  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Volume XXI, Number 197 11th Waning of Thadingyut 1375 ME Wednesday, 30 October, 2013


    New Light of Myanmar






    Obama, Netanyahu

    discuss Iran,


    peace talks

    PM Abe commemo-

    rates Japan-assistedopening of subway

    in Istanbul

    Israel shoots

    down Gaza

    rocket, read-

    ies prisoner


    Singapore plans

    electricity futuresmarket launch by


    Nay Pyi Taw, 29 Oct

    President U Thein Sein

    addressed a coordination

    meeting on assuming the

    chair of ASEAN at Myan-

    mar International Conven-

    tion Centre (1) in the com-

    pound of State Guesthouse


    Also present on the oc-

    casion were Vice-President

    U Nyan Tun, the Union

    ministers, the deputy min-

    isters, chairmen of sub-committees, guests and of-


    In his speech, the Pres-

    ident said that it is only 63

    days left from now on as

    Myanmar is going to as-

    sume the ASEANs Chair

    on 1 January 2014 and a

    leading role in the region

    where 600 million people

    have been living in. Tak-

    ing a lead in the regional

    summit is a huge task for

    Myanmar to be proud of.

    It is the very rst time for

    President addresses coordination meeting on assuming ASEAN ChairMyanmar to lead ASEAN

    after joining ASEAN in

    1997. On 17 November,

    2011, ASEAN leaders at

    a summit unanimously ap-

    proved Myanmar to gain

    the ASEANs Chair. It

    can be said that assump-

    tion of ASEANs Chair by

    Myanmar is not only tak-

    ing the responsibility of

    a member state in accord

    with the ASEAN Charter

    but also trying hard to takea lead in ASEAN affairs

    in line with its active and

    dynamic non-aligned for-

    eign policy. The duty of

    ASEAN Chairmanship in

    2014 is very important as

    it is the last year to take

    necessary preparations for

    the emergence of ASEAN

    Community by 2015.

    The duties of ASE-

    ANs Chair are to strive for

    ensuring peace and prosper-

    ity in the region of ASEAN

    including the establishment

    of ASEAN Community

    through its leading role in

    formulating ASEAN poli-

    cies, making coordination

    and cooperation seeking

    approval of all members

    and creating and paving

    a way towards ASEANs

    Centrality. Moreover, the

    ASEANs Chair is respon-

    sible to act as a mediator in

    dealing with the matters in

    time of emergency or the

    difculties that can injurethe interest of ASEAN, to

    effectively and efciently

    take alternative measures

    against the matters in time

    and to strengthen relations

    actively. It is in conform-

    ity with the independent,

    active and non-aligned for-

    eign policy vested in the

    Constitution.Myanmar's current po-

    litical, economic and admin-

    istrative reforms are the good

    example to other ASEAN

    countries. Myanmar could

    practice its foreign policy in

    accord with the Constitution.

    Taking ASEAN chairman-

    ship is a golden opportunity

    for Myanmar to show its

    leading role and its dignity

    in the region and the inter-

    national. He called for active

    participation in it as a nation-

    al duty.

    Later, Union Ministers

    U Thein Nyunt, U Wunna

    Maung Lwin, Dr Kan Zaw

    and U Aye Myint Kyu

    (See page 8)

    Nay Pyi Taw, 29 OctThe Union

    Election Commission has granted forma-

    tion of political parties.

    A 17-member group comprising U

    Lamarlay has applied for registration

    of Lisu National Development Party to


    As the registration of the Lisu Nation-al Development Party is in conformity with

    laws and by-laws, the UEC allowed it to

    form as a political party today.


    UEC allows formation

    of political parties Nay Pyi Taw, 29 OctThe waterlevel of Sittoung River at Toungoo has

    reached its danger level starting from

    28-10-2013, 9.30 pm. According to

    the 12:30 hr M.S.T observation today,

    the water level has exceeded by 35 cm

    (1.1ft) above its danger level. It may

    continue to rise 15 cm (about 0.5ft) and

    remain above its danger level during

    the next 48 hours commencing noon

    today, announced by Meteorology and

    Hydrology Department.


    Flood Bulletin

    President U Thein Sein

    addresses a

    coordination meeting

    on assuming the chair

    of ASEAN at Myanmar


    Convention Centre (1).


    with ASEAN partnership,

    representing ASEAN.

    It needs to have thor-

    ough understandings of

    duties and make constant

    efforts for serving duties

    Thorough understanding of duties, a must:

  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Wednesday, 30 October, 20132

    l o c a l n e w s

    New Light of Myanmar

    Health Care Services

    Loans for cold season crops disbursed in


    KyauKpadaung, 29

    OctMyanma Agricultural

    Development Bank of

    Kyaukpadaung Township in

    Mandalay Region disbursed

    agricultural loans to farmers

    to be able to grow cold

    season crops on 22 October.

    Kyaukpadaung Town-

    ship has grown 4700 acres of

    cold season groundnut, 7008

    acres of paddy, 700 acres

    of sesame and 9275 acres

    of green gram. The bank

    disburses K 100,000 per acre

    of paddy and K 20000 per

    other crops to local farmers.

    The bank plans to give K

    250 million to the farmers.

    This years monsoon

    is appropriate to grow

    groundnut and pigeon

    pea. So, local farmers get

    boosting production. I have

    got over 150 baskets of

    Waso pea. Cold season

    groundnut is sure to boost

    production. Pea production

    is on the increase, but price

    of pea is down, said a local


    Cold season pea can be

    grown within three months.

    The local farmers

    have to harvest the pea in


    Kyemon-Ko Nay


    Mahlaing, 29 Oct

    Thanbo village-track, 12

    miles from Mahlaing,

    annually holds Kathina robe

    offering ceremony on a grand

    scale when the winter is

    ushering in.

    Villagers from nearand far come back to the

    Kathina robes offering ceremony heldvillage and take part in the


    Under the aegis of

    Thayetchan Monastery

    Sayadaw, Kathina donor

    Captain Kyaw Zin Soe

    from News and Periodicals

    Enterprise of the Ministryof Information also donated

    refreshment to the villagers at

    the monastery on 28 October


    The whole village took

    part in the ceremony enjoying

    Myanmar traditional dobet


    Kyaw Kyaw(Mahlaing)

    Dengue hemorrhagic fever

    preventive measures taken yangon, 29 Oct

    North Okkalapa Township,

    Township Development

    Supportive Committee and

    Township Health Depart-

    ment jointly speeded up

    the activities of preventivemeasures against DHF to-

    gether with local people and

    social organizations in the

    township of Yangon Region.

    On 24 October morn-

    ing, personnelof ward au-

    thorities and staff of Town-

    ship Health Department

    performed fumigating 105

    houses from the streets

    namely Padauk 7


    , 8


    ,9th and 10th streets in Hta

    Ward of North Okkalapa


    Kyemon-Tun Win

    Public Service Talks, Public-centred Health

    Care providedThegon, 29 OctA

    team co m p r i s in g 4 0

    specialists led by Medical

    Superintendent Dr Tint

    Shoon of Pyay Peoples

    Hospital made eld trips

    to the grassroots level in

    Thegon Township of Pyay

    District in Bago Region on

    24 October.

    The educative talks

    was held at the hall of

    Basic Education Middle

    School in Sanpya Village of

    Nyaunggon Village-tract of

    Thegon Township.

    Commander of Thegon

    Myoma Police Station Police

    Captain Zaw Aung gave

    lectures on crime reduction

    and Medical Superintendent

    Dr Tint Shoon on educative


    The Chairperson of

    Pyay District Maternal and

    Child Welfare Association

    donated K 100,000 to the

    specialists team through


    Next, the medical

    specialists provided health

    care services to 695 local

    people free of charge with

    the assistance of staff

    o f Township General

    Administration Depart-


    Kyemon-Myo Kyaw

    Gyi (KP)

    Mobile library activities un-

    dertaken in Minbu Tsp

    Minbu, 29 OctMinbu

    District Information and

    Public Relations Depart-

    ment held the talks, books

    show, photo show and wall

    magazine in Mankyo Village

    of Minbu Township on 28


    At the Dhammayon of

    the village, Staff Ofcer U

    Than Htay of the DistrictIPRD explained long-term

    durability of the library and

    raising reading habits.

    Head of Township

    IPRD Daw Khin Myat

    Mon shared the knowledge

    about population in taking

    census and household reg-


    Those present at the

    talks then viewed books,

    publications, documentary

    photos and wall magaine.

    A local expressed histhanks for the departmental


    Kyemon-Tin Tun Oo

    Rural roads covered with rainwater yedashe, 29 OctTheheavy rains hit Yedashe

    Township, causing inun-


    The rural roads on east-

    ern part of Swa are still in-

    undated due to heavy rains.

    The harvesting of short-term

    paddy strain was suspend-

    ed. Inundation occurred atlow-lying area of Ward 2

    in Swa and some villages to


    Kyemon-Ko Lwin (Swa)

    National Sports

    Natural Disaster




    on inun-

    dated rural

    street in



    bance of

    loans for



    in Kyauk-


    Overow of water from

    earthern embankment in

    PaukkhaungnaypyiTaw, 29 Oct

    In the heavy rains in Pauk-

    khaung Township of Bago

    Region, an earthern embank-

    ment near Gyogyar Villagecaused overow of water that

    entered Ward 3, Ward 4 and

    Ward 5 of Paukkhaung on 26


    About 350 houses were

    inundated in the overow

    of water and there were no


    Members of Pauk-khaung Myoma Police Sta-

    tion gave necessary assis-

    tance to the local people.

    Kyemon-Police Information

    Maung Kyu emerges champion in

    50-m prone pistol event

    yangon, 29 OctWith

    the aim of enabling Myanmar

    shooters to have experiences

    for the XXVII SEA Games,

    the Pre-SEA Games Shoot-

    ing Test Match kicked off

    at North Dagon Shooting

    Range, here, yesterday.

    Maung Kyu of Myan-

    mar secured champion in

    the mens 50-m prone pistol

    event with 149 points, Ye

    Tun Naung second with

    146.8 points and Nay HtetAung third with 126.4 points.

