Page 1: NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH VILLAGE NOTES HEMSWELL … Rates: One edition; £3.00: Six editions: £15.00 Please make cheques payable


Contact POLICE in emergency or personal

danger - Dial 999 To report incidents - Dial 01522 532222

Please notify ALL incidents as soon as possible to your


Brook street Neil Huntley 2 Brook Street 668564 Maypole Street Malcolm Crookston 8 Maypole Street 668925 St.Helen’s Way Gareth Nichols 13 Dawnhill Lane 667695 Dawnhill Lane John Sibley 1 Dawnhill Lane 667684 Church Street (East) Bill Seers 11 Church Street 668323 Church Street (West) Richard Peacock Antares, Church Street 667825 Bunkers Hill Barry Brooks 6 Weldon Road 668658 Weldon Road John Allen 3 Weldon Road 668337

NOTE: to report an incident if co-ordinator not available, call 668564

Hemswell/Scampton Neighbourhood Police Team PC 1367 Ian Cotton – mobile 07796312477 PCSO 2206 Julie McFaul –mobile 07825100397 1 Wellington St, RAF Scampton Tel: 01522 730460 (not 24 hours)

Newsletter Sponsored by Hemswell Parish Council.

Advertising Rates: One edition; £3.00: Six editions: £15.00 Please make cheques payable to Hemswell & Harpswell Village Hall

All articles etc. to the Editor by 22nd of the month please. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01427 628417


February 2010

The Community Newsletter for


Parish of Hemswell

Page 2: NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH VILLAGE NOTES HEMSWELL … Rates: One edition; £3.00: Six editions: £15.00 Please make cheques payable


’93 CLUB


The Draw prizewinners were as follows:

1st Prize £60 76 Helen Crane


Prize £35 32 Tom Walton


Prize £25 116 Chris Artiss


Prize £20 56 George Nelson


Prize £15 37 Constance Buchanan


Prize £15 33 Pamela Sutherland


Prize £10 54 Walter Fennel


Prize £10 42 Julia Allen


Prize £5 2 Shirley & Brian Newton


Prize £5 66 Robert Pickering

The next draw is planned to take place in March 2010

Neighbourhood Policing Team PC1367 Ian Cotton – 0300 111 0300 or 01673 842212 email: [email protected] mobile: 07796 312477 voicemail: 01522 558798 (1367) PCSO Julie McFaul – mobile: 07825 100397 email: [email protected] voicemail: 01522 558798 (2206)

Hello dear reader!

May I firstly take this opportunity to with everyone a very Happy New Year! I hope it’s prosperous and peaceful one for you all. I hope that Santa was kind to you (all police

officers still believe in Santa by the way) and that everyone has started to compensate for

the over indulgences of the Christmas period!

At the time of writing this we are going through the coldest winter in twenty nine years.

The numbers of road traffic collisions increase dramatically when ice and snow are on the road. Driving conditions are certainly more…. Challenging! There are some simple steps to

reduce the risk : Only travel if it is a necessary journey. Make sure your vehicle is properly maintained,

especially that the tyres have sufficient tread depth and are correctly inflated. Also check that your water in the windscreen washer bottle is not frozen before you set off, with the

correct amount of screen wash in there it shouldn’t freeze. Make sure that your windscreen, rear window and side windows are clear before you set off. YOU CANNOT


THE SIZE OF A 10P PIECE! The main advice though is to decrease your speed, leave plenty of room to the car in front and drive to the conditions.

The Neighbourhood Policing Panel met on 15th December 2009 to discuss what the Neighbourhood Policing Priorities should be for the next four months. It was decided that

we should concentrate on the following:

1. Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime on the Hemswell Cliff Estate.

2. Poaching and Hare Coursing Incidents within our beat. 3. Speeding vehicles on the B1398.

The previous priority of reducing anti-social behaviour on the Scampton RAF estate has

been discharged. Such incidents have reduced in number. Over the summer period of 2009 ASB reduced by 20% when compared to the previous year.

We are still offering crime prevention advice to anyone who wants it! Just contact the Neighbourhood Policing team if you would like a security survey on your home or

business. We are also keen to mark your property. All this involves is marking your

valuables such as electrical items with invisible marker. If the property is subsequently stolen and recovered a special light reveals the mark and we can return the property to

you. Police recover huge amounts of property which we cannot return because there is nothing to identify the owner. If this is of interest contact us on the numbers below. Also

everyone should create a list of model numbers and serial numbers of their valuable electrical items, if the worst happens and your childs’ Playstation gets stolen (ok I know

it’s probably yours) the police need more of a description than “It was black”. Keep the list in a safe place and hopefully you will never have to use it. Something to think about.

If anyone has any information with regards to a crime no matter how small, please call the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) or alternatively if you would like to pass

information anonymously please call Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111.

Page 3: NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH VILLAGE NOTES HEMSWELL … Rates: One edition; £3.00: Six editions: £15.00 Please make cheques payable

Hemswell Cliff Primary School

Happy New Year Everyone!

Our Christmas Fair raised the successful figure of £173, a big thank you to everyone for their hard work and support!

The School Council stall raised £23, and they have kindly donated a drinks bottle to each child for their water.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Laura Fleming who will be joining our teaching team until Easter.

