Page 1: Neges o'r Tri Phlwyf Three Parish Farm House, Rhydyfelin, SY23 4LU Magazine

Neges o'r Tri Phlwyf

Three Parish News Plwyfi Llandre, Llangorwen & Talybont Parishes Medi/Sept 2017

Parson’s Piece, ‘Change’ – A word that brings joy and excitement to some, and dread to others. It can mean uncertainty and opportunities, all in the same breath. The saying goes that it is only death and taxes that are the certainties of life. To that, I want to add the love of God and our relationship with him.

Jesus himself, points us to God’s constant caring for us. Out of love, Jesus, the Son of God, came to die on the cross for each and every one of us, so we may know the full depth of His love. The Centurion at his crucifixion, confirmed his death to Pilate and the resurrected Jesus was witnessed by hundreds of people in different places. He is the one who leads the way to our Heavenly Father. It all points towards God’s enduring and continual love towards us. In the most desperate times that we can find ourselves in, that understanding brings comfort even when the circumstances are almost impossible to understand. Those times can be as far ranging as the loss of someone close to us, or terrorist attacks that seem visceral in their intensity and their far flung damage. The Lord’s constant and uncompromising love and grace cut through the hatred that has been perpetrated, and gives a solid place for us to hold onto.

Services: Llandre 9:30am Llangorwen 11:00am

Sunday 3rd Holy Communion Holy Communion

Sunday 10th Morning Prayer Morning Prayer

Sunday 17th Holy Communion Morning Prayer

Sunday 24th Joint: All Age Service at 10 —

Dates for your Diary in September

Prayer Meeting: Tue. 5th 7:30pm All Saints’ Church, Llangorwen Llangorwen PCC Meeting: Wed. 6th 10am All Saints’ Church, Llangorwen Men’s Breakfast: Sat. 9th 8am St Michael’s Church, Llandre Youth Group: Sun. 10th 6-8pm The Vicarage, Bow Street Bible Study Group: Tue. 12th 7:30pm The Vicarage, Bow Street Llandre PCC Meeting: Date to be confirmed. Rhydypennau Hall Comm:Thu. 14th 7:30pm Rhydypennau Hall Committee Room Treasure Hunt: Fri. 15th 6-7:30pm Rhydypennau Hall Dementia Friendly Communities: Sat. 16th 10-1 Talk at Holy Trinity, Aberystwyth Joint Service for Llandre & Llangorwen: Sunday 24th in St Michael’s Church, Llandre All Age Service to mark the final Service taken by Revd Peter Jones

Peter Owen Jones (Priest in Charge) 01970 822267

The Vicarage, Maes-y-garn, Bow Street, SY24 5DS [email protected]

David Poole (Lay Reader) 01970 832346

Maes Y Felin, Black Lion Fields, Talybont, SY24 5EN [email protected]

Robert Wilkinson (Lay Reader) 01970 624202

Rhydyfirian Farm House, Rhydyfelin, SY23 4LU [email protected]

Magazine edited & produced by Syd Smith [email protected] 01970 625122

It also helps in times of change, like the change that will be taking place in the churches of Llandre & Llangorwen as I take my leave at the end of September. Carol and I, with our daughter, Ellen, have been asked by the Bishop to move to the benefice of Monkton, just outside Pembroke, and I will be licenced on the 15th Oct. It is with great sadness that we will be leaving this area and the people we have come to love over the last 6+ years. But, the Lord has new and different plans for us as a family, and just as importantly, he also has plans for the people connected to the churches in this area. I will be replaced by a new minister, who, I don’t know. But the Lord’s hand will be in the continuing work of sharing the story of His love and rescue plan to the people of this area. Taxes are a human invention and perhaps one day they will no longer be a necessity. The Bible says that death itself has lost its sting for those who love Jesus, so bang goes that other certainty. Thank goodness that God himself is the one who is eternal and unchanging. May you all be blessed and strengthened in this changing world. Peter Rev’d Peter Owen Jones

A Celtic Daily Prayer Christ, as light

Illumine and guide me.

Christ, as a shield

overshadow me.

Christ under me;

Christ over me;

Christ beside me

on my left and on my right.

This day be within and without me,

lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.

Be in the heart of each to whom I speak;

in the mouth of each who speaks unto me.

This day be within and without me,

lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.

Christ as light;

Christ as a shield;

Christ beside me

on my left and my right. Amen.

