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This document has been developed by SARM based on Armenia national

economic priorities and stakeholders needs. The purpose of this document is to

plan the development in medium

that will boost the country’s export, increase the quality of national goods and

services and remove technical barriers in foreign trade.






This document has been developed by SARM based on Armenia national

economic priorities and stakeholders needs. The purpose of this document is to

plan the development in medium-term perspective of those national standards

that will boost the country’s export, increase the quality of national goods and

services and remove technical barriers in foreign trade.

Komitas Ave. 49/2, Yerevan, Armenia 0051 1



This document has been developed by SARM based on Armenia national

economic priorities and stakeholders needs. The purpose of this document is to

perspective of those national standards

that will boost the country’s export, increase the quality of national goods and


Komitas Ave. 49/2, Yerevan, Armenia 0051


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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3

2. SUMMARY ON NATIONAL PRIORITIES AND EXPECTED BENEFITS ..................................................... 4

2.1. Economic priorities .................................................................................................................. 4

2.2. Non-economic priorities and stakeholders requests ................................................................. 5

2.3. Government policy priorities ................................................................................................... 7

2.4. Selected Sectors of standardisation and expected benefits ....................................................... 8

2.5. Summary of priority standardisation sectors .......................................................................... 16

3. NEEDED HUMAN RESOURCES ....................................................................................................... 19

3.1 Human Resources by Type of Work Item and Category ............................................................ 19

3.2 Human Resources Needed over the Three-year Period by Sector ........................................... 21

Annex 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 22

List of Work Items included in the Three-year Standards Development Plan ..................................... 22

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Wherever there is change, new opportunities show themselves. Success will favour those who

take an active role in developments.

The National Standards Development Medium Term Plan represents a timely adjustment of

Armenian standardization to meet the ever increasing demands of the marketplace and society,

true to the vision of: “Standardization in Armenia helps business and society strengthen,

develop and open up regional and global markets”. The purpose of this document is to plan

the development in medium-term perspective of those national standards that will boost the

country’s export, increase the quality of national goods and services and remove technical

barriers in foreign trade.

Standardization is a task undertaken by its stakeholders that benefits everyone in one way or

another. As such, it needs the active involvement of businesses, associations, other

organizations and government in sectors such as efficiency management, quality assurance,

consumer protection, environmental protection and safety.

In an economic context, standards contribute to the development of the free market and the

ability of businesses to remain innovative. Common standards permit the free trade of goods

and services, cutting out additional modification costs. In the Armenia market use of standards

creates openings for new, sustainable innovations.

In a political context, the incorporation of the results of the work of standards bodies in technical

legislation makes the job of legislators easier, and standardization thus effectively contributes to


In society as a whole, standards create transparency for consumers and increase their

confidence in products and services.

Standards exist in a dynamic environment. The globalization of markets, emerging new

business sectors, faster product development and shorter product lifecycles, as well as the

increasing convergence of technologies, mean that national, regional and international

standardization now face many new and more demanding challenges.

New growth markets create new expectations and make it necessary to modify processes.

Current negotiations between Armenia Government and European Union on signing of

Associative and DCFTA agreements formulate an urgent and important need to harmonize the

national standards and progressively adopt the European and international standards that are

based on economic and policy priorities. For the Armenian standardization system, this means

examining national structures and processes and aligning them with global advanced markets


With this National Standards Development Medium Term Plan, Armenian standardization is

responding to the changing situation and new demands of a globalized world and a European

and CIS countries market.The National Standards Development Medium Term Plan should be

understood as a call to action for all stakeholders to contribute to its consistent implementation

and ongoing development.

SARM is the National Standards Body of Armenia and as such represents Armenia Government

interests in standardisation in Interantional and Regional Standardisation Organizations (ISO,

ITU, IEC, CEN and EASC). Following to its international and regional standardisation

responsibilities, SARM is strongly committed to take leadership and responsibility in duly and

timely implementation of this Plan according to the provisions of the Armenia Law on


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2.1. Economic priorities

The development of national plan of standardisation is based on the assessment of Armenia’s economic priorities. The table 1 below has been formed based on the existing statistical data from the Armenian National Statistical Service. It represents the Armenia economic sectors that are ranked by their contributions to GDP. We used the following ranking criteria:

Rank 1 >10% of GDP Rank 2 5 - 10% of GDP Rank 3 1 - 5% of GDP Rank 4 0.2 - 1% of GDP Rank 5 < 0.2% of GDP

Table 1. Key Economic Sectors based on Contribution to GDP

N° Economic sector Percentage

contribution to


Source and

date of info


1. Wholesale and retail trade; repair 13.4% Armenian National Statistical Service - Index Mundi:



2. Construction 12.8% 1

3. Plant growing (Fruits, grain & vegetables) 12.3% 1

4. Аnimal husbandry 8.7% 2

5. Transport and communications 6.3% 2

6. Financial intermediation 4.0% 3

7. Health and social services 3.8% 3

8. Public administration 3.7% 3

9. Education 3.4% 3

10. Mining and quarrying 2.9% 3

11. Diamond processing 2.6% 3

12. Machine tools, forging-pressing machines 1.2% 3

13. Electric motors 1.1% 3

14. Tires 0.9% 4

15. Knitted wear, hosiery, shoes, silk fabric 0.9% 4

16. Chemicals, trucks, instruments 0.8% 4

17. Jewelry 0.8% 4

18. Microelectronics, software development 0.7% 4

19. Food processing 0.7% 4

20. Hotels and restaurants 0.7% 4

21. Brandy 0.6% 4

However, sectors that export their products represent the dynamic part of the economy and contribute to earning valuable foreign currency that is used to buy necessary goods for the country. Thus, we have analysed the important sectors of the economy based on these two aspects:

a) Percentage contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) b) Contribution to national export earnings

The Table 2 below represents key economic sectors based on their contribution to national export earnings. The following rule is used to assign a rank to the economic sectors according to their contribution to national export earnings:

Rank 1 >10% of national export earnings Rank 2 5 - 10% of national export earnings Rank 3 1 - 5% of national export earnings Rank 4 0.2 - 1% of national export earnings Rank 5 < 0.2% of national export earnings

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Table 2. Key economic sectors based on Contribution to National Export Earnings

N° Economic sector Percentage


to Export

Source and date of



1. Copper ores and concentrates 20.8%

International Trade Centre (ITC):


Armenian National Statistical Service:

64 Index Mundi:



2. Iron and steel (Ferroalloys) 12.8% 1

3. Copper and articles thereof 9.9% 2

4. Spirits, liqueurs, other spirit beverages, alcoholic preparations

9.6% 2

5. Diamonds, not mounted or set 8.9% 2

6. Aluminium and articles thereof 8.2% 2

7. Gold unwrought or in semi-manuf forms 2.8% 3

8. Electrical energy 2.6% 3

9. Vegetable, fruit, nut, etc (edible and food preparations)

1.7% 3

10. Molybdenum and articles thereof, incl waste and scrap

1.5% 3

11. Zinc ores and concentrates 1.4% 3

12. Articles of jewellery&parts thereof 1.3% 3

13. Electrical, electronic equipment 1.3% 3

14. Glass: Carboy, bottle & other container of glass

1.1% 3

15. Rubber: Synthetic rubber&factice from oil 0.9% 4

16. Tobacco and cigarettes 0.8% 4

17. Steam turbines and other vapour turbines 0.8% 4

18. Fish, crustaceans and mollusks 0.76% 4

19. Plastics and articles thereof 0.65% 4

20. Coffee 0.56% 4

21. Mineral & aerated waters 0.5% 4

22. Pharmaceutical products 0.5% 4

23. Molybdenum ores and concentrates 0.4% 4

24. Non-alcoholic beverages (excl. water and milk)

0.4% 4

25. Worked monumental/building stone&art; mosaic cube, granules

0.4% 4

26. Clocks and watches and parts thereof 0.39% 4

27. Wine of fresh grapes 0.3% 4

28. Articles of apparel, accessories, not knit or


0.33% 4

29. Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel

0.27% 4

30. Cements, portland, aluminous, slag, supersulfate & similar hydraulic cements

0.24% 4

31. Cheese and curd 0.17% 5

32. Pumps and fans 0.13% 5

2.2. Non-economic priorities and stakeholders requests

Even though standards play crusial role for country’s economic development, and they should be based on economic priorities of country, however, sustainable development is impossible without consideration of human development indicators that are non-economic factors. Standards should support the achievement of objectives that serve the public interest in particular.

In order to ensure that the National Standardisation Plan is designed to promote Armenia’s sustainable development we have carefully analysed through the most important newspapers and magazines published recently the non-economic issues that have been causing concern to the public lately and issues that are expected to have greater importance in the years to came

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based on the national plans for economic and social development whose solution the development of a standard(s) could contribute.

In addition, to ensure objectivity and completeness of the Standardisation Plan, we have been holding a wide stakeholder consultations on the existing public needs. In August-November 2012 SARM organized a number of consultation meetings with its stakeholders to reveal thereof interests in standardisation. In particular, meetings with stakeholders representing such sectors as information technologies, food processing, conformity assessment, chemical production, energy production, protection of consumer rights, environmental protection and mining have been held. SARM also send official requests for identifying standardisation needs to all Government agencies and ministries by receiving a number of responses with some specific needs. SARM has hold consultations with its 21 national technical committees to identify the further fields of work that are in interest of involved committee member organizations.

All of the above-mentioned consultations, in which about 200 organizations, 30 government agencies and 500 experts took part, let us to make clear the current standardisation needs and formulate the final list of sectors for the 2013-2015 year standardisation activities.

The consultation with stakeholders and analysis of public concerns recently aired by newspapers and media bring us a number of non-economic issues important for standardisation. The results are summarised in the Table 3 below, which specifies non-economic priority Sectors and Fields of activities covered within the plan by using the following ranking criteria:

Rank 1 – Very serious and urgent problem, public outcry

Rank 2 – Serious problem, common occurrence, media attention

Rank 3 – Serious problem, some media reports

Table 3. Ranking Non-Economic Priorities

N° Non-economic priority Rank Situation surrounding the problem and time

1. Road traffic safety 1 Very serious and urgent problem, public outcry

2. Food safety 1 Very serious and urgent problem, public outcry

3. Occupational health and safety 1 Very serious and urgent problem, public outcry

4. Quality of health services 1 Very serious and urgent problem, public outcry

5. Recreational areas, parks and green areas

2 Serious problem, common occurrence, media attention

6. Improvement of election system, fair elections

2 Serious problem, common occurrence, media attention

7. Education quality, experts qualification procedures

2 Serious problem, common occurrence, media attention

8. Quality of local government services 2 Serious problem, common occurrence, media attention

9. Illegal logging 3 Serious problem, some media reports

10. Waste treatment 3 Serious problem, some media reports

11. Explosions and fires caused by faulty gas cylinders or gas appliances

3 Serious problem, some media reports

12. Seismic safety 3 Serious problem, some media reports

13. Toys safety 3 Serious problem, some media reports

14. Human disabilities – ensuring accessibility

3 Serious problem, some media reports

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2.3. Government policy priorities

Further to the non-economic factors, it is important to analyse the Government plans for development that greatly impact on some specific sectors. The Table 4 below is based on the “Strategy of the Export Oriented Industrial Policy of Armenia” adopted by the Government of Armenia on 2011-12-15. Armenia’s new industrial policy is intended to create special investment-friendly tax and customs regimes, provide financial support, assure access to finance and markets, develop institutional capacity, increase competitiveness, and promote market-relevant research and development over the long term. It is expected that by 2013, the growth performance of the diamond and jewelry, watch manufacturing, light industry, and brandy-making industries will improve significantly. It is also expected that new skills and fields will emerge by 2015 in such key industries as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, canned food, wine, mineral water and juice production.

The main advisory bodies and institutions responsible for the Government of Armenia’s export-oriented industrial strategy are the Industrial Council, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Economy, the sectoral strategy-making councils, and the Armenian Development Agency.

