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Nature of Science 

Body of Knowledge 


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Nature of Science Table of Contents 

 Standard One: The Practice of Science

Guess the Pattern .................................................................................................. N - 1 What is Science to You? ...................................................................................... N - 4 ID Required .......................................................................................................... N - 8 Fact From Fiction ............................................................................................... N - 14 All Around the World ........................................................................................ N - 16 Scientific Thinking ............................................................................................. N - 19 Standard Two: The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge

What is Science to You? .................................................................................... N - 21 Distance to the Sun ............................................................................................ N - 24 Is That Possible? ................................................................................................ N - 26 To Be, or Not to Be ............................................................................................ N - 29 Ordeal by Check ................................................................................................ N - 31 It Makes a Difference ........................................................................................ N - 45 Standard Three: The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and Models

Water Fireworks ................................................................................................. N - 47 Science Says What? ........................................................................................... N - 49 Can It Be Explained? ......................................................................................... N - 51 Theories and Laws ............................................................................................. N - 53 Model Citizen ..................................................................................................... N - 56

Life Science Body of Knowledge, © Larry Chew 2008 E - i

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E - ii Life Science Body of Knowledge, © Larry Chew 2008

Standard Four: Science and Society

Simply the Best .................................................................................................. N - 58 My Boat is Better than Yours ............................................................................ N - 61

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Lessons to be Learned

We will recognize basic patterns

in our environment while also developing mental math skills.

Guess the Pattern How to be Scientific

What’s the A-ha moment?

When students are able to catch on to the pattern.

Markers, colored pencils, pens, etc. Construction and scratch paper Old magazines Internet  

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.1.1) Define a problem based on a specific body of knowledge, for example: biology, chemistry, physics, and earth/space science, and do the following:

1) pose questions about the natural world, 2) conduct systematic observations, 3) examine books and other sources of information to see what is already known, 4) review what is known in light of empirical evidence, 5) plan investigations, 6) use tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data (this includes the use of

measurement in metric and other systems, and also the generation and interpretation of graphical representations of data, including tables and graphs),

7) pose answers, explanations, or descriptions of events, 8) generate explanations that explicate or describe natural phenomena (inferences), 9) use appropriate evidence and reasoning to justify these explanations to others, 10) communicate results of scientific investigations, and 11) evaluate the merits of the explanations produced by others.

What is the pattern?

Being able to recognize patterns and develop models for observed phenomena is an important skill for a scientist (really anybody) to have. In this activity the students will be able to recognize and develop their own patterns and make models to describe these events.

Conclusion Statement


Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

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1) Split the class up into small groups (4 or less) and begin the game “What’s the Rule?”

Write a two-digit number on the board, then an arrow, then another number derived from the first and then a number derived from that (for example, 2 →7→17). This transformation follows a specific rule or rules that the teacher has determined beforehand (in this case [n*2]+3). The object for the students is to figure out exactly what those rules are and to determine the next or previous number. If a student thinks he/she knows the answer ask him/her to supply the new number. He/she should only give the new number; but should not say anything about the process or the rules. This would spoil the game for everyone else. If correct, write the correct answer on the board. This is the acknowledgment that he/she understands the correct process. If the answer is partially correct, let the student know and try giving hints without giving away the answer. If it is incorrect, leave the answer blank for another student to try or give the answer as another example. Never discuss the process until everyone has figured out the rules, until time is up, or until you feel the game has gone on long enough. When everyone has the answer, as a reward, ask the first student to explain the process.

2) Give the students the post-lab handout.

The students should pick up on the pattern by following along with paper and pencil. Afterwards the students should only be allowed to use “mental math” calculations.

Experimental Steps for Teacher

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

No background information is necessary.

Background Information

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Post-Lab Student Handout

What is the Pattern? Patterns exist in almost every aspect of our lives,in this activity you will be recognizing patterns and developing models to describe what you observe.

Group Members: _________________________________________________________ Date:________ The Fibonacci Series is one of the most well-known and recognizable sequence of numbers. It occurs frequently in nature and can literally be found all around you. It goes as follows:


Use the following blank space to create a visual representation or model of this sequence. You may use drawings, pictures, or any other creative means.

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What is Science to You? Finding the Method 

Lessons to be Learned

The scientific method is a process for

experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions.

Scientists use the scientific method to search for cause and effect relationships

in nature. If it doesn’t follow the method it isn’t science.

What’s the A-ha moment?

Science is present in everything we see and do. Science is anything that can be observed,

experimented or proven by the scientific method.

Marbles (quantity: 12; 2 per group) String (quantity: 6; 1per group; length 6-8in) Plastic cups (quantity: 20; 2 per group) Dominoes (quantity: 40; 6 per group) Feathers (quantity: 6; 1 per group) Apples (quantity: 6; 1 per group) Plastic knives (quantity: 6; 1 per group) Use these materials to create a scientific experiment that utilizes a hypothesis, while identifying the scientific concept, and determining what science is not. Science is a system of knowledge and the methods you use to find that knowledge. Science begins with curiosity and often ends with discovery.

Conclusion Statements


Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.1.2) Describe and explain what characterizes science and its methods. Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.2.1) Identify what is science, what clearly in not science, and what superficially resembles science (but fails to meet the criteria for science).

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Experimental Steps for Teacher

In groups of 4-5, have the students investigate science using the materials they’ve been given. First, students should come up with a broad result for their own set up experiment. This is the hypothesis. Hypotheses are set up to be proven and disproven. Such is the very nature of science. As they demonstrate and observe their discoveries have them record their results on a sheet of paper to later be shared with the class. After they have created their experiments have them exchange experiments and critique each other’s. From conducting their own experiments and exchanging them or sharing them with the class and being critiqued the students should begin to comprehend what exactly science is and what science is not. It is not enough to just “make” an experiment. They must go through the scientific method to be able to understand if their findings are valid. If something is not testable, such as a superstitious event, then it is not science. Science is an art that encompasses many professions and subjects but do not mistake the wrong things for science.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

Discoveries: Newton’s 1st Law of Motion: Inertia 1) Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless

an external force is applied to it. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: Acceleration 2) The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F

is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion: Reciprocal Actions 3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Gravity: Every object is affected by Earth’s gravity which is a constant 9.8m/s2 . This force causes objects to fall to the Earth’s surface and not float in mid air. Simple Pendulum: Described as a piece of string or rod which has an object attached to the end of it and swings freely; when in motion it swings back and forth under the influence of gravity.

