Page 1: New A Family of Software Product Lines in Educational Technologies I · 2018. 2. 15. · A Family of Software Product Lines in Educational Technologies I SridharChimalakonda1 Indian

A Family of Software Product Lines in Educational Technologies I

Sridhar Chimalakonda1

Indian Institute of Technology TirupatiRenigunta Road, Settipalli Post, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India - 517506

Kesav V. NoriInternational Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad

Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 500032


Rapid advances in education domain demand the design and customization of educational technologies for a largescale and variety of evolving requirements. Here, scale is the number of systems to be developed and variety stems froma diversified range of instructional designs such as varied goals, processes, content, teacher styles, learner styles and, alsofor eLearning Systems for 22 Indian Languages and variants.

In this paper, we present a family of software product lines as an approach to address this challenge of modelinga family of instructional designs as well as a family of eLearning Systems and demonstrate it for the case of adultliteracy in India (287 million learners). We present a multi-level product line that connects product lines at multiplelevels of granularity in education domain. We then detail two concrete product lines (, onethat generates instructional design editors and two, which generates a family of eLearning Systems based on flexibleinstructional designs. Finally, we demonstrate our approach by generating eLearning Systems for Hindi and Telugulanguages (both web and android versions), which led to significant cost savings of 29 person months for 9 eLearningSystems.

Keywords: software product lines; educational technologies; instructional design; eLearning Systems; adult literacy

1. Motivation

The role of technology in education has undergone amassive transformation in the 21st century promising tofacilitate anywhere, anytime learning to everyone [2][3].There is also a dramatic rise in the use and design ofa variety of technologies in education in the last decadeor so [4]. A plethora of educational technologies suchas computer assisted instruction [5], web based learning[6], game based learning [7], learning management sys-tems [8], computer-supported collaborative learning [9],virtual learning environments [10] have emerged for a widerange of environments and contexts across the globe. Eventhough these technologies vary on several dimensions, soft-ware is a central theme of many of these technologies. Inaddition, there is also a need to constantly improve thesetechnologies catering to emerging trends such as personal-ized learning [11], gesture based learning [12], augmentedreality [13], gamification [14] and Massive Open OnlineCourses (MOOCs) [15]. This further increases the com-plexity during the design of educational technologies and

IThis paper contains content from first author’s PhD thesis [1][email protected], This work was done when the author was at IIITHyderabad, India for his doctoral thesis

makes it an incredibly hard challenge to customize andadapt these technologies as per the emerging trends andrequirements.On the other hand, there is also severe criticism on sev-

eral dimensions such as huge upfront costs of technologies,difficulties in using them on the field, lack of evidence toshow positive impact on quality of education [16]. Onemajor challenge was an ever increasing effort required todevelop and maintain a large number of educational tech-nologies, which often ends up as an overburden on theteachers [16].

In essence, this scenario poses grand challenges for en-gineering and computing such as (i) Advance personalizedlearning2 and (ii) Provide a teacher for every student3.From a technological perspective, the challenge is to facil-itate design and customization of educational technologiesfor scale and variety, where scale is the number of systemsto be developed and variety stems from variations in allaspects of teaching and learning.

2Grand Challenge 14 from Grand Challenges for Engineering,National Academy of Engineering of the National Sciences,

3Grand Challenge 3 from Grand Research Challenges in InformationSystems, Computing Research Association,

Preprint submitted to Journal of Systems and Software February 14, 2018

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This challenge is further exacerbated in Indian con-text owing to the need to design and customize educa-tional technologies for 22 Indian Languages and variantsfor a wide range of learners, teachers and in varied con-texts. This was also echoed in a steering committee meet-ing of planning commission4 which suggested that anytechnology-based solutions should be (i) based on strongpedagogical basis (ii) available for all Indian languages and(iii) flexible to cover varied teaching styles, different typesof learners and varied Indian contexts. Most importantly,the primary concern was in terms of the cost and effortrequired for creating and maintaining the technologies forthe scale and variety inherent for education in India.

To this end, the core contribution of this paper is a soft-ware product line approach to the design and customizationof educational technologies for scale and variety in the do-main of education and specifically adult literacy in India.The paper is organized as follows. We explain the core

concepts and definitions in next section. In Section§3, wepresent the challenge of scale and variety in the contextof adult literacy in India and outline the technologicalrequirements. The need for software reuse and softwareproduct line approach is motivated through literature inSection§4 followed by a brief overview of the proposed ap-proach in Section§5. We introduce a family of differentproduct lines in education domain in Section§6. A multi-level software product line covering the scope of productlines in this paper is presented in Section§7. We presenta software product line for a family of instructional de-signs in Section§8 along with feature models, feature at-tributes, feature configurations in subsequent sections. Wethen discuss a reference architecture in Section§8.4 that isused as the base for designing prototype platforms for in-structional design and eLearning Systems. In Section§9,we give two concrete examples of eLearning Systems forHindi and Telugu language generated from our prototypeplatforms. The experimental results and cost savings ofusing our approach are given in Section§10. We finallyend the paper with conclusions and future work of apply-ing software product lines for personalized learning.

2. Key Concepts & Definitions

Berger defines instructional design as a “systematic de-velopment of instructional specifications using learning andinstructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction”[17]. In this paper, we consider instructional design asan underlying structure consisting of different aspects ofinstruction such as goals, process, content aimed at (i)providing a base for quality of instruction (ii) facilitatingdesign of educational technologies

Educational Technologies - Educational technologies isa broad concept [18] sometimes used interchangeably with

4August 2011, Planning Commission is headed by the Prime Minsterof India and is later replaced by NITI AYOG, a think-tank forguiding the Government of India

terms such as learning technologies and instructional tech-nologies. One common definition from Association forEducational Communications and Technology (AECT) is“Educational technology is the study and ethical practiceof facilitating learning and improving performance by cre-ating, using, and managing appropriate technological pro-cesses and resources” [19]. According to Council for Edu-cational Technology, UK, “Educational technology can beconsidered as the systematic development, application andevaluation of systems, techniques and aids to improve theprocess of human learning.”