    Despite securing the top

    positions on the table, Ye

    Tun Naung and Nay Htet

    Aung could not maintain

    their positions later.

    The test match will run

    up to 30 October. Myanmar

    selected shooters and those

    from Sports and Physical

    Education Institute (Yangon)are taking part in the test


    Kyemon-Sai Nyi Lay:

    Photo: Shine Htet Zaw

  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Wednesday, 30 October, 2013 3New Light of MyanmarWORLD

    Former News International chief executive RebekahBrooks arrives with her husband Charlie at the Old Bai-

    ley courthouse in London on 28 Oct, 2013.ReuteRs

    Britains high-prole phone-hacking

    trial to begin

    London , 29 Oct The

    trial of Rupert Murdochsformer British newspaperchief and Prime Minister

    David Camerons ex-mediahead begins on Monday inwhat will be Britains most

    high-prole and eagerly-awaited criminal case in

    years. Rebekah Brooks and

    Andy Coulson, both formereditors of Murdochs nowdefunct News of the World

    tabloid, are accused of con-spiring to illegally accessvoicemail messages on mo-

    bile phones belonging topoliticians, the rich and fa-

    mous, as well as victims of

    crime and ordinary people,to secure exclusives. Theydeny all charges.

    The scandal surround-

    ing phone-hacking has sentshockwaves through the

    top echelons of the Britishestablishment and shaken

    Murdochs News Corp em-pire. The furor has alreadyrevealed the close ties be-

    tween Britains press bar-ons, police chiefs and seniorpoliticians, and prompted a

    year-long public inquiryinto newspaper ethics. Theindustry is still at logger-

    heads with the governmentover how it should be regu-lated. Detectives launched

    an investigation in January

    2011 and since then morethan 125 people have been

    arrested and more than 40charged with offences.


    Obama, Netanyahu discuss Iran,

    Israeli-Palestinian peace talksWashington, 29 Oct

    US President Barack Obamaon Monday spoke by phonewith Israeli Prime Minister

    Benjamin Netanyahu to dis-

    cuss issues including Iranand the Israeli-Palestinian

    peace talks, the White Housesaid. The two leaders dis-cussed recent developments

    related to Iran, Israeli-Pales-tinian negotiations, and otherregional issues, the White

    House said in a statement.The two leaders agreed tocontinue their close coordi-

    nation on a range of securityissues, it added, without dis-closing further details.

    The Obama-Netanyahuphone conversation was heldafter the latest round of US-

    Israeli Strategic Dialogueheld in Washington on lastWednesday, during which

    the two allies reafrmed theirdetermination to prevent Iran

    from acquiring a nuclear

    weapon and enhance coop-eration on regional securityissues. Also on last Wednes-

    day, US Secretary of State

    John Kerry and Netanyahuheld a meeting in Rome,

    Italy to discuss coordinationon tackling regional securityissues, especially Irans nu-

    clear programme.The latest talks and

    dialogues with Israel are re-

    garded as part of the ObamaAdministrations efforts toally Israels concerns about

    the diplomatic engagementbetween the US and Iran.Washington has welcomed

    the change of rhetoricand diplomatic overture of-fered by Irans new Presi-

    dent Hassan Rouhani, wholast month expressed thewillingness to engage dip-

    lomatically with the US-ledWest to resolve the dispute

    over Teherans nuclear

    programme. But Israel isworried that Irans latest dip-lomatic offer could be a plot

    merely designed to rid itself

    of the crippling sanctions im-posed by the US-led Western

    countries. The US and Israelsuspect that Irans nuclearprogramme is aimed at

    building nuclear weapons,which they fear could posean existential threat to the

    Jewish state, despite insistsof Teheran that its nuclearprogramme is solely for

    peaceful research and civilenergy purposes. Mean-while, Israel has announced

    its plan to release 26 Pales-tinian prisoners, held for of-fenses committed before the

    1993 Oslo peace accords,as part of its efforts to pushforward the Israeli-Palestin-

    ian peace talks that were re-sumed in July.Xinhua

    US ambassador in Spain, James Costos, leaves theforeign ministry after being summoned to a meeting

    with Spains European Secretary of Statein Madrid on 28 Oct, 2013. ReuteRs

    Spain summons US

    ambassador over spyingMadrid, 29 Oct

    Spain summoned the USambassador on Monday to

    discuss alleged spying onSpanish citizens and saidthat, if true, the action was

    unacceptable behavior byan ally. Earlier, Spanish

    newspaper El Mundo saidthe NSA recently trackedover 60 million calls inSpain in the space of a

    month, citing a documentwhich it said formed partof papers obtained from

    ex-NSA contractor EdwardSnowden.

    Spain has relayed to

    the United States the im-portance of preserving aclimate of trust...and its in-

    terest in understanding the

    full reach of practices that,if true, would be consideredinappropriate and unaccep-

    table between allies, theSpanish foreign ministrysaid in a statement. Madrid

    has also asked the UnitedStates to provide more data

    from the National SecurityAgency (NSA), it said. Thestatement was issued aftera meeting between Spains

    Secretary of State for theEuropean Union, InigoMendez de Vigo, and US

    Ambassador to Spain JamesCostos.

    We will continue to

    confer with our allies, suchas Spain, through our regulardiplomatic channels to ad-

    dress the concerns that they

    have raised, Costos said ina statement. US PresidentBarack Obama has ordered

    a review of US surveillanceprograms after Snowdenleaked documents that raised

    alarm in the United Statesand abroad. Spain has so far

    resisted calls from Germanyfor the European Unions28-member states to reach a

    no-spy deal, after reportsthat the NSA monitored thephone of German chancellor

    Angela Merkel.Reuters

    A general view of the new Shin Kori No 3 reactor ofstate-run utility Korea Electric Power Corp (KEPCO)in Ulsan, about 410 km (255 miles) southeast of Seoul

    in this 3 Sept, 2013 fle photo. ReuteRs

    Talk between UN

    nuclear agency, Iran to

    continue for second dayVienna, 29 Oct The

    UN nuclear agency and Iranwill continue talks for a sec-

    ond day on Tuesday overTeherans disputed atomicprogramme, the agency

    said on Monday.The International

    Atomic Energy Agency

    (IAEA) said the agencyschief Yukiya Amano mightmake a public statement af-

    ter Tuesdays talks.The talkbetween both sides over aninspection framework doc-

    ument began on Monday

    afternoon after the meet-ing between Iranian deputyforeign minister Abbas

    Araqchi and Amano.IAEA has held 12

    rounds of meetings with

    Iran since 2011, but noprogress has been madeover the inspection frame-

    work. The document aimsat facilitating inspection ofIrans nuclear programme.

    Iran has long maintainedthat its nuclear programmeis designed only for peace-

    ful purposes.Xinhua

    Stung by scandal, South Korea weighs up cost of

    curbing nuclear power

    seouL, 29 Oct Itstarted with a few bogussafety certicates for cablesshutting a handful of SouthKorean nuclear reactors.

    Now, the scandal has snow-balled, with 100 people in-dicted and Seoul under pres-sure to rethink its reliance onnuclear power. A shift away

    from nuclear, which gener-ates a third of South Koreaselectricity, could cost tens ofbillions of dollars a year byboosting imports of lique-ed natural gas, oil or coal.Although helping calm safe-ty concerns, it would alsopush the government into apolitically sensitive debateover whether state utilitiescould pass on sharply higherpower bills to householdsand companies.

    Gas, which makes uphalf of South Koreas en-

    ergy bill while accountingfor only a fth of its power,would likely be the mainsubstitute for nuclear, as itis considered cleaner than

    coal and plants can be builtmore easily near cities. Ifthe proportion of nuclearpower is cut, other fuel-based power generationhas to be raised. If we useLNG, the cost will de-nitely go up, said HwangWoo-hyun, vice presidentof state-run utility KoreaElectric Power Corp (KEP-CO).

    KEPCO owns KoreaHydro and Nuclear PowerCo Ltd (KHNP), whichoperates the countys nu-

    clear reactors, and also hasa quarter stake in KoreaGas Corp (KOGAS), theworlds largest corporatebuyer of LNG.Reuters

    Kishida to visit Iran on

    9-10 November, attend

    ASEM ministerial in India

    tokyo, 29 Oct For-eign Minister Fumio Kishi-da will visit Iran on 9 and

    10 November to discussthe countrys nuclear pro-gramme with Iranian Presi-

    dent Hassan Rouhani andForeign Minister Moham-mad Javad Zarif, the Japa-

    nese Foreign Ministry saidon Tuesday.

    After Iran, Kishida will

    visit India from 10 to 12November to attend a gath-ering of foreign ministers

    of the Asia-Europe Meet-ing, or ASEM, where he

    hopes to discuss economicand regional affairs, as wellas explain Japans security

    policy.Noting that Tokyo has

    pressured Tehran over itsnuclear program since Rou-hanis inauguration as new

    Iranian president in August,Kishida told reporters thathe hopes to exchange views

    with Iranian leaders on thenuclear issue and regionalaffairs.

    Kishida said he willdo so while keeping inmind Irans strategic and

    geopolitical importance,as well as the talks Iranhas had with major pow-

    ers the five permanentmembers of the UN Se-

    curity Council plus Ger-many and the Inter-national Atomic Energy

    Agency.Kyodo News

  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    4 Wednesday, 30 October, 2013

    Science & Technology

    New Light of Myanmar

    Beijing, 29 Oct Tenpossible names for Chinas

    rst moon rover, likely to belaunched in December, havecome out after a month-longonline poll and debate of a

    jury board. Yutu, or jadehare in Chinese, tops the list

    while Tansuo, or explore,and Lanyue, or catchmoon, came at the sec-ond and third places, said

    SundaysBeijing Times.Chinese at home and

    abroad were wooed to sub-

    mit proposals for the name

    of the lunar rover at and from 25 Septem-ber to 25 October. About190,000 proposals werereceived and a 14-member

    LG Electronics unveils curved

    smartphone in race against Samsung

    Seoul, 29 Oct South

    Koreas LG Electron-ics Inc unveiled a curvedsmartphone on Monday ina move to catch up biggerrival Samsung Electron-ics Co. Curved displaysand exible screens are thenew battleground for phone

    makers as the screens openup possibilities that couldeventually transform thehigh-end smartphone mar-

    ket. Curved smartphonesprovide a more comfortablegrip than at-screen mod-els, but the lack of must-have features means theyare unlikely to be big con-sumer hits anytime soon,analysts have said. Manu-facturing costs also remain

    relatively high.Both Samsung and

    LGs curved phones areonly available in the SouthKorean market as they seekto gauge consumer appetite.Samsung launched a vari-ant of the popular GalaxyNote earlier this month as

    the worlds rst smart-phone with a display slight-

    ly curved side to side. Themodel launched on Mon-day by LG Electronics hasa vertically curved six-inchdisplay. The company saidthe phone will be availablefrom next month throughSouth Koreas three mobilecarriers.Its vertically curveddisplay offers more immer-sive video watching experi-ence and the phone uses a

    curved battery to support itsform factor, LG said.

