
Bold Tiikkt..Of\iecr KehW, of Ward. v**.*r'J»y arreir.d one J.ho H«rn-

55-. ¦'"...,"* ln ¦*. _-*-*-e-»aaa ci.*ht«_g to tbe eabaaW i'V wVtcb h- bikd, * trw h-ur. prrviou.. ato'ea. fromAtita-ortl ge.lat4_vhm.-nti.tMr Wm ?ru t*M No ;1E . -« "a waa t.kc,. kaf r,-J.,«l.l. *__£___Vm he maie a full cnfra.lon of pullt, and waa com-

mUl'd to Biti wi r lhe charge.

Ahbi^t h»R OaAMD Lak( km.-A col-arcd waaaea aaawd Naiaarwi r>»vi. w_ ye.te-d,y

KS^-wT-lwJA-aVtl^-_?&___£The prla«.«er waa ha-.d-d over tothe!__, dTotomcer BaeaaSer, ol tbe Blgkah w ,M, «nd

SF-r--'"¦ commttled for trlal by*a McUrath.

BoAmDOF-Jhjr»Tiaoaa**-lVa»oolw.Ja1ji_7 1WV1 C4*»>-Bi«i_B n/ d.'r.ej/'il /._..« -Tne Spe¬cial C-mmlttre made a report ln rrla-.i..n ta the **r888-

aient Hita,« that they be eonflr-i»*d. andtbe t.x .pptrtioi.rd at '.ib cent. 7 mlil. nn e .ch tl'*) of*Wu*it»_>, *e rrcommende.l by the cam>nii>ii"-tton ofIbe Controller. Tne Cotnmiuee iay there hai been an

btcrease In iome items of expendlture, and tbey are 1 na lo ctndnue thelr Inipdry lo a*certaln If It lapraeikable that any reductton cau be made, and the re-

lult of thelr obiirv-Hti. n aill be givu In a future report.The report coufi'iiilDp tbe asienmentllBt* was adopted,aaaagea st 4'4 P M., and became allen on all real eatateafn-r tbat Ume. ._All.Tweed mnved that the Specl.t Committee bo

dUcb-rprd, on tbe ground that tiie Committee hxd

¦Bde theit report, and tht-lr brh p contlnued wnuld1 nr

teifrrealtbaitantiln« Committee ofthe H-rd. i"»

¦Kitloi., after d» bale, w»* I04I, and the ''ommittee whi. n

aaaetata «f the Kecorcer and Aid. Tiemann and Boyee.

^ttSRSr*- -Of Prof Itead, W, for post mortem^.Vt£7oulke^Joyttit j-a Mra -carlet; of

Ftor. Foater, (or board af Jamea McN.llyA res lt tion wt. pre.ente.1 by A'd Barr that the Con-

UoVr pay th" (fficcr. amnding in Court. on

ttr.rbi!rDy,c.rU.,rdby lhe Tl-rk. ot im* C-W and-erlf.ed by the oa'hl ol the __8lll*a, Adopted.A- ().tk),y c-ftered a raaC-BOoB that CbarM (a, b.dy

be appi'li 'd aa atteadaal ln Coart ln ptare of William

JafcaaoD, but withdrew lt, »nd the Board ad;ourned.

U. S. District-Court.Hefore JudgeBeu*-7V«_. for amtaU .ThaaaaaClark, F-ancu Uli-

W Johi /ity, Ir-neock M .coy Wm. -Ba-b.aadJ^M-Knli-ht, aaam ... uftbe *hip('h«, were trtedoa an ind.ctmrnt for revolr, during the voyH/e of theaBip frcm J.BU Praaeiaeota Cblaa,la Pabruarpi lrt-'_-Th« men thipp.-d lo go to Hon* Kone, (.r any other

port of fntry or illnrhnrge in Cbioa. 1 be firit fou .1".it by the third m.ite. a witr.ei., occurred byaome difcficulfy between OHver and the cok.k, and Oilwer thrcw mme ment eiOI-OBl*-, Iba eoofc toldli-nbe would lidOTB. the Captain The co- k took up a bil-lat of wood and threa lt at fViver, and he nnd 0_i»erbada tu**'e OMv*r drrw hl* kntfe, aa did other* oftheerew Ihelra, but Oid not use thrm. The Captain cameforaard and rt'monstraied, aud snid be hoped they didaot oiean to dcpiive him .1 the coarnaud of th<-ahip Moomy replltd thnt he e .aid *tand in theBhoe* of any man on board. The Captain said h«

did not care whtae ihoei he itood in io long ae h« diiaot itend la bia. Mooney called him a pray headnd a.of a b., and aaid il he did aot po away they would havektm nvrrbnard. Ott tho Mondav fo'lowinp, there waa »

aerood tr< uble; tbey all came ..ft wtth a paper. and d«¦andrd that thry ihould poto lionp Kong, and 8ullbaaid if aiy m-n workeo tl.l the m.tter whb settl »d, h.woald ki lfe bhn. The Chptnln remoD.trated with theBten aiidtold them Itt) eycompelled htm to pot, .-ori-

Ktap, he would hand Ibetn over to the Con.ut. Hewl.brd thrin t" puttoto asmallUland about oneh'.ndred¦ille* ifl. where they couH :^t fre.b provlilon., andwbrre he thought an Hrrnnpem.'nt miitht be mad« bywhich thry would not have to go ttirther th-.n IfonpKntrjr They rel.ied, nnd the C.plnin .tt'ered for HonpBonp ot. ber arrival Bt wbich, hehanded tho m»4n

arer toibe Amerirsn Poiiiuil, and they were lent hom*'bk tbe alui.p Bf-war M.r ion, far trbtl.

Iu dlifnaar. It wa. dei.i.d that the men did any m >rn

than, a. they had a r1_;ht to do that th"

Bblp w*. urBeawnrthy, tnd that they hhd been givan,at tlu. time ol ihti..cent, thii thev wen-tt"

big to Hoiig Kotig, and had been mt.led by the .hlppincartk-lee. It waa alao contended by couniel, that taerewaa rnt done to di.ter a man of ordlnary flnuae*. from doiug hia duty. The Jury found them not

auiltylu the o**r. of John Clark, Kdward Mortimer, I'aul

Jones .nd VVIIIIhui .^t'.ry. lenmen of the ihip B, Cderanton. Irdtcted for an Bttempt to make a revolt, theUktrict Anri-tiey enUred a nolle prosequl, and theyWeredl*cb_.rped.A r olle ptoeequt was al.o enter ed in the case of W il

Bam Norih, li.dl.-.ted for larcrny as to some money on

board the .leamihlp W*»t VVInd. to which tndtctcneutb* pleaded nol guilty. lle waa dBcbarged.

[A.,.l_.r,._.rt 1XV ln theae, lieaatiinl fiumraer rlaya

while Ihe fluih of bealtliintlaie. y.a.r leuturea,gt toRoot'-.81, 888 BlOadwaj. snd a.' yoai DBguerrcolypo in a atylrllMU ao otber aai 11! can equal.

BROOKLVN.Fatal Eri'icTS or the Hkat..Ye<t-

pordmo al'-arntu.n, a aaayaaw ua-nexl Mtion, at WJrkHpen a building eorner ol Kitth av. and Nioth atWaa priMtrated by the bett and explred .hortly after..IIk* frleLtl. re.lde Io Ua. t..... A lelegraph diapatch ha«been lent on, lnfarn.lng them ot lhe Md occurrenc-v

An elderly man, name not a.certained.1*11 dowii dead yeatrrdny a'ternoon lu TllUry at. n«ar

tbe cornrr ol Navy The Curuer was noUiied and willhold an i_..|ueitto day.

DfOT-tBaotiie Oi ci'hrf.m k..YesterdayBCK.n a glil about 19 year. of sge, iiHtne.l Coruella Bay*ley, tnii'ing witb ticr pa 1 i;f« tu _.l*i.tou, cuar i'ilUry-al, aaa burned by her cloth.-a tHklnu' fireAt tht lin e ot tiie hci idtml rb') vva. eDgaged at wnatilnand her or... BOBBag iu loo aloae proain.ity with, became hftdied. 8he apBall-d lo be In e pc.frel frerrT for atlme, and ran tbrouph the house andoat Into lhe itreet. Tbe uelphi.or., heartnp her crlrw,ruibrd out ard lurct eded in .inotbering the .la-nee withablai.iet. Iler Injurlea are ofa verv serious natuie.Dr. 0waa wa* called in and rendered medical attendnoa


Fihks.. N'eBterday morning, about 8oeli.rk, a rire broke out ln "the large frame bdldlng onthe eorner of Laiayetteav. and Kaytnon.l.t, occuptedby Hohcrt Carne a. a .lalni-.i alaaa n.anutactt.ry. ahl-liwaa burned to the prt.und Tnn building waa owae.lby C U. Ntchi'L, wbe.e I.i* wtll teacb OiOO. Itt.ured.Tbr U ». .u.Uinrd by Mr Came excectl. 01,00". upouWhich there 1* no lmurniice.

Alir-ut the (.ame time a fire broke out inMr. MftTormlrk'. btkk* houae, c.rner of John.on audfltantcn-.t* but tbe rlames were ipeedily e-ttingulahed,wtobout occaaloD-Ug much .laintge.

Kobrfrt..A few evenin^s since tbee.Mn of the achooner P H ."chtrbeck, Capt. Jahnion,hlng at tbe foot of Fulton 11., waa eatered and tbaCauiBiUB walt hhud ve*t were tdkeu tberetiom. l'titaruclcsare valuedat gM.


The Late Fire Riot..Tho Commont'rur at ila aieettng on Monday afternoon lait,adoplrd lhe report pn-cited by the CorotuUtee ap-poiutt-d tu luveeligale tiie idu.e of tbe late riot amongIb* uiembera ol tb* Wti'.ta.n.hurgh Fire llepartm.'ntTb* report propoaea to d;*'.end lingtoe Coa. Noa. I and7, bat to itiuttate thoae tnemjera of tha oompanl,..wbo will make an sthdavit that they were in no wayeoanrcted with the rkxt Tne entire testl-nonyB_vtn tuiore tho Committee w«a read before theCotumou Couacll. The vote 00 adopting the re

port -tood. V*aa 8, Naya 1, (Aid. I'riggs. from theFVet Ward ) The report depreoate. tbe astion ofbo other company relatlve t., the matter. Qaiteaa ei.citeaieut exlfta among the Qretuen, aad appliralioa has already been made by a bighly respeet*blech-atea to be allowadto fonn a new Company forNo.7.