We consider “educational technologies as a set of pro-cesses, techniques, methods and tools that facilitate sys-tematic development of eLearning Systems based on well-established instructional designs.”

eLearning Systems - We consider eLearning Systems asa sub-class of educational technologies that are designedfor improving learning and teaching in a particular con-text. Specifically, we consider eLearning Systems5 as sim-ple multimedia systems that use audio and visual aspectsto teach reading, writing and basic arithmetic correspond-ing to physical instructional material in the context ofadult literacy in India [20]. In essence, educational tech-nologies facilitate systematic design of eLearning Systems.

3. The Scale & Variety Challenge - A Case Study

How to facilitate design and customization of eLearn-ing Systems to teach 287 million adult illiterates in Indiaspread across 22 Indian Languages, who are beyond theage of schooling, earning their livelihood, who speak theirnative language, but cannot read or write?

The world has undergone a rapid transformation intodigital age with over an estimated 7 billion mobile usersand around 2.4 billion Internet users worldwide [21]. How-ever, the same world has an estimated 775 million youngpeople and adults who are unable to read or write even inthe digital era [22]. Surprisingly, India itself has around37% of them, who are beyond the age of schooling, speaktheir language, but cannot read or write and spread across22 Indian Languages [22].In addition, according to reports from Government of

India, the present average of adult illiterates taught by in-structors is around 106, whereas even assuming 200 adultilliterates per year for 5 years would still need a dedicatedforce of 287,000 instructors. The National Literacy Mis-sion (NLM) of Government of India (GoI) has been striv-ing to address this challenge since 1988 and has created auniform methodology for teaching adult illiterates acrossIndia [23]. In the literature, there were several efforts of

5We also use the term iPrimers for eLearning Systems in the contextof adult literacy in India

6August 2016, Personal Communication, State Resource Center Di-rector, Telangana, India under the programme of “Each one, teachten”


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using technologies such as radio, television and even mo-biles to reach out to adult illiterates in India [24] [25].

A technology initiative by Tata Consultancy Services(TCS), an Indian Software Consultancy Services firm, aspart of their Corporate Social Responsibility program con-sists of 9 eLearning Systems for 9 Indian Languages andhas made around 120,000 people literate [26]. While theseexperiments have yielded significant productivity increaseover Government of India efforts, with decreasing dropoutsand increasing pass rates [26], the instructional design wasconstant and the eLearning Systems are monolithic in na-ture making their customization an open challenge. Wehave applied the ideas of software reuse and reduced theeffort from 5 to 6 person years spread over 2 calendar yearsto 5 to 6 person months in 6 calendar months for devel-oping an eLearning System [20]. But this approach is forautomating a family of eLearning Systems based on a fixedinstructional design whereas the dire necessity is to designeLearning Systems for flexible instructional designs andfurther customize them for 22 Indian Languages and vari-ants. This presents the following key requirements andchallenges, setting the context for this paper:

• Facilitate design of eLearning Systems for 22 IndianLanguages and dialects (scale).

• Facilitate the design of these eLearning Systems forflexible instructional designs (varying goals, processesand content) catering to the varying needs of 22 In-dian Languages and variants.(variety)

• Facilitate the development of instructional design edi-tors for creation of customizable instructional designs.

• Facilitate quality of instruction by basing the designof these eLearning Systems on instructional design.

Even though these challenges are specific to adult liter-acy, design of eLearning Systems for other forms of educa-tion such as schooling, skills, engineering, and customizingthem for varied contexts and delivering them in multiplelanguages makes it a grand challenge. Table 1 shows anexample possibility of designing eLearning Systems for sixsubjects from K1 to K12 with each of them having variedgoals/process/content to be delivered in 22 Indian Lan-guages and variants. The problem in these cases is of scaleand variety during the design of these eLearning Systemsfor varied instructional designs.

In the next section, we present an overview of litera-ture for design of educational technologies from a softwareengineering perspective.

4. Related Work

Explicit modeling of instructional design and its vari-ants is a fundamental aspect to facilitate scale and vari-ety inherent in the problem domain. In the context of

Table 1: Scope of Educational Technologies - An ExampleClass 1st, 2nd, 3rd

LanguageMaths Science Social

K1 l1...l22|Varyinggoals/process/content

l1...l22 l1...l22 l1...l22

K2 l1...l22|Varyinggoals/process/content

l1...l22 l1...l22 l1...l22

K3 ... ... ... ...K12 l1...l22|Varying

goals/process/contentl1...l22 l1...l22 l1...l22

this paper, we consider instructional design as an under-lying structure that encompasses principles of instructionto facilitate design of educational technologies. There hasbeen extensive research on modeling instructional designfor the last several years resulting in a plethora of edu-cational modeling languages (EMLs) [27] [28] [29] such aspoEML [30], PALO [31], Web COLLAGE [32] as a way tomodel and reuse aspects of instructional design. Sampsonet al. presented an open access hierarchical framework forintegrating open educational resources at different levelsof granularity [33]. IMS-LD emerged as a standard forlearning design [34] and then focus shifted to tools such asLAMS [35] and LDSE [36] that aim to support teachers. Avision paper aimed to create an approach that integratesmost of these tools towards an integrated learning designenvironment [37]. Despite this rapid progress, many re-searchers have pointed to several shortcomings of model-ing and reusing instructional design such as complexity ofauthoring, lack of adequate tool support, interoperabilityand inability to support teachers [38]. In addition, severalresearchers have used ontologies as a means to representdifferent aspects of instructional design [31] and learningdesign using IMS LD [39]. LOCO [40] was presented asan ontology to bridge the gap between learning objectsand learning designs through context. However, these on-tologies and tools based on them are tightly coupled witheach other and do not support for modeling instructionaldesign variants making it difficult for design of eLearningSystems for scale and variety.Development of software components for the domain of

education started way back in 1999 [41]. But the use ofsoftware engineering approaches in educational technolo-gies has garnered significant attention with the advent ofreuse of learning objects [42]. Designing reusable learn-ing objects was extensively studied by several researchers[42][43][44] [45] [46][47] [48] in educational technologies butmost of these efforts have not been very fruitful due tolack of emphasis on critical aspects of instructional de-sign [49] [50] [51] [52] [53]. Design principles from softwareengineering were borrowed to facilitate reuse of learningobjects [44]. However, this emphasis itself has led to se-vere criticism on software engineering being misused inthe context of learning objects from a learning perspective[51]. Researchers have used model driven development


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to facilitate reuse of learning objects [54]. Dodero et al.further proposed a model-driven approach to learning de-sign, a domain-specific language and a tool based on thisapproach to facilitate modeling of learning designs [55].A model-driven development approach for learning designusing the LPCEL Editor was proposed in [56]. But de-spite the advantages of these generative approaches, it wasnoted that the complexity of authoring process increasesbecause of model development required from domain ex-perts [57]. The term educational software engineering wascoined in [58] but the focus has been on games for softwareengineering education.

