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New Jersey Division of Taxation

Bulletin GIT-1T Pensions and Annuities

General InformationPension and annuity income is taxable and mustbe reported on your New Jersey income tax re-turn. However, in some cases, the taxableamount of pension or annuity you show on yourNew Jersey tax return may differ from theamount taxable for Federal income tax purposes.This is because you may have to use a differentmethod to calculate the taxable amount for yourNew Jersey return than the method you use forFederal income tax purposes.

All state and local government, teachers’, andFederal pensions, and Keogh Plans are treated inthe same manner as employee pensions andannuities from the private sector. Amountsreceived as “early retirement benefits” andamounts reported as pension on ScheduleNJK-1, Partnership Return Form NJ-1065 arealso taxable.

Social Security/Railroad RetirementBenefits/DisabilitySocial Security and Railroad Retirement benefitsare exempt from New Jersey income tax andshould not be reported as income. Paymentsfrom a public or private pension plan as a resultof total and permanent disability are alsoexempt. However, if an individual retired beforeage 65 on a total and permanent disability pen-sion and continues to receive pension paymentsafter age 65, the disability pension is treated asordinary pension beginning at age 65.

IntroductionThis bulletin explains how to report pension andannuity income on your New Jersey gross in-come tax return. It also describes the income ex-clusions which qualified taxpayers can use toreduce their New Jersey taxable income. Theforms, schedules, and worksheets used in thisbulletin to illustrate return completion are thosefor tax year 2007. Thus, the forms and amountsshown in the examples may not reflect currentinformation in subsequent tax years.

Important Changes• Beginning with tax year 2007, eligible tax-

payers will claim the New Jersey Pension Ex-clusion on Line 27a, Form NJ-1040 (Line27a, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR). Thischange will make it easier for filers to deter-mine whether or not they meet the incomerequirement for the Pension and Other Re-tirement Income Exclusions (total income forthe entire year of $100,000 or less).

• Any reference in this bulletin to a spousealso refers to a partner to a civil union (CU)recognized under New Jersey law.

NoteUnder the Federal Pension Protection Act of2006 (P.L. 109-280), for tax years 2006 and2007 taxpayers who are age 70½ or older canuse up to $100,000 a year withdrawn from theirIRA to make qualified charitable gifts withoutpaying Federal income tax on the IRA fundsdistributed. The New Jersey Gross Income TaxAct has no similar provisions that would allowtaxpayers to exclude such charitable distribu-tions from income. Thus, the taxable portion ofany IRA withdrawal must be reported as incomeon the New Jersey return.

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Military PensionsIf you are receiving a U.S. military pension orsurvivor’s benefit payments, the military pen-sion or survivor’s benefit is not taxable for NewJersey gross income tax purposes, regardless ofyour age or disability status. Do not includesuch payments on your New Jersey return.

Military pensions are those resulting from serv-ice in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps,or Coast Guard. This exemption does not applyto civil service pensions or annuities, even if thepension or annuity is based on credit for militaryservice. Most military pensions and survivor’sbenefit payments are received from the U.S. De-fense Finance and Accounting Service, while acivil service annuity is received through the U.S.Office of Personnel Management. For moreinformation on military pensions, request TaxTopic Bulletin GIT-7, Military Personnel.

Individual Retirement Arrangements(IRAs)An IRA is a personal savings plan in which youset aside money for retirement. Taxable amountswithdrawn from an IRA are reported on thesame line of the New Jersey tax return as tax-able pensions and annuities.

If you receive payments from an IRA, requestTax Topic Bulletin GIT-2, IRA Withdrawals, forinformation on how to calculate the taxable por-tion of the withdrawal for your New Jersey in-come tax return. For information on Roth IRAs,request Technical Bulletin TB-44. Do not usethe methods described here for calculating thetaxable portion of a withdrawal from a pensionor annuity for an IRA withdrawal.

Part-Year ResidentsAny person who became a resident of NewJersey or who moved out of this State duringthe year is considered a part-year resident. Apart-year resident files a New Jersey income taxresident return which covers the period of resi-dence in New Jersey and reports only the incomehe or she earned or received while a residenthere. Part-year residents must prorate all exemp-tions, deductions, credits, and exclusions (in-cluding the pension and other retirement incomeexclusions) to reflect the period covered by thereturn. For more information, request Tax TopicBulletin GIT-6, Part-Year Residents.

NonresidentsPension and annuity income received by a non-resident for work performed in New Jersey is nottaxable under the New Jersey Gross Income TaxAct. If your only income from New Jersey sourcesis pension or annuity income, you need not file aNew Jersey nonresident return. However, if youhave other income from New Jersey which is tax-able to a nonresident (e.g., wages, business in-come, gain from sale of real property in New Jer-sey), you are required to file a New Jersey IncomeTax Nonresident Return (Form NJ-1040NR) andreport any pension or annuity income in Col-umn A along with your other taxable income.

Withholding Tax and Estimated TaxNew Jersey residents who receive pension or an-nuity income may request the payer to withholdNew Jersey income tax from these payments. Ifyou wish to have New Jersey income tax with-held, complete Form NJ-W-4P, Certificate ofVoluntary Withholding of New Jersey Gross In-come Tax From Pension and Annuity Payments.

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Indicate the amount of tax to be withheld andgive it to the payer of the pension or annuity.

Federal civilian retirees can elect to have NewJersey income tax withheld from their Federalpension payments. Federal retirees wishing totake advantage of this option should call theU.S. Office of Personnel Management, theagency which oversees Federal pensions, at1-888-767-6738 or visit New Jersey withholdings are also per-mitted for retirees from the uniformed services.

Individuals who expect their New Jersey incometax liability to be more than $400 after taking in-to account all their exemptions, deductions,withholdings, and other credits for the tax yearare required to make quarterly estimated taxpayments. This requirement may affect taxpay-ers who do not have New Jersey income taxwithheld from their wages and/or pension, thosewho are self-employed, or those whose incomeis from sources such as interest, dividends, orcapital gains, which are not covered by with-holding tax. Use Form NJ-1040-ES to file esti-mated tax payments when due. For more infor-mation on estimated tax payments, request TaxTopic Bulletin GIT-8, Estimating Income Taxes.

RecordkeepingKeeping records will help you prepare a com-plete and accurate tax return and pay the correctamount of New Jersey tax on income from yourpension, annuity, or IRA.

Contributions. It is very important to keep anystatements that show your contributions to yourpension, annuity, or IRA. You will need this in-formation when you start to withdraw money

from the plan. You may have to pay more tax ifyou do not know the amount of your contribu-tions on which New Jersey income tax hasalready been paid.

Income Statements. Keep all the statementsfrom your pension, annuity, or IRA showing theamounts you have received from the plan. Theseinclude Forms W-2P and 1099-R.

Tax Returns and Worksheets. Keep copies ofthe tax returns you have filed and the income taxinstruction booklet as part of your records. Youmay need information from the return or fromthe worksheets in the instruction booklet to pre-pare future tax returns. This information is alsonecessary if you file an amended return. Copiesof your returns and other records can be helpfulto your surviving spouse/civil union partner, orthe executor or administrator of your estate.

Calculating Taxable AmountPensions and annuities fall into one of two cate-gories: noncontributory or contributory. A non-contributory plan is one to which an individualhas not made contributions, and a contributoryplan is one to which an individual has made con-tributions. The taxable amount you report onyour New Jersey income tax return will dependon whether the pension or annuity payment camefrom a contributory or a noncontributory plan.

Noncontributory PlansNoncontributory plans do not require anemployee to make contributions. Paymentsyou receive from such a plan are fully taxablebecause you have never paid tax on any of thefunds in the plan. You will report on your New

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Jersey income tax return the total amount of pen-sion or annuity shown on the Form 1099-R youreceive from the payer of the pension or annuity.