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Oxidation: Contains an enzyme that reacts with oxygen and iron-containing phenols that are also found in the apple. The oxidation reaction basically forms a sort of rust on the surface of the fruit. Conclusion: These are just a few possible suggestions of what the students could come up with. 1) What conclusions can you draw from your results? 2) How would you identify science? 3) How would you identify what is not science? 4) What is pseudoscience? 5) Does scientific investigation always parallel the steps of scientific method? 6) What does real science encompass? 7) Compare pseudoscience to proven scientific theories. 8) Why isn’t pseudoscience true science?

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Questions

8) Because it cannot be proven by the scientific method, no matter how many times you try.

6) Real science is everything that can be proven by scientific means. This can include biology, chemistry, physics and all sciences you think of. Also some things that you may not think can be proven by scientific means, such as math and psychology, in fact can.

7) Will vary between people.

5) Science is a product of the scientific method. If the general steps of the method are not produced then findings cannot be replicated and your findings mean nothing. One must control what is happening in order to get real results without bias or error.

4) Pseudoscience can be defined as false knowledge that claims to be scientific but is in fact quite false and not scientific at all, because it cannot be proven by the scientific method which is used to determine if discoveries and observations are scientific or not.

3) Will vary between people.

2) Will vary between people.

1) Will vary between people.

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Background Information

Examples of pseudoscience: Perpetual motion Curses and ghosts Magic ESP Scientific Method: 1. Define the question 2. Gather info and resources/observation 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Execute experiment/collect data 5. Examine data 6. Interpret data, draw conclusions (starting point for new hypothesis) 7. Publish outcome/retest

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Lessons to be Learned ID Required Data Collection

Based on scientific observation and argumentation, important and

useful scientific claims can be made.

What’s the A-ha moment?

When the student tries to identify what the object is used for based solely on observation, intuition,

and previous knowledge.

Uncommon objects and enough of each for how many groups you have. *See answer section for example of materials.

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.1.3) Recognize that the strength or usefulness of a scientific claim is evaluated through scientific argumentation, which depends on critical and logical thinking, and the active consideration of alternative scientific explanations to explain the data presented.

Identify each of the objects in front of you. Describe in detail what the object is used for and provide elaborate support for your claims. Consider all aspects of the object (i.e. shape, size, materials used to make it, etc.) You are only allowed to use your senses and your mind. No books, internet, etc.

A scientific claim is based on observations. These claims can be formed into a hypothesis by making logical conclusions from the observations. Moreover, these claims must take into account all possibilities or they will be susceptible to scrutiny during peer evaluation.

The most important thing about this lab is to have fun with it. If you don’t have fun putting it together chances are your students won’t have fun doing it. It is also important to be creative. Don’t feel like you have to reproduce this lab exactly the way I have it set up. One material is as good as another as long as it’s not familiar. Begin by looking around your house for materials, mechanical and home

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Conclusion Statement


Inquiry Question

Experimental Steps for Teacher

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improvement supplies and tools make excellent materials. If you don’t find anything there, take a trip to your local hardware or auto-repair store and just browse the isles. It’s also important to remember that you don’t have to break the bank to do this lab. Hardware stores have tons of small connectors and pieces that are very intricate and yet less than a dollar. Once again, have fun with it, when you are looking for materials ask yourself the questions you want your student to ask themselves when they see it. Moreover, don’t be afraid to bring in something even if you don’t know what it is. There is no right or wrong answer to the lab as long as the students are going through the scientific thought process to establish a logical guess to what it is. Tell your students that none of the objects are meant for hurting people, nor are they used for aesthetics, or anything of that nature. All the materials are something that can be used in a constructive manner. They help perform a task or are a component of something else. You don’t want your students just saying everything is a paper weight. Once your students are in groups, distribute the materials to each group. Each group should get two or three items. Tell the students they are to determine what the objects are used for and if they already know what the object is they need to describe how they think it works. Give the students between five and ten minutes to analyze their materials and if they get done early tell them to hypothesize on how they could improve upon the object’s current design to make it better suited for its task. If still their mental block persists you can give them this hint. Tell them to list the materials distinctively. For example, if they say it has a screw and a block; make them go further, all the way down to labeling if it is metal, plastic, wood, etc. By breaking down what the material is made of, they will understand it on a basic level, and then they can begin to rebuild it, assessing what each component is good for and then putting them all together. After the allowed time, rotate the materials around from group to group until everyone has had a chance to see everything. Then collect the materials and begin a discussion. It is important that the students share their answers for several reasons. First, it’s fun to see how so many different explanations can come from the same material. In other cases, they will be able to see that certain materials have a common theme that all students can agree with. Most importantly, this discussion allows the students to support their claims in the face of scrutiny while sharing ideas and taking into account possibilities they may have not considered yet. I hope you enjoy this lab and that it works well with your students. Note: I find it helpful to include some object that some students might know already, like a tire pressure gauge. By doing this, you keep the students from getting overwhelmed or discouraged. Also, it forces them to think deeper about something they think they already know. For example, they probably know the tire gauge measures pressure, but have they ever considered how it works? This kind of thinking stimulates the same creativity and satisfies the standard equally well.

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This lab is obviously intended for entry level high school students because the subject is the scientific thought process. However, this doesn’t mean it can’t be adapted to students of all ages. There are materials out there that could stump even the greatest of minds. Besides, it’s not determining what the material is that’s important, it’s about being able to make logical deductions from observation. It is more of an aptitude test then it is a test of their knowledge banks.

Identify each of the objects in front of you. Describe in detail what the object is used for and provide elaborate support for your claims. Consider ALL aspects of the object (i.e. shape, size, materials used to make it, etc.) You are only allowed to use your senses and your mind. No books, internet, etc.

Example Materials:

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

Possible Questions/Comments

Picture 1

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Picture 2

Picture 3

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Picture 4

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Results and Answers to Questions

1) The brass plumb bob is an old fashioned level. The Kobalt brand item is the long black strip and is used to hold sockets. The drive straps are used as anchor supports. 2) Insulated staples – they come in strips. 3) This they don’t even know they know, it’s a toilet bowl flapper. The other is a two dimensional level (these should be given to the group with the plumb bob). 4) The combination coupling is the metal ring with the screws in it and is used for conduit. Conduit is a type of casing for electrical wires and can probably be seen all around your school or at least in the ceilings hidden by the panels. The clamps are the 2 large metal rings that have a Phillips head adjuster to tighter or loosen the strap. These are commonly in conjunction with sheets or rubber to fix plumbing leaks, or to hold insulation to a pipe. Basically the clamps are good for fixing anything to a cylindrical object.

 Background Information

The goal of the students is not to determine exactly what the item of interest is, but to make logical guesses at what it could be. For instance, a student who has previous knowledge of the mystery item and just writes down its name is technically right, but has gained nothing. On the other hand, a student that makes a logical guess based on critical thinking and observation embodies the point of this experiment. It is ok if the student describes what the item is used for in a couple of words. It is unacceptable however for them to have less then a paragraph explaining why they think so. This is the part that shows whether or not they are going through a logical thought process starting with observation (e.g. scientific method) or just blowing off the assignment.