One area of work that is directly relevant to this paperis called as Software Product Lines (SPLs) that facilitatessystematic reuse across a family of systems [59]. Overthe last two decades, there has been an extensive researchon SPL as evidenced through a series of focused confer-ences such as Software Product Lines Conference (SPLC),workshops like Variability Modelling of Software-intensiveSystems (VaMoS), Product Line Approaches in SoftwareEngineering (PLEASE). An analysis of the literature onSPL reveals that are two major terminologies to discussthe idea of developing a family of software-intensive sys-tems. Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has steered theresearch and development on software product lines (some-times called as software product family) and has publishedseveral technical reports and case studies [59]. On theother hand, several researchers and organizations also usedthe term “software product line engineering” for their workin the area of SPL [60]. Several organizations, univer-sities and research institutes performed collaborative re-search on SPL, which supported the systematic buildingof a community of software product line engineering re-search and practice. Some of those projects include ARES(1995-1998), PRAISE (1998-2001), ESAPS (1999-2001),CAFÉ (2001-2003), and FAMILIES (2003-2005). In 2014,Metzger and Pohl have done an extensive study of 600 ar-ticles published in the area of SPL and noted that therehas been impressive quantitative and qualitative progressin the field with key challenges for industrial adoption [61].Krueger has suggested three ways of adopting SPLs [62](i) proactive, in which the entire product line is plannedand developed from scratch (ii) extractive, that focuseson analyzing a set of existing products and moving to-wards an SPL (iii) reactive, that starts with one prod-uct and extends into an SPL. Depending on the productline strategy an organization can choose the appropriateproduct line adoption approach. There are several ap-proaches for development and analysis of SPLs in the lit-erature [63][60][64][65][66]. One related approach proposedfor the domain of flight control focuses on using architec-ture and design patterns for SPL [67] but largely confinesto modeling variability. Researchers have also used ontolo-gies for modeling and configuring variability during SPL[68][69] [70]. A software product line is developed based onontologies for developing knowledge-driven semantic webapplications [71] to facilitate interoperability between se-

mantic services and intelligent agents. A more detailedaccount of research in SPL can be found in [61] and a re-cent bibliographic analysis of research in SPL over 20 yearsis provided in [72].On the other hand, many of the SPL approaches have

been applied in the last couple of decades in practiceacross several domains with successful results [73]. How-ever, there is sparse research on applying SPL in the do-main of technology enhanced learning [74]. Pankratius hasproposed PLANT as a product line based approach forcreation and maintenance of digital information products[75]. In our prior work, we proposed TALES as an ap-proach for automating the development of eLearning Sys-tems [20]. A software product line methodology for devel-opment of e-learning system for a six sigma course was pro-posed in [76]. A domain engineering activity for interac-tive learning modules is proposed in [77]. [78]. A softwareproduct line for m-learning focusing on programming isdiscussed in [79]. However, none of these approaches con-sider instructional design domain as the basis and do notfocus on scale and variety inherent in the problem domainof education. After a critical analysis of literature, we findthat SPL is largely undermined in technology enhancinglearning community despite their significant potential andhence motivating our approach.

To summarize, existing approaches in the literature fo-cus on either modeling instructional design from learningperspective or on software reuse and not both presenting astrong motivation and need for our approach.

5. High-Level Overview of Proposed Approach

Design of educational technologies for scale and varietywhile maintaining quality is a major challenge requiringresearch from several disciplines such as learning method-ologies, educational technologies, software engineering andhuman-computer integration. For the last several years,we have been working on creating several technologicalaids to support education in India with our research span-ning across educational technologies [80][81], software en-gineering [82] and human computer interaction (HCI) [83].We have briefly summarized some of these different per-spectives in [84]. However, the focus of this paper is onapplying software engineering approaches and principles toaccelerate the design of educational technologies for scaleand variety based on well-established learning methodolo-gies and demonstrate it in the case of adult literacy. Tothis end, we rely on the following inputs from domain:

• An educational philosophy that provides a strong ba-sis for learning and teaching.

• Instructional material devised by domain expertsbased on the above methodology.

• Field tested eLearning Systems based on this instruc-tional material.


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Figure 1: Existing and proposed approach for design of educational technologies for scale and variety

Figure §5 shows a simple schematic of the existing ap-proach (top) and proposed approach (bottom) for designof iPrimers for adult literacy in India. In the existingapproach, individual software development teams developiPrimers for every primer and all these primers are basedon a single instructional design methodology i.e., IPCLin the case of adult literacy in India. The core idea ofthe proposed approach is to systematically model differ-ent aspects of instructional design using patterns [85], con-cretely represent them using ontologies [86] and then applya software product lines approach for semi-automaticallygenerating eLearning Systems for varied instructional de-signs and multiple languages. The key difference is thatthe proposed approach can handle the scale and varietyfor flexible instructional designs instead of re-developingeLearning Systems for every new case and every change inthe inputs and eventually allowing flexible modeling of in-structional designs and creation of customizable iPrimers.In the next section, we motivate the need for software

product lines in the context of educational technologies.

6. Families in Educational Technologies

The predominant way of developing software today is ei-ther a generalized product such as Office, Gmail or Payrollfor a large number of customers or specific software that isdesigned for individual customers as in service based orga-nizations. Consider the scenario of software for all banks?Is it same for all banks? Is it different for all banks? Sim-ilarly, if we consider software for all accounting systems?Is it same or different? The idea of looking at softwaresystems as a family rather than completely different in-

dividual systems offers several advantages [87]. A familyof systems can be at different levels of granularity withmultiple sub-families within families and also a hierarchyof families. In this section, we discuss several families thatare of interest to us in this paper. A family of systems canbe defined as a set of systems that share more commonproperties with other members in the set than differencesproviding unique advantages to address the common andvarying needs of specific markets [87].

