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Daniela RodríguezFacultad de Ingeniería Industrial 47122012Materiales--Canon

New Guide to science(p.187-267)

In the present work we will discuss the book "NEW GUIDE TO SCIENCE", more specifically we will discuss the approach of the author, Isaac Asimov, is a work in which can be read in a simple language, which determines an overview about the major events along the scientific history in which explains different ideas that can be considered basic, where important developments and discoveries have helped the consolidation of the humanity and the explanation of phenomena that are now considered normal.

In addition to a description of the discoveries that were happening by identifying the context of the time, it addresses not only the achievements obtained by any character if not also the theories that were refuted by other personalities in where managed to prove his theory above the previous.

It is important to emphasize the author's biography to know the context of his life Isaac Asimov nation in Petrovichi Russia, was naturalized American, was a writer, famous for his novels of science fiction and by the books written that were disseminated in all branches of science, professionalised thanks to the work being done in the journals of science fiction, it is known as scientific and literary writer; he entered the University of Columbia where he sold his first story in the magazine Amazing Stories.

After participating in World War II, Asimov has a Phd in Biochemistry in 1948 and from 1949 to 1958 he taught biochemistry at the University of Medicine in Boston. His first science fiction novel, stone in the sky, was published in 1950 and its first scientific book, a biochemistry text on writing with two colleagues, in 1953, from 1958 is devoted entirely to writing. Signed more than 500 books for young readers and adults who, in addition to the science-fiction, science and the cover stories of mystery, humor, history and several volumes on the Bible and Shakespeare.

This work is performed to determine the main ideas, i think it is important we delve into this book in that it sets out the major discoveries and breakthroughs that have come to make starting with the curiosity that invades the human being in the course of history.

To get started in this part of the book talks about the meteors and meteorites where there are some comparisons and also how they differ from one another, it

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Daniela RodríguezFacultad de Ingeniería Industrial 47122012Materiales--Canoncan also be seen in terms of how it was that it was called as well to these celestial bodies and how the ancient Greeks not only witnessed the fall of these, if not also the studied and determined that they were of iron. It should be noted that in the eighteenth century, when she was in her peak the illustration, it is said that science took a step back, since many scientists ridiculed the idea and the stories of that " the stones fell from the sky" , because of this many people that will take samples of these bodies were dismissed. A fact which took place in 1833, a large meteor shower, which for a few hours the sky became a castle made of fireworks that will begin to study meteors and was considered something serious.

In addition to this are described the meteors and speak of the total number of meteors that reach the Earth's atmosphere can be calculated, and has proved to be incredibly wide. Each day there are more than 20,000 that weigh at least 1 gram, and almost 200 million more than large enough to form a glow visible to the naked eye, and many billions more in smaller sizes. We know these very small micro meteors because the J air has been discovered that contains particles of dust in some ways behave differently and with a high nickel content, very different from the dust of the ground.

To complement the above speaks also of the meteorites. The majority of meteorites found in the soil (they are known about 1,700 in total, 35 of which weigh a ton each) have iron, and it appeared that the meteorites ferric outnumber those of the rock type. However, this theory proved to be wrong. A piece of iron that lies half buried in a stony field is very easy to notice, while a stone among other stones is not: a rocky meteorite, however, , Once investigated shows differences characteristics in comparison with the earth's rocks.

When astronomers counts were made of meteorites, which in reality were seen falling, they discovered that the stony meteorites outweighed the ferrous in the ratio of 9 to 1. (For a period of time, the majority of the stony meteorites were discovered in Kansas, which may seem strange until one realizes that, in the soil and sedimentary rocks of Kansas without, a stone is as noticeable as it would be a piece of iron in any other part.)

On the other hand it is also spoken of as the land has managed to be along the existence by turning around itself and touring around the space, the author of the work so defines or relate it to the "escape velocity".

Determine that an object launched with an initial speed of 11.23 km/s never fall to the ground and relitavely this speed does not comply with the phrase "what goes

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Daniela RodríguezFacultad de Ingeniería Industrial 47122012Materiales--Canonup must come down", despite the fact that the gravity will be decreasing your speed its effect will be in vain because that will never stop the object and therefore never fall on earth. From this it is said that the earth has a exhaust speed of 11.23 km/s, is related to this part of the chapter with the Moon is only 2,400 m/sec; the Mars, 5,148 m/sec; the Saturn, of 37 km/sec; Jupiter, the colossus of the Solar System, of 61 km/sec. In addition they also speak about the flying insects such as flies as small rockets that have in its flight large variations.