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Fact From Fiction Lessons to be Learned

Information Students will be able to identify credible sources

of information.

What’s the A-ha moment?

When the students develop their own general criteria for reliable sources.

Computers with internet access Printer

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.1.4) Identify sources of information and assess their reliability according to the strict standards of scientific investigation.

Create a rubric for the analysis of reliable sources.

Unreliable sources lack credible authors, trustworthy publishers, reliable sources, objectivity, proper grammar, facts, data, etc.

1) Split the students into groups depending on the amount of computers available and

prepare folded sheets of paper with a number for each group. Have the students pick out a number and keep it secret.

2) Tell the students that all of the even numbers should be looking for very reliable websites, while the odd numbers should find unreliable websites.

3) Each group should look on the internet for a piece of scientific data. They must site the source and give at least three pieces of information about it (such as author, date, publisher, etc.). You can make the students look up information about a topic you will be covering soon, rather than abstract scientific data to give your lesson more continuity.

4) They should print out a copy of the data they have acquired for each group.

Conclusion Statement


Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Experimental Steps for Teacher

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5) Next the students should, in their groups, assess all of the scientific information they have received to figure out which sources are reliable and which are not.

6) After they have finished going through all of the data, they should figure out a rubric for evaluating sources of information. The rubric should include things like: the website stated proven facts, the publisher is reliable, does the website have grammatical or spelling errors, etc.

7) Have the students share their rubrics with the class.

1) Follow the teacher’s instructions. 2) Assess all of the information you have received from the different groups based on

reliability. 3) Create a rubric for evaluating sources of information.

1) What made you choose the website you chose? 2) What made you decide on the criteria you chose for your rubric? 3) What were some of the differences between your rubric and that of other groups? 4) What are three ways to tell if a source is reliable or not?

1) Answers will vary. 2) Answers will vary. 3) Answers will vary. 4) Answers will vary. Some possible answers are objectivity, proper grammar, and facts.

No background information is necessary.

Background Information

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Questions

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Universal Laws

All Around the World Lessons to be Learned

The results of certain investigations are

independent of where on the earth they are conducted.

What’s the A-ha moment?

When they try the same experiment in several different places they will see that gravity is constant and thus their results are independent

of their location.

Stopwatch Scale (measuring in grams) Large mass (base ball) Small mass (marble) Paper (sheet) Paper (crumpled into a ball)

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.1.5) Describe and provide examples of how similar investigations conducted in many parts of the world result in the same outcome.

Given the materials, prove whether gravity is or is not constant.

Regardless of where the items were dropped, they accelerated back to the earth at the same rate.

Begin by writing a few preliminary questions on the board (listed below). Once your students have finished the questions, break them up into groups of no more than four. Then give each student the materials listed and present them with the inquiry question. After about ten minutes, take the students outside to an open field as far from your classroom as you can get and let them conduct their experiment and gather data. If you have time allow them to do the experiment a third time in a different location. Once they’re done, lead them back into the class room and ask

Experimental Steps for Teacher

Conclusion Statement

Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed


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them to answer the posted questions (listed below) and present their proof (a one paragraph summary of what they have found and why).

The students should be comfortable with velocity and acceleration. They need to recognize that acceleration is distance/time2 and that given a stopwatch and a meter stick that they can calculate the acceleration.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

The students should first weigh large mass, small mass, and paper. Next, they should measure how far they are dropping the item from. Finally, they should drop the three items one at a time and record the time it takes to hit the ground respectively. Repeat steps in the field and other locations. They could also drop them all at the same time. Regardless, they should come up with their own way to measure gravity. Once back in the classroom, they should divide their distance by the time squared (distance/time2) and record the results as that item’s acceleration. They should do these calculations for all items.


Possible Questions/Comments

1) What is gravity? What are the SI units for gravity? 2) What item do you think will hit the ground first? Why? 3) Will the order in which they hit the ground change if you conduct the experiment in

different places? Explain. 4) When might investigations in different parts of the world result in different outcomes? Post 5) Did the object fall in the order you predicted. Why or why not? 6) Would the results be the same if you did the experiment in Japan? 7) Do the laws of gravity apply outside of our planet? 8) What other laws are independent of location?

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Preliminary 1) Gravity is a force that acts on all objects having mass. It is what holds us to the earth,

the planets to the sun. 9.81m/s2 or 32.2ft/ss are also acceptable. b) The units for gravity are meters or feet per second squared. (distance/time2)

2) They should all hit the ground at the same time except for the paper (uncrumpled) which will have air resistance.

3) No, see answer 5. 4) When they are dependent on temperature, pressure, etc. Post 5) Answer will vary. 6) The laws of gravity apply to everything with mass regardless of its placement in the

Universe as postulated by Newton. 7) Yes, see answer 5. 8) Theory of relativity (speed of light), Newton’s laws (equal and opposite reactions),

conservation of mass, conservation of energy, and many more.

Background Information

Results and Answers to Questions

Some laws are universal and thus independent of location because they are unaffected by their surroundings and/or stimuli.

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Lessons to be Learned

Asking yourself the right questions and

coming up with a proper experiment will lead to meaningful results.

What’s the A-ha moment?

The students will understand what viscosity means by observing the reactions of several

liquids on different materials

Scientific Thinking Understanding the Importance of Thinking Creatively Dish Soap Corn Syrup Stopwatches Olive Oil Motor Oil of different viscosities Random Materials that will allow the testing of viscosity (Explained Later) Which of the fluids placed in front of you is the most viscous? Also, list the order of fluids from most viscous to least viscous. Although the idea of this activity seems to be about viscosity, there were many things that should have taken place throughout it. When the students observe the different movements of fluids they make inferences about what viscosity means, even if they have never truly learned anything about it. Because the Sunshine State Standard taught here isn’t a topic in science, but a general science idea, the procedure can be varied however you would like.

Conclusion Statements


Experimental Steps for Teacher

Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.1.6) Describe how scientific inferences are drawn from scientific observations and provide examples from the content being studied.

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Essentially, you give the students a certain amount of each fluid, unlabeled, and tell them that they are to list the fluids from most viscous to least viscous. An explanation of what viscosity is may be needed before the activity takes place. However, it does not have to be in depth, as they will discover viscosity through observation. Give the students random materials and a stopwatch and let them go. The idea is that at the very end of the activity it doesn’t matter what answers they got but that they thought scientifically, asked themselves the correct questions, and came up with some kind of inferences as to what viscosity means. Random Materials This portion of the materials list is called random for that reason. There are many ways to test the viscosity of a fluid so the idea is to give them multiple things around the classroom that could be used and let them figure it out themselves. A good example would be a piece of plastic so that they can mount it up at an angle and pour the fluid down it. The time taken for it to reach a certain point can then be compared with the other fluids.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) Build an experiment to drip liquids down.