    Changing form fac-

    tors of the battery as wellas phones chip board and

    other components remain achallenge in achieving ex-ible devices. LG is amonga slew of smaller compa-nies struggling to compete

    against Samsung and AppleInc, the smartphone lead-ers that account for almost

    all the industrys prots.LG reported last week an80 billion won ($75 mil-lion) operating loss fromits handset division for thethird-quarter due to mar-

    keting costs surrounding asmartphone launch in Au-gust. The company plans toincrease marketing invest-ment in the current quarterto raise brand awareness in

    the high-end market, whichit hopes will help expandsales later in the mid to

    lower-end segments.Technology analysts

    and media reports say Ap-ple is also working on asmartwatch, potentiallywith a curved screen, butthere has been no wordfrom the Cupertino Califor-

    nia-based company aboutits plans. ($1 = 1,061.90Korean won)


    Computer cracks CAPTCHAs in step

    toward articial intelligencenew York, 29 Oct

    A technology start-up saidon Monday that it hadcome up with software that

    works like a human brain inone key way: it can crackCAPTCHAs, the strings oftilted, squiggly letters thatwebsites employ to makeusers prove you are hu-man, as Yahoo! and othersput it. San Francisco-basedVicarious developed the al-gorithm not for any nefari-ous purpose and not even tosell, said co-founder D Scott

    Phoenix. Instead, he saidin a phone interview, Wewanted to show we could

    take the rst step toward amachine that works like ahuman brain, and that we are

    the best place in the worldto do articial intelligenceresearch.

    The company has notsubmitted a paper describing

    its methodology to an aca-demic journal, which makesit difcult for outside expertsto evaluate the claim. Vicari-ous offers a demonstration

    of its technology at, showing its algo-rithm breaking CAPTCHAsfrom Google and eBaysPayPal, among others, but

    An illustration picture shows a projection of binary code

    on a man holding a laptop computer, in an ofce inWarsaw on 24 June , 2013.ReuteRs

    at least one expert was notimpressed.CAPTCHAshave been around since2000, and since 2003 there

    have been stories every sixmonths claiming that com-puters can break them, saidcomputer scientist Luis vonAhn of Carnegie MellonUniversity, a co-developer ofCAPTCHAs and founder of

    tech start-up reCAPTCHA,which he sold to Google in2009. Even if it happenswith letters, CAPTCHAswill use something else, likepictures that only humanscan identify against a distort-ing background.

    CAPTCHA stands forCompletely Automated

    Public Turing test to tellComputers and HumansApart. They are based onthe standard set in 1950 byBritish mathematician AlanTuring in 1950: a machinecan be deemed intelligent

    only if its performance isindistinguishable from a

    persons. CAPTCHAs servethat function: in order to sign

    up for free email, post com-

    ments, buy tickets or otheronline activities, more than100,000 websites require us-ers to prove they are humanby deciphering the squig-gly letters, which are oftenblurred, smeared and clut-

    tered with dots and lines.Reuters

    Carrier rocket

    sent to launchbase for


    moon landing


    Beijing, 29 Oct ALong March-3B carrier

    rocket is being transportedtowards the Xichang Satel-

    lite Launch Centre in south-west China, after left Bei-jing on Sunday morning, toprepare for the upcoming

    launch ofChange-3 moonprobe. The carrier rocketleft the capital aboard a

    train and is scheduled toreach the launch center on 1

    November, said a statementfrom the State Administra-tion of Science, Technol-

    ogy and Industry for Na-tional Defence.

    Compared with the

    carrier rocket ofChange-2moon probe, this one hasbeen equipped with a num-

    ber of new technologiesand its reliability has beenfurther improved, the state-ment said. All tests on theChange-3 moon probe,which has been in Xichang

    since 12 September, are go-ing on smoothly, the state-ment added.Reuters

    Airshow attendees watchaerobatic performance dur-

    ing the Wings Over HoustonAirshow at Ellington Airport

    of Houston, the United

    States, on 26 Oct, 2013.The annual airshow kickedoff on Saturday, with the

    absence of the US Air ForceThunderbirds air demon-stration squadron due to

    the spending cuts of the USDefence Department causedby the budget sequestration.


    Ten candidate names for Chinas rst

    moon rover after global polljury board selected the tenmost popular after heated

    debates and several roundsof vote on Saturday, said thenewspaper report.

    Yutu is a white pet rab-bit accompanying the god-dess Change on the moonin a popular ancient Chinese

    myth. In the next week, an-other online poll will electthe three most popular

    names and the nal resultwill be announced in No-

    vember. The moon rover isscheduled to be on board ofthe Change-3 moon probe,which will soft-land on the

    moon.The rover has two

    wings, stands on six wheels,weighs 140 kg and will be

    powered by solar energy.In an interview last month,Zhao Xiaojin, director of

    the aerospace departmentof the China Aerospace Sci-ence and Technology Cor-poration, depicted the lunarrover an orbiter adaptable toharsh environments; a high-ly efcient and integratedrobot; and a high altitudepatrolman carrying thedreams of Asia.

    When it arrives in lu-nar orbit on board a lander,

    the rover will choose thebest landing site and gen-

    tly touch down the moonssurface, using optical and

    microwave sensors to avoidrocks and craters, Zhaosaid. Reuters

    Wall Streets love affair

    with Facebook hinges onmobile

    San FranciSco, 29

    Oct Facebook Inc nallyearned Wall Streets love inthe second quarter. Now itneeds to make the relation-ship last. Its shares havedoubled in just the last three

    months, buoyed by an in-creasing belief among inves-tors that Facebook has nallystruck a winning formula inmobile advertising. But ex-pectations will be high when

    the worlds No 1 online so-cial network reports third-quarter results on Wednes-day, meaning the worldslargest social network willhave to handily beat WallStreet targets to maintain its

    lofty trajectory.Theyve got to prove to

    investors that they can con-tinue with the growth theydemonstrated from the last

    quarter, said Bob Bacarel-la, portfolio manager of the

    Monetta Fund, which ownsFacebook shares. Fromthe way the stock is pricedtoday, the expectations aregenerally that they will beator exceed numbers handily.Revenue from mobile adver-tising will be the center of at-tention. Wall Street analysts

    expect Facebook to grow itsmobile revenue at least ve-fold from the year-ago peri-od, with many ofcial esti-mates ranging between $760million and $840 million.But there are signs that inves-tors are privately hoping foran even bigger number.

    What Ive been tellingfolks is that, in general, $850million-plus is the numberthats needed, maybe even

    $900 million-plus, said BenSchachter, an analyst withMacquarie Research, whose

    own estimate calls for $836million in mobile ad revenue.


    Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg sits for

    audience questions inan onstage interview forthe Atlantic Magazine in

    Washington, on 18 Sept,2013. ReuteRs

  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Wednesday, 30 October, 2013 5


    New Light of Myanmar

    Japans NTT Comm to buy

    two US cloud computing rmsTokyo, 29 Oct NTT

    Communications Corpplans to buy two US cloudcomputing rms for up to100 billion yen ($1 billion)combined, a source withknowledge of the mattersaid, as Japanese rms rampup efforts to improve over-seas networks through ac-

    quisitions.The unlisted long-dis-

    tance and overseas callingunit of Nippon Telegraphand Telephone Corp will

    Toyota still No 1 carmaker

    in Jan-Sept, likely

    outselling GM, VWTokyo, 29 Oct Toy-

    ota Motor Corp (7203.T)is likely to have retained

    its position as the worldsbest-selling carmaker forthe rst nine months of theyear, beating rivals Gen-eral Motors Co (GM.N)and Volkswagen AG(VOWG_p.DE), companygures showed on Monday.

    Toyota said its group-wide sales totaled around7.41 million vehicles, up0.1 percent from the same

    period a year ago, withstrong sales in its biggestmarket of the United States

    offsetting slow sales inChina. Toyotas groupwidetotal includes sales at afli-ates Daihatsu Motor Co Ltd(7262.T) and Hino MotorsLtd (7205.T).

    General Motors sold7.25 million vehicles dur-ing the same January toSeptember period, up 4.6percent year-on-year, whileVolkswagen rose 4.8 per-

    A sign with a logo is on display at a Toyota car sales andshowroom in St Petersburg, on 18 Sept, 2013.


    cent to 7.03 million vehi-cles, according to guresreleased earlier this month.Volkswagens sales g-ure however, excludes itsScania and MAN brands.

    Scania sold around 56,220vehicles up to September.Scania and MAN brandstypically account for a com-bined 200,000 vehicles in afull year. Reuters

    Samsung Elec shares rise 2

    percent after third-quarter

    earnings boost outlookSeoul, 29 Oct Shares

    in Samsung Electronicsrose 2 percent on Monday,driven by expectations thatthe South Korean technol-ogy giant will continue topost solid earnings afterits record-high prot in theJuly to September period,analysts said.

    Some analysts raisedtheir target prices for Sam-

    sung, expecting a strongrecovery in its memorychip business to help offsetslowing growth of smart-phone prots in the comingquarters.