The following rules applied to rank economic sectors expected to have greater importance according to development plans:

Rank 1 – Great importance expected in near future Rank 2 – Greater importance, if certain conditions are fulfilled Rank 3 – Some importance expected in medium term Rank 4 – Some importance expected in long term Rank 5 – No increase in importance expected

Table 4. Ranking Sectors expected to have greater importance for national development

N° Sector or issue to be developed under National development plan or policy

Rank Importance and Chances of Occurrence

1. Triple the export volume of Brendy production

1 Expected to gain great importance in the near future

2. Promote jewellery production 2 May gain importance shortly, provided certain conditions are fulfilled

3. Promote watches and clocks production 2 May gain importance shortly, provided certain conditions are fulfilled

4. Promote light industry contribution to the export

2 May gain importance shortly, provided certain conditions are fulfilled

5. Increase the volumes of diamond processing and production and its export values

2 May gain importance shortly, provided certain conditions are fulfilled

6. Attract big investments into the medical and pharmaceutical production and improve export capacities

2 Expected to gain great importance in the medium term

7. Attract big investments into the biotechnologies and promote establishment of new productions

3 Expected to gain some importance in the medium term

8. Improve export capacities of canning industry and promote investments in the sector

3 Expected to gain some importance in the medium term

9. Improve export capacities of wine production

3 Expected to gain some importance in the medium term

10. Improve export capacities of mineral water and juice production

3 Expected to gain some importance in the medium term

11. Promote innovations and introduction of new technologies for precise architecture

3 Expected to gain great importance in the long term

12. Promote innovations and introduction of new technologies for general industrial machinery and equipment production

4 Expected to gain some importance in the long term

13. Promote innovations and introduction of new technologies for production of

4 Expected to gain some importance in the long term

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electronic and optical devices, and computers

14. Promote innovations and introduction of new technologies for electrical machinery and equipment

4 Expected to gain some importance in the long term

15. Promote innovations and introduction of new technologies for production of toys, games and sports requisites

4 Expected to gain some importance in the long term

2.4. Selected Sectors of standardisation and expected benefits

Based on detailed assessment of priority sectors of Armenian economy, non-economic factors and stakeholders interests and needs in standardisation, SARM made comparative analysis of priorities and formed the following list of standardisation sectors for upcoming three years. All the above mentioned sectors have specific interests to apply modern technologies, ensure safety and quality of goods and services, become internationally competitive and attractive for new investments. We address in our Standardisation plan those interests and will promote the application of appropriate standards. Further, the Annex represents the detailed table of standards proposed for development in the appropriate sectors.

1. Agriculture and Food processing

Agriculture is a major sector for the Armenian economy, accounting for 18% of the country’s GDP for the years 2006-2010. Armenia has a fast growing food processing sector with excellent export potential based on ecologically friendly “green” agro-products. As one of the country’s most developed sectors, and the second in terms of export volumes (14% of the total), food processing plays an important role in the economy. The most important products are canned food production, and alcoholic beverage production, especially wine and brandy made from locally grown grapes.

Armenia’s principal food processing exports are alcoholic beverages, fish, cheese, canned fruits, jams, coffee, and mineral water. Some exporters also ship frozen fruits and vegetables. Armenia’s soil and climate conditions, high altitude, and limited use of chemical fertilizers account for flavorful produce. This produce can be successfully introduced to international markets with modern processing and packaging technologies that currently used to export such Armenian products as soft drinks, mineral water, cigarettes, alcohol, canned fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, meat and meat products, and mixed feed.

The Standardisation plans of the previous years have been mostly focused on this sector and in this plan we will continue to explore the opportunities for development of standards with modern technologies and best management practice in the agricultural production and processes.

The main benefit from standardisation work is its contribution to the settling of confidence among the different stakeholders operating in the feed and food sectors. A request becoming more and more important, in particular from consumers, considering the problems encountered recently in the feed and food sectors. In practice all food standards are concerned. For example:

• Management Systems Standards ensure that the foods are safe at the time of consumption,

• Terminology ensures that the different partners communicate without any risk of misunderstanding,

• Methods of test and analysis ensure that the test results provided are reliable and comparable,

• Product specifications ensure that the minimum requirements are the same all over the world and facilitate fair practices in international trade of commodities.

In addition to the benefit mentioned above, harmonization of test methods combined to the development of product specifications reduces the number of analysis to be performed in order

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to export to several different countries, therefore opening new markets and reducing costs. Furthermore as the methods of test, up-to-date and answering the needs (regulations as well as consumers' expectations), are publicly available it reduces the cost of the development of products thus contributing to cost saving. The development of internationally accepted standard methods for the detection and determination of genetically modified organisms in food and feed products can be effective tools to remove technical barriers to their trade.

Finally the development of standards for Safety Management Systems ensures that the foods are safe at the time of consumption. With the same reference document all around the world, this avoids, for example, multiple certifications.

For new technologies in food sector, standardization work can provide assurances about the products which build consumer and user confidence. In that field, SARM has published for example several harmonized national standards for the identification and the determination of genetically modified organisms therefore contributing to the enforcement of such regulations.

2. Mining and quarrying

The subsurface of Armenia is rich in certain mineral resources. More than 480 deposits of a range of mineral resources have been discovered here. Mining is a key contributor to the Armenian economy and is one of the fastest growing exporting sectors in recent years, with ores and metals accounting for over half of the country's exports. Armenia has rich deposits of iron, copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc, gold, silver, aluminum, and nepheline syenite.

Currently there are seven coppermolybdenum mines, three copper mines, thirteen gold and gold-polymetalic mines, two polymetalic mines and two iron-ore mines operating in Armenia. Environmental safety is among the key challenges for the sector. In view of this, the Standardisation

Plan will give preference to the standards with most up-to-date and safe technologies for the mine development programs. In particular, sulfide concentrates are produced at various particle sizes having different base metal and moisture contents and other chemical and physical characteristics that are used to evaluate and define the particular properties of the concentrate.

Concentrate price is commonly settled by the base metal content. To evaluate a concentrate consignment, the base metal and moisture contents, as well as the total mass, must be determined.

Therefore, it is imperative have practical sampling and sample preparation methods based on scientific principles to collect and prepare representative samples from a lot. Such samples can then be tested using reliable standard methods for measuring base metal and determination of moisture content.

International Standards prepared by ISO for sampling and chemical analysis ensure fair trade and competitive supply of sulfide concentrates. The ISO standards also take into consideration the environmental impact and the safety and health of workers in the industry.

Benefits expected from the national standardisation activities include the following:

• Development of acceptable and validated standard methods in the most economical, scientific and practical way,

• Elimination, or at least mitigation, of those barriers to sulfide concentrate trade caused by differences in standards, whilst assisting in furthering the aims of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) agreement.

• Ability to respond quickly to the need for new or revised standards resulting from the development of new and improved metal production technologies and instrumentation to measure quality characteristics.

3. Buildings and Construction

Construction is another biggest sector of economy by having in average about 17% contribution to GDP during the last 5 years. It is also ensures the significant employment rate in economy and attract big investments. The efficiency in construction activities, application of modern

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technologies for production of contsruction materials, as well as operational safety of employees engaged in various construction activities are among the most important issues that are subject for standardisation.

The building construction industry is well known as the largest industrial employer, and one of its particular characteristics is its function as a generator of employment. The so-called “multiplier effect” is such that 1 person working in the construction industry gives rise to 2 further jobs in other sectors. In Europe, for instance, this means almost 2 million firms directly employing a work force of 11 million. In other continents with less automation, building industry employs even more people and is usually a local activity.

The industry is known for having a low technology level and low profitability. The building construction industry has a great potential for change, higher effectiveness, better profitability and increased international trade. A paradigm shift is currently taking place in the building industry as far as the use of building information models and supporting software is concerned. It is estimated that about 30 % of the building project costs can be eliminated by improving the data handling and information flow between actors and within the process of planning, designing and building.

Established standards for construction have little direct impact upon production, but greater impact on the overall conditions for the industry. These facts have traditionally made the development of the building industry more dependent on the initiatives of governments, industry organizations, research establishments etc., than standardization in other fields, where the industry has more direct benefit from standardization.

The review and implementation of standards will be of great importance in the building construction sector as to:

• terminology • dimensional coordination • performance criteria's • digital framework and a classification system of building construction information for the

open market • lifecycle cost analysis • accessible and usable building design for all • sustainable building construction • processes, procedures and methods for construction procurement systems

The continuing focus on sustainable development issues has particularly highlighted topics concerning:

• environmental declarations of building products • design life of buildings • durability • general principles and responsibilities independent of private and public authorities • guidelines in designing accessibility for all

By the extensive adoption and use of standards in the built environment, considerable savings in time, materials and moneys can be achieved. In addition, application of indoor environment standards will help to assure the health, productivity and well being of building occupants. Healthy, sustainable buildings are those that create high quality indoor environments while minimizing their impacts on the outdoor environment. Emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere could be reduced significantly through the application of International Standards relating to the energy-efficient design of buildings and building mechanical equipment.

SARM will emphasize the measured performance of healthy and sustainable buildings and practical methods for their design, construction, operation and maintenance.

4. Energy

Energy is one of Armenia’s most fully operational and cost-effective sectors, and the country is nearly self-sufficient in energy. Lacking industrial fuel resources, Armenia places a high emphasis on development of its own renewable energy sources, such as hydro, wind and solar

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energy. Among the renewable energy sources, the most wide-spread and efficient structures are hydro power plants. However, as stakeholders report, application of modern technologies (standards) for improving operational efficiency thereof is an urgent and demanded issue. Disposal and conservation of the current Nuclear Power Plant and construction of new one is on the agenda of Government, which creates new needs for appropriate safety and efficiency standards.

Developing carbon neutral technologies and making better and more rational use of energy and other natural resources have become essential for sustainable development of our society. In addition, Armenia is going through a process of opening up of utilities markets including those for electricity and gas.

Standardization can play a role in meeting these challenges by promoting best practices, helping the development of renewable energies, improving energy efficiency and providing tools to optimise installations and systems. In a context characterised by liberalisation and the creation of a Armenian market for electricity and other utilities, standardization can also play a role in achieving cost effectiveness, efficiency and quality as well as interoperability and equal access of suppliers to the infrastructure.

Standardization can contribute to this objective by promoting best practices and providing authorities and private organisations with the tools to design sound policies, optimise installations and systems and improve energy efficiency. Standards can also support existing Armenian legislation and policy objectives in the area of energy.

The special attention will be given to the renewable energy sector (water, solar, wind). Large scale use of renewable energy, or RE, is important for the future for several reasons: to eliminate dependence on fossil fuels, to combat global warming, and to raise the living standard of people in Armenia. Much of RE is an emerging field of research, technology and manufacturing and a new industry is growing up.

Standardization helps these technologies to become marketable by providing a foundation for certification systems, promoting international trade of uniform high-quality products and supporting transfer of expertise from traditional energy systems. The very nature of the renewable energy technologies means that standardization requires a dedicated effort to keep pace with developments in the various fields.

It is against this backdrop that SARM is working to set the standards that can serve the country in this market sector. Our mission is to provide technical performance and safety standards in the field of renewable energies as well as certification schemes when needed, thereby providing an essential tool for establishing a quality level to protect customers everywhere.

5. Gas supply

Armenian economy is heavily relies on gas supply from Russia and newly constructed alternative source from Iran. Huge investments have been done by government to construct gas storage facilities and to enlarge the gas supply network for households. Standardisation in this field will be directed on implementation of safety and efficiency standards in gas supply. These standards include terminology, quality specifications, methods of measurement, sampling, analysis and calculation and tests.

These standards are supporting tools for delivery contracts between exploration companies, transportation companies, trading companies, distribution companies and industrial and individual end users. Instead of negotiating natural gas quality and measurement methods for each contrct, easy reference to international standards can be made. Also they serve as supporting tool for regulations in the field of natural gas.

The importance of standards for the natural gas industry is growing with the increasing availability and consumption of natural gas and the increasing international trade in natural gas. International standards are being used to support the liberalization of the gas markets, the energy efficiency, environment protection and safety.

6. Information technology/telecommunications

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The information technology (IT) and telecommunications sector is one of the most productive in Armenia. The Government has declared IT a priority and is supporting it through various institutions, such as the IT Development and Support Council, chaired by the Prime Minister, and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation.

Armenia’s IT and telecommunications industry has already attracted global brands such as Synopsis, which has located a considerable part of their operations in Armenia, Microsoft, National Instruments, Mentor Graphics, Ericson, and Orange. Currently, there are more than 300 IT and telecom companies in Armenia.