Contributory PlansContributory pension plans are structured insuch a way that an employee contributes moneyat set intervals and collects an annual pensionupon retirement. In most cases, pension contri-butions are made through salary deduction andare included in the employee’s gross incomewhen the contributions are made.

The total value of the pension or annuity con-sists of your contributions, your employer’s con-tributions, if any, and earnings. In general, yourpersonal contributions to the pension or annuityare taxed when they are made. Those contribu-tions, once taxed, will not be taxed again byNew Jersey. Thus, the part of a pension or annu-ity payment which represents a return of contri-butions which have already been taxed shouldnot be reported on your New Jersey income taxreturn. Any amounts you receive in excess ofyour previously taxed contributions are taxableand must be reported.

You must determine the taxable portion of pay-ments you receive from a pension or annuity towhich you have made contributions. For NewJersey purposes, you will use either the Three-Year Rule Method or the General Rule Methodto determine the taxable and nontaxable portionsof your pension or annuity. To determine whichmethod you should use, complete the followingworksheet.

NOTE: If your retirement plan is a 401(k) Plan,review the information on Section401(k) Plans on page 7 beforecontinuing.

Three-Year Rule MethodYou may use the Three-Year Rule Method todetermine your New Jersey taxable pension in-come if:

1. You will receive an amount equal to orgreater than your pension and annuity con-tributions within three years (36 months)from the date you receive your first paymentfrom the plan, and

2. Your employer contributed to the plan.

When using the Three-Year Rule Method, youexclude pension and annuity payments fromgross income until the payments received equalthe amount you contributed to the plan. Untilthat time, the amounts you receive, because theyare considered contributions, are not taxable andshould not be reported on your New Jerseyreturn. Once you have received (recovered) anamount equal to the amount you contributed tothe pension or annuity, all amounts you receiveare fully taxable.

Which Pension Method to Use

1. Amount of pension you will re-ceive during the first three years(36 months) from the date of thefirst payment ............................... 1. _______

2. Your contributions to the plan .... 2. _______3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 .......... 3. _______

(a) If line 3 is “0” or more, and both youand your employer contributed to theplan, you may use the Three-YearRule Method.

(b) If line 3 is less than “0,” or your employerdid not contribute to the plan, you mustuse the General Rule Method.

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NOTE: The Three-Year Rule Method has beenrepealed for Federal income tax pur-poses. If you recently retired, and areusing the Three-Year Rule Method forNew Jersey income tax purposes, theamount of taxable pension or annuityyou report on your New Jersey returnwill differ from the taxable amount onyour Federal return.

General Rule MethodYou must use the General Rule Method to deter-mine New Jersey taxable pension income when:

1. You will not recover all your personal con-tributions within three years (36 months)from the date you receive your first paymentfrom the plan; or

2. Your employer did not contribute to the plan.

When you use the General Rule Method, in thefirst year and every year thereafter, part of yourpension or annuity payment will be excludable(the portion of that year’s distribution whichrepresents your contributions) and part will betaxable. Use the General Rule Method Work-sheet below to determine the taxable portion ofyour pension or annuity payment to be enteredon your New Jersey return.

Complete this worksheet the year in which youreceive your first pension payment and keep theworksheet for your records. Once you calculatethe percentage on line 3, you will use it to deter-mine the taxable amount year after year. Recal-culate the percentage only if your annualpension payments decrease.

1. Your previously taxed contributions to the plan........... 1. ________________

2. Expected return on contract* ........................................ 2. ________________

3. Percentage excludable (Divide line 1 by line 2) ........... 3. ________________

4. Amount received this year ............................................ 4. ________________

5. Amount excludable (Multiply line 4 by line 3) ............ 5. ________________

6. Taxable amount (Subtract line 5 from line 4. Enter hereand on Line 19, Form NJ-1040 or Line 21, Column A,Form NJ-1040NR) ........................................................ 6. ________________

*The expected return on the contract is the amount receivable. If life expectancy is afactor under your plan, Federal actuarial tables must be used to compute theexpected return. (The Federal actuarial tables are contained in the Internal RevenueService’s Publication 939, General Rule for Pensions and Annuities. Contact theIRS for this publication.) If life expectancy is not a factor under your plan, the ex-pected return is found by totaling the amounts to be received.


General Rule Method Worksheet

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ExampleJames Henderson retired and began to receivean annual pension of $7,000. He contributed$20,000 to his pension, and his employer alsocontributed. James may use the Three-Year RuleMethod to calculate the taxable amount of hispension because the amount he will have re-ceived after three years from the date of the firstpayment ($21,000) exceeds the amount of hiscontributions ($20,000) by $1,000 (see line 3 ofworksheet), and his employer also contributed tothe plan.

When using the Three-Year Rule Method, Mr.Henderson will exclude the pension paymentshe receives from his New Jersey gross incomeuntil he has recovered an amount equal to hiscontributions. Then his pension paymentsbecome fully taxable.

Thus, in the first year he receives $7,000 andreports $0 taxable pension on his New Jersey re-turn. In the second year he receives $7,000 andreports $0 as taxable. In the third year he

receives $7,000 and reports $1,000 as taxablepension on his return. In the fourth year, andevery year thereafter, he must report $7,000 astaxable.

Remember when completing your tax return thatthe recovery period described above begins withthe date of the first pension payment. The “firstyear,” “second year,” etc. may not correspondwith the beginning of the taxable year.

If a taxpayer will not recover all personal con-tributions within three years (36 months) fromthe date of the first payment from the plan, or ifthe employer did not contribute to the plan, thenthe General Rule Method must be used to deter-mine the taxable amount of pension for NewJersey income tax purposes.

Thus, if James Henderson’s contributions to hispension plan were $20,000 and his annual pen-sion amount $4,000, he would have to use theGeneral Rule Method because he would notrecover an amount equal to his contributionswithin the first three years (36 months) after thefirst payment. Using the General Rule MethodWorksheet, he would calculate the percentage ofhis pension payment that is excludable fromNew Jersey gross income each year.

Contributions Prior to ResidenceAny contributions you made to a pension orannuity before you moved to New Jersey aretreated in the same way as they would have beentreated if you were living in New Jersey at thetime you made the contributions. Contributionsto plans other than 401(k) Plans are consideredto have been previously taxed. Use the appro-priate method to determine the taxable amountto report on your New Jersey return.

Which Pension Method to Use

1. Amount of pension you will re-ceive during the first three years(36 months) from the date of thefirst payment ............................... 1. _______

2. Your contributions to the plan .... 2. _______3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 .......... 3. _______

(a) If line 3 is “0” or more, and both youand your employer contributed to theplan, you may use the Three-YearRule Method.

(b) If line 3 is less than “0,” or your employerdid not contribute to the plan, you mustuse the General Rule Method.



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Section 401(k) PlansBeginning on January 1, 1984, New Jersey’streatment of 401(k) Plan contributions changed.After that date employee contributions to 401(k)Plans were no longer included in taxable wageswhen earned. If you made contributions to a401(k) Plan prior to January 1, 1984, your dis-tribution will be treated differently than if all thecontributions were made after this date.

1. All contributions made after January 1,1984. If all contributions to your 401(k) Planwere made after January 1, 1984, none of thecontributions were included in gross incomewhen they were made, unless the contribu-tions exceeded the Federal elective deferrallimit. As a result, distributions from the planare fully taxable.

2. Contributions made before January 1,1984. Contributions to a 401(k) Plan madebefore January 1, 1984, were included in anemployee’s gross income when they weremade. If you made contributions to a 401(k)Plan before January 1, 1984, or you madecontributions beyond the Federal limit, youwill calculate the taxable portion of your dis-tribution by using either the Three-Year RuleMethod or the General Rule Method, which-ever is appropriate.

