Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1856-12-03 [p 7]. · aiorataktveadontin aknaapactato tho city. Shaaldit \< conch, led to ecka t aaotoer lite, I amsatiafied, from Dmesaaii

.. sod n rs! rfonow». and the p'ocuretECCt an 1 di*trl-

. txitioe td BBBdtaB a; d ae*d*lopui«u«i.e ff th« design of Congroa* BfcMilfM

b«'i i»ke-i loaattlaga aad li i«-.,m

tvrff quarter of >|i* Kl >r.e, whiro aoy wir produ t

ca» b« fo'sd "*>i' h i* bk-ly to pro s < BBafial in any,.tts* af Bat Uakad S ato<.Mai'/ i'r ,1"<" "ü* af probable utility

. n»o tl.u» Beta in r.»lund, and ethttB *re '«oiu'.' ajuvie,.r. BbBSBtBfthta*la aar peoaeeetof saoooa* ,\

?¦¦i'baajuat ixrn anad to South tmtrVnf1 peaoaseeel-tussof tat tugar BaBB, t» fuinidi >ur Soii.herri pliut-g-rt with a tu b »(<.<*, t< c >)>]>lr Hat ea'aos irthsl«hieb itisd ba» aetari rated by Mtiaoed col-tivatioc, wiUiout renovation Iran tic iadlMBOBI pl IQt,Tbc Iront ba*eni.-at . f tin et .fr baUoiag Bod (he

aa»twi'ß of the Patent Ofloe hue beeo fltlsbedjmtuL aitli the t xc> j ti.iu *>( the poiti« o which la ;n r ij-iJat«MMIti'au.«- uisy I« cai i of the aatf wu.g.The nejtobont of the balk]Ulf; h la boat < > n QeOOt 1

and tbe totindati n eilt pnhifiy kaj laid dtUutgtjtmaTtrt» ". ** a* u' *¦ r*A*7 w* 'be aapeastnhita «

In Iba Spring. Another approbation baa beeo a bi¦¦X, ahn-* will nearly uoanpbMe thia part, ajo.dmg to

the original pl n and t* nnato, the object being to

j.rta» It fotfüid aa rapidly tu- practicable, both o i mtycooatof ec-notny ana utii->. Ine entire rtraetnre,ahea fiinsbed, will tcuijOran'v accuinidate all tatbureau* of th a de,.a tmaatj but Ib a ah uld u >t deu r

t'eogrera fiutn makiog the nei-e»»«.'> Appropriation- |,,ra dopar'iw nt«d building. wh>eh tri!] be BMeb noododl*fore, nnöer ordinary tbttUBeteBCat, k Cat l»o con-

Btracted ami proper, d for aBcapaacy. No va'id ro^oacan bcax»lend lor further delay.

) Duat at'ain t all your attention to tbe itraordioieyti prises ot tit Judiciary and tnc ab-"iutc n '.-i-ai yfor a radical change or uiodili. tion of auch of the la es

$t relate thereto. The act passed at tbe I ft see don ofl ongrew, a ilii a > ie*v of curing i-ouie of the dotbets,tap, bo far aa tca'od, proved very hon. ficiai. The pe-cuuiaiy »av tag thereby has ls« u large; battbutaofL-tie Obooteot, in isiuipart-iai witn the salutary ioilii-ncoit haa bad npou the ciars of otli t-rs it was nri ude 1 toäfftet Mm, aowaaaraaopMeay arc beleg ¦ado, irbiehjhow that roany aatbaaa evde huve sdeutly crept i^topraetiCfiu some ofour Courts, abichsaouid bo npoudilyrcmulied. Most of tbc lusrs f ir tneir proven.ion anseriously dcfoeti«e, and nn-d rertttoaj aud ei'.h .at(ongteesioi.a. aothaa, the otticern of the Tretsury andlbs lk-pe.tment ate jsiaiTliH-. As the Ih»v- now are,J an Ooliev ivc of no better plan than to latraattMlieparluKut with suflicieut meaus to iuvesti,'a".c alli liaigea that may be preferred, vv eooverand woe/ererthis Lrepsrimout and the ¦oeoaottag ofloera of the"Jieasury aresaiistiod tnert ie l.aail, c.rruj.Uoii or mtlJceSSBCe iu ofli o.

Ou the '«th of June. IKVi, there were in the In*ineHfjluni ft' p»tienta, arm durieig the tis<-al ^etrIben B

received lot it 17, 8 have di -d; I were«üscharg< d. ..ofihtai beii.).' raaaatadl and there were left, on tie ;Vith ofJuns last, M pa'icn'e. It is in a most flourishing 0 aadi*tiou, and bios fair to be the first in the OOBatry, Tueiiuprovcu enbi are steailiiy pro/rc<siug, and will bjce.mplettO as tepidly aa i* dc-irablo. The appropria¬tions hcietofore ruade are deexed ample for the uettJuMt, except a small amount, for « :iicb aa entiun:.' Laste«u n, for tbe improveuieut of the farm andyrouLoa and tho Miahaaa of hortieui'.ural and agri-cJlnial ItaoteaneaM and ma< bio* ty. Congress heaalready exhibit! d great libemhty toward tb.s institu¬tion, and an doubt tho reeolts * soou prove that itbus not bean impropeily bestowed.The numb, r aa* aaavkata m tae PeaHaatiary hi 72i

tt.'» were a<inntied and ba dataharged during tno pastyear. The exjion-o of uana^iu^ it is ana u.arlyaqaahad oy tho income, ai. 1 tbo excess is being yearly¦atabataaaauTba aai of tho 18th Angnst last rorj'iired the Secre¬

tary of tho Interior to select a suitable site f »r a new

jail, at or asar Hat Paaiaaativy m tbo CNty of vv'ash-lopton, and to cuumi drawings and sp'vitics'jons to na

j rspaaad tberatBr, t-i baaabtaitied, with on oadmsbaoii\f ciet, fo CorigrorB at the next sers'oo.

Kirly mcnsiir. s were taken io eaabss tmt to OOtapIy*iib tho n<|Uieitio:» of Hub act. The aiahtieei m

charge of the I'atout-Ollioi buiUfng s«i instru -ted to

eian inecare ul'v the most approved designs for h.i'ld-(.'(.hoI Ui<: kiuil spccihed aud p<< pare iho iai| tbdtadrawings .ni allen» rmd e.-t.m iio« for tho one pro-p.sed Ui l.e bu ll.Bf bei* attended to thaf duty, and furuNhed the

plans ben a ith aabautfad, which are so airsnged as to

idmt of an lud. tiuiteeu atgemeut of thebu ldiog wi'.b-out interfi ling with its ayMDOtry, Tne aatfaaatcd coitit *KKl,bO'.Tbe act requiios the site for th>-new Jail to bo ie-

ItaMd at or DOW the Pt-inteuti'iry, and the Dt part nan!i», BCcordii f'lv, continel to that vn mi'y. Tbe . ... mis

tcjoining the Penitentiary oa the esKt belong, in I a n

ii.luru.ed t<> the (ioverniiieiit. and if the .lull is t > botreetod in that neigbboibood, 1 should ro-jmuioo'ltliat it be pUced tlu ic. Aside, however, fi.uu th< feett.'.st there grounds are niid«ri<tood to he iiied-.-d by theWai PapartaacaL than nr< toriaaa objontioaa to this

locality at;. n should, in my opiuion, bo brought to

the aiiiniioii ofOaagtaoa l>of. ra turtheriMoaaaehogi are

had tespcit H it.lie gi.tuios arc low and mnHiy, and nf certaina M of the >ear, tboro is reason to fen, the plaOS

weald Beereanhoaathy when oeeapied by sola-^-' a

r isdai (atobsblj lisfl] a» aaald u u>illy Ih> c mfloodl re, aabyacl to tne malaria fi an the crock on the ouc

anu tmm or on too Other. If w odd b" arelt,INitban, to sack aaaorc haakhfal situation, und, it is

hataraad. aaab may he found, wh eh would like v U btaiora taktveadont in ak naapacta to tho city. Shaaldit\< conch, led to ecka t aaotoer lite, I am satiafied, fromDm esaaii troaa already made, that the Qotrara n sjuwould I* ti e uaini i iu point at c >. t, as t*io extra ex-

Jen-eof s«^ ring il safe foundation bdob t' 8 grXMOslllieatad by ili act, together; sun that of tilling up tu .

I n.i>es to a pfopargrade would bO more thau enougabtBsiha the ii. .. jia pur. ''

Iu ibis omaa oMita W ieceanted pr>per to invi'e tt-biition to the mint of euitnbit aooumui'iom for thot innual Court of the Dktinot of Cistambia. An ao-

pmptiBhaa was mat e, at the last si -i ui, for the altc;-fciinn and improvemt i t <>t theCvarl Kootn'ofjreasta. at a aaaaa. br tha Cbomt ano Ciiminal Coarta.which bos Isen judu ion-iy expeuddd, snd oy ateaai .>i«.'null (Bai room has beBB rendcied c ju\ euicut audeonXatab'e.ihise (i urts are rYoqaently lo aotakro at the aatae

line, and hence a teiiaiata intwa la iadbnioaaahhttott a proinr uccoinmixlation of aaoh.Iwslirdgaa nd the aaeBBhara of the Bar htvor> -ent¬

ry united in a comunibicatiju upou ibis atdrjent, askingB>e to " urge upon the attention of Congress tbsno-' cessity of ix'ending the ptci nt Coart-llooaa, as

atonaead by bha Cknti Jiisatoeers nf Pubilo Boilso aa to aooTipHah' that ooj>ct. 1 hnvo regarded

I'is niinioual at of so much interevst us tidu. .: it»

bUaatioa with the | liuUsl ostiuiaf* of tlic Depart*i int. in tbe BOpa that aal ab'o p »t Lai NI ma) lie made

Coagiret, at its aaxt aasiioo, to tapply tba wantttr en in so pioarty shown to exist.With a view of effecting tue object of Congress, In

t ,-aiJ to the construction ot a new and IBMUBlia!Lndgt over the Potom u» Utar, vit'icd U btivat, a

« til tugiuar, was appointtd hi make the BOOOSsaryi .tveys, examinations, plans, drn vingK and 11 ittatte.J.very eflort has bea-n made, and is slid Diahing.toj toimthe aanrbtaMtBifactaitly. and it u hoped ttiita full report of the nsut» arlli bt atadt baloes thamouth of w\ bruury Baxt, aud at tnuc for t u , ..:..-idor.i-1 ..n of Coi crtts.The werk cu tlic bri lgo a-ro.-1- th. V <'.< inc. nt t'j--

1 i'tle Kails, in tin- Ihsiiiei, has be- D IntrnStOd t - tfkijiful civil aagfastar. The aparapriarioa aat m adI te in the taaaaa thai the br.dg.- ootld not no bonne Iin tiu.e fat tiavel tbe appnimdiing Wmt»T, but it willLe pnsoiil to omphtioi, as rapidly as pfaenoabha