Rior..A party of men from New-York enlered the prtoeryttore eorner of I'nton are

aue aad .--kiiluian atreet and, atter driuklng. refuied to

pay tor thelr liouor. A quarrel eniued between tbea*Bten aad tha owner ot tba etore, aaaistad by aomefrlandi. Tbe windowa and doora of lhe atore were by tilck-bats, itonea. kc, throw n by aomeoaulders, who took part wtth lha New-Yorkera. N j arresu wcr* made. tbe Pallce having arrivo.1 too late onlhe,


Cobtbart to l_.\w..'l'hft Poliee re-

Ba____>______T op*non Sun****T ..-*-. -ctwith.¦ * peaaaaja of the ordlnaace prohibitinj theaaUtrfUqaotoBUaaabbalb.

tlemen have cemmencw*! *_,.

ataa the M, o^J^S! - . «.- -ad

Total. Twobildge*. SmSTS'1*' t0Gr,^,,0

*» tb. Iina of tbu'road, t^mZ*nl?<£* _£TeUl'W. for r^eblag tba ^1^^«Aa^^tJJ-Z*c, from VVUlUmaborib wil g_______T.'V "^wben tbla road Ueomplrted. -WbS^JJJJJJIbe Secoad Ward wiil alao bo grt-atly aabaacl^


Vacations..Tho aoaaal vacations ofibe Plral aad Tblrd Ward Public Schooia cuouaaakcadyealerday. Tke Oecoad Ward ikbooia wiU cl«aa 11S

Bitti- * bt a Doo..On Saturday nigl.t,l*Mr Oeorge D.yle waa en«v*d Ul rlotin* kl* tOt-

p. utei a tb-.p, ni Sa-uth Kl.hth at, hn t*v__e watch d .e.broke linwo an.l hit bim n-.-r-ly iti the ilde. The I l

wat killed thortly afier. Mr. D a wouad it heallng.

Imausst..Tbe Coronrr h< Id an in-|aeatonHutid.y latt at Cunnlnghain't Dock. <lrenn P int. onthe hody of, who wu* founl drown. 1 ln tbeEaat River, near the W-.llianiibur. h flbore DeeeeBB 1wa* tpparently a Ial->rln. man, aboat BB year* of aje.IIh b-d been iu tli-water f.rao lonc a mne thal reooiiti,n wa* lmpo*»lble. Theverdiet wa* that " dee#a«e 1

came totl* death' rir-ums-kccei to the J i-> ._-


Katai. Acci-ffftXa-The Cnroner \vMtn In.juett yeaterday on lhe b->dy of a b .9*.. .£Ligai- aen Jfa widoB-ladyretldiaijln Horfc .-littaX.whowh* killed on Meadaf eaaalagi¦>/. ""¦£_&, tb.ry of an aBBB-tbad buHdlr | lo -lxth tt. corae.

ol North Filth. Verdict acccrdlng.y.

cZotmrb-K "qC.S a £J£ w'a. rat-rnad to

t_. rtect.h.t 'thec.hil.iw_s .till bom, ar.d h.d been

b.ri'dIta thaieellar by -seme per*« or per.ont t. thc

Jury uiikncwn." _^_


Rk. ort oi Citv I'htsician..The re¬

port of tbli c-fficer for the Third and Fnurth Warl-

repi.t. nt* bi* aMBBJaaes al 08 panaasi durinu tbe paryear, for whlcb duty be receive* a talary of |ltt He

batvliited .',.. tionca, beinif an aver_ge cf tie viiiU to

each indivldual. Moatof the ca*e* with which he haa

bad io dea), were thip fevcr, and the partlet emii?r_nt».

Tl,e BlllBl-iaaa of the I irst and Aecond Wardt have aal

yet made ibelr report tothe Common Council, kt* l n tbey will at tbe neat meeting of that body.

Coui* de Soi.Kii... Monday morainf, a

pa-terig-r ildlDg on lhe outiideof one .-t tiie New-York»_d Newark ttan-i, Injudicioutly took oti hi* hat. ;,udtn aihorttine herame *o completely overpower-d bythe be»t of the r un aa to full from the ataee. It U it tti -1beittui koueol tba wbeel*, and daagaroutly wooadedbhuM-li. litaitt-Bce wa- pruuptiy-ecured, and at Imtgccouiite be wa* gradually recoveilcg.

Corr t»k Gra. e..ln tha fiarly part oftlew.eka foot race came i 'I on I'nion Cn.r.e, Lin.iiin.d, in which William Taylor,of Jereer Chy,aprtmi-ent psrt-ao prominent, th_t ho lost the ra-:e

and purie of f'i<)0.

Si< km:ks..Onc of the Aldermen, (Ly-cn,) whlle i-n a vlilt to hli fiier.dt at BeaMarldgc, waa

ttaken d_n_eroutly itck wlth lt.:'immatlon of tho braln,butis now alowly hnpraviag, aud wUI recover.


False ALARM..iM.rnday night, aome

malicloui per«or, 01 pertoiit ra!.» d n filte idarm of fire.Tha tiremen were promptly on tho tpot, and firclint; no6re, are reported to have plven the otfendlng p .tfle* a

w. Il-meiited CBitljiKtion. It lt propo-ed to determlneupon, acd adnpt, and a-arry out, lf prmible, MMBe meas

ure or meaiurft by whlcb falic alarmlng will be ef-li cluhily prcventcd.STrnxBTOaarmvcTtoM*.In ronpi>i|nence

of theTpRvinc flteaea being left hy the .lit Company on

Ibe etirla itnne* of the tt'ea-ta iviiere plpn h-.sbcen 1.1the water could not patt off, and hat becnme ttsgnantsnd eObBBtfe. Many Of the itrerta are obttructe.l inrcnuiucnccof tholaylDgof plpea acroitthe headt ofttretti.

Makin., isruiiiorr,! that themilltaiy are rouklng preparalloni to reuder the puih-.tay iin-iituMi- t£.y mav juttly require io tho event ol

ituy attempt to rei-c>io hnir.e, ihoald he jiait throughthe city to the Fngiith itearner.

ItlAKKiKn.ay ifiom.a*. iTlla in.t.m »t. r.atn. k C B I

I,,. ,. i.i, ...!. ti.-, hl GH KKI.l.l K-aM a \ iita.iMA i'.-.i igktw aa" tlI nt ,il I'l.ila.'. Ipl ...V.'n tlr .7-1. J .T.M I'-. .;. I. rwkrr. n n F.nwi.V i;UII I.lM.HaM 1.9I'S*S - lil l'i 1 II .1 tlu-City.Oi ... -.- ¦. .: -1.,-n the Church t>( tn- l

P. y t .':,.-. NAR1 Bl m.l.VVOKTH.tlloi tC^_

DIED.T.iwity, Kia MaryM.

i.... 'nf-.Iio, Iha -

t..i'ar*.ad.!.«-.. No. ii- :*?.,'.: i da] w- I-'. ;-« k A M.On Mon ay.ttr ... ntrry, I. VI H \ J V

,'. iid lahtiveair* reapart Hy ltt*B__Wffl

nri.ilu..- tayalBt ». H *> .' llh .'¦On ToraH.y. J , RJElt-tV JABKS, il

Canl M "Hi'l Jaa* > ' .

Tl . rrla'n.. aa-.'ir.rn.l. ,-i 'h>- fcmilj tr. r.-;altra-t.i. ai.ral. at N, 2" Mrrt.r tt J.-i-.yl ity. VV - II. lar,Jiil.l IS. at ....... I' M .... .

Suo.t.aa'v, v.-*>. T -i-rn-l.J 'j AI.ICk.l- .

II.. tal.Jan... r.r.f-r J. ,. --- ., .n ,,.- «1. fami ¦. l.. r a«.Tli. ,.i»- t tb* fa-mtT.

Vaa Klt-k, ar. r«*p>*ctAiHy laTitrd lo attmi hai f rta'l ock Tl i, from Ba. 19B laat Br**4»ar, wilfurtb.r ,.' -

I't*, -ni Mnr.lay rmiaf, July K, MOITT-l'VKKK.n.t) T-ara.S ,, .t.tha ar.l 5 daya.

lh-- iri*_taaad a- aiataac.*ol tba baalyar. reap ,-

. -i i

I'.'.ia. r.t., acar I¦ k .V M ,

lu Wiliiaiia.bair|li,..ii tl>. S-lh iriat.. aft.'a l.n|.rr,. illa***,OAKa HlhAI.D ll. Hol tthB, in Iha M-T/.M *fh - ai>-

from 1. .

1 Cl .iaaiai a».,i-ii VVrdi.r-day, : :. .ia»'.....ti p mAt T.-mpkaaaTill. Stttim l.lacd.oti T-i-fJay. tltl. ir_..,aft#f a

lat.rir.i im.trai tri! llh ... iu tl.a BOb y»*r othei a|a, Mr-. 1.1 '

iHHH l f Ui -.' \ Clark, aud iaaahlW o: Um ,:. 1.I.waar K Haaa

Ralati* -.« aaal fraa-nd. u. th. fanaaly ar. i-i- it.-1 'o hi-r taaa-ralila.a a o'lh. k I' M lr.,i, l.n .t« Vaa Dwj.rat., tl.,'.l I. - 1-i.uJ.

At V\,r!run j.vnk, . '*ofv» f .\ il Civy.

0OMMERC1AL MATTERS.MnlcB nt thr Stock Kxrhnnae.tti v 27_ ll" taairar.TraaabC

1 (>«i .! 1.119 lUii I'.t.i. . st,:.f,..

t .

Eriar li i B l-«- ,l.'. do.M*nnS*t* Cobt.'71. J... ,

-".' ^o .., ¦._ .a... i:IB .... do. '"h '1 ina H_.l.u_a.

A I'rnn. |: lt...llBVI ]. -.. I'"«aj II.. . Kl

4,d».l',:-S H" d..10 Oi*aa*,, -' -I.-.;.. II.,,..., r.aa.k. I, -.

I K K\ ,

B Bank»S .-. --

iia- K-iinrr.' « 100 do.1.10 aa\-;a Kai.krrh.K'krr lu. iu.l.':>t ¦'" .......... *

..V r.nton Ct.. ::*V MK.\.\S H Ka r,.a.l.l Ci-,0a1r*«tlM|-l. I-. -- -!" .r.i.ll.l'j

.U V] Tl M.rh Cn.trtl R. R....1I :.\ Wi r. a. I

li. Di-.ll .n lia. {., ....:-li,, li,. ---It IU R.rl. aS.r R KIBB Hiilrin B. H .l_0 70b .-. H--1- K.rr K. K ... -4o.

tBCOND BOAtD.» .--O Er-.R. C.n. ':i,..- . f'.r.r Ki iroi "

ito Ba. "', ISO .W...-. .io.