6.1. Instructional Design as familiesIn this paper, we consider Instructional Design as a fun-

damental tenet that forms the basis for design of educa-tional technologies. How is instructional design developed?Is it developed from scratch? or reused from existing re-sources? Are instructional designs common across sub-jects? learners? teachers? or universities? How manyinstructional design theories are present in the literature?What is common across them? Can instructional designsbe considered as a family? Charles Reigeluth has exten-sively studied instructional design theories and models anddocumented them in three voluminous books [88][89][90].His vision was to build a common knowledge base and acommon language about instruction [88]. We can classifyinstructional design in the form of several families and atdifferent levels of granularity as shown in Figure §2. Forexample, we can consider the three fundamental ways ofcognitivism, behaviourism and constructivism or we cangroup them based on models such as Gagne’s model [91],Dick and Carey’s model [92] , or the generic ADDIE pro-cess that is followed in most of the instructional designs.Each of these models can be grouped as a family based


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on subjects like STEM or K-12 or can also be formed asa family primarily based on learning styles such as Visual,Kinesthetic, Auditory. Here [A] and [B] in Figure §2 are atone level of granularity whereas [C] and [D] are at the nextlevel of granularity. This can be further refined into a hi-erarchy of families till the lowest level of granularity. Theclassification primarily depends on the goals of the specifictarget organization or stakeholders. For example, if a uni-versity has professors who are keen on using “learning bydoing” approach, then a family of instructional designs canbe modeled with “learning by doing” as the base approachand adapting it for different kinds of learners and sub-jects. On the other hand, if a university policy mandatesaccreditation with a national body, then all instructionaldesign should use principles of accreditation as base andthen adapt them for specific needs. It is mandatory thatall members belonging to a family have certain commonproperties and vary on some aspects making them fit forthe specific purposes.

The core idea is not to look at every instructional de-sign as a unique case but as a family of similar but distinctinstructional designs, to leverage the common propertiesof the family and facilitate flexible instructional designs.Merrill has distilled a large number of instructional designmodels and came up with five fundamental principles thatare common across many instructional design models [93]and there can be several variants based on these princi-ples giving a family of instructional designs. We use thepattern categories identified in [85] as base for modelinginstructional designs and variants. However, consideringthe generic scope of all instructional designs in the litera-ture is out of scope of this paper.

6.2. Adult Literacy as familiesShould there be a universal technological solution for

teaching all 287 million adult learners across India? orShould there be unique solution for every learner? Thisleads to a trade-off and need for a balanced solution be-tween one-size-fits-all and unique-for-every-dimension so-lutions. NLMA, the highest authority for adult literacy in

Figure 2: Few sample instructional design families

India has devised a uniform methodology called IPCL asthe base for creating instructional designs for all languagesacross India [23]. The handbook of IPCL provides guide-lines for customizing different aspects of instruction basedon several dimensions [23]. The key goals for adult liter-acy primers are to create immense interest in the learnersand provide functional knowledge that can add value tolearners’ daily life [94]. These common goals have to becustomized for learners spread across India based on socio-cultural and local contexts.

Figure 3: Few sample families of adult literacy domain

Based on [94] and [23], we show a portion of family fororganization of adult literacy domain in Figure §3. Twocommon components of this family are Process and Con-tent, where each one of them will have core aspects that arepresent in every family member and can also impose someconstraints. The process followed for adult literacy in Indiais generally driven by eclectic method that starts teachingfrom known to unknown with gradual progress in learning.Now, any instructional design for adult literacy domain inIndia that comes under this family must follow eclecticmethod unlike synthetic method that teaches from alpha-bets to words. The process itself can have many numberof activities such as StoryTelling, GroupDiscussion, Role-Play that can be customized based on specific needs. Thisfamily also says that Content should be present and can befurther divided into CoreContent and LocallyRelevantCon-tent. CoreContent mandates topics such as national inte-gration, secularism, democracy, scientific temper, commu-nal harmony, women’s equality, population education anddevelopment, etc. whereas LocallyRelevantContent will becustomized by specific states and stakeholders based onlearner’s livelihood, their socio-cultural realities, specialissue-based and thematic aspects such as gender parity,health and hygiene, agricultural, animal husbandry, self-help groups, local self-government, livelihood programmes,etc. Then same family can be classified based on the pri-mary topic/knowledge that can be used to teach knowledgethat will be useful for learners in their daily life. LegalLiteracy can focus on teaching learners laws pertaining tothem, how to seek help from law whereas Scheme Literacy


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can provide knowledge of Government schemes. Skill Lit-eracy can help them in gaining knowledge pertaining toa particular skill like tailoring, plumbing and so on. The-matic Literacy is a generic way to accommodate themesthat can be local to the specific audience and AgricultureLiteracy can provide farming knowledge. Each of thesefamilies can mandate that any adult literacy instructionaldesign based on the corresponding family should be withinthe scope of the defined goals and constraints. These com-mon themes are combined with specific needs of the par-ticular segment of learners to deliver a specific and cus-tomized instructional design. These commonalities andvariabilities among family members are generally modeledusing feature diagrams in SPL [95][96].

6.3. eLearning Systems as familiesEventhough we do not focus on modeling variants of user

interface in this paper, it can be a critical source of vari-ability for eLearning Systems. There exists certain waysto model user interfaces [97] as a hierarchy of Presenta-tion Units that allow navigation between them and eachof the units further contain UI elements such as buttons,textboxes and so on. These UI elements have propertiessuch as name, data and so on. Each of these elements alsohave properties to describe their visual appearance suchas color, font and so on. The user interface can be mod-eled for different platforms like Desktop, Web, Mobile orthe user interface can also be modeled using structural andbehavioral elements. These elements can be organized at ahigher level of abstraction in different ways giving severaluser interface variants. For example, there can be severalViews of Model-View-Controller pattern corresponding todifferent variants of user interfaces. In the case of adultliteracy eLearning Systems, we are interested to model theuser interface elements primarily with three resources text,image, audio.In the next section, we present a multi-level software

product line that connects multiple software product linesin this paper.