I be hppropiialiou Uiade ill IS» ', lür gTtdiog, \'.,] paiato'V to the ext. nsmn of trie t ., itol giwands,>as juciiioisly and tconomicail expattded. AB CjO-graaa appropriaaed the money witn >.it any attiaatba or

aaadatiai of tin HapBitnnt and at a i gnitaral1 lan had beaa i'iM«ed or adopt".!, it nal not dostoedprapai to an itt m amou^ Baa tabBBaahal BtaaanaadSt tlie last ri sum ot CssngfWtl tax-rise tat Hepa, tuicntdid not uciKrstand RS d. gn. and [an tamsd. n ;t< oooilaaatttaaaa eotnaaared adrbta*Ne<, t iartable appro-lriatiou wi eld bo maoc for ih*t >u'p tm\ At DOBt,iiowever, waa made, and the \. mgi <>i kit CapitJ) are

advancing i«| kil) to c-n.pletion and toe ^riu. prttint a raagb aud inelegant appearance, it upp irs

iroper thai iho atU ntion af Congo s shou 1 b latVä tdo it.Tue improvement «f tbe gMMtn MBB af t'.o Bat -

ntivoinansiou baa b vu aampttti t, attoadiat ttthtplan adapttd «' it- e annn n . .¦ 1 ..{ ;,, l . a

tnHtnde ui... <'in.teiv Bojaeoatta the Baaaattvapcaa^iwis not Mit'ieicniiy cU vaud. and fariier appropna

tiona abou d be maoc with Ihk 1 lese, Bai only MM >uso

it would add to their beauty, but be p.-otnotive ot thaI a.'if.foli-i fs of the KlBQBtlvc BBantiuM and the aaigh-t^ r.r g risidincc*. \N an a small i ipeiiduure ot m«o

Ihla mav be dODe«, and the to -nvr it U) aOOaaud ah.-d roeb tier, at now the change wi.l lot sciousiy BBBBaaB]? .:h un aiiaagaaaai t af the gmtaadt.» Iho Btd BC t route Is iu the l t. \\ att :.n "i hav.lieu oxtcnaiveJy unproved aud haaatilltdi bal ->t:llr B Bth one not be»«u done as is ItNJI i«*d. \V. a

f ar javst vcara Cougnvse bt*. in Ihn re - ;r i. tsv.i in TO

. «a usuällv liberal, hut far from lavi«h. The counfirt.I alth and COM coien e, to* u,*n ly of the eitti B b ¦'.

mi the neu.t. '* tlumeelves, aud all khs fuuc jouaiiiM afI. **Oovi ra .ii* nt, ami evorv visitorf»lhis efty, deusod» at inurh larger ex.mnditurts sh.uil-J bo mil.-. V» Jfu

. Bsaany i* luoiciouely BBnradsfi no oneca-i tNeotttt s nppl t.. The whole uatnm is interi-kai m thetatisraal Metn^polia, and tue ja op'e will * im ti.>n atiy-i .rg n!a .. to ha BBftoTaaaeaf ahatbh)Beeeattry» nO cor rtiluiioaej. Ou, li.iag i* crtaiii, tie »" ..«¦

I tovtuwi'ta will aaaataalit n. mada bj tbaÖorom-* aat, si C being mcr. a question ol'time, aaover-I > treasury suggeata thu ilk the proper jioriod.Tie liniiaii laids in thi TttlBSBJl at Kansaa, wiiieb,

by treaty slip dations, wwo to be sold and the proceeds

I appHrd b»tbe oee ot imt lediaea. ere K *.'*<«'©f pr«.purafloa for aale. A pofti»o DeBas."-1* bat '*.an*, jn.irttj«nt «0 U», advertised to b© »o'd «e a»ii -tun E1 ery pn* an'iou hm l*-n Mop:»*! If pa,f».ni <-r tit.o impartiality in tue «ii'u. It wa* intrusted,plUlilni tu (La rf-qtineuifut« of the Uw, to tho lui».'leltd tfBotre, Badet lh<- mu rinteiidiDg coutol i»f |i ii litteJ one*r «f high itoBBtag, Ba4 tbe BgVat Bf tbeIM ware Indim - aaadiieetodlo beproeout, mOrderle ad\»e with Hin rimeaitohiearaarn ¦.¦ant mwt amleol tbo kftttxe»ta af tba tribe. If the haab asdeal give.biet to n m.r Bio and at the same tim*? liberal, üavobom striitly acht red lau of wt. -b r>e entertain nj

doubt, alt intcru-ted w:!l bo proben c bui w'iwe bat rei- -o bmm b divcsaBt] of fi»Üug and int res', it ii ahnimtin t>ose;bic to -»ti-lytwry one,

In rnj leet report 1 " at-<1 that it wfraM Lo a-'tr-.tvtsgn Bt 'o tbt Indian1- 8Ld Iba flWFaTBBTMBl Ut provi'i»fot an tt'. i r to be attached to tic Bu-eaa, wbo«e d ityit thoaJd be to viaB Uie s jfrf riritoodoutrt, a«t»-iiu andtribes, examine into all their atlalra. and aivke snch¦etaeiai and d«t6i'ed [".run, and submit surf» suggei-UOM aa would OBBble the Indian Office to adopt which might oorreet many ot tbe ahuaea that pre¬vail, and beta a tenc'eney to inrhora'c the c nltiou ofthe Indian*. Fur-.btT r't fltt tion h-m ntrongthoned this\i< w. Wbt n it ia considered that many of tne agentsate to a feieat exte nt beyond tbe reacü" of the Ban 10,and that it in often i inj .©«,.» iide b. eommunii-.ito BÜh orreiche information from them for moichs, that tbcyare frerjue ntly Moated as to defy investigation andto hat to exposnre ui hew l.y tb- adoption of to nesui b meaiuru as ia propi*. d," it seems to me that itspol ey and e xpediency cannot be doubted.

iJuiiiJKyouiadmiiiistr.itiontl.ero have been nrgo-tiatcd fitly-two Indian tro-atic»; of tbesc, thirty-twohave be-en ratified by the Senat», and twenty rein«invet to lie acted on. ily tbeae tresatjta the Indian titlehas been e.ein gi ished to and reacqui.-itions made oflandsBBSOm ting, in thtaggregate, to 171,18',710 acres;ol whi.n a bout in.OOO.OUU arc included in the ratifiedtreaties, aid ah .t l&90t,0U0 acres ate secured bytho*© now I efore the Senate, 1>. side l!»,3IJ,Hoo acreswhich have been reserved for Indian purposes!. Theaggregate money consideration involved is .«II -1J. i 8o.Theto treaties ore of three clashes: of potce and

friendship ol acquisition wirb a view to theci hmi/a-tion of the Indians on re v rvition«; tor nrovidiag forU.e ie-rmanent settlement <>t individual Indian* uponlopofBW trai ts of laud, as homesteads, and extinguuh-ii g nt once or paving the way to tbe final abandonuientol the till.ol character.The money coi side-ration has varied according to tb©

nature of tbä title, tlie resource* and value of tai coun¬try obtained, and tbe rciiotjuishment of all clueus, or

*u?pe*i d cinitns, against tho ('nited lSta'*S; the |&efbeing cecnrfd eesen ial to the qaJetajdo of the Indians,to piotfct tbe iLtenet- of the Government and promotoBWBMBiy lietwetn it and the respective tribes.

lie-side the- actual money consideration other im>portimt benefits aie guaranteed, at tiinos and in themanner indicated in tne Ueatn s, which cannot ho csti-mnted nceiirately in nioney.The object thiout;hout has U en t>, do ample justice

to tiie Indians, aud leave no room for the i o npiaint,l01OetilIM-aheretofore made, that they had turn over-toui hi d y tne wmte man. Whetbet such coinpiaintwok just or nut. the. i- no doubt the Inditns beli-ved.or weic pusuudtd bv otheir, that just grounds exutcdfor its iiHiulcence. It must b^ ndu.itte-d tbat, in somecans, the ' taiks with tiie Indiana, ujun wbaBbtitatie* were ba»ed, did not eotTeepmd witti the treattet.!,, i.i .1 that tbe Indians generally relied onthete '.talks," which they recnlle>cied and understood,and not on tho treaties as reduced to writing, wbichthey seldom ceirectly compnthendod.

tlreitt ddliculty baa heietofore existed, and still ex¬ist-, in mnki g SVWB an apjnntimate es'iiuate of thepopulation of tiie varioiiH tr hes of ludia .s w.thm ourborders, but, fioin ihe umut relinble mf itmation, theyare now supposed to uuuiber some 'AK\iHtO sjtils. AsbobeooBM mote femiliar with romote tnbes ire findthe repre eiitatn us mndo as to their numbers geuorallye xspgerated. The uggregite number, however, of thowhole is very large, and althowgrj it will not (.robahlyincn ase. yef ii nhow» tho immens" responsibility rest¬ing upon this liovernment, to which ia intfBeted theirwe lfare arid happiness.The average amount annually expended bv the

DtBcml fllUHHIMBll for the paet t*ix years, forfudianpBrpotra, bei be-m abonl |i,iKS,93a 61, ami ibe ag-gregMte ami uut lor tbe entire perl id 7.'»'»,599 87.A BSW jKilicy has bei n ado;>led of making remit-

tor c'cs to the cifbursinc e IKcors of thia bureau. tar-

lorry and II mi annually, Instead of the custom of draw-bra the entire a|»pio|,iiHtiuin fron the Tre'iaury ondplheing them in the bands of tne disburniug agents,ofii rs and iBperintandet is. in advance of a BeoeeeitfIi r lie im my. OfBeeil are no*- reqni/ed to trau«mit,promptly and regularly, a uorreet statiment, terbladlby oath, stun b g the nuiount of public muatey on baudat the ej| initiou of eoe-h ijiiar'er, the objeOt to .»hieb, it i-in\ plicabio, w bore kept oi dcpo-oiod, and the eftscriptionel fund*. This terviH to prevent difBcolty, aud to so-cute gieater are and nntcbfulncas.

