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Interim Marketing Management services for

Technology, Media and Telecoms companies

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ABOUT…Neil Fairbrother Interim Marketing: I bring a range

of key skills in two main disciplines, Product Management and Marketing Communications, to companies in the Technology, Media and Telecoms

(TMT) market.

With over 25 years of experience in these markets I

be l i eve tha t these two a reas a re o f ten misunderstood by companies that use these functions and functional practitioners alike.

All too often Marketing Communications doesn’t understand the technology that they are promoting;

the Technologists don’t see the value that marketing can deliver to them; the Sales team wants quality sales tools and qualified leads and not “marketing


Developers, coders, hardware designers are often

regarded by Marketers as uncreative “nerds”, but nothing is further from the truth. Technologists are just as creative as the “fluffiest” of marketers, but

their role, their core skill, isn’t to sell or promote their technical creations.

It is the role of the Product Manager to maximise the margins of this technical creativity and it is the role of the Marketing Communications professional

to communicate the benefits of these technical innovations in the most cost effective ways to the

most relevant audience possible.

The Product Manager needs to harness the creativity of the technical development team to

ensure that commercially successful products and services are delivered to market.

To do this, quality sales collateral needs to be developed and qualified sales leads delivered to the sales team so that they can complete the delivery of

product or services to the customer by way of beating the competition.

Marketing Communications needs to prepare the buyers’ mind with quality and relevant marketing messages about the products or services that the

company is bringing to market.

Not al l companies can afford a ful l t ime

comprehensive marketing team, especially startups where cash may be in short supply. Larger companies may have a temporary need to increase

marketing head count for a specific product launch program.

This is where I can help either at a strategic level or a “hands-on” make it happen delivery level.

Why me?

Recognised by the Sunday Observer as one of the UK’s top 10 most innovative marketers, I am

entrepreneurial in my approach, a creative thinker, an inspirational leader and a motivational team


I am technically aware, adept at product and services management with broad and deep

experience in software, hardware and service creation and delivery and I have excellent marketing

communications skills in all media.

I make your marketing work.


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PRODUCT MANAGEMENTProduct Management is all about maximising revenue from the creativity of

technical development teams. In my experience, developers and designers of software and hardware are very creative, but they are only part of the productisation process. A new product or service touches every function within

an organisation; the technical staff as well as finance, HR, sales, legal... it is the role of the product manager to steer, guide and manage the embryonic product

through the gestation period to launch so that the product or service is complete and there are no surprises once the product or service has been launched.

One of the hardest areas to manage is “feature creep”... those brilliant ideas that

go into a product but which are not planned and therefore cannot be monetised. It is essential to clearly define what a product or service is, so that the creativity of

your developers can be recognised and turned into revenue.

Unlike a product, a service is an intangible good where the benefits are consumed at least in part simultaneously with the production of the good. This

nuance adds an extra dimension to the product management of services; after all how do you manage something that doesn’t physically exist?

Whether you are a service provider or product creator, the answer lies with a clearly defined New Product Introduction (NPI) process which identifies all resources within your organisation and deliverables necessary to create and

deliver a product or service to market such that it is commercially viable on the day of launch.

A well structured NPI process requires not just the management of the launch version of a product or service, but management of the feature funnel for new versions of the product or service. There is no “one-size-fits-all” NPI process,

each company needs its own tailored solution with appropriate controls and “gating” processes.I have the experience and expertise to help your organisation

create and manage NPI to help your products and services succeed from day one.


1) Feasibility 3w 2d 2w 1d 2h 0%

1.1) Product description 3d 3d …Marketing 0%1.2) Feature matrix 2d 2d 1.1FF …Marketing 0%1.3) Why is it needed 1d 1d 1.2 …Marketing 0%1.4) How does it differentiate 1d 1d 1.2 …Marketing 0%1.5) Legal structure & constraints 1d 1d 1.2 Legal Director 0%1.6) Technical constraints 1d 1d 1.2 …Technical 0%1.7) Commercial constraints 1d 1d 1.2 …Marketing 0%1.8) Sales forecast 1d 1d 1.2 Sales Manager 0%1.9) Strategy match 1.10 …Marketing 0%

1.10) market share forecast 1d 1d 1.2 …Marketing 0%1.11) 1st draft business case 1w 1w 1.8 Finance Manager 0%1.12) Gate 1 …1.3FF, 1.4FF, …Gate sign off 100%