    Samsung shares roseas much as 2 percent to1,478,000 Korean won($1,400) per share, thehighest intraday level in a


    A man using his mobile phone walks past a Samsung

    Electronics shop in the companys main ofce buildingin central Seoul on 23 July, 2013.ReuteRs

    Apples iPhone sales, holiday quarter up for

    scrutinyNew york, 29 Oct

    Apple Incs iPhone salesand revenue forecasts, dueto be released on Mon-day, may offer clues as towhether its low-cost 5Cmodel missed the mark orwhether the worlds largesttech company can continueits run of smash-hit gadg-ets. Signs have emergedthat demand for the cheapermodel is lagging the top-tieriPhone 5S both of whichwent on sale in September -because its $100 discount isproving to be insufcient tomotivate emerging market

    and price-conscious cus-tomers. But some analystssay the concerns are over-blown and that a greaterproportion of iPhone 5S

    shipped, translates into bet-ter margins and earningsoverall.

    Apple will be report-ing results just a week aftertaking the wraps off an in-crementally improved iPadAir. But it is the iPhone,which accounts for morethan half the companysprot and is its highest-margin gadget, that takescenter stage.

    Apple is expected toreport sales of 33 millionto 36 million iPhones inits scal fourth quarter thatended in September, rising

    to more than 50 million inthe typically strong holi-day quarter the rst fullquarter of sales of the twonew phones. Media re-

    ports of 5C production cutsare misleading, in our view,given what we think hasbeen strengthening over-all 5S/5C production with5S vectors continuing tostrengthen even real time,Timothy Arcuri, an analystat Cowen & Co, said in aresearch note.

    Apple has come underpressure over the past yearor two to bolster sales of itsiPhones and iPads as per-ennial rival Samsung Elec-tronics and cheaper gadgetsbased on Google Incs An-droid software chip away

    at its once-leading marketshare. Its stock has gained12.5 percent since August,when famously aggressiveactivist investor Carl Icahn

    disclosed a large position inthe iPhone maker and be-gan making calls for a new,stepped-up $150 billionshare buyback programme- boosting hopes of a biggerreturn of cash to sharehold-ers than anticipated. But thestock is still down about1 percent this year, vastlyunderperforming the S&P500s 23 percent gain.

    Longer-term, investorswonder whether the com-pany that revolutionized thecellphone industry and pop-ularized the tablet computerhas another groundbreaking

    device left in it. Analystssay it will take a genuinelynew device like the oft-rumored smartwatch orsome sort of TV to re-vive the stock.

    Investors also hopethat Apple will seal a dealto sell phones through Chi-na Mobile Ltd, gaining ac-cess nally to the countryslargest telecoms operator.We do see fewer positivecatalysts for the stock as thecompany nishes its annualproduct line refresh, ColinGillis, an analyst at BGCFinancial, said in a Fridaynote to clients.


    An employee

    shows thethe front ofa new Apple

    iPhone 5C(R) and

    iPhone 5

    S (L) at aVerizon store

    in Orem,

    Utah on 19

    Sept, 2013.ReuteRs

    In Europe, stirrings of

    growth are talk of the

    seasonFraNkFurT, 29 Oct

    Down in the undergrowth ofEuropes economy, some-

    thing is stirring. Whetherthey make paper to packpeaches, recruit temps forsecretarial work or work atthe dirty end, handling thewaste that all businessesproduce, managers are talk-ing about signs the gloomis lifting and hopes thatgrowth is on its way back.The euro zone came out of along recession in the secondquarter and a survey lastweek of purchasing manag-ers a guide to how rmssee their business growingin the coming months

    seemed to conrm recovery,albeit tentatively, is takingroot.

    There is certainlygrowing optimism thatthings are on the mend inEurope, said Vasant Prab-hu, chief nancial ofcer ofStarwood Hotel and ResortsWorldwide (HOT.N), oneof a host of executives tocomment during the third-quarter earnings season.The company, which runsSheraton and other hotelbrands, said it did well fromtourists in Italy and Spainand made more revenue

    from each room thanks toa lack of new hotels open-ing. Among multinationals

    whose job it is to ll the jobsthat companies start to cre-ate as they expand, there is a

    similar sense of being at theleading edge of an upturnin fortunes: The positivesignals that emerged duringthe previous quarter per-sisted in the third quarter,said Rob Zandbergen, chiefexecutive of USG People(USGP.AS), echoing com-ments from rival Manpower(MAN.N). The stafng sec-tor is seen as an economicbarometer as rms tend tohire temporary staff rst,waiting for further evidenceof recovery before addingto their permanent payroll.

    Zandbergen said companiesdealing with logistics andmaking semi-nished goods typically involved in theearly stages of productionbefore products reach theirnal buyers were doingwell: A number of early-cyclical sectors returned torevenue growth in the thirdquarter, he said.

    Another business closeto the inner workings ofindustry, French waste andwater company Suez En-vironnement (SEVI.PA),said the upswing had yetto arrive but that at least

    things seemed to have at-tened out after a period ofdecline.Reuetrs

    buy Virtela TechnologyServices Inc, allowing it tooffer data services globallywithout licensing cables andlines in individual markets.Denver, Colorado-basedVirtela provides services tocorporate clients in morethan 190 countries throughlocal partnerships.

    Information on NTTCommunications plannedacquisition of a secondUS cloud-related rm wasnot immediately available.

    An NTT Communicationsspokesman declined to com-ment but said President Aki-ra Arima was due to hold anews conference at 4:30 pm(0730 GMT) in Tokyo.

    NTT Communications,which operates data centresin Hong Kong and Britain,aims to boost revenues from

    cloud services above 200billion yen by the businessyear to March 2016, morethan double the gure for2011/12, as it grapples with

    declining revenue fromvoice services.

    Cash-rich Japaneserms have been activelyacquiring overseas com-panies in recent years, in-cluding in the telecomsand information technol-ogy sector where SoftBankCorp in July completed its

    $21.6 billion purchase ofSprint Corp, Japans biggestoverseas acquisition. ($1 =97.3400 Japanese yen)


  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Wednesday, 30 October, 20136


    New Light of Myanmar

    PM Abe commemorates

    Japan-assisted opening

    of subway in IstanbulJapanese Prime

    Minister Shinzo Abespeaks during a cer-

    emony marking theopening of a subwayline under the Bospo-rus Strait in Istanbul,

    Turkey, on 28 Oct,2013. KyodoNews

    Istanbul, 29 Oct Japanese Prime MinisterShinzo Abe on Monday

    afternoon attended a recep-tion to mark the opening ofa subway system under the

    Bosporus Strait in Istanbul,Turkey, that was partly -nanced by Japanese yen

    loans. I hope (the railway)will be a symbol of friend-

    ship between Japan andTurkey, and further pro-mote our friendly relation-ship, Abe said at the re-

    ception attended by TurkishTransport Minister BinaliYildirim.

    Abe also expressedrespect for the determina-tion and passion of the peo-

    ple involved in the project,which became the drivingforce of the almost-impos-

    sible work of constructionand called the project ahistorical achievement re-

    sulting from cooperationbetween Japan and Turkey.

    Japan provided of-cial development assistanceloans totaling 153.3 billionyen for the subway system,

    linking the Asian and Euro-pean sides of the city.

    Kyodo News

    Fininvest President Marina Berlusconi poses before theshareholders meeting at Mondadori headquarters in

    Segrate, outside Milan, on 21 April, 2011.ReuteRs

    Berlusconis daughter

    denies planning to enter

    politicsRome, 29 Oct Silvio

    Berlusconis oldest daugh-

    ter Marina denied specula-tion on Monday within her

    fathers party that she couldreplace him as centre-rightleader due to the billionaire

    former prime ministers le-gal difculties. Berlusconi,77, is embroiled in a series

    of court cases, and the ap-proach of a Senate vote on

    whether to expel the mediamagnate from parliament,possibly exposing him to

    the risk of arrest, has in-tensied talk in his party ofMarina taking over.

    Several party memberstold Italian media over the

    weekend that Marina mightenter politics, while otherssaid such decisions shouldbe made democratically.

    Once again I am forced todeny this in the most abso-lute manner: I have never

    had and have no intention of

    engaging in politics, said a

    statement from the 47-year-old Marina, who heads her

    fathers business empire.The statement comes amiddeepening divisions in his

    center-right party as Ber-lusconis conviction for taxfraud at his Mediaset em-

    pire threatens the career ofa man who has dominated

    Italian politics for the lasttwo decades.

    Berlusconis decision

    to suspend the activitiesof his People of Freedom(PDL) party and revive his

    old Forza Italia group last

    week has exacerbated a riftbetween loyalist supportersof the four-times prime min-

    ister and a rebel group whoback Interior Minister An-gelino Alfano. Alfano led

    a revolt earlier this month

    that thwarted the tycoons

    attempt to bring down thegovernment of Enrico Let-ta, a fragile coalition that

    includes the centre-rightand their traditional rivalsthe centre-left Democratic


    Federal police patrol downtown in Morelia, in theMexican state of Michoacan on 28 Oct, 2013.ReuteRs

    Mexico orces kill two suspects in state

    energy frm attacks

    mexIco cIty, 29 Oct Mexican security forces

    killed two people believedto be involved in a stringof attacks on electrical in-

    stallations at the weekendand captured three more,the government said on

    Monday. An unspeciednumber of substations

    and gas stations were at-tacked and damaged earlyon Sunday in the troubled

    western state of Michoacanin an attack that temporar-

    ily knocked out power forhundreds of thousands ofpeople.

    National securi-ty spokesman EduardoSanchez said authorities

    were still investigating theattacks but added that two

    men suspected of beinginvolved had been killedin a reght with soldiers,

    while three others had beencaptured.These men ...

    have been hospitalized as aresult of injuries caused by

    the ipping over of the car

    they were trying to ee in,Sanchez said. It was notimmediately clear when

    the killings and arrests tookplace.

    He said that power had

    now been restored to allthe affected regions. Lo-cal media said blackouts

    had plunged into darknessmore than 400,000 peopleacross the mountainous

    state of some 4.4 million.Mexico stepped up securityin the troubled western re-

    gion in the wake of the at-tacks.nergy Minister Pedro

    Joaquin Coldwell said se-

    curity forces had increasedtheir presence at facilities

    of the state-run electricitycompany the Federal Elec-tricity Commission (CFE)

    and oil monopoly Pemex inMichoacan.