The world economy is moving from a predominantly industrial society to a new Information Society, and is becoming ever more information-based. It is, therefore, crucial for competitiveness and success in business to improve the systems used to access and distribute information and the technologies that drive them.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) applications, such as electronic Invoicing, car navigation or flight booking systems are also radically changing the way companies and governements work or individuals enjoy their leisure time. The promise of the new technologies is real. However, ICT applications will not reach their full potential unless they and their supporting infrastructures are fully interoperable. This is the role of standards.

SARM proposes the production of ICT standards that support the development of open and competitive markets for the benefit of both consumers and industry. During the last three years standardisation in this sector was very active and a big number of wide-used international standards have been adopted.

7. Chemical/Pharmaceutical

Thanks to its tradition of producing high quality chemical products, over the last decade Armenia's pharmaceuticals industry has grown into one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. Exports account for 57% of output, and average annual export growth has been 24% from 2003. Such growth is based on a skilled and highly educated workforce, enthusiastic and effective entrepreneurs, and significant domestic and foreign direct investment.

However, further increase of sector’s exporting potential should be supported by implementation of international and European standards directed to promotion marketing and quality of produced goods.

In addition, safe access to healthcare for patients is a basic right nowadays. Through its Technical Committees dedicated to healthcare, and notably to medical devices, SARM develops Armenian Standards setting safety, quality and performance requirements for medical devices that are put on the Armenian market. A large number of them also enable manufacturers to make their medical products compliant with the European legislation in the medical sector, for the ultimate benefit of all citizens.

The specific benefits of standardization can be devided as follows:

• Safety of the patient. A performance quality level and the consistency of it over a long period contributes to the quality of medicinal products, diagnostics and administration devices, thus ensuring the patients overall safety.

• Economy. Standardization of components facilitates the availability of those parts world wide and improves the machinability (filling and assembly lines).

• Market access. Harmonised international standards will enable manufacturers in Armenia to export into highly industrialized countries.

• Auditing. Harmonised international standards will provide a common platform for the evaluation of products, set up internationally accepted quality levels, and create a basis for auditing activities, e.g. by notified bodies or test houses.

• Complementary support. Promptly updated standards reflect the state of the art and they complement national regulations. An example is the provision of complementary tests for

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packaging components, that are typically not included in a Pharmacopoeia, e.g. fragmentation test for rubber closures, penetration force test of infusion sets.

8. Tourism and services

Tourism is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. With its rich historical, cultural and natural resources, Armenia has the potential to offer attractive and competitive tourism products and highquality services. The number of tourist visits to the country has grown annually by 25% in recent years. In 2011, the number of tourist visits was around 800,000.

Armenia’s tourism policy objectives area are established by the law of the Republic of Armenia “On Tourism and Touristic Activities” and the Tourism Development Plan. However, the most important driver of tourism is the quality of services provided.

Service standards can be used to promote best practices and to spread knowledge throughout the market. Standards can also set benchmarks against which businesses can measure the quality and perfomance of their own services or the services they are purchasing, thus improving competitiveness and increasing efficiency.

9. Electrotechnical sector

As to the Government priorities electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) and low-voltage electronic devices are announced priority sectors for developing harmonized with EU legislation and promote thereof development. New technologies and electronic products based on them further set forth requirements for due consideration of the electrotechnical sector.

The external business environment in EMC standardization is strongly influenced by new technologies and industrial trends that create a hostile „electromagnetic environment“:

• power and microelectronics with increasing operating frequencies,

• increasing density of electrical, electronic and radio communication equipment operating close to each other.

This situation creates strong need for definition and description of the electromagnetic environment and for test and mitigation methods. It is the main objective of SARM to create EMC standards which reflect the needs of modern state of the art electrical and electronic products. These standards and other EMC deliverables shall take into account the continuous changes in the electromagnetic environment and challenges resulting from the introduction of new technologies. In this respect the set of basic immunity standards will be expanded to cover all electromagnetic phenomena relevant for electrical and electronic products and systems. This objective includes the goal to provide user friendly standards to measure emission and to test immunity of products with both aspects considering requirements which are aimed to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of products, systems and installations.

The technologies of data processing, telecommunication, and use and control of electrical energy, among others, are merging. Therefore, the market demands a principle of insulation coordination, which can be applied in each part of an equipment. Modern insulating materials and recent technologies of electrical engineering (e.g. electronic circuitry) call for insulation coordination based on all external conditions: electrical and others.

The advanced functionality becomes possible by using the latest achievements in electronic information and communication technologies. These new technologies may affect the way requirements and testing methods are specified. The most important trends are the following:

• extended use of electronic technologies, like digital signal processing, mixed signal circuits and firmware, which may have to be updated during the life of the equipment;

• changes in network conditions and EMC environments due to the growing use of non-linear loads, power lines and radio communications. On the one hand, this requires advanced measurement algorithms to measure power and power quality parameters. On the other hand, better protection is needed against undue influences.

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• an increased use of interoperable communication and IT technologies, including an increased interaction and integration of systems formerly separated, will be common to most of the Smart Measuring technologies.

Also, it becomes more and more necessary to measure different electrical parameters, in order to monitor the required performances in power distribution systems due to:

• installation standards evolutions, for instance, over current detection is now a new requirement for the neutral conductor due to harmonic content;

• technological evolutions (electronic loads, electronic measuring methods, etc.);

• end-users’ needs (cost saving, compliance with aspects of building regulations, etc.);

• safety and continuity of operation of power distribution systems;

• in the field of sub-metering, sustainable development requirements where energy measurement for instance is recognized as an essential element of energy management, part of the overall drive to reduce carbon emissions and to improve the commercial efficiency of manufacturing, commercial organizations and public services.

The standards produced by SARM must be sufficiently flexible to adapt to improvements in manufacturing processes, architectures, materials, and innovations, in order to comply with the user requirements.

10. Ocupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety (OH&S) plays an important role in Armenian legislation and is closely linked with standardisation.

Standardisation contributes to the improvement of working conditions with regard to health and safety, which is a cross-sectoral issue. This concerns in particular those ISO and CEN Technical Committees which develop product standards with OH&S aspects, especially those in support of EU directives for products like machinery, pressure equipment and personal protective equipment. OH&S also concerns ISO and CEN TCs which prepare standards with hazard-oriented generic functions e.g. in the field of noise, vibration, ergonomics or hazardous substances. Standards are an important tool for integrating OH&S aspects into the workplace.

11. Transport: Public transport, road traffic safety

The quality of public passenger trasport services bring many complaints from people. This infrastructure is still requires further government regulation to guarantee safe, efficient and high-quality passenger transport services through regulated competition, guaranteeing also transparency and performance of public passenger transport services, having regard to social, environmental and regional development factors, or to offer specific tariff conditions to certain categories of traveller, such as pensioners, and to eliminate the disparities between transport undertakings from different communities of Armenia which may give rise to substantial distortions of competition.

The standards in the public passenger transport sector will provide with the following benefits for the operating companies:

• A significant shift towards a quality approach in operations across the business

• A new set of quality criteria introduced for every transport mode and area of service

• New tools available for monitoring and assessing service quality

• Constant feedback and identification of problems, allowing immediate corrective action

• A growing focus on customer satisfaction and a quality-oriented culture amongst staff

• Improved punctuality, better information and better service across the network

• Increased revenue through public subsidies as a result of surpassing quality targets.

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12. Environmental management

The management of environmental aspects and impacts has established itself as a cornerstone of effective organizational practice alongside the management of quality, security, and health and safety issues. Ongoing concern about environmental issues and sustainable development has significantly affected global practices in recent years as organizations strive to be responsive to government regulations, shareholder concerns and interested parties’ expectations all at the same time.

SARM recognises the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development for current and future generations and therefore believes that all standards must take the environment into consideration.

Standards, whether they are product standards, service standards or process standards, all have an impact on the environment. The environmental impact of a product standard, for example, will vary according to the different stages of the lifecycle that can be distinguished (production, distribution, use and end-of-life). Standardisation can play a major role in reducing environmental impacts by influencing the choices that are made in connection with the design of products and processes.

SARM faces environmental challenges posed by the operational activities of the Armenia Sectors as well as by developments within the Armenian economy.

The adoption of ISO 14001 in 1995 as an international consensus standard served to end the proliferation of national, regional and private versions of environmental management systems. The entire ISO 14000 family of international standards provides management tools for organizations to better manage and communicate about their environmental aspects and to work towards improving their environmental performance and contributing to sustainable development. When used properly, these tools can provide significant advantages and benefits to users in both the private and public sectors, including:

• Improved risk/environmental impacts identification

• Enhanced clarity in understanding requirements and setting objectives and targets

• Greater assurance in meeting regulatory and other requirements

• More specificity in identifying responsibilities and accountabilities

• Increased potential to streamline operations, reduce energy and raw material use and minimize waste generation

• Establishing an environmental strategy that improves environmental performance

• Measuring and communicating improvement in environmental performance

• Promoting an organizational culture that promotes employee involvement

• More consistent and scientifically defensible approach to analyzing product attributes

• Providing consumers with greater assurance of the validity of environmental communications

These advantages and benefits contribute directly and indirectly to the organization’s commitments to environmental performance and sustainable development.

13. Conformity assessment

Conformity assessment is the process used to show that a product, service or system meets specified requirements. These requirements are likely to be contained in a standard.

Showing that a product, service or system meets certain requirements has a number of benefits for trade relations:

• It provides consumers with added confidence.

• It gives the company a competitive edge.

• It helps regulators ensure that health, safety or environmental conditions are met.

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The main forms of conformity assessment are certification, inspection and testing.

The conformity assessment system in Armenia has undergone major changes during the last two years in the framework of quality infrastructure reforms. The Government has shifted from mandatory to voluntary sertification schemes, and harmonisation of all conformity assessment structures to the EU practices has been initiated. The majority of ISO/CASCO standards are currently in revision too. Thus, it is a challenge for standardisation to keep the appropriate standards updated and to adopt new standards in the field so as to assist government reforms and decision making with good knowledge basis and best management practices.

The National standardisation plan considers the complete review of existing conformity assessment field standards and adoption of new modern standards in this field.

14. Financial services

Financial services includes depository institutions, which traditionally are recognized as financial institutions, non-depository institutions or finance companies, consumer and commercial lenders that raise funds in the capital markets, the buy and sell side of the securities markets, private equity firms, mutual fund complexes, central banks, electronic clearing networks and other financial intermediaries, and mortgage and insurance companies. Financial intermediations are one of the most important priority sectors of Armenian economy and represent 4% contribution to GDP. Thus, the application of international practices and knowledge in the field is considered important in terms of standardisation.

Standardization in the field of core banking covers banking functions, customer to bank interfaces, deposit taking, lending, account maintenance and payments.

Standards relative to payment instruments address operations from payment initiation through clearing of payment instructions and reporting. They include the financial operations via card and other digital media used for electronic financial services.

Lending includes the specialist lending associated with Trade Finance and Treasury operations through to consumer lending in all its forms or lending associated with credit cards.

Rapid advances in computer systems and networking allow financial institutions to record, store, and retrieve vast amounts of customer data with more speed and efficiency than ever before. These advances enable financial services companies and their business partners to use both existing and new technologies in new ways to acquire and process consumer data. New channels such as the Internet and Mobile phones introduce new actors in the processing chain.

With these new abilities, information can be processed in ways that unintentionally impinge on the privacy rights of their customers and partners. These capabilities raise concerns about the privacy of individuals and companies throughout the financial services processing environments from point of sale environments to large networked data processing centre environments.

Furthermore, regulated industries such as financial services have legal and regulatory requirements that now place additional conditions on technical decisions approaches to how personal information is collected, stored, shared, and used. In particular the location of data in safe harbors is required and the access to the information by its owner must be granted.

The financial services community recognizes how important it is to protect and not abuse their customers’ privacy, not just because it is required by law, but also because as systems are developed or updated there is an opportunity to enhance business processes and to provide improved services to customers. For the financial services community standardized technologies and processes serve as tools to proactively address privacy principles and practices that facilitate compliance, mitigate risk and become sound business practice.

2.5. Summary of priority standardisation sectors

By summarising the paragraph 2.4 review policy statements, and taking into consideration the carefull assessment of all priority sectors and given priority ranks, we finally come up with the Summary table of priority standardisation sectors given below.