-I . . ti. ra-, liank.. to.110* ,l«0B* ihak'oalCo. f-', ll. di,.IO B*. J r**y _iac. II . ks d ._ iv.',.»«. do . IB M'.

.?>-.> \it tOO Ha- r Ki l ,

v N«..r*|i:_T:_ ItHick. Ceatral K.R.... 1..^

I'Hif vPFtPHit Svies or Stock?.. Tucsd.iyWwtt M * .. H i-t -1

I'.i ll I, 4-. II Hai.a I'-

lica-C.-t Ka ¦-,« laj -.

\ r*; B c *. «a: BitflUa a M- i.Bank .--,.*.. s,. M

.-. -:\ -. .- Bav.Bt.'aa.lB; I * K-. ll rl.Bon.-..,-

,v '.Ch.. V n.l Caaal. :-v.>- « aTfl I t* a; rt.n. S 'i, >, lt-.\

r*i ¦ h.ii. ¦¦. j i s t. -t -

M. it -a. t ¦¦' <It >.* :*,; .do.u.ij.. vv, B-jriiaB H iB.W

. m

TCBBOAT, July-7-T.M." Codfish*1 cor.tinues to e.erci.e an un-

favorable luflnence upon tl.e Stock market, alihouiththe d.-clloe ia not \t-ry Important. Keadlnc fell -" ti^Vi. and K.riB to >5 *v, Harlem to ,0-t. NicBrajr-ia to37, kc. but there wat do preaiure o! atock upon themarket, and thc l^_r factlon donot BSSaa to ha.egaiuedmuch courage from the dec'lne of the latt wetk or

two to lncreaae maleriaily their th> rt Intereat. Toet;re_t eue with which ttockt are carried. and thc livpeediag ilte which i* lhe almott uulvenal pr.dl-u-nfor Aufuat or feptembc.*-, teadt to keep the L.ilttirm aad ttockt t-_ the market. At the So_andI'oard tbere wat not much dooe, an 1 the f.-,'!.Ilnu arat depretted. Kor 0s ernment Stockt therela a fair demand acd the quotatloni are _d*_nclug.State .Stockt are (jauerally Iraa, but l*e_j_iy;vt_-_ J.'afeUoft 1 f> BSB4The snpply of Sterling ia con-iderably

lncr-_»etl kf partit* who are drawia^ uainit Stockaand Booda on i:iu-tiah ac*oor.nt. The denvkiid iu tiiemeaa time la itmlted, and firit ___¦ bill* have aold a:IU',.at which r,,(..ra the bulkof Iha butbae-a bat beendone. Franca are .1,i_-:,...-. AUkr,8r iinou_t of IP,U.iltlet, we think, ea out by thit tteamer tban by any onefor a month patt.

In Freights there is not mach doing indthe ratea ara ratber yleldlng. To I.i-erpool OiYJOor3,000 bbU. Klour 114, 200 «r 300 baloa Cotton 'u.l«,000 butb. UTirat __d , C00 bbla. Beei 1,, _.«.. 114**.* TaLaoae. ^W er 2,0WUla. >mw liUl.ti.

5 0POluab. <'ra_tn Mftt, lOOtuni Oil Cake 17,8. To

Havre eoOfchdaTobaccoH 100 bh!a. R.'.ln -0e, a-.d

',,. Pr. vulons Ha A Brit_-h veaiel wu cUr

tered to load it Montreal for I.lrerpool at ti. V *******

f B What and 3 for bbl. Three or foor Dcal eharters

wofoaoaaato. ..¦'. -'from Bt John. to Utorpoal,md',." 75 IJ. Lnadfl> For Ca'.ifornie there \a a

moderate buaineBB dolnp at 09 i "oc.

In ctmoek-jaeaca of the increa=el s-pplyoi ;:*. baaaje aoaaa order. for coln for ahlpmont by tne have kreri canntermandrw, and bu. a *-vod' I OB

-.mount ^1^0,1^1^1..^!)-^ .1U0,, .Oin *llv.?r.

We are informed that thr eapariatatlty made ,t B-BI hope, New.Ji.r_ey of mttinp Ir .n

from tb- 1 raak h te or- of lhat regi-.n. ha* ter.ulaatedIn a perf-ctly laaaaaBM m'.i.ner, Iron h.vmg b-ten of very mperlor .|-iality, at th" cn^r ,.i .rdinary¦ad the per.. .' iga ot ZbM cout-ined in ihe ore

.aved. and by the i»m* proceia converted lota Pairtt.

Th.-NewJersey Zinc Company wtll no douit ta." ad*-e of tbu h.vtntlan, us By lt they will b.* eniblod

ahkuumfaiBTlialjimall axpaaae,lo manufaeture ten

tlmes the (juai.tlty ot /mc 1'itint at preient maaa. Thedem.r.d nt pre-ent !s in advance of the proiuctl -a.

The receipt- of the F>ie Rrad in Ju!ywill be about $.01,000, Whieb ls up to the t.tlmste. TneeiUmate for July of the loatbera M'-higan was 0-0,000.Tbe brit three wee *.i ba* e gi\ en t-KooO, and the entlre

recttptiof the month will pro! ibly reach 100,000.Tbe Dry Goodo trade ontinu.o steadilv

to lncrtaie in activity. Colton Goodo are tirm, withoutfuithrr Bdvin"e, but Woolens, from an insufflclent lup¬ply, eontinue to Improve in prlc\ Tiie itack of un-

bleachcd Cottom h.Hi rather MerBBOB-., aat tho dls fair, at st'-ndy ratea. B.MCB.d good. Bro active, anlKieaatudfuna. Dritta ara alao firm, ..viUiait~i4.lys.ileat currn.t iat<-s. OiLiabur«bs nre more active, at

full piice!. Iienimiarebutln limited'l.'rr.anJ. Prkeiw. Ti'ki aro in better requeit, mo.ily at aud

under lOo. There U ltttla doing ln Strip'«, tboaghpricei aro sleaiiy. .'mt n ll.nnela are BethroatfaflqaotalteBB. i'lit.titig Ct ths are .lu!!, lut firm, with aa

icrra. irgite-'.. I'rlcea are without chan_.»_. I'rlnt.are a.tive, at tood pricee. Tha consampt'on ef these

gcod* will be largrly Incrm-ed, tbls Fall, for which th.*

lupply ii rendy. tlinphains coattatM .teuiy, nn.i t

adv l.lkcd about hss b»en pcrsitted In. M ..-¦.

are content to ie11 at lOAft. Tl." denmnd for Do Laine*li ac'.Ive, at full rate., and a proriu'le ii doing,but the lupply li not yet very larpo; onlv ono Compa-rv Bttordini a full luppl.. and tmly tw- a large i'ipp\.Tbe demand appear* |0 .d. Later ln theic-u. >n. al-irg.-rMioitrreLt will be fortheomln.-. DoaBBBk Clol .

very ->aree, e.pecially eolored, snd pri-e. .te buoyan*.W.-notice n good trade d"m.nd. Ch»»ircre* of fancydeiigns aro ac'ire, at Ihfl rntei, and p'.ain aad bl-ick iamo_» rate re.pieit. i-atin-t« eontinue to arlor.l the m tkera rich harveit. No por di here fare bttter, if io wil,BBthem. Lfaweyi are ln fair activity, «t il.-n.lyTwetdi and Jesns are dull, without ohaage ib priooa.

Flanai'la ate active and hrm, wlih a uood itork. Black-eti in moderate dem-md nn»l Meady, Bhawla ar.- be-

cotnlng li.quir.d for, and the »apply 1* ga.-i.rln. lamarket. The aaiortment Ii Incomplyte, but yet fair nndInvittng. The itockot 15riti*h (ioodi i* not heavy, anl

pricei conic<|ie_.tly aie fiim. Tlu. Imjuiry 1. Incre-u-ing. Tte f.-w dr.'i. goodr. importe.l will aell w.-M..i-taplo goodi ar>- active, i-ipclully th.: heavy cloth*, f .r

which the CiiiUh nianutact'irer. kave nearly a uuno-

poly ol tbli mnrket. 1 reuch aci (. .aim. Iifar.nthe pieat bulk of our dry gooda lmpoi ta. (rerman elotb*aro reaplng a splei.dld harvest from tho srarrity of do-mrstlc and tlie enbano-d prlcs obttlned. The con-

lunptlun li large. i rench Delnines are In ip^cial re-

r|ueit at good pricei. Tae aiiortment 11 all fine gooisli large. Fipured atd plniii Silk. are bath ln good re-

que.t. KibboLB aell frtcly, but amount oO rci of ncK

goodi is not large. v -.tinps aro waatodL \ elveti con

tlnu'* rcarce. The iiuportatton* of fancy gooda appaarto be makinj moro gmdualty, wbb ip ci ll teicn ncc ta

a voniiaaed demand, at a continuance ot g >od prlces..PrevlouPexp.erirnce hal taught tho folly of brin-dncIn large iiipplb-i at once to meot a whole Baaaoa'l BBB-

dpatad daBBBn.l, while the very appcaiance ol io iar aa lupply deter. jmrchaperi, who ar^'ue rntianally enou,-hlhat il they hold oft their principal purcbaiei. and otlybuy frtm hand to nioutb, pricei will favor them. Tneitcck being bere, inu.t bo .old.

The rcccipts of the, C'ulum-bu.and CiLcinnntl Itailroadaf. r the eipht month. end-irp wllb the .-Inie of July are a. follow.:K-. r I)r..:.,icr l_tt.t-7.h',| 04 PorMa;.$: IFrr January.SO.T73 89 Kur June. TJ.IU bO

aarj. -"'.7M II Kor July, part rstl-Kor Marrh. " B ...tted. 7. '

KorApol. 5i_,'*ll "I -

Tt.lal.OH.T 11 11Kxprr... 10 ^. crnt.<:¦Sevei 4-ti.t. Dividend. !»-».'lataraataa Debt.

