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Needs assessment

Noe’s chapter-3

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Presenters- Hussain Abhinav Navneet Dinesh Sayali

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---A needs assessment is the process of identifying performance requirements and the "gap" between what performance is required and what presently exists.

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Training may be incorrectly used as a solution to a performance problem.

Training programs may have the wrong content, objectives, or methods.

Trainees may be sent to training programs for which they do not have the basic skills, prerequisite skills, or confidence needed to learn.

Training will not deliver the expected learning, behavior change, or financial results that the company expects.

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Who Should Participate In Needs Assessment.

Earlier only trainers were concerned but now even the middle and the top level management are indulged in needs assessment.

Middle level management is indulged in deciding upon the budget, types of employees who need training, difference that can be brought in product and services etc.

Upper level management decide upon the importance of training and the needs of business that can be fulfilled by the employees, etc.

SME i.e Subject Matter Experts also play a very vital role in needs assessment.

Even the job incumbents are to be considered in the needs assessment.

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Methods Used in Needs Assessment

Write Objectives

Select Audience

Collect data

Select audience sample

Risk an instrument

Analyse Data

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Competency•It is the ability of a person to compete with others in a company.•It is the measurement of all the skills, knowledge, ability and task.Needs assessment deals with training the employees to be successful in achieving outcomes

Competency model-•Competency model identifies the competencies necessary for each jobs as well as the knowledge, skills, behaviour, personality characters.•Companies like Infosys. Bajaj, Deloitte takes help of competency model for training their employees and making them efficient.

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