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Table 5. Summary table of priority standardisation sectors

Sector Fields Average priority


Initiator and responsibility

Agriculture and Food processing

In general 2.0 Ministry of Agriculture

Milk and dairy products 5.0 SARM TC 4

Fruits and vegetables 2.3 SARM TC 3

Alcohol, brandy 2.3 SARM TC 10

Meat and meat products 4.5 SARM TC 2

Soft drinks 3.7 Ministry of Agriculture, SARM TC 3

Fish, crustaceans and mollusks 4.5 Ministry of Agriculture, SARM TC 2/SC 1

Coffee and tea 4.3 Ministry of Agriculture, New NTC need to be


Natural mineral water 3.7 SARM TC 8

Tobacco and cigarettes 4.5 SARM TC 11

Mining and quarrying

In general 2.0 Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Copper 2.0

New NTC need to be established with appropriate SCs

Iron and steel (Ferroalloys) 2.0

Aluminium 2.5

Molybdenum 3.0

Zinc 3.0

Gold unwrought 3.5

Buildings and construction

In general 2.5 Ministry of Urban Development

Seismic safety of buildings 2.5 Ministry on Emergency Situations, SARM TC 7

Worked monumental/building stone&art; mosaic cube, granules

4.5 SARM TC 16, a SC need to be established

Cements, portland, aluminous, slag, supersulfate & similar hydraulic cements

4.5 SARM TC 16

Energy-efficient design of buildings 3.0 SARM TC 16, a SC need to be established


In general 3.7 Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Renewable energy (hydro, wind and solar)

3.7 SARM TC 1, a SC need to be established

Nuclear energy 3.7 SARM TC 1, a SC need to be established

Gas supply

In general 3.5 Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel

3.3 SARM TC 5

Gas supply-quality, measurement, sampling and test

3.0 SARM TC 5

Information technology and


In general 3.0 Ministry of Transport and


Cards and personal identification 3.0 SARM TC 6

Telecommunications and information exchange between systems

3.0 SARM TC 13

Chemical/ Pharmaceutical

In general 3.7 Ministry of Economy

Paints and varnishes 5.0 SARM TC 9

Chemistry 4.0 SARM TC 9

Medical and pharmaceutical 3.7 New NTC need to be

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Sector Fields Average priority


Initiator and responsibility

production established

Tourism and Services

In general 2.5 Ministry of Economy

Services for consumers 2.7 New NTC on consumer issues need to be


Recreational areas, parks and green areas

2.0 New NTC on tourism

issues need to be established

Hotels and restaurants 3.5

Tourism and related services 3.0


Electricity in general 3.3 Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources,

National electrotechnical board need to be


Electromagnetic compatibility 4.3 SARM TC 19

Electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits

4.3 SARM TC 20

Health and safety

In general 2.0 Ministry of Healthcare

Medical laboratories 2.0 New NTC on healthcare issues need to be

established Quality of health services 1.0

Human disabilities – ensuring accessibility

3.0 Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, New NTC need to

be established


In general 2.0 Ministry of Transport and


Road traffic safety 1.7 SARM TC 12

Public transport 1.0 SARM TC 12


In general 1.0 Ministry of Nature Protection

Environmental management 2.0 SARM TC 14

Water quality 2.0 SARM TC 8

Environmental impacts identification 2.0 SARM TC 14

Waste treatment 2.0 SARM TC 14

Conformity assessment

In general 2.5 Ministry of Economy,


Financial services In general 3.0 Central Bank of Armenia,

New NTC need to be established


Horology 3.7 New NTC

Plastics 3.3 SARM TC 9

Jewelery 3.0 New TC

Textile 3.3 New TC

The full and complete Standards Development Plan is provided in Annex. It specifies the names

and numbers of appropriate standards that need to be developed by each chosen sector. The

plan is devided by years – according to the priorities of standards and available resources.

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3.1 Human Resources by Type of Work Item and Category

The Table 6 below provides with calculations of total work load per sector of standardisation.

First of all, the table uses term “Standards Officer (SO)”. This is a generic term for three kind of


a) Preliminary evaluation of national standard development needs and checking

compliance with legislation, technical specialist,

b) translation and editting of standard,

c) activities of secretary of the Technical Committee.

Usually these activities should be carried out by different persons, as they differ by time and

specifics of work. However, in that case the number of required personnel increase, and

sometimes the work load is not equally shared among different staff members. People who

engaged in standard development as SARM employees have adequate skills and

understanding of all the three functions and, actually each specialist is capable of

implementation of all the three functions simultaneously.

Moreover, the activities of TC secretaries do not require big time and concentration. The editting

and preliminary evaluation of needs are usually performed within TC members, and only a little

concentration required for final design of the adopting standard according to defined criteria.

Thus, the biggest time and concentration is required for the carefull translation of standards into


In this Standards Development Plan we consider a Standards Officer as a person, who is

eligible to perform all the above mentioned tasks in the assigned to him sector of


The types of work are also classified as Adoption (Ad), Evaluation of expediancy (Ev), Active

participation in the international or regional TC for development of appropriate standard (Ac),

and Monitoring of the international and/or regional standardisation activities in the given field

(Mo). As a basis of calculations the number of pages of the standard is considered. Thus, based

on the previous eperience of standard development during the last three years, we have set the

man-days rates per each category of work (Ad, Ev, Ac, Mo). The column with total man-days

represent the sum of products of appropriate number of pages and man-days rates of each

category of work per the sector.

Finally, the work load of SOs is calculated by deviding the total number of man-days per sector

to the total number of available working days per 3 years, which is 660 days. The number of

available working days per year is taken as 220 days, by taking into consideration of all week-

end days, vacation days, leave days and hollidays.

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Table 6. Standards officers needs for three year program implementation based on type of work item and category







of pages

for Ad


of pages

for Ev


of pages

for Ac


of pages

for Мо



rate per





rate per










days rate

per page








days for 3



load of

SOs per


1 Agriculture and Food


856 506 250 100 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 489.8 660 0.7

2 Mining and quarrying 973 928 45 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 755.9 660 1.2

3 Buildings and construction 1464 1464 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 1171.2 660 1.8

4 Energy 938 938 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 750.4 660 1.1

5 Gas supply 598 598 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 478.4 660 0.7

6 Information technology

and telecommunications

102 102 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 81.6 660 0.1

7 Chemical/Pharmaceutical 267 198 69 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 165.3 660 0.3

8 Tourism and Services 150 100 50 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 85 660 0.1

9 Electrotechnical 3320 3320 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 2656 660 4

10 Health and safety 475 475 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 380 660 0.6

11 Transport 1680 1680 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 1344 660 2.1

12 Environment 222 222 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 177.6 660 0.3

13 Conformity assessment 247 247 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 197.6 660 0.3

14 Financial services 384 384 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 307.2 660 0.5

15 Other 176 176 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.1 140.8 660 0.2

Total 11852 11338 295 0 219 - - - - - 9180.8 14

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3.2 Human Resources Needed over the Three-year Period by Sector

In this last section in the Table 7 below we provide an estimate of the resources needed for the

annual implementation of the Plan during the 3 years period covered by the plan, for each sector.

Table 7. Standards officers required over the three-year period by sector

Sector Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Number of





Number of





Number of





Agriculture and Food

processing 25 1 0 0 48 2

Mining and quarrying 66 2 22 1 0 0

Buildings and construction 7 1.5 6 0.5 47 3

Energy 0 0 0 0 17 3

Gas supply 0 0 18 2 0 0

Information technology and

telecommunications 0 0 7 0.5 0 0

Chemical/Pharmaceutical 0 0 0 0 21 1

Tourism and Services 8 0.5 0 0 0 0

Electrotechnical 0 0 14 10 21 3

Health and safety 8 1 3 0.5 0 0

Transport 19 5 0 0 0 0

Environment 10 1 0 0 0 0

Conformity assessment 19 1 0 0 0 0

Financial services 0 0 10 1.5 0 0

Other 0 0 0 0 19 1

TOTAL 162 13 80 16 173 13

The numbers of required Sos in the table sometimes are not round. For example, the 1.5 SOs for

the 1st Year in the “Building and Construction” sector means that there is a need to engage one

full-time and only in this sector involved SO and one half-time SO. The latter will spend the rest of

his/her time on other sector, e.g. “Tourism and Services” sector standards development.

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Annex 1 List of Work Items included in the Three-year Standards Development Plan

Table 1. First Year Standards Development Plan

No. Sector Field Subject International, regional or interstate standard

(No.&date) Priority

Status (P or


Category (Ad, Ev, Ac, Mo)


Agriculture and food processing

In general

Guidelines for the Assessment of the Competence of Testing Laboratories Involved in the Import and Export Control of Foods

CAC/GL 27-1997 2,0 P Ad

2. Standard for Honey

CODEX STAN 12-1981 (2001)

2,0 P Ev

3. Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods

CAC/GL 32-1999 (2012)

2,0 P Ad

4. Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of monoacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, triacylglycerols and glycerol by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC)

ISO 18395:2005 2,0 P Ad


Fruits and vegetables

Fruits, vegetables and derived products -- Determination of iron content -- 1,10- Phenanthroline photometric method

ISO 5517:1978 2,3 P Ad

6. Fruits, vegetables and derived products -- Determination of nitrite and nitrate content -- Molecular absorption spectrometric method

ISO 6635:1984 2,3 P Ad

7. Fruits, vegetables and derived products -- Determination of zinc content -- Part 1: Polarographic method

ISO 6636-1:1986 2,3 P Ad

8. Fruits, vegetables and derived products -- Determination of zinc content -- Part 2: Atomic absorption spectrometric method

ISO 6636-2:1981 2,3 P Ad

9. Fruit and vegetable products -- Determination of zinc content -- Part 3: Dithizone spectrometric method

ISO 6636-3:1983 2,3 P Ad

10. Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

CAC/RCP 53-2003 (2010)

2,3 P Ad

11. Code of Practice for the Packaging and Transport of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

CAC/RCP 44-1995 (2004)

2,3 P Ad

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12. Guideline Procedures for the Visual Inspection of Lots of Canned Foods for Unacceptable Defects

CAC/GL 17-1993 2,3 P Ad

13. Seed potatoes


2,3 P Ad

14. Potatoes -- Storage in the open (in clamps) ISO 5525:1986 2,3 P Ad

15. Potatoes, root vegetables and round-headed cabbages -- Guide to storage in silos using forced ventilation

ISO 6822:1984 2,3 P Ad

16. Potatoes -- Guidelines for storage in artificially ventilated stores

ISO 7562:1990 2,3 P Ad

17. Ware potatoes -- Guide to storage ISO 2165:1974 2,3 P Ad

18. Early and ware potatoes


2,3 P Ad

19. Early potatoes -- Guide to cooling and refrigerated transport

ISO 9376:1988 2,3 P Ad

20. Tomatoes -- Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport

ISO 5524:1991 2,3 P Ad

21. Cucumbers -- Storage and refrigerated transport

ISO 7560:1995 2,3 P Ad

22. Apricots


2,3 P Ad

23. Plums


2,3 P Ad

24. Peaches and nectarines


2,3 P Ad

25. Alcohol, brandy

Revision of national standards. Monitor of new standards by regional and international organizations

Mainly AST and GOST 2,3 Mo

26. Mining and quarrying

In general

Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of hygroscopic moisture in the analysis sample -- Gravimetric method

ISO 9599:1991 2,0 P Ev

27. Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates -- Determination of mass loss of bulk material on drying

ISO 10251:2006 2,0 P Ad

28. Copper sulfide concentrates -- Determination of copper content -- Titrimetric methods

ISO 10258:1994 2,0 P,D Ev

29. Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of gold and silver -- Fire assay gravimetric and flame atomic absorption

ISO 10378:2005 2,0 P Ad

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Mining and quarrying

spectrometric method

30. Copper, lead, and zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of transportable moisture limits -- Flow-table method

ISO 12742:2007 2,0 P Ad

31. Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates -- Guidelines for the inspection of mechanical sampling systems

ISO 11790:2010 2,0 P Ad

32. Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates -- Sampling of slurries

ISO 11794:2010 2,0 P Ad

33. Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates -- Sampling procedures for determination of metal and moisture content

ISO 12743:2006 2,0 P Ad

34. Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates -- Experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling

ISO 12744:2006 2,0 P Ad

35. Copper, lead and zinc ores and concentrates -- Precision and bias of mass measurement techniques

ISO 12745:2008 2,0 P Ad

36. Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates -- Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling

ISO 13292:2006 2,0 P Ad

37. Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of mass of contained metal in a lot