Suipltn ontcf earnir^iof last n moutln.1-0,111 11Wo hai-enot the precl.-o fig>.ics oi the e.vpeniea and

lnterert nccount, but tho abo ,e ii nearly correct. Ta'-I. .-.. lag ihowi 'rnaTI cornparative recelpti far tl.e fourmnnthi wl.ile the I.ake w.n eloeed wilh ice. The enn

plelion of tbe C_atalaad, Paincvllle and Ail:tabu!aitcad wbich will be early thia fall' will for a'l tlm« tocome prevent the lame low recelpu durh.g the wintarn-onths.The I'.Qtl'alo and New-Vork City Rail¬

road li completed to Attlca, making another ieeder t.rtbe Etta Road.

b'oine parcel. of American Sto. k- havecome outby the last iteamer tor late, t^mpted by thebigb pricee obtainlnp here, but in n"a.-!y every case tiieprocred. are to be rt .uvcited.The i.'iark.-t tt.ntinuea t<> I.e ahuntlantly

lupphed wllb Moaey at 4 | et'nt on call and .trict-!y tir.t rla.i ih-.. t paper.The atlvicee Irom the other aide in re!a-

Uou to the NUar.pua Canal pBBjed are fnvorable. andlha ihare. ars held about 01,0". hipber than they i

a moEth in -

The rereiptj at the Sub-Treasury are1181,643. Tald out.O-.'f \\ Ballance on hand .)»,.: 1-l'Mi.

The annexed table will compara thomovemente of the City Banks for th- four ouarters o:

the yeaiM.- J

PlVOIT'l ..* .4. j V-lo. 1> rectnn. l.jivi -.Si 4,121.103 *¦ l.i«;l 7,55Dueby Bkx'i. l*Vk\Ut I..1!

Total. B5.4.5yH,.r. B.U3. 7,-4.439 .,716.i'70 12..t iah Beaaa.... lO^ae iv. B,80-i,33l

<,. Li I.i." i. 100 ...I .

I' 548« - I 6.107t ii tl r

l>ep_« . 98,110,140Oilicial statc-ii.ent ot th- tolls rollectt-1

en all the cansli of thia Staie ln eich of the fa'.lowlngjeari, vi..

:¦'*'-. '

j : J r:.liMO.170,01.1 11,152.400

.. - 451l-i".».1-1'.

. "VI- 1.13L109!-'.l . II¦-t

Peeroaeaftraaalt*. t. *.dJu!y .#:T-,:i"lIncre.iecf 'dweek, endlng-.-Jd July_The A'buny Eoettingjt wrnal cia-ea the

*tr.r\fd Uble of the quantity of I K.ur, Wt.'Ht, Corn,and Barley left at tide warer, during the third week laJuly, ln the jeari 185] atd 1-*., u iollowi:

) .. Cor_,.q. B»r',.y,b_.". . .--; .

1803.UB^SO M5.361 __

I_a.'Je.'vfi Inc. 10,001 Dec.:_,2.2 Dec.2,361lhe sirrresate quantity of the aame artieiea lelt at

tidtwater, from the commencement of navlgation tothe M July, incluilve, during the yeari IM and 1-jia aa followa i

Crm ba B.r'.t k.l«l.157""*- S.BH4V7i 107'ii¦MO.1.37I.JM4 1.7H.a« XboiJli 'Swlae.1.-A-. lnc..l,o<._,Ki. Dec 1.298.7J7

The Bggn'gaM quantity of the lame artieiea lelt attide water frona ibe coinnieaooaaent of navrgruion t*t_i. .-Jd July, inclu-rhe, during the yeara 1.30 and ls...,il u followi:

l*1our.b»:i U'lie.t, bj. CenjLke Barley bn18-V.7v5,4! CU 1,738.537 1 *j l-iti--..1*871,844 i,r.i,5aa 2,333,311 75*3^Inc._*«,-« loa.1.488,153 Iaa. 181,777 Dee.wlid

By reducing the Wh.*at to Flour, the quantity af thelatter left at tide water tbla year, compered wuh theaorreapoadiag period of laat year, abowe aa iacraaae of-x>2,ll4b_rrelaofFltu.

Tbe following Uble ehcrwe the quantity of aome of Ihe

p.'nclpal articlea of pr- duce l«ft at llde water from thec_mineEa>iii.i_t cf navleaii-ia to SBd July, lncl_*l7,>.duilng the k-0, 99 dayt; le_l, IB dnyt, IflS-aj M

IS.O. 1S31. IHW*ri»Up«t>. kffuii. Al-r.l ifV. *1.___

rkrtir. bh>*. T»\4*... l.r''.""1 _,* ' «wiKBUbush. Bw.« TsaawCorn, huth.I,73-1.M7 3,l*l"7| .', .>¦.*..

Barl.y, ruah. l-»,«l 107..-.Ks.,1.,,.1.. IOtl-.-r i.a.r*. H..ih... 1.17'- l

H.-i. .... B-.OIJp, ,v .. ,|, . 1.11l .-

,... K..-1. .1,1X1*1 ' ei »t liT.'»i"

. . *?*-,"».'...-1 -ti i.'iv.Mii row.._.ir7,',i. 3..,.

.::::::.¦.«-.¦ « ¦*.¦¦..-*. "¦7"7',:i7

In the Court of Common I'lca. at Phil-iji'lptiia, cn Saturday, Judjje AilUon d.clded lhit tho

11uate.t of the ttntK ot the l nited _tatet are bouod Ui

receive, Id payment cf debu duo to th» ll.nk, tiie cou-

poBt of Boiidt Utued y tho i.__k. The Tr_*t_ea re

t.ited thia prlcclple, and cuntcnded that the Court hadno power to decido the i\ lestlon tn a lutnmary way ln

aquity. The Court ruled tlie general prlnclplet a_

tlated, and that IU e<i_iiy pwwera over eorporaUeoJ¦ t re _eoer-l nnd ubllin:'* J, -Ithoujth aubje.'t to eertalnrcitri' tlont nlative to natunil portont.The Cincinna'i Gtuetlt gives the an-

texed e\tract from lhe report of tbo Caglneer of thiCinciDnati, HIlitborouKh nnd Parkenbur_h Rillroad,

... iluk in thc through lloe Irom l..ildm»re to St.Lotilt:"Tbo line mn-ayrd from Hill-borou^h to Belpre

paaaaa trrou.h PtkeSOO, Jackson, VVllkeivtll-and th**inlncial ri'-.'ion, and near I'omuroy, nnd l* altogetbarlouth ,-t tne liae from CbiOicotbe ta M .rietta. Taa du-t iiice frum H'.)lib,iroii_h to i'nrkersbur^h, omlttini;»i acdoae, by air line, Is 111 miles hy the itne turvt*yi-ilfor the ralltoad, 113 milc-t. The ditierence _et*__u theair aad tuivycd linc«, at t_ tevcral poiuit, 1* ihu-.v u ,-ialkllOWl:

v - -

I ron Hilltborouybto Pi'veton .X) 4W-a m Pll toal iron. 19.61

aon to vVilke viih*. 1-; 1.V.. ki rffleto Parkerabergh.

T..t,!. Hl -;

Bainbtldire Hratch.y. 10 10

Wbale line and Brancha**.13B-S0The lli.e from Cincinnarti to Parkeiaberah t» .' f

adlet; by tba Oblo River, --- mllea Tba kia aiiitviy um ai entij tr de aad coottrnctlua, wilh ooearvature ipn eal ibe attalnmeatol blghapeed.TbecarvedBae, wlth a radii i.a.m 1.4 Ifiaal lo 11 l»Wleet, ia 23 atilea ; the ttrni^ht line 98 tnii.t Thedii-

ti N route aad tbe Baktaaora aad Oblo r -I'r m CincinDBtl t- Balthnore it MTmt'ean. ta-d aeat of b_e mata liae tr,,m lltll-1k' riburjth it 0v.',396,U0O, ao averape ot Bld 0 .", a milf.

TIip Eaatera R-ilroa-l C<>m(>any has n- -

* i with Meetia. Barlag Brottcra A Co. (Loadoafor $500 000 of tbelr I! u. s al pfir, p«ya_Ie in ten yoau» ereet, at the rate of five per cent Tbli lt t_rlhe balU-Bf cl tbe part Ol the road which arill ent.rthe city ne«r th« Rr_tn;i nud M dn-' R dlroad ttitlon.Tbe aet recefpla < tta Venaoat ind Uaaaaehaaetli

Piallrps'l, for Jun", !-".'. wrn. |1?,_7.. ¦'

il. 14,941 il

C&in over Intt year. #8,9-0 95Tlie following tal>.c showBthe eomlition

of Ihn *Hiit> r.- IUnk ol Tennettee _nd Branche* oa

thc latof J '.y.i*.

- i .tlK\r|<e. I ' .'.'

T l ipei . -., -7. hi

Tt. It*-1 Kafate. 171,504 "

T I. d. State I'.da. (par » -!. frt,7l -) a>o*t.TelBmranc .sucka.. H"'-1Doe tnmi r.tukt. 183,4 .

( a.h oi. hnr.1 v"

N, ,¦.t.fcli- Bank.*" II "!

Cc I.i d Sili.S6S,3_-3o- V


I'.y Capital Hto.o..«, -,. ;,.i

By leiaaiiiui.iitowi.ctl t,y Bank.... -".-. ' !.:»"> ""

By pt-fil an.l loaa.By rn lalmed Divid-Bd...K. DivMenddeclartdtk-aday, .4h,iSt. $n-,3"o nn

Bj Uw aati ab H uki. iii.ivi uI'.y Inaitvid .ai D.-po. tm. i-i.'a.l"B) tirculdtion. I,m,e«l 00

Total UobUlt-ea.$1.1'Tl ll ite remalm a tnrphit ol §101,0 0 ifter deduclin i

the liitet and doubtful de'.ti.

The ExportB for the w ek cntli.g luly_7, are:

-, ll*, 1 ¦' io. N.Tl' ItDTl a,f » . >¦ ...

¦ .¦¦-(.., ....

. 1 r in. Ha- a!l ;,. VV -a;, ,J( uj. C'urii. :<

Bt a.... .-k- - . I.-. '¦.. a m Itan

t-. . M'ortt. -: -. H.ind.-p.»-*-.. >c*Mt Good*. 1 Jo,... .. ....,. Bark, l ,- M

BaltTot.11 r -I-.ilt vv --..- ... oi,.. Wtoitrt

t1.1 .1... K0 il'- . N'aTll Stor--.

1 i ... .,. Kor* _. rapt...I .i ,a Bpa i Oil, lOtcila- - ii -. i ii |, . . u. liark.. -I

.... I i:i. i, li r ¦. Ual.|. ...