    Palestinian policemen loyal to Hamas inspect the sceneof an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip

    on 28 Oct, 2013.ReuteRs

    Israel shoots down Gaza rocket,

    readies prisoner release

    JeRusalem, 29 Oct Palestinians in the Gaza

    Strip red two rockets ata southern Israeli coastalcity on Monday and Is-raels Iron Dome intercep-

    tor shot down one whilethe other fell into the sea, amilitary spokeswoman said.

    Within hours, Israels airforce bombed what a mili-

    tary spokesman describedas two concealed rocketlaunchers in northern Gaza.

    There were no casualties.The pre-dawn salvo againstAshkelon, about 12 km (7

    miles) north of Gaza, wasunusual given the relativerestraint of Palestinian mili-

    tants since last Novemberswar between the coastal en-

    claves Islamist Hamas rul-ers and the Jewish state.

    There was no claim of

    responsibility for Mondayslaunches. They may havebeen meant to spoil the US-

    sponsored peace talks thatHamass rival, PalestinianPresident Mahmoud Abbas,

    resumed with Israel in July.To bolster Abbas, Israel is

    due to free 26 Palestinianprisoners this week. Duringthe previous prisoner re-

    lease, in August, Gaza mili-tants red rockets across theborder and Israel responded

    with air strikes. Hamas has

    called on Abbas, who holdssway in the Israeli-occupiedWest Bank, to abandon

    peacemaking and form anew Palestinian power-sharing government.

    The Islamist factionhas also signaled readinessto go to war, taking respon-

    sibility last week for a tun-nel which the Israelis dis-

    covered running into theirterritory from Gaza andsaid was likely intended

    for kidnapping soldiers orsetting off underground ex-plosives. But the sands are

    shifting for Hamas, whichhas tipped into nancial andpolitical crisis after being

    cut off from neighboringEgypt by the new, military-guided interim government

    in Cairo. Hamass ties withformer backers Iran andSyria have similarly de-

    teriorated and in Gaza itsauthority has at times beenchallenged by more radical

    armed Islamists.Abbass administra-

    tion, which was expelled

    from Gaza in a 2007 Pal-estinian civil war, has keptHamas in check in the West


    A woman passes by posters of Georgian presidentialelection candidates in Tbilisi on 26 Oct, 2103.


    Three Egypt policemen killed in attack in Nile Delta town

    caIRo, 29 Oct ThreeEgyptian policemen werekilled on Monday when

    masked men attacked acheckpoint in the Nile Del-

    ta city of Mansoura, secu-rity sources said. No grouphas claimed responsibility

    for the attack. Al-Qaeda-linked Islamist militantshave stepped up attacks on

    soldiers and police since

    the army toppled IslamistPresident Mohamed Mursiin July.

    The majority of the at-tacks have been carried out

    in the largely lawless Sinairegion, although militantshave on occasion extended

    their campaign into majorcities. Three men in a carand one on a motorcycle

    approached the checkpoint

    before dawn and red at thepolicemen to make surethat they were dead, a se-

    curity source in Mansourasaid, speaking on condition

    of anonymity.This is another attack

    in the series of terrorist at-

    tacks against the police,he said, saying the violenceshows the intent of re-

    venge against the security

    forces. He did not specifywho had carried out the at-tack. State-run newspaper

    Al-Ahram reported that 60bullet casings were found at

    the site of the attack. The po-lice were conducting searchoperations to locate the per-

    petrators, but no arrests hadbeen made, according to anemailed statement from the

    interior ministry.Reuters

  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    7Wednesday, 30 October, 2013New Light of MyanmarL O C A L N E W S

    Shelter Self-Improvement Project Case Management Training

    Course kicks off

    Yangon, 29 OctThe

    Shelter Self-Improvement

    Project Case Management

    Training Course, jointly

    organized by CentralCommit tee for Ant i -

    Trafficking in Persons,

    Human Trafcking Victims

    Acceptance, Reintegration

    and Rehabilitation and

    UNIAP, was held at Social

    Welfare Department on

    Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road,

    here, from 22 to 25 October.Commander of Anti-

    Human Trafcking Police

    Corps Police Brig-Gen Win

    Naing Tun, in his address,

    said that Myanmar has

    drawn National Plan of

    Action for Anti-Trafcking

    in Persons with Policy and

    Cooperation, Prevention,Prosecution, Protection and

    Capacity Building sectors as

    a programme for protection

    of human trafcking victims.

    Tasks are being carried

    out through victim-centred

    approach. A sustainable

    network is to be set up among

    the government, NGOs and

    human trafcking victims.

    It was attended by

    23 personnel from Social

    Wel fa re Dep ar tm en t ,

    seven from Anti-Human

    Trafficking Police Corps,

    seven from Gender Gorup,

    JICA TIP Project, World

    Vision (ETIP Program), Kren

    Baptist Convention Women

    Department. Ofcials from

    Human Traffcking Working

    Group which are World

    Vision, IOM and JACA took

    part in the discussions.

    M s H o a N g u y e n

    (International Develop-

    m e n t , A n t i - H u m a n

    Traf f i ck in g P ro g ram

    Specialist) and Daw Ohn-

    m a r E i E i C h a w

    (UNIAP Myanmar) shared

    their experience to the


    M M A L - Z a w M y o


    Sugarcane plantations thriving

    in Pyu, Kyaukkyi, Kyaukdaga

    P Y u , 2 9 O c t

    Plantations of sugarcane are

    thriving in Pyu, Kyaukkyi

    and Kyaukdaga townships of

    Bago Region for 2012-2013

    cademic year due to properrainwater this year.

    A total of 2150 acres

    of sugarcane of 1074

    farmers are thriving in Pyu

    Township, 1767 acres of

    849 farmers in Kyaukkyi

    Township and 749 acres of

    143 farmers in Kyaukdaga


    It may be produced

    95526 acres of sugarcane,

    s a i d o f f i c i a l s f r o m

    Zeyawady Hsinbyudaw

    Advanced Sugar Mill of

    Pyu Township according to

    the survey of the ofcials.

    Zeyawady Sugar Mill

    of Pyu Township will go

    into operation in third week

    of December this year.

    Farmers are to send theirsugarcane to the sugar mill

    as of rst week of October.

    The sugar mill issued

    K 300,000 each to farmers

    for maintenance of vehicles

    and K 30000 per acre to

    sugarcane growers in 2013-

    14 cultivation season.

    The mill will crush

    800,000 tons of sugarcane

    this season, said General

    Manager U Myo Min of

    Hsinbyutaw Advanced

    Sugarcane Mill.

    MMAL-Pyu Myint Oo

    Pabedan Township Maternal and Child Welfare

    Association and Township Health Department

    jointly organized the public-based mobile clinic

    at the Dhammayon of Maha Theindawgyi in

    Pabedan Township on 11 October. Doctors of the

    clinic provided health care services to local people

    including members of the Sangha from 9 am to 5


    Meiktila Phalankyin forest reserve contributes

    much to greening taskMeiktila, 29 Oct

    Meiktila of Meiktila Districtin Mandalay Region is

    located in the dry zone of

    Myanmar. Thus, Dry Zone

    Greening Department under

    the Ministry of Environmental

    Con-servation and Forest

    Department is implementing

    the project for village re-

    wood plantations.

    Ph a l an k y in fo res t

    reserve is one of the list of

    forest reserves of the Dry

    Zone Greening Department

    near Phalankyin Village of



    The forest reserve islocated on 110 acres of land.

    Plants are grown under a

    ve-year plan. After ve

    years, the department will

    hand over the forest to

    Phalankyin Village.In the past, the western

    part of Meiktila, near


    Road, were covered with

    thick foliage. Later, the

    greening forest plantations

    were declining year by year

    due to growing population

    and number of housings.

    The local people utilized the

    forests for their housing and

    clearing parts of forest as

    residences and pasture lands.

    In consequence, the area gets

    about 20 inches of rainfall.

    That was why officials

    organized the local peopleto grow village plantations

    and conserve the existing

    forests. Therefore, they have

    over 30 inches of rainfall.

    Phalankyin plantation is

    now thriving within oneyear. At a time when it turns

    ve year, the department

    will hand over the forest

    plantation to the village,

    said Assistant Director U

    Soe Tint (1) of Dry Zone

    Greening Department of

    Meiktila District.Offcials and s taff

    of Dry Zone Greening

    Department protect the

    Haka District gets new courtHaka , 29 OctA

    ceremony to open the new

    court of Haka District was

    held in Zayhaung Ward of

    Haka of Chin State on 24


    It was attended by Chin

    State Chief Minister U Hong

    Ngai, the Speaker of Chin

    State Hluttaw, the Chief

    Justice of Chin State High

    Court, the Advocate-General

    of the State and Chin state


    The Chief Minister of

    the state formally unveiled

    the signboard of the new


    Haka District judge

    U Aung Win presented

    commemorative pennants

    to the Chief Minister of the

    State, Chief Justice U Win

    Myint Kyaw of State High

    Court and ofcials.

    MMAL-Chin State



    drugs seizedin Momauk

    KyauksakhanMoMauk, 29 Oct IP

    Aung Myat Kyaw and party

    of Momauk mobile team from

    Bhamo Anti-Drug Squad (1)

    of Kachin State together with

    local authorities raided the

    house of Ko Kun Tae at No.

    17 in Kyauksakhan Village

    in Bhamo Township on 24

    October morning.

    Acting on a tip-off,

    they searched and found0.001 gram of white powder

    from the straw of soft drink

    under the chest drawer and

    23.7 grams of white powder

    believed to be heroin from

    the iron box and K 170,000

    believed to be proceeds from

    the sales of heroin.

    M o m a u k M y o m a

    Police Station tested the


    MMAL-Wah Wah


    Thriving plantations seen at Phalankyin forest reserve.

    Shelter Self-Improvement Project Case Management Training Course in


    forest plantations day and

    night and gave educative

    talks to local people twice a

    month not to squat the forest

    reserve, not to plought thelands as farmlands, not to

    cut the trees and not to set


    The plants at Phalankyin

    forest will contribute to the

    weather for getting propervolume of rainfalls in the

    region and greening of the



  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Wednesday, 30 October, 20138 New Light of MyanmarN a t i o N a lN a t i o N a l

    Wednesdy, 30 ocber, 2013

    t cvey ke pr nnnwde census kng

    Mynmr s nw wrkng hrd fr kng

    nnwde census n 2014. ths s he hrd mefr he cunry fer regnng s ndependence.

