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  • 8/10/2019 New Post 20 Things



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  • 8/10/2019 New Post 20 Things




    Internet has become undeniably the most important and cant-live -without-it

    element in our lives. Have you ever wondered about how it works? It is much

    more complex than just having a piece of wire connected to the computer.

    Internet was the brainchild of few smart computer experts in the year 1974. This

    invention was named as Internet Protocol Suite or TCP/IP. The main purpose

    of this design was to send information from one computer to the other. TCP/IP

    as any other language had a set of rules and regulations which could be

    understood by the computer. In short, it is a computer language.

    Internet sends and receives data using cables and fibres, as known to many of

    us. Now comes the unknown part! When sending the data, the internet splits the

    data into small nuggets called packets. This is done to attain more efficiency.

    On receive the data, it is reassembled. This process is same even if you send amail, watch a video on YouTube and everything else!!

    The most important character we always consider about the internet is the

    speed. Now, Speed is related to the bandwidth. Bandwidth literally means

    the amount of data sent over the internet per second. Just like the discharge of

    water, bandwidth is the discharge of data in a second. The higher the bandwidth,

    the faster is the transfer of data over the internet. This speed can be achieved by

    using better physical framework .

    Internet is the spine of the World Wide Web. With an internet connection, the

    proliferating web pages and applications can be accessed. Just for an extra

    information, there are innumerable web pages available.
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    Tired of worrying about carrying a CD or a pen drive just to access your

    documents?? Well, that was all in the past. The modern computing techniqueshave overtaken almost every facet of life. The fear of losing data and the pain in

    carrying it along wherever you go has also been replaced by one of such


    After the invasion of internet in all disciplines, life has become even more

    enjoyable. Waiting in the line to pay the bill or book a movie ticket is no more

    acceptable. Everything can just be done by flicking some buttons on the

    internet. In practice, there are more than a thousand of computers working for

    you when you work on the internet.

    Cloud computing is an innovative technique by which we can save our

    documents, files, media and many more. This data that has been stored in the

    cloud can be viewed and accessed from any other computer with an internet

    connection. Isnt that just wonderful!! Your data is literally crossing the

    horizons of your computer and travelling around the world!!

    So why fear?

    When cloud computing is here??

    3.WEB APPS

    Web apps, as the name suggests, these are application (full form of apps) that

    can be used on a web browser. If you are an earnest enjoyer of videos on

    YouTube, a sincere e-shopper, a traveller on Google maps, a resident of face

    book, then you have already conquered the realm of these web apps!!

    Web apps are smart folks that are fashioned to accomplish their only task. Yes!

    This simply means that these web apps are designed to perform only a single

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    task, unlike the traditional softwares. There are a variety of options that help in

    securing a particular task.

    These web apps stand above other traditional applications because:

    1. Ease of access from any computer:These web apps need no installation

    in the computer; they can simply be used through a web browser. This

    saves time and gives an ease to access these apps from any computer,

    may not be your own.

    2. These are safe:As these apps need not be installed in the computer, there

    is no worry of virus, malware, and spyware attack on your computer.

    These apps have a different code than that of the computers code, and

    hence they do not intrude other operations of the system and therefore

    maintains its performance.

    3. Updates newer version on its own:The best part of these web apps are

    that they update themselves. Every time you have the latest version ready

    to use.


    HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) is the basis for all the web pages as all

    these web pages are written in HTML format. In other words, HTML is the

    elementary unit of a web page. The invention of a scripting language

    JavaScript, the concept of web pages has gone to the next level. JavaScriptinghas made the use of web pages more interactive and dynamic. These dynamic

    web pages have been boosted up with the influx of XHR (XMLHttpRequest).

    XHR is used to alter smaller units of each page without having the whole page

    loaded. This effectively increases the speed of response of the page. Further,

    CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) have played a major role in beautifying the web

    pages. Adding colours, borders, animations and gradients are the key features ofCSS. The amalgamation of all these features JavaScript, XHR, CSS is called as
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    AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). The novelty of all the coders,

    programmers and web developers has made the world of web, a beautiful,

    interactive and user-friendly.