ISO 13543:1996 2,0 P,D Ev

38. Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates -- Step-by-step procedure for the testing of static scales

ISO/TR 15855:2001 2,0 P Ev



Copper sulfide concentrates -- Determination of copper content -- Titrimetric methods

ISO 10258:1994 2,0 P Ad

40. Copper sulfide concentrates -- Determination of copper -- Electrogravimetric method

ISO 10469:2006 2,0 P Ad

41. Copper and copper alloys -- Terms and definitions -- Part 1: Materials

ISO 197-1:1983 2,0 P Ad

42. Copper and copper alloys -- Terms and definitions -- Part 5: Methods of processing and treatment

ISO 197-5:1980 2,0 P Ad

43. Copper refinery shapes ISO 431:1981 2,0 P Ad

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44. Copper and copper alloys -- Code of designation -- Part 1: Designation of materials

ISO 1190-1:1982 2,0 P Ad

45. Unalloyed copper containing not less than 99,90 % of copper -- Determination of copper content -- Electrolytic method

ISO 1553:1976 2,0 P Ad

46. Wrought and cast copper alloys -- Determination of copper content -- Electrolytic method

ISO 1554:1976 2,0 P Ad

47. Copper alloys -- Determination of nickel (low contents) -- Dimethylglyoxime spectrophotometric method

ISO 1810:1976 2,0 P Ad

48. Copper and copper alloys -- Selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis -- Part 1: Sampling of cast unwrought products

ISO 1811-1:1988 2,0 P Ad

49. Copper and copper alloys -- Selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis -- Part 2: Sampling of wrought products and castings

ISO 1811-2:1988 2,0 P Ad

50. Copper alloys -- Determination of iron content -- 1,10- Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method

ISO 1812:1976 2,0 P Ad

51. Copper and copper alloys -- Determination of manganese -- Spectrophotometric method

ISO 2543:1973 2,0 P Ad

52. Copper and copper alloys -- Estimation of average grain size

ISO 2624:1990 2,0 P Ad

53. Copper -- Hydrogen embrittlement test ISO 2626:1973 2,0 P Ad

54. Copper alloys -- Determination of aluminium as alloying element -- Volumetric method

ISO 3110:1975 2,0 P Ad

55. Copper alloys -- Determination of tin as alloying element -- Volumetric method

ISO 3111:1975 2,0 P Ad

56. High conductivity copper -- Spiral elongation test

ISO/TR 4745:1978 2,0 P Ad

57. Oxygen-free copper -- Scale adhesion test ISO 4746:1977 2,0 P Ad

58. Copper alloys -- Ammonia test for stress corrosion resistance

ISO 6957:1988 2,0 P Ad

59. Copper and copper alloys -- Determination of sulfur content -- Combustion titrimetric method

ISO 7266:1984 2,0 P Ad

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Iron and Steel (Ferroalloys)

Ferroalloys -- Sampling and preparation of samples -- General rules

ISO 3713:1987 2,0 P Ad

61. Steel wire ropes for general purposes -- Lubricants -- Basic requirements

ISO 4346:1977 2,0 P Ad

62. Ferroalloys -- Sampling and sieve analysis ISO 4551:1987 2,0 P Ad

63. Ferroalloys -- Sampling and sample preparation for chemical analysis -- Part 1: Ferrochromium, ferrosilicochromium, ferrosilicon, ferrosilicomanganese, ferromanganese

ISO 4552-1:1987 2,0 P Ad

64. Ferroalloys -- Sampling and sample preparation for chemical analysis -- Part 2: Ferrotitanium, ferromolybdenum, ferrotungsten, ferroniobium, ferrovanadium

ISO 4552-2:1987 2,0 P Ad

65. Ferroalloys -- Experimental methods for the evaluation of the quality variation and methods for checking the precision of sampling

ISO 7087:1984 2,0 P Ad

66. Ferroalloys -- Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling and sample preparation

ISO 7347:1987 2,0 P Ad

67. Ferroalloys -- Experimental methods for checking the precision of sample division

ISO 7373:1987 2,0 P Ad

68. Ferroalloys -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: Materials ISO 8954-1:1990 2,0 P Ad

69. Ferroalloys -- Vocabulary -- Part 2: Sampling and sample preparation

ISO 8954-2:1990 2,0 P Ad

70. Ferroalloys -- Vocabulary -- Part 3: Sieve analysis

ISO 8954-3:1990 2,0 P Ad



Aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Chemical composition

ISO 209:2007 2,5 P Ad

72. Aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Castings -- Chemical composition and mechanical properties

ISO 3522:2007 2,5 P Ad

73. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Sheets, strips and plates -- Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery

ISO 6361-1:2011 2,5 P Ad

74. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Sheets, strips and plates -- Part 2: Mechanical properties

ISO 6361-2:2011 2,5 P Ad

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75. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Sheets, strips and plates -- Part 3: Strips: Tolerances on shape and dimensions

ISO 6361-3:2011 2,5 P Ad

76. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Sheets, strips and plates -- Part 4: Sheets and plates: Tolerances on shape and dimensions

ISO 6361-4:2011 2,5 P Ad

77. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Sheets, strips and plates -- Part 5: Chemical composition

ISO 6361-5:2011 2,5 P Ad

78. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles -- Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery

ISO 6362-1:2012 2,5 P Ad

79. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles -- Part 2: Mechanical properties

ISO 6362-2:2012 2,5 P Ad

80. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles -- Part 3: Extruded rectangular bars -- Tolerances on shape and dimensions

ISO 6362-3:2012 2,5 P Ad

81. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles -- Part 4: Profiles -- Tolerances on shape and dimensions

ISO 6362-4:2012 2,5 P Ad

82. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles -- Part 5: Round, square and hexagonal bars -- Tolerances on shape and dimensions

ISO 6362-5:2012 2,5 P Ad

83. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles -- Part 6: Round, square, rectangular and hexagonal tubes -- Tolerances on shape and dimensions

ISO 6362-6:2012 2,5 P Ad

84. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles -- Part 7: Chemical composition

ISO 6362-7:2012 2,5 P Ad

85. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Cold-drawn rods/bars, tubes and wires -- Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery

ISO 6363-1:2012 2,5 P Ad

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86. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Cold-drawn rods/bars and tubes and wires -- Part 2: Mechanical properties

ISO 6363-2:2012 2,5 P Ad

87. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Cold-drawn rods/bars, tubes and wires -- Part 3: Drawn round bars and wires -- Tolerances on form and dimensions (symmetric plus and minus tolerances on diameter)

ISO 6363-3:2012 2,5 P Ad

88. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Cold-drawn rods/bars, tubes and wires -- Part 4: Drawn rectangular bars and wires -- Tolerances on form and dimensions

ISO 6363-4:2012 2,5 P Ad

89. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Cold-drawn rods/bars, tubes and wires -- Part 5: Drawn square and hexagonal bars and wires -- Tolerances on form and dimensions

ISO 6363-5:2012 2,5 P Ad

90. Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Cold-drawn rods/bars, tubes and wires -- Part 6: Drawn round tubes -- Tolerances on form and dimensions

ISO 6363-6:2012 2,5 P Ad

91. Aluminium and aluminium alloys -- Foil and thin strip -- Dimensional tolerances

ISO 7271:2011 2,5 P Ad


Building and construction

Seismic safety of buildings

Mechanical vibration and shock -- Vibration and shock in buildings with sensitive equipment -- Part 1: Measurement and evaluation

ISO/TS 10811-1:2000 2,5 P Ad

93. Mechanical vibration and shock -- Vibration and shock in buildings with sensitive equipment -- Part 2: Classification

ISO/TS 10811-2:2000 2,5 P Ad

94. Structural steels -- Structural steels for building with improved seismic resistance -- Technical delivery conditions

ISO 24314:2006 2,5 P Ad

95. Basis for design of structures -- Seismic actions on structures

ISO 3010:2001 2,5 P Ad

96. Bases for design of structures - Serviceability of buildings and walkways against vibrations

ISO 10137:2007 2,5 P Ad

97. Anti-seismic devices EN 15129:2009 2,5 P Ad

98. Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators -- Part 3: Applications for buildings -- Specifications

ISO 22762-3:2010 2,5 P Ad

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Tourism and services

In general

Public information guidance systems -- Part 1: Design principles and element requirements for location plans, maps and diagrams

ISO 28564-1:2010 2,5 P Ad

100. Recreational areas, parks and green


Natural Protected Areas - Tourist services for public use provided by Natural Protected Areas Authorities - Requirements

ISO/CD 18065 2,0 D Mo

101. Services for consumers

Instructions for use of products by consumers ISO/IEC Guide 37:2012 2,7 P Ad

102. Hotels and restaurants

Tourism services -- Hotels and other types of tourism accommodation -- Terminology

ISO 18513:2003 3,5 P Ad


Tourism and related services

Adventure tourism -- Safety management systems -- Requirements

ISO/DIS 21101 3,0 D Mo

104. Tourism services. Travel agencies and tour operators. Terminology

EN 13809:2003 3,0 P Ad

105. Tourism services. Requirements for the provision of professional tourist guide training and qualification programmes

EN 15565:2008 3,0

106. Tourist information offices -- Tourist information and reception services -- Requirements

ISO/DIS 14785 3,0 D Mo


Health and safety

In general

Clinical laboratory medicine -- In vitro diagnostic medical devices -- Validation of user quality control procedures by the manufacturer

ISO 15198:2004 2,0 P Ad


Medical laboratories

Medical laboratories -- Requirements for quality and competence

ISO 15189:2012 2,0 P Ad

109. Medical laboratories -- Requirements for safety

ISO 15190:2003 2,0 P Ad

110. Medical laboratories -- Reduction of error through risk management and continual improvement

ISO/TS 22367:2008 2,0 P Ad


Quality of health services

Health informatics -- Personal health records -- Definition, scope and context

ISO/TR 14292:2012 1,0 P Ad

112. Health informatics - Good principles and practices for a clinical data warehouse

ISO/TR 22221:2006 1,0 P Ad

113. Ergonomics -- Manual handling of people in the healthcare sector

ISO/TR 12296:2012 1,0 P Ad

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114. Quality management systems -- Guidelines for process improvements in health service organizations

IWA 1:2005 1,0 P Ad



Road traffic safety Road traffic safety (RTS) management systems - Requirements with guidance for use

ISO 39001:2012 1,7 P Ad


Public Transport

Public passenger transport - Basic requirements and recommendations for systems that measure delivered service quality

EN 15140:2006 1,0 P Ad

117. Transportation - Logistics and services - Public passenger transport - Service quality definition, targeting and measurement

EN 13816:2002 1,0 P Ad

118. Identification card systems - Surface transport applications - Interoperable Public Transport Applications - Framework

EN 15320:2007 1,0 P Ad

119. Railway applications - Electrical lighting for rolling stock in public transport systems

EN 13272:2012 1,0 P Ad

120. Public transport - Road vehicles - Dimensional requirements for variable electronic external signs

ENV 12694:1997 1,0 P Ad

121. Public transport - Road vehicles - Driver's console mechanical interface requirements - Minimum display and keypad parameters

ENV 13093:1998 1,0 P Ad

122. Road transport and traffic telematics - Public transport - Validators

ENV 12796:1997 1,0 P Ad

123. Road transport and traffic telematics - Public transport - Non-interactive dynamic passenger information on ground

ENV 13998:2001 1,0 P Ad

124. Road transport and traffic telematics - Public transport - Reference data model

EN 12896:2006 1,0 P Ad

125. Public transport -- Interoperable fare management system -- Part 1: Architecture

ISO 24014-1:2007 1,0 P Ad

126. Public transport - Road vehicles - Visible variable passenger information devices inside the vehicle

CEN/TS 15504:2007 1,0 P Ad

127. Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 1: Context and framework

CEN/TS 15531-1:2007 1,0 P Ad

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128. Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 2: Communications infrastructure

CEN/TS 15531-2:2007 1,0 P Ad

129. Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 3: Functional service interfaces

CEN/TS 15531-3:2007 1,0 P Ad

130. Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 4: Functional service interfaces: Facility Monitoring

CEN/TS 15531-4:2011 1,0 P Ad

131. Public transport - Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations - Part 5: Functional service interfaces - Situation Exchange

CEN/TS 15531-5:2011 1,0 P Ad

132. Prevention of crime - Urban planning and building design - Part 7: Design and management of public transport facilities