    Census kng ws crred u n he cunry n

    1973 nd 1983. Frm h me n, here were

    n census kngs h k pce n he cunry,

    making it difcult to obtain accurate data and


    Census kng cves w be underken

    nnwde frm 30 Mch 10 apr 2014 un-

    der he edershp f he Mnsry f immgr-

    n nd Ppun. twrds hs end, he 2013

    Ppun nd Census lw hs redy been

    prmuged. Under he w, s sed h

    d nd fcs n census sh n be uzed n

    her cuses excep census mers.

    the sk f nnwde census kng shuge nd cud cs f funds. i s esm-

    ed cs US$ 85.5 mn. i s ern h he

    cunry w spend US$ 15 mn n he prjec

    nd he remnng cs w be brne by fregn

    cunres. therefre, he pepe re c-

    vey ke pr n he meg prcess be be

    bn ccure d nd fcs.

    as he census kng be unched sn

    cvers n ny census bu husehd fcs nd

    gures, each and every household plays a cru-

    c re n hepng cqure ccure d. ony

    hen, w be be cnrbue drwng fu-

    ure devepmen pns.

    a me when cncree seps re beng k-

    en by he reevn deprmens nd ndvdusfr success f he mpressve prcess be sn

    crred u, he nn pepe re herefre

    d her b wh sense f duy hep bn

    ccure d nd fcs.

    Nay Pyi Taw, 29

    OctA delegation led by

    President of National En-

    dowment for Democracy

    (NED) Mr Carl Gersh-

    man paid a call on Chair-

    UEC chrmn mees Presden f Nn

    Endwmen fr Demcrcy (NED)man of the Union Election

    Commission U Tin Aye

    at Chairmans ofce here

    this morning.

    They cordially

    exchanged views on

    UECs functions and

    electoral process, prepa-

    rations for ensuring a

    free and fair multi-par-

    ty general election in

    2015, participation of

    people, political parties,

    Civil Society Organiza-

    tions (CSOs), media and

    international organiza-

    tions in the processes of

    Myanmars democratic

    reforms and the elec-

    tions, drawing strategic

    plan for the electoral

    process, visits of local

    and foreign election ob-

    servers, visits to other

    countries elections by

    Myanmar observers and

    international experience

    on elections.

    It was also attended

    by commission members

    U Myint Naing, U Aung

    Myint, Dr Daw Myint Kyi,

    U Win Kyi, U Nyunt Tinand U Win Ko, secretary

    U Tin Tun and ofcials

    from the UEC Ofce.


    NayPyiTaw, 29 Oct

    An ofcial ceremony was

    organized on 25 October

    2013 at the Embassy of

    the Republic of the Union

    of Myanmar in Bangkok.

    On behalf of Hungarian

    Government, Mr. DanesTOMAJ, Ambassador

    Extraordinary and Pleni-

    potentiary of Hungary to

    Myanmar, handed over the

    Gvernmen f Hungry hnds ver

    cmpuer hrdwre sysem MynmrType worth 43379.57 US

    Dollars to Myanmar in sup-

    port of the assumption of

    the ASEAN Chairmanship

    of Myanmar in 2014.

    Ambassador U Tin

    Win mentioned, The com-

    puter hardware donated bythe Government of Hun-

    gary will surely support

    our preparation for the

    Myanmars Chairmanship

    of ASEAN in 2014, which

    will be paving the way to-

    wards the successful ASE-

    AN Community in 2015

    and will strengthen and

    further promote the existing

    diplomatic relations and co-

    operation between Myan-

    mar and Hungary.

    Also present were the

    Myanmar Military Attache,diplomats from the Myan-

    mar and Hungary Embas-

    sies, business entrepreneurs

    and media men.MNA

    Chairman of Union Election Commission U Tin Aye receives

    President of National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

    Mr Carl Gershman.mna

    Meeting between


    Union Government

    and Legislative

    Cooperation Work

    Committee in

    progress at Hluttaw

    Complex.(News n


    computer hardware system

    to U Tin Win, Ambassador

    Extraordinary and Pleni-

    potentiary of Myanmar to

    Thailand, on behalf of the

    Government of the Repub-

    lic of the Union of Myan-

    mar.The Government of

    Hungary donated the com-

    puter hardware system of

    9567800 Hungarian Forint

    NayPyiTaw, 29 Oct

    Pyithu Hluttaw Educa-

    tion Promotion Committee

    Chairman Dr Chan Nyein

    received a delegation led

    by Executive (Executive

    Education) Mr. Heyi Gan

    of Lee Kuan Yew School

    of Public Policy of National

    University of Singapore at

    the Hluttaw Affairs Hall

    Pyhu Huw Educn

    Prmn Cmmee Chr-

    mn receves fregn guess

    of Hluttaw Complex, here,

    this afternoon.

    Also present at the call

    were Secretary of the Com-

    mittee Dr Mya Oo and 13


    At the call, they had a

    cordial discussion on edu-

    cational cooperation be-

    tween the two countries.


    Hey, Death... you

    cant take me, for

    Im fastening my

    seat belt!

    Fasten your seat belt while driving.

    (from page 1)

    reported to the President

    on preparation works for

    ASEAN Chair and so did

    the Subcommitte chairmen.

    After hearing the re-

    ports, the President left the

    necessary instructions.

    In his concluding re-

    mark, the President said

    Presden U then Sen

    ddresses crdnn

    that taking ASEAN Chair-

    manship is a golden op-

    portunity for Myanmar.

    He called for cooperation

    by the government, NGOs

    and all citizens as a national


    Successful holding of

    meetings gives Myanmar a

    chance of showing peace,

    stability and capacity to

    ASEAN countries as well

    as to the globe. Myanmar

    needs to show successful

    holding of regional and in-

    ternational meetings to the

    world during its transitional

    period. ASEAN Chair's

    duty is broad and enormous

    one. He called for collabo-ration among the ministries

    and the subcommittee, he


    Afterwards, the Presi-

    dent and party looked round

    simples of gifts and brooch-

    es for ASEAN chair and

    progress in construction of

    meeting halls.

    It is reported that

    Myanmar takes ASEAN

    chair for one-year term

    as of 1 January next year.

    More than 240 meetingsare scheduled to be held

    in Yangon, Mandalay and



  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    9Wednesday, 30 October, 2013New Light of MyanmarN A T I O N A L

    (from page 16)

    Wadaya and Thadukan in-

    dustrial zones that were

    established in 2004 and

    lagged behind in develop-

    ment due to inadequacy in

    electricity supply and farm-

    land issues. Upon comple-tion of the task of devel-

    oping the two zones and

    Roadside vendors allowed...

    23rd ASEAN Armies...(from page 16)

    The Chief of the Gen-

    eral Staff awarded the win-

    ners at Novelty Shooting

    contest. The Chief of Gen-eral Staff (Army, Navy and

    Air) and the Vice-Chiefs

    of Staff (Army) planted

    star-ower saplings in the

    compound of the shooting


    section (4) of Shwepyitha

    Industrial Zone in which

    other three sections have

    developed, there will be

    new jobs for 25000 work-


    Todays session end-

    ed at noon and the 17th

    -daysession will continue on 31


    They looked round

    the booths put on show at

    Exhibition Hall in AARM

    village. In the afternoon,

    the Chief of General Staff,the Vice-Chiefs of Staff

    (Army) and senior mili-

    tary ofcers from Myan-

    mar participated in friend-

    ly golf tournament held in

    commemoration of the 23rd

    Nay Pyi Taw, 29

    OctA work coordination

    meeting of Pyithu Hluttaw

    Committees and Commis-

    sion was held at Zabuthi-

    ri meeting hall in Hluttaw

    Pyithu Hluttaw Committee andCommission meet

    Complex here today, attend-

    ed by Pyithu Hluttaw Speak-

    er Thura U Shwe Mann.

    The Pyithu Hluttaw

    Speaker addressed the meet-

    ing. Ofcials, the committee

    chairmen and the secretaries

    and commission members

    presented the reports.

    The meeting came to an

    end following the speech by

    the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker.

    It was also attended by Py-

    ithu Hluttaw Deputy Speak-

    er U Nanda Kyaw Swa and

    ofcials from the Hluttaw



    Nay Pyi Taw, 29

    OctUnion Minister for

    Home Affairs Lt-Gen Ko

    Ko held talks on bilateral

    cooperation with President

    of the National Endowment

    for Democracy (NED) Mr.

    Carl Gershman and party at

    his ofce, here, this noon.

    It was attended by

    Deputy Minister for Home

    Affairs Brig-Gen Kyaw

    Kyaw Tun and ofcials

    concerned from MyanmarPolice Force and the Gen-

    eral Administration Depart-


    Union Home Affairs Minister

    receives NED President

    Nay Pyi Taw, 29 Oct

    On her speech at a work-

    shop on formulation of dis-

    aster management bylaws

    held at the Ministry of So-

    cial Welfare, Relief and Re-

    settlement, here, this morn-

    ing, Union Minister Dr Daw

    Myat Myat Ohn Khin called

    on experts from departments

    concerned and relevant are-

    as to give advice based on

    personal experiences and

    expertise on formulation of

    bylaws (draft) that have to

    be drawn during a 90-day

    period after promulgation of

    Disaster Management Law

    Workshop on formulation

    of disaster management

    bylaws heldon 31 July 2013.

    Next, Mr. Sanny Ramos

    of UNDP (Asia Pacic Re-

    gional Ofce) spoke on the


    Afterwards, members

    of Pyithu Hluttaw Bill Com-

    mittee and National Disaster

    Preparedness sub-commit-

    tees, experts from Supreme

    Court of the Union and At-

    torney-General Ofce of

    the Union, heads of relevant

    departments, responsible

    persons of Disaster Risk Re-

    duction Working Group and

    legal experts from Indone-

    sia and the Philippines held

    discussions on enactment

    of disaster management by-

    laws in a transparent man-


    ASEAN Armies Rie Meet

    2013 at PyinOoLwin golf


    In the evening, they

    enjoyed sunset view near

    PyinOoLwin Anisakhanand beauty of Dattawchai

    waterfall. Later, prizes were

    awarded to those winners at

    the dinner at Dattawchaint



    NayPyiTaw, 29 Oct

    Chairman of the Committee

    for Ensuring Success in

    Sports Deputy Minister for

    Sports U Thaung Htaik vis-

    ited the training center-1 at

    Nay Pyi Taw Sports Train-

    ing Centre this morning.