7. A Family of Software Product Lines

Figure §4[A] succinctly summarizes different levels ofproduct lines that we considered in this paper. We reiter-ate our notion of instructional design as a set of goals, pro-cess, content, context, evaluation, environment and so ontowards facilitating learning. Figure §4 [A] is a meta-levelproduct line that deals with creating specific instructionaldesigns from a chosen base instructional design. Here,there could be several sub-product lines focusing on a par-ticular instructional design. For example, an instructionaldesign like learning by doing [LBD] might be chosen as thebase for all instructional designs in a particular university.Then, the derivations of LBD customized as per specificrequirements of the courses in the university form a prod-uct family. Here, the input is a specification or schema

of an instructional design and can consist of all features[including pre-requisites, activities, assessment and so on].All product family members might not require all the fea-tures of LBD and hence only a subset of this instructionaldesign specification is required for specific instructional de-sign requirements. The scope of this meta product line isto create custom instructional design specifications basedon a given instructional design specification. Similarly,there can be a number of sub-product families within thisproduct line pertaining to a type of instructional designinquiry-based learning, IPCL for adult literacy and so on.How to create instances of the custom instructional de-

sign specifications? Figure §4[B] shows a product line atthe next level whose product family members are custominstructional design editors that take an instructional de-sign schema7. We designed a prototype to generate thesecustom editors based on the specific instructional designspecifications (instances). Each of these editors can beused to generate the concrete instructional designs withdata. Even though motivated by adult literacy, these twoproduct lines are in the context of generic instructionaldesign. To co-relate with literature from educational tech-nologies, these editors are similar in principle to learn-ing design editors such as ReLoad and ReCourse Editor[98], ASK-LDT Editor [99], LAMS [35], Learning Designer[100], COLLAGE [101], Web-COLLAGE [32], ILDE [102][103] and so on, where each of these editors are single sys-tem development initiatives as part of EU funded projectsunlike the proposed product line approach.Figure §4[C] shows the next level of product line that

is specific to a custom instructional design specification,in this case one based on IPCL and adult literacy in-structional design. We designed a prototype that takesa specific instance of adult literacy instructional designand generates eLearning Systems, which are the productfamily members for this product line.

Over the last decade or so, SPL community has wit-nessed a voluminous number of tools from academia aswell as industry to support the entire software productline development life cycle [65][104]. We have primarilyused two tool suites for modeling features in our SPL (i)FeatureIDE is developed on top of Eclipse and is quiteuseful as it supports multiple feature modeling techniquesand also for generating code in several programming lan-guages [105]. (ii) feature modeling plugin from Universityof Waterloo is a dated solution specifically useful for car-dinal features and feature cloning and feature attributes[106]. For example, a fact in ContentPattern as a featureshould be cloned for various instances. In their research,the same group has produced a minimalistic modeling lan-guage called Clafer and a set of tools as part of SPL plat-form [107]. The primary goal of Clafer is to address longstanding concerns (merging feature and class models, map-ping features to component configurations) in feature mod-

7A detailed listing of the instructional deign specification is availableat


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Figure 4: Multi-level software product lines


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eling by integrating feature modeling and meta modelingwith rich semantics [107]. However, we realized that owingto the specific requirements from educational technologiesdomain, there is a strong need to extend the idea of featureattributes such that data pertaining to aspects in instruc-tional designs can be annotated with feature models. Fordemonstration purposes, we have manually annotated fea-tures with concrete data for further processing by tools.

In the next sections, we succinctly describe the twoproduct lines for instructional design and eLearning Sys-tems.

8. A Software Product Line for a family of Instruc-tional Designs

8.1. A Basic Feature ModelHow to model the mammoth number of instructional

designs in a systematic way? Based on patterns [85] andontologies [86], we present a feature model for modelinga family of instructional designs. Here, we consider stan-dard definitions from SPL literature [96] where a feature isa characteristic or end-user-visible behavior of a softwaresystem, a feature model essentially consists of all the fea-tures of a product line and their relationships. A productmember of a product line is specified by a valid featureselection. Figure §5 shows a generic feature model cre-ated using FeatureIDE and consists of mandatory featuresGoalsPattern, ProcessPattern, ContentPattern, Evalua-tionPattern, and optional features ContextPattern, Envi-ronmentPattern, which means that any instructional de-sign created from this model must specify these aspectsas per the constraints posed in the feature model. Forexample, the instructional designer has a choice betweentwo ways of specifying goals namely Bloom or ABCD tech-nique. Figure §6 shows few more details of a feature modelfor instructional process based on ProcessPattern and Pro-cessOntology. However, as specified in Section §8.2, we areinterested in feature models with cardinalities, feature at-tributes and hence we use feature modeling plugin.

8.2. Feature AttributesFeature models primarily specify the features of all prod-

uct members in a product line primarily from a user per-spective. However, if feature models have to be used for(semi-)automatically generating product members or inproviding a partial implementation from domain engineer-ing, then feature description alone might not be sufficientand features have to be extended with additional knowl-edge. For example, to represent syllables such as इ, प inadult literacy, a text in unicode should be associated withevery feature of that type. Similarly, a goal might have apriority and can be High, Medium, Low. This data can beused by tools during application engineering. However, itwas studied that cardinalities and feature attributes makeit difficult for verification of valid feature configurationsand hence could be useful in only specific domains [108].

In our case, we use cardinalities to impose constraints onthe product member and annotate features with data tofacilitate further processing by tools. While a feature mod-eling plugin for Eclipse supports feature attributes [106],it is a preliminary prototype developed way back in 2004and was moved towards the direction of formal verifica-tion of features through Clafer platform[107]. This needfrom educational technologies domain requires features tobe more powerful and expressive than current notations.This is a future direction beyond this paper and we restrictourselves to manually annotate features with attributes re-lated to instructional design for our purposes.

8.3. Product Family Members, Feature Model and FeatureConfigurations

Figure §7 shows a brief description of requirements offour different kinds of instructional design specificationsfor adult literacy. IPCL is the base instructional designfor all instructional designs for adult literacy in India. ForID Specification 1, the base ID is provided by IPCL con-sisting of a set of guidelines for creating primers for allIndian languages based on a core structure, process andcontent. The essence of IPCL concept is to teach by cre-ating relevant content for learners. Figure §7 shows threeconcepts namely Goals, Process and Content for differentinstructional design specifications. The primary goals areReading, wRiting and aRithmetic at three levels as perthe progress of the learners. IPCL describes that an in-structional process can be based on synthetic, analytic oreclectic method but suggests use of eclectic method. Con-tent is organized as instructional material in the printedprimer. There are several primers that are prepared basedon this specification and the instructional designer shouldbe able to model them using the product line.