Section 457 PlansIf you participated in an eligible deferred com-pensation plan of a state or local government ortax-exempt organization (Section 457), your con-tributions to the plan were included in your NewJersey gross income when they were made. Whenyou retire, you will only be taxed on amountsyou receive in excess of those contributions.

1. Tax years ending prior to January 1, 2002.For tax years ending prior to January 1, 2002,distributions of deferred pay were treated aswages and reported on Line 14, Form NJ-1040(or on the “wages” line in Column A, FormNJ-1040NR*). Taxpayers used the “Statewages” figure from the W-2 form they receivedfrom the Section 457 Plan, which in most caseswas different from the “Federal wages” amount.

2. Tax years beginning on or after January 1,2002. For tax years beginning on and after Jan-uary 1, 2002, the Federal reporting documentfor Section 457 Plan distributions for state andlocal government employees changed fromFederal Form W-2 to Form 1099-R. Distribu-tions from a Section 457 Plan of amounts inexcess of previously taxed contributions aretreated as pension payments and should be re-ported on Line 19, Form NJ-1040 (or Line 21,Column A, Form NJ-1040NR). See Calculat-ing Taxable Amount on page 3 for informationon how to determine the taxable portion ofyour payment.

Section 457 Plan distributions to nongovern-mental employees continue to be reported onFederal Form W-2. Such taxpayers should usethe “State wages” figure from the W-2 theyreceive on the “wages” line of Form NJ-1040(or on the “wages” line in Column A, FormNJ-1040NR*).

* Distributions received from a Section 457 Plan by a nonresi-dent that are reported on Form W-2 are not subject to NewJersey gross income tax, and should not be reported on the“wages” line in Column B, Form NJ-1040NR, provided suchincome was part of a series of substantially equal periodicpayments (not less frequently than annually) made for the lifeor life expectancy of the recipient (or the joint lives or jointlife expectancies of the recipient and the designated bene-ficiary of the recipient), or for a period of not less than 10years, or if it was a payment received from a retirement ben-efit plan after termination of employment.

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Section 403(b) Plans: PostretirementContributionsIf your employer makes a contribution to your403(b) plan after you retire, the contribution istaxable for New Jersey gross income tax pur-poses and must be reported as wages on yourNew Jersey income tax return in the year(s) thatthe contribution is made.

Such postretirement contributions, which havealready been taxed by New Jersey, must betaken into account when determining the taxableamount of any distribution from the 403(b) plan.See Calculating Taxable Amount on page 3.

Lump-Sum Distributions andRolloversWhen you receive a lump-sum distribution ofthe entire balance from a qualified employeepension, annuity, profit-sharing, or other plan,the amounts you receive which are in excess ofyour previously taxed contributions to the planmust be included in income in the year youreceive them. New Jersey has no provisions forincome averaging of lump-sum distributions.

A lump-sum distribution which you roll over(transfer) into a traditional IRA or other eligibleplan is excludable from New Jersey income ifthe rollover qualifies for deferral for Federalincome tax purposes. The amount rolled over(minus previously taxed amounts) is taxable laterwhen it is withdrawn. As under Federal law, therollover must be made within the 60-day periodafter distribution. For more information, requestTax Topic Bulletin GIT-2, IRA Withdrawals.

If you convert a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA,any amount from the existing IRA that would betaxable if withdrawn must be included in yourgross income.

Survivors and BeneficiariesIn general, pension and annuity income receivedby a survivor or beneficiary is treated the sameway as regular pension or annuity income. Thus,amounts received, whether in the form of peri-odic payments or in a lump sum, are taxable tothe extent that they exceed the decedent’s previ-ously taxed contributions to the plan.

Upon the death of the owner of the pension orannuity, the amount paid to the surviving bene-ficiary is taxable to the extent that it exceeds thesurviving beneficiary’s contribution to the plan.The surviving beneficiary’s contribution isdetermined as follows:

1. Where the distribution to the surviving bene-ficiary is subject to taxation by the New Jer-sey Transfer Inheritance Tax Act,* the con-tribution of the surviving beneficiary is thevalue of the annuity, pension, or retirementbenefits as determined for Transfer Inher-itance Tax purposes. The recipient canexclude from gross income tax the amountthat represents the contribution, which is thevalue determined for Transfer InheritanceTax purposes.

* Property inherited from a spouse who died on or after Janu-ary 1, 1985, is not subject to inheritance tax. Transfers toparents, grandparents, children, or grandchildren of dece-dents who died on or after July 1, 1988, are also not subjectto inheritance tax. In addition, transfers to qualified domesticpartners of decedents who died on or after July 10, 2004, arenot subject to inheritance tax. Finally, transfers to a civilunion partner from a decedent who died on or after Febru-ary 19, 2007, are not subject to inheritance tax. Contact theDivision’s Inheritance Tax Section at 609-292-5033 formore information.

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2. Where the beneficiary receives benefitswhich are not subject to Transfer InheritanceTax, he or she is entitled to exclude fromgross income the remaining previously taxedcontributions of the decedent. If the dece-dent’s contributions to the plan have alreadybeen recovered, all pension income receivedby the beneficiary is taxable and must beincluded in gross income.

Income ExclusionsNew Jersey tax law provides three retirement in-come exclusions to enable you to reduce yourtaxable income: Pension Exclusion and the OtherRetirement Income Exclusion Parts I and II.(Part I is the unclaimed portion of the pension ex-clusion and Part II is a special exclusion for tax-payers who are unable to receive Social Securityor Railroad Retirements benefits.) The exclusionsare not a one-time benefit. You may use the ex-clusions on your New Jersey income tax returnevery year you qualify. Both residents and non-residents may take advantage of the retirementincome exclusions if they meet the qualifications.

Pension ExclusionTaxpayers who qualify may exclude all or a partof the income received during the year from tax-able pensions, annuities, and IRA withdrawals.If you (and/or your spouse/civil union partner)are 62 years of age or older on the last day of thetax year and you did not use the Maximum Pen-sion Exclusion amount for your filing status, oryou did not use the Pension Exclusion becauseyou did not report any income on Line 19, FormNJ-1040 or Line 21, Form NJ-1040NR, you maystill qualify for other exclusions. See Other Re-tirement Income Exclusion Parts I and II onpage 11.

You qualify for the New Jersey PensionExclusion if:

1. You (and/or your spouse/civil union partnerif filing jointly) are 62 years of age or olderor disabled as defined by Social Securityguidelines on the last day of the tax year(December 31 for calendar year filers); and

2. Your total income for the entire year is$100,000 or less.

If you qualify, the Pension Exclusion amountyou may claim is the lesser of:

1. Your actual taxable pension income; or

2. The Maximum Pension Exclusion amountfor your filing status:$20,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint


$15,000 Single; Head of household;Qualifying widow(er)/SurvivingCU partner

$10,000 Married/CU partner, filingseparate return

Your taxable pension income amount is reportedon Line 19, Form NJ-1040 (Line 21, Column A,Form NJ-1040NR) and the allowable PensionExclusion amount on Line 27a, Form NJ-1040(Line 27a, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR).

NOTE: The Pension Exclusion used can neverbe more than your actual taxable pensionincome amount. Remember, part-yearresidents must prorate the Pension Ex-clusion amount by the number of monthsas a New Jersey resident. Request TaxTopic Bulletin GIT-6, Part-Year Resi-dents, for more information.

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ExampleJohn and Linda Harris are both 63 years of ageand file a joint return. Their combined total in-come is $36,000 for the tax year. Their com-bined taxable pension income totals $22,000.

Actual Taxable Pension Income ........ $22,000Applicable Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000

ExampleHenry Norton is 59 years of age. He is single andnot disabled. His total income for the tax year is$45,000. He receives a taxable pension of $7,000and $303 of his IRA withdrawal is taxable.