    There, he encouraged

    the Muay boxers under in-

    Shot in the arm for athletestensive training and training

    of Vovinam Bando athletes

    and joint training of My-

    anmar traditional Chinlone

    players together with those

    from Cambodia and Thai-

    land, and training of play-

    ers in billiards and snooker,

    Taekwondo, and archery


    Nay Pyi Taw, 29

    OctA moderate earth-

    quake of magnitude (5.0)

    Richter Scale with its ep-

    icenter inside Myanmar

    (about 14 miles east of

    Kalewa) about (132) miles

    Union Home Affairs

    Minister Lt-Gen Ko Ko

    receives President of

    National Endowment for

    Democracy (NED) Mr.

    Carl Gershman.mna

    Workshop on formulation of disaster

    management bylaws in progress.mna

    Moderate earthquake jolts inside

    Myanmarnorthwest of Mandalay

    seismological observatory

    was recorded at (14) hrs

    (23) min (08) sec M.S.T

    today, announced Meteor-

    ology and Hydrology De-


    Shooting teams take

    designated positions

    at shooting range.


    Chief of the General

    Staff (Army, Navy and

    Air) General

    Hla Htay Win

    and Vice-Chiefs

    of Staff (Army) of

    ASEAN countries

    view modern arms

    and ammunitions

    displayed for ASABArmies Rife Meeting

    in PyinOoLwin.


  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Wednesday, 30 October, 2013

    L O C A L N E W S

    10 New Light of Myanmar

    Seikpyu, 29 OctUnder

    the supervision of Disaster

    Management Unit of My-

    anmar Red Cross Society,

    Seikpyu Township Red

    Cross Society conducted the

    community-based disaster

    risk reduction courses from

    June to October 2013.

    It was attended by 360

    trainees from 12 villages.

    At the concluding cer-

    emony at Basic Education

    Middle School in Chaung-

    magyi Village on 25 Oc-

    tober, Magway Region

    Hluttaw representative U

    Myint Soe delivered an


    Deputy Commanding

    Ofcer U Maung MaungWin of Township Red Cross

    Battalion explained the

    purpose of training courses.

    Officials presented

    rst, second and third prizes

    to the winning groups from

    Chaungmagyi and Mezalig-

    way villages in practical


    The village administra-

    tor and a female trainee spoke

    words of thanks.

    Present on the occasion

    were towns elders, members

    of village development sup-

    portive committee, course

    instructors and trainees.

    During the training

    period, Myanmar Red Cross

    Society provided K 1500 for

    30 trainees in each village.

    The training courses were

    opened in each village for

    ve days.

    Kyemon-Ko Myo


    Community-based disaster risk reduction

    courses conducted

    Security Course for Hotels, Motels and

    Lodgings opened in Toungoo

    Toungoo , 29 Oct

    Under the leadership of

    the Ministry of Hotels and

    Tourism, the Bago Region

    Zone Hoteliers Association

    conducted the hotels, motelsand lodgings security course

    at Myanma Thiri Hotel on

    Meiktila Bala Road in Toun-

    goo on 28 October.

    The ministry managed

    conducting the training

    courses in 16 townships such

    as Toungoo, Ngwehsaung,

    Chaungtha, Pathein, Bago,

    Pyay, Mawlamyine, Hpa-an,

    Kengtung, Tachilek, Lashio,

    Muse, Sittway, Ngapali,

    Magway and Myitkyina.

    Similar courses were

    provided in Nay Pyi Taw,

    Yangon, Mandalay and

    Inlay regions from 21 to 25


    Trainers from local po-

    lice stations, Criminal Inves-

    tigation Department, Special

    Branch and Immigration

    and National Registration

    Department gave lectures to

    the trainees.

    It is a good training

    for security of the hotels

    and lodgings. Thanks to

    knowledge from the train-

    ing course, the hotel staff

    will have knowledge to give

    better services to the cus-

    tomers. The hotel staff will

    be higher qualication. The

    hotels should install CCTVs

    at their buildings without fail.

    We have given instructions

    to the hotels last year, said

    Chairman U Nyo Myint of

    Bago Region Zone Hotel-

    iers Association.Kyemon-

    Kyaw Swa (Toungoo)

    Hotel security course commences

    in Pyaypyay, 29 OctMinistry

    of Home Affairs and Minis-

    try of Hotels and Tourism

    jointly organized the hotel

    security course at the hall of

    Mingala Uyin Hotel in Pyay

    on yesterday morning.

    Pyay Region Manager

    U Myint Sein of Myanmar

    Hotels and Tourism Services

    explained the purpose of con-

    ducting the training course.

    Commander of Pyay Town-

    ship Police Force Police

    Major Myint Oo explained

    the systematic learning of

    lectures for security meas-


    Police Captain Swe

    Lin of Pyay District Spe-

    cial Branch and ofcials of

    Criminal Investigation De-

    partment will give lectures on

    basic knowledge on security

    measures and mine clearing

    and preventive measures.

    A total of 54 trainees

    from hotels, transport and

    logding enterprises from

    Pyay District and 31 from su-

    permarkets and department

    stores totalling 85 attended

    the course.

    Ofcials gave lectures

    to those of hotels, transport

    and logding enterprises for

    ve days course, and thoseof supermarkets and depart-

    ment stores one day course.

    Kyemon-Myo Kyaw Gyi


    TCRC meets local people in Meiktila


    MeikTila, 29 Oct

    Township Committee of the

    Right of Child held a talk

    with local people at Magy-

    ichauk Village of Zaung-

    changon Village-tract of

    Meiktila Township on 27

    October afternoon.

    The talks was held at

    Child Care School in Magy-

    ikyaung Village.

    At rst, village admin-

    istrator U Tun Sein made a


    Chairman of Meiktila

    Township Committee of

    the Right of Child U Khin

    Maung Tint explained the

    township committee of the

    child right for rights of thechildren.

    Member of Township

    Committee of the Right

    of Child Daw Than Than

    Myint briefed all on right

    of children

    Member of Township

    Maternal and Child Wel-

    fare Association Daw Moe

    Sanda Shwe gave lectures

    on tuberculosis diseases.

    Later, they replied to

    queries raised by the villag-

    ers.Kyemon-Thein Myint

    Kyaw (Meiktila)

    Talks on fre preventive

    measuresToungoo, 29 OctAn

    educative talk on re pre-

    ventive measures and re

    drill was held at Toungoo

    Locomotive Shed on 27

    October morning.

    Head of Branch of the

    shed U Kyaw Moung made

    a speech. Head of Toun-goo District Fire Services

    Department U Khin Maw

    explained the re reventive

    measures and reghting


    of Fire



    gives lec-

    tures on re



    to workers

    of Toungoo



    Ofcials of



    tee of the

    Right of


    meet local

    people in


    An ofcial present certicate to leader of trainee at

    concluding ceremony of community-based disaster

    risk reduction courses.

    Hotels, motels and lodgings security course in

    progress at the hotel in Toungoo.

    Disaster Risk Reduction

    techniques. Technician

    GradeV U Thiha Swe

    demonstrated use of dry

    chemical powder in putting

    out the re.

    It was attended by

    over 30 staff and workers

    from the locomotive shed.

    The educative talks wasorganized by Toungoo Dis-

    trict Fire Services Depart-

    ment.Kyemon-U Kyaw

    Hla (Toungoo)

    The training on hotel security in progress in


  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Wednesday, 30 October, 2013 11New Light of MyanmarRegional

    India opposition urges tighter

    saety or top candidate Modi

    afer blastsNew Delhi, 29 Oct

    Indias main oppositionparty demanded on Monday

    protection for its candidatefor prime minister, Naren-

    dra Modi, after a series ofsmall blasts killed six peopleshortly before he addresseda packed weekend rally.

    While Modi was not in thevicinity of any of the blasts

    in the state of Bihar on Sun-day, they were a reminderof Indias bloody political

    history, that includes the as-sassination of former primeminister Rajiv Gandhi at a

    1991 election rally.The Hindu nationalist

    Modi is seen as a target of

    Islamist militants who holdhim responsible for riots in

    2002, during his rst term

    as chief minister of Guja-rat state, in which at least1,000 people, most of them

    Muslims, were killed. Sun-

    Gujarats chief minister and Hindu nationalistNarendra Modi, the prime ministerial candidate for

    Indias main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)addresses a rally in the eastern Indian city of Patna

    on 27 Oct, 2013.ReuteRs

    days violence was a sign ofheightened tensions in theearly stages of a campaign

    that has already coincidedwith an uptick in commu-

    nal clashes between Hindusand Muslims. India is dueto elect a new governmentby May 2014 in a contest

    pitting the political outsiderModi, favoured by business,

    against the ruling Congresspartys Rahul Gandhi, thescion of a political dynasty

    stretching back more than60 years.

    Modi denies any role

    in the 2002 riots or biasagainst minority Muslims.He has gathered momentum

    in recent weeks and opinionpolls suggest his BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) could

    win enough seats to form thenext government in a coali-tion.


    Singapore plans electricity utures market

    launch by end-2014SiNgapore, 29 Oct

    The Singapore Exchange(SGX) said on Monday that

    it has been preparing for thelaunch of Asias rst elec-

    tricity futures market by theend of 2014. SGX is work-ing closely with the EMA(Energy Market Authority),

    Energy Market Company(EMC) and market partici-pants to design the futures

    products, it said in a state-ment, adding that the launchis still subject to regula-

    tory approval. The progresswas also announced by SIswaran, minister in the

    Prime Ministers Ofce andsecond minister for home

    affairs and second ministerfor trade and industry, at theSingapore International En-ergy Week on Monday.

