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Medical Ethics B603

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Religion and Medical EthicsYou will need to have knowledge and understanding of:

Attitudes to abortion Different Christian attitudes towards abortion

The reasons for these different attitudes

Attitudes to fertility treatment

Christian responses to issues raised by fertility treatment and cloning.

Attitudes to euthanasia and suicide

Different Christian attitudes towards euthanasia Different Christian attitudes towards suicide The reasons for these different attitudes.

Using animals in medical research

Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research.


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Remember“Beliefs” - this is what Christians believe about their religions based on the teachings in the Bible and/or from the Church; for instance, ideas about God and Jesus; the events of the creation or crucifixion, etc.

“Teachings” - refers to rules/quotes/sayings from the Bible (such as “do not murder” or “love thy neighbour”) or it could refer to what the different Churches teach.

“Attitudes” - are the ways in which a believer interprets those beliefs and teachings. Note this is a trigger word for you to realise that some Christians believe one thing and other Christians believe another.For example, some Christians think that abortion is wrong because...... On the other hand, others believe that abortion is the lesser of two evils because …

“Support” – this means you cannot just make a statement and leave it there. You need to explain why that statement is being used. “Some Christians think animals should be used in medical research” “because of the teachings of the sanctity of life it would mean that humans are more important than animals”.

“Respond” – this word is asking you to think about what Christians would do when faced with a particular situation.


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The Exam PaperEach Module paper will be divided into three sections. Module B603 (Ethics 1) will contain questions on: Religion and human relations; Religion and Medical Ethics; and Religion, Poverty and Wealth. Religion and Medical Ethics is the topic covered in this book.In the Exam you will have to choose TWO questions from out of the three topics. You need to answer the Christianity questions. In each section you will find that there are six questions – from six different religious viewpoints. Ignore the religions you have not studied. The Christianity question comes after the Buddhism question. Each question is in five parts. All the questions are in the following form:

(a) 1 mark for knowledge(b) 2 marks for knowledge, (c) 3 marks for knowledge, (d) 6 marks for understanding, and (e) 12 marks for evaluation. Total: 24 marks.

Remember! You have to do a complete question — this means you must attempt to answer all the parts (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) from the same question. Do not mix up the religions or the topics.The Part (a) QuestionsThese are questions which are testing your knowledge, for example, ‘What is meant by the word abortion?’ Answer: “Abortion is when a baby is taken away from the womb”. The Part (b) QuestionsThese questions are again testing your knowledge but your answer will need to contain more information than the part (a) questions. For example: “Give two examples why Christians believe abortion to be wrong”. Answer: “Christians believe abortion is wrong because they believe every baby is a gift from God and because they believe it is the killing of a human being because life begins at conception”.The Part (c) QuestionsThese may ask for three pieces of information or ask for a description. If you are asked to describe – do not just put a list of points but elaborate on them. For instant, if you were asked to answer the question: “Describe Christian attitudes about abortion” – you must not just say: “they believe it is bad; it is a sin; and it is doing wrong”. You


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would need to say: “Some Christians believe that abortion is the lesser of two evils; although it is not right to take away a baby, abortion can happen in such cases as rape because they believe that God is all forgiving and that to help someone in times of trouble is following the commandment to love thy neighbour. Yet other Christians would always believe abortion to be wrong and would say that it is going against the sanctity of life which means that all life is precious and belongs to God”.

So – since you will be asked what words mean make sure you have learnt all the words in the Dictionary.

The Part (d) QuestionsThese questions are asking you to show your understanding – you will need to show “how” and “why” things happen because of Christian beliefs or teachings. These questions will probably begin with the word “explain”. So, remember to use the word “because” in your answer. For example:(d) “Explain how a Christian might respond to the issue of cloning”. [6 marks]“Christians believe that God created the world and everything in it because they are taught this from the Bible. Therefore they would say that human cloning is wrong because scientists are playing around with God’s creation. However some Christians believe in the concept of stewardship – God put Adam into the garden of Eden to take care of it. Therefore as part of their stewardship duties, Christians would feel that it is their right to help others and look after them and therefore therapeutic cloning would be acceptable because this is the treatment of tissues to help someone who is ill. All Christians try to follow the commandment “love thy neighbour” and this sort of cloning would come within this commandment. The cloning of plants might also have the same response because the cloning is for the benefit of God’s creation if it is used to help people in the Third World.The Part (e) QuestionsThese questions are asking you to present an argument and to evaluate. You will need to show differing points of view and you must support them with examples. So if you say “Christians say that euthanasia is wrong” – you need to say why it is wrong and given an example. You MUST refer to a Christian point of view somewhere in your answer otherwise you will not achieve full marks and also you MUST give your