N.« Caaii ¦ ali.T II alS -¦

.... ... v

i ladia k << iII,v.- ...... aat n | io t,, ai b*

r--,.. 7 rataiMi j i. -v vv -a * .-.I '¦' M, 1 ,-l*

ll .i -. i. _.. LofWW ti, IB la


r . B||I- i 1 r< i-!>, » '¦H-A..II*. . S'ar.a.

k-a- A.-. i Muata_j.r., lo. Siu .--J

M.aallll'a * ," iiSla -e . B pa »«;¦ 1


Cl.aa. ...Baitua .\. a. . A«-m . - I H-.', -,..:

lI Bm . I. -. H.

*' I >a al S'.,r. .. lt I,... Hr .»., .

.-.-... . t . - Var. th,. I MM, -> -»a .-..-.

I IBr_.-a. :.'a,

|laoaa, ao axa. Caatlaa.

r -a VV -.- Ii ,-. ue. PaHk, I P.. k.Br* .i .-? B*< .

By**!¦ .- \ :*-,;. * m-K. .

.«. uri i.lii. ..r. .. - r, tBaart,>-i I' t, ldo -..-.-. .- >1.-

I! ¦...«-,. K. t '. Rof*, ¦. 1

. 1 . -> 1 M.- . ...

-a-..-a. i.lMral

-:- r -. II. .;- :...


.*¦ D"I '

a Dr....m

...1 r ¦ r... ., .* i

. n . ... :v ..

i,. ia .1-.. M II .-..,-. _«.!.. 4.> B p


v ¦¦ || .-¦.. j

fi ,.

--..a. u.t, «.,N. H . -. .- .i

HtC'ri *- t- a I" ¦*».¦ --

i suit c c*adi* a.... J * i .- ,ii rt ktBiwnl

wr |t - I i .- .- a-.-.

- t t

i¦ 1, IO a-.--l -- - t . ', a

C «... kux BtaakMa,*

a .Nl tured 1 arr#, \\1 .a|.. I B . ,1 Stur-*.

* . I f.SM do Kat«, VM-a'. ... I ..

aII .-*i.

i v- Matbl*,) I. H ar'.aar.. 1 atiJl.

^a. l.a... i , ....,.a. V ai. j-ar, 11

* a i.a .

¦ry . .hmNi . -. Rn-.. i . * . Coal.

-iatliate....C1 aaatu.t Ri mrtbd roaTHg ffusoaa-fl'r-J/W, luly il.

AbtlF._.Tb* n.-arkatu ».ryiteady. Saleaof SS bol*., at. > I | li'ii-j jo for Pearl*.

CO-TOWlt -a -t t.ller* m pric? I.«O0 ba'e*.oia a day. maklliB - ».on fur lhe laat threa day*, and broker**\ .tr io _dv*r.c>rLOrRANOMT* VI.-T-.miitn:r»__.d: afivlnr-ilnoar

traikrt foi the low f-.tiet of HtaU aud Woowra Klonr. Tberrcelpu aie in tice** rl tbe d.iuand. Tba export demandblmitad, but the lioii.e lDMjiiv iifoo.1 The hettnr trB-le*are h*avy aad inactive. . ai.adian I* plenty aod dull aal**-kkaawaS-B The-al.iof Doai«au«*ra_>_ibbUa I .'.?'l.->'far*oiir:$3V>fla'l-^f(jr(iM |1»43B4<K{tor conimen tn atraiibt Stita, kiW%i 25 for Miubtian aodlo-iar.a; «4olfl 19. fcr cummim to good Ohio $. SIIBI-i 'ajlw f_ncy(i#_tiea, $1 Sliaki -.4 lor l-ocy Oblo|4 tt-ii ,tth> for *_tra Ohio, aod koukj 87] toi oxirn Oena-a>*«. 1 utiiern flour i* very _n__ Tha damaod i* :air aodrtctipti i-jb:, __.<. ef :>i» bbi*. at ki 371 .ttt so, far i_u«_le r^ ttralchl kraada, aad %i ?. t*Wkn i^."^

Klour I* _ba*i **-r. *f ion m,l. at %1 01 fVrn Akxl ia '

K-.rr... itle. .,f uw i_,bU Brer-ywiae ai f. V\ a-'tewt, andi.. puprhi-ir* il f I'i

t.lttl*. Tharr i*a la, ge *tipply nf Whrtt in thr rntrtet* »! e, Ve ,t,ll rxtl,.-r ._rrr. Wi'.i l'l rl' D*W I1le,..u.»i.d ia I".1 v^rt ocli.. ftr'x; - ¦¦

hu*t r.» pnnie Rr.l S.>iith«rn at *../-._ , 3,<*»> prliue Wdo $1 8,0*8 htubri* prlaae ^'rotn ua »nv*t*term.. I iiobush, 1«*4>-I mxr.l Ohio tM, tnd ..fWil ba,he_iRrd hi» tt *hoti' Me R)* -. ort at 19a, Oat* ar* r*-iy,aad iaiabi* aa 419t*c lut Ohlo aad Otaaa. CtBataiaa.-i«n(pl. ai d piice* *r th* are bardly ao buoytnt. S.l .«

¦ i a .

\\ »i'rrr. r,.Urrt. tn.l I dYelloW.WHI8KY.Tba c.*r.rt is h*-rii-.- aa -.rt.. BbadwaMmi

lri.« tr'ii* S*lrt of 2.V0 bbio. I luiti tt -'I |c Prim 1-.I »t|. :n _>¦ t itrtdy t*ir. ol -' a'. 22c t1m. and

inlrrt -tPaOVIOIONS.O r P rl t:»et -, .wttled. Pik-*m

it.ll u-li pv-ai witb little to be aad ofa ratoaria_Mai . aad .¦ -x m..¦

trat'r Bair*ol |[7foi ll imj* |I7 ¦" Ifor I'riinr Ol ' 87J tffOn for Maaa, and |.lClrar, BIMl %22 for r»»..l*r. Krrt i. hn y»rnand Tl.r..... . .ra.'ie.i B«_ea ofOOB bbha al$:./89 t*r I'.-iuir. au.1 t l BOW M- a < u.

Meata aieaaoyeel .id aei .e ii iaaa. raipt ¦?**. *)*ir* otbbOa. II«n tt ,.i siiooldrr* .tr...

B : La.tli.i,:>rr).*Ja.ble ai;d i.t firm .""alr,.


*.....,-., B t' . Bia ' and -

t*llin? BtficCtiPPKE haa beea b reiadamaad i.v->h*** Rio.'.M

... o! ... rtt. >i ¦' U Mtra. at **.,600 J.vb at tle ,a nuaiil.a m.U t,. DO St l> i

MoLA_.8L0a e .. 4 .lj x l hhdi -u.a «u>.covado iuld at .. t i'jo K Co at ...... and 7c!a)rd I'u hi at 1-C

Bt'itAi Oai thl taajaed aad nn 2 ro ,

Mn-ravaooMMat I. "c ,aiid 1,080 bxi Brown II ivnnaai

srif'KS ire wlthoutcbanrr 10 Hart Pe|0*r *oai tt -,6 iii.iiitli. -1 .' ba*. PlBMBtil n 141 .(.*'.. b__t Clo.n.-. iabi ItOkaat ll*.'. Oiog.ral .,-., 6 uiouttw, ao 1|i .... . Nutim _. j- .".-.' nut...IND ....;.;;. atereta ¦¦ ieB laaam MadraaaBldal

u d ifl eerooaa I ...tluKI.-.II l« ui hrttrrd.-tnxi.fl 8,8*0tjuiatalB Dry <. -i ttki »'

£a V. r/|.i : i',.r Bank. ane al tor .->.. -jrt

ba*improvadaad rendered pr- aa a ihed* aaaar. MditiiliNo. Maekrrela Id at| d* Nu.Satd-Iig .".. No. nld .. *¦ i

1 i 111K8 aie more active and iirmr-r. '>."'.' B, Ba_o_.tb*| -,."- ao i- ._. *i,d t»..Bj«un

Ayrt'i at 17 WO Texaa worn) da at. d aoldli.F.ATMFlt lainoreacdva; i ea> ittown dema-ii ha.-iD<

,1 and prlcrtnt Hamloek OolB are a^x.u tiuiei.Tl.r rrceipf* tl.i-.t r ; the ialr«.LKAD.riiera lai heen aaara dohaj. Vo tuii Spinti

hrre ai.d to arrivr. ioIH at M '..',tl 60, caah and thorttiuie.1- -. Bo K_Bgllah M >.> 67J, a:.d S. >, tmew .aleta at *l TV

IR(..\--t;ta:cli l'.. baa -it... aJvaa-ed. I"' tan.«o.'d at4 SO. eaab, and e_t .'.'!. 6 ntanth*. the b.atier Dric*

Fnsliib Ka- -. held al f i". prt.-i- brai I*,. |,i ix-.*/he maixet a gairt. The eale. aoaM

1. m ...d. Baiataaal 01 SOdO-t 108 caiki C..rraaua: v

md 1° ca... C.t.'on a''-'cLATU8.Ttemarkatlavary fh.I and iuiet at *!

M f'e-t: about Sno.MHj aoldTIMI KR-The n.a.*et n )> 2" d'te ft w«re d-pcad

of at OU '.''tir-SprnoeandOl. ..forl'inr.LIME.Tha market i. hrm, wiih au urward tt-ndenry

:.i bl ls. brought oc t-r iouuuoii B_oci__aad,afor .-» ¦¦ .'t: SObales loldal 16 .., moatly at tba

ir-l.'r -jurri

ition, tn whole pa.cel., aud i\>tt\ do. in mi., iu

COPPER isflrmat _3}aS4a i Bbaalblag, ltft-o. fccT 'r>_ rlOURl (IS.2" caiki Un.).ro Maddrr wid J;c., o momiiri. >

ca_r. Borax .-1.1 at -lii.l.;, and ^0 do. Cwwa Tartar4

Piuiapfi ftiiA .7 -COTTOM n la I -«d ilrtnand and prtc*. are fally

1 Saie* of'-S. t'ta t ylo! A aad SamAJtlaamwithiatberaaaBof loailfe. |> lb.,oatlrBa Th.-reii.>mer\i.,a- demand forI ona, mdaaoat 1000 b li haveBovatawaaad ot at pt for Wrttrin aod l'en*yl»B. ia, receu'lyiro-ndVand$4 l.'4n$4 SS for fre.h ground. Ti,.- aale* forc.ty cuo.tinptiou arr limltea W'tn-.n tar rnn»e ot 84*81

axtra braada, aecoieiBg ta qualitv aadtaaeyli'iitfi 05-5 Ityi _¦'. L'Btuce'ca.imaemaanai<i t.. CoBN Mivi. hiUv; I.mi bhU. I'enrBylvaiiM.old at a tna. let* tlmn io ib \> t>bl. Suppl'r. ofxVhEAT ar.- tl lilng forward o.o.e frrrly M r. .a nrw an.l old red Bl 5- »P to «_« f BBBB., tor n dlntiyaiiiprltrie -uaiity. and wl.ue at fMc. llv ?: u le** active. k*al* ol Pei ..-.-' Coa- irritraa alowlyi I.'"t .' tt- i, w .....l »t "_ k lot of aaw MelyleadOars ao dat -Uc' t' t.'iili WHHK1 laatradv BtOlc ... both bbd*. .ndbbl*., at whitti fui'.ber *ale* have bern made.