'J he amount of rlocks held by tliH Department intrust foi tl e »aiious Indian tribes is $2,^28,076. 8 >tneof tbe sto ks have iratuied and been redeeuied, an 1 aretiiVeetllM oi cannot be made because the law ccutiuesthe Deoartmest to stocks of tin Dnited N^tos, whichcanBot he obtail i d except nt a high premium. In cou-

Kqnence of this estimator, have be«en nmiiially nude'or apptoprtoliona for live per centum on the tru tfends held by and in tot drawn from tho Tresaury. towhich Ci Dgn baa responded favurah y.and.thircby,b policy ba* been mitbued, if not icluOln>hed, wbicli,paobablyi should not bedistarbed.During the piese'tit calendar year there will liftv o

be-eu son cndid rind lombted tor payment of ludiiaewnnitiei tlie sum of$'.Ki7.,.'(l-.» mone\, *l''ii,x.ij XAin goer's, and $80,166 ffl in provudoaa. This how*that mdwitbslandittg tl abjuvnutting cndna-. ot* of tho!>. partim nt, a vary large portitM ot the payments i-hlill made opofl the cash mtaiBi and this, to a OertaUix'ei t. paralyBet tba email made for the permmontioprovtmaal uf the tribes.Tic act of I8Ö1 reqaireothai all negotiit:ont witb

Iba llidiaB tribte ehall be conriucted by reiruUr orth ers

ot the Indian Bureau. This bee lergetv iacreaeed itsharaeaa and added to the labors of it* edHoars. raeee|n\e been greatly augmented by tbe exttuded opera¬tions in Ibe Territories ot Waahhagtaa, Oragaa, I'ah,New-Mexico, Kanms and Neliru>ka, at d the St ite- ofitxa- and California; by attiu'i'H to Inli^nclaimifur beiuiity lande; eireillmcnlofChectawsin Mifd-sippi;>. '. ut Creab reiicrvesiu Alabama, enrol uiontof 8iouxhalf bleeds on the l.nkc 1't piu Kc-orvatiou; e\auiiua-tiori of tho elahne of tiuJers ngii'iist accrai of theIrilies; Nttlngoffaad sun ey itg various Indian reser¬

vations, and sit pa prelbnioarj to the diviaioa and aUee*u.tniet l«.i oh in MViii.liy to Indians: claa'ityiug andBp] rahdag ladian traat lands in Kansas, and other du-tns deweivedoa taa Bureau. T it actual leb r b.ispstB daabbid withiu the last four yi am. and is exhi'iit-d l.y Ibe h ading end moM Bccnrata data of the ofliceIHItaafrVai. and yet the number of panwaaaal clerk-i« the sau e.hinee 1 entered ii|>on my duties in thi department,

tie ini il diet lh tin- Ii.dun Buteau and the operationol its agent' have bfectiextended o\tran additionalana of from IW.ItO to U>0 000 tipi .re milts, and tflir¬te« n bow age' cid and nine fub-.i^eu '< - baVB !uouwtablisbed by law,iht pohcy ol the colotilaatiea of t*ie Indians bat al-

read] bteaattanded with Iba banpseet results aad;..\ti- proa i t oi 0. steady praataai in Iba melieiu'ion ofibtir phyiseal Mid morul conditi-m.

It is the Bniveraal testbaaey of those who, from loogbtereoaiao arltb tbaat, an tbt atoat i?ampataai to fi)nn atcur itejudgment ot tbtir charaetensiics, liiit as a

ace, in mt Dial and moral capos-ity tin y aiv intt tior to

ne' other, ce-ufutc as tiiey are ot the meeBfl ard e'ppor-tuintits eif b%ber oaltara. Iheit peathins, unpabduoiby tie mild i- tlucucs of Cbrhrtiaaky, fraqaaatiy harrytbtm into the wildest aaaeatea, Boattaaaaa aoejeBpewiaawith acti Of fngbttul crm lty. Accounts of Ibaai aJoagunit the gi i en! i ye. and exoits bt Iba public uiiudaanl mt nts uf kadhu g aad horror. Bat af the strc igtboi their th me st'cond sik-uiI alte .lions the depth o! theirgiattiade .' t.» attact dm at lothose ftun whom t'-ey havert e:\ ta I ii.ti.ts anc by whom i.iy h i\e lucu tr, v.«.iwith kimlntsr and huiuiuity. the public l.oer litt'oornothing.Hence it ¦ t". Bt they have bwn herttoforo left com¬

paratively enproteoted from viexieoea and ariaatg, in-b^rtad by'unpi'.Iiciplt d w tlitc m n.uinitrthet;:tiueuot'ofuatoidkd ptaarOB, oi in the juisuit of th-irowu vaaajtPels. By f.. it. nt .!. unwoithy 11 tOensinc, the y areotcncrui By ttaten, wbt D i.npp' t ttod, and u^t u.iircquetitlyibe-t town when difenst.oss, in mere wantoonosa. Tlia

Mooe'y ievtn,ro which eoinetime-ei fuBeWB b:comf*s the

general theaao, anBceoaajMaied with the cirauiu»t»u et

of r-nl ptovnoaibm whiob gave i' IL-Ui A b.irder-wartare eprix^s up Ixsweeu the pioneer Betten, whoatt r.a"\ lirjspeBBtll OB ti t Lr hade aud the tribe; and,Bta stoong arm of the (ii \ i n u cut beaaj utrobed fv'rtil it protettn n, ua:s take .:n .v -...U arc » a ried on atbm b eapeaaa a; t; ut me co»t of man»- v ulaible Uvea,retarding tiie prugrere of onr peo,?e, fiy rendering tbeetmditioa of tiie retHer msee ure. an.l DaBBBg, petnap«,ai h ti e Bbiiihilatlea af aleneet eatire tiibt*. Taaiptceeee ef las deslraettBB ef a aaooseef arbeeB l'mn-atsoa h - I u« the giivioion.-iop, aitgiaatieg in

meli eeaeea, bt anwortby of theeuvitiaation of the agela i hkuti are UvB| and niehuig to ivtrv r ni.o-e tof auaaBB ty.

ComlBBIBtttejl like tbe«e. basei upon extrr.*-% e oh-retvattOB and koaa expe..< m-o, BBBaet fall tuimpreatue ab-. . \ ti jK.tseverai.ct ia tbe :» ,tv n

of 11 n n wbicb, by bafaraag tne Baawearvetrtbee, withm limits suitable to tht ir BBWxbsHBud tt-irwants, ai 'ii tt3 oara of a.m s, ai.d tba imtni n»te

pn of the OovetaeBrBt, Mit abbe ]«en i tl ...

in ni eoamittmgaid auXTe-rLog wrong- t» . s.tuat:d, u

i* aieuy s..v»n tint ibe at's of c.vdixatioa intybe BtOeVUbly b tn.iuouil ai>oog thcr* and the ra-

lii.htt n-i it aid tlevatnj. pn.eptai.t Ch i«tiai.ity, bytlitii,' U4vb titix tbarncier anl tabiU. Urma-

f.ini tl-,mtjM mat int» the utdnatrv u* oaaBal ci a tea,J}k **¦ nvtid m, mm a < .¦ r I? U** .fpf*t»»ttnNU c ju.i too hummi*.Te ift(i lo;« an er.«?, dkl faith Cf na'ivj

-' 'l" '. "*»<.> < f'

i i» aWtaafjl iotatr: m*eaal Id** ache dee uu,-lbe iS»u«u<td, in wbt.o the luKLenic art* but bot»oabf Nad aciH:aita>al a< if-ote «sito ir* practical ap-I'l imtHD, e«*aeteruigry icculcA «.d Ly precept aad ev-BBNbjkfie Ind;«ro retire1* tar white minai hia »ntierior,

ard lb* ire t cf BBS di r aTa*"ry character *»f man"«! lt-tH.r, »1 rh be aatertBBBt, win' laedtfy jrive way to theuvltcj u t i f tin-«i*n p*e, and a realization of toe Dau-eat ah med tbcietroto.^Baft above all, ab »nhf tNraWtM iot'ractioo be int-o-.uoed, and * du;.»i-h powend by tr-ae' crj der -t-»lla lie tense, in the baa BpbB of thtfr divice mi-*:oo.« .t: out tbi-, ail euor-rdiiate n*c tee w.M oe ia v*in,ai.c the frr.,i' dutv, wnicb humanity hapta up-n a«,to rercbe tn> m bippy rare troin en'irw degfne-a'ionaid iptad» daalmtiuB, will be but a d. taatta in i.ntf imprartM nblo pbiJtntbinj -.

fi ere en u.tu.v recomruei.dat on and ecia^e-ii >na.« nta-ned u > former rtpor>, m), h. althawigl BotepccihYaliy i p. al'd. are a* s.u renewed. Tn. y rui i:eu. mantr* ol Braak public interest and, as *u h com-U.< lit in, rr"sj".»- to jotr favorable rei BidcsBtluB.

I eatntt tins occasion to pa-s without . arinrrkataanay %»the ahjataaaaee in wiiieh tnc Chiefs of1'iireaus. and Ui<. employ*'-* of the I>epa tm«nf, bire

d<aaba(§id Ntk «ftieial dut;ct. They have aiTirdcdefficient aid. er-i have doae orery thmg in IbaJf

P°«(.r tff -ub-^rve and advance thu p«ibli< iutcrest.J am. Sir orv 1,1 / t r -tr ct*r-«?*i x-rv''

- ft »1 S U. s>To Th» naataaaT «t u fi bai si.;©*.


The foriowitig is a » of the Auiaa! Report ofthe CoKBdsaboaai «'f PeBBtDBai

sr.Mr ri>^to?m.Tie number of o(ij;iua> apfrfhsjIloBa Bad appl ea-

titns for laaraaM of pensions, admitted during the yearBsduur Jaaa 3D, la as tonoaa:

71 K> Tnlntiontr> V ri«i"U«, yi irlj »inr.'iLt. Bt,9X> 63*4li \\ iSow> of ßeiolutionsry rtuMobur«. \< *rlv

w. onrt. l<2sa» V* ido» . «nl rirphno, r.r t»:i f«y PraabsM^

fesrlj kinie'üt. SC.DYi <eITfl fnsaJ.4, uo. Jj., jesrly am> i'.ut. I.'.aj7 00

1 r.'' m*. . n.'v ¦'<< T'- < really »n-'l b?U'I0 BjI be »-11081» 'iu»- on the above h mom at ttied*u> o;'

i-si incr tfie Pm sioL-< 'eitiaeatet, nrnounted.To lo To'MioL,»rt HolsUtf ai.U MTksslasra.aifit M mTo all others. * v te JB

.T tal.S-.i-i.aJ MIfuiintf Iba past ysar tbara ha. been paid by pension

Mania In the severed State« and Teriitories:To Kstotuttuasay to^Wa.a»i TU 25Te wnlowrcf Betolotiocarr »«ldi»r§. &*M!4 5tTo widowi uid orptmi i, or h»lf piy pr.iv ui. 2li |lTo iiirslids. til.lit N

Total.*l..-. * Cllie rmmbct of jKrton» on the roh on the :«»th June,

IR 6. w««:Ut IteToti.'i'rmy aaMiesa, je»i!y auiouut. S)'H tat St

t.Ht n ISena taseaatlanarj aalslaia. yeaily enr*t. lia,ti> it*. "i ektewt tail arabaBa, or Ui jn;, y*"y

taiount. ltt.ltf S3-. yiii; au.uu .l. ttl.lii M

1 1.7t p. oi i.». Total yearly »PiouLf.Bl,'7I.6S8 H7II t ie ba\e been '..'..O pooeioneie added to the rolle, and

1,510 stiiben eff by death. <>i the latter ninnberj 912Were Utvoti'u nary soldi- rs. Bfeay >f this eliss of pen-tit um r« vit In ing are reported to be from '.'BtoitH;yaaii eld.