2) Business Plan 2w 2d 1w 4d 1h 1.12 0%

2.1) Market requirements 3d 3d …Marketing 0%2.2) Product definition document 1w 2d 4h 2.1 …Marketing 0%2.3) Resource plan 1d 1d 2.2 HR manager 0%2.4) …Business case including model & 3d 1d 4h 2.3 …Finance Manager; 0%2.5) Gate 2 2.4 …Gate sign off 100%

3) Technical assessment 2w 2d 2w 1d 0.5h 2.5 0%

3.1) Technical trial plan 1w 1w …Technical 0%3.2) Technical pilot plan 1w 1w 3.1 …Technical 0%3.3) …Final financial assessment of 1d 1d 3.2 Finance Manager 0%3.4) Feedback to product definition 1d 1d 3.3SS …Marketing 0%3.5) Gate 3 3.4 …Gate sign off 0%

4) Product launch plan 9w 2d …> 5w 4 3.5 0%

4.1) Frozen product definition 1w 1w …Marketing 0%4.2) Final Pricing - levels & models 1w 2d 4h 4.1 …Marketing 0%4.3) Production of SLAs & contracts 1w 1w 4.1 …Technical 0%4.4) …Sales training plan and 2w > 4d 1.25h 4.1 0%

4.4.1) Comp plan 1w > 1d 5.25h …Sales Manager; H 0%4.4.2) Presentation 1w 2d 4h …Sales Manager; 0%

4.5) …Technical training plan & 1w 1w 4.1 0%

4.5.1) Support training 1w 1w …Technical 0%4.6) Marcoms plan and materials 3w 2d 3w 2d 4.1 0%

4.6.1) Brochure 1w 1w …Marketing 0%4.6.2) Presentation 1w 1w 4.6.1 …Marketing 0%4.6.3) Press releases 1w 1w 4.6.2 …Marketing 0%4.6.4) Blogs 1d 1d 4.6.3 …Marketing 0%4.6.5) Tweets 1d 1d 4.6.4 …Marketing 0%

4.7) Gate 4 …4.5, 4.4, 4.6, 4.2 …Gate sign off 0%5) Launch 1w 4d 1w 4h 4.7 0%

5.1) Internal launch 3d 1d 0%

5.1.1) Sales training 1d 4h …Sales Manager; 0%5.1.2) Technical training 1d 1d …Technical 0%5.1.3) Other staff 1d 1d HR manager 0%

5.2) External launch 1w 1d 4d 4h 5.1 0%

5.2.1) Trade show 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.2) Press 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.3) Blog 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.4) Facebook 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.5) LinkedIn 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.6) Tweet 1d 1d …Marketing 0%

5.3) Launched 5.1, 5.2 …Marketing 0%

Task Effort Duration Dependencies Assigned Completed Planned Start

Product descriptionFeature matrix

Why is it neededHow does it differentiate

Legal structure & constraintsTechnical constraints

Commercial constraintsSales forecast

Strategy matchmarket share forecast

1st draft business caseGate 1

Market requirementsProduct definition document

Resource planBusiness case including model & incremental costs

Gate 2

Technical trial planTechnical pilot plan

Final financial assessment of business caseFeedback to product definition

Gate 3

Frozen product definitionFinal Pricing - levels & modelsProduction of SLAs & contracts

Comp planPresentation

Support training


Press releasesBlogs

TweetsGate 4

Sales trainingTechnical training

Other staff

Trade showPress




Day -1 Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45 Day 46 Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 Day 50 Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 Day 55 Day 56 Day 57 Day 58 Day 59 Day 60 Day 61 Day 62 Day 63 Day 64 Day 65 Day 66 Day 67 Day 68

1) Feasibility 3w 2d 2w 1d 2h 0%

1.1) Product description 3d 3d …Marketing 0%1.2) Feature matrix 2d 2d 1.1FF …Marketing 0%1.3) Why is it needed 1d 1d 1.2 …Marketing 0%1.4) How does it differentiate 1d 1d 1.2 …Marketing 0%1.5) Legal structure & constraints 1d 1d 1.2 Legal Director 0%1.6) Technical constraints 1d 1d 1.2 …Technical 0%1.7) Commercial constraints 1d 1d 1.2 …Marketing 0%1.8) Sales forecast 1d 1d 1.2 Sales Manager 0%1.9) Strategy match 1.10 …Marketing 0%

1.10) market share forecast 1d 1d 1.2 …Marketing 0%1.11) 1st draft business case 1w 1w 1.8 Finance Manager 0%1.12) Gate 1 …1.3FF, 1.4FF, …Gate sign off 100%