    HTML5is the upgraded version of HTML. For more than twenty years after the

    birth of HTML, web-users suffered the lack of preferences on the web. Many

    grants like videos, navigation, and audio were missing in HTML. It took over a

    generation to figure out what should be done. These were other softwares that

    should be installed to have access to these options. For instance, software calledas, plug-ins had to be installed to watch any video.

    The invention of HTML5 broke these barriers. Many advantageous elements

    have been included in this. are few of them. Now, videos can be watched without the hassle of

    installing other softwares, drag and-drop option enables the user to directly

    drag the files, photos and other stuff into the browser window. The only

    requirement for enjoying these benefits is to have HTML5-compatible browser.


    3D graphics and animations has been quite an inaccessible dream until very

    recent. This is because to experience these 3D animations, a lot of data is

    required. To get this data, large bandwidth of internet was the biggestrequirement.

    Modern broadband met the bandwidth required for a 3D experience. The

    enhancement of processors and memory made it even easier to transfer large

    amount of information effectively in less time. Due to the collaboration of web-

    browsers with WebGL and 3D CSS, the creations of 3D effects have improved.

    This simply means that without the advancement in browsers capabilities, all

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    the efforts of the broadband speed and raw computing power would go waste.

    Moreover, the web browsers have now adopted a new technique called as

    hardware acceleration, in which, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is being used

    by the browser to accelerate the computation needed for 3D graphics.

    3D technology teams up with JavaScript, HTML5 and other tools to give the

    user the best 3D experience.


    Old is gold!! This is a very famous adage which proves wrong in our present

    context of a web browser. New technologies have outraged the old versions of

    browsing for a better cause. Well, the question is why should an old browser not

    be used? The answer is simple. Though the old web version is preserved as a

    relic by many users, it must be updated as it can impair ones web life. The

    older versions must not be used mainly for three reasons.

    Firstly, the ever-increasing need of web in day-to-day life has made evolution

    ofweb an important affair. Due to the rapid web development, the latest web

    pages and other applications may not work with the old browser. The reason

    behind this could be the use of JavaScript, CSS and others in the newerversions.

    Secondly, the old browsers have an extreme chance of security attacks. This is

    just because if their incapability to protect themselves. Yes!! The old browser is

    not updated with latest security features. This could lead to stolen passwords,

    unwanted software creep inside the computer and many-a-times even worse.

    Third, the use of the old browser cripples the innovative efforts of web

    developers. The only reason behind it is that when an old browser is used, the

    developers are compelled to develop application which will be compatible for

    both new and old browsers. Due to this constraint, the web-enthusiasts let go-off

    their pulse and end up finding something just normal.
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    If this read has enlightened you, then try upgrading a new version. And in case,

    you find it difficult to do it or the upgrade version is blocked, then contacting an

    IT administrator would be beneficial. And finally, here we go.. Happy



    Everybody likes something extra like some extra cheese on a pizza. The earlier

    World Wide Web carried the very first version of HTML and did not agree to

    take along lavish features. Videos for example, were not a part of the WWWs

    journey in the start. To add few fanciful features and give the user an interactive

    experience, plug-inns were introduced.

    Plug-ins are add-ons on the web browser that are trained to perform a specific

    task. They actually do not interact with the browser. Surprising!! Isnt it? Plug -

    ins are assigned a definite space on the web page by the browser. And then, the

    plug-ins independently work without interfacing the browser.

    Because of the freedom offered to these plug-ins, they run on any and every

    browser. But due to their versatility, these plug-ins are vulnerable to security

    attacks. Anyhow, the web developers and the plug-in providers have coined to

    provide us with security fixes that protect these plug-ins.

    And the web family is still anticipating an innovative move from the developers

    to endow these plug-ins with power so that they are searchable, linkable and

    interactable with rest of the browser.

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    Browser extensions, as the name suggests, literally extend the browser. I mean,

    it gives some super-powers to your browser. These extensions are features that

    let you ease few tasks and enjoy an effortless web journey.