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Questions

1) What do you think viscosity means, physically?

2) How could the “thickness” of a liquid be tested?

1) How “thick” or “sludgy” the liquid is.

2) See how long it takes for it to travel a certain distance.

Background Information

Again, a good way to roughly test the viscosity of a fluid would be to elevate a piece of plastic or some material that will not soak the fluid in at an angle and test the time that it takes for a certain amount of that fluid to travel a certain distance. The longer it takes, the more viscous it is. Again, the idea is not to learn about viscosity but to learn that thinking creatively and asking yourself the correct questions to come up with a good experiment to solve a problem is important!

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What is Science to You? Finding the Method 

Lessons to be Learned

The scientific method is a process for

experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions.

Scientists use the scientific method to search for cause and effect relationships

in nature. If it doesn’t follow the method it isn’t science.

What’s the A-ha moment?

Science is present in everything we see and do. Science is anything that can be observed,

experimented or proven by the scientific method.

Marbles (quantity: 12; 2 per group) String (quantity: 6; 1per group; length 6-8in) Plastic cups (quantity: 20; 2 per group) Dominoes (quantity: 40; 6 per group) Feathers (quantity: 6; 1 per group) Apples (quantity: 6; 1 per group) Plastic knives (quantity: 6; 1 per group) Use these materials to create a scientific experiment that utilizes a hypothesis, while identifying the scientific concept, and determining what science is not. Science is a system of knowledge and the methods you use to find that knowledge. Science begins with curiosity and often ends with discovery. In groups of 4-5, have the students investigate science using the materials they’ve been given. First, students should come up with a broad result for their own set up experiment. This is the hypothesis. Hypotheses are set up to be proven and disproven. Such is the very nature of science. As they demonstrate and observe their discoveries have them record

Conclusion Statements


Experimental Steps for Teacher

Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.1.2) Describe and explain what characterizes science and its methods. Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.2.1) Identify what is science, what clearly in not science, and what superficially resembles science (but fails to meet the criteria for science).

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their results on a sheet of paper to later be shared with the class. After they have created their experiments have them exchange experiments and critique each other’s. From conducting their own experiments and exchanging them or sharing them with the class and being critiqued the students should begin to comprehend what exactly science is and what science is not. It is not enough to just “make” an experiment. They must go through the scientific method to be able to understand if their findings are valid. If something is not testable, such as a superstitious event, then it is not science. Science is an art that encompasses many professions and subjects but do not mistake the wrong things for science.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

Discoveries: Newton’s 1st Law of Motion: Inertia 1) Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless

an external force is applied to it. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: Acceleration 2) The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F

is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion: Reciprocal Actions 3) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Gravity: Every object is affected by Earth’s gravity which is a constant 9.8m/s2. This force causes objects to fall to the Earth’s surface and not float in mid air. Simple Pendulum: Described as a piece of string or rod which has an object attached to the end of it and swings freely; when in motion it swings back and forth under the influence of gravity. Oxidation: Contains an enzyme that reacts with oxygen and iron-containing phenols that are also found in the apple. The oxidation reaction basically forms a sort of rust on the surface of the fruit. Conclusion: These are just a few possible suggestions of what the students could come up with. N - 22 Nature of Science Body of Knowledge, © Larry Chew 2008

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1) What conclusions can you draw from your results? 2) How would you identify science? 3) How would you identify what is not science? 4) What is pseudoscience? 5) Does scientific investigation always parallel the steps of scientific method? 6) What does real science encompass? 7) Compare pseudoscience to proven scientific theories. 8) Why isn’t pseudoscience true science?

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Questions

7) Will vary between people. 8) Because it cannot be proven by the scientific method, no matter how many times you try.

6) Real science is everything that can be proven by scientific means. This can include biology, chemistry, physics and all sciences you think of. Also some things that you may not think can be proven by scientific means, such as math and psychology, in fact can.

5) Science is a product of the scientific method. If the general steps of the method are not produced then findings cannot be replicated and your findings mean nothing. One must control what is happening in order to get real results without bias or error.

1) Will vary between people. 2) Will vary between people. 3) Will vary between people. 4) Pseudoscience can be defined as false knowledge that claims to be scientific but is in fact

quite false and not scientific at all, because it cannot be proven by the scientific method which is used to determine if discoveries and observations are scientific or not.

Background Information

Examples of pseudoscience: Perpetual motion, Curses and ghosts, Magic, ESP. Scientific Method: 1. Define the question 5. Examine data 2. Gather info and resources/observation 6. Interpret data, draw conclusions 3. Form a hypothesis 7. Publish outcome/retest 4. Execute experiment/collect data

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Lessons to be Learned

Not all scientific knowledge is based on

pure experimental data. Mathematics is a key part in the discovery of new science

and theories.

What’s the A-ha moment?

Students realize that the “procedure” needed to figure out the distance to the sun is more

mathematics than experimental.

Distance to the Sun How can this be found?

Note cards Paper Pencil Measuring tape Is knowledge of the distance to the sun primarly based on experiment or mathematics and observation? Not all questions can be answered through science. Give each group of students a note card with two different sized circular holes cut out. Tell them they must find a relationship between the distance from the earth and the sun and the suns diameter. Tell them they may do this however they please, be it purely experiment, or mathematics, or a combination of both. Make sure to guide the students into a ratio type of thinking with the size of the light beam that projects from the card into the ground and the distance from the card to the ground.

Conclusion Statements


Experimental Steps for Teacher

Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.2.2) Identify which questions can be answered through science and which questions are outside the boundaries of scientific investigation, such as questions addressed by other ways of knowing, such as art, philosophy, and religion.

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The most important part of this activity is the discussion afterwards. It is key to explain to them that not all scientific knowledge is based on pure experimental data but that other fields of science and mathematics put together help us understand more and more about the universe and how things work.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) Make a table or a plot of the diameter of the light circle vs. distance of the card to the ground.

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Questions

1) The distance of the card from the ground.

2) A table or a plot.

2) How could you keep track of your correlations?

1) What could you correlate the diameter of the light circle to?