CEN/TR 14383-7:2009 1,0 P Ad

133. Data dictionary and message sets for preemption and prioritization signal systems for emergency and public transport vehicles (PRESTO)

ISO 22951:2009 1,0 P Ad



Environmental management

Environmental labels and declarations -- Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)

ISO 14021:1999 + ISO 14021:1999/Amd

1:2011 2,0 P Ad

135. Environmental labels and declarations -- Type I environmental labelling -- Principles and procedures

ISO 14024:1999 2,0 P Ad

136. Environmental labels and declarations -- Type III environmental declarations -- Principles and procedures

ISO 14025:2006 2,0 P Ad


Water quality

Water quality -- Detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa -- Method by membrane filtration

ISO 16266:2006 2,0 P Ad

138. Water quality -- Detection and enumeration of thermotolerant Campylobacter species

ISO 17995:2005 2,0 P Ad

139. Water quality -- Detection of Salmonella spp. ISO 19250:2010 2,0 P Ad

140. Water quality -- Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine -- Part 1: Titrimetric method

ISO 7393-1:1985 2,0 P Ad

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using N,N-diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine

141. Water quality -- Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine -- Part 2: Colorimetric method using N,N-diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine, for routine control purposes

ISO 7393-2:1985 2,0 P Ad

142. Environmental

impacts identification

Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Illustrative examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to impact assessment situations

ISO/TR 14047:2012 2,0 P Ad

143. Waste treatment

Packaging and the environment -- Organic recycling

ISO 18606:2013 2,0 P Ad


Conformity assessment

In general

Conformity assessment -- Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services

ISO/IEC 17065:2012 2,5 P Ad

145. Conformity assessment -- Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection

ISO/IEC 17020:2012 2,5 P Ad

146. Conformity assessment -- General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons

ISO/IEC 17024:2012 2,5 P Ad

147. Conformity assessment -- General requirements for peer assessment of conformity assessment bodies and accreditation bodies

ISO/IEC 17040:2005 2,5 P Ad

148. Conformity assessment -- General requirements for proficiency testing

ISO/IEC 17043:2010 2,5 P Ad

149. Conformity assessment -- Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems -- Part 2: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of environmental management systems

ISO/IEC TS 17021-2:2012

2,5 P Ad

150. Conformity assessment -- Impartiality -- Principles and requirements

ISO/PAS 17001:2005 2,5 P Ad

151. Conformity assessment -- Confidentiality -- Principles and requirements

ISO/PAS 17002:2004 2,5 P Ad

152. Conformity assessment -- Complaints and appeals -- Principles and requirements

ISO/PAS 17003:2004 2,5 P Ad

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153. Conformity assessment -- Disclosure of information -- Principles and requirements

ISO/PAS 17004:2005 2,5 P Ad

154. Conformity assessment -- Use of management systems -- Principles and requirements

ISO/PAS 17005:2008 2,5 P Ad

155. Conformity assessment -- Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity assessment

ISO/IEC 17007:2009 2,5 P Ad

156. Conformity assessment -- Code of good practice

ISO/IEC Guide 60:2004 2,5 P Ad

157. Conformity assessment -- Fundamentals of product certification

ISO/IEC Guide 67:2004 2,5 P Ad

158. Conformity assessment -- Guidance on a third-party certification system for products

ISO/IEC Guide 28:2004 2,5 P Ad

159. Conformity assessment -- Supplier's declaration of conformity -- Part 1: General requirements

ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004 2,5 P Ad

160. Conformity assessment -- Supplier's declaration of conformity -- Part 2: Supporting documentation

ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004 2,5 P Ad

161. Conformity assessment -- Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes

ISO/IEC DIS 17067 2,5 D Ad

162. Societal security -- Business continuity management systems --- Requirements

ISO 22301:2012 2,5 P Ad

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Table 2. Second Year Standards Development Plan

No. Sector Field Subject International, regional or

interstate standard (No.&date)

Priority Status (P or D)

Category (Ad, Ev, Ac, Mo)


Mining and Quarrying


Specification for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire

ASTM B387 - 10 3,0 P Ad

2. Specification for Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Foil

ASTM B386 - 03(2011) 3,0 P Ad



Zinc alloy ingots intended for castings ISO 301:2006 3,0 P Ad

4. Zinc -- Determination of iron content -- Photometric method

ISO 714:1975 3,0 P Ad

5. Zinc ingots

ISO 752:2004 + ISO 752:2004/Cor 1:2006

3,0 P Ad

6. Zinc alloys -- Determination of aluminium content -- Titrimetric method

ISO 1169:2006 3,0 P Ad

7. Zinc alloys -- Determination of copper content -- Electrolytic method

ISO 1976:1975 3,0 P Ad

8. Zinc alloys -- Determination of magnesium content -- Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

ISO 3750:2006 3,0 P Ad

9. Zinc and zinc alloys -- Part 1: Analysis of solid samples by optical emission spectrometry

ISO 3815-1:2005 3,0 P Ad

10. Zinc and zinc alloys -- Part 2: Analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

ISO 3815-2:2005 3,0 P Ad

11. Zinc and zinc alloys -- Castings -- Specifications

ISO 15201:2006 3,0 P Ad

12. Zinc and zinc alloys -- Method of sampling -- Specifications

ISO 20081:2005 3,0 P Ad

13. Zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of zinc -- Ion-exchange/EDTA titrimetric method

ISO 12739:2006 3,0 P Ad

14. Zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of zinc -- Solvent extraction and EDTA titrimetric

ISO 13291:2006 3,0 P Ad

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15. Zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of zinc content -- Hydroxide precipitation and EDTA titrimetric method

ISO 13658:2000 3,0 P Ad

16. Zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of silver content -- Acid dissolution and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

ISO 15247:1999 3,0 P,D Ev

17. Zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of silver and gold contents -- Fire assay and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method using scorification or cupellation

ISO 15248:1998 3,0 P Ad

18. Zinc sulfide concentrates -- Determination of gold content -- Acid dissolution/solvent extraction/flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

ISO 15249:1998 3,0 P Ad


Gold unwrought

Specification for Refined Gold ASTM B562 - 95(2012) 3,5 P Ad

20. Test Method for Determination of Gold in Cyanide Solutions by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

ASTM E1600 - 07 3,5 P Ad

21. Test Method for the Determination of Gold in Activated Carbon by Fire Assay Gravimetry

ASTM E1568 - 03(2008)e1 3,5 P Ad

22. Test Methods for Determination of Gold in Bullion by Fire Assay Cupellation Analysis

ASTM E1335 - 08 3,5 P Ad


Building and Construction

Energy-efficient design of buildings

Framework of the design process for energy-saving single-family residential and small commercial buildings

ISO 13153:2012 3,0 P Ad

24. Building environment design -- Indoor environment -- General principles

ISO 16813:2006 3,0 P Ad

25. Building environment design -- Indoor air quality -- Methods of expressing the quality of indoor air for human occupancy

ISO 16814:2008 3,0 P Ad

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26. Building environment design -- Indoor environment -- Design process for visual environment

ISO 16817:2012 3,0 P Ad

27. Building environment design -- Guidelines to assess energy efficiency of new buildings

ISO 23045:2008 3,0 P Ad

28. Building environment design -- Energy efficiency -- Terminology

ISO 16818:2008 3,0 P Ad


Gas Supply In general

Gas supply systems - Natural gas measuring stations - Functional requirements

EN 1776:1998 3,5 P Ad

30. Gas supply systems - Pipelines for maximum operating pressure over 16 bar - Functional requirements

EN 1594:2009 3,5 P Ad

31. Gas supply systems - Compressor stations - Functional requirements

EN 12583:2000 3,5 P Ad

32. Gas supply systems - Welding steel pipework - Functional requirements

EN 12732:2000 3,5 P Ad


Unfired pressure vessels - Part 5: Inspection and testing

EN 13445-5:2009 + EN 13445-5:2009/A1:2011 +

EN 13445-5:2009/A2:2011 + EN 13445-


3,5 P Ad

34. Gas supply systems - Welding steel pipework - Functional requirements

EN 12732:2000 3,5 P Ad

35. Gas supply systems - Underground gas storage - Part 1: Functional recommendations for storage in aquifers

EN 1918-1:1998 3,5 P Ad

36. Gas supply systems - Underground gas storage - Part 2: Functional recommendations for storage in oil and gas fields

EN 1918-2:1998 3,5 P Ad

37. Gas supply systems - Underground gas storage - Part 3: Functional recommendations for storage in solution-mined salt cavities

EN 1918-3:1998 3,5 P Ad

38. Gas supply systems - Underground gas storage - Part 5: Functional recommendations for surface

EN 1918-5:1998 3,5 P Ad

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39. Natural gas -- Standard reference conditions

ISO 13443:1996 3,5 P Ad

40. Natural gas -- Quality designation ISO 13686:1998 3,5 Ad

41. Containers for compressed or

liquefied gas, of iron or steel

Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen - Part 1: Pressure vessels for general purposes

EN 286-1:1998 3,3 P Ad


Gas supply-quality, measurement,

sampling and test

Gas infrastructure - Pressure testing, commissioning and decommissioning procedures - Functional requirements

EN 12327:2012 3,0 P Ad

43. Natural gas -- Measurement of properties -- Volumetric properties: density, pressure, temperature and compression factor

ISO 15970:2008 3,0 P Ad

44. Natural gas -- Measurement of properties -- Calorific value and Wobbe index

ISO 15971:2008 3,0 P Ad

45. Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 1: Volume conversion

EN 12405-1:2005+A2:2010 3,0 P Ad

46. Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories

EN 437:2003+A1:2009 3,0 P Ad


Information technology and


In general

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management for inter-sector and inter-organizational communications

ISO/IEC 27010:2012 3,0 P Ad

48. Information technology -- Security techniques -- Information security management guidelines for telecommunications organizations based on ISO/IEC 27002

ISO/IEC 27011:2008 3,0 P Ad


Cards and personal identification

Identification cards -- Optical memory cards -- Part 1: General characteristics

ISO/IEC 11693-1:2012 3,0 P Ad

50. Identification cards -- Optical memory cards -- Part 2: Co-existence of optical memory with other machine readable technologies

ISO/IEC 11693-2:2009 3,0 P Ad

51. Identification cards -- Optical memory cards -- Linear recording method --

ISO/IEC 11694-1:2012 3,0 P Ad

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Part 1: Physical characteristics

52. Identification cards -- Optical memory cards -- Linear recording method -- Part 2: Dimensions and location of the accessible optical area

ISO/IEC 11694-2:2012 3,0 P Ad


Telecommunications and information

exchange between systems

Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Private Integrated Services Network -- Inter-exchange signalling protocol -- Wireless terminal call handling additional network features

ISO/IEC 15431:2003 3,0 P Ad


Electrotechnical Electricity

IEC standard frequencies IEC 60196 ed2.0 (2009-06) 3,3 P Ad

55. IEC standard current ratings

IEC 60059 ed2.1 Consol. with am1 (2009-08-11)

3,3 P Ad

56. Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment

IEC 62052-11 ed1.0 (2003-02)

3,3 P Ad

57. Electricity metering (a.c.) - Tariff and load control - Part 11: Particular requirements for electronic ripple control receivers

IEC 62054-11 ed1.0 (2004-05)

3,3 P Ad

58. Electricity metering (a.c.) - Tariff and load control - Part 21: Particular requirements for time switches

IEC 62054-21 ed1.0 (2004-05)

3,3 P Ad

59. Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance

IEC 60034-1 ed12.0 (2010-02)

3,3 P Ad

60. Power transformers - ALL PARTS

IEC 60076-SER ed1.0 (2012-07)

3,3 P Ad

61. Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 11: Electromechanical meters for active energy (classes 0,5, 1 and 2)

IEC 62053-11 ed1.0 (2003-01)

3,3 P Ad

62. Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 21: Static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)

IEC 62053-21 ed1.0 (2003-01)

3,3 P Ad

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63. Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular Requirements - Part 22: Static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)

IEC 62053-22 ed1.0 (2003-01)

3,3 P Ad

64. Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 23: Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3)

IEC 62053-23 ed1.0 (2003-01)

3,3 P Ad

65. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers

IEC 60335-2-11 ed7.1 Consol. with am1 (2012-10)

3,3 P Ad

66. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-12: Particular requirements for warming plates and similar appliances