Celtic Daily Prayer, Collins 2005

Page 2: Neges o'r Tri Phlwyf Three Parish Farm House, Rhydyfelin, SY23 4LU Magazine

Breaking News Well, not quite, as I am sure the news is already well known that Rev Peter, our Priest in Charge, together with his wife, Carol, and daughter, Ellen, will be leaving us soon for pastures new. As Rev Peter said when he gave me the news, “It was always going to be hard to leave a Benefice that has been such a happy home to us for over six years. Having to leave friends that we have made and those who have made us welcome and feel at home for so long is going to be tough.” Though it was instigated by the Bishop, Rev Peter said that he is sure that the move is a calling from God which he feels he must answer. “I have no particular longing for advancement”, he said, “my calling is a real joy to me and I will go where and whenever God sends us as a family.” Rev Peter and his family have thrown themselves selflessly at our Benefice for over six years, they have worked hard to spread the word of God in our Parishes and they will be greatly missed by us all. Rev Peter and his family leave for Monkton in Pembrokeshire at the end of September, he will be taking on eight churches initially with limited help. Some task! The licencing by Bishop Joanna of Rev Peter is to be held in Monkton on the 15th October at 1.30. His last service with us will be on the 24th September. So what happens next? The Diocese policy recently has been not to replace paid Clergy who retire or move, but the Archdeacon has assured Rev Peter that he will be replaced, so we will be getting a new Priest In Charge in due course. It remains for me to say that I am sure that all our readers will be sad to hear that Rev Peter and his family are leaving us, and will join me in wishing them God’s blessing and every success in their new calling in Monkton. SGS.

Magazine: Who is involved? As you might guess the Parish magazine does not just appear in your Church, through your letterbox or online. It is written, collated, edited, printed, folded and then distributed. To enable us to do this free, our sponsors, who are our advertisers, and some generous parishioners cover the costs of £450 a year. Between us, Rev Peter and I write and compile it before I print and fold the 800 copies we produce every month. The 750 copies that are hand delivered by a team consisting of Joan Gethin, Susan Herron, Rob Pugh and myself who deliver to the whole of Bow Street. Sharonrose Ellis and Dae Griffiths, with Rev Peter and Carol Jones deliver to LLandre, whilst Elunid Jones delivers to Clarach village. It is very much a team effort and with the Jones’ leaving, we will have a gap in the team who delivered in Llandre from the playground up to Rhydypennau Garage (about 45 min’s work). The magazine will continue to be produced by popular demand, but I do need some more help to deliver them and any short articles would be fantastic. Can You Help? Please phone me on 01970 625122. Thanks, SGS Help with maintaining the parish website and/

or the Facebook pages, would also be very welcome—currently done by Revd Peter.

D J Evans Funeral Directors

Cyfarwyddwr Angladdau Kairal Penrhyncoch Aberystwyth 47 Maengwyn St Machynlleth.

Capel Gorffwys Preifat Gwasanaeth Personol Private Chapel of Rest

Personal Service Gwasanaeth Pedair Awr ar Hugain

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What a good idea

Last month the magazine carried an advert for the Rhydypennau village hall Fruit and Veg Exchange, and by chance I happened whilst collecting tables for Llangorwen Fete to see the exchange in action.

At a time of year that many gardeners have a surplus, what a good idea to take them along on

Saturday Morning to Rhydypennau Hall, and sell or exchange them with others who have different surpluses, and for those not into gardening to buy really fresh and wholesome produce. Even if you don’t want any veg. call in for a cup of tea and chat. It runs through to the end of September.

Rhydypennau and District Horticultural Show Sat. 2nd Sept. 2pm: £2 Adults, Children 50p

Come along and see what local people have been growing, painting, cooking and photographing. Handicrafts are displayed and the show has a Junior and a Residential home section. Refreshments are also available and it is always a good thing to be able to catch up over a cup of tea with our neighbours. Please do support events at our hall or we will loose it.

Smile Corner A small boy asked his moth-er for a cucumber to take to Sunday School. A puzzled mother complied. Later she asked what it had been used for. ‘Sorry, mum, I got it wrong. We were supposed to bring a newcomer.’

—o0O O0o—

QUOTE FOR THE MONTH I asked for strength that I might achieve; I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy; I was given poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have the praise of men; I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I had asked for, but everything that I had hoped for. Almost despite myself my unspoken prayers were answered; I am, among all men, most richly blessed. Prayer of an unknown Confederate soldier

killed at the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863

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