>*» r PI \mok«.'i irebare bt r o ii tH^gteal appfaeatbas, aadarspQaB-

tioM for btcrtaN, adattttd, tba at naal aawi aat iif alihib\> *.".,."»Vv a>o ti e nrieurs due at the dated i*»umg thept aawB ct ttibi atta amouuied to *>'¦'. 111 'The in-

bt r tif fi bSNI«11 on the rolUJune 30, I8S6, in the sev-eial Sta'ts era Te rbVnicn, was:

BNtarsaUe1, ytuly taettal.aa.'iiu4I~"> widoara auo atahSJ *' "ilr acue-iul. 9U.fiTj 00Iteftrateer, yiari; sn.-.m.*. 1,-tt* oo

f I j . 1-: I i«. Total Jrnij .. ¦otiu!.Sa I-'2. a*0 Ulien har.e'becn AS pen-ioners added to toe rolls,

in d M itrit k< n off by oenth.The total amount paid by navy penfion agents to

itnakaotra bnbm the jear was )l9SfB0 -.

Biotn .lan. 1 to lice. SO, 1808, the nuuibcr of ori/lnalapplktBtfaata and apptleaBkaaa (at inertw-i of p^n- aaa,botn AriPi aLd Navj. adiaitted. »as.S-,296 On

Ttr f > Ii.oi r t.fM§'916 fiijAi d llo atreaia one at tL« dntvot iaaning tarh jxcluu-ceilU/itle.t7.r.,£6S 81

Ai ateratn of tl.e Haie to ru April I. ]¦ jl to June 3D,1 UT, abowa that < -eh jesj tfce luiub, r oi ortfTial ap(lit atlM « ai d fcpvllet'ioiit for htaams of p. aaloot,mID.tin d, waa.-^ata

rtwyrailj autaaal......'!«.7im atAli) 1 Ii« tueaia due si the dale of ia.uing tile p.«i*|oB-

rtUatati a.4M ata oi

Lp lo Pee. I, ItViC, f".,(HM r-cti.ionci hme been ad-muti d nudir the act of Feb. ft, 1KÖ.I.


At Port JtflVr*oe, L 1 , ob Batarday, tba 9th ajb,ens latiiicbit fn-in the jard .'. Jetaaaiab Dar:ingala.k et I";" ton*, tamtd the ( iaro K. Su'il, ba it for

Ibifco butil. nut) to be comuniu'id by Cap:. S- aid. tin.atiri i 111 THI GOLDBB t.tTI.

Wt announced on KaaMMy that the BbSBMN GoidOBOate, running betwttu iMinknk und Tolcd >, h id aiukwbaa off tba port ot Brio. Tne Bohfaa Seta was

DWBtd by E C. Litth fitld, eeq., of this city. A pri-\ a'e dtspt ti h to Mr. Lttth Bt Id Statt i tbut a BOB -idcr-alde j.f rt of tin iiiyo, inc'iidicg 1Ö0O barrel* t>f llour,lia'j bt-en BBTedj tbeatenmer, however, h a perfectarit k. Slit cuM J>'J',f'IKI and wan fully insured. SheWN built ia 185%, at Iluffalo, and formerly ran on LakeBliihigan in tonmetion with the Miehigm S' liih'-ioBaiboad. At the time of the acciib nt sin- wan runningin ooaeectifa with the Mew-Totk and Krie bTalboail,11 lw< t a Iiunki'k and Toledo.

sale '-r BTBaJtfBtmA, J, Bit ckt r Fold e.t BBctioa .estl rdaj UN sleair.-

»1 ip Fak)0B, bought by Kdieerd Lvim for »H' OfHt; alsotba Cbtrobee, bonghtby It. C. WobatN for |l i.txxi.IO>! e| 1IH- " IIOOM.K i hi IIOM t.I 11 i: PA»st:Nl.»ltl

inn ai t. tbb eatata oaowaan.W'f Krjti Iritu the cap*abl of the Juan, vrtilch ar-

r'.vad MStarday, tha» during t'oc bio* cf rtiday Ust,tl o »ebi oaar < ben-lce. bah Bghtg to h. aV J. Caafl 11.f lbit im. w«r.t doom with nil bancs on boucf, offI'nt.-oil, on the Nat site of the lake. Sba had on

beaidare ps?m n^ers and tl.c etc v, c misting of niuepertoaa, iaoNaiag lbs inptam. Tba body et the cip-turn was washed tsbi re tear F'Tf-o-oU. The Cherokee«r- l.-iiftd wi'h li.inber, and was 08 her way fronBnaiatBi to this patt. AaraWN do insurance uj. .bar. loss about *o, 1**1. lie .loucn was out iu the

ah), hut pvl Lnbo the BniaVnNICi.irvf.. .1. :r- a'.


Acabbjii oi Mbmc,. The fiirt paafbtNaaM ofVerdi'l LaTra\inta OBBBN offto-n'gbt, ".nd will doubt-It-;.-attract a crowd. In lonai «,u« r.. e of th- neei-stily[fCNabNtbbleasOB on the H:b, the troupe beingucdtr an i. ptieii.ctit at Havana, La Travinta wJI be

given 11 cry eight tti- »et L.

M. Tim pi to. *m> rut. School (!ibi*.M.Tlbitirg d« %1 U d Ms BOhoai girls jesterdaybyaIsoCNsBaai WÜeb ba gave tht mat h'ibio* rb':a'cr.Tte tao ligltr BBBaNBBf each af the Ifty fe: .aleVS'sid Schools cf tte citv, with principe!« andvx t'pals, fdled the body of the Theater, while

t:;i :t*waterowdtdby fiitedVof theaBhaiara,ta<clue>g a vt ry la*gt rt presi rtatiou ef thi eh gy. Toe

girl* »*ng two or three s<.-rg», under the a%oatNfl of

Medars Masb, llrisu-w ano ( olhun musK'ttaeh r> ia

ti i PBb&babotlBi HaataD'Aagriaaagaartfalpi Nt

te '.htm, r.:d wtt« kcttalf muci afl c'.id B .

"H.Niie, i-wtit IIcuk for the firtt tune. QaafJctidit ia cue to Mr. bfiblo for voluntteriog t-< n-e of1 Ja 1 beat» r for tbere eoectrt*. which are it.ended to

i c uttit ued r.Ltil ell the Gramnor School ehBdratVeit Lac an eppertueity to !ar U. Tl.tlberg, andbl.lralbirg Linuilf is confining a boBB upoo the

Ptiatrei if tt i city whiththti wiil alwnj* It-happyaid atalefiJ to ren ctnl cr. At tL« t« miü.tat:in of the ft, (it i S'p» vttt t der.t Ratdall stej red fo.-rard,rakh \ M. TaaBatg by the hand, b '.. aad t . him

aadMfa. l» Ac^ri ttt cordial aad kcartM ^Ltxk aftl.t vineg Ucies and childreaif the Pu'dic aVhaala,Ibib and the Board af aVNBNiNB, ktffka

aad varied ettcrtainmtLt of the hi BS* " We

v- mi yae, sir," said Ut. U., "as a biea-aa

"l «:eif itii of oar great cotporatim of Public I< .

' -tr.etiou. Many, rery many, of t^-*e cktldrea-.; 11 ncm, but for yr-ur c»b'.e and BBatdBaaat offer,

'.Lave bad the oppottutity practically to realis. the

"''ttt .'that beautiful st Dtimeot, 'A tlieg of beauty. y v nrer.' Thry will loegeberisli your nein-

rj atd Uic reeollettioot of lL-» bngtt hour, aad' >our ia0«. anJ Israe will l ercefiarth be familiar to

"ü-cre at boaaahabi 'aroris Ttsy wiil be but too

" !.*{ py to see end to wtleotne you ia ttur owa plea*,"ant and etrghral ball, of koow<(.i_,.. »boata v ,ttr

.,ibtv ?Prtpviw-au petmit, awi i ,Ta< iUl {bt"j.f.:in |M lave t. ."ay afforded ibe-in will aaj .»,

anagtn !<a»t tleh-bederf thoao egret-aWe'.!¦ <-»kioe ebieb toe wi'l carry with )ou <wi your re-

"tan to fmm nalite lacei."

an. ct-ig .* iti NJ»ib Ward CertiWicaa \^¦, t id oa i>*T>r»-7 tveriosr, the inst..t"i t ,;.

a x e (.»ttiemea wrrr raVslai la fi ! tbe tffi,«i Rar theKiCüg rear: JoH.a KlT/ra, Prraalent; ToadJeoeH t. Jaines VY. Bu«*, kit hard I». Clara, Alfredti b, Tke-PrsahasABi X- .see 0. Thayer, s^c-eta 7.T. R. G.rvari, Tri i.'U'- r; .No.»rx»on L Hail, Asgseta*F. Daw, C C U gh. Robrrt H. Johoa.«, AI sadBrash, I»'' I" 'b- C<r,.-al Corrreiirtee. The4aMnBB*Jaa also appointed a str>og Eieerjr^ve Com-trwttee.

It il etat, d that Robert B. Colcvao ia to l-seerae thelessee af tbe LatVge Hotel, now kept by Mr. Bur--osghe. _

Thi Davostsju or Jssjb Jtr..Wc give belnam tne wJlanf Mia* alb Jay ate. Mrs. Mtra

Barker. TUix b«'pveatafor charitable aad) religion*j n: j BS*, an oanl ng in the otfirrcentc to goVAJO, are

nearly to tie ext« tt 11 their ft rtawajs. IfkM Jay died¦or. U, tad Mr*. Banter Kor, Ml. The proviaioaaaic ai fellow*:

>im ibi*b cbaut«plk aoaaaara,Ti »ejr two poor widow* aaotn b-r autrr.and brotharant) *el*ct mttead al aaaal funeral eafK-uaet. bs«1

T<. tbe Am. ncan Bible Soriety. s lW>f. B..ii-p Jliado »ra B;«ljop iohr* for ia« Thr..|.»fn »:BVaiii i-v mi the Pn.trttant BgteseBSl Catuca 1* f iir-

fcaCeaat1 fBBwda.<.a aaa

X pro rataai kiMweaa « M .. - awaiatfrBMaaaaakBBa l3ryand Portoi tBa*>Yu*efasa r

paaataB m tie ytar iMs.Tt' kiti'ttt r'^DHti ihtt one-half ol' tbit tum rot» or

tppropratt.l i" akl ia pnvuriag tailor btardiof. nnnte«,it. won fc ttropti*S"t will bo pToa.ot>-.l aae n < ,

ii Bliebet utetJ.To ptiritJte tba >»l!o:-t Mai:':»', by the R. v. Dr. Ber-

riau. aad other ticrakle B>xjka. from the Frot.ttantKpiar. pa. Bo-.. tt tor tb" rromoiion ol Kvti,«eii,-alk .» »nd 11 tbe Amerkan. Tttwi Baalalf, to beBall on 1 auii alaCZlBWBad b> ibe Mauser ol taiil Bai. y

for teaineD.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. *XITo -h* Piofrtitiit Kp'teopiU .Stx irty frr ibe proiuo ion ot

l.vt^«'l.ral ki.oi»leo«e. 2,009To hoi <ii Bouae. for tbe iWcrtit of Srhooi in nit MU.i. :.

iL Chios. .

