
ftfrtMJH nwï<? f^^ti^^^^È^^: W\it*\Ililli i>^^V^A^^v^a^ L^r*s __;-_-



¦¦Mun apron to baw TIIK *'";'".rRKKcn ada am f. omma ooma 01 a .

-MAC.MKKKYr UKAVKKY Off mi JâlTOH\ a.ti« rm s* h dbivbm bai k ai mi.


bannon. Hawley. o,t. is.uro.

The si*risl smisaimimJ si Tn taima st

lUmmwaaimMsmaaadBaimia1|rtnn attkaka *

ai iks Til' "||ít- mmllanaiThe engagement of to-day i* the mnel lasportanl

¿fact Baaaiae has sad* moot tka Pmsrisai throw

their iM-lt Si Otto, fBRM, and mtkwmks ¡iri.iin.l the

IuIiimiii if Main Bakadatkaat mOABu mern sm

pgri 1:1 la-dajr'BflMssBfl ; Iks Prassism had a asm

aitici.ii'i> brgss BBmk r. We Bsssning was dