................................12

Law Enforcement and National Security...................................................................................................12

Efficient social support..............................................................................................................................12

Benazir Income Support Program..............................................................................................................12

Pakistan Cards...........................................................................................................................................13

CHANGE MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................................13

Internal/External Forces............................................................................................................................14

INTERNAL FORCES.....................................................................................................................................14

External forces...........................................................................................................................................14


CRITERIA FOR CHANGE..............................................................................................................................15

Planned Changes.......................................................................................................................................15

Accidental Changes (National & International Business Expansion)..........................................................15

WAY OF CHANGE & PLANNING / STAGES..................................................................................................16

ORGANISATION OF RESOURCES................................................................................................................18


TIME LINE..................................................................................................................................................20







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Change in Business Model.........................................................................................................................22

Impact of the Change in Business Model:.................................................................................................23

Change in Focus: In-house Competence Development.............................................................................24

Change in Mission and Vision....................................................................................................................25

Technological Implementations................................................................................................................26




Main Databases.........................................................................................................................................27

Computerized ID Scheme..........................................................................................................................27

Coding Scheme..........................................................................................................................................27




Prevailing Problem Areas...........................................................................................................................29

Other Prevailing Problems.........................................................................................................................29

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Introduction of NADRA

NADRA is one of the leading System Integrators in the global identification sector and boasts extensive experience in designing, implementing and operating solutions for corporate and public sector clients. NADRA offers its clients a portfolio of customizable solutions for identification, e-governance and secure documents.

National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) is the largest IT Companyin Pakistan and employs a highly skilled work force of 11,100 technical andmanagement personnel. The company has maintained its position among the top fifty companies of the world in the field of secure document solution integration(by ID WORLD magazine) in 2005 and 2006. NADRA not only takes pride inproducing the Computerized National ID Card of Pakistan but also in producingthe World’s first Machine Readable Multi-Biometric Electronic Passport. NADRA has successfully implemented the Multi-Biometric National Identity Card & Multi-Biometric e-Passport solutions for Pakistan, Passport Issuing System for Kenya, Bangladesh High Security Driver’s License, and Civil Registration Management System for Sudan amongst other projects.History

In 1973, in a parliamentary session, Bhutto stated in parliament to the people of Pakistan, "due to the absence of full statistical database of the people of this country, this country is operating in utter darkness. The government starts issuing the National Identity Card (NIC) numbers to its citizens and began performing government databases of the people in the government computers.

NADRA was established on 10 March 2000 by merging Directorate General of Registration Pakistan a department created under 1973 constitution with National Database Organization (NDO), an attached department under the Ministry of Interior, Government of Pakistan created for the 1998 cencus.NADRA is an autonomous body to operate independently with the mandate to replace the old directorate general of Registration with a computrised system of registering 150 million citizens; NADRA launched the Multi-Biometric National Identity Card project developed in conformance with international security documentation issuance practices in the year 2000. The program replaced the paper based Personal Identity System of Pakistan that had been in use since 1973. To date over 96 Million citizens in Pakistan and abroad have utilized the system.

Since 2004, NADRA has maintained its position among the top 50 companies of the world in the field of Computerised National ID Card of Pakistan but also in producing the world’s firstMachine Readable Multi-Biometric Electronic Passport.

Mission Statement - appearing in the NADRAOrdinance, 2000

NADRA is unique in its paradigm because as a Public Sector organization, NADRA had been created with the sole mission of registering citizens of Pakistan to issuethem with a unique ID. The Mission Statement, as appearing in the NADRAOrdinance, 2000 is as follows:-

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“ To introduce new, improved and modernized systems of registration, databases and data warehousing for the country with their multiple beneficial uses and applications in order to achieve effective and efficient running of the affairs of State and the general public”

The Reason for the Change of Mission Statement

1. With the passage of time and success of the civil registration project, there came about a realization that NADRA’s products had commercial viability in the domestic and international market. Also, with the establishment of the NADRA Swift Registration Centre (NSRC) and Mobile Registration Vehicle (MRV) network all over Pakistan, NADRA possessed the requisite infrastructure to undertake any large scale public sector project involving data acquisition.

2. Another stimulus was the lack of government funding and the need to become self-reliant. Therefore, the Mission and Vision of NADRA were changed to include a commercialized aspect to NADRA’s products and services.

NADRA’s renewed Mission Statement is defined as follows:

“To create and maintain a secure, authentic and dynamic database thatcomprehensively covers the demographic, geographic, social and statisticalaspects of the citizens of Pakistan and provide to our own and foreigngovernments effective homeland security solutions and assistance in goodgovernance. We shall develop ourselves as a ‘Learning Organization’ in a culturethat fosters creativity, innovation, commitment, dedication, continuousimprovement and a desire to excel by its employees”.

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Vision Statement

A Catalyst for Change NADRA is the most modern organization which will provide base for the better governance of Pakistan and will also prove as a model organization for Public Sector of Pakistan.

NADRAS Changed Statement of Vision

In 2006, the vision statement was changed to:

NADRA having established itself as an industrial player of international stature envisions to:

• Become a World Class, leading Solution Provider in all areas of Homeland Security.

• Develop Human Potential that is considered the best in the word.

• Register all Pakistani Residents and Citizens by 2008.

• Become a World Leader in Technology Development.

• Develop System Integration excellence to implement and integrate proven, state-of-the-art technologies to achieve specific business objective.

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Company way of working

The main aim of NADRA is to register the entire citizen base of Pakistan; the company needs to set up operations in far flung areas where it is not cost effective to do so. On the other hand, NADRA is also a self-revenue generating authority that needs to calculate return on investment in order to sustain itself. NADRA balances the act of a national organization of strategic importance and a commercially viable business entity.

Strategy of working with International,local,corporate clients

Local Clients

1. General public

2. Ministry of Interior

3. Benazir Income support program

4. Directorate General of Immigration and Passports

5. National Highway Authority

6. Earthquake Reconstruction & Rehabilitation Authority

7. UNHCR Pakistan

Clients Projects

Ministry of Interior National Identity Card System

Directorate General of Immigration and Passports Multi-Biometric Card System

National Highway Authority e-Toll System

Benazir Income Support Program

MNA/MPA/Senator Forms Processing Project

Emergency Relief (ER) for IDPs Project

Smart Card Project

World Bank Scorecard Survey Project

Earthquake Reconstruction & Rehabilitation


UNHCR Pakistan Registration of Afghan Refugees

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International Clients

Clients Projects

Government of Sudan Civil Registration Project

Government of Kenya Passport Issuing System

Government of Bangladesh High Security Driver’s License

Government of Nigeria

Government of Sirilanka

National Identity Management System (NIMS)

ID card projectCorporate Clients

Sector Companies

Telecom Mobilink, Ufone, Telenor…

Financial Institutions Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Standard Chartered,Allied Bank,

Utility Bill Companies PTCL, IESCO, SNGPL, SSGPL…

Strategic Partners

1. Bureau of Policy Research and Development

2. Directorate General Civil Defense

3. Directorate General of Immigration and Passport

4. Directorate General Federal Investigation Agency

5. National Police Academy

6. National Police Foundation

7. National Database & Registration Authority

8. Civil Armed Forces

9. National Police Foundation

10. Narcotics Division

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Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)

CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) is the core product of NADRA issued to a valid/legitimate citizen of Pakistan. It is a blend of state-of-the-art technology and well-defined business rules to guarantee its authenticity and validity. Every genuine, 18 Years and above, citizen of Pakistan is eligible for CNIC

National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP)

NICOP (National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis) is a registration document to be issued to a valid/legitimate citizen of Pakistan. Previously it was issued to overseas Pakistanis working/living/staying/studying abroad for consecutive time period of six months or possessing dual nationalities but now it can be issued to any citizen of Pakistan.

Smart National Identity Card

NADRA introduced the Smart National Identity Card (SNIC), Pakistan's first national electronic identity card, in October 2012. Pakistan's SNIC contains a data chip and 36 security features. The SNIC complies with ICAO standard 9303 and ISO standard 7816-4. The SNIC can be used for offline and online identification, voting, pension disbursement, social and financial inclusion programs and other services. NADRA aims to replace all 89.5 million CNICs with SNICs by 2020.

Pakistan Origin Card (POC)

The POC program endeavors to provide eligible foreigners with unprecedented incentives to get back to their roots, while ensuring that the motherland remains tightly integrated with expatriates worldwide which includes

1. Visa-free entry into Pakistan.

2. Indefinite stay in Pakistan.

3. Exemption from foreigner registration requirements.

4. Permission to purchase and sell property.

5. Right to open and operate bank accounts.

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Pakistan Passports

NADRA Multi-Biometric e-Passport solution uses overt and covert security features on the data page supported by most sophisticated technology and business logic which makes it one of the most modern passports of this era. NADRA has developed expertise in centralized and decentralized e-Passport solutions to incorporate any feature as per clients’ specifications including integration of 4K, 8K, 32K, 64K, 72K RFID chip, Ghost Images, and Latex Screen printing. The system can help countries create a highly secure integrated system encompassing immigration, Automated Border Control and passport issuance while ensuring the genuineness of the holder as a valid citizen. The system requires minimum human intervention that ensures transparency while maintaining ease of exit/ entry of citizens without the holders being harassed unnecessarily.

The key features of NADRA’s system include:

1. PKI – Public Key Infrastructure

2. RFID Chip

3. Biometric features namely Facial & Fingerprint

4. IPI- Invisible Personal ID

5. 2D Barcode

6. Machine Readable Zone (MRZ)

7. Security Substrate and Laminate

8. Ultra Violet features Micro Printing

9. Holograms

10. Watermark Paper

11. Security Ink

12. 3 Color Intaglio Printing

13. Guilloche Patterns

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Child Registration Certificates (CRC)

Child Registration Certificates is a registration document used to register minors under the age of 18 years. 

Family Registration Certificates (FRC)

Family Registration Certificates are documents issued to nationals of Pakistan highlighting the family tree structure of the applicant. 


Good Governance

To make Islamic Republic of Pakistan a country where rule of law reigns supreme; where every Pakistani feels secure to lead a life in conformity with his religious beliefs, culture, heritage and customs; where a Pakistani from any group, sect or province respects the culture, tradition and faith of the other, where every foreign visitor feels welcome and secure.

Law Enforcement and National Security

Internal security holds pivotal place in national security policy of any country. Pakistan faces extensiveinternal threats and challenges to its physical and human security, which arise mainly out ofintolerance, extremism, militancy and terrorism – both in the non -urban and urban areas. Criminalcorruption and societal crimes further compound the problem. On the whole, these threats hamper prosperity of the people and progress of the NADRA help the Security forces to eliminate such types of threats.

1. Islamabad Security Project

2. Integrated Border Management System

3. Terrorism

4. Kidnaping

5. High security threats

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Efficient social support

Benazir Income Support Program

NADRA and BISP registration offices have been setup in relief camps on the directives of the President and Prime Minister to register the deserving women for Rs.1000 monthly stipend.

Pakistan Cards

The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has announced the start of its relief

operation in order to issue Pakistan Cards (PCs) to flood and rain-hit families

The PCs, debit cards working as ATM cards, would have a cash tab of Rs20,000 (each) and this amount

would be paid in two equal installments of Rs10,000 for each affected family.


The success of NADRA due to its change management is phenomenal. This success has been possible

through integration of information technology with people and a strong dynamic leadership. NADRA is

certainly using the most advanced technologies in the world, but the study of its organizational culture

reveals a uniqueness which is rare; the main role of NADRA’s change management initiative was to

achieve complete turnaround and transformation of a semi government organization into dynamic,

customer-driven, technologically advanced self-reliant IT Company:

NADRA specializes in change management and business process re-engineering of public and private

sector. The successful and seamless paradigm shift from “form based data acquisition” and “manual

registration system” to “interactive data acquisition” (Citizen Registration Project of Pakistan) proves

NADRA’s capability and urge to continuously improve its processes, systems and procedures. In addition,

NADRA is the first government authority to introduce a paperless office environment by implementing

work flow solutions.

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Internal/External Forces


1. Employees

2. Organizational environment

3. Misuse of power

4. Employees’ unions

External forces

1. External environment

2. Government polices

3. Political instability

4. Latest technology

5. Proximityof centers

6. Growing population


NADRA’s entire organizational workforce, including retired army officers corresponding to the ranks of

Colonels or Brigadiers, employees deputed form the Government of Pakistan, the bulk of entry level and

mid-management IT and management professional from the corporate sector and there effects on the

General Public after the change had been implemented.

We will examine how change has transformed the role of NADRA to transform its self to a customer-

driven, dynamic, technologically advance self-reliant IT organization from a typical government or semi-

government organization.

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NADRA is one of the few companies in Pakistan that have succeeded in a revolutionary turnaround

achieved primarily through cultural change. Following changes have shaped NADRA’s existing culture

are as follows:-

Planned Changes

1. Change in Business Model

2. In-house competence development

3. Change in Mission and Vision

Accidental Changes (National & International Business Expansion)

4. PTA

5. NGOs In Pakistan

6. Project with Nigerian government

7. Verification of voters thumb prints after election 2013

8. Mobile companies in Pakistan

9. PTCL Pakistan

10. Corporate with ISI, FIA, ANF ,CAA, PIA, AIRBLUE, Ministry of defense, HEC Pakistan

11. Project with sir Lankan government

12. Project with Bangladesh

13. Project with government of Sudan

14. Project with government of Kenya

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Change was accomplished by changing the core culture of the company, and by the courage and ability of its leaders. Change was achieved through:

1. building the implementation plans; Planning, monitoring and controlling the software improvement practices; change management models, processes and international standards i.e. CMMI (a model for process improvement) being the main factor: Change was achieved through CMMI project managers with their skills in dealing with the human change factor, at the individual, team and organizational levels as this is being considered an essential ability for all CMMI/ISO implementations.

Figure 1 NADRAS organizational processes areas were introduces & improved Leading to overall organizational cultural change & improved Productivity & Quality.

2. Leading the organization to achieve its goal byStrong Leadership. High involvement of

chairman. Participative style ofmanagement. The leader has a transformational style which has

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resulted inthe transformation of the organization from a public sector redundantorganization to

a dynamic, creative and vibrant organization which is self-sustaining.

3. In-house Capability Development. A strong culture of developing in-housecapabilities is also a success factor. The entire workforce of NADRA istechnically developed into one of the best in the country and whateverprojects or products are being delivered are purely indigenous.New IT infrastructure was adopted with new organizational processes leading to new behaviors and beliefs.

4. Innovation. The organization in its pursuit to become a learning organizationencourages and thrives on innovation. As stated earlier taking calculated riskshas been the norm, innovative products have been introduced andsuccessfully launched.

5. Dealing with the personal day-to-day aspects of change:

1. Management Control systems are kept very tightly integrated, helping in bringing visibility andtransparency into processes and procedures.

2. Power Distance is kept high in areas where management is motivated byprivileges and power symbols. Lower power distances are observed in ITdepartments. Management by the military men and the military style ofworking coupled with the brilliance of techies is also a success factor.

3. Entrepreneurial spirit prevails in departments with technical andmanagement professionals and a more commercial perspective of business.

4. Open communication channels with technical staff, top down communication withthe rest.


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1. Government of Pakistan – supporting by introducing CMMI, a capability maturity model for

process improvement

2. Internal Project Managers, Business Analyst & Process Engineers all working to manage change

throughout NADRA, including internal and external processes.

3. High involvement of chairman. Participative style of management. The leader has a

transformational style which has resulted in the transformation of the organization from a

public sector redundant organization to a dynamic, creative and vibrant organization which is


4. Corporate sector

5. InternalBusiness clients

6. ExternalBusiness Client, asking for products that conform to international standards.

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NADRA was raised under the Ministry of Interior and inherited over 5000 employees of the old Directorate General of Registration (a pure bureaucratic non-technical setup) which failed to deliver because of glaring shortcomings. The entire top hierarchy of re-structured NADRA comprises serving/retired Army Officers of the rank of Brigadiers and Colonels with a few senior bureaucrats deputed to NADRA. The middle tier also is a mix of Army Officers (Majors & Lt Colonels), civilian bureaucrats and bulk being IT professionals from the corporate sector. This hierarchy manages a diverse workforce comprising highly skilled and qualified workforce of IT professionals and operators at the lower tiers who have bit of IT skills.

The IT professionals were wild, creative individuals difficult to control whereas the military bosses are rigid, follow the rule kind of "superiors", and bureaucrats are known to sleep over things, therefore creating successful organizational change in Pakistan for NADRA was probably not very easy or straightforward:

Initially the top change hurdles in NADRA were:

1. Ineffective change sponsorship from senior leaders, as the members of the senior management was changing from time to time.

2. Slight resistance to the change from employees, as they are not used to working in an process efficient environment:

For the IT Professionals, there was a Lack of understanding of why the change is happening.In NADRA there was Long-tenured employees unwilling to support the change.

3. Poor support and alignment with middle management

4. Initially there was a Lack of change management resources and planning especially before the implementation of CMMI, a model for process improvement i.e. there was the lack of a formal change management approach and the lack of change management knowledge within the team.

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The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) was established in 2000 to undertake the

demographic and geographic data of Pakistan and its citizens.


NADRA has been placed amongst the Top 50 e-Passport Technology Suppliers for 5 consecutive years in

ID World Magazine, for 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 published by Wise Media, Italy. NADRA is

amongst the 3 companies selected from Asia and Africa on the list.


NADRA was honored with the “Outstanding Achievement Award” at CARDEX Middle East in Cairo, Egypt

NADRA’s Chief Technology Officer, Mr. Usman Y. Mobin was awarded the “ID Talent Award” in

November, 2007 at the ID World International Congress held in Milan, Italy. He was recently awarded

Tamgah-e-Imtiaz in 2009 for his services rendered to the state.


NADRA has been awarded The Merit Exporter Award by Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce

& Industry (FPCCI) in 2006 for achieving export of homeland security solutions in the international


NADRA has successfully achieved Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) from Software

Engineering Institute (SEI) Carnegie Melon, USA. Certification was assessed on Technology, Quality

Management and Project Management divisions.

NADRA Quality Management and CNIC Production departments are also ISO 9001:2000 Certified.


Deputy Chairman NADRA, Mr. Tariq Malik was awarded ID Outstanding Achievement Award on

November 3, 2009 in Milan at an exclusive ceremony during the eighths ID WORLD International

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Congress, the Global Summit on Automatic Identification. Mr. Malik was selected out of 250 people

from 75 countries by international voting of editorial board consisting of CEOs of fortune 500 companies


NADRA Achieves ISO 9001:2008 Certification

This certificate as an outstanding achievement attained as an outcome of consistent efforts by dedicated

NADRA teams.


NADRA has achieved CMMI Level III Certificate


Today, NADRA has become one of the leading organizations in the IT Industry and is well recognized



Noteworthy implementations that have shaped NADRA’s existing changes are as follows:-

Change in Business Model

After a major in change in leadership,NADRA re-evaluated the entire business model of registration

basedon Manual Data Collection Forms followed by single data entry forautomation. The following was


1. It was impractical to collect information via a manual data formin a country with a literacy rate

of only 37.24%

2. Static Form Collection Centers with Urban bias did not work in anagrarian based country with

more than 62% of the populationliving in rural areas where logistic infrastructure for

distributionand passage of information is inadequate and difficulty exists todistribute and collect

manual forms.

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3. Agents should not be used for collecting fee directly from citizenswithout a fool proof system of

auditing agents to track revenuecollection. This is true especially in a society riddled withcorrupt

practices with an abundance of middle men and toutswith the sole purpose of fleecing the poor.

4. The quality of the photograph and thumb impression iscompromised with a manual form.

5. It is not enough to acquire new hardware and develop requisitesoftware without matching the

existing social, political andcultural structure of the country.

6. Data entry of manual forms by one person can compromisevalidity and authenticity of data,

especially when data entryoperators are given volume based incentives.

Impact of the Change in Business Model:

Besides the above, for the first time, the concept of customer care was introduced in a government organization. Furthermore, NADRA strived to become a learning organization driven by the needs of the customer.

The table following summarizes the type of change and their impact on culture in Relation to the Change in Business Model:

Measure Type Of Change New Value

1 Interactive Data Entry to eliminate the need for filling manual form by a largely uneducated applicant base

Office Environment Customer Service

2 Eliminated the need for presenting ID documents by applicant to facilitate applicant

3 One window Operation by enabling applicant to simply walk in and get registered

Customer Facilitation

4 Review of data given by applicant to ensure accuracy of data

Result orientation

5 Token system for queuing to serve applicants on a first come, first serve basis


6 Process time of 8-10 Minutes Efficiency

7 Mobile Registration Vehicles to reach applicants in far flung areas

New Customer centric Vision

Customer Service

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8 Live Thumb Scanning, Signatures and hotograph capturing to ensure high resolution of images

Introduction of Technology


9 Introduction of a standardized address library while data entry

10 3 Call Centers for customer service and complaint handling

Technologically oriented Control System

Customer Facilitation

11 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for tracking applicant's card at every step of the process


12 MIS Applications for checking revenue collection

13 Business Intelligence tools for checking productivity of centers

14 Introduction of Registration Policy, outlining NSRC processes, procedures and rules

Control Systems Professionalism

15 Standardized layout and design of NSRC Office Environment Professionalism

16 Recruitment of MBA's and Engineers to man NSRC Change in

makeup of



17 Mandatory Dress Code

18 Total Processing and delivery time less than 30 days

Quality Management Excellence

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Change in Focus: In-house Competence Development

Another noteworthy turning point for the company was witnessed in the form of a renewed focus on in-house competence development:

Previously, NADRA had outsourced the important functions of Data Warehousing, Project Management and Networking along with the support functions of Finance and Accounts. In addition, there was absolutely no focus on software development or software integration.

With the leadership change in 2001, there came about significant changes in human resource development, the working environment and thereby the culture of the organization in order to make in-house competence development possible. Using the improved HR Training Processes, NADRA empowered its employees to bring new ideas which lead successful in projects with local and international clients.

As a result of the above, NADRA is the only public service company in Pakistan that has a computer literateworkforce comprising 80% of the total. The company soon developed in-house expertise in the followingfields(A MAJOR CHANGE):

7. Data Acquisition – both Form Based and Interactive

8. Data Transportation through fully owned secure network

9. Security Printing including personalization

10. Database Management and Data Warehousing

11. Project Management

12. Program/Project Integration

13. Software, Web, Databases, design and development

14. Financial Management of IT Project

15. Business process re-engineering

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The following summarizes the type of change and their impact on culture:

Measure Type Of Change New Value1 Hiring of high end technical resources for in

house software development.Change in Workforce Professionalism

2 Establishment of a proper HR department focusing on recruitment, HR processes & Training.

Change in Workforce Organisational Value

3 Revamping of Office Environment – Focus on open floor plans and display of colour.

Office Environment Professionalism

4 Introduction of flexible timing for technical resources

Office Environment Result orientation

5 Revision in Compensation and Grade Structures for technical resources

Change in Orginsational Structures

Organisational Value

6 Re-visiting of HR policies, office timings Result orientation7 Flatter organisations Professionalism8 Participative Management Styles Result orientation

Change in Mission and Vision

Once the strategic plans of the organization were being developed, all directorates were encouraged to create their own vision and mission statements.

