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Love God. Love Others.

Reach The World.

The Word On Display Series

Part 3

“Recognizing the Word” Luke 8:22-25

Pastor Justin Greene

“Now on one of those days Jesus and His disciples got into a boat, and He said to them, ‘Let us go over to the other side of the lake.’ So they launched out.” Luke 8:22

October 4, 2015

The Word On Display

Church Calendar



7:00 a.m. Men’s Growth Groups

8:15 a.m. Prayer, Room 205

9:00 a.m. Worship Service

11:00 a.m. Worship Service

1:00 p.m. Missions Meeting


7:00 p.m. The Most Excellent Way


6:45 p.m. Club RockSalt

7:00 p.m. Ministry Night


9:30 a.m. Women’s Discipleship

12:00 p.m. Men’s Growth Groups

6:45 p.m. Worship Team Practice

7:00 p.m. Logos

7:00 p.m. High School Cause


6:00 a.m. Men’s Growth Groups

6:45 p.m. The Crossroad

7:00 p.m. Careers Group


3:45 p.m. Middle School Retreat



4:00 p.m. FPNO


• Middle School Cause Retreat

October 9-11

• Foster Parents’ Night Out

October 10

• Lord’s Supper

October 18

• Trunk R Treat

October 31

• Women’s Retreat

November 6-8

Do you need more information

about upcoming events?



New to SHC?

We’re glad you’re here!

We’d love to get to know

you and tell you more about our

ministries. Fill out a visitor card to be

contacted with more information.


Info & News

Missions Informational Meeting

There is a missions informational meeting today @ 1 p.m. for

anyone interested in joining a short term mission this year. Be

sure to check it out and learn about all the exciting things God is

doing around the world through missions.

Haiti Mission Trip

Please be praying for our team leaving for Haiti October 10-19. Be

praying for unity, health & safety, that the gospel would power-

fully go forth and God would receive all the glory.




Come to the table f�r a specia� �ea� t� ce�ebrate

the ��rd’s Supper t�gether

�ct�ber 18 @ 6p��

T� RSVP �r v��u!teer text 503&877&3786

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it i! a! �fferi!g b�x�

Trunk R Treat

Our annual Trunk R Treat is coming up October 31st from 3-

5pm. Candy collection continues at all of the entrances. We

are also looking for volunteers to set up, run activities, bring

a car and hand out candy, and clean up after the event. If

you are interested in serving, you can fill out a sign me up card or visit the

info table in the Welcome Center today. This event is a really fun way to

interact with the community, you won’t want to miss out on participating!

Women’s Retreat

Women’s Retreat returns to the beach this November 6-8.

Be sure to register online or in the Welcome Center today!

We are also collecting Chocolate at the entrances of the


The ministry of SHC is funded entirely by the generous giving of God’s people. You will notice that we do not pass the offering plate; however, there are offering boxes in the back of the auditorium. We believe from the Word of God that the Spirit of God will lead people towards giving back to God of their first fruits. “...God loves a cheerful giver,” (2 Cor. 9:7). Please prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do.

Monthly Budget Needed $107,000 Monthly Giving To Date For September $ 122,336 Fiscal ,Year to Date +/- +$ 18,506 Building Fund $ 30,662

SHC Staff


Justin Greene

Senior Pastor Carl Chica

Pastoral Care & Missions Matt MacCollin

Pastor of Men/Careers

Lay Elders

Chuck Moore

Ted Ferry


AJ Acker

Music Ministry Julie Bernard Women’s Ministry Laura Chica Women’s Biblical Counseling Jay Duffus

Men’s Biblical Counseling Ron Groves

Administrator Scott Hunter

Facilities Manager Russ Libby

Director of Ministries Pete Potloff

Director of Family Life Ed Reister

Community Connection Tim Saffeels

Director of Student Ministries

Giving Update


Our Purpose To reach people with the love of Jesus Christ,

provide a safe and supportive environment,

proclaim the standards of God’s truth,

duplicate the Christian life in others, and

celebrate the majesty and works of our Great




“Recognizing the Word” Luke 8:22 - 25

Presented by

Pastor Justin Greene

October 4, 2015

The Edmund Fitzgerald was built in 1958 as hull number

301 at the Great Lakes Engineering Works at River

Rouge, Michigan. More than 10,000 people watched

as the vessel slid into the water on June 8, 1958.

Possessing an overall length of 729 feet, she and her

sister ship, the Arthur B. Homer, became the largest

carriers on the Great Lakes.

On November 10, 1975, after seventeen years on

the lakes, the Edmund Fitzgerald, having left Duluth,

found herself in the worst storm to hit Lake Superior in

more than thirty years. Gale winds were being

clocked at 70 knots (80.5 miles per hour), and gusts

were reaching an incredible 96 miles per hour. Waves

were running thirty feet high. Men on the lake later

recalled how the wind in the rigging sounded like

‘dozens of air raid sirens, all going at once.’ The waves

pounding on the ships were, in their words, like ‘a

hundred wrecking balls’ all banging on the steel plates

of the hulls. Mountainous waves crashed over the

freighter, rolling 600 feet along the deck.

Shortly after seven o’clock in the looming

darkness the Edmund Fitzgerald’s long hull bent, then

bent further, then snapped like a broken bone. Her

two great pieces foundered momentarily and began

their tragic descent some 500 feet, settling 170 feet

apart on Lake Superior’s bottom. Some say that the

breakup happened in ten seconds. One instant she

was plowing through waves as high as a three-story

building, the next she was gone.

Though the Sea of Galilee is only five miles wide

and thirteen miles long, its perils are considerable, due

to the unique geography. The sea itself is an

incredible distance below sea level, and it is

surrounded by imposing mountains gouged with deep

ravines. These ravines serve as gigantic funnels that

bring winds whirling down upon the lake without

notice. These gales are often strengthened by a

thermal buildup in the extremely low valley that sucks

the cold air violently downward.

Such or similar conditions were coming to a peak

unbeknownst to the apostolic band when at the end

of the day Jesus directed his disciples to sail to the

other side of the lake. 1


• One of those days...

� These men knew boats and the sea.

� They felt they were doing a service for Jesus.

� No sign of complacency.

� This was Jesus’ plan! (God’s plan)

• Sometimes God’s plan leads to a storm!

• He fell asleep...They were in danger.

� The storm came suddenly.

� They were in a panic.

� Christ was asleep. (Only account we hear of Him

sleeping Matthew 8; Mark 4)

• Sometimes it feels like God is asleep...

• Then He got up...

� Christ is sovereign over the event.

� Christ is sovereign over the powers behind the


• Sometimes God’s intervention or provision is alarming.

• Where is your faith?...Who is this?

� Storms ≠ Punishment

Six Ways God Can Use Pain:

1. God uses pain to deepen our character

(Rom. 5:3-4).

2. God uses pain to reshape us (Heb. 12:10-11).

3. God uses pain to give us an eternal perspective

(2 Cor. 4:16-18).

4. God uses pain to protect us from ourselves

(2 Cor. 12:7).

5. God uses pain to cause us to “look up”

(Acts 9:1-9). (Grab our attention)

6. God uses pain to lead us to Himself

(2 Cor 7:8-9).

Modified from Mark Mittelberg

� Silence ≠ Indifference

� Stillness ≠ Understanding

• Sometimes the Lord is best revealed through a storm.

1Hughes, R. Kent, Luke Volume 1: That You May Know the Truth, © 1998, Crossway

Books, Wheaton, Illinois.

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