Market* ./<v T.V'imph.\ii\-.y Ja'v 21 -U.-ci bb ifthe B-et-laeeil Fi.ot w,

271.1.bbl*; Whbat, 7.000 bush.; COBH, 8,888 bosb,ln Pl oi r tl.rre i* more doing ar iteady Waffl >

¦alea, ItO i bm Oeaama .- llle. Oai-area Wya forWe.teru. Cobm i. iniprovlag. s.i. ,,l Weatern laato-*and un. n.i.l rn .' ;. with taiei oiTO.Oou bu»h. VVBII-_.v- .-c ua rriaoB

M.'l'.i ., -Iu y 8..Cottoji b veiy ttull ln th-. ..-.

The taif. ol tlie werk have aot excwdeO 0P0 ba|ea. M .1dlin,! ranun ti .ra 80.48140. »he .tock on l.and la 8,808CtUBLBITOB, J-dyO- -Cotion -aie. to-lay, >_0 balet, Bt

7 i¦ i/ 11.''. i hr market .-abihit. no ,-liangrMbw-Ubli in--. July /-.-The ...i.. af Cottom fo ri.y

were »f" brilt - Mid'ling la qnoted nomtoally at .*... '.oTbe itock at thia port il aboal 9,080 bair., »nd it 1* m xiiy on

sbip bcar-l. Coaw leili at .2o5*-i Mbm Pobb leflrmai*2u. Baios »ide. are ar '.''¦¦ Wmi-kv |7;,*. FasiOHn."how rjome im-, rovrrtirnt. OOTTOB i. takeu at Liverpool at:d BndToB44 t.iit'1..Nrw Oki t.vN-, .luiv :i-Cial'.v traii.B.tiooi to-day.

300 bale*at pieviooi ratea Tl.e werk'i rweetpt. haveonlYbeen LOOO ba .-a Wiii-k.. telli at I7jc. (.XCUANca on

Naw-York, CO daya, is at i r-*r <-<-t.t dtsc.unt. LigUt at par.On Lonttim, I''. per .-rn'|...a. .'im

Ni.-v.Om n ... Jaly > *:'il1 ^-No-hin«de-'.*>.Whibkt, li!'


KerelptM of l'roduce....JvLv 71.

By Xorth Rtrrr I '¦ hklt, Flour, 9 do. Alhee,101 do. Whiiky, 4,f"i>l buahul* W'beat, MM do. Corn, uod.JSbalri W'ool. . «.____ _

Ry F.rit Railroad-i,887 *ide. f.eather and lo? pkg*. But-

ily Xcto-Hjtra Uaiiroad-Hii pkg*. Cheem and 3'i do.Butter.

PaoaeBaera **alledfr, t-> W«v. I, fort r .'.;., ?"¦' i'i I -,.' il.-.,..

Aiet K*..rr, VV ,.-... N H. li.;. r. S- H-M.i-h.H, B.nkvv k i: .. K rr.- rt. Jn. W .v. ti R v\ *.- M

t-r - li IV, . > .>.,...,, ¦.*, .,V.M .-.,!¦ . M H it r. II ni

.au I..' *. .. 4. J o r 1- Hi|r.Jol n M.y. W .'

li v

H* ,1 -, .-. pall *..! four rl »*, I......... V, I- . VV r.

4 lartread, Jr.-. I>IV. ¦- . r * i Oo*aU*oa, lie-orv*. I H t"

. vv ... .. ..:¦ I. fi -. r. .. ¦' It-.'li,r»r l> ItnaaMin »\ .. i..M-n. Jaa*. tad ...iy. 41...

| M I / v K -., vv. -4 la*« Ua,Br, . vv v\ rhonrpaoa, J. 0*. A. H.»k-v fi H.

He rr Kc, Al..l k 4. J** H*..o», VVpi. 4 ....^t.ll ;..-.. J .1 I- ttutl I* Jlklfl -I-

t ,M H i w *i .¦>¦ 0.Hurt, V.. nr,.! J B.i.iry, Br Mr. K*r|iana. i.h >i *

loha li T CoBB-lr.J. K '-¦¦, R. OoMawortb, r.. ter Ja. Na.t.iy. I) .1 BnutL, Ja W:l.,n, .-,,.. ,.

B»..«ne.,- I... II ¦¦ ... vv ii ..!»,. k KIBaea B ".a

1.. H l*ak. Bi.J Joy, Lawa I .-. '. ta*aM, Wa. Botata,ElirarJ P lat a.u*.*., L**i

j*. Cttoa, x If J a .' t .&»:.. -,.,i. J. .,n...,.,j vv . r. -. . *rl*,Clayt-r.. VV s-t. . .-. J R *4 .tilrt. J H.Cxlla

...,r itt VV I'-rr,, l..y tni laim'y, Tlioa. Ilala,A I. Btrtel*. I E B.ta't.l l> -4 r«, W.n. Ktei|* a.J.H.K --. VV. Ho, ,.,, J ,_- i.. ..- ...I v\-n. .lt n»i-.. VV ,.

H*rr,a. XV | |. -.Mr. Kl-aMa, John Bark. «u '.'/. I ..

> HT .-I UJr. H.n.y K..!.rr. Wn VVwl, W. P. I.u.t*. r. A.i J bnMarray A A Ki.h. r, J.,ho Bormtoo. H. P.r. tll.W

M --.y. Jan.?, I'.ni.y, II. J K..: ,. JiliD I'.l.k.J. K..-..r:., Wm.r-. -fw-iyan. Un. 'f, V D (',na, C. Haan.rl tna, B. Krt ,i

B. It. I.i.l.t-C. *o P.rr.r, J.,,,nT Hi-rr*. t nxrlr, t'li.k 8.0b«rt (..-.. I I. Henry i lark. Thr.nt. Baltnaby, Jolir, l.«e,J V . i,Jl r. C .-.. I. |* K. K»,.,»u mJ mkj,J A. J. Ran.rn, .l.rra L,n, (."or,- Hulkl.y acd Itly.Gta I't'k a- o, ea* tit.i f.... ,, j. j,,ur-*u.i *ua, j. Meialwaai,.r-«,

|b, J.i. *. Arhk-rr. Prrd *1 '-1. H--ry V r,v,n, A!r« V...,,,Hanry V .fo.,Jr \ltry V o-.o lot»f. l-'.wi. M ll

*.'.-¦., ILIIIlt.TBI. tar.. 4 . «¦.-... y io181 i-8*i.i ii

saa .mi..«¦« i.t.*. ly li t... i * 1.,.. l,lari.i... e iim H II ti*tr...t J'lr


L'leared.S.-air.. ;¦ I . I. Cr- - 1 (. -y.

P*r>.«r. N-w Orlaaai, M. O. Robert-.Qtmck, VXa.ker, L.verni..i, Scilf' r I ett,.* A Co.

B*rka. Bayxr-I. l-r..-:.. H.r-. J. J Barnan Jv.m C .r'..i,Ho*. s .a,.XeaBl.r! v

Br.ja Pt. i.t. 0l**fl _."«-. I. ni..-. Ickaadt k 8*lcb. |C.Lin.t. G iptil. Pluladalphit. Tlio,op...n t'rr. .1' M ... Mrr

t. Holittr Htrbr, k * C.; P n.u.t. Br Ry.r,, lt. Jaaa,N --

VV tl**liaC*.| Sar.h l *rl, Mar.: r, J'urs**i, Cirtrr.-inBi- b n«r. laaai. T.rti Irlit t I i-it I v <

-. Can. Krtrnej, l.aweil. B.,iU,a. \V l.rtr . l.r.:, r . Bara. K. J a S Oealiaas A'.ttuu., Bakaraao,-, R. W. Bt_w.BC y K....... il. . x -

B.B, Pe. ny, Brrry. M.m. .. .». Ma.'.la::.. PWIp. .V IVork.Wyi'- I. . 'i P ,A J D* Itotatatt, Pal

'-v {. i,Dt.wraP tfr; BaBbai t, Bacoa. I.ts-nyri,a..,s. W. I.-*

. 1 - »¦ V*>. 1r-» e - Pr* - Br.)44., (.vrdnrr,Protidrn.r VV. H. Br.w, o, Kiur -j. -. . _« ¦*, Vo.'mt, _.».

J. A 5. Br.*sa.

Arrived.r.Wbri I ,».ri-...i, j.,-.. ),adie.aai810paaaaaeeia,toU*. ri- K k .. j ,.- .,,, ...-..- * al

i -. tratl of tboat .Ou Mr., oalj .tw ptriofl.e.*..«. ,.i -, *4. B aa C, * .«h to.t cl arn,- ¦ t-

barMMB raa**Baajaa*,tha Br, *_e*«t.« *fy.- I.-C-... t, - sat C.i,v.uAi:,,

of t,^.rt.'.*'-\.tt\i.Br * Pt.a H..!. P. rt!»B.,M«.,.o ballot, 6»aaU toPUiladal»bia.Br | r*,trr (....:Br i K _ra_8, Katvle/, Calaia, 10 ..y., l-maer, to Maykatr, Ttl

v l a, Ruckpt.rt. S.I..

. Btr. eiuna, -, Mat:._t*. dayi, luak*r,to Surpw.,Miyrt'i A Ce-khr. Mtrirl, Saow, Mtciaai, - Ity., lambar, to B.r»»*io, Bty

b.w. 8 C, .

3- br Rr.,r_t, P-i.ttr. Mi.-v.i., hluib*i,U S... p.un, Viy.,«w. _tCo.