In chapter six the author speaks of that has already spoken about the universe in general, take the next step is to explain the elements that make up our whole existence for this is speaking of the periodic table.Determine the history and as was the origin of the periodic table or the first signs of this where the first Greek philosophers, whose method of approach of most of the problems was theoretical and speculative, came to the conclusion that the Earth was formed by a few "elements" or basic substances. Empedocles of Agrigento, around 430 of the J. C. , established that such elements were four: earth, air, fire and water. A century later, Aristotle postulated that the sky was a fifth element: the "aether". The successors of the Greeks in the study of matter, the medieval alchemists, while immersed in the magic and the quackery, arrived at the conclusionsmore reasonable and credible than in those that already at least handled materials on which speculated.

Also in this chapter talks about the atomic theory where the Greeks raised the question whether the matter was continuous or discontinuous, i.e.whether it could be divided and subdivided indefinitely in a dust increasingly fine, or if, at the end of this process is to reach a point in which the particles were indivisible. Leucippus of Miletus and his disciple Democritus of Abdera insisted -in the year 450 B.C. - in that the second scenario was true. Democritus gave these particles a name: the called "atoms" (or "not divisible" ).

To the extent that, was increasing the list of the elements, chemical began to be embroiled in an intricate weeds. Each element had different properties, and gave no with no formula to sort that series of elements. Since science has as purpose to seek order in a seeming disorder, the scientists looked for the possible existence of similar characters in the properties of the elements.

In this same context of the periodic table are speaking of the lost items therefore, in 1925 there were 88 elements identified: 81 stable, and 7, unstable. It is made

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Daniela RodríguezFacultad de Ingeniería Industrial 47122012Materiales--Canonmore pressing the search for the four that still missing: the numbers 43, 61, 85 and 87.Since among the known elements had a radioactive series -the numbers 84 to 92, could also be expected to be 85 and 87. On the other hand, the 43 and 61 were surrounded by stable elements, and there seemed to be no reason to suspect that they were not, in turn, stable. Therefore, should be found in nature, a fairly interesting explanation that makes us think the way in which the elements were organized taking into account the composition Literal of the same.

This is the same way about the gases The study of the gases or vapors continued to fascinate the chemicals, in part because they were allowed to engage in quantitative studies. The laws which determine its conduct are more simple and easy to set up than those that govern the behavior of liquids and solids. It was interesting and very atraedor for them since they could perform various experiments in which could realize what was happening experimentadolo through their senses.

At the same time talks about the liquefaction and itsn't supersize progress, for example in the rocket fuel which required a chemical reaction in end quickly, containing large amounts of energy. The most convenient type of fuel was one fluid, such as alcohol or kerosene and liquid oxygen. Oxygen, or some alternate oxidizing agent, must be carried in the rocket in any case, because the rocket is devoid of any natural supplement of oxygen when you leave the atmosphere. And the oxygen should not be found in liquid form, since liquids are more dense than the gas, and can be accommodated in the fuel tanks more oxygen in liquid form, which in gaseous form. Therefore, the liquid oxygen has been much requested for everything related to the rockets.To continue the metals metals most of the elements of the periodic table are metals. In reality, only 20 of the 102 may be regarded as non-metallic. However, the use of metals was introduced relatively late. One of the reasons for this is that.with rare exceptions, the metallic elements are combined in the nature with other elements, and are not easy to recognize or remove. The primitive man employment at the beginning only materials that could be handled through simple treatment, such as sculpting, crumbling, cutting and grinding. This restricted to bones, stones and wood-usable materials.To conclude all the themes enunciated and dealt with by the author helps us to be able to create a perspective of the origin of things where we can observe and analyze the why of things, it seemed to me that this work was very full already that not only speaks of the universe in general if not also runs to the particles that make up each a part of what we see around us. In addition to this it should be noted that i discovered things that for me personally i had no idea that it was related, as for

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Daniela RodríguezFacultad de Ingeniería Industrial 47122012Materiales--Canonexample the speed you need to be able to reverse the earth's gravity and get out of this, it is a book that reveals different discoveries and experiments that have helped the evolution of man for the improvement in the quality of our existence in addition to being able to know a little more about this wonderful world in which we inhabit.

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