ID Specification 2 family uses instructional design pat-terns in [85] to describe the Process and Content aspects ofthe instructional design whereas ID Specification 3 familyuses Bloom’s revised taxonomy for modeling goals, mapsProcess and Content patterns to Merrill’s principles of in-struction. ID Specification 4 does not use the patternsproposed in this paper but uses ABCD technique, Gagne’snine events of instruction for goals and process, and coreresources for content. Each of these instructional designspecifications can be used to create instructional designeditors specific to the family such that instructional de-signers can create several concrete instructional designsby changing the variabilities in terms of goals, process andcontent.

In Figure §8, we show a feature model8 encompass-ing key features of this product line. This is essentiallybased on the ontologies for different aspects of instruc-tional design comprising of mandatory features such asGoalClassification, IPCL, several optional features, selec-tive features and so on. InstructionaDesignModel has

8A detailed listing of the instructional deign feature model is pro-vided at


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Figure 5: A fragment of instructional design feature model

Figure 6: A fragment of instructional process feature model

three choices MerillModel, GagneModel and GenericAc-tivty. Once a teacher chooses MerrillModel, then First-Principles are mandated by default. In case of GoalPri-ority, only one priority out of High, Medium, Low can bechosen. The feature model also mandates that atleast onePlay, Act, Scene and Instruction are mandatory and can

go upto a maximum of 25.

Figure §9 shows different feature configurations for thedifferent product family members. A GoalFeature was con-figured in three ways as in Figure §9[A,B,C]. Similarly,ContentFeature was configured based on specific instruc-tional design requirements. The ProcessFeature was con-


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Figure 7: Custom instructional design specification requirements

Figure 8: A feature model for instructional design specification


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Figure 9: Feature configurations for varied goals and content

Figure 10: Feature configurations for varied instructional processes


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Figure 11: A reference implementation architecture for product lines in this paper

figured in two ways one using the ProcessPattern and theother using MerrillModel as shown in Figure §10. Thesepossible variations could run into thousands but valid con-figurations provide different instructional design modelswith varied goals, processes, content and so on. Thesecustom instructional design specifications are used to cre-ate custom authoring tools (editors) for creating instancesof the specific instructional design. We first present thereference implementation architecture in the next sectionfollowed by a software product line for eLearning Systemsin Section §9.

8.4. A Reference Implementation Architecture

The next step is to take these feature configurations andgenerate custom instructional design authoring tools (ed-itors) based on specific requirements. One of the key ar-chitecture requirements for this product line is that theproduct family members or web applications should run onlimited technical capabilities considering their deploymentenvironment. Internet connectivity cannot be presumed asmost of the systems would be in rural villages of India andmost of the teachers are either non-technical people or low-computer proficiency teachers. With this constraints, Fig-ure §11 shows a reference implementation architecture forthe product lines in this paper. This architecture can beimplemented in multiple ways but we discuss our currentimplementation here. An instructional designer/teachercreates the patterns as document/text and uses that tocreate an ontology through an ontology editor. We usedprotégé for creating ontologies in this paper. It can alsobe the case that an existing ontology be taken. For ex-ample, IMS-LD ontology is available in public domain [39]or a comprehensive ontology is available for instructionaldesign teaching learning theories [109]. This ontology can

be stored as OWL or RDF file. In addition, we also storeontology as an OWL/XML schema as the current versionof platform uses XML for storing knowledge. We also useJSON to store some parts of the OWL or XML for fur-ther processing by tools. This data is part of Model inModel-View-Controller pattern. We are currently usingJena API for processing OWL/RDF files and generatinga basic web application based on the data in the OWLfile. This web application uses the UI schema as input forthe generator. We are currently generating two families ofapplications (product family members) using this architec-ture. The first set of members are ID editors for selectedOWL/XML schema and the generator engine parses theOWL/XML and creates a web application that can be usedto create specific instances of instructional design. Theother set of applications are iPrimers or eLearning Sys-tems for adult literacy and the generator creates anima-tions based on the specific instructional design describedusing OWL/XML. This product line is explained in thenext section. The current implementation of reference ar-chitecture is primary based on files, does not use server butstores all resources in a single package and is implementedmostly using Javascript, jquery, Nodejs, Jena API, XMLparser, custom animations among others.

The concrete process of creating ID Editors9 is shownin Figure §12. The core input for this process comes inthe form of ID Specifications, which are created by do-main experts. These ID Specifications consist of differentaspects of instructional design such as goals, process, con-tent based on patterns detailed in [85] and ontologies in[86]. The ID Editor Product Line is an engine written in

9We will use the term ID Editors to mean Instructional Design Edi-tors


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Figure 12: Flow of Instructional Design Product Line

JavaScript10 that parses the ID Specification stored in theform of RDF/XML and generates ID Editors. This ID Ed-itor is a simple form editor consisting of selected aspectsof instructional design that are applicable for all instruc-tional design instances based on this concrete specification.This is unlike the current approach of manually creatinginstructional design editors for every instructional designspecification as discussed in Section §7. We have imple-mented this using multiple technologies such as Java11,Python12. However, the need has been to create multipleinstances of instructional designs which form the basis forseveral iPrimers. We discuss the product line for creatinga family of eLearning Systems in the next section.

9. A Software Product Line for a family ofeLearning Systems

The primary goal of this product line is to create a fam-ily of eLearning Systems based on specific instructional de-signs tailored to the needs of teaching functional literacyfor all Indian languages. The 32 State Resource Centersacross all states in India are responsible for producing thefollowing primers based on IPCL (first three are manda-tory and the rest depend on specific needs) under the aegisof NLMA:• Basic literacy primer [22+]• Post literacy primer [22+]• Life long literacy primers [22+]

10 implementation named Semantic Web Forms was

done by undergrad students as part of Software Engi-neering course at IIIT-Sri City, India and is available at

• Primers for teaching skills such as tailoring, vocationalskills (Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS), Life EnrichmentEducation and so on along with literacy [n+, wheren is in the order of hundreds]

• Exclusive primers were specifically made for legal lit-eracy, election literacy, agriculture literacy, environ-ment literacy among many others [n+, where n is inthe order of tens]

An important commonality among these primers is thatthey teach 3Rs but using varied instructional processes anddifferent themes. Each of these primers are generally avail-able in 22 languages. It is estimated that currently thereare atleast 1000 primers available with SRCs in print for-mat. Eventhough the primer is fixed till the next versionis developed, officers at different levels (mandal, village,school and teachers) attempt to customize the process,content and adapt it to the local context. For example,a simple way could be to ask the name of learners and findif they know how it looks like? and what are the syllablesin it? However, this is not supported in traditional printform, but is a great source of variability for iPrimers ofour product line. How to support immigrants at a givenplace who want to learn a local language but using theirmother tongue as medium of instruction? This leads toanother set of variations in the primers with medium ofinstruction being different for 22 Indian languages?