    Extensions are options already present in the web options menu. These can be

    selected and used depending on your needs. For example, a block-add extension

    can be installed to block unwanted adds on your browser when a web page is

    opened. There is a wide choice of extensions to choose from. From a scribble-

    pad while doing a research to those that notify every bit of a spell-binding sport

    league. Some extensions work without interfacing with the web page.

    Independent!! Example would be an email notifier. Even without having to log

    in to your email, you can get the notifications displayed on your browser.

    Interesting right??

    When these extensions were born, they were written in a highly complex

    language like C++. Therefore any improvement to these would be just adding

    some extra trouble. The problems were the extension in the code, which

    ultimately led to security concerns.

    But thanks to HTML, CSS and JavaScript!! These languages eased the task of

    the web-extensions designers. These languages were used to design most of the

    modern web pages and apps. Now, the tailoring of extensions is easier, faster

    and safer.


    Well, if you are the cloud user, then you deserve applause. And it is good that

    you have all your files, documents, media protected by the cloud. You know

    you can log in into any internet connected deice and access all your stuff. But,

    here is the catch!! What about your bookmarks, browser preferences, browser

    extensions?? Are they really protected? Or should you go through the same kind

    of pain in gathering them all in case you find yourself with another device??
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    The good news is that you dont have to go through that strenuous task. All your

    bookmarks and other browser extensions are protected by an option called

    synch (short form of synchronization). All the modern browsers have this

    option. When you synch your computer with the browser all the extensions,

    bookmarks will be saved to cloud. Even if you are having a bad time with your

    device, all you ever have to do is to log in with your Google account from an

    internet-connected device with browser synch feature and Behold!! All your

    browser settings are ready to use!!!

    Synch feature eases the web life and lessens your worries!!!


    Wondering what cookies are?? Cookies are just bits of texts that are sent to the

    browser from the web-site that you have visited. Cookies help in keeping a

    record of what you visit. I mean your preferences, your likes and everything that

    you actually do on a web-site.

    Have you ever watched an episode of a dance-show on the YouTube?? And did

    you notice that the next time you visited you-tube; you are ushered to a number

    of other episodes of the same dance-show? Well, that is exactly what cookies

    do. They just track whatever you visit and make sure they present you

    information according to your priority.

    Browsers have options that can control the functions of these cookies. You

    actually have the power to choose what a cookie should do. It just means that

    you can allow cookies only for your trusted sites and block cookies for the rest

    of the web-sites. There is also a choice to turn-on these cookies for just a


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    Google chrome browser offers something extra. You find Flash Settings directly

    in the menu bar. These setting can allow cookies for the flash based web-sites.

    Cool right??


    Privacy and security are used as synonyms, but they are much different in this

    context. Security protects against malware, phishing and other unwanted and

    malicious software. Whereas, privacy enables you to control the sharing of

    information with web-sites.

    All the browsing-data like web-sites you visit, downloaded files, cookies,

    passwords if any, are stored in the computer and can be re-accessed when

    wanted. Privacy settings offer you a choice to restrain or regulate this history

    record. For example, incognito window in chrome browser. Any site opened in

    this window will not be stored in the history. All the cookies are erased as soon

    as the window is closed. This can be used when internet is accessed from

    others device or an internet cafe.

    Most of the browsers provide site-y-site privacy settings. This is even easier to

    govern what should be saved and what not. Now, to know if your info is really

    private, check out the privacy settings in the browsers options or preferences




    Did you come across people trying to sneak-peek while you are entering your

    PIN at an ATM?? No right. The point is you make sure there is nobody around

    your shoulder when you make a transaction. But, the same smart attitude is

    pushed aside when it comes to the online transactions. Malware and Phishing

    are two ways through which the bad guys trick you.

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    Malware is unwanted software that is directly downloaded on your computer

    when you accidentally open a link. This software is fashioned to steal your

    credit cards, passwords etc. Usually this software is difficult to remove from

    your computer.