Actual Taxable Pension Income .......... $7,303Applicable Pension Exclusion ............. $ 0

Henry is unable to claim the Pension Exclusionbecause he is not age 62 or older or disabled.

ExampleJack and Mary Miller file a joint return and bothqualify for the Pension Exclusion. They have acombined total income of $75,000 for the taxyear. Mr. Miller receives an annual taxable pen-sion of $21,500, and Mrs. Miller receives a$2,500 pension. She reports $0 as taxable in-come this year because she is using the Three-Year Rule Method and is still recovering hercontributions.

Actual Taxable Pension Income ........ $21,500Applicable Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000

ExampleRyan and Emma Sanderson are both age 67 andthey file a joint return. They have a combinedtotal income of $110,450 for the tax year, in-cluding taxable pension income of $79,000.

Actual Taxable Pension Income ........ $79,000Applicable Pension Exclusion ........... $ 0

The Sandersons are not eligible for a PensionExclusion this year because their combined totalincome for the entire year is more than$100,000.

Only One Spouse/Civil Union Partner Quali-fies for Exclusion. When you and your spouse/civil union partner file a joint return with a com-bined total income of $100,000 or less, and onlyone of you is 62 years of age or older or dis-abled, you may still claim the Maximum Pen-sion Exclusion amount. However, only thepension, annuity, or IRA withdrawal of thespouse/civil union partner who is age 62 orolder or disabled may be excluded.

ExampleBen and Sara Lewis file a joint return for the taxyear. Their combined total income is $68,000.Mr. Lewis is 63 and receives a taxable pension of$20,500. His wife is 60 years old, not disabled,and receives a taxable pension of $8,000.

Actual Taxable Pension Income ........ $28,500Applicable Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000

ExampleGeorge and Jane Martin file a joint return. Theircombined total income for the tax year is$27,000. George is 64 and receives taxable pen-sion income of $6,900. Jane is 61, not disabled,and receives taxable pension income of $8,000.

Actual Taxable Pension Income ........ $14,900Applicable Pension Exclusion ............ $ 6,900

The Martins can only utilize $6,900 of theirPension Exclusion because of their combined$14,900 taxable pension income only $6,900 be-longs to George, the spouse who is age 64. Thebalance of their pension income belongs to Jane

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($8,000). None of Jane’s pension income can beexcluded because she is not age 62 or older ordisabled. However, George may be able to usethe balance of the Pension Exclusion to excludeadditional income. See the instructions for theOther Retirement Income Exclusion Parts Iand II below.

Other Retirement IncomeExclusion Parts I and IIIf you (and/or your spouse/civil union partner iffiling jointly) are 62 years of age or older on thelast day of the tax year, you may be able to ex-clude other types of income (wages, interest,dividends, etc.) from your total income. Thereare two parts to the Other Retirement IncomeExclusion: Part I, the unclaimed portion of yourpension exclusion, and Part II, a special exclu-sion for taxpayers who are unable to receive So-cial Security or Railroad Retirement benefits.Each part has different eligibility requirements.

Both parts of the exclusion are claimed at theline on your return labeled “Other RetirementIncome Exclusion” (Line 27b, Form NJ-1040 orLine 27b, Column A and Column B, FormNJ-1040NR). Taxpayers who qualify may beable to claim both Part I and Part II of the OtherRetirement Income Exclusion (ORIE) in addi-tion to the Pension Exclusion. To calculate thetotal Other Retirement Income Exclusionamount for which you are eligible, complete theOther Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet.See Other Retirement Income Exclusion Work-sheet on page 15.

Part I: Unclaimed Pension ExclusionIf you and/or your spouse/civil union partner didnot claim the Maximum Pension Exclusionamount, you may be able to use the unclaimedportion of your Pension Exclusion to excludeother types of income (wages, interest, divi-dends, etc.) on your return. You may haveclaimed less than the Maximum Pension Exclu-sion amount because your actual taxable pensionincome was less than the Maximum PensionExclusion amount for your filing status, orbecause you did not report any taxable pension,annuity, or IRA withdrawal income on yourreturn.

To qualify for Part I of the Other Retirement In-come Exclusion, you must satisfy all of the fol-lowing conditions:

1. You (and/or your spouse/civil union partner iffiling jointly) must be 62 years of age or olderon the last day of the tax year; and

2. Your total income from Line 26, FormNJ-1040 (or Line 26, Column A, FormNJ-1040NR) for the entire year must be$100,000 or less; and

3. Your earned income (combined if filingjointly) from wages, net profits from busi-ness, distributive share of partnership income,and net pro rata share of S corporation in-come must be $3,000 or less; and

4. You did not use the Maximum PensionExclusion amount ($20,000, $15,000, or$10,000, depending on filing status).

The actual amount of Part I of the Other Retire-ment Income Exclusion differs from taxpayer totaxpayer, since it is the difference between theamount of Pension Exclusion you claimed on

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Line 27a, Form NJ-1040 (Line 27a, Column A,Form NJ-1040NR) and the Maximum PensionExclusion amount for your filing status.

NOTE: If you did not use the Pension Exclusionbecause you did not report any taxablepension income on your return, you maystill take advantage of Part I of the OtherRetirement Income Exclusion if youmeet the qualifications.

ExampleRobert Evans is 69 years old and single. His totalincome for the tax year was $42,000. He receiveda $3,000 taxable pension and claimed $3,000 asPension Exclusion. His income from wages, netprofits from business, distributive share of part-nership income, and net pro rata share of S cor-poration income totals $2,308. He qualifies forPart I of the Other Retirement Income Exclusion.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $15,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $ 3,000Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $12,000ORIE Part I ......................................... $12,000

ExampleLinda Martin is over age 62 and her filing statusis head of household. Her total income was$22,000 for the tax year. She received a pensionbut reported $0 as taxable pension income thisyear because she is using the Three-Year RuleMethod and is still recovering her pension con-tributions. Her income from wages, net profitsfrom business, distributive share of partnershipincome, and net pro rata share of S corporationincome totals $2,675. She qualifies for Part I ofthe Other Retirement Income Exclusion.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $15,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $ 0Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $15,000ORIE Part I ......................................... $15,000

ExampleAnn and Jim Anderson are both 63 years of ageand file a joint return. Their combined total in-come was $75,000 for the tax year. They do nothave any pension income. The Anderson’s jointincome from wages, net profits from business,distributive share of partnership income, and netpro rata share of S corporation income totals$1,872. They qualify for Part I of the Other Re-tirement Income Exclusion.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $ 0Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $20,000ORIE Part I ......................................... $20,000

ExamplePeter Johnson is 67 years old and his filing statusis married/CU partner, filing separate return. Histotal income for the tax year was $18,000. Hereceived $10,000 in taxable pension income andclaimed $10,000 as Pension Exclusion.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $10,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $10,000Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $ 0ORIE Part I ..........................................$ 0

Peter does not qualify for Part I of the Other Re-tirement Income Exclusion because he has al-ready claimed the Maximum Pension Exclusionamount.

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ExampleArthur and Helen McCann file a joint returnfor the tax year. Both are over 62 years of age.Their combined total income was $32,000. Mr.McCann has a taxable pension of $6,200 and healso earned $1,500 in net profits from hisbusiness. Mrs. McCann had wages of $2,306from her part-time job.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $ 6,200Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $13,800ORIE Part I ..........................................$ 0

The McCanns cannot take advantage of Part Iof the Other Retirement Income Exclusion eventhough they did not utilize their Maximum Pen-sion Exclusion of $20,000 because their jointincome from wages, net profits from business,distributive share of partnership income, andnet pro rata share of S corporation income isgreater than $3,000.