2) Business Plan 2w 2d 1w 4d 1h 1.12 0%

2.1) Market requirements 3d 3d …Marketing 0%2.2) Product definition document 1w 2d 4h 2.1 …Marketing 0%2.3) Resource plan 1d 1d 2.2 HR manager 0%2.4) …Business case including model & 3d 1d 4h 2.3 …Finance Manager; 0%2.5) Gate 2 2.4 …Gate sign off 100%

3) Technical assessment 2w 2d 2w 1d 0.5h 2.5 0%

3.1) Technical trial plan 1w 1w …Technical 0%3.2) Technical pilot plan 1w 1w 3.1 …Technical 0%3.3) …Final financial assessment of 1d 1d 3.2 Finance Manager 0%3.4) Feedback to product definition 1d 1d 3.3SS …Marketing 0%3.5) Gate 3 3.4 …Gate sign off 0%

4) Product launch plan 9w 2d …> 5w 4 3.5 0%

4.1) Frozen product definition 1w 1w …Marketing 0%4.2) Final Pricing - levels & models 1w 2d 4h 4.1 …Marketing 0%4.3) Production of SLAs & contracts 1w 1w 4.1 …Technical 0%4.4) …Sales training plan and 2w > 4d 1.25h 4.1 0%

4.4.1) Comp plan 1w > 1d 5.25h …Sales Manager; H 0%4.4.2) Presentation 1w 2d 4h …Sales Manager; 0%

4.5) …Technical training plan & 1w 1w 4.1 0%

4.5.1) Support training 1w 1w …Technical 0%4.6) Marcoms plan and materials 3w 2d 3w 2d 4.1 0%

4.6.1) Brochure 1w 1w …Marketing 0%4.6.2) Presentation 1w 1w 4.6.1 …Marketing 0%4.6.3) Press releases 1w 1w 4.6.2 …Marketing 0%4.6.4) Blogs 1d 1d 4.6.3 …Marketing 0%4.6.5) Tweets 1d 1d 4.6.4 …Marketing 0%

4.7) Gate 4 …4.5, 4.4, 4.6, 4.2 …Gate sign off 0%5) Launch 1w 4d 1w 4h 4.7 0%

5.1) Internal launch 3d 1d 0%

5.1.1) Sales training 1d 4h …Sales Manager; 0%5.1.2) Technical training 1d 1d …Technical 0%5.1.3) Other staff 1d 1d HR manager 0%

5.2) External launch 1w 1d 4d 4h 5.1 0%

5.2.1) Trade show 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.2) Press 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.3) Blog 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.4) Facebook 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.5) LinkedIn 1d 1d …Marketing 0%5.2.6) Tweet 1d 1d …Marketing 0%

5.3) Launched 5.1, 5.2 …Marketing 0%

Task Effort Duration Dependencies Assigned Completed Planned Start

Product descriptionFeature matrix

Why is it neededHow does it differentiate

Legal structure & constraintsTechnical constraints

Commercial constraintsSales forecast

Strategy matchmarket share forecast

1st draft business caseGate 1

Market requirementsProduct definition document

Resource planBusiness case including model & incremental costs

Gate 2

Technical trial planTechnical pilot plan

Final financial assessment of business caseFeedback to product definition

Gate 3

Frozen product definitionFinal Pricing - levels & modelsProduction of SLAs & contracts

Comp planPresentation

Support training


Press releasesBlogs

TweetsGate 4

Sales trainingTechnical training

Other staff

Trade showPress




Day -1 Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45 Day 46 Day 47 Day 48 Day 49 Day 50 Day 51 Day 52 Day 53 Day 54 Day 55 Day 56 Day 57 Day 58 Day 59 Day 60 Day 61 Day 62 Day 63 Day 64 Day 65 Day 66 Day 67 Day 68




Q1 Product


Q3 Product


Q1 Product



80% definite 15% probable 5% possible

50% definite 30% probable 20% possible

20% definite 50% probable 30% possible

5% definite 15% probable 80% possible


Feature Funnel

Page 4: Neil Fairbrother Interim Marketing

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONIt’s essential to have a clearly defined marketing communications plan in place to

ensure that all stakeholders in your company understand the journey you are taking them on. Stakeholders include employees, investors, market analysts, financial analysts, the media, the public and of course your customers.