Technically, we are interested in iPrimers that are basedon field-tested eLearning Systems [26]. These applicationsare based on puppet theater model, where syllables areshown as falling puppets, joining together to form wordsand so on. The iPrimers, product members of this fam-ily should essentially follow instructional processes, use lo-cally relevant content and present a multimedia applica-tion with animations for the learners.

Figure §13 shows the flow of iPrimer Product Line. Thisproduct line essentially parses the instructional design in-


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Figure 13: Flow of iPrimer Product Line

stances to generate iPrimers. In the case of adult literacyin India, the iPrimer Product Line is based on a single IDSpecification driven by IPCL. This ID Editor is used tocreate several instances of the instructional design specifi-cation for varied processes, content and visual and audioelements. These instances are parsed by iPrimer ProductLine to eventually create iPrimers for multiple languagesand primers. Every instructional design instance leads toa varied iPrimer of the product line. The iPrimer Prod-uct Line has to be customized if the base ID Specificationis changed to other than pre-defined ID Specification asthe RDF/XML parser has to be re-written and it wouldtake about a person-week to re-write the parser for IDspecifications beyond adult literacy. Section §10 presentsthe results of cost savings of ID Editor Product Line andiPrimer Product Line. We used the iPrimer Product Lineto generate several iPrimers and discuss iPrimers for Hindiand Telugu Language in this section.

Figure §14 shows a fragment of primer of Hindi lan-guage. This primer has around 180 pages with 24 lessonsand each lesson teaching 3Rs. This primer is available inboth print as well as digitized format (pdf). This digitizedform is used as an input to a custom instructional designeditor for creating a custom instructional design instanceas shown on the right hand side. This OWL/XML file13

contains all the information related to a specific instruc-tional design and serves as the base for creating variationsbased on this instructional design. Figure §15 shows howsome variations can be created using the iPrimer Prod-uct Line. The iPrimer Product Line primarily reads theOWL/XML file for instructional process consisting of ac-tivities, their order, and content that has to be used in theprocess and generates animations accordingly. Everythingthat is shown in Figure §15 can be varied as per the featuremodel configurations discussed in earlier sections. This al-lows to rapidly customize the iPrimers and create new ones

13A detailed listing of this instructional design instance is availableat

by changing processes and content. Figure §16 shows howan iPrimer has been generated for Telugu language basedon a specific instructional design instance14. Here, theprocesses, content, user interface that are relevant for thatspecific instructional design have been generated. Figure§17 shows some variations that are possible for Telugu lan-guage. The core idea here is to be able to generate as manyiPrimers as possible with minimum effort by applying theidea of software product lines. We have observed that thisproduct line can be configured easily to create iPrimersbut one major obstacle is with respect to sound, whichhas to be created manually in the current version. How-ever, we are thinking of using teachers’/learners’ voice torecord instructions and content at a personalized level aspart of our future work.

10. Experimental Results

In this section, we discuss the experimental results ofusing our approach and technologies for (semi-)automaticcreation of ID Editors and iPrimers. We wish to reiteratethat the primary goal of this paper is to facilitate cus-tomization of educational technologies for scale and vari-ety and demonstrate it in the context of adult literacy inIndia. One of the core claims of software product lines isthat product lines facilitate creation of product variantsat reduced cost [60]. The literature has a number of mea-sures to calculate the cost and return on investment onsoftware product lines [110]. In this paper, we considerthe commonly used model of Structured Intuitive Modelfor Product Line Economics (SIMPLE) to measure theeffectiveness of product lines [60]. The SIMPLE modeldescribes seven scenarios for creation of SPLs that maytypically occur in an organization. The generic scenariois concerned with creation of SPLs and stand alone prod-ucts from existing products and resources. Specifically,

14Available at


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Figure 14: Primer and custom instructional design instance [XML from OWL] for Hindi language

Figure 15: iPrimer for Hindi language - generated from instructional design instance


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Figure 16: Primer and custom instructional design instance [XML from OWL] for Telugu language

Figure 17: iPrimer for Telugu language - generated from instructional design instance


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the SPLs in this paper fall into the category of Scenario 2,where the organization plans to develop a set of productsas a product line based on common core assets. The SIM-PLE model consists of four cost components to calculatethe total cost of SPLs [110].

• Corg - The cost to an organization for adopting prod-uct line approach instead of single system develop-ment. In this paper, the product lines are developedby researchers and hence no direct organization costs.However, in the long run, the organization that de-velops software for all iPrimers should incur costs fortransition to product line approach.

• Ccab - The cost to develop core assets that are reusableacross the product line. This cost includes the pat-terns discovered, ontologies created along with tradi-tional SPL activities.

• Cunique - The cost to develop unique features of theproduct beyond the product line. This generally in-volves manual effort to customize the generated prod-uct from the product line.

• Creuse - The cost to reuse core assets, adapt them forthe needs of developing new products in the productline.

The costs of developing a software product line for ndistinct products can be calculated as follows [111][112]:

Cost of building a product lineCSPL = Corg() + Ccab() +

∑ni=1(Cunique(producti) +


Cost of building n stand-alone productsCstand−alone =


where Cproduct is the cost of developing an individualproduct.