ExampleMatthew and Elizabeth Clarke are both over age65. They file a joint return on which they report acombined total income of $103,200 for the taxyear. Their taxable pension income was $57,000.They also had $22,200 in taxable interest incomeand $24,000 in taxable dividends.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $ 0Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $20,000ORIE Part I ..........................................$ 0

The Clarkes are not eligible for Part I of theOther Retirement Income Exclusion (nor werethey eligible for the Pension Exclusion) becausetheir combined total income for the entire yearwas more than $100,000.

Only One Spouse/Civil Union Partner Quali-fies for Exclusion. When you and your spouse/civil union partner file a joint return and onlyone of you is 62 years of age or older, any Pen-sion Exclusion that was not claimed may be usedas Part I of the Other Retirement Income Exclu-sion provided that (1) the joint total income forthe entire year is $100,000 or less, (2) the jointearned income (total of: wages, net profits frombusiness, distributive share of partnership in-come, and net pro rata share of S corporation in-come) is $3,000 or less, and (3) the exclusion isapplied only to the income of the qualified (age62 or older) spouse/civil union partner.

ExampleMartha (age 58) and Eric (age 63) Peterson filea joint return for the tax year. They have a com-bined total income of $30,000. Martha receivesa taxable pension of $18,000 and Eric receives ataxable pension of $6,000. Interest from theirjoint savings account totals $4,000. Eric haswages of $1,500 and Martha has wages of $500.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $ 6,000Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $14,000ORIE Part I ......................................... $ 3,500

In this example, only $3,500 of the $14,000 un-used Pension Exclusion may be utilized as Part Iof the Other Retirement Income Exclusion be-cause only $3,500 of the total gross income be-longs to Eric, the spouse who is age 63 ($1,500wages and $2,000 interest). The balance belongsto Martha ($500 wages, $2,000 interest, and$18,000 pension). None of Martha’s income canbe excluded because she is not 62 or older.

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Part II: Special ExclusionIn addition to the Pension Exclusion and Part Iof the Other Retirement Income Exclusion, NewJersey provides a special exclusion for taxpayerswho are unable to receive Social Security orRailroad Retirement Benefits. This special ex-clusion is calculated in Part II of the Other Re-tirement Income Exclusion Worksheet. Thisbenefit is not related to the Pension Exclusionand, if you qualify, you may claim it whether ornot you use the Pension Exclusion and/or OtherRetirement Income Exclusion, Part I.

You qualify for this additional exclusion if:1. You (and/or your spouse/civil union partner

if filing jointly) were 62 years of age orolder on the last day of the tax year; and

2. You (and your spouse/civil union partner iffiling jointly) are unable to receive SocialSecurity or Railroad Retirement benefits, butwould have been eligible for benefits hadyou fully participated in either program.

You must work a minimum of 40 quarters withSocial Security coverage to be eligible to re-ceive Social Security benefits. If you worked therequired amount of time but contributed to theSocial Security program for less than 40 quar-ters, you cannot receive Social Security benefitsand may be eligible for Part II of the Other Re-tirement Income Exclusion.

NOTE: Since most taxpayers will receive SocialSecurity or Railroad Retirement benefits,relatively few taxpayers are entitled tothe Part II exclusion.

Individuals who have contributed to the SocialSecurity or Railroad Retirement funds so thatthey would be eligible to receive Social Securityor Railroad Retirement benefits are not eligiblefor the Part II exclusion, regardless of whetherthey are actually collecting any benefits. Also,when a joint return is filed, if one spouse/civilunion partner is covered by either the SocialSecurity or the Railroad Retirement program,neither spouse/civil union partner is entitled toclaim the Part II exclusion.

Taxpayer(s) eligible for the Part II exclusionmay use one of the following amounts depend-ing on the filing status:

$6,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return;Head of household; Qualifyingwidow(er)/Surviving CU partner

$3,000 Single; Married/CU partner, filingseparate return

Part II of the Other Retirement Income Exclu-sion is also claimed on the “Other RetirementIncome Exclusion” line on the return (Line 27b,Form NJ-1040 or Line 27b, Columns A and B,Form NJ-1040NR). The Part II exclusion amountis added to any amount of unclaimed pension ex-clusion (calculated in Part I of the Other Retire-ment Income Exclusion Worksheet) to arrive atthe total for Line 27b. A married/civil unioncouple filing jointly, if qualified, could exclude atotal of $26,000 (Pension Exclusion plus OtherRetirement Income Exclusion Parts I and II) intax year 2007.

When a married/civil union couple files jointlyand only one spouse/civil union partner is 62 orolder, only the income of the spouse/civil unionpartner who is 62 or older may be excluded.

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ExampleFred (age 65) and Clara (age 62) Smith are mar-ried and file a joint return for the tax year. Theircombined total income is $27,000. Their com-bined taxable pension income is $19,000, jointinterest is $6,000, and dividends are $2,000. TheSmiths had no wages, business profits, partner-ship, or S corporation income. They are notcovered by either the Social Security or RailroadRetirement program, but they would have beeneligible for benefits if they had been enrolled ineither plan.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $19,000Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $ 1,000ORIE Part I ........................................ $ 1,000ORIE Part II ....................................... $ 6,000Total ORIE ........................................ $ 7,000

ExampleJosh and Amanda Burke are both 83 years ofage and they file a joint return. They report acombined total income of $104,000 for the taxyear. Their combined taxable pension and annu-ity income is $96,000, joint interest is $6,000,and dividends are $2,000. They are not coveredby either the Social Security or Railroad Retire-ment Programs, but they would have been eli-gible for benefits if they had been enrolled ineither plan.

Maximum Pension Exclusion ............ $20,000Less: Pension Exclusion claimed ...... $ 0Unused Pension Exclusion ................ $20,000ORIE Part I ........................................ $ 0ORIE Part II ....................................... $ 6,000Total ORIE ........................................ $ 6,000

The Burkes do not qualify for the Pension Exclu-sion or Part I of the Other Retirement Income

Exclusion because their combined total incomeis more than $100,000. However, they are eli-gible for the $6,000 Part II exclusion and willreport that amount on the Other Retirement In-come Exclusion line (Line 27b, Form NJ-1040 orLine 27b, Columns A and B, Form NJ-1040NR).

ExampleAgatha Reilly is single and over age 65. Shecontributed to the Social Security program forover 30 years, but has chosen to delay receivingSocial Security benefits until age 70.

Agatha does not qualify for Part II of the OtherRetirement Income Exclusion because she con-tributed to the Social Security fund so that shewould be eligible to receive Social Security, de-spite the fact that she is not actually collectingany benefits now.

Other Retirement Income ExclusionWorksheetIf you and/or your spouse/civil union partner are62 years of age or older on the last day of the taxyear, when you come to the line on your taxreturn labeled “Other Retirement Income Exclu-sion” (Line 27b, Form NJ-1040 or Line 27b,Columns A and B, Form NJ-1040NR), completethe Other Retirement Income Exclusion Work-sheet to calculate the total exclusion amount youare eligible to claim here. Do not complete theworksheet unless you (or your spouse/civilunion partner if you are filing a joint return) are62 or older. You do not qualify for the exclu-sions in Part I and Part II of the Other Retire-ment Income Exclusion Worksheet unless you oryour spouse/civil union partner are 62 years ofage or older.

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Part-Year Residents. If you were a New Jerseyresident for only part of the year, do not com-plete the Other Retirement Income ExclusionWorksheet. Instead, total the amount of earnedincome (wages, net profits from business, part-nership income, and S corporation income) youreceived for the entire year. If you and/or yourspouse/civil union partner are age 62 or olderand your earned income for the entire year is$3,000 or less and you did not use your entireprorated pension exclusion, you may be able touse the unclaimed pension exclusion at Line 27b,Forms NJ-1040 or NJ-1040NR provided yourtotal income (combined income if filing jointly)for the entire year is $100,000 or less beforesubtracting any pension exclusion.