To Ilitbi'p l't>oe, li)rlnc' in kit Motion in Bfilaa 1 UW[a tkaAaMTtcaa ei i. i»y * Iuh.i l'niou %t Phn^dr.phit(aaaaaM af;watah aha bbmMi ragaaaai Bin ba aaaair. tending Mit'ioDt'iet to taaaBNat 8uudtj Bt'boolt iud»»tiint< ).»rtof our Wettern i-o.intryi. 2 000

To tbt-Arceriftu Trt/'t S«-it-tt ii t!.- tl yot Ne»-Yor». 2.ÜO0TB tha FvtoralAM BVialriy of the Tr antant Kpitcopnirhurea In lb* City of N'ew Vork. 1,000

T ¦> the Soritty forrhe r'-lief '.? retpr. able M .11 MBJBBlBaj«MM in theCitJ it New \ork. |AM" ihe >.*> ittion lor tlie bi ntfit oi ( oloreil Orplitu» in

the I ity ot New-York. . !To Ibe I oi..rut Home in ttld rlty, "Ba be uted telely for

tbe ben tit ol axed IBWJBBaBBla eoloreii p. opu- prcvi-BBdlha] tre uptrttej tronj inir a inner-

aid babitt''. 100To tl.e Tn,.oftBl Ni "tt Hiipen>»r>, for the binmane putpo^e of taid Iiittttutl n. y)

. inpetin itiamNi» ^ork.iortu. I buritableI'Uipotetl ttud iLttitutiOT. »0

Total.BSLAttTh» r!. i utor» »ppi'lnt« d by will ot Mitt Jiy are bei broUi< r,

W ii. am Jay. and bet at phew, laBB C. .lay.ttat Uta! i a*a i BABTvaai i' laaaaaTBi

"I detire thai B > funeral n av b.' BtwaBt| IBwl Do te«-f. bef . < l> ;"' 111 '" I IBttraof it aiven' (or the rttlllday a-'b-i-il of r't.Mtithew'tl bi 'tb, BedBMB, Bl ....«better Caaatr, 0eO. and t.>

lbt> I i.:-) .."¦!.,, bibb... BMM'1 tin Ni w H ork Fen alt- Bible Botrit ty. aBMt'arT lo tli-An erb an Bible Bor'etT.I. l.iOil

To Iba H'. R. v. Hi-h .p «earti and tha Ru Rev. BlabofJobiaot Mrcttla, lot tlie bt i.i-nt ol tin- Kpiteopal file-ole;lfjl S. n.tnarv in K.nfax <'ou:.'y, Virginia. 1,0..»»

To bri Executert, to be BBfJM by th. in tow.ra tnt-lilb**faa of tb<- rilHiWMi b|Batl t*.I l'l.utebat Ibey nnytteenj bttt cak.öat.d to prompte Ban *ud und. tili J re

liötoa. l.oooTo (lie Alto rlran Tra. I BVilitv. I.ihiOTo 'tt An. < Uttoti I- : the Kt Uef ol Reap- clalii Ar.- 4 latlii.nttVn.iile*...... 5"0

To :l .¦ A»»o..«t:on Cm f. lor. u OipLaot. 4v0To tl .. haaaaty t r th>- hata i mi poaa Wioowt. v> irh .¦uaiirtiio-. ii. imi

To lie An., a." ><ubda\ Sruool Ifaloa. Bitlo tl .. !i. ¦»«' rIi i.d"S¦ .. «y. AtWTo mm pr. .. aba . Ft lacapal Bueiaty Ba the mtom ttaa of>.i-m. !.. iiKlüwI. dge. 1.000

Steal.a i i.7-ioTht tBetratoil appointed bt the mW et Mrt. lUujer an.

-i that WUlhUB Jay. arid b. r nepb> wt John tlaikaen .1 iyoi Rj., ai.J JoLn Jaj ot iLitrltT.

Am raal OVTBaoaoct Cabi ¦>». * Tuans Law/'rtM OBTAtatao Moaai rnoM a Poob Wobab,..Tba Draacaf Una of the Court of QeaaralBtaBiuaii.' I'tobablj i ii la arjH aarabat af villaiaa to Biag?»l^g, to add to the akaadj BBBarrotai BW8' vf amag

inr.nity in that cnh-tatliol inetilutioii of tne State.boBie of tba gcatrjr wbo a ll aorapj Iba time of theCourt nil^l. :-', tbitvi of tl,.- l.-.-i-r^mili-, tml «

few wbo n linage to live . legantly in thia gr> at i it/ byI'btnimi ._'ii.oi.iy urdu hdre prelen-n it. Ol the i et. r

alaio, boom bV MB or luott ini^h*. be found out of the

j n eineta ol WaU »trtet. strange aa it BMj appaai to

the ue.t'itiiilr 1, .-«-ort a of tht -i may be n-eii hnir'.'aiound the I'liitHiBBl of the Pint Dietfiel rVaico,m^tr to pounee BBOB any aafbrbBaabi and kjaoratrlperei u who happaaa to^'et in\olvrd in diflirulty. TbaT< mb« lawjetB, aawwtar, aaaaaal tl aft baaba -* tljlyiru.i ..

- \ e.-..-:oiia!ly that some of tUt-ir miadt edartc the licrht. A ease in |-o;nt oeeurn d at 1 ie PoliceC" on Monday, and it waj of such a llairr*rt clmr-ncti t that justice and a warning to others retrain that

it»! i id'! he i xpoKil. Wc ¦ ill rtate the WboM ciri 'i B>

stances, rs reiated to one of th" clerks by the aggrievedparty, fin tbe 1-itti ot OetBWef hvst,a nun BBeBBiGtotpi >b Lowgbrbt was arreaai d and aaeMdatad to the

City PrhoB, nj>ou the ebargt of assault aud Imttery on

ilu p.r>cnof a MiKioii r.tikl.itrst. Ihe aaaseedreBiailicd li ne eeidinid ulM the I7tb, wbafl In- wit"

brought before the Court of Sj^ciul BBBetose, lVuu 1uuiiiy ul tht' Largt atlegad apiiinet Uaa, aad -< ateaoedto th. l"t i i;v ntiary ut BlackwvII'h l.lund for six

n oblha. He was then, it i* Mid, con\. yed to hin new. lUittlers.Mi Leagbaa, it setuis, is u carjicnter, rend d ia

Brooklyn, and committed tho outruge ou Mini 1'irk-hutat in this nty. Mary, the niotl.t r of Gi "ige, \, .-

eatiir x er; n.ucb exeitetl al on! tbe punishment intli tedni-tu Li r ton."a t-oy," as ahc cal'.d him, ofnb< nt twt . ly-ftui: yean "I age. gbo resid'?* ia Brook-lyn aadbtrvkaUtoNew^Torbbiaeareh of Bteaaeaeyin hir lot's bebalf baiabaaaftaqaeaa, Maar, it is

well ktown to UtrjwrB, and lo n.any out of the pro-fitti'Ti, th I no ptrstn wbo has been ü-nt to the I'eui-

letUarj hy the Court con be nl. asid aaaeal hy the

UtrrpeaaBBB of the Governor of the Siat-s. Oa the.-"tb '. the u i inottb. Mrs. McLougblia ctmt to tboft !. '^.«, iiliJ in tLe hull, tliis claos of

i'.arj t re ki«p tht :r BBBOS m their hat.she was induced

by a pobei man BBd u iarryci to enter into an ariange-n.. rt to t ber son off tbe Island. Thi* lawyer.who,it is -old. r. v mil. . an txilt.proiimed to iuiercedebr tht i-a'. :.. r. tl George, end to rtttere biui to t s ju.otlir Belt day. The woman teiiei upem the rta c-

RMbf of tbe " leicrcid coonnel," and paid hin tbt'UJi. «.". That day aba retaraed b> bar bobbb bt Briioevba ard rlept eesy during the'nigbt. Oa the fcilowiograt, at the tim. BWawJafkaf, she re:.p[>e *re i at the

Temls, but her lawyer had not Urn alb to acsoai-

^. -L hi* purpt^e. He, thi i efore, put beruft with an

exec-*; that th» weald *f<- her son ho»<. iu a day or

tne-. Tic DK-tLe: cott^ue d to BbI at it Bled int' rv .tls,bi t iccL time tic lixjir crimed L'.r euspxi<^i8 by',. ..; g bbj j :. she made a^ yii a ae t*e

r»:t* a we, k to this city, ineprring aSBBBjaa ot ferrwgeto ard fti m Bmoklyn.'ard !.-« af time to her fan Hy.At IragJt Kra M.L-.-ÜIr. was weary of the preh led t Pott.- of the lawyer, and »uspccUd that be hadcite Bed her money und. r false pel ten-er, but mat he

win! ) j rat-.1 ly claim gaa MeaaBajdBeea." I'ia -'iy,iL. raw UrlaviyeriL Meiday uiornirg. fa BBS?BfBBI 'lHi'.Ii 1 in. as ate tUi »be a iahtd bjrn tepaythe BBWiy be-k. Btt ho di 1 c-t no brwinoaa tBat

a*y :.d i<. L:s nrtue-. tl n- far wen w«>:1b fü.Tbl aeeahed vomtn stated ber case inthepuj..«Coarl bat t. '.l* | Baaid be done to reach the lawy er.

?h. ^ftfwtrd at nt tithe Rccvrdet'* off e. bat met

w.-L ... hke f:<.'-.-. It ", brief eketib, w. trrt-t,a:.l set as a warring to ethers to U .«ame4" Touib*

prcT» re.

Baaassa RaraauoB Laaa or m* ( nr.-TheDm . fetea eti \Vt Pwei aad Sbpe of the hV^ard

al A t.-mtr, Mi. Cera;n, nvt jesttrdtye:i. um* .n ttt Cu;. Had f ootent to'oron tut, he11 sr fnrtfcer rrtna-ks rrlaLive to the fiimg e>f tbe uaat-

wl> extt rarr bbs fji1* <

Hr. W. W. kvi, r-veid-t, / 'be X-w-V'.rh0*4

C'iii/airT, stp*"^*8*' " lh<> C"rT¦* tu* 'pokeI later uff itr iltt "d ' > Mr iMhM, MM ia .p.