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own viewpoint otherwise again you will not achieve full marks. For instance:(e) “Animal research is wrong”. Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.Evaluation formula:

Some people might agree because …Other people might disagree because …However some Christians might say … because …Yet other Christians might argue … because …BUT I think … becauseSo in conclusion …

Some people might agree that animal research is wrong because it can be cruel such as when they put electrodes on monkeys’ heads.

Other people might disagree that animal research is wrong because they know that important medicines have been discovered because of it such as treatments in asthma.

Catholics would disagree with the statement as long as the animals are treated in a fair manner because they believe that humans are more important than animals. Mother Teresa when comparing the treatment of pets to some of the people on the streets of Calcutta, said that often cats and dogs had a better life than humans.

Other Christians might argue that animal research is wrong because God created both humans and animals on the 6th day and therefore as part of God’s creation people should look after them.

I think that animal research is wrong because although the Bible speaks of dominion, when God told Adam and Eve to “rule over the animals” and Adam named the animals showing his power over them, I feel that dominion is not a case of using things for our purpose but is more a matter of stewardship looking after all of God’s creation as he would wish.

In conclusion it seems as though there are many differing Christian beliefs about the use of animals in medical research and obviously it should be up to the individual to have a free choice whether or not to use it. However, since animals are also a creation of God and St. Francis felt that animals are just as important as humans (he preached a sermon to the birds), perhaps we should look for different ways in which to find cures?


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DICTIONARYThe starred words here are found in the OCR specification and so can appear as part of an exam question. A few more have been added but it is important you learn most of them in order to impress the examiners

ABORTION* A medical procedure to remove a foetus from the womb.


This is when someone helps someone else kill themself because they do not want to live in pain

CLONING* The scientific process of making a duplicate of something such as a plant or a human.

CONCEPTION This is the moment when the sperm fertilises the egg and a baby begins

DOMINION This word has been interpreted to mean that people have power over (“rule over”) and therefore they can do to the world and animals what they want. However others would say that God intended humankind to take care of the world and look after it for future generations not misuse it.

EUTHANASIA* This is when someone kills someone who is dying in pain from an incurable disease. The patient (person dying) may have asked for them to do this – this is Voluntary euthanasia. If the person is in a coma and has not asked but the person kills them because they feel the person would have wanted this to happen then this is Involuntary euthanasia.


This is when a couple who cannot have a baby naturally will have medical help to give them a baby. Sometimes this involves IVF – when the sperm and the egg are fertilised in a test tube. It can be through donated sperm (from another man - AID) or can be from the husband’s sperm (AIH)


These are experiments and investigations carried out by scientists and doctors in the hope of finding a cure for diseases such as cancer.


Christians believe that everyone’s life is sacred/special/holy because God creates all life and within everyone is part of God – the soul.

STEWARDSHIP The word “steward” means look after – Christians


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believe they should be looking after the world for God

SUICIDE* This is when someone takes their own life

SURROGACY This is when another woman offer to carry a baby in her womb for a couple who cannot have a baby themselves.


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Religion and Medical Ethics

When discussing any of the Medical Ethics problems: fertility treatment; abortion etc. Christians will believe that the Sanctity of Life is important and will use it in their arguments:Sanctity of Life - This means that all life is sacred or special to God because: God created everyone (Genesis) God made man in his ‘image’ – which means everyone has part of

God inside them St. Paul taught that the body is a “temple” – a special place to hold

the part of God inside them. So they must not harm it through bad living. To harm the Holy Spirit is seen as a mortal sin – a sin which can never be forgiven.