If you (and your spouse/civil union partner, iffiling jointly) are eligible for Part II of the OtherRetirement Income Exclusion (see Part II: Spe-cial Exclusion on page 14), you may claim theadditional exclusion amount whether or not youused all of your prorated pension exclusion.

For more information, request Tax Topic Bulle-tin GIT-6, Part-Year Residents.

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Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet (tax year 2007)Age Requirement: 62 or older

Part-year residents, do not complete this worksheet.

Part I - Unclaimed Pension ExclusionIs total income from Line 26, Form NJ-1040 (Line 26, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) for theentire year MORE than $100,000?

Yes. Do not complete Part I. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 1.

1. Wages. Enter the amount from Line 14, Form NJ-1040(Line 14, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ...................................................................................... 1.

2. Net Profits From Business. Enter the amount fromLine 17, Form NJ-1040 (Line 17, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 2.

3. Distributive Share of Partnership Income. Enter the amount fromLine 20, Form NJ-1040 (Line 22, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 3.

4. Net Pro Rata Share of S Corporation Income. Enter the amount fromLine 21, Form NJ-1040 (Line 23, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 4.

5. Add lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 .................................................................................................................. 5. Is the amount on line 5 MORE than $3,000?

Yes. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 6.

6. Enter: if filing status is:$20,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return$15,000 Single; Head of household; Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$10,000 Married/CU partner, filing separate return ............................................................. 6.

7. Pension Exclusion Claimed. Enter the amount from Line 27a, Form NJ-1040(Line 27a, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) .................................................................................... 7.

8. Unclaimed Pension Exclusion. Subtract line 7 from line 6. If zero, enter “0.”Continue with Part II. .................................................................................................................... 8.

Part II - Special Exclusion9a. Are you (and/or your spouse/civil union partner, if filing jointly) now receiving, or will you

(and/or your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits?

No — Continue with item 9b Yes — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10

9b. Would you (and your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) be receiving or ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits if you had participated in either program?

No — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10 Yes — Enter on line 9 the amount of exclusion for your

filing status shown below and continue with line 10Enter: if filing status is:$6,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return; Head of household;

Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$3,000 Single; Married/CU partner, filing separate return ................................................. 9.

10. Other Retirement Income Exclusion. Add lines 8 and 9. Enter hereand on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040, (Line 27b, Column A and Column B, Form NJ-1040NR).If the amount here is zero, make no entry on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040 ..................................... 10.

ExampleHarry Meehan is single and 66 years of age. He receives taxable pension income of $6,000 and claims$6,000 as Pension Exclusion. Harry cannot receive Social Security, but he would have been eligiblefor benefits if he had been covered by the program. His other income includes: $12,108 taxable inter-est, $981 dividends, $14,600 net profits from business, and $142 gambling winnings. Harry completesthe Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet as follows:











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FORM NJ-1040

14. Wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation (Enclose W-2) ...............

15a. Taxable interest income (See instructions) ...............................................................

15b. Tax-exempt interest income (See instructions) ..........DO NOT include on Line 15a

16. Dividends ...................................................................................................................

17. Net profits from business (Enclose copy of Federal Schedule C, Form 1040) ........

18. Net gains or income from disposition of property (Schedule B, Line 4) ...................

19. Pensions, Annuities, and IRA Withdrawals (See instructions) .................................

20. Distributive Share of Partnership Income (See instructions) ....................................

21. Net pro rata share of S Corporation Income (See instructions) ...............................

22. Net gain or income from rents, royalties, patents & copyrights ................................(Schedule C, Line 3)

23. Net Gambling Winnings ............................................................................................

24. Alimony and separate maintenance payments received ..........................................

25. Other (See instructions) ............................................................................................

26. Total Income (Add Lines 14, 15a, and 16 through 25) ..............................................

27a. Pension Exclusion (See instructions) .......................................................................

27b. Other Retirement Income Exclusion (See Worksheet and instructions) ..................

27c. Total Exclusion Amount (Add Line 27a and Line 27b) ..............................................

28. New Jersey Gross Income (Subtract Line 27c from Line 26) ................................See instructions.

19 , , .20 , , .21 , , .22 , , .23 , , .1 24 00

24 , , .25 , , .26 13833 00

18 , , .

Harry did not claim the Maximum Pension Exclusion amount for his filing status ($15,000). He usedonly $6,000 as Pension Exclusion. He cannot use the unclaimed portion of the Pension Exclusion be-cause his earned income (line 5 of worksheet) is more than $3,000. However, he is still eligible toclaim the $3,000 special exclusion (Part II of the Other Retirement Income Exclusion).

The income section of Harry Meehan’s New Jersey resident return for tax year 2007 looks like this:

14 , , .15a , , .2 11 80 00

15b , , .16 , .9 18 00,17 , , .4 61 00 00

, .27c 0 009 00

, , .28 002 4 138

, , .27a ,27b , .0 0 03 00

0 0 06 . 00

0 0 06 . 00

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Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet (tax year 2007)Age Requirement: 62 or older

Part-year residents, do not complete this worksheet.

Part I - Unclaimed Pension ExclusionIs total income from Line 26, Form NJ-1040 (Line 26, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) for theentire year MORE than $100,000?

Yes. Do not complete Part I. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 1.

1. Wages. Enter the amount from Line 14, Form NJ-1040(Line 14, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ...................................................................................... 1.

2. Net Profits From Business. Enter the amount fromLine 17, Form NJ-1040 (Line 17, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 2.

3. Distributive Share of Partnership Income. Enter the amount fromLine 20, Form NJ-1040 (Line 22, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 3.

4. Net Pro Rata Share of S Corporation Income. Enter the amount fromLine 21, Form NJ-1040 (Line 23, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 4.

5. Add lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 .................................................................................................................. 5. Is the amount on line 5 MORE than $3,000?

Yes. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 6.

6. Enter: if filing status is:$20,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return$15,000 Single; Head of household; Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$10,000 Married/CU partner, filing separate return ............................................................. 6.

7. Pension Exclusion Claimed. Enter the amount from Line 27a, Form NJ-1040(Line 27a, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) .................................................................................... 7.

8. Unclaimed Pension Exclusion. Subtract line 7 from line 6. If zero, enter “0.”Continue with Part II. .................................................................................................................... 8.

Part II - Special Exclusion9a. Are you (and/or your spouse/civil union partner, if filing jointly) now receiving, or will you

(and/or your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits?

No — Continue with item 9b Yes — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10

9b. Would you (and your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) be receiving or ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits if you had participated in either program?

No — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10 Yes — Enter on line 9 the amount of exclusion for your

filing status shown below and continue with line 10Enter: if filing status is:$6,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return; Head of household;

Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$3,000 Single; Married/CU partner, filing separate return ................................................. 9.

10. Other Retirement Income Exclusion. Add lines 8 and 9. Enter hereand on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040, (Line 27b, Column A and Column B, Form NJ-1040NR).If the amount here is zero, make no entry on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040 ..................................... 10.

ExampleAlexander and Charlotte McSherry are both over age 65. They are married and file a joint return. TheMcSherrys are not covered by either the Social Security or Railroad Retirement programs, but they wouldhave been eligible for benefits if they had been enrolled in either plan. Their other income consists of$8,200 taxable interest, $5,000 tax-exempt interest, $11,000 pension income, $1,500 partnership income,and $95,000 net gain from the sale of their vacation home. They complete the Other Retirement IncomeExclusion Worksheet as follows:






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The McSherrys cannot claim the Pension Exclusion, or Part I of the Other Retirement Income Exclu-sion, because their combined total income is more than $100,000. However, they are eligible to claimPart II of the Other Retirement Income Exclusion.

The McSherrys complete the income section of their New Jersey resident return for tax year 2007 likethis:

FORM NJ-1040

14. Wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation (Enclose W-2) ...............

15a. Taxable interest income (See instructions) ...............................................................