!« .'':-.ti to »br 1 >e af " (\>o.oi'j*u»Qt (fx

Th, DMbbm atie.* "«f. belWe way furthernntuk* aeieMaV .rs ««- tht- Cirkto reel toe

.1 i-r» 1 c ti q ui . r-r>»« »Iik^ fci»J k*N rccei.ed fromUM Hails,: ( ti 01 -rKCrrv:

Orrt-ca or Hirbo« (^miMMvcm«, >tU M Hraow-y. Pec. I. IV-d. i

¦Ml It Cos w 1%, («ist^u Ciarill« #. W *e«-»s», /irr»S/t, '. HtarJ alSiiTe

Bu 1 i . b4i*bj «4 int K nd of AhVitncr of No**. ..-0,_'fi kjr D 1 VrrfM .(. te«« . * Clk, lOTCntf tie

Im I . r 11 a ¦ rsi mr kg nt bbm bhe I *t met timr o'l| ( ( < u tint.11 1 tWtwrVBB IVr» «Mi Slip*. 10 telw'h-tito tie a.'te a'leu ' " lit I . V'. I Cl'V tl tk>,t It. aaa%, ito :d day o( IX-.tniUr. ie receive.!.Hit Uni t« r t uuiu.i BMBMI 't'iO-tialiy »ra'e »n rviJy

tl a», in v iew 0/ 'hi t fJtcf up^u Bf cwujim-tviiij lute es**''. N«w.\.'t ot ht- |>t..|.1 \ 1: »1 'ti of tti ? any in'o'I bat hiiier bttWMB St v01 tt-rntu a.d Itufy-c ghthsrieets, .u* atr< niton oi your OMMabtM is rr#p>settu'lyre<|ue*ttd t.' the >r«r»-no nt* made before MM C anoniIi«, 00 the -Ut til'., by the tlou Ire» if* vV l'atter*ou,CLaitn an of the It >ard ot Harbor ( oj.firo.too« *-*.

Bj ite ]..'|«oo fil.iifi^a the harovr aooid be >le-.I of water n are t&tt uitafht be BM*j rsnd 1* t .-

qe'ltd for barin» ir *t«ebt>rBre. Tte water space iaMM tt <j*iitd a* a ticaJ reacivvir a* will a* tor DM Mit toiiMa a'ioti of t.'.-t:. iu oerilu or jifi:« in tieriver. Patt» tewJdmot km eneted ftoni tue ^repotcdn'tn.ioii at bout eeatteahg lie 1 hauuel ofUt nv»r. A net extends from Black nil* ItUud forrewroMDtla if a mile, and the eonstruetiou of pieotw. n d destroy the channel 1 ...:.» *ju the teat aad theNew-York *h«.re.

1 be rapia incieaae of the commerce of the port aaVmoabvbta ii*ettht aaaaaitv of p«o»er»ioj{ dock aecut.

Di« ..'iitK.Ls ft r its riveplion, wiuie the etilatyisJ tuuua«roiI rtataai will lequirn «Ii Lue water spasv tbat can be

pri'Ui'd for tavigati« o. Tbc .HsWiviaJ a-ee of toer»v*r throPfch wb:.-u the stater flows at Fortj-*ec«»udsttttialeae, t.« l*>akataMMV| ti e grva or ataaau im. r ttn.nat f. urtis nth street at the f .rmer j»nutit is If,« 0 tqtate )ards; at the lutter II,UK). Thet Ii.*, is f t diataal akaa Kuropt-au stt amors of the

rattoBMfi nurt euer the port tntouicn Hell iiit«'.It the bay ibu ha hi ti up as ptopof«.«!, IlkJM will ben« taitaMc horta nif,e tor thcni.

It m bopea that your Comitattce will report agtiastthe rumrtie »Lieh ha* pa.-#«d tf e li..ardof Cirwaitlt-nuri, «bd tt ut the ( otiitii'.o t .«uui'tl will deter a.'t'.oo

Datil it e lines to bb rMUBMMBdad by tbo Com-n In en. r» to lh Lx-g.-latorc in JaaaaiJ ucit ahaU bedttt iimait\ di ¦ a.

B) «idtroftlif ronitnit.|no«T»,1» H HOI GUrON, 8.*r»tarT.

AOer the readiii!; of the MMMBMoatiM), Mr. LobereoLtinaed bh< r< maika oud .mrucl for the proponed ex-

t. apu u aa faiad upon by property-holder* aMtf thebat. and BaWWtag b> the stattitea of the State of Nesr-% ik that the t'orjxtratioii had unlimited power in ril¬ing the Blterior limits of the city. It appea'ed from.-tat-nmts tbat tte BarbwCaMMleBBoaeadaabnKttaettablitb wit bjaaaa fMaa bft^kteaMb illMl to Thirty-eighth street, simüui to the Is>nd..n dock*, VM tinmen.I-ed to the Lenislature Jar. 8, L8St\ but they had aiter-wntd Uiodilbd thbt b) otlnr propoaitions and *ni;-).. «tious.

Mr. Lober -aid that they had been two years eon- ting the matt« r, hut had not as vet settled u|».nany defiaite plan i action. The Harbor (.'oiumisnioii-rrs «culd piobably raeetra bobb* *i.'si,i*>o far theirMrrricei in tnis matter. Mr. Lsibtr ..tielu.le«! hia ro¬

ll a:k» w ith a gtaatal tcathrng ot' the Harbor OtMMb*lit i.« i* and the new Iai; .-Uture, who, he reuutrkc I,w«uld mdeavor to take as much power from theC 11 men Council a* pOMtbMiThe Ccuiuuttee adjoiiitieil sine die on this matt« r.

Brual t ii Si ICTDI A n inarkab!.' sui i,l occurrelon Kiard tl 0 <¦.> |MM Hoai t Bavagd on h i last tiipinni Ilnl'iint re to New-\ork. Capt Wit's on statesthat w In u t.t 1). mouth ofUm PataoeMv aMM namd.1.11. Pom,aDaiWeof PwrtUad, Ha., who *a* at tn.el til. itijtusttd the MMad Batelo rellove hill, ov

11't'U ii tt at bo WM Wad of li\in_\ Stepp og rroiuIbowbeaJ h« uie be pasieei forward, aud j IMfbag up n

ti e tail eaUtd all baudi to bm bun ps Bail t«diy ex-

elnimlbg, " Q*,i Ahb'Khtl hui« oatret on my uutortu-t>a'e atot," he t«<.j«'i oeeihueid, ai..l raptor* peeeadMlefB before any one rccovciod from tlnor MtMlM ntsin Ii en set. As ho . -I a. 'ein he Kboutetl, " S op"tin ship' itep t! c ship!' but btdOta a Istat c MM11 tub Lim hohod dhappcatada Tt e a. in w.t* ai or

v. job's of n>,e. and It avts« e wife in QraeaWtOb str. at.Ca| t. \\ atroii -.'a't* bun to oe a hoImt mm, and caa

Resign no in. :, tit so BtMBga a suicide.

IsroaTART Aaaxar. Laaoa .\m..i\t or Cotfv-Ttarair blawai f.u »n tnt.<«t MbjbwasbMsratwi yaataoBai BaSSalafl tLat . n.aa hM txen attt ii.Btlas t" pa.a a ralaatl» I.,!. II. Btaetnedafuil d. aciij 'ion <o lfi> man, soil .ifter:.'< kit it lot.i.d thronal. the city f<<un.< that a m»u ana cerliis thedaat 1 [4toai ked stayaad at its* BTarkawa* BaBafc »a«r» be btt name aa MJeM fo i'ou New \ .'ii " but hadi..: 1 l ii.:o 4 1..«« k «i..l «t.'rie.l f.m t'lt- .1. (».' st Jert-raoiiriii ¦,.0 Um« Ii. tl. aaaalaa'a t aim Hfli.-. r Uluii owrtookihalint a. |ot Iritelt, aud o«* naal tu« hat Basal to drive to the J»II.II. ibeieSeartli«d the .' ai <. r, I. .,no tae 1... 1 *.:>. ii< lo,I. L«.ni a*>" in eoaaterfcli notta irn thy BtrrbTltia ganb atCol i» 1 licut. ibont aeuala e.V coi.ot. rOi' notea tut the farm-um' li k .1 h« Ulm k), »o.l nearly + I.two iu note* of .lewiaiuIth na lo m *>l to a I" "0 the Karn « r.' ae.t M.skaiii.'a' B .A .fDalian, Cieoraia. 'ii-taiter n»tr» are batievasl Bit hepaaakI tu it* y Bt** «1. if» ly lew, 11..I luv. evi.n tly ae*M be. a rir-it.ote.i. Pnaioi. |...ji««a.a to be nrt adefer hi ta re. -* hi

oil, Gtorakti btt IMs ia set a bkrly atary. II- :. a: o-i'.»tt.-o c :>. bt 10 r>ew York and eauid live-n>. areoutit aa te bowte tan.e la poaa-.aa.on ol 10 uiurli eawatWataH tenner.

11., lilenlla J .iiioal, Nor. 2^

'Tin Hi i. r.n -rrtu: r Hi hoi in*..The rive bur-1 twbe Waat erreatad** iaaiaaj ktjM M bt.-atm« uito androbbing the alora of f^hiflte.- k. Ilurdi were s*ain br-uah lutoCourt yesSBIMI betör«. Jartten Uimiiis, Kileu Untier st.dÄlirtiJv' JUta' HJ. the lafHBI sill* vvho cave luUrmathalto tlx poin t* whit fi led la lha arrest of taa burgli's and rt>coat i> ol rh' s'oln. rroi--rt), urre aJ-o In C'Url aud made afH-daaHeaattl ttr hataet tte enae witb WMM Ban were B*>

led. li e ...ri.p :.t» .1 a".i.a S-.a. *! Hr .al afreet, Wr » MBaat, BWd l': A a. - .O Bvaatr atMSt, » «-«: aHi.U ..a

il.a' tn tl .. BBabt 01 tie burtlait t«e!r pomiaea WWasaMatMtiiouiih li e at .Ulis» ou the rt4>la and raoajt k«d. Otaer tt>.l-KCBt 1» yet 10 be t-iki 11 against the tgbhaati U .¦ :e tuty areluUv cou ttiittti fur trial.