    Phishing occurs when one person masks as other (usually as some bank) to

    device a plot against you to get your personal information. If you receive a mail

    asking you to share your bank details, Beware!! It might be a trap of the bad


    For these two reasons updating the browser with the latest version is a must.Latest version browsers have the latest security features and hence can avoid the




    As we have seen earlier, Malware and Phishing can damage your computer tothe highest degree. Old browsers do not offer resistance to such malicious

    softwares. Therefore, there is an extreme need to update your browser. The

    modern browsers assess three kinds of risks:

    Websites that you are about to visit, are checked for malware and


    Malware and phishing can occur through some spooky softwares or known

    softwares that have been hacked. It is the security features in a modern browser

    that investigates these dangerous softwares and sends you a security alert. For

    example, safe Browsing technology is used by Google Chrome. All the web

    pages you visit are checked for malware and the suspected list is stored in the

    browser. If you happened to open the page, the browser signals you by sending

    a warning message.

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    The vulnerability of the browser, in case it is hacked, is checked:

    The susceptibility of the browser towards a malware is checked. Old browsers

    do not carry features that protect you from security risks. This is the reason why

    you have been said time-and-again to update your browser. Many times updated

    versions are checked for and automatically updated by the modern browsers

    themselves without even interrupting your browsing drift.

    If the browser is vulnerable, the damage caused is estimated:

    Chrome has a tool called the sandbox. This tool prevents malicious software

    from entering the browser. This acts a curb for the nasty code from installing

    into your computer. Most of the modern softwares have this kind of tools that

    protect against this kind of damage.


    The web addresses commonly called as the URL- Uniform Resource Locater-

    directs you to the particular web page or web application. Knowing the URL

    will help you identify the fake websites from the real ones.

    When you enter a URL in your browser, the information is travelled over miles

    from the hosting website to your browser. Few examples of URL are: Google mails

    Understanding the parts of URL:

    Host name


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    Scheme is the first part of the URL. Here http- hyper-Text Transfer Protocol- is

    the scheme. is the host name from where the information is

    accessed. Maps is the path, which directs you to the specific web page.

    Sometimes path name can be found before the host name., for example.

    Security comes into picture:

    When you type a web address, you are directed to the web page, just by

    observing the URL closely, you can save yourself from malware. For instance,

    to open Bank of India website

    Real: is a genuine website that directs you to the desired

    destination. MasterDebitCard.aspx is also genuine one as it

    directs to the Master debit card page on the bank of India website.


    www.bankofindia.master.comis a fake address as the main host is

    and the sub-domain is bankofindia. also not a legitimate address.

    If you are handling an online bank transaction, check for the scheme as https://

    with a padlock beside it in the search bar. This means that your transaction and

    the banking details are protected by a secure connection.


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    In the earlier texts, you have already understood that internet is a way of

    communication between two or more computers. But have you ever wondered

    about how information is rightly transmitted? I mean, doesnt it surprise you

    that when a URL is typed in the browser, the web page appears?

    Well, here is the catch!! Every URL has its own IP address internet protocol

    number - Just as every cell phone has a number. an example of

    how IP address looks like. All the information is sent and received by tracking

    this IP address of the device.

    But, how can the browser know every IP address?? There is something called aDomain Name System or DNS just like a phone directory. When a URL is

    typed, the browser contacts the DNS. DNS converts the URL into an IP address,

    contacts it, waits for a confirmation response and sends it to the browser.

    This is just like a phone call. Where you search for a number from the phone

    directory, make a call, wait for response and communicate. The only difference

    is that web transfer of information happens swiftly- in fraction of seconds.


    Internet world is fanciful and great. But there are limitations for this beautifying

    life. Unlike the real-world, where we actually identify the people we associate

    with and put our trust on, in the web-world, the people behind are not

    recognized. Now, this portrays a major problem. Then how can we trust the

    web-site? How can we share our information?

    For this reason, there is something called extended validation certificate for

    some websites. These certificates authenticate the real organisations from the

    phony ones.

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    The name of the bank is given in green box which is the validation certificate.

    For most of the organisations, the names are displayed in green to show their


    To have this validation certificate, the organisation has to go through a set of

    checks to confirm their legal identity. However, this effort doesnt go waste!

    This check helps people recognize the real face behind the web-page.


    Todays web is cooked up with a lot of images, videos, photos and web apps.

    Most exciting web-experience comes from these videos, images and photos.