Ocltr. Pandbli*. -lede***a,Calail .. -. r«, 10 Jiyi, Ittb, t»Si_np_,t,_|jrt,e v, a c9tbr.Hri.rjM -....;... il .- .f - j-r i. u,|, d_»a, far B»-

l*hr B*e Tiilaaa.KeB. I*b**«iiiI. 1-- iiy., l-mb*-, to Ba.rri vv. >

9. r.r CI,»*fr!, Pl- mn-*- r ai.rr.Svkr. Bol.'.r, R. .ir_K.». Ilotkltj I .n ¦Srl.r Srtrrunr Mtrty, (I n_**-.»_ Ct .'.. ier, \Va-h.i.|'.0:., B. C

i .*«, na.tia'ora*.Bcbl H-U.ob. Doto*. Rot-lpiirt.tiib.8111 IO Baaaala Cr..r*ct C.-y, W,:.!'.. H.-it* SI..H

fittrtn.ta. Wttu. Bic Iiland Btttri.*, Rn*rr», Nt-Orl««t*.Bark Jobo Bad. lirnar. Tork. I.laad , tad uthan.WIMD S--i_r_t», .1 ar.| maradtt*. B.W.| lutirt, S. W.,b|l,t.Capt. Bttarl.of itaaa t.| Art_U**,.nii.rm*u»Uitt,.tre.tia* two

h.«_k*r load** kr,*. n**r Pir. Itland. tBara «ara bo .r»»*u ta *t*_.tfor mty raik. fres itaty Unl. to ia* ati'.trird, at 4e kkxk yat-twaay aA*k*a**_.

By i'll'nnila,. . I ' B>fa,Pl -,... , .



iK-.'.riVs'K-.";. '\ -^ui. t-iflt _w___B,tBBiaa Nai, laaba B___ .

po, L .

l-AI , l | .

«-. '>

» hAI . IllV ... .. t * V.« V ...MA 1.4 A.r C '.

..j , 1 ra

' ""*.». F.a .

B- |t Mary P\ ,

kt., Mii.kaa. »¦..!.. .

\. > ^**. S»a>*?».»..,*_.-*;.

I',. a Nl.l.a v Jfear,


1 - ' '** '¦

-.. -.

PHII kl-KI II. IV j . , ....>'.'. . < *!_!. .___* ^ anto«,

. ¦ "" . * **-w Ha.-'*. r%m"'-j r .

. *. i .

Ca.r Bof., Nar y l' r *»"*>*,

°* ****a>,1'wii.t I'..-:.. :, IV.! Hr,.,,... j,.C t" *_*".

JW Latt. '

I * »- ¦ -.--' ". "taa.

vv ,.. .

N"M. .1 w.ta-aBBi l.ik »*.,,

f>lsn*irra,tr.' ' ' * '

.... N »Ittk i- ,-i, B i .

V . . r. iit_. ......... .

>". i. «t,l_. . .. a- ¦- ta . -, .) u ~7'i.D anl r.»',,,| .

""Hiaw..- v a.t Oatftm,-.

' N .* »Haaa__T"

*'»ka.ii__Ziy -r- a-r. ar-i r*. at Uaw iamaAl^

lt_t>.»h.r Tt* art u ar. . *->'¦**'muktiL

. .r, . - - |_-jr"*"». ii. a- - -a . ii!*** '

St «. Jato ',. M-* y.j.| Utaa at,, (,ivv..- Mk tani h - ._i _¦>.pr,,}?

. .v

BBM- tat t H- t.-n ituot a_iVV | . . N a.a* a I' . « -. .- Mlt|la\R..I i, ¦ .- i... -nirjj

--.,.« i. Tba ie.a.1 anl < | .a.TOO * . -|a ,UJirortbafc* it et.BB -Vkoastk-- I',*

Tat S a. - .- V ., n ... .Mna-ttwuba__as..a Mahiat.B t- r .. ¦ t.ii.gaa**. t«B BtvtM reaairiB wrarka* aa Ba - l- .--. .»*aaaar,IhoMoosla t ¦ r-.tat >ioa ai

1' .'....a au*alMfa,B.aa I ««-« » ... .'K-T VV..I m, waa . \tnfaf

a.a tli» ._ ih BM waa batiii hat ..nioiy^haa. -* fawaSraa, Baiit*. Tharbar, ia pa*«M| -i.« ... at N.. tb.-,

> .-. » oa tka i . .¦ I i 1*1**1 -.«._..«BBtBaaB* ak. Hkr a-ati, b>. i.».i: - haif i l| l.|..t.r«. *,.- ,in* I*.'!.Paar um a, ar-par.ntly ll . MBt >»«**! U!


.- it

Whnlera.C> ir.- a- ¦>'.-> I'tk- 'I'. OctOBaSad rr.-n to. imii. *h>f tak r< 0 -ao

A Ir. m I'ai-t MTattb "I l-.rk faathMia, nl V«. Md,-atta al TtaVahUBB.a, Miy ii. mpoTW hat Kx M.aauagkia >p oil .11 t.<arJ.Sp.1.- J . tt 0*V barl Mi tarrt't. Pt r, 'roBit

lin-. 11. «ai. "I t, -. ... .-il a..i ¦'. it., | is 11, I'.ar', r'crtyili, .>' fra Ktiat I

mor.tht -ut, :5 br!». t_L

Bpnurn, a»" e.

Jur.« 30. Ut. IT4.V.I.."! MIBW .'. v larak IBl 11 -4.VI -.-iBn.iroit. - - .*.« r,"k.Ju'y 13, la-.. .- .ie k,u« tt, NM Iloaoc-r, lu-m Ntw Tork r. . .

At-oiit J»'y ."I. "lt Cliar aati u Bar,hn| Wilwn Fullor, _ra Sr»TurkanSa.anoab.

Farelan Parta.At kkniliii «*.. ¦:'i kart s.t n -1. fl r.p«.t..(, wutil ka

rtadv to li ... llOafalo pr... «-.1 '.. BawaaMlalBMffaM tk.iirtti-, rarga .'.i. i.aU .»au lu.-. wl.tii .ia. *aaa»b.,.,ai.* -Imb .

...i -... Ilaat. n

At Ma 'a iA aa.aa tn| V rtair.. B ir .-. i..r B .u-n abnat 130a.At I.r|! orn ..i ,a,at.. -Ina. HkFlli.lil, !.»._. iiom N.^ Orlaaat, ti-.

aaap.ik v'a-ah-- Moti-'-al. w»a -inja it)tr.|iy 'kttw

tti l>. m Man llttal Baatna, «Un Ii ,,««..» l". '-ian.. I nh -.K.Al Bail taj.ira I-t it ' llk ..-,.. lakmt, fttian fkilal.tpkiAt Fort au I'rj.. Iliia ..t.-att,.[ We Ck_* Wmiaat, BBBM,

fi.n. an.l im N--. iio.4 lar-, i- iV.iton, M., «... ia. lu,H.'-t, I'.i, >y*. im 4 V. Ct.'...:. Ult.-, .«. aVBtM*ba*fa.GuiBfl in lltli,bri|t R. V*. P.ak.r. May... , aHU»tai* >aa ChtrryI:.'.I Irt. fr. na ."-ai-.-l tb. lo |- M.n.-^ vhraat.,. Itwrntr,B..-tt,n iCtai iay»pr-Tia ia,Bol Kai ... BowB,Naw T.'k

A.r. at CkarletUtoata, P K I IStk mat hr.|t Liat'i ta-«,J»c. -i«ly,a-aii S.-a H_r-., Cr.-p. Boata tt

Arr. at Halnai aUat I***., m l.r fcl.aa, B. .Irot.Caato wr Bstta t.Ha iltt, Itrii K.|>il. ( r.,.. H Baftaa.Arr at St., N B, -.'; .n-t , t,ark N.n.r..! S.l ., S..

Vork, b,|H-.r_n. a-'Hira. ti*w Hit-n ; arhl .' ba. Ka.antir,Boaton. C'.A. UiA ihip M.n.tia,. I..,.,p a.l i tr flj .ttmi,Hn.nrharry, Hat.. " -, K,u-t .*« ,th, lluatoa.a, to, Oi,ti t ^" liaa, Mi tt* bi t_«crp<>vi, to Milmi*

to*i A-n . ii. ... ChaM,for J, I.-Arr. al T«rinn-at!i, N tJ HU latl ,(" 1 CieKflBt, !t..|rrt»*,lc*.

tu*v-l: I* Jaaoiro Joa*VI ilttn tlnp Bulkti l*aaiaaa.Britoia.

', S.w '.., »«-, K,a l-iaa r ... t a a.a M Ja BBt, teV . nh a, li., UiDt. ,iia Wr,|,at, ll.,:«, ,..r B.loaBKr.

Iiii ; K.iaiirrr, Robert*, >.r Au to kl i« hne, AJam.. Iimi.i| Baalloarer, Wattt, lut Ba' ituor', lo*., Htra ,

H flk**, ii". ""

l)ooi.o,ii, I'orta.ALBANY. J ly .--A,,. ., I,r.. Ihot. B., VtllT, Bt«.

B«%fvtJ, f.ail. f_o,.!a.n. lia..., K.l. Il.-..f. I'alkt-I..,A.try, paa Loatoa: Conaa-. t.. ..t, jukataa, Wau;-n li tett.Batina. Bt*n tl mBAl.TIB.lKK, J uly -4. Air ilii|, Pil,iirtt»,(l ).lt< ka**,rk*i'«t-

lata b.rk li.b.aab. tett, K... J i.r | 11- .-. n >aj ntaarartu,Rai Eka.A*U MoBt*aoB*r, la.. a. lar.. JublWaJl, l.JM

air. «... r*>k| Harmt, r-.w.ll. toatoa, mi N..rf., tttttt,VV ainwrijL,. N.w Vort. _<.|.naa, ao tmatttm, ta .l.r* iftrte ,

Cun_aai..|.-r iii b .1, Woiiaiai, .>.. 1 uik tl.iupH.n_i.IH. BBM*,Bwita, *«.» Tor*BOSTON. J-ily M-Arr. b*rk« Tmn Coratia, B.«iof-.,CMtJttan*;, Bbnfao, rkiBtoryk't) Ma, PAA ,taaaap, Pb.b-t-lpruai B I.ClBWML oi N.w »..rk, M, Ka.:.l.a, l*iii.«_.:pl..a Mlt.ta, Ur i

waiar fa.. bllgl Iaa B.r.l. i Br.; I'a*., 1' l- fwarai, 1BO B*.Grath, _»i|! y, K.'-I.a Doaa*. Lt.rni, Balt.ti.air. *. 11,...*, ftrry,PLikd.lphia; M ullak, Mill-o, io Catkana* R..|.r. Bwi.,-. I. Ma ..... .1. rVllto, Ht lo K.i. a, H-tt,'',Iv., CotO. -Irtill, l(,-i,..|., ilu., Al ¦-.,.. PmI «, <0 V .,.,, I'a I,Ja)., Alai an.a, Bray, it,, Caatoa r..*..i. .... M..-«lla. Kaarol,*o > Brw.Baitar, vv .t. ian. up... _a_tt_,A-i

a.- a K.l ... lo., A.a a... H .a

l.alay.H., Cula-ad, do V ara BH*o. Kr.n. h, An Mar<-a.,Pw t,lu ; a|.aarttl> t.ll.r, Prla.ll. -U,B. .' W',,1. A. Ilr.w, l»,l- i, I, la. t.R. Hi.-l.boro, Cokord, I ,..-¦;, NnatiBli taaa-,ha.krll,Bir..,r, a. r. Jii.'.a Bo l» I' I ,.l, f Utit.-,

