

Provided venue FREE for last month and this month too.

Wireless internet

SSID: W2 StoryeumPass: 6046444349

Youtube IS online video - so use other services or host your own, but also put it on Youtube50% of internet users are watching online video at least once a week (USA)

Youtube nonprofit program

Organisations must be registered under the Canada Income Tax Act, able to issue charitable receipts to donors, and exempt from income taxCan’t have focus on religion, politics, or be an educational institution

What do you get?

Call-to-action overlays

Call-to-action overlaysCan be annoying - use judiciously - shows up 10 seconds into video charity:water raised $10,000 in 24 hours during a testing phase of the Call-To-Action Overlay. (420,000 views NOW)

I’ve got a respectable 8% clickthru rate on some advocacy videos.

Other cool stuff


This elaborate example has hard-coded graphics that are part of the video and then has the annotation tool marking up the graphics to make them link-able.


Youtube will do a machine transcription. It’s generally awful, but gives you the timing points to clean the file up.Now let Google do translation into any language.My example:

Choose your thumbnail


Replace the random frame as your promo image and upload an image of your choosing.

Other tips

• Keep it short. Big drop-off after 1 minute

• Planning to go viral? Be prepared for disappointment!

Our panelists

• Steve Anderson,

• Devon Wong, David Suzuki Foundation

• Steve Rosenberg, Pull Focus film school

• April Smith, AHA MEDIA

Next event

Tuesday, December 7

W2 Woodwards

Fancy NEW location.Exact details TBA

Are you web ready?h"p://  You  Web  Ready?  Key  Learnings  in  Working  Online  for  Change.Nov  9,  2010The  internet  is  a  powerful  network  that's  crea4ng  a  fundamental  shi8  in  the  way  organiza4ons  work,  connect,  engage  and  effect  change.  What  quali4es  and  skills  does  your  organiza4on  need  to  make  a  bigger  impact  within  this  landscape?  How  can  you  achieve  your  mission  by  catalyzing  the  necessary  shi8  towards  openness,  collabora4on  and  innova4on?  Learn  the  frontline  and  behind-­‐the-­‐scenes  strategies  of  highly  successful  organiza4ons  and  people-­‐powered  campaigns.  This  is  an  open  forum  where  you  will  be  exposed  to  the  newest  models  and  strategies  for    world-­‐changing  groups.  Get  'web  ready'  with  two  veteran  leaders.

Lauren  Bacon  is  a  partner  at  Raised  Eyebrow  Web  Studio.  Lauren’s  work  can  be  seen  amongst  some  of  the  premier  websites  in  the  non-­‐profit,  government,  and  progressive  business  communi4es.  

Jason  Mogus  is  the  CEO  of  Communicopia,  a  digital  agency  that  helps  local  and  global  social  change  organiza4ons  become  more  open,  collabora4ve,  and  ci4zen-­‐driven  by  deeply  embracing  the  web. LUNCHTIME (12:00 - 1:30 pm)Organic coffee and tea provided.UBC ROBSON SQUARE, VANCOUVER$15/$12 for non-profits, seniors & studentsTO REGISTER CALL UBC CONTINUING STUDIES: 604.822.1444

ReMixology 3

Fresh Media ReMixology 3Saturday, November 06, 2010 from 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM (PT)Vancouver, British Columbia

30 second updates!

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