15b. Tax-exempt interest income (See instructions) ..........DO NOT include on Line 15a

16. Dividends ...................................................................................................................

17. Net profits from business (Enclose copy of Federal Schedule C, Form 1040) ........

18. Net gains or income from disposition of property (Schedule B, Line 4) ...................

19. Pensions, Annuities, and IRA Withdrawals (See instructions) .................................

20. Distributive Share of Partnership Income (See instructions) ....................................

21. Net pro rata share of S Corporation Income (See instructions) ...............................

22. Net gain or income from rents, royalties, patents & copyrights ................................(Schedule C, Line 3)

23. Net Gambling Winnings ............................................................................................

24. Alimony and separate maintenance payments received ..........................................

25. Other (See instructions) ............................................................................................

26. Total Income (Add Lines 14, 15a, and 16 through 25) ..............................................

27a. Pension Exclusion (See instructions) .......................................................................

27b. Other Retirement Income Exclusion (See Worksheet and instructions) ..................

27c. Total Exclusion Amount (Add Line 27a and Line 27b) ..............................................

28. New Jersey Gross Income (Subtract Line 27c from Line 26) ................................See instructions.

14 , , .15a , , .

15b , , .16 , .,17 , , .18 , , .

, .27c 0 00 00

, , .28

19 , , .20 , , .21 , , .22 , , .23 , , .24 , , .25 , , .26 , .

27a ,27b , .0 0 06 00




8 02 0 00

005 0 00

09 05 0 00

01 0001 0

00001 5

0 01 01 05 7

0 00009 71

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ExampleGeorge (age 69) and Louise (age 65) Pell are married and file a joint return. Both receive Social Secu-rity. Their combined taxable pension income is $8,414 and they claim that amount as Pension Exclu-sion on their return. They also received $11,800 taxable interest, $1,950 wages, $2,915 dividends,$850 in net pro rata share of S corporation income, and an $18,000 net gain from the sale of stock.The Pells complete the Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet as follows:












Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet (tax year 2007)Age Requirement: 62 or older

Part-year residents, do not complete this worksheet.

Part I - Unclaimed Pension ExclusionIs total income from Line 26, Form NJ-1040 (or Line 26, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) for theentire year MORE than $100,000?

Yes. Do not complete Part I. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 1.

1. Wages. Enter the amount from Line 14, Form NJ-1040(Line 14, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ...................................................................................... 1.

2. Net Profits From Business. Enter the amount fromLine 17, Form NJ-1040 (Line 17, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 2.

3. Distributive Share of Partnership Income. Enter the amount fromLine 20, Form NJ-1040 (Line 22, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 3.

4. Net Pro Rata Share of S Corporation Income. Enter the amount fromLine 21, Form NJ-1040 (Line 23, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 4.

5. Add lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 .................................................................................................................. 5. Is the amount on line 5 MORE than $3,000?

Yes. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 6.

6. Enter: if filing status is:$20,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return$15,000 Single; Head of household; Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$10,000 Married/CU partner, filing separate return ............................................................. 6.

7. Pension Exclusion Claimed. Enter the amount from Line 27a, Form NJ-1040(Line 27a, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) .................................................................................... 7.

8. Unclaimed Pension Exclusion. Subtract line 7 from line 6. If zero, enter “0.”Continue with Part II. .................................................................................................................... 8.

Part II - Special Exclusion9a. Are you (and/or your spouse/civil union partner, if filing jointly) now receiving, or will you

(and/or your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits?

No — Continue with item 9b Yes — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10

9b. Would you (and your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) be receiving or ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits if you had participated in either program?

No — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10 Yes — Enter on line 9 the amount of exclusion for your

filing status shown below and continue with line 10Enter: if filing status is:$6,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return; Head of household;

Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$3,000 Single; Married/CU partner, filing separate return ................................................. 9.

10. Other Retirement Income Exclusion. Add lines 8 and 9. Enter hereand on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040, (Line 27b, Column A and Column B, Form NJ-1040NR).If the amount here is zero, make no entry on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040 ..................................... 10.

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Bulletin GIT-1

FORM NJ-1040

14. Wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation (Enclose W-2) ...............

15a. Taxable interest income (See instructions) ...............................................................

15b. Tax-exempt interest income (See instructions) ..........DO NOT include on Line 15a

16. Dividends ...................................................................................................................

17. Net profits from business (Enclose copy of Federal Schedule C, Form 1040) ........

18. Net gains or income from disposition of property (Schedule B, Line 4) ...................

19. Pensions, Annuities, and IRA Withdrawals (See instructions) .................................

20. Distributive Share of Partnership Income (See instructions) ....................................

21. Net pro rata share of S Corporation Income (See instructions) ...............................

22. Net gain or income from rents, royalties, patents & copyrights ................................(Schedule C, Line 3)

23. Net Gambling Winnings ............................................................................................

24. Alimony and separate maintenance payments received ..........................................

25. Other (See instructions) ............................................................................................

26. Total Income (Add Lines 14, 15a, and 16 through 25) ..............................................

27a. Pension Exclusion (See instructions) .......................................................................

27b. Other Retirement Income Exclusion (See Worksheet and instructions) ..................

27c. Total Exclusion Amount (Add Line 27a and Line 27b) ..............................................

28. New Jersey Gross Income (Subtract Line 27c from Line 26) ................................See instructions.

14 , , .15a , , .

15b , , .16 , .,17 , , .18 , , .

, .27c 0 00 00

, , .28

19 , , .20 , , .21 , , .22 , , .23 , ,24 , , .25 , , .26 , .

27a ,27b , .

4 1 48 00.



The Pells complete the income section of their New Jersey resident return for tax year 2007 like this:

00051 9

00512 9

01 01 8 00

00 01 8 00

00418 4

08 5 00

99 22 3 00

99 24 3 00


11 5 8 6 00


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Rev. 12/07 23

Pensions and Annuities

Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet (tax year 2007)Age Requirement: 62 or older

Part-year residents, do not complete this worksheet.

Part I - Unclaimed Pension ExclusionIs total income from Line 26, Form NJ-1040 (Line 26, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) for theentire year MORE than $100,000?

Yes. Do not complete Part I. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 1.

1. Wages. Enter the amount from Line 14, Form NJ-1040(Line 14, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ...................................................................................... 1.

2. Net Profits From Business. Enter the amount fromLine 17, Form NJ-1040 (Line 17, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 2.

3. Distributive Share of Partnership Income. Enter the amount fromLine 20, Form NJ-1040 (Line 22, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 3.

4. Net Pro Rata Share of S Corporation Income. Enter the amount fromLine 21, Form NJ-1040 (Line 23, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 4.

5. Add lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 .................................................................................................................. 5. Is the amount on line 5 MORE than $3,000?

Yes. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 6.

6. Enter: if filing status is:$20,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return$15,000 Single; Head of household; Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$10,000 Married/CU partner, filing separate return ............................................................. 6.

7. Pension Exclusion Claimed. Enter the amount from Line 27a, Form NJ-1040(Line 27a, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) .................................................................................... 7.

8. Unclaimed Pension Exclusion. Subtract line 7 from line 6. If zero, enter “0.”Continue with Part II. .................................................................................................................... 8.

Part II - Special Exclusion9a. Are you (and/or your spouse/civil union partner, if filing jointly) now receiving, or will you

(and/or your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits?

No — Continue with item 9b Yes — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10

9b. Would you (and your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) be receiving or ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits if you had participated in either program?

No — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10 Yes — Enter on line 9 the amount of exclusion for your

filing status shown below and continue with line 10Enter: if filing status is:$6,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return; Head of household;

Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$3,000 Single; Married/CU partner, filing separate return ................................................. 9.