The Mission and Vision of NADRA were changed to include a commercialized aspect to NADRA’s products and services:

“ To introduce new, improved and modernized systems of registration,databases and data warehousing for the country with their multiple beneficialuses and applications in order to achieve effective and efficient running of theaffairs of State and the general public”

As shown above, very few companies in the world has a conflicting missions; as NADRA is also a self-revenue generating authority that needs to calculate return on investment in order to sustain itself. NADRA balances the act of a national organization of strategic importance and a commercially viable business entity.Technological Implementations

NADRA has the experience of designing, implementing and maintaining one of thelargest integrated citizen’s databases in the world. This database is centrally located and comprises of identity information of 71 million citizens and is completed backed by facial and fingerprint identification technologies. Today, the volume of this database stands at a staggering figure of 23.8 Terabytes and each passing day is amplifying it by additional data of 30,000 citizens. Every person in this database is linked to a family

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tree structure and can be distinctively identified and found, within a fraction of a second, with the help of the linkages, and in-house search engine developed by NADRA's R&D department.

Software Hardware

Microsoft Windows 2000 Advance Server Computer AccessoriesFTRC Application Camera SQL Server Thumb DigitizerPerl Language Signature ScannerPDMS-Urdu Font Form ScannerCRM Application SwitchOnline Verification Applications Printer

SpeakerData Storage Depositories Satellite Fiber Optic Web Server Printing FacilityBilling Machines RFIDs BIO Metric Sensors/ Detectors


Modes/ Types of Data

1. English

2. Urdu/ Sindhi

3. Numeric

4. Date & Time

5. Stamps

6. Images

7. Wavelet Sequential Query (WSQ)

8. Facial Recognition


1. Teradata (Both in Urdu & English)

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2. Oracle

3. SQL Server


1. 1500 TB (60%) Extendible

Main Databases

2. Fast Track Registration Centre (FTRC)

3. FTRC Backup

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Computerized ID Scheme

Coding Scheme

1. Area (Province) 1-8

2. Divisions 11-82

3. Districts 111-824

4. Tehsil 1111-8241

5. Halqa Code 1111101-8241201

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6. Patwar 111110101-…….

7. City 11111010101-……


1. Fire walls

2. Anti-Virus

3. Encrypted Data

4. Secure Socket layer (Safe Zone)

5. Login Dependent Access


1. Keeping the Network Moving

2. Main task of the IS People

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3. Backup Routine

4. Recovery

5. Multiple Backups


NADRAhas changed itself positively to auniqueness of its ability to balance an Autocratic and Democraticculture simultaneously. For some departments, power distances are high, risktaking is lower as compared to others and collectivism prevails (political system in which the government owns all businesses and controls all institutions).

Unlike NADRA, other government departments,participative styles of management are practiced, flatter organizations arepreferred and lower power distances are experienced:

However, what iscommon amongst NADRA and other government institutions is the degree of risk taking, the important and dependenceon control systems and the large scale, unanimous acceptance to change.

Prevailing Problem Areas

1. Lack of Public Awareness regarding importance of NADRA. For that NADRA should take strategic step e.g. provide awareness to general public by localization of office in rural as well urbane area of Pakistan. NADRA should step in mobile advertisement and provide facility to local people to access easily.

1. Initial mindset regarding NADRA

2. Unsatisfied Customers

3. Forms with Objections

4. Strategic Issues

Other Prevailing Problems

1. Corruption is most critical factor in NADRA, this is result from organizational culture, it need to quick take action bring change by following the Kooters eight step for successful change implementation NADRA should educated it experienced employees by making them educated regarding the incoming change, faired to those employees whose do not fresh and effective culture which totally reject the term corruption.

2. Culture

3. Sincerity with work.

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