IEC 60335-2-12 ed5.1 Consol. with am1 (2008-07)

3,3 P Ad

67. Type F and type B residual current operated circuit-breakers with and without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses

IEC 62423 ed2.0 (2009-11) 3,3 P Ad


Health and Safety Human disabilities –

ensuring accessibility

Assistive products for persons with disability -- Classification and terminology

ISO 9999:2011 3,0 P Ad

69. Technical aids for persons with disability -- Environmental control systems for daily living

ISO 16201:2006 3,0 P Ad

70. Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons -- Wheelchair tiedown and occupant-restraint systems -- Part 1: Requirements and test methods for all systems

ISO 10542-1:2012 3,0 P Ad


Financial Services In general

Securities and related financial instruments -- International securities identification numbering system

ISO 6166:2001 3,0 P Ad

72. Financial services -- UNIversal Financial Industry message scheme -- Part 1: Overall methodology and format specifications for inputs to and outputs from the ISO 20022

ISO 20022-1:2004 3,0 P Ad

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73. Financial services -- UNIversal Financial Industry message scheme -- Part 2: Roles and responsibilities of the registration bodies

ISO 20022-2:2007 3,0 P Ad

74. Financial services -- UNIversal Financial Industry message scheme -- Part 3: ISO 20022 modelling guidelines

ISO/TS 20022-3:2004 3,0 P Ad

75. Financial services -- UNIversal Financial Industry message scheme -- Part 4: ISO 20022 XML design rules

ISO/TS 20022-4:2004 3,0 P Ad

76. Financial services -- UNIversal Financial Industry message scheme -- Part 5: ISO 20022 reverse engineering

ISO/TS 20022-5:2004 3,0 P Ad

77. Financial services -- UNIversal Financial Industry message scheme -- Part 6: Message Transport Characteristics

ISO 20022-6:2009 3,0 P Ad

78. Banking -- Personal Identification Number (PIN) management and security -- Part 4: Guidelines for PIN handling in open networks

ISO/TR 9564-4:2004 3,0 P Ad

79. Financial transaction card originated messages -- Interchange message specifications -- Part 1: Messages, data elements and code values

ISO 8583-1:2003 3,0 P Ad

80. Financial transaction card originated messages -- Interchange message specifications -- Part 3: Maintenance procedures for messages, data elements and code values

ISO 8583-3:2003 3,0 P Ad

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Table 3. Third Year Standards Development Plan

No. Sector Field Subject International, regional or

interstate standard (No.&date)

Priority Status (P or


Category (Ad, Ev, Ac, Mo)


Agriculture and Food Processing

Milk and dairy products

Cheese -- Determination of nisin A content by LC-MS and LC-MS-MS

ISO/TS 27106:2009 (IDF/RM 217: 2009)

5,0 P Ad

2. General Standard for Cheese

CODEX STAN 283-1978 (2010)

5,0 P Ad

3. Cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese -- Determination of natamycin content -- Part 1: Molecular absorption spectrometric method for cheese rind

ISO 9233-1:2007 (IDF 140-1: 2007) + ISO 9233-

1:2007/Amd 1:2012 (IDF 140-1)

5,0 P Ad

4. Cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese -- Determination of natamycin content -- Part 2: High-performance liquid chromatographic method for cheese, cheese rind and processed cheese

ISO 9233-2:2007 (IDF 140-2: 2007) + ISO 9233-

2:2007/Amd 1:2012 (IDF 140-2)

5,0 P Ad

5. Butter -- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents (Routine methods) -- Part 1: Determination of moisture content

ISO 8851-1:2004 (IDF 191-1: 2004)

5,0 P Ad

6. Butter -- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents (Routine methods) -- Part 2: Determination of non-fat solids content

ISO 8851-2:2004 (IDF 191-2: 2004)

5,0 P Ad

7. Butter -- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents (Routine methods) -- Part 3: Calculation of fat content

ISO 8851-3:2004 (IDF 191-3: 2004)

5,0 P Ad

8. Butter, edible oil emulsions and spreadable fats -- Determination of fat content (Reference method)

ISO 17189:2003 (IDF 194: 2003)

5,0 P Ad

9. Butter -- Determination of the refractive index of the fat (Reference method)

ISO 1739:2006 (IDF 7: 2006)

5,0 P Ad

10. Butter -- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents -- Part 1: Determination of moisture content (Reference method)

ISO 3727-1:2001 (IDF 80-1: 2001)

5,0 P Ad

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11. Butter -- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents -- Part 2: Determination of non-fat solids content (Reference method)

ISO 3727-2:2001 (IDF 80-2: 2001)

5,0 P Ad

12. Butter -- Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents -- Part 3: Calculation of fat content

ISO 3727-3:2003 (IDF 80-3: 2003)

5,0 P Ad

13. Butter -- Determination of water dispersion value ISO 7586:1985

5,0 P Ad

14. Butter -- Determination of salt content -- Potentiometric method

ISO 15648:2004 (IDF 179: 2004)

5,0 P Ad

15. Butter -- Determination of firmness ISO 16305:2005 (IDF 187:

2005) 5,0 P Ad


Meat and meat products

Meat and meat products -- Detection of polyphosphates

ISO 5553:1980 4,5 P Ad

17. Meat and meat products -- Determination of L-(+)- glutamic acid content -- Reference method

ISO 4134:1999 4,5 P Ad

18. Meat products -- Determination of starch content (Reference method)

ISO 5554:1978 4,5 P Ad

19. Meat and meat products -- Determination of total phosphorus content -- Spectrometric method

ISO 13730:1996 4,5 P Ad

20. Meat and meat products -- Determination of free fat content

ISO 1444:1996 4,5 P Ad

21. Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs -- Carcass sampling for microbiological analysis

ISO 17604:2003 4,5 P Ad

22. Soft drinks

Fruit juice -- Determination of soluble solids content -- Pycnometric method

ISO 2172:1983 3,7 P Ad


Fish, crustaceans and mollusks

Traceability of finfish products -- Specification on the information to be recorded in captured finfish distribution chains

ISO 12875:2011 4,5 P Ad

24. Traceability of finfish products -- Specification on the information to be recorded in farmed finfish distribution chains

ISO 12877:2011 4,5 P Ad

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25. Marine finfish farms -- Requirement for infrastructure, dimensioning, design, installation, operation and management of open net cage systems

ISO/WD 16488 4,5 D Mo

26. Methods for sea lice surveillance on marine finfish farms

ISO/NP 16541 4,5 D Mo

27. Methods for calculating the Fish-In Fish-Out Ratio in Aquaculture

ISO/NP 16566 4,5 D Mo

28. Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products

CAC/RCP 52-2003 (2011) 4,5 P Ev

29. Traceability of Crustacean products -- Specifications on the information to be recorded in farmed Crustacean distribution chains

ISO/NP 16741 4,5 D Mo


Coffee and tea

Instant coffee -- Criteria for authenticity ISO 24114:2011 4,3 P Ad

31. Instant coffee -- Criteria for authenticity ISO 24114:2011 4,3 P Ad

32. Green coffee -- Guidelines for storage and transport

ISO 8455:2011 4,3 P Ad

33. Instant coffee -- Determination of moisture content -- Karl Fischer method (Reference method)

ISO 20938:2008 4,3 P Ad

34. Coffee and coffee products -- Determination of the caffeine content using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) -- Reference method

ISO 20481:2008 4,3 P Ad

35. Green tea -- Definition and basic requirements

ISO 11287:2011 4,3 P Ad

36. Black tea -- Definition and basic requirements

ISO 3720:2011 4,3 P Ad

37. Tea and instant tea in solid form -- Determination of caffeine content -- Method using high-performance liquid chromatography

ISO 10727:2002 4,3 P Ad

38. Tea -- Classification of grades by particle size analysis

ISO 11286:2004 4,3 P Ad

39. Tea -- Determination of total ash ISO 1575:1987 4,3 P Ad

40. Natural Mineral water

Code of Hygienic Practice for Bottled/Packaged Drinking Waters (Other than Natural Mineral Waters)

CAC/RCP 48-2001 3,7 P Ad

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41. General Standard for Bottled/Packaged Drinking Waters (Other Than Natural Mineral Waters)

CODEX STAN 227-2001 3.7 P Ad

42. Standard for Natural Mineral Waters

CODEX STAN 108-1981 (2011)

3.7 P Ad

43. Code of Hygienic Practice for Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters

CAC/RCP 33-1985 (2011) 3,7 P Mo


Tobacco and cigarettes

Tobacco and tobacco products -- Monitor test piece -- Requirements and use

ISO 16055:2012 4,5 P Ad

45. Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes

ISO 12863:2010 4,5 P Ad

46. Tobacco and tobacco products -- Draw resistance of cigarettes and pressure drop of filter rods -- Standard conditions and measurement

ISO 6565:2011 4,5 P Ad

47. Material used for producing wrappings for cigarette filters, cigarettes and other tobacco products -- Determination of citrate content

ISO 20369:2009 4,5 P Ad

48. Material used for producing wrappings for cigarette filters, cigarettes and other tobacco products -- Determination of acetate content

ISO 20370:2009 4,5 P Ad


Building and Construction

Worked monumental/building

stone&art; mosaic cube, granules

Slabs of natural stone for external paving - Requirements and test methods

EN 1341:2012 4,5 P Ad

50. Setts of natural stone for external paving - Requirements and test methods

EN 1342:2012 4,5 P Ad

51. Kerbs of natural stone for external paving - Requirements and test methods

EN 1343:2012 4,5 P Ad

52. Natural stone - Terminology EN 12670:2001 4,5 P Ad

53. Natural stone test methods - Determination of water absorption coefficient by capillarity

EN 1925:1999 4,5 P Ad

54. Natural stone test methods - Determination of the breaking load at dowel hole

EN 13364:2001 4,5 P Ad

55. Natural stone test methods - Determination of linear thermal

EN 14581:2004 4,5 P Ad

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expansion coefficient

56. Natural stone test methods - Determination of sound speed propagation

EN 14579:2004 4,5 P Ad

57. Natural stone test methods - Determination of the abrasion resistance

EN 14157:2004 4,5 P Ad

58. Natural stone test methods - Determination of Knoop hardness

EN 14205:2003 4,5 P Ad

59. Natural stone test methods - Determination of resistance to ageing by thermal shock

EN 14066:2003 4,5 P Ad

60. Natural stone test methods - Determination of the slip resistance by means of the pendulum tester

EN 14231:2003 4,5 P Ad

61. Natural stone test methods - Determination of static elastic modulus

EN 14580:2005 4,5 P Ad

62. Natural stone test methods - Determination of rupture energy

EN 14158:2004 4,5 P Ad

63. Natural stone products - Modular tiles - Requirements

EN 12057:2004 4,5 P Ad

64. Natural stone products - Slabs for cladding - Requirements

EN 1469:2004 4,5 P Ad

65. Natural stone products - Slabs for floors and stairs - Requirements

EN 12058:2004 4,5 P Ad

66. Natural stone test methods - Determination of geometric characteristics on units

EN 13373:2003 4,5 P Ad

67. Natural stone test methods - Determination of resistance to ageing by salt mist

EN 14147:2003 4,5 P Ad

68. Natural stone test methods - Determination of resistance to salt crystallisation

EN 12370:1999 4,5 P Ad

69. Natural stone test methods - Determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity (by measuring the fundamental resonance frequency)

EN 14146:2004 4,5 P Ad

70. Natural stone test methods - Determination of uniaxial compressive strength

EN 1926:2006 4,5 P Ad

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71. Natural stone test methods - Determination of real density and apparent density, and of total and open porosity

EN 1936:2006 4,5 P Ad

72. Natural stone test methods - Determination of flexural strength under concentrated load

EN 12372:2006 4,5 P Ad

73. Natural stone test methods - Petrographic examination

EN 12407:2007 4,5 P Ad

74. Natural stone - Denomination criteria EN 12440:2008 4,5 P Ad

75. Natural stone test methods - Determination of frost resistance

EN 12371:2010 4,5 P Ad

76. Natural stone test methods - Determination of flexural strength under constant moment

EN 13161:2008 4,5 P Ad

77. Natural stone test methods - Determination of water absorption at atmospheric pressure

EN 13755:2008 4,5 P Ad

78. Natural stone test methods - Determination of sensitivity to changes in appearance produced by thermal cycles

EN 16140:2011 4,5 P Ad

79. Natural stone - Rough blocks - Requirements

EN 1467:2012 4,5 P Ad

80. Natural stone - Rough slabs - Requirements

EN 1468:2012 4,5 P Ad

81. Natural stone products - Dimensional stone work - Requirements

EN 12059:2008+A1:2011 4,5 P Ad


Cements, portland, aluminous, slag, supersulfate &

similar hydraulic cements

Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 3: Admixtures for masonry mortar - Definitions, requirements, conformity and marking and labelling

