  • 1. Ona Estap Neo-TV I Black Miror

2. "The "black mirror" [] is the one you'll find on every wall, on every desk, in the palm of every hand: the cold, shiny screen of a TV, a monitor, a smartphone." (Brooker 2011) 3. (Ofcom 2010) AVERAGE DAY [UK] 7 hours of TV, Internet and mobile phone 4. I announce you, oh marvel, that you are watching me; if you do not believe it, try it, dial this number, call me and I will answer you (Television: the lost transparency, Eco 1983) 5. Change of paradigm: TELEVISION NeoTV [1980s-2000s] Popular discourse Private channels Entertainment Narrowcasting How Digital Turn PostTV ? PaleoTV [1940s-1980s] Institutional discourse Public service Social issues Broadcasting What 6. AUDIENCE [passive] 1. The receiver(s) of a message. 2. Those viewing and/or listening to broadcast mediaradio and/or television (mass-media audience) (Oxford Dictionary 2011) Change of paradigm: CONSUMERS PROSUMER [active] 1. person who buys electronic goods that are of a standard between those aimed at consumers and professionals 2. consumer who becomes involved with designing or customizing products for their own needs. 7. Who are the real costumers for TV broadcasters? Advertisers Audience Which is the product they deal with? Change of paradigm: MONEY 8. Theatricalisation of the Public/Private Domain The Reality Show (Terribas and Puig 2001) Exhibitionism Voyeurism = + 9. Has television fallen into content prostitution to outlive? 10. Born in Reading (1971) Cynic Satirist Television: chatter and degrading formats Technology: techno-paranoia and infoxication Audience: mass behavior and demand TV Critic Building up the caustic insolent style (Screen Burn 2000-2010) TV Broadcaster Criticizing TV within TV (Wipe Series 2006-2013) Reality-Show as a cemetery (Dead Set 2008) Techno-world and social media power (Black Mirror 2011 and 2013) Charlie Brooker 11. Each episode has a different cast, a different setting, even a different reality. But they're all about the way we live now and the way we might be living in 10 minutes' time if we're clumsy. (Brooker 2011) Black Mirror 12. Second series (2013) Be Right Back White Bear The Waldo Moment Black Mirror Hyperreal/Sci-fi Inspired by The Twilight Zone (Rod Serling 1959-1964) Channel 4 [prime time] Emmy for Best TV Mini-Series (2012) First series (2011) The National Anthem Fifteen Million Merits The Entire History of You 13. Black Mirror The Big Brother I Advertising I Money rules the world 14. The Social Media I Global voyeurism Black Mirror 15. Black Mirror Stardom I Public opinion 16. Black Mirror The Reality Show 17. Does Charlie Brookers portrayal of contemporary television match Umberto Ecos definition of NeoTV? Is the use of metareference strategies successful in the critique of television itself within The Black Mirror Series? Where do the limits stand between the reality-show and the real life at the present day? Questions 18. Eco, U., 1986. La estrategia de la ilusin. 3rd edition. Barcelona: Lumen. Terribas, M., Puig, C., 2001. La teatralitzaci de lesfera privada i la hibridaci dels gneres televisius. El cas Big Brother. Formats [online], 3 (8). Brooker, C., 2011. Charlie Brooker: the dark side of our gadget addiction. The Guardian [online], 17 December 2011. Available from: side-gadget-addiction-black-mirror [Accessed 30 November 2013] Black Mirror, Series 1 and 2, 2011 and 2013. [television drama]. England: Zeppotron. Channel 4. References 19. Ona Estap 14 Bournemouth University

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