Well Done! To all the children who have achieved awards this term. You can now also keep up to date with our newsletters on our website:

If you would like to know more please contact the school on 01427 668383 or e mail [email protected] for further information or to arrange a visit.

Spot the Parish Councillor?


The Play Rangers are continuing to come to the village hall every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm throughout February. They arrange a variety of activities for children in the hall and outside in the playground if fine. Come and see what you can do.

Wednesday February 10th at 7.30pm - Chris Garrick and John Etheridge. A spectacular evening of Jazz as you have never heard it played before. Make sure you have tickets in advance from Carolyn Walton 668418. Adults £7, children £5.

93 club. Don't forget to renew your subscriptions. It is still £12 a year for a lucky number, four draws a year and the chance to win £50 each quarter. Half the profits go to paying part of the running costs of the hall the remainder is returned in prize money. The first draw for 2010 will be held in March at an evening's demonstration of flower arranging and food. The date will be circulated nearer the time.

Our grant application for kitchen improvements is progressing, anyone with ideas please inform a committee member. Thank you for adding your names in support of the improvements we wish to make.

Hemswell and Harpswell Village Hall Committee AGM - Thursday 4th March at 8.00pm. Anyone wishing to be on the committee or with suggestions for activities in the village please attend. All are welcome.

May Day isn't that far away and our first meeting for volunteers to help on the day is Tuesday 13th April at 8pm in the village hall. If you cannot attend please let a committee member know if you can offer your help in any way: erecting the stalls, running a stall, new ideas for games etc.

Carolyn Walton

Page 4: NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH VILLAGE NOTES HEMSWELL … Rates: One edition; £3.00: Six editions: £15.00 Please make cheques payable

Hemswell Parish Council

The Parish Council were pleased to welcome Rachel North, Director of Strategy and Regeneration WLDC, to their January meeting. Rachel spoke about better communication between parishes and WLDC and explained the initiatives being put into place to facilitate this. Rachel also explained the pilot cluster scheme whereby several parish councils would sent one representative to a cluster meeting which would be attended by the police and WLDC. Chairman, Cllr Dutton thanked Ms North for her attendance. Also present at the meeting was District Councillor Pritchard who spoke about WLDC websites new Aurora where residents will be able to access details of all services. It is hoped a link to this will be available for the Parish website. Cllr Pritchard was thanked by the Chair. Bus Stop on Middle Street was discussed. LCC had informed the Council in August 09 that this would be in situ by the winter but as yet it has not been done. Clerk is to follow this up. Cemetery water was discussed. There have been problems for a resident because of a burst pipe. It was unanimously resolved by the Parish Council to keep a water supply in the cemetery and a meeting between Anglian Water and the Council is to be arranged. Cemetery Land Registry title deed has now been received. Co-option advice had been received from WLDC. As the whole council are due for election in May the advice was that the council could co-opt if wished or could leave the seat vacant until the elections. Any interested parties please contact the Clerk for details. Maypole Cllr Credland was thanked for all his work organising the taking down and refurbishing of the maypole. A letter of thanks is to be sent to Limestone Farming for the removal of the maypole. Unfortunately, BT charged a considerable sum for the relocation of a telephone wire and a refund is to be persued. Finance various cheques were authorised and a grant of £700 approved and paid to the Village Hall towards their recent refurbishment. Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th March in the Village Hall at 7pm. This will be followed by a Parish Council meeting.

Full set of draft minutes can be found on the two noticeboards and the website:

Childhood Memories in Hemswell From documents donated to the Parish Council

by former resident Mrs Allen

I remember my childhood in Hemswell in the 1930’s as a happy carefree time – no luxuries and no great adventures – indeed I remember putting cardboard inside my shoes, the soles were so poor and sometimes I wore wellies when I hadn’t suitable shoes. But me and my friends, usually the Hales, Nancy Young, Lorna Butler and others could wander and play in the fields and Spring Hills was a paradise in the form of a series of steep grassy hillocks, not a bit like it is now.

Refreshment was always on hand – the Spring water ran cold and sparkling out of the hillside, it never stopped even in dry summers when we chatted to the farm hands who brought horse drawn water barrels to get water for their animals when the field ponds were dry, and a picnic of jam sandwiches could really make our day.

We paddled in the stream of water as it trickled its way down to the open brook which was a feature of Brook Street. We had races with leaves in the brook to see whose would travel the farthest.

It was indeed from the Spring we carried our supply of drinking water and when our rain water butts were empty, we carried water from the brook – or the beck as it was called, for all other household needs.

There was very little traffic other than the buses, so we were able to skip and play ball games in the street and we had whip and top races and bowl-the-hoop races around the village. We wandered by the hedgerows over a wide area, picking violets and ‘brambles’ in their appropriate season, sometimes we sat at the hilltop taking car numbers, but it was mainly commercial vehicles we saw.

Only several vehicles were owned in the village, but it was very self-supporting with a Butcher (Wrays), two shops and a shop and Post Office. A lot of people killed their own pig every year and most people grew their own vegetables. Eight buses a day passed to and fro to Grimsby, Brigg and some of them on to Barton on Humber where you could get the Ferry to Hull. In summer the Grimsby run was extended to Cleethorpes – the adult fare was 4/6d (22 ½p) return.

Mrs Allen has given us a wealth of memories and we intend to make these a regular feature. Please don’t let your memories/photographs be lost, contact the clerk and we will publish them in the newsletter and on the website.

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