Background Information

The Astronomical Unit (AU) is the approximate distance from the earth to the sun and is currently set at 149,597,870,691 ±30 meters. Many of the ways in which this distance is found is by observation and geometrical mathematics. The idea behind this activity is to show the students that not all scientific knowledge is based on pure experimental observation. Essentially, the students should use their note cards with different sized holes cut out of them and hold them a distance from the ground (this distance is to be measured). The diameter of the light circle made on the ground should be measured. When the distance from the card to the ground is divided by the diameter of the light circle on the ground the number calculated should be about 100 – 110. Knowing the diameter of the sun, the distance from the earth to the sun can then be calculated. The diameter of the sun is approximately 1.4 million kilometers. The relationship you want to lead them to is that the distance to the sun is equal to 110 x the diameter of the Sun and that this was proven using mostly observation and mathematics.

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Lessons to be Learned

Students will learn that although ‘science’

produces many amazing answers about many amazing things, it is not capable of

answering all questions.

What’s the A-ha moment?

Students will realize that science cannot predict the behavior of humans when they attempt to

answer question #2.

Is That Possible? What is Science?

Magnets Box of Paperclips Pictures of 3 different paintings Can you determine which question can be answered through science and why the other cannot? 1) How many paperclips can you stick together with only one paperclip touching the

magnet? 2) Which artists’ work will be worth millions of dollars when appraised in 50 years? The students will conclude that although science proves or disproves ideas through testing and observations, it cannot answer those questions which cannot be tested or observed more than once. First, introduce the students to the steps of the scientific method in detail (last page). Let them know that the scientific method is a way to test something that is science. Have a class discussion of some of its applications in real-life situations. 1) Now introduce the students to the

inquiry question.

Conclusion Statements


Experimental Steps for Teacher

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.2.2) Identify which questions can be answered through science and which questions are outside the boundaries of scientific investigation, such as questions addressed by other ways of knowing, such as art, philosophy, and religion.

Inquiry Question

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2) Allow 20-30 minutes per experiment, then instruct the student to return their kits. (Note: The class can conduct the same experiment at the same time and then switch, both experiments at the same time, or half the class does one and the other half does the other. This is up to the teacher and the availability of materials.)

3) If the students are having trouble, remind them that they can use the scientific method.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students To Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) Become familiar with the materials for the experiment you plan to do first. 2) Begin with filling out the problem section of your group’s scientific method

spreadsheet. 3) Predict and record your hypothesis, as well as the materials that will be used to conduct

the experiment. 4) Determine and document the procedural steps the group plans to follow to prove their

Hypothesis. 5) Document any observations during the experiment, and end the experiment with a

Conclusion that states whether your Hypothesis was proved or disproved. 6) After the time allotted to complete the experiment has expired, organize all kit

materials, and give them to the instructor. 7) Pick-up the second experimental kit, and repeat steps 1-6.

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Questions

2) How could you conclude that science could not answer the other question?

1) The experiment and results can be repeated. The information in the scientific method could be easily filled-in with this experiment.

2) Because first, the scientific method could not be easily filled-in completely for this experiment, and the results are not repeatable.

1) Which question could be answered through the aid of science?

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Background Information

Science - The description, observation, theoretical explanation identification, and experimental investigation of events, processes, and situations. Scientific Method - A method of research in which all the fundamental steps for identifying a problem, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results and a conclusion. This information is documented in a way where the experiment and results can be repeated.

Scientific Method

• Purpose -- The purpose of the experiment is to identify why is there a need for the experiment to be conducted. There has to be an overall point that should be addressed, here is where it’s documented.

• Hypothesis -- How do you think you can solve the problem? The hypothesis step is always written in the form "If ___________, then ___________. The blank after the "if" is called the independent variable. The independent variable is just whatever you are going to do to solve the problem. The blank after "then" is the dependent variable. The dependent variable is what you think will happen when you do whatever the independent variable is.

• Materials -- This is the section of the spreadsheet where all the materials necessary to successfully complete the experiment should be documented. Regardless of how big or small the component is, if it was used in the experiment, document it.

• Procedure -- Here is where all steps and cautions need to be addressed. If an individual who has no prior background knowledge or experience on the subject attempts to repeat the experiment, they should be capable of successfully reproducing recorded results simply by following the procedure section.

• Results -- Results are the outcomes of the completed experiment. They consist of quantitative data, observations, and/or discussion of situations that limited the success of desired results.

• Conclusion -- This section simply states whether the results concluded from the experiment either support or falsify the original hypothesis.

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To Be, or Not to Be

Lessons to be Learned What is real science?

Although science can be applied to all aspects of life, it does not mean

that all applications are actually science.

What’s the A-ha moment?

When discussing their findings they see that just because something appears to be a science on the surface doesn’t mean it

really is a science.

3 x 5 note cards Markers Determine if the methodology, belief, practice, or idea is actually a science. Give a detailed explanation for your answer. Science can help improve almost any aspect of our lives, societies, or businesses which is why we see more and more psuedosciences popping up. Label as many note cards with real and pseudo science as you can think of. The internet can be a big help if you find yourself coming up a little short on ideas. Two examples of pseudoscience are N-rays and cold fusion. Once you have labeled as many as you can possibly think of, make 5 more identical sets. Divide your students up into six groups and give each group a set of note cards. Ask them to determine which of the note cards have an idea, practice, etc. that is a real science. Do not give them any help or hints. They will most likely ask you how they are going to know if it is a real science or not, but you must not tell them. It is important that you let them use their own criteria for determining credibility. Later when you discuss why they made the choices they made they will most likely see that they were judging based on the scientific method.

Experimental Steps for Teacher

Conclusion Statements


Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.2.3) Identify examples of pseudoscience (such as astrology, phrenology) in society.

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Once everyone has finished, tally the results on the board and discuss any discrepancies between the groups. As a separate assignment, you can also ask the students to come up with their own science, and evaluate each other’s.

Discuss amongst the group members what qualifies something as a science. Use these criteria to evaluate the note cards.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

In general, a pseudoscience is any idea, method, or practice that resembles a real science but is not. In fact the word pseudoscience when broken down into its latin meaning translates as “false knowledge”. The specifications for being a science are actually very strict and particular. These depend on which field of science you are discussing (earth science, physical science, etc.) and are strictly enforced by those in the scientific community. One important aspect is that all science follows the scientific method.

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Question

2) ESP, ghosts, cold fusion, etc. Answers will vary.

3) Answers will vary.

Background Information

1) Something that resembles science, but does not actually follow the scientific method (i.e. observation, hypotheses, experimentation, etc.). A real science is one that follows the scientific method.

3. Why do you think there are so many pseudo-sciences out there today?

2. List as many kinds of pseudoscience you can think of that have not yet been mentioned?

1. What is pseudo-science? What makes something a real science?

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Lessons to be Learned

Scientific knowledge is durable and open to change. Just because new evidence is

acquired about a particular theory or idea, this does not mean that old knowledge is

wrong or useless.

What’s the A-ha moment?

Students realize that just because new evidence is provided in some situations, that

doesn’t mean that the old evidence is nullified.