10. Other Retirement Income Exclusion. Add lines 8 and 9. Enter hereand on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040, (Line 27b, Column A and Column B, Form NJ-1040NR).If the amount here is zero, make no entry on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040 ..................................... 10.

ExampleMary and Pete Corcoran are both 70 years of age and they file a joint return. Their combined income con-sists of $19,806 in Social Security benefits, $18,039 taxable interest, $5,000 tax-exempt interest, $9,987taxable dividends, $2,800 in gambling winnings, $1,500 in partnership income, $1,000 in net pro ratashare of S corporation income, and $8,607 net gain from their rental property. Neither spouse receives apension. The Corcorans complete the Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet as follows:












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Rev. 12/0724

Bulletin GIT-1

The Corcorans complete the income section of their New Jersey resident return for tax year 2007 likethis:

FORM NJ-1040

14. Wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation (Enclose W-2) ...............

15a. Taxable interest income (See instructions) ...............................................................

15b. Tax-exempt interest income (See instructions) ..........DO NOT include on Line 15a

16. Dividends ...................................................................................................................

17. Net profits from business (Enclose copy of Federal Schedule C, Form 1040) ........

18. Net gains or income from disposition of property (Schedule B, Line 4) ...................

19. Pensions, Annuities, and IRA Withdrawals (See instructions) .................................

20. Distributive Share of Partnership Income (See instructions) ....................................

21. Net pro rata share of S Corporation Income (See instructions) ...............................

22. Net gain or income from rents, royalties, patents & copyrights ................................(Schedule C, Line 3)

23. Net Gambling Winnings ............................................................................................

24. Alimony and separate maintenance payments received ..........................................

25. Other (See instructions) ............................................................................................

26. Total Income (Add Lines 14, 15a, and 16 through 25) ..............................................

27a. Pension Exclusion (See instructions) .......................................................................

27b. Other Retirement Income Exclusion (See Worksheet and instructions) ..................

27c. Total Exclusion Amount (Add Line 27a and Line 27b) ..............................................

28. New Jersey Gross Income (Subtract Line 27c from Line 26) ................................See instructions.

14 , , .15a , , .

15b , , .16 , .,17 , , .18 , , .

, .27c

, , .28

19 , , .20 , , .21 , , .22 , , .23 , , .24 , , .25 , , .26 , .

27a ,27b , .0 0 00 00



00789 9

91 38 0 00

00001 5

00 0 00

39 32 1 00

39 34 1 00

00005 0


00708 6

00002 8


0 0 00 002

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Rev. 12/07 25

Pensions and Annuities

Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet (tax year 2007)Age Requirement: 62 or older

Part-year residents, do not complete this worksheet.

Part I - Unclaimed Pension ExclusionIs total income from Line 26, Form NJ-1040 (Line 26, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) for theentire year MORE than $100,000?

Yes. Do not complete Part I. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 1.

1. Wages. Enter the amount from Line 14, Form NJ-1040(Line 14, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ...................................................................................... 1.

2. Net Profits From Business. Enter the amount fromLine 17, Form NJ-1040 (Line 17, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 2.

3. Distributive Share of Partnership Income. Enter the amount fromLine 20, Form NJ-1040 (Line 22, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 3.

4. Net Pro Rata Share of S Corporation Income. Enter the amount fromLine 21, Form NJ-1040 (Line 23, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) ............................................... 4.

5. Add lines 1, 2, 3, and 4 .................................................................................................................. 5. Is the amount on line 5 MORE than $3,000?

Yes. Enter “0” on line 8 and continue with Part II.No. Continue with line 6.

6. Enter: if filing status is:$20,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return$15,000 Single; Head of household; Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$10,000 Married/CU partner, filing separate return ............................................................. 6.

7. Pension Exclusion Claimed. Enter the amount from Line 27a, Form NJ-1040(Line 27a, Column A, Form NJ-1040NR) .................................................................................... 7.

8. Unclaimed Pension Exclusion. Subtract line 7 from line 6. If zero, enter “0.”Continue with Part II. .................................................................................................................... 8.

Part II - Special Exclusion9a. Are you (and/or your spouse/civil union partner, if filing jointly) now receiving, or will you

(and/or your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits?

No — Continue with item 9b Yes — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10

9b. Would you (and your spouse/civil union partner if filing jointly) be receiving or ever be eligible to receiveSocial Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits if you had participated in either program?

No — Enter “0” on line 9 and continue with line 10 Yes — Enter on line 9 the amount of exclusion for your

filing status shown below and continue with line 10Enter: if filing status is:$6,000 Married/CU couple, filing joint return; Head of household;

Qualifying widow(er)/surviving CU partner$3,000 Single; Married/CU partner, filing separate return ................................................. 9.

10. Other Retirement Income Exclusion. Add lines 8 and 9. Enter hereand on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040, (Line 27b, Column A and Column B, Form NJ-1040NR).If the amount here is zero, make no entry on Line 27b, Form NJ-1040 ..................................... 10.

ExampleHerbert (age 66) and Marion (age 63) Green live in Nyack, New York. They are married and file ajoint return. Herbert is retired and received Social Security benefits of $12,478 and reportable annuityincome of $9,624. They also received $3,600 taxable interest, $7,100 in dividends, and a $17,500 netgain from the sale of New Jersey real estate. Marion works in Englewood, New Jersey and earnedwages of $2,836. The Greens complete the Other Retirement Income Exclusion Worksheet as follows:












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Rev. 12/0726

Bulletin GIT-1

The Greens complete Lines 14-28 on page 1 and Part I on page 3 of their New Jersey nonresident re-turn for tax year 2007 as follows:

14. Wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation ................................... 14 2,836 2,83615. Interest .................................................................................................................... 15 3,600 0

16. Dividends ................................................................................................................. 16 7,100 0

17. Net profits from business (Enclose copy of Federal Schedule C, Form 1040) ... 17

18. Net gains or income from disposition of property (From Line 58) ........................ 18 17,500 17,500

19. Net gains or income from rents, royalties, patents, and copyrights (From Line 61) 19

20. Net gambling winnings ........................................................................................... 20

21. Pensions, Annuities and IRA Withdrawals (See instructions) .............................. 21 9,624

22. Distributive Share of Partnership Income .............................................................. 2223. Net pro rata share of S Corporation Income ......................................................... 23

24. Alimony and separate maintenance payments received ...................................... 24

25. Other—State Nature and Source _____________________________________ 25

26. TOTAL INCOME (Add Lines 14 through 25) ......................................................... 26 40,660 20,336

27a. Pension Exclusion (See instructions) .................................................................... 27a 9,624 10,376

27b. Other Retirement Income Exclusion (See worksheet and instructions) .............. 27b 10,376 10,376

27c. Total Exclusion Amount (Add Line 27a and Line 27b) .......................................... 27c 20,000 10,376

28. Gross Income (Subtract Line 27c from Line 26) ................................................... 28 20,660 9,960






FORM NJ-1040NR (Page 1)

(Page 3)

55. Six acre lot in Park Ridge, NJ 3/11/07 11/18/07 77,500 60,000 17,500

56. Capital Gains Distribution ............................................................................................................................ 56

57. Other Net Gains ........................................................................................................................................... 57

58. Net Gains (Add Lines 55, 56, and 57) (Enter here and on Line 18) (If Loss, enter ZERO) .................. 58 17,500

List the net gains or income, less net loss, derived from the sale, exchange, or otherdisposition of property including real or personal whether tangible or intangible.


(a) Kind of property and description(b) Dateacquired

(Mo., day, yr.)

(c) Date sold(Mo., day, yr.)

(d) Gross salesprice

(e) Cost or other basisas adjusted (seeinstructions) andexpense of sale

(f) Gain or (loss)(d less e)


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Pensions and Annuities

Rev. 12/07 27

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