God has a purpose for everyone “I knew you in the womb” (Jeremiah 1: 5)

“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away” (Job 1: 21) – only God has the power to know when life should end

Quality of life is how worthwhile your life is; e.g. is it free from pain/can you do things by yourself, or are you dependent upon other people for your basic needs? So for Christians when discussing the ending of a life they need to think which is more important – the Quality of that Life of the Sanctity of Life.


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Abortion is the taking away a baby from the womb before it is due to be born. Social abortions are only legal up to 24 weeks. Babies can survive from 22 weeks.Pro-choice says the women should choose (what about the father?) and Pro-Life says that abortion is always wrong.

The Bible:There is nothing in the Bible to say that abortion is wrong and many Christians are divided as to what is the right choice.

Catholics are AGAINST Abortion because: the Sanctity of Life. The Pope (the Head of the Catholic Church) has said it is wrong and

is a sin The Pope teaches that every baby is seen as a gift from God (Jacob

refers to his children as gifts from God [Genesis]) One of the purposes of marriage is to have children and bring them

up to love GodHowever, Catholics do allow abortion if an operation to save the life of the mother takes place which results in the baby dying (Double Effect)

Other Christians might say:Abortion is wrong because: God creates human life – no-

one should destroy what God creates

The 6th Commandment sates “Thou shalt not murder”

God told everyone to go and have children (Genesis) – not to stop them being born

The Didache (early Christian document) says, “You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb”.

Abortion may be allowed if: The mother may die if she has

the child If the mother has been raped If the baby is likely to be

handicapped/disabled (although some Christians think this is wrong because this rule is indicating that all disabled people should not be born)


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IVF/FERTILITY TREATMENT Fertility treatment is helping someone to have a baby when they

cannot have one naturally. IVF is In-vitro Fertilisation or test-tube babies – the egg &sperm are

put together in a test-tube and when the embryo (beginnings of a baby) is formed it is then placed into the womb

AIH is when the Husband’s sperm is used and AID is when donor sperm or eggs are used.

The Issues Fertility treatment can allow old women in their 60-80’s to have

babies – is this fair to the child? It also allows same sex couples to have children – is this fair to the

child? If sperm or egg donors are used this can cause problems in the

marriage relationship and also the child born of a donation is legally allowed to seek out the genetic parent when that child is 18.

Fertility treatment means that many eggs need to be fertilised and all are not used – so what happens to them?

Christian responses to these issues Some Christians are against it because scientists are acting like God. Catholics are against it because the spare embryos are either thrown

away or used for experiments. They see it as murder of the spare embryos (6th commandment) which are potential life. They use the Sanctity of Life argument.

It is seen as adultery (breaking the 7th commandment) if donor sperm/egg is used

The Old Testament teaches that it is up to God to chose when a woman should have a baby - 1 Sam. 1:6: The Lord closed Hannah's womb

Some Christians believe it is a good thing to do because of “Love thy neighbour” and also one of the Purposes of Marriage is to have children.

Some Christians are against it because of the costs and heartbreak involved if it does not work. Adoption is seen as a better alternative.

SURROGACYThis is when someone has a baby for someone else. The Churches are against it because it involved a third person = adultery; although in the Old Testament Sarah allowed Abraham to sleep with her servant in order to have a baby and God approved.Cloning


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Cloning is the making of a replica or duplicate of something. Plants can be cloned.

The major problem people face withy cloning is that it could lead to the cloning of humans – reproductive cloning. People believe this can lead to eugenics which is the process of designing people to make them perfect (e.g. Hitler’s Perfect Race).

Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be cloned in 1996. She had to be “put down” in 2003 because of various problems with arthritis and her lungs, which people believe to be due to the cloning process. Also it took many attempts to make her.

In 2005 Newcastle scientists said they had created the first human embryo as a way of creating stem cells to help cure diseases. This is called therapeutic cloning – which is cloning cells to make tissues in the hope of finding cures.

Christians have different attitudes to cloning: Some are against because they believe God is responsible for the

creation of all living things and therefore the scientists are trying to play God.

Also if humans are cloned what does this mean about the soul, which is the part of God which returns to God after death?

St. Paul taught the body was a temple for the Holy Spirit and thus any tampering with the body would mean harming the Holy Spirit which is seen as a mortal sin.

The Catholic Church is against human cloning because of the sanctity of life.