Ordeal by Check Investigating Science Durability

Supplied Evidence “Fake Checks” From the evidence placed in front of you, what is a likely story to what happened from the earilest date to the most current? Scientific knowledge is both open to change AND durable. Give each group of students an envelope with nine fake checks in it. Tell them they are to take out three of the checks and write a short paragraph or two explaining what happened during the time period on the checks. After a certain amount of time, tell them to take three more checks out and revise their story. Do this again one more time. Lead a group discussion allowing all of the groups to share their stories and how they are similar and different. Make sure that it is brought up in the discussion that just because new evidence is brought up sometimes, it does not mean the old evidence can be thrown away. Relate this to the standard.

Conclusion Statements


Experimental Steps for Teacher

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.2.4) Explain that scientific knowledge is both durable and robust and open to change. Scientific knowledge can change because it is often examined and re-examined by new investigations and scientific argumentation. Because of these frequent examinations, scientific knowledge becomes stronger, leading to its durability.

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Inquiry Question

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Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) Start to write stories that will change as new evidence is found.

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Questions

1) What do you think of the old evidence now that new evidence has been found?

1) It still holds useful.

Background Information

There is no background information needed for this activity.

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Modified version of some Checks (Nagy-Shadman) Spans 1977-2005

SUGGESTION: There are two handwriting styles…put some of each in the envelopes.

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Lessons to be Learned

A scientist’s background can greatly

affect his /her theories and experiments.

What’s the A-ha moment?

Once they have placed all the cards in the correct places they will see that a theory is the result of a

complex chain of events.

It Makes a Difference Effect of Backgrounds on Science 3x5 note cards Poster board Place the cards in the correct places. Scientist are individuals like you and me whose work can be affected by their personal experiences. The first step is to make the event board, but do not worry, all the research has already been done and is laid out for you in the following picture. The board should only contain the names, and the terms in boxes are what you should write on the note cards. Once your students have placed them in the correct order it should look like the example above.

Conclusion Statements


Experimental Steps for Teacher

Inquiry Question

Inquiry Question

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.2.5) Describe instances in which scientists’ varied backgrounds, talents, interests, and goals influence the inferences and thus the explanations that they make about observations of natural phenomena and describe that competing interpretations (explanations) of scientists are a strength of science as they are a source of new, testable ideas that have the potential to add new evidence to support one or another of the explanations.

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

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Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Question

1) Yes, scientists are people too. 2) Answers will vary. 3) Opinion, but in general it is a good thing because it allows for diversity in the scientific

community which enables a variety of ideas and theories.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

Place the cards in the correct places.

1) Is it possible for scientists to let their own personal lives affect their work? 2) Name an example of how your background or personal life has affected your work. 3) Is this a good or a bad thing?

. Although we sometimes put scientist on a pedestal because of the great advancements they have helped mankind achieve, they are still human beings. As humans, they are susceptible to the same fallacies we are and will undoubtedly be influenced by their past and present experiences. This human nature allows for great diversity in the scientific community and promotes mixing of ideas and the solidifying of other ideas through contrast.

Background Information

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What’s the A-ha moment?

Cold water is needed for the phenomena to take place.

Lessons to be Learned Water Fireworks

Scientific Theories A phenomenon is experienced,

investigations are made and scientific theories are proposed through the gathering of current


Hot plate Crushed ice Water 6 Tall glasses 6 Plastic cups

Isopropyl alcohol Vegetable oil Food coloring Salt

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.3.1) Explain that a scientific theory is the culmination of many scientific investigations drawing together all the current evidence concerning a substantial range of phenomena; thus, a scientific theory represents the most powerful explanation scientists have to offer.

How did the phenomena (demonstration described below) happen and can you replicate it?

This phenomenon is possible by using cold water in the tall glass. In a plastic cup mix some oil and food coloring with a glass stir bar to break up the globs of food coloring. When the contents in the plastic cup are added to the water in the glass it creates the “water fireworks” that was demonstrated. From the data and observations, a scientific theory can be proposed for this “phenomena.” Scientific theories have to be backed up with scientific facts and evidence.

Preparations: Fill a tall glass about ¾ full with cold water. In a plastic cup mix some oil and food coloring with a glass stir bar to break up the globs of food coloring. Divide the class into groups of 4 students. Give a demonstration of the water fireworks: Take out the glass of water and cup containing oil and food coloring. Pour the contents of the plastic cup into the glass.

Conclusion Statement


Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Experimental Steps for Teacher

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Ask the student why and how do they think this happened? Here we do not actually want to answer the question just to discuss shortly about ideas. Pass out the materials and tell the students given the materials in front of them investigate the phenomenon (demonstration) and how it happened. Conclude the experiment and the conditions needed to repeat the demonstration. Ask the students what they tried before they reached a conclusion. Emphasize how they experienced a phenomenon, investigated their observations and drew together all their evidence to find their conclusion.

The students should play with the materials given to them. They should find out how to make the phenomenon possible. This phenomenon is possible by using cold water in the tall glass. In a plastic cup mix some oil and food coloring with a glass stir bar to break up the globs of food coloring. When the contents in the plastic cup are added to the water in the glass it creates the “water fireworks” that was demonstrated.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) What first comes to mind when you think of the word theory? 2) Define scientific theory.

1) Varies 2) Scientific theory is a mathematical or logical explanation, or a testable model of the

manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation.

Usually when someone thinks of the word theory it means a conjecture, an opinion or a speculation. Commonly, theories are thought of as something that is not based on facts and is not a description of reality. On the other hand, scientific theory is a mathematical or logical explanation or a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena. Scientific theories can predict future occurrences or observations of the same kind. Moreover, they can be tested through experiments and other wise falsified through empirical observation.

Results and Answers to Questions

Possible Questions/Comments

Background Information

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Lessons to be Learned

Students will identify how their

decisions influence society via surveys, voting, etc.

What’s the A-ha moment?

Scientific development is often influenced by the masses or the consensus.

Science Says What? Discover

Dry erase boards Markers

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.3.2) Describe the role consensus plays in the historical development of a theory in any one of the disciplines of science.

Come up with the best theories to gain the consensus of the class, and win the game.

Students will realize that the majority often influences scientific theories.

Conclusion Statement


Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Experimental Steps for Teacher

As the teacher you may use the issues named below or come up with your own that reflect what the class is studying at that time. The class should be divided into three groups of equal students. If the groups are not equal then you can give a group an extra vote to make it equal. You will present one of the issues at a time, and each group will try to come up with the best way to solve the issue. Each group will present their ideas one at a time. After they have presented, everyone gets to vote for the best idea (they can do so by raising their hands), however, they cannot vote for their own group’s idea (or the game would probably be tied every round). The winning team each round will get a point, and each point gains them more power, i.e. an extra vote. When a team wins a round it symbolizes that their idea was put into action. Repeat this for every one of the issues.