    The Energy MarketAuthority held a public con-sultation last year on the de-

    velopment of an electricityfutures market in Singapore.It issued a request-for-inter-

    est paper in May this year,setting out the proposed de-sign of the futures market.

    Six companies showed theirinterest. The minister said

    that the commercial discus-sions are in progress for thedevelopment of the futuresmarket, and that an industry

    workgroup is in the processof developing the design ofthe electricity futures con-

    tracts. We hope that theelectricity futures marketwill be launched some time

    in the second half of 2014,he said.

    SGX is working with

    the industry to launch a trialrun next year so as to allow

    generation companies tobuild up competencies andexperience in trading andmarket making. Iswaran

    said Singapore is consid-ering the introduction ofelectricity futures market to

    complement the spot mar-ket.


    The model of SouthKoreas CHEUNMOO

    missile is seen at press day

    of the Seoul InternationalAerospace & Defence

    Exhibition (ADEX) at the

    Kintex in Paju, South Ko-rea, on 28 Oct, 2013. Morethan 360 companies from

    28 countries and regionsdisplayed their productsin the six-day exhibition

    opened on Tuesday.


    42 passengers

    rom crashedLao Airlines

    ightidentifedVieNtiaNe, 29 Oct

    Forty-two passengers have

    been identied from LaoAirlines ight QV301 whichcrashed on 16 October kill-ing all 49 on board, Somkiet

    Vorralath, deputy directorof Champassak ProvincialHealth toldXinhua on Mon-

    day.According to Vorrala-

    th, ofcials are waiting forDNA samples from Thai-land and Australia in or-

    der to aid the identicationprocess. Seven of the pas-sengers are still unidentied

    including three French, twoLao people and two Austral-ians. The planes black-

    box data ight recordersare still unrecovered, Yakua

    Lopangkao, director generalof the Lao Civil AviationDepartment, toldXinhua onMonday. Repairs to a crane

    equipped barge caused mi-nor delays but teams willcontinue through the night

    in attempts to reach theblackbox units, he said.

    According to Lopang-kao, poor visibility and thestrong current of the wet-season Mekong are continu-

    ing to make recovery effortsdifcult. The two blackboxunits contain information

    that may help ofcials de-termine details of the crash.

    One unit records aircraftperformance parametersand inputs to the planes

    electronic systems whilethe other records radio com-munications, conversations

    in the cockpit and ambientsounds.

    The twin engine ATR

    72-600 crashed into theMekong River during badweather 7 km from its desti-

    nation of Pakse Internation-al Airport.Xinhua

    Police drop case over 2010 online leak

    o antiterrorism documentstokyo, 29 Oct To-

    kyo police on Tuesdaydropped their case over theonline leak of documents in

    2010 that contained sensitive

    information about their anti-terrorism efforts as the stat-

    ute of limitations for lingcriminal charges expired the

    same day. After three years

    of investigating the leak thatthe police strongly believedwas an inside job, the Met-

    ropolitan Police Department

    failed to nd evidence tosupport its case as a culprit

    could not be identied, in-vestigative sources said.

    Nonetheless, the MPD

    will send related papers toprosecutors on Tuesdaywithout naming a suspect

    and continue investigatingthe leak that came to lightin October 2010 in case a

    suspect abroad is identied,they said. The statute of limi-tations is suspended during

    the period in which a suspect

    is out of the country. TheMPD had been pursuing thecase as one of obstruction of

    duty as the incident affected

    its security operations forthe Asia-Pacic EconomicCooperation forum summitin Yokohama in November2010. Tokyo police at the

    time were strengthening se-curity ahead of a series ofAPEC-related events. The

    leak involved 114 documentsthat are believed to have beencollected by the MPD divi-

    sion specializing in crimescommitted by foreigners.

    Kyodo News

    Evacuees rom typhoon-hit Izu

    Oshima Island return homeizu oShima, (Japan),

    29 Oct Thirty-fourevacuees from typhoon-hitIzu Oshima Island, mostly

    elderly and disabled peo-ple, returned to the islandon Monday afternoon on a

    chartered vessel, after theevacuation order and ad-visory issued for the entire

    island were lifted on Satur-day.

    They were among

    some 100 evacuees fromthe island, some 120 kilom-eters south of Tokyo, whom

    the Tokyo metropolitan

    government had been hous-ing at facilities away from

    the island where 32 peopledied and nine are still miss-ing after a typhoon on lastWednesday.

    The evacuation orderand advisory were lifted onSaturday as this years 27th

    typhoon, Francisco, wasdowngraded to an extrat-ropical cyclone. The island

    was hit by deadly mudslidescaused by Typhoon Wiphaon last Wednesday, and the

    Tree police killed in bomb blasts in

    southern TailandBaNgkok, 29 Oct

    Three members of a police

    bomb disposal unit werekilled on Monday in a bombattack in Thailands restive

    south, police said.The attack occurred in

    the morning when the unit

    was inspecting an area afterreceiving information that anexplosive device was hidden

    Mariko Shinoda (C), a member of the pop idol group

    AKB48, poses in front of a Peach Aviation airplane

    featuring her face during a ceremony at Kansai

    International Airport near Osaka, western Japan, on

    27 Oct, 2013. The ceremony marked the launch of

    the low-cost carriers Kansai-Narita service.

    Kyodo news

    evacuation order was issued

    to prevent further damage.Kyoko Okamura, 62,

    who evacuated with her

    handicapped husband, said,Im relieved. Some ofmy acquaintances were

    swept away. When I goback to the island, I wantto see friends and check

    everyones faces, she saidtearfully. Another charteredvessel is set to transport

    other evacuees back homeon Tuesday.

    Kyodo News

    under a local road in Bachodistrict of Narathiwat Prov-

    ince. The bomb was detonat-ed by remote control while

    the police ofcers weretrying to defuse the bomb.Two died at scene while athird later succumbed to his

    injuries. According to thepolice, the bomb disposalunit may have been targeted

    because insurgents failed to

    kill police ofcers during aprevious attack in Septem-ber. More than 5,500 peoplehave been killed since 2004

    in the separatist insurgencyin the three restive Muslim-majority provinces of Nar-

    athiwat, Yala and Pattani,near the border with Malay-sia.Kyodo News

  • 7/27/2019 New Light of Myanmar (30 Oct 2013)


    Wednesday, 30 October, 201312

    advertisement & GeneraL

    New Light of Myanmar

    Toshiba to sell Poland TV actory to

    Taiwan manuacturerTokyo, 29 Oct Elec-

    tocs me Tosh Copsd o Mody t ll sellts televso mufctugse Pold to T

    pte compy s pt ofthe estuctug of ts telev-so usess.

    The lqud cystl ds-ply TV compy Tosh

    Claims Day NotiCemV kota rajiN Voy No (815)

    Cosgees of cgo ced o MV kOTa rajinVOY NO (815) are hereby notied that the vessel wille vg o 30.10.2013 d cgo ll e dschgedto the pemses of a.w.P.T hee t ll le t thecosgees s d expese s d suect to the yel-s d codtos of the Pot of Ygo.

    Dmged cgo ll e suveyed dly fom 8 mto 11:20 m d 12 oo to 4 pm to Clms Dy odeclared as the third day after nal discharge of cargo

    fom the clms gst ths vessel ll e dmtted fte

    the Clms Dy.shippiNg ageNCy DepartmeNt

    myaNma port authorityageNt for: m/s aDVaNCe CoNtaiNer


    Phoe no: 256908/378316/376797

    Claims Day NotiCemV ora bhum Voy No (351)

    Cosgees of cgo ced o MV Ora bhuMVOY NO (351) are hereby notied that the vessel will

    e vg o 30.10.2013 d cgo ll e dschgedto the pemses of M.i.P hee t ll le t the co-sgees s d expese s d suect to the yelsd codtos of the Pot of Ygo.

    Dmged cgo ll e suveyed dly fom 8 mto 11:20 m d 12 oo to 4 pm to Clms Dy odeclared as the third day after nal discharge of cargo

    fom the clms gst ths vessel ll e dmtted fte

    the Clms Dy.shippiNg ageNCy DepartmeNt

    myaNma port authority

    ageNt for: m/s regioNal CoNtaiNerliNes

    Phoe no: 256908/378316/376797

    Claims Day NotiCemV morotai Voy No (220)

    Cosgees of cgo ced o MVMOrOTai VOY

    NO (220) are hereby notied that the vessel will be

    vg o 30.10.2013 d cgo ll e dschged

    to the pemses of M.i.P hee t ll le t the co-

    sgees s d expese s d suect to the yels

    d codtos of the Pot of Ygo.

    Dmged cgo ll e suveyed dly fom 8 mto 11:20 m d 12 oo to 4 pm to Clms Dy o

    declared as the third day after nal discharge of cargo

    fom the Vessel.

    no clms gst ths vessel ll e dmtted

    fte the Clms Dy.

    shippiNg ageNCy DepartmeNt

    myaNma port authority

    ageNt for: m/s Cma Cgm

    Phoe no: 256908/378316/376797

    the republiC of the uNioN of myaNmarmiNistry of iNDustry

    teXtile iNDustriesiNVitatioN for opeN teNDer

    (exnn nd cn d)

    1. Ope tedes ee vted fo lesg textle fctoes ude Textle idustes, Mstyof idusty the Mym nesppes o 24.9.2013 to 30.9.2013. The tedes ll e closed o 31.10.2013.2. To Legthe the pepto tme fo ddg compes, the tedes closg dte toe exteded s follos: s. N fc pv exnn

    N. nd cn D D nd cn

    () no.(1)Textle Fctoy (Shedug) 31.10.2013 29.11.2013() no.(4) Textle Fctoy(Pt Pyu) 31.10.2013 29.11.2013(c) no.(5) Textle Fctoy (Pou) 31.10.2013 29. 1.2013(d) no.(6) Textle Fctoy(Slgy) 31.10.2013 29.11.2013

    3. Tenders document shall be available during ofce hours at Material Planning De-partment, Textile Industries, ofce No.37, Nay Pyi Taw. The overdue tenders will note ccepted.4. Futhes detls e vlle t the follog ddess d the tedes ll lso edvetsed t

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