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Navicular Phoenix

Michael Sarno Farrier Service is a very well known farrier service provider. We offer shoeing and trimming services for navicular Phoenix horses. We provide shoeing service for acute laminitis and managing horses with chronic laminitis.

The navicular bone, that is present within the hoof at the back of the junction of the coffin and the pastern bone, is a small canoe- shaped bone.

Since there is no single cause for the Navicular Syndrome, the treatment for different cases also varies accordingly. Trimming is one of the necessary treatments.

Navicular Phoenix

Navicular Phoenix

Before taking any step or starting with a treatment, it is highly important to consult a vet or a farrier.

Proper trimming and therapeutic shoeing, as offered by Michael Sarno in Phoenix, can provide pain relief for many horses.

He aims at correcting broken back and normalizing underrun heels.

Navicular Phoenix

Even though the navicular syndrome can’t be cured, Michael has tackled and treated every navicular horse in phoenix and has successfully delivered great results.

By eliminating the pain, he raises a horse’s performance thereby allowing the horse to not only lead a better and pain-free life but also be at its best.

Navicular Phoenix

Lameness is one of the most common signs of Navicular syndrome. A horse diagnosed with this condition feels pain in the heels of his front feet as a result of which, during visits to the farrier, picking up that foot either for trimming or shoeing can be painful for the horse and as a result, the animal may become uncooperative.

Navicular Phoenix

Searching for shoeing or trimming services for navicular horses in phoenix then browse globalfarrier(dot)com.

Michael has tackled and treated every navicular horse in phoenix.

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