Some Christians might agree with therapeutic cloning because they see it as their responsibility as stewards of this world to help people in need.


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Euthanasia Is helping someone to die who has an incurable disease and who is

suffering in great pain & who will die anyway. It is illegal in this country There is nothing in the Bible which directly says that euthanasia is wrong

but it goes against the Sanctity of Life and therefore many Christians believe it is wrong.

There are different types: Voluntary (when someone asks for help to die) and someone kills

them Involuntary when the person cannot ask for help because they are in

a coma but they are killed because that if what people believe they would have wanted (e.g. Tony Bland)

Active euthanasia is when someone takes positive action to hasten the death e.g. injection

Passive euthanasia is when no positive action is taken but certain treatment is withdrawn such as feeding tubes or antibiotics.

Assisted suicide is when someone helps someone to kill themselves, e.g. Dot & Ethel

Euthanasia is wrong because: The 6th commandments

says “do not murder” Sanctity of Life : God

creates life so it is up to him when he takes it away

So killing someone is playing at being God

Some Christians think that euthanasia is not wrong because it is “loving thy neighbour as thyself” – treating someone as you would want to be treated. Agape.

Some say because we have freewill we should be able to choose what to do.

Some say God would not want people to suffer with no quality of life. However others say people suffer for a reason.

Catholics are against Euthanasia but they say that a doctor can give pain relief even if this does shorten the life of that person (Double Effect). However the patient must be able to prepare for death – e.g. confess their sins and receive the last rites.

HospicesCicely Saunders started British hospices in the 1960’s/. Mother Teresa also started off hospices – homes for the dying. Help those who are dying to face death

with dignity and not be afraid Treat the person as an individual Help the families Have a homecare programmeAll these are inspired by the teaching of Jesus “Love thy neighbour”


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SuicideChristians believe that suicide is wrong because: God creates all human life and so

the Sanctity of life is important Jesus died on the cross so that

everyone’s sins will be forgiven – so someone killing themselves is throwing his gift back because the soul can’t go to heaven if suicide happens

The sixth commandment is “do not murder” – this means ourselves

“The body is a temple for the Holy Spirit” (for the part/image of God) so we should not harm it – suicide is seen as a mortal sin against the Holy Spirit.

Christians should trust in God – he will only let them suffer what they can handle (e.g. footsteps in the sand)

Different Attitudes In the past if someone committed

suicide they would not be allowed to be buried in holy ground because suicide is seen as a mortal sin against the Holy Spirit

Nowadays the Church is more compassionate and recognise that if someone commits suicide it is because they are ill in the mind

The SamaritansMost people believe that those who want to commit suicide should be given care and sympathy. The Samaritans is an organisation set up in 1953 by Chad Varah in London. A girl had committed suicide in his parish because she did not have anyone to talk to and he felt this was dreadful. He began a Telephone help line which allows people to ring in anonymously (not giving their name) and discuss their problems with someone who listens to them and who does not criticise them. The organisation has now spread all over the country and many lives are saved because “someone listens”. Christmas is a very busy time. It runs an e-mail service.

Child-line runs a similar service for children who are being bullied or abused.


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Use of Animals in Medical ResearchChristian Beliefs which say you can use animals in medical research: Some Christians, but not the Quakers, will agree with animals being

used for medical research because it is useful for saving human lives (e.g. anaesthetics/diabetes) and God put humans to “rule” over the earth - dominion. However, the animals must be looked after properly.

Some Christians believe they are the most important part of God’s creation – they were made last (one the sixth day) and were made in the “image” of God so that they could live in a loving relationship with him. Humans were given the gift of “freewill” which animals were not.

Some Christians see themselves as more important than animals because animals were not given souls (the breath of God which made Adam a living being) and animals do not make moral decisions.

Some Christians see themselves as more important because Adam named the animals in Genesis 2 which shows he was in charge of them.

Christian Beliefs which say you should not use animals in research Some Christians are against animal research because God made

humans stewards/to look after the animals. Adam was put in the Garden of Eden to take care of it.

The Noachide laws (which God gave to Noah after the flood) tell humans to be kind to animals.

Some see animals & humans as the same because God created everything.