I- abaar, Hi.'.rr, tamkar, ...i-r-l. Vrn.A b p. H_B_,I .nary,Ka..-"i-rtk ChartvrU** K.ii.y P*lav*ra, Plk. J«i»,aT ,,..., KaUa*yi B_* Marki Mcaaaai l'ot.,,i,a.. rBaaaaai l-.nH-nad, Bru«ai Mihriukie, »u,».<.. t^it -,, U4B*i rVatoara,»-.-,,.,, a., -1.1.1 H-o-- fl.,,,,., P ,-T Sar.iaa..-. Pa--..» M.a 1t B.k.a, ,B. I,i.,. B W, ,i -. VVt,|i,t, All^ao,«ta.,l. tBfttaM la.i-l. ."-. anl Man-tia Barr. Nirlort*-, Pi..'i*-*_a;KBra, Amiun, katoa, ID.1 Humr. «, Ho..p.r, Pl .ladalpM; A»-Ull La»r-nte. Ai'ii, ani !-.». A.|,..aa,, Sy|...i^.. Ik.*rt<l|« r..,r, CrOT*r, to; -t.-an.. r I y %. *,.,,., Baatrr.fBBJ.'

i.t..... i ..,-.! i,.ra is a Bta-baaan, Han. J Haaaaa,n*CUaa i'.r Jtrnt; at. AaArmata, tt. ki

o.a. l>u'. i. I i« 1,1I1A>..'.H j ..,.,. !).,.. ,VVirr-n, Polt (I " k,. '.,

tat lltr.-a. n. II..»..;, B...U oi HAKl.i.-HiN, J-ilv ..i Arr a. i.r. a,.or|< B**t, TbaUkM,

-. H n -.. .t_, vi,,.,!, rin'tf 'ilitSMa*!*. Sfnmk, BahkBuw. i'l.i. barft* < l..r,,a... brtty, N.aii,.H»ia*B**i kiwa taaa Kia... ...t.u; -. a..... ti... Ba

ti,.i., Vri,,..:, r. iw,, Barcabaa. Woatlawa, »h.p a. u*m*>¦,. |k, Clu-bnntb, L,-..r^.,,l, bn| Paackita, aBb) T*il_-I*,Ban.lnna.DIUMTOR, Jatf .t!.r. Iluil. R.rry, Pk-Wtry-I.

;,'.',, arr Iii.. BoM-t ,n i, s.n, , _,.j 1 Ho-tt, kn."|UiJa- H !>-. '/ VV .,. |Y .....:,,!.._.nn. kBTOW s.J y.- |ri -,- Oonr«*lfarTw,faBBBS*, .:!-, -a.r K.lw.rtl Praualio, VV._, (>_, .Ae\atua, '.iC,

'-', . -.!'<¦ .'¦¦, ,i Noa, Cn'.irma. kWht **.brfa J -i .. kr .-. ,..,.!., P.-a.., NVw Vork .14. 1114 taaiuatttttir*. C»l>d..,iu, idJ CaBtuhoa tk I. .>,t. ».i..i *t, a-i

rtir., t. brt. ...««-H it.n. 1.., N.w Y.rk. M| Y.drriA rr**-*!.-l.«|... p Mar>, t.,r l'bo..|.'pii.a A . 1.MlRHk'-tN t Mtad, J .ly .:, .. .r. H.ll Cart-r, Baitt*.

Dari.-a. '.t.KAl.L iilV ER.J > J Arr, .. hr C-BMB, Umaaat, Banbt^,

l-.a H, Burfaa, li..'i,..n|. i.rS.a-t rk. .i- . M r. rrout, < . .1 I . - '

Wb. Crav :. rl,|a, r, ¦.!,,.. J,..| VV B'll, VviakvA,Pn,l*.>GAI.VEiTON Inpr.rt - I 4 atta, Clar*,k*tiP*e

Ittpubai J.aa.-- .,, :.,r N tuta k*r* Wa. I llar, . 1Bu't, n, I--1 tVakaaaa, aaokk, tmy *> tta, ci,nu.u, tum-r*, Ma *tH 1 rk, v.;,...,. oti

iv vvrsi Arr. laih.knfTirtar, B_**r, w,i«inrot, .*-._'I -l_ tor Nr. nr.'-aaa. iTiaa, .t-au .-r Kl Irairall., 4>y.a»alt.. lU.aa.a mi «a. t., l.-a.. .l,t lor M.w Orlaaat). aak IW..-. ...... .;..-...- froa N-a 1. ... M .. I p..rt ^S», aa'itYamura, Ray, iiia<bar|H, Na.outk-., Ii.o.p, I.,, JJa^to*Hlkai^..- - o .

I.l Bl C. J _f II Bld. arhr Mal.l.ta, <l Kn.n, N.w Taft.MaTAL- illM ln 41b. ». l.r.. llMl.a-u.a, taiHaatfOt

< - rt, "a.tir,, atrat.-r OB UM '. ifNANII ht I. j y -4 Arr a kr*, B II aVfaa -, A.!a_a\aW"- N.. l-.ri, .(B..p Laart, aiy, fa _*__'>'br oiran J,,, -. Jaaul KalBa _*la-piua; W. IV. B.-a.oari, Clarl, to., Ac>aB ".1, ro,

*. k v% 11 RTroar.j a - -, v...«i, c.-- -

Arr. biifl Nti.ay I'lai.irj, Hroap, i(ua tuat, tcbr. t't^a. -''1 ¦* ' __*'M-WaHK.J y Arr ., r J, l.r, 0 VV r. ', Pat" ^ '' "

Sl . l.r W u J B. Al. .,1 _. uM.VV Hl UHiRll.J.iy .1- i, .... ||. r..tu, I*»a.. r» «.

'¦'« »'-, v -, y«a, rart.'.*t:ma K. - Thon. .-. V r. I - a.r. auatrnv.

N- la ¦ J . '¦ l. A r » '. C.ry, MtoTuflV-N-W olcI.KAN.i. Jaly -> kt h.r Lu-wM, Cat*. _»._»'

J--.;,. p. r'.-r. K BI-..,,!.. rof, . BMfc .t. ')*****Z±Pl.ilid..pbn br,| l.anm.m. lt. ,.,, MalU-Mi Htrp,"..»_,', H. ... \rr ? hl. »**/. B_BBP|

Tamp,.,. .__..

I'lKII .Ol), J y 1 Arr irbr .l.r.m*. VV albld. *n*,*T,.I - Cru.-.'I.I'b ¦-..- . .:a, L -. PuCi.k.«.'"'^^

PROVlOIMCa, J.-r ii Arr. i,..|tl).laBir*.l*frkabMlJ^>HI.* . Kar«oC, Kkili«.*a B.,i,Pl,|i.|.|pl,,a. M Mar.y. Wi ,.-.ta. to i Bi*r. ¦-.*_*__*

do ; M.«*. Hr«»n Hall, to J. !»<>'*. do.; j*J_!_7fcl». 5i. rop-l ,a Caruprtra. Hon. . an.l L.a»jCI.-k *'*Vj_|..

I a.f Paanu.k.t. tI_oc*laUDl.Ttiu_W.S*W-l_tV__r^_lHuM, MiHrl Btv* ll « I . ,,.. W.t.l o.rnao, niu****-.^.E-.,., M -'. R«» Tork; tlaopa Soatliport, i ..¦»_.__ ainat,rraiTidru.a. Bruva, Na».V...k i ..,.>,, at<a Laat t-eo.*^Ba.....r, -.i.r- H.aa.l.t, *N.. k«r-..o. Pb.Ia-Jaipa,* Jo"*bL3w.

It a a- - I 1 .r ai- >"f, "t,B_aI

Ra. kett. Or..rf.r- a. kr I. B tV I. Craa-r*', .*T-_.alcp- H-.ii.. t. rthira., Al-any A _.ri a. ttariaa. B» '

fI .*o4( nl V All .1... b ITlh, 014 Ua**. "0-**.» *.¦

. .__j a. *PHII AUk I'llll, }i,hj .I-Arr. bark Conra* "¦_.*,' f.rt

J..._,,a. Im... VV....r, Mara.a ... *. Kat* H"*r\,.'.'¦.'..'¦' - " r< .^'-^__rfWB*y.ak, .. hn. K S. J.n... u, Cb.rl_a-.a. aj*TViimrw.It ..«' .; Aimira J.y, Joy, J. «. B*. I_k.| "j" |G_Jaaakaet. i day .r-.m Caiit...ll'. Br. tf., w,ll. |raiB tu *'"" t__,,r

. ,0 ,. >.. -a,. ...-.. rrm^tvAhfttt"_ j.|.ila llra.ta* a OadwilA . I-!. tl. p A NMB, aattaaUa%**k*amaatkr. p 1.,»-.-.... 1. C.r-. r P, >. PtraaW***'-ll 1 M. Jaly tl-Arr .ra« (Br.) rT«1*V^taa***V

kri|ab*aia . P.r la.;.a..r. p.tou,- KiB*akH.a, lr__v*,-**la K+rt R J M.r.rr. It.i._v,.,a.i.t V -:r«.l Ba.r-*^Tr-li_-al-a paa., Pa wo. B_BW, Roar-VaWl *»». BBBM ¦¦*-

Crow.ll, Pft.i..'. lpl_*. ...abo. Small, Na. V*.k ._____. IHN*!8AVANNAH. July £1 Arr. bra| K»bnM>at,Mo*aw-.

K-lir. Wa odiiriii|o. Bradfurd Bart m-r. ^.. a »*.'.*-c»MI.I-l«r.J-ly*4-Arr. a. kr M«T ta- »".».« ¦"

Tork -;|| -t-avWARFHAM Arr. -h. _l.-. M .,y K :at-.-i, ."'.»;Jl |kM

... Rarwarl; .W.l.'-iraph. Pkiia. II.. BI-,*.»*». **1mtik, rkJa. 1 _-|.t, tem Jork.

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