EN 934-3:2009+A1:2012 4,5 P Ad

83. Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Part 4: Admixtures for grout for prestressing tendons - Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

EN 934-4:2009 4,5 P Ad

84. Testing fresh concrete - Part 3: Vebe test EN 12350-3:2009 4,5 P Ad

85. Testing fresh concrete - Part 6: Density EN 12350-6:2009 4,5 P Ad

86. Testing hardened concrete - Part 1: Shape, dimensions and other

EN 12390-1:2012 4,5 P Ad

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requirements for specimens and moulds

87. Testing hardened concrete - Part 2: Making and curing specimens for strength tests

EN 12390-2:2009 4,5 P Ad

88. Testing hardened concrete - Part 7: Density of hardened concrete

EN 12390-7:2009 4,5 P Ad

89. Testing hardened concrete - Part 8: Depth of penetration of water under pressure

EN 12390-8:2009 4,5 P Ad

90. Testing concrete in structures - Part 1: Cored specimens - Taking, examining and testing in compression

EN 12504-1:2009 4,5 P Ad

91. Testing concrete in structures - Part 2: Non-destructive testing - Determination of rebound number

EN 12504-2:2012 4,5 P Ad

92. Testing concrete in structures - Part 3: Determination of pull-out force

EN 12504-3:2005 4,5 P Ad

93. Testing concrete - Part 4: Determination of ultrasonic pulse velocity

EN 12504-4:2004 4,5 P Ad

94. Building lime - Part 2: Test methods EN 459-2:2010 4,5 P Ad

95. Testing of concrete -- Part 10: Determination of static modulus of elasticity in compression

ISO 1920-10:2010 4,5 P Ad


Energy Renewable energy (hydro, wind and


Wind turbines - Part 1: Design requirements

IEC 61400-1 ed3.0 (2005-08)

3,7 P Ad

97. Wind turbines - Part 2: Design requirements for small wind turbines

IEC 61400-2 ed2.0 (2006-03)

3,7 P Ad

98. Wind turbines - Part 11: Acoustic noise measurement techniques

IEC 61400-11 ed3.0 (2012-11)

3,7 P Ad

99. Wind turbines - Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity producing wind turbines

IEC 61400-12-1 ed1.0 (2005-12)

3,7 P Ad

100. Wind turbines - Part 25-1: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Overall description of principles and models

IEC 61400-25-1 ed1.0 (2006-12)

3,7 P Ad

101. Wind turbines - Part 25-2: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Information

IEC 61400-25-2 ed1.0 (2006-12)

3,7 P Ad

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102. Wind turbines - Part 25-3: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Information exchange models

IEC 61400-25-3 ed1.0 (2006-12)

3,7 P Ad

103. Wind turbines - Part 25-5: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants - Conformance testing

IEC 61400-25-5 ed1.0 (2006-12)

3,7 P Ad

104. Electromechanical equipment guide for small hydroelectric installations

IEC 61116 ed1.0 (1992-10-29)

3,7 P Ad

105. Hydraulic machines - Acceptance tests of small hydroelectric installations

IEC 62006 ed1.0 (2010-10-28)

3,7 P Ad


Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy -- Nuclear fuel technology -- Determination of plutonium in nitric acid solutions by spectrophotometry

ISO 9463:2009 3,7 P Ad

107. Nuclear energy -- Fuel technology -- Trunnions for packages used to transport radioactive material

ISO 10276:2010 3,7 P Ad

108. Nuclear criticality safety -- Critical values for homogeneous plutonium-uranium oxide fuel mixtures outside of reactors

ISO 11311:2011 3,7 P Ad

109. Nuclear criticality safety -- Emergency preparedness and response

ISO 11320:2011 3,7 P Ad

110. Nuclear technology -- Nuclear fuels -- Procedures for the measurement of elemental impurities in uranium- and plutonium-based materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

ISO 26062:2010 3,7 P Ad

111. Nuclear criticality safety -- Analysis of a postulated criticality accident

ISO 27467:2009 3,7 P Ad

112. Nuclear criticality safety -- Evaluation of systems containing PWR UOX fuels -- Bounding burnup credit approach

ISO 27468:2011 3,7 P Ad

113. Chemical/

Pharmaceutical In general

Adhesives -- Methods of preparing bulk specimens -- Part 2: Elevated-temperature-curing one-part systems

ISO 15166-2:2000 3,7 P Ad

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114. Structural adhesives -- Guidelines for the surface preparation of metals and plastics prior to adhesive bonding

ISO 17212:2012 3,7 P Ad

115. Chloroprene rubber (CR) -- General-purpose types -- Evaluation procedure

ISO 2475:2011 3,7 P Ad

116. Ceramic tiles -- Grouts and adhesives -- Part 1: Terms, definitions and specifications for adhesives

ISO 13007-1:2010 3,7 P Ad

117. Ceramic tiles -- Grouts and adhesives -- Part 2: Test methods for adhesives

ISO 13007-2:2010 3,7 P Ad

118. Ceramic tiles -- Grouts and adhesives -- Part 3: Terms, definitions and specifications for grouts

ISO 13007-3:2010 3,7 P Ad

119. Ceramic tiles -- Grouts and adhesives -- Part 4: Test methods for grouts

ISO 13007-4:2010 3,7 P Ad


Paints and varnishes

Paints and varnishes -- Determination of electrical conductivity and resistance

ISO 15091:2012 5,0 P Ad

121. Paints and varnishes -- Determination of film hardness by pencil test

ISO 15184:2012 5,0 P Ad

122. Paints and varnishes -- Determination of resistance to liquids -- Part 3: Method using an absorbent medium

ISO 2812-3:2012 5,0 P Ad

123. Paints and varnishes -- Determination of flow time by use of flow cups

ISO 2431:2011 5,0 P Ad

124. Paints and varnishes -- Determination of scratch resistance -- Part 1: Constant-loading method

ISO 1518-1:2011 5,0 P Ad

125. Paints and varnishes -- Determination of scratch resistance -- Part 2: Variable-loading method

ISO 1518-2:2011 5,0 P Ad



Refrigerants -- Designation and safety classification

ISO/FDIS 817 4,0 D Mo

127. Safety data sheet for chemical products -- Content and order of sections

ISO 11014:2009 4,0 P Ad


Medical and pharmaceutical


Containers and accessories for pharmaceutical preparations -- Part 1: Drop-dispensing glass bottles

ISO 11418-1:2005 3,7 P Ad

129. Containers and accessories for pharmaceutical preparations -- Part 2:

ISO 11418-2:2005 3,7 P Ad

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Screw-neck glass bottles for syrups

130. Containers and accessories for pharmaceutical preparations -- Part 3: Screw-neck glass bottles (veral) for solid and liquid dosage forms

ISO 11418-3:2005 3,7 P Ad

131. Containers and accessories for pharmaceutical preparations -- Part 4: Tablet glass bottles

ISO 11418-4:2005 3,7 P Ad

132. Injection equipment for medical use -- Part 1: Ampoules for injectables

ISO 9187-1:2010 3,7 P Ad

133. Safety of machinery -- Lubricants with incidental product contact -- Hygiene requirements

ISO 21469:2006 3,7 P Ad


Electrotechnical Electromagnetic


Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements

IEC 62040-2 ed2.0 (2005-10)

4,3 P Ad

135. Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 2: Operating conditions - Section 1: Power supply and electromagnetic compatibility

IEC 60870-2-1 ed2.0 (1995-12)

4,3 P Ad

136. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-11: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems - Equipment with rated current ≤ 75 A and subject to conditional connection

IEC 61000-3-11 ed1.0 (2000-08)

4,3 P Ad

137. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)

IEC 61000-3-2 ed3.2 Consol. with am1&2 (2009-

04) 4,3 P Ad

138. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current ≤16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection

IEC 61000-3-3 ed2.0 (2008-06)

4,3 P Ad

139. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-1: Testing and measurement

IEC 61000-4-1 ed3.0 (2006-10)

4,3 P Ad

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techniques - Overview of IEC 61000-4 series

140. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1: Generic standards - Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments

IEC 61000-6-1 ed2.0 (2005-03)

4,3 P Ad

141. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments

IEC 61000-6-2 ed2.0 (2005-01)

4,3 P Ad

142. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments

IEC 61000-6-3 ed2.1 Consol. with am1 (2011-02)

4,3 P Ad

143. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emission standard for industrial environments

IEC 61000-6-4 ed2.1 Consol. with am1 (2011-02)

4,3 P Ad

144. General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) - Part 5-1: EMC requirements, conditions and test set-up

EN 50491-5-1:2010 4,3 P Ad

145. General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) - Part 5-2: EMC requirements for HBES/BACS used in residential, commercial and light industry environment

EN 50491-5-2:2010 4,3 P Ad

146. General requirements for Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) - Part 5-3: EMC requirements for HBES/BACS used in industry environment

EN 50491-5-3:2010 4,3 P Ad

147. Electrical equipment designed for use

within certain voltage limits

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Protection against electric shock - Protection against unintentional direct contact with hazardous live parts

EN 50274:2002 4,3 P Ad

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148. Limitation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 300 GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications

EN 50364:2010 4,3 P Ad

149. Household and similar electrical appliances. Electromagnetic fields. Methods for evaluation and measurement

EN 50366:2003+A1:2006 4,3 P Ad

150. Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz - 300 GHz) - General public

EN 50371:2002 4,3 P Ad

151. Power frequency overvoltage protective device for household and similar applications (POP)

EN 50550:2011 4,3 P Ad

152. Product family standard to demonstrate compliance of equipment for resistance welding, arc welding and allied processes with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz)

EN 50445:2008 4,3 P Ad

153. Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements

IEC 60065 ed7.2 Consol. with am1&2

4,3 P Ad

154. Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment

IEC 60215 ed3.0 4,3 P Ad




Plastics -- Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers -- Part 2: Poly(vinyl chloride) resins

ISO 1628-2:1998 3,3 P Ad

156. Plastics piping systems -- Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply -- Part 1: General

ISO 4427-1:2007 3,3 P Ad



Jewellery -- Ring-sizes -- Definition, measurement and designation

ISO 8653:1986 3,0 P Ad

158. Colours of gold alloys -- Definition, range ISO 8654:1987 3,0 P Ad

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of colours and designation

159. Jewellery -- Gold alloy coatings ISO 10713:1992 3,0 P Ad

160. Jewellery -- Sampling of precious metal alloys for and in jewellery and associated products

ISO 11596:2008 3,0 P Ad



Textiles -- Woven fabric descriptions ISO 2959:2011 3,3 P Ad

162. Textiles -- Preparation, marking and measuring of fabric specimens and garments in tests for determination of dimensional change

ISO 3759:2011 3,3 P Ad

163. Textile fabrics -- Determination of resistance to surface wetting (spray test)

ISO 4920:2012 3,3 P Ad

164. Textiles -- Nonwovens -- Definition ISO 9092:2011 3,3 P Ad

165. Textiles -- Knitted fabrics -- Representation and pattern design

ISO 23606:2009 3,3 P Ad



Horology -- Magnetic resistant watches ISO 764:2002 3,7 P Ad

167. Horology -- Functional and non-functional jewels

ISO 1112:2009 3,7 P Ad

168. Horological vocabulary -- Part 2: Technical and commercial definitions

ISO 6426-2:2002 3,7 P Ad

169. Timekeeping instruments -- Crowns and sealed tubes -- Designs and dimensions

ISO 10552:2012 3,7 P Ad

170. Methods of evaluation of the battery life of a battery-powered watch

ISO 12819:2009 3,7 P Ad

171. Horology -- Water-resistant watches ISO 22810:2010 3,7 P Ad

172. Watch cases and accessories -- Tests of the resistance to wear, scratching and impacts

ISO 23160:2011 3,7 P Ad

173. Primary batteries -- Part 3: Watch batteries

IEC 60086-3:2011 3,7 P Ad

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