    The web trail has travelled miles away from the elementary texts and links tothe most intricate codes.

    Just running through some surprising stats!!

    65% of todays web-info comprises of images and photos in terms of

    bytes per page

    Every minute, 35 hours of video are uploaded in the YouTube.

    The simplest JavaScript, which was few lines in the start, grew to a few

    hundred lines. All this has to be processed each time a web page is


    So much of data?? Then what about the speed? Will the internet be able to

    handle it??
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    Absolutely Images and photos which are a majority on the web are sent and

    received by compressing them to a smaller size. For this, JPEG, GIF was

    introduced by the web-researchers. Likewise, plug-ins were introduced to

    play videos and other media. Also, Google is working to cut down the load

    on the web due to large images. The WebP that was invented gave

    encouraging results. It could cut down the image size by 39% without

    altering the quality.

    The evolution of HTML5 has made it easy for the videos to play on the web

    pages with the tag. Further, Google is trying to collaborate with the

    web community to bring out WebM, which gives a lively video experience

    with uncompromising quality when it is watched even from the remote parts

    of the world.

    The JavaScript code process engines have been upgraded to run the code at

    a higher speed. Google Chromes V8 is an important part of the browser

    now. These engines do not hinder the application even if the code is too


    There is another technique called as the DNS pre-resolution. This means

    that the DNS pre-resolves all the links on the web pages to their IP

    addresses. Resolving means to convert a web address to an IP address and

    vice-versa. For this reason, the loading of the web page will be quicker than


    Lets hope that someday the browser will be able to pre -resolve not only the

    links, but also the images and photos that might be needed and prefetch

    them. Then the loading of a web page will be as quick as an eye-wink!!


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    Have you ever heard the proverb which says, There is happiness in sharing?

    Well, it is absolutely true. And there is benefit too. Open -source is something

    just like that. Open-source means the source code made available to all.

    All the mighty people behind a website-making - I mean, the designers,

    programmers, developers, thinkers come up with thoughts that escalate the

    web growth. May be they thought that keeping all these inventions for

    themselves would not benefit much. So they did open-sourcing. For that reason

    they had to write the code in a more open and interactive way. Isnt that cool??

    The code that is open-to-all can be modified, re-constructed and used to developanother tool. The pioneering open-source browser was the Mozilla Firefox, the

    code of which was used to build Chrome. In the same way, Chrome also was

    open-sourced. Apart from these two, there are many other browsers and web-

    sites that are open-sourced.

    Due to open-sourcing, not only the user and the developers of the browsers are

    profited, but also companies like Google. Open-sourcing has paved a way for

    new inventions and better web experience to the users. With the enhancement in

    the web-world, the pressing need to develop new web apps with revolutionary

    features. This cycle goes on!! And hence the development of the web.

    20. 19 THINGS LATER

    Having learnt all, lets just reel back!!

    Todays web is a fanciful, colourful, user-friendly, fun-filled, addictive world.

    Most of us enjoy the cloud-computing and the Internet life. I know how

    boring our lives would have been without the internet. We start our day

    with the web and end it with the web. We read news, watch sports, watch

    videos, listen to music, do some research and carry out a number of web-

    based tasks using the Web-apps.

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    HTML, JavaScript, CSS and the browser plug-ins deserve big thanks for

    rendering us a peaceful and a beautiful web experience.

    HTML5 has even more advanced the web with its inventive tags that

    could access media without the plug-ins. This marked a revolution.

    Modern browser is a primary requirement to enjoy all the modern


    Modern browser protects you from malware and phishing.

    Open-sourcing has enhanced the chances of development of better tools

    and applications by sharing their knowledge. This gives us a better, safer

    and complex web experience.

    3D in the browser, faster speeds and synch across all devices are the

    brighter side of the future.

    Keeping yourself informed of the privacy settings, other contents, history

    and cookies will prove you to be a good citizen of the web.

    Checking the URL and extended validations to be aware of security risks

    is wise.


    Use a modern browser: to avoid security risks and enjoy modern features.

    The web will keep evolving:join your hands with HTML5, CSS, JavaScript

    and other web technologies to boost up the innovative creations.

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