The savings of software product lines can be estimated as:Savings of product lines = Cstand−alone - CSPL

Tata Consultancy Services, an Indian software ser-vices organization has been involved with development ofeLearning Systems for adult literacy in India for more than15 years [26]. We use data from our earlier experience ofdeveloping eLearning Systems [20] and TCS’ statistics ondeveloping eLearning Systems for 9 Indian Languages[26]as the initial base for calculating cost savings of iPrimerProduct Line. The effort for creating an eLearning Sys-tem was around 5 to 6 person years and in our earlierwork, we have applied software reuse techniques and re-duced the effort for creating eLearning Systems to 5 to 6person months [20]. Each existing iPrimer approximatelyconsists of 20,000 visual elements; 2,500 sound elementswith 500 words based on a physical primer for a language.These elements are organized in the form of approximately24 lessons constituting an eLearning System for teaching










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12






Number of iPrimers



Figure 18: Cost Savings of iPrimer Product Line










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12






Number of ID Editors



Figure 19: Cost Savings of ID Editor Product Line

3Rs. The iPrimer Product Line essentially generates these24 lessons as shown in Figure §15 and Figure §17 for Hindiand Telugu languages with manual inputs for words andsounds. Based on this existing data, we evaluate the costsavings of iPrimer Product Line as follows:Here, we present the costs for building 9 products i.e.,


Cost of building a product lineCSPL = 6 person-months + 12 person-months + 9 * (2

person-weeks + 1 person-week)CSPL = 25 person-months

Cost of building n stand-alone productsCstand−alone = 9 * 6 person-months

Cstand−alone = 54 person-months

where Cproduct, the cost of developing an individualproduct is 6 person-months.

The savings of software product lines can be estimatedas:

Savings of product lines = 54 person-months - 25person-months i.e., 29 person-months

Table §2 shows the individual cost components foriPrimer Product Line and Figure §18 shows the cost ofcreating iPrimers with and without our approach. The


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Table 2: Cost components of iPrimer Product LineCostCompo-nent



Corg() 6 person-months

In case of iPrimer Product Line, we do not have a single organizationbut we have developed the product line as part of this paper essentiallymeaning no direct cost for an organization to adopt the product lineapproach. However, based on our experience and collaboration withTCS, we consider a time of 6 person-months as an organizational cost.

Ccab() 12person-months

Core assets in the case of iPrimer Product Line are ontologies of instruc-tional design that were developed based on patterns, which are repre-sented in RDF/OWL format, JavaScript files, a parser that reads config-uration files as an XML and generates instances, UI components such asanimation generator and so on. We have spent around 12 person-monthsto create this core asset base which is part of the reusable infrastructureof this product line.

Cunique() 2 person-weeks

The unique parts of the iPrimers are primarily process steps and contentin terms of words, syllables, which have to be extracted from a soft copyof the primer or to be entered manually. In addition, the software hasto be adapted to handle special syllables or words that are specific tothe particular language. The cost to create sound files for new wordsis a major source of manual effort as text-to-speech tools for IndianLanguages are not yet acceptable for purposes of literacy teaching.

Creuse() 1 person-week

The cost to modify existing resources i.e., instructional design instancewith data or raw XML aspects for user interface elements pertaining toa specific iPrimer.

Figure 20: Teachers using iPrimer Product Line to create iPrimers

horizontal axis shows the number of iPrimers and the ver-tical axis shows the number of person-months required todevelop the iPrimers. The graph shows that the break-even for the initial investment in terms of core asset baseis for 3 or 4 iPrimers after which as the number of iPrimersto be developed increases, the cost required for developingthem in a stand-alone fashion increases rapidly whereas itis steady in the case of SPL. The iPrimer Product Line

hosted at was used by a low-computer proficiency teacher at State Resource Center,Telangana, India to create 10 lessons of iPrimer based anewly released physical primer. This iPrimer was pack-aged as an android app using Apache Cordova15 and ishosted online at Google Play Store Store16. The low-



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computer proficiency teacher was able to create theselessons in about a day but without audio and the instruc-tional design instance created using the iPrimer ProductLine is available on Github 17. The primer was also listedon Government of Telangana websites18. In addition, aworkshop was conducted in November 2016 for 24 preraksof adult literacy on the use of iPrimer Product Line. Fig-ure §20 shows a glimpse of the session where teachers usediPrimer Product Line to create partial lessons based ondynamic words given by the audience.

We have also populated the cost of developing ID Edi-tors with and without SPL in Figure §19. Here, the costof manual effort for customizing the generated ID Editoris one person-month instead of three person-weeks as iniPrimer Product Line.

11. Conclusions

In this paper, we aimed at creating an approach fordesign and customization of educational technologies toaddress scale and variety in education. Specifically, weaddressed the need to support creation of eLearning Sys-tems for flexible instructional designs and multiple In-dian Languages in the context of adult literacy in In-dia. We explained the development of software productlines for a family of (i) instructional designs (ii) eLearningSystems and discussed how these are connected to eachother through a reference architecture. We demonstratedour approach by creating an ID Editor Product Line andiPrimer Product Line and further semi-automatically gen-erated eLearning Systems for adult literacy case study.The work presented in this article is one of the first at-tempts of large scale application of software engineeringapproaches for educational technologies and can lead toa significant line of research in the area of software reuseand software product lines.

12. Future Work - Software Product Lines for Per-sonalized Learning

Even though the software product line approach out-lined in this paper is a natural way to address scale andvariety of educational technologies, personalized learningis a grand challenge for computing requiring further re-search from software product lines community.

• Using current feature modeling notations, featurescan only be selected for product configuration butthe need in educational technologies is to have fea-tures that have knowledge associated with them fordifferent aspects of instructional design such as goals,process steps and content, which is not possible with

17 and State Resource Center, Government of

Telangana at

current notations. For example, expressing goals us-ing Bloom’s taxonomy or ABCD technique could be afeature but specifying an exact learning goal requiresmore than just features.

• Design of light-weight approaches for SPL for educa-tional technologies domain is a definite need as in-structional design itself is a complex activity.

• Educational technologies domain presents the need fora family of product lines catering to the needs forvariety at multiple levels.

• The socio-technical nature of education domain mo-tivates the need for SPLs that are spread across do-mains such as learning methodologies, software engi-neering and human-computer interaction.

• Design of SPLs that span across different organiza-tions from different domains.

• Facilitating assembly of educational technologies fromopen educational resources and further customizingthem for personalized learning requires research in ev-ery aspect of software product lines from scoping toall aspects of domain and application engineering.

• In addition, lean and globally distributed softwareproduct lines could be two potential research direc-tions for addressing the challenges of designing edu-cational technologies for personalized learning.

From application perspective, software product lines canbe developed for multiple domains in education such asschools, skills and different forms of engineering and med-ical education.


We would like to thank TCS for providing us with initialinputs for this work, NLM for taking our work forward tocreate national impact, Government of Telangana for be-ing one of the first adoptors of our technologies and allfunding agencies for supporting several international re-search travels during this research.


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