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When there are only fifteen minutes left in the class, start a discussion about what the students observed during the game. Maybe alliances were formed, the winning idea was not the “best” idea, or the team that acquired the most extra votes won the game easily. The point is to show how consensus influences the development of their theories.

Sample Issues Solutions Too much greasy/fried food contributes to child obesity

Remove vending machines from public schools

Students intake more knowledge in early hours of the day

Attend school from morning to evening

Save our Earth Recycle paper, plastic bottles, etc. Conserve energy Energy saving light bulbs Excess pollution Build economic efficient vehicles Students are having difficulty passing the FCAT

Adjust FL benchmarks standards

Listen to your teacher for directions.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) How did consensus influence the game? 2) How can consensus influence the development of a theory? 3) What problems can arise from the role consensus plays in developing theories?

1) Answers will vary.

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Questions

2) Without consensus a theory will not be widely recognized. Popular opinion will affect whether the theory is accepted in the science community or not. 3) The right theories may not be the most popular ones. There are many correct answers this is just a sample answer.

No background information needed.

Background Information

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Lessons to be Learned

Scientific laws do not offer

explanations for relationships in nature.

What’s the A-ha moment?

The larger the balloon is blown up the farther the balloon will be able to go.

Can It Be Explained? Relationships in Nature

Balloon String Paperclips Paper Tape Straws Cards Scissors Use the materials provided to make a balloon rocket. Newton’s Law teaches us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, but does not explain why this is so. The teacher’s job will be to hang a string from one end of the room to the other for the rockets to be tested on. The longer side of the room should be used to test the balloon rockets. Hand out materials to the students and tell them they are competing to build the balloon rocket which will travel the furthest distance. After they have competed ask them to answer the questions provided. Follow this exercise with an explanation of Newton’s Third Law of Motion, and ask the students to explain

Conclusion Statements


Experimental Steps for Teacher

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.3.3) Explain that scientific laws are descriptions of specific relationships under given conditions in nature, but do not offer explanations for those relationships.

Inquiry Question

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why the relationship described in the law works. If they are stumped, explain that the scientific law only describes a relationship in nature, but doesn’t explain it. If they are able to come up with an answer to your question, then ask them if that explanation was present in Newton’s law. The answer should be “no”. The main idea is for the student to understand that Newton’s laws describe, but don’t explain, relationships in nature. By doing the lab students should realize that the bigger their balloon is blown up the farther it should be able to go in the direction opposite of the mouth of the balloon. They should also try to use the materials provided to enhance the performance of the balloon rocket. For example, cards can be used to fashion a propeller and make the balloon rocket travel faster. The materials should also be used to attach the balloon rocket to the string while minimizing the effects of friction on slowing the balloon rocket down.

Possible Questions/Comments

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) How could you record this data in an effective way?

2) Did you notice a relationship between your balloon and the distance travelled? If so, what was it?

3) How can this relationship be explained?

3) This is because the air coming out of the balloon is driving the balloon in the opposite direction

2) The larger the balloon was blown up, the farther it would go.

1) Plot a balloon parameter (circumference, diameter, radius) vs. distance traveled.

Results and Answers to Questions

Background Information

Newton’s third law says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The balloon throws out air when blown up and released, and the force that the air has coming out of the balloon is compensated by an opposite force pushing the balloon in the opposite direction. The real reason why the balloon will fly is conservation of momentum but this is a good way to show how equal but opposite forces can work.

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Lessons to be Learned

Theories do not become laws nor do laws become theories. Students will learn that there is a difference between a theory and

a law and what that difference is.

What’s the A-ha moment?

The student realizes that some of the cards have equations and some do not and that there is a clear

difference between the two sets.

Theories and Laws What is the Difference?

10 Scientific description cards Which of the 10 descriptions of scientific situations are theories and which are laws? Theories do not become laws, nor do laws become theories. The experimental setup for this activity is close to none. Give each group of students a set of ten scientific description cards and tell them that they have to separate them into theories and laws. There should be no reason to even tell them what a theory or a law is in that some amount of thinking and intuitive understanding of the words in everyday use should be good enough to allow them to discover how the words are used in science. After some amount of time, tell each group to discuss with the class what they chose and why; the group discussion is very important in the realization of what a theory and law are. Finally, conclude with a discussion of whether a law can become a theory or if a theory can become a law.

Conclusion Statements


Experimental Steps for Teacher

Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.3.4) Recognize that theories do not become laws, nor do laws become theories; theories are well supported explanations and laws are well supported descriptions.

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Possible Questions/Comments

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

2) What is a noticeable difference between some of the cards?

1) Split the cards up into a deck with equations and a deck without equations.

The meat of this activity is the difference between a law and a theory. This may be a little hard to understand sometimes but there is a distinct difference. First off, the solutions to this activity can be seen below.

2) Answers will vary.

Background Information

1) Some have equations and some do not.

Results and Answers to Questions

1) Law (Newton’s Law of Cooling) 6) Theory (Big Bang Theory) 2) Law (First Law of Thermodynamic) 7) Theory (Theory of Evolution) 3) Law (Archimedes’ Principle) 8) Theory (Theory of Global Warming) 4) Law (Newton’s 2nd Law) 9) Theory (Mathematical Chaos Theory) 5) Law (Boyle’s Law) 10) Theory (Relativity Theory) As it can be seen, all of the laws in this activity are accompanied with a general equation supporting it. By this, a law can be “defined” as an analytical statement, usually with an empirically determined constant, that is considered universal and an invariable fact of the physical world. A theory may contain a set of laws, and in common usage, is often used to signify conjecture, an opinion, or a speculation.

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Lessons to be Learned

Utilization of Models is fundamental to making a comprehendible presentation

of your ideas

What’s the A-ha moment? When they try to present a complex idea without

the aid of a model or board to write on.

Model Citizen Presentation of Data Legos White board and markers 3x5 note cards Describe, to the best of your ability, the word/phrase. Models are a useful scientific tool and their utilization can make or break a scientific argument. Prior to conducting this lab label several note cards with a word or phrase. You can keep it to things that are scientific, or you can use anything you think that would be difficult to describe in words. Then break your class up into three groups and allow one member from each group to come up and get a note card. After everyone has their card, give one group a whiteboard and markers, a second group the Lego’s (feel free to give them as many or as few supplies as you feel necessary). You can incorporate food if you are feeling nice, or anything they can use to make models out of), the third group gets nothing. Note: If you have a larger class, you can do multiple sets of 3groups, have really large groups, or incorporate different groups (i.e. one group can only act out what their card says).