ItBAtllO a HoKsr and Cart..Thomas Webb, aM-eCBMBBJ IB s«*. »as 51 aterdst BRattadj « liar^ed

witk Mrattl>( a i., to ..n.l e»it i "ft. Ill pr»aii«e» ol Mr.'f1.4a.II. Hurt BeBSTBfavbeeeana 4%aV'" **e**fd\ dasarieaaetataltd löst Le hau tiirt.i tl BOM a.. art et* B bor tt ii'.ii. te. '.tin the sin et, but bl. entry waa oot oolievt-.l, iiid JnaticeIlaviilaoL. toauti-liied kim topr aon tor trial.

C u p bb Ot a Ib. rt 1. 1 tu» f..John C. UiIhoo, aWeil dre.i« d Joi U( man, waa d. lect« d jt ateiOar in the act .1McaBai ai. oeeteoat lr..m tte witltai ninai of the A .tor H-u..,ltd BanaVa to the eattadf of «*oiw»niaii ria-i psno ..fiho Cbkr*t. it.-«. 1 eeat bad baMknafea a ebolr ky aaaetthe batBd*era tu.l 0:1 at u' " to appn prLO 1' to tea oaro lire, k .twaa d> tcctcit bj tct tt ifa* trait, ia bett-rr be totout of IbeBtpaa tie r. f'" t.! t,. |fra bi< ntaco of n aldeue«-, and Justi. "

Uebuti t- lock, d iiLii. up lot tiuL

[AdVrtlaeDient. IA relired Pbysician, wbose «and* of life

Math) tat out, dieenT«.it d, tabile Urlbt tt lue Kau Iicitail cure It r CeaMBMbWt, Broueb'tia, Co.'tba, Oigtt> it.' Dtbiiiiy. Tte remedy tau di«.ov«red t»r kimti rbllti a Baaabri t wa* wtaa ay ar tar ivuiuu»au« l »occ Ir |. at.ble he Brll attj to task «.r Maaa"btXt- aa rtq..« II ii th a Becipe. witb full if ii ... '*»*}bj a^ ¦MtaaetaUa aalaa la if- raatairaa eaab aMUflBB* «

tjas h a our .ttiilin(i tLtee eeots to be ietam. J at poataf.tin II«. j," at.', tt. 0 i< a 1 le; i» be kj pl.t i I. toe pay meat ofma MftatbeMatj ^ .. t-

Dr. II. J»*r», Jeracy City, N. J.

f Atlirrtiarnieot JMl.i tiMiTifl^s, an iiuproiciiient uj»on the Atu-

bttatyaa 11 tiBtatbta. wbee raaaied, jaMrhraa "p-.n ir..rr Catbe oi.tjicily ae*s in atf' at.tie ol iiaf.'. auJ perfecn» anratue.

lit t >.a :« .1 Btoi'a I'ho looatriil« sti t'iaaJkar watt,»a<,ho. j* 1 Baaaatray, o/u«-r fra. k:in at.

fAd BattteaMaaBaJJ'l >ri »..Cetil 1 u.111 who 11-etLe ra/or v [i 1

BlKtMT'l K «1.1 l«T"a, or OatCBT Wats«., s feat de.irablea ElM Ir aat eta tte te aid, altars all ieud«-nct to lb 1amava¬il 1 leea'eraete Ite 1 eului »d«tia ao o« :U-_*a trxuicea by¦esp, ltd pt»r. at* rt-nifatrss and erjot-tt vf rhe akiu, r*int Psa-aettaa tue «liraata opt raIBM BCaaMBM touipan IvHr alaawy.

I boatob Jourtal..... I» i ii Him. K >' ;».¦ tie i .! i. -rt i.-. .or

BROOKLYN ITEMS.Mr. HOra Biirritt lertured la--t areah | at th« It-- >L-

Ijr. li ft.tutc on the Abolition lafUatn ry. Mr. Burrift't

pirn i? to aj-plj the j ri-ceec'* of the public lands to theate of ih* rf--,e.t*. M Ix wis Taj pao tnought

:;t j '.t. BBpraatkahla, as the South would not putwith the paJittaa* power or the m-rtsaai grat ii kaBBB

I 1. >jtvtry yuvo them for axy peeuniary coreiiler-at,' B.

ft 'es- r 1 roi a Fi*iali:. .Coaiplaiot waa ina'ledustiee Morefooee sometime eince by a girl

aaaard Marfarn Keteolds. whecbirtrrd a man named

litrry Jott B. alias Joe M, with «swtrot'iear aa oot-

rnie opt n bt r person. Ar ahe^'ed, J.-a*s bn-k* ia the

door OtharrMMI a the atght b« (ore Thaub»jri»irig aadU 11 bet in BV n < st sav BgB mann. r. the ovideaces ofr etc 1'ol nJeixJy v*.' *e and tli n attempted aa

tvuttaat H'i L.r raaaaa. loa* Baaed h«iirwru>ajMbtea trie '. i it >'i« Vctk foraoaaeaVi^h' otTcue, bewbj ir 11 Billed to -he TiBM from we.-.rn plate he aaa

I A ri»t ( apt Sewartardfitlicer Jarroc.u'ft i tit.''h Pv'rici l'o'ife. Il ta atwi alir.. <\ on thej»it 1' 'i.c r- n « liittn» V si 'ie w la knocked d «wa iniL. tt. :e'. the ahoi e a*, ott, aad betierxe tha ac-

¦ I m be 0., i*,tsirmAor. atm it hide over eiev'" ) r*/» .» «S'' Bild be* quit* . .»»fe« C«K4e «MW«.Jos* was bt-.tgl.t bedorw Ju ti w j rniiBBBy***tWey,aad bbi n o.L.iti..! t» ««ait aa eiae>teet*ie). n tfcr rta*|b, Ibe Uaiy tf .uttpietneM ia eadlr o-ev



T"« Uti D i r. Di aoi* bbb CaAaa.-Al*>' "t. i it:*, cr i.t New I'traetit for tea |>urpeaa>r* >*f tuaoe t... rect a .rj.t.Me n>»ameat

.> IM^Dt.OMMdCtl« (wbofeileaionuntiant die***,.,,,. m<BfuJlv attendiegtotaw'" J ,l* ofI^Tta aa the **7uB

v. I BB, the f,.Uo*,6({ (feaMrmeB were sppoested tol>

wf"' ' Kt,tC.^. Robert -pJ,U Kk-be¬

an. R. hWi.nct,, J.qo.*, V.D Bra*..*, NlW_t.-M.t. Tr» DM-tliBk- P*^tbef..lW,a.tfrfri^J«taa«.H eeeeaa. OdkB hit «M, r^^^^^J.. or . Mat, by the le'r eptdea-tc. u ,s. ,

.* ".".>.».* aaa*.b t,Jr af th.u ua.fuie.aa Ba.TaaaS%**»!!Ä"51J.ln Laak m Crane, ¦¦BBS * DwbwU tat

».a*»*,Tait bytbiednjaenaarieai »..i|r.nj . u .

ral Pn h aa*..n beehren drprted of t». f <,>T?^teeatrd .. r IBs* iu. m nee Ireceeend eocuu tieiuZTl 4h) keb b. r- m eat rata *-d ti. em.,..n,.r.BB^a^lbVaZSwein gaud nbutia* to all *a»i.« ta» trill, till lT*mik-L tu.i piKt, »ml m.y were akeo eowa leaaeaeltae" 73IB* l»IUIil «ite, ibut tecilaciug Ubru owe UeeaC .tJaT:*w-at fieri ra therefore,

»ttoit.iY. IBM i> ti.y h«»# erd-ared their eeeeaarr to aa.tb.ii Bt i* and In. not, we will rnci a tui abie wnattatto iL. :t matt »Plate


ft.Wr.*, That WO dteplv tympelbt«« with law .tunittee .0 tawdt. reared, and tL«r * cip) of trieee rraolutiout b* arm n. ib-rm.JA«t t.S » a.\ BRl Nr. CBeOmeaTT N«»T«t.\D, Secftatj.

Krr..> rrt or But DtR.«' Matkri kU .Tba r»olt»aroor ibe »our h I<:tnlci tYiire dWoaeretl aatiaatllj »« awu*Wa al.tiaJ* cue. <a> d bau. eacatacioo In Port.aua arvaae o««rhj lla MB and believiag ll to be aloleu profwrtr, aatWttih. Uli M«t..iiT cigbt Ibaj olart<T*er4 «uwm Bra f.*na iatte pltcr and takma «.ata ot ttrt naetkl* away. Tai .MttUIBB v p-u artet:. .11 te airu. trvru in number aad BBBi bmbjtjaweal tawatlna ion. It »aaw«tt that tarre it a » a* Wtlaavwaarakip..| t» pr. ^ri. briwe.o (Ivo W. Btowu aa4rrt.r baa>r>. and that Ii aat tateo tba preu.laa* »f teatati.-t anu plaet.l wbrre it waa found ay tea oBVer*. TwaaB»ho vrrr drtet t. .1 Iii .arryltif It away Iroai the pla*a af aeQri.aiui. m i lalni that tbej Lave a rlaht to tb* owa.rahip ou mm-leBBI Bt «.».tdne V.m Tbere apprart tob. a.nir ImBBBB.Souttbr Waat* atfaii. wbi. b mat peokabl> be cleamOuaaat.lie . tan inatfD b.tote Juttk* M..rehvuM, lea parlie* arreatrdlN ii i b. id to Baratt the Meat*, Tba ptopaity la valuad at abowt? * ||. Una ot Ibe loan wa* rirad at by an oBttai, Bui a» Makit wa* BBBBt

A Or .«Ii Jl ht l\ tHI I'ITT Cocbt.-The I>ae*wav.b< r 1 I an al T>rm af tbe Cny Court. b*t..r* Judae V. 0 Oil*Bt r aBB aaaai latea. waa nprnrU ....... r.1»v trbeu a UrauU Jurya a* in.i .iu «I. d. ot ahi.a ibe Mluvtu.*; are Ub* anibtia.i .1. -t h. V aii Hurt ii ),H in. C B.wtb. Jo**pb J. ataa-n an tJ»aut(iTi t Li. Plya.ptou. S Htdell, Aadrow iltaB-Loin., Jaaa Wi.ittltaey. J.twpB Oa*id*nn. Jnbo Baaalaa.Jte ea B. II.II. Jaa.ea a Lrlatid, Mirbael Ztmaar. Wat. ra'^,

C.i.atiN. l'i Hull. U-.v llotf-faT! . Ju at .. .t'.l tbe jury on tte utuai t. pi.a rrq H ad aw

. .». '.. r. t. ri.d to tbi releaae ol priaoaar* Baal Iba jail aaatfoor tfaaaa < u rUctlou day, aad eonuuetaa la tb* pull* i« tea,d. tt(Latii.* It t> an odei *r'mdlrtabie at * BbMBBBBBSB, tod Ua>bl. to be punt.bed at aurb. f«ot null ware tke pan lea t*aa*"r<in bin *ii . out tbr prlauner* liable, am tie* the aaerlB* or aaaother oftiI r n*a*r.| th.rrm. Ti.e pra.-ti.-r ot relewata« paiaMJBert not. j. I by n.aaitlrat.t wt* teevi ly oooiaarntad up n, aad)a. Bi tL. .ale ol liquot <>n Dunday, bl* llonot w «trat y at»*tLat lie art* Ira a* cariled on in iblt rity. 1« in dirts-1 rtaUUataot law, aad nidi, table at ¦ ml»demeaa<>i. II* reioutuiaadad lataBndiiif of .> te'al ii.dl.'tmafli* lob* tried aa teat caaaa. AlkaBtlr aahai IJ el the cbari* Ibe CouieajwaUMa.