Just like any other plan, a marketing communications plan must have measurable objectives so that a demonstrable Return on Investment can be reported on. For

example, if a social network is part of your plan, it must be justified by more than “it’s about the experience.”

The various stakeholders in your company, its products and services, will require

different styles of content. Many of the benefits of a technical solution can only be explained with a good grasp of the technology involved, yet with sufficient

communication skills to interpret these benefits to the different audiences’ requirements.

Today there are a myriad of techniques or channels that are available to the

marketer; traditional brochures, white papers, presentations and PR, but also social networks, blogs, Twitter, streaming video and interactive audio podcasts

(see page 5 for more details of this innovative and highly cost effective marketing communications tool). It’s easy to get carried away with enthusiasm and excitement with all that these “web 2.0” tools offer, but as the old adage goes,

“failure to plan, plan for failure.”

I have direct and award-winning experience in the production of marketing

communications content, which is even more important when taking services to market. I have produced over 150 interactive audio and video podcasts and have taken brands from launch to sale using tried and trusted PR. I have generated

hundreds of thousands of pounds’ worth of product sales with distinctive Promotional Marketing Campaigns. Key to this is measurability; the definition and

tracking of relevant and meaning metrics to demonstrate a Return on Investment for your Marketing Communications budget.


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...create, engage and interact

with your own global internet

r a d i o a u d i e n c e a n y t i m e ,

anyplace, anywhere.

I n t e r a c t i v e “ h o t s p o t s ” i n

graphical ly-supported audio

podcasts are trackable as you

can analyze the responses to

your audio “calls to action.”

Embedded graphics enable

v i sua l b rand ing fo r your

podcasts and the interactive

hotspot can take your audience

to any webpage, whether a

microsite a specific product on an

e-commerce site or even a charity’s

donations page.

About podcasts

Along with Twitter, Facebook,

LinkedIn and blogs, podcasts are now

a mainstream part of a communications

strategy. Just like radio, audio

podcasts are a comfortable,

engaging and intimate medium

which can be consumed whilst

doing other activities such as

driving, commuting, cooking,


They provide an opportunity to engage

with a global audience in a dynamic,

modern, affordable and measurable


I have produced over 150 audio and

video podcasts on a wide variety of

topics for a number of different clients

and bring this skill to your marketing mix.

5 donations page... e-commerce page... seminar promo page...

Page 6: Neil Fairbrother Interim Marketing

As an RYA Yachtmaster and

competitor in offshore races such

as the RORC Fastnet I know what it

takes to both lead a team and be a

team player. Many aspects of crew

management directly translate to

corporate team management;

whether an ocean-going yacht is

knocked down in a Force 10 gale,

or when things go wrong in a

project, a calm sense of direction

with clearly communicated roles

and responsibilities is essential.

Copyright this image: Neil Fairbrother F7 outside of Lorient France

“Neil was a dream to work with when we partnered with his team at Motorola. He is a visionary in every sense. My company was so impressed with his innate ability to create and sell solutions on the bleeding edge. Smart, resourceful, reliable, gets it done. Would work with him in again in a heartbeat.” Bethany Warburton, Director of Marketing, e-tel

“Neil is a marketing pioneer in the European Telecommunication sector. He has proven experience creating and implementing innovative services to help differentiate operators and drive revenue. I would not hesitate to recommend Neil’s consulting services and have recently solicited Neil’s support for assistance with a customer.” Rick Pizzoli was with another company when working with Neil at Neil Fairbrother Associates

“Neil is a very experienced digital media expert, passionate and very honest individual. He is a great guy, very visionary, and yet execution oriented and I and have no hesitation in recommending him as a complete professional.” Boban Tanovic, Managing Director, etonDIGITAL Ltd

“Neil is genuinely good guy and profoundly adventurous...boldly courageous and talented. I'd trust him both as a first mate on the high seas and in business venturing!” Heidi Heyns, Freelance Voiceover Talent

“Neil is probably one of the most motivated, driven people I have ever met. Maintains high levels of energy and is a pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend him.” Christopher Withey, Resoucer/Recruitment Consultant, Harvey Nash

Page 7: Neil Fairbrother Interim Marketing

Product Management • New Product Introduction • Marketing Communications • Blog • PR • Brochures • Interactive Audio Podcasts • Video

5 Malvern Road, Maidenhead,

Berkshire, UK, SL6 7RE

T: 07866 673365 E:

[email protected]

Twitter: @neilfairbrother

Facebook: Neil Fairbrother Interim

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