Saint Francis of Assisi believed that animals were just as important as humans – he preached a sermon to the birds.

Dominion versus Stewardship Dominion (God’s command to Adam to “rule over the animals” and

also Adam naming the animals versus Stewardship – God created Adam and Eve to look after the Garden of Eden.


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ACTIVITY – SANCTITY OF LIFERemember in all questions on Medical Ethics you must refer to the Sanctity of Life. The term “Sanctity of Life” means that all life is special to God. Below are pictures – link these up to the quotes from the Bible which show that all life is special to God.


St. Paul taught: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” (I Corinthians 6: 19a).

“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away” (Job 1: 21) – only God has the power to know when life should end

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).

“I knew you in the womb” (Jeremiah 1:5)

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Christians think abortion may be Christians think abortion may beWRONG because …. RIGHT (or the lesser of two

Evils) because …

Christians are divided about whether abortion is the right thing to do. In the boxes below give Christian reasons (using quotes) why abortion may be right or may be wrong.

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1. What is Fertility Treatment?



2. What message does the story of Hannah in the Old Testament give to some Christians about Fertility Treatment?



3. What TWO Old Testament commandments apply to Fertility Treatment and why?





4. Why are the teachings on the Sanctity of Life important to Fertility Treatment?



5. Give TWO reasons why some Christians believe Fertility Treatment to be a good thing to do.





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(1) What is meant by the word “cloning”?



(2) Why do some people have doubts about cloning?



(3) What is therapeutic cloning?



(3) Why might some Christians agree with this form of cloning?



(5) What is reproductive cloning?



(6) Why are Christians against this type of cloning?





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……………………………………………………………………………ACTIVITY: EUTHANASIA

Question: What is meant by euthanasia?



Again there is debate between Christians on whether Euthanasia is the right or wrong thing to do. Since there is nothing in the Bible which refers to Euthanasia Christians look to teachings on the Sanctity of Life and also the teachings of their Church leaders. In the speech bubbles below give reasons why it is considered wrong or right. You must refer to Christian teachings.


Some Christians believe Euthanasia to be wrong because…

Some Christians believe Euthanasia to be right because …

Why are Hospices important?

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Christians believe that suicide is always wrong. Look at the pictures below and show how they relate to Christian beliefs that suicide is wrong.


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ACTIVITY: The use of ANIMALS for Research

Again Christians are divided over whether animals should be used to help develop medicines to help humans to live. Look at the pictures below and decide how they are relevant to Christian teachings on animal testing.


The Quakers (who are Christians) believe ….

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Exam Practice

(a) What is meant by suicide? [1 mark]



(b) Name two reasons why Christians would think the use of animals in medical research is wrong. [2 marks]





(c) Describe Christian responses to fertility treatment. [3 marks]







(d) Explain Christian attitudes to euthanasia. [6 marks]





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(e) “Abortion is murder.” Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. [12 marks]















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Thinking QuiltMake the links. It does not matter which direction you go in but you chose a word/phrase, and then chose one of the words/phrases which links up to it and then you have to explain the link. If you are very clever you could link up more than two words!

Abortion Sanctity of Life God Breath of Life

Euthanasia “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away”

The Body is a temple for the Holy Spirit

The soul is what makes humans different from animals

Fertility Treatment

“Love thy neighbour”

“Do not murder” (6th Commandment)

Animal Testing

“Go forth and multiply”

Have children and bring them up as Christians

Suicide Noachide Laws

Cloning Adam was given the breath of life which made him a living being

The soul is the part of God which returns to God after death.

God created animals and man and woman on the sixth day.

“Do not commit adultery” (7th Commandment)

Jesus died on the cross in order to open up the doors to heaven

Everyone is made in the “image of God”

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength and soul”.


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Across2. This is the part of God which returns to God after death3. These two words men the helping of a couple to have a baby by scientific means5. This is the taking away of a baby from the womb before it can survive.6. This word means to look after something/take care of it7. This is the making of a replica or duplicate of something.8. This word means rule over - do what you like - have power overDown1. This is when someone takes their own life (kills themself).2. This is when a woman carries a baby in her womb for someone else.4. This is helping someone to die; it is sometimes called mercy killing6. This word when used with life shows that life is special to God



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