¦TaWOW tm \rt rHow Dbith..About II o'olooJi> n Mui day ulalit. a woinau raaioiuf. in North Baeeeib tlraat,ii an. n |. ll i io tlep on board our ol tba Peek tlip t..r,y boata,ii aa. b. t. ..til (aid wa* caught belwteb Ibe b- al and brilfa.I ...i .. nil... rtb.j lujuretl aboel the waiat. but wa* abut awwalk away wiia aaaittauc*.

atftlWBIta,.(hj Monday afternoon, tin* hooee ofMr I't.u.i.r, aaraai af av.mii Mma and Hb b «ire»it, wa* *.>

lend bt lt:< aaaawa tau.- lecenily. and lubbatl ul IM aadlBaBaa Jawaliy.

(in Mint ay afleroiHia, while the family were allrBatrba aa eaaeeeeeaM aitruipi wu made u> ¦BBfe op«n thatH.» Bt Bi Jot. l) afa hou*e, No. let South Tbird tireai. Tatalateral »ei* fiuatiated by ib. door betag botlaa.

KiBi Min't Ei icTioN..Zaphyr Hoae Co. No. 4have ti.Ticd BarfeaaBaBB, Htmy Browulng, Attl.tant, JubwI». Oleea Bailäl*lJ. C. W. h»y*: Trea*urei, Tbuuta* nr.L*Wi*i R. pir.t inaiitrt, Jobu II. Baiter, Tau«. W. Lawt*. ¦>Ii. W. tuland. XlBetea, Broaninf.

newWei^CbIXB 1)1111 to l»rtTH.-On Monday m ^ralaar

a little *i»l, two MBIBef BBBi named Hary P'..<k. waa burnaalt. atalfi .Jnrlti: ih. tb.. ii. .. .1 nrr f-.l ifc« ailuntna.Tbt- ibllil tat unwu before tl.e *turr, her i lotbe* took Are, aadtha wae burned to death when her mölket returned. TB*

ltn.ll) teaid« la Coldea atraat.

(in PaiBOal RuroBT.. I"ha Jerrey City Marahali. i. rtt there wrrr |l | r. uiniltmeulato the City Prlton dulb} bovt mtei, for iflrnat-a at follow*:Pii akaai aaa.7ti|Si.alin». .III., in. r y oi doci......... l> 'utpii ion ol iLrft. 4litaBll . I j Malicioua nut. Bi*f. It aat att-». I t.»o u..».t11, tu t pocleia. I IIghtluf.fkt.pii.ii iii..oi'< riy hont«.... II waaDn bk anu ili.oiUtrla. j| Total.lev)TLt r plarrtol nallrl') are tiatad to be aa follow*. I .... idL

IB| Una aas, ti tnfand |.l; Canada, 1 Kraaua, ii Cnlias]Mailt. l.>, clori-.i, L Tola], 114.

A new banking inalitution, called the " CataraefBaj I " » nt into oj eiauon lu Pa:er*ou on Monday, under ib*Is,, Il.i.tinu law.


Aftimpt at fco im.YViiiprtn to Lire .A slaypalas eaas eesarBad yc*iirua> at Linie fait, wbora a aatIIB Sq ikiajaas Brajilj war wlnppwl tu life euer aitriupltag bbroo nil tui< ide bt latni* poiauii, which b.d already rrndöadli, ui loipiU IIa liad l.cru Ii loalcau d for aooie time, ena at*

Sunday n.urLinr, ta tla daujbler waa Uarta(r*r cbmch. ha 1*1AI., i ,| . waaId b«*e to in,or ironble with ruin, a* a* Wat ab atI, ieat hie la* tees fli.e paid no Bttaateaa to Llie, *. be bad)1- tile tin ilaraiatrtl, ne btfure, md went io eburobi aa. oe aarr, r, waa . ipnaed to Mr lit r father iu a alat* of lorptdl y,v Ik .u «li U.lllc, wbii b bad be* ii nil. a wiib laiiaauaa*. Irian. ii ply by hi* tide A phytbrieo waa called, who decided naBIkaai r aaaaaa ffaaeevBtBaaaatattoa we* to else BBS ¦ehjBaa*levtfl bl a'Im, won b waa done by two men wuhhaaty ta.n.naaIi r a Bwattei "i an hour, wbte tigu* ol relmnlo* animal matutrtt »V. an. aid the BaSBMBI **t "P A ale** ol bran i; waatkaBBlVaB biui, when Le ir.i Mletp and tli* baatlu* proouaswt> r> mnii u untn he waa fully run r«4 tu catctooiune* Itatla now i aaparaiiT. lv we,I, m . pi t.iuie tuBVriu« fruei laatbt ..... i. .1 fi'.ui ibe ejtiaurdmary "loan* ul tprauU" a»w 1.1. L br wit tubjri ted. Tti* la ibe fir.t itM wr .:..> aratd a waa wbippt^l tu lit* Irom a Mate botdrrlaf eat:.>' Caiee of wbippiu« in dra h uccaaloually ucaui, bat eeaaa t

it wkippln* lu life t.-iuuui ul neter.

(Newark Adveltlaef, Dee. I.

LA W^NTELLIGENGKBlTBfcMKCOl RT.HrstiaL Tsbh-Dbc. A.BefOre JadejB


Reesevaet BfA l>oi*eii.Motion to put raoeo on Fiiday a calendar denied*

wlikout coetaIIJ aat Hall.

(ltd*r of reference to K. ti. Copron, eeq., to take tee>tun. ny. Ruu'h a*' Litinaiton.

(in'ei to be rnteitd, vpfutug umaull taboo on tbe dfc>:,i laat'* crssotret ea eahaakaat'* »im.* bond with Bee *aaaBB! to be tpprottd by * Justice ul tnie Court, to pay tm$Jaaasaal laat i lajntirt't n ay raaeeva hiuis aar in tai* Bcamav

Halieliury aat. Bwacaer.Motion granted with «. Besaa,

Bue'iug *ai. Boaiina..luc'gn 11 of dive'i .¦ ttrauled.

Biellory aft. Elm*.M tarn to '. ke out ana mio-i complaint denied vrtthv

afjtc.Coliitrl t§t. TbompauB.

Motkn granted.Plak if Andereoa.

Mction to , er'eet apptial iu Um> (ieneral Terra ia aaaterti.*, »iirout (Wiaf aeeurity thereos, Be., aad *t*rla| Beerctr4in(t jr»nt. d.

felPKMOK CO I RT-Til*L » -Bel re Cat**Jut lee Oaai/av

riasiili ior tub fall Ol A ''I' MS'/.( eiper U -¦ .. r a«t. Aan u.

The plait t Ii i i . d n ht-uee ui ton in lenoent ia CMB>t Ii w»*in bad repaif, and thedefeadeut aettuuedna

kavell l.,t ,n »i.'mI r> [>.ir, btt nr«j.««e *u waa. OuttmfJBit ft il through torntwBet Hurtle* Mr. BSBBa *ad bralagan rel Botlli 114 wist n.d breody waieB be sea ia taa w-lar. liatutdiofeeueex 0*.'iOv and ob^alaaB eterdatt tat 01*01

LM TD STATES CIRCUIT COURT-Dbc. t-BafceaJedgr Brit*.

Ibe Ceptain of the atv^uKiktbap wa*i jest- rday in-

cltted for b*|> ct to furaleB propel priirlaWaa for the dew aaat

'"vCilVm KintJerwes iodictotl for smugguagjBl UO worth al B»lleSSi ta.broi«er»ee. ar.

Petel* BJt. nronava.

'I Li» was an acnou btougbe by tba plaintiff ta¦ i t. r tr. ¦ tbe dtdeadeat, | who I* an .* collector of tai* paet^esaaii. bt ten'** iiljcheiaedaa r.tain wtaOea faaddVrfTjury reid.reJ a rer.oet for the ptainiif fur 0*tB. '

COt RT OfCOMBfON PLKA8.BraciaL Tsbm.Dac- 1.Eelure Jedae. Baenr.

i<t t ti n or costs.V SB* W't-gam agt. Jacob 'laid.

M'tion 'or jueigmetit on la nin U> rt-rve rompiala* orcer of waa tnte-nd before dataadaaBpB*eaSimrl.: I'rdrr the old tjt>m and prior to the dcel.ioa ba

i art B/fcite. 1 II f.o, it wj *»ll atttied tket ua* BB>pli TB.ri.i ol tu afioney prior to the pale of (hacweiioouio*. ear

i.... d lb* (..friidant t'» aoeta, alihougu the run we* :» ecaal"id In fact upprarrd, R..bieauB »*'. Taylat»

.. Wer, I.I.V.U tai Uioi'l., i II II l«. and UJaf ediaevt. Ute>-I . «tri -Oitlancrt tontd b- Xirt ed b« tUe dclral-

*Lt t* a mtett bl* cottt err. paid. TKtCout *.Kami*, aoweaal rrwue-d ike ,ud*n«« uf ibe Sutrtar t, .adW i r ,,t "n.ltb, and ot. rr ter. agt. T.yl-.l npa

arnstb. l..«.^«!1 tie..,er IRS «IX 9m*\*»-.. that Tl "atl act* t. la "kkB tbe plontll waant Ba

..p. l a .iU»tul reuderrd I* hUf.rur. <at t Uf * «f <** d.t«t.daat ranb aleia It .fafUhm

- tot tul-. d i ieerr.ilnue hl» *«-. tU eVfcada'it ehaatd. lave ;uc'* <o r«t'et bi* coete» TtU rate haft, n .c ai red a* .paieabl* W tbe defendant'* n»»|Z V«eai.drr the «'fe *VrtU ^t**',i Hew Pt B tf. bot the Uererd Juttlae »a*i«l . . ..d eaet>jwn*oo in ti wt «., OM not coeitdet BB>aVaae>

UtwrVa IBr«£. "P~^ »'*'.»- That, ar*

Jljl-' t d«e<i.ib.reUruabali>«yTV* petec«! Beatu'.c C<4u, aec Mt, pevrid

.ii,. läay atabtiarern ia*tw>

t^afa* foefowai.

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