Experimental Steps for Teacher

Conclusion Statements


Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.3.5) Describe the function of models in science, and identify the wide range of models used in science.

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Instruct your students to give the most complete and intricate description possible of what is written on their card. After five to ten minutes, allow the groups to present starting with group three, then two, then one (nothing, board, model). Group three should have a lot of difficulty, group two a little less, and group three should have no problems at all. If you have time, allow the groups to rotate (so group three gets the materials to build a model , group two nothing, etc.) until they have all tried to describe a word/phrase in the three ways presented. Follow up with a discussion on what presentations they thought were the best and why. Suggested topics for note cards: The skeletal system (doesn’t have to be human), any molecular model, Newton’s laws, the galaxy, a painting (any piece of artwork), a machine part, DNA model, any organ system, a building.

Follow your teacher’s instructions.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Scientists would argue then that a model is worth exponentially more. In science, a good model can make or break your argument. It allows people to visualize what is often very difficult and complex to put into words. A model helps express ideas, prove theories, and can be understood regardless of what language you speak.

Possible Questions/Comments

Results and Answers to Question

Background Information

1. Molecular model, a model of the Universe, a model of the skeletal system, just to name a few. There are infinite possibilities.

2. You can show large things in a small scale (universe), show something that is hard to put into words, prove the legitimacy of your claim, etc.

2. Why is it helpful to use a model?

1. List at least 3 models that you would expect to see in a scientific laboratory or classroom.

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Lessons to be Learned

The scientific method is used to make

logical decisions resulting from experimentation, observational and

personal knowledge.

What’s the A-ha moment?

Students will realize at the end of their experiment that their hypothesis is either proven or unproven, reinforcing or persuading their overall decision. This proves that in

order to make an informed decision, you must have some sort of background knowledge of what you’re dealing

with. This knowledge is usually accumulated empirically, using some form of the scientific method.

Simply the Best K Knowledge & Reasoning

Cotton fabric (10 squares) Velour (10 squares Chamois (10 squares) Silk (10 squares) Nylon (10 squares) Nylon (10 squares) 3 oz Plastic cups Styrofoam bowls Digital scale (6) Given a 3oz cup of water, which material is best for leaving the least amount of water in the cup? Students will learn how to make logical decisions resulting from experimentation, observational, and personal knowledge. They will learn the foundation and importance of what is called the scientific method. Finally, students will identify how the human mind reasons logically to determine the best possible solution for a given problem, using minimal resources.

Conclusion Statements


Inquiry Question

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.4.1) Explain how scientific knowledge and reasoning provide an empirically-based perspective to inform society’s decision making.

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This reasoning can be justified through the use of the scientific method, empirically. Based on their results, they will determine which product is the best for the job.

Experimental Steps for Teacher

1) Ask the students what they use when they want to clean-up spilled water, & why.

2) Then, ask them to think of specific materials on the market that are produced solely for cleaning-up spills. Create a list on the board.

3) Have them determine what characteristics are common between their responses. Compile this list on the board as well.

4) Then, tell them that they are to assume the role of a major company creating a mop or sponge for the first time. They’ll have several materials available for its production, but they need to determine which is simply-the-best! Then introduce them to their materials, & let them figure out how they’re going to create an experiment to justify their hypothesis.

Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) What do you use when they want to clean-up spilled water, & why.

2) Now think of specific materials on the market that are manufactured solely for cleaning-up spills. Create a list.

3) Determine what characteristics are common between all the examples given above. Compile this list as well.

4) Now that you have some background on what you are looking for, here is your assignment. You are to assume the role of a major company creating a mop or sponge for the first time. You have several materials available for its production, but you need to determine which is simply-the-best!

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Possible Questions/Comments

1) What material absorbed the most amount of water?

2) How could you tell?

Results and Answers to Questions

1) The chamois. 2) Because it weighed the most out of all the samples.

Background Information

Scientific Method – refers to the style or techniques of investigating various phenomena, resulting in the gathering of new information, or confirming previous assumptions. It is based on gathering observable, empirical, measurable evidence and interpreting it through specific principles of reasoning. Ultimately, it is the collection of data through observations and experimentation, which either proves or disproves an initial hypothesis. Empirical – derived, provable or verifiable by experience or experiment. Scientific Knowledge – knowledge accumulated by systematic studies and organized by general principle.

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Lessons to be Learned

Students will be able to assess different costs and benefits in the

production of a foil boat.

My Boat is Better than Yours Comparing Costs and Benefits

What’s the A-ha moment?

The flattest boat or the boat with the largest volume held more dice.


Heavy duty foil Small bowl (quantity: 6) Dice/pennies (quantity: 25) Fake money (print out your own bucks) String Popsicle sticks Tape Staples *If you use pennies in place of dice, be aware that pennies minted after 1982 contain a lot of Zinc and are lighter than older pennies.

Sunshine State Standard Assessed

Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (SC.912.N.4.2) Weigh the merits of alternative strategies for solving a specific problem by comparing a number of different costs and benefits, such as human, economic, and environmental.

Inquiry Question

Design the best boat (on a budget) to hold the maximum number of dice/pennies.

Conclusion Statements

Scientific analysis is determined by trial and error.

Experimental Steps for Teacher

Print out fake money to hand out to the students. Give each group the same amount of fake bucks and explain to the students that they will be using that money to buy supplies to build a boat. If you don’t want to print out fake money you can use just about anything as

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money (tickets, scraps of paper, etc.). As in real life, not only will the materials cost money, but so will the testing stage. The students will have to learn to work on a budget to build a boat that can hold the most pennies or dice. However, in order to test their boat they will have to “rent” the pennies or dice, so they must budget their money wisely. They will also be choosing what supplies they want to use, and purchasing them to build the boat with. It is up to the teacher’s discretion how they want to price the supplies, and how much money to provide the students with. Teachers also have to decide how to sell the supplies. For example, aluminum foil can be in pre-cut pieces, or sold per square inch. Regardless, keep in mind that just a 7 in2 piece of foil would be enough to build a boat.

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Experimental Steps You Would Like Your Students to Do Without Giving Them the Procedure

1) Create a budget for the boat building competition that includes, materials, production costs (the boat might take a couple of tries to build before it floats), and testing costs.

2) Build the boat as a team, using common knowledge and creativity in the design. 3) Test the boat by renting pennies or dice.

Possible Questions/Comments

1) What design is most efficient to hold the most dice? 2) What’s a real life application of this lab? 3) What other factors come into play in design analysis?

Results and Answers to Questions

Answers will vary.

Background Information

The purpose of this activity is to provide an opportunity for students to go through the planning, designing, model-building and cost analysis process that many scientists and engineers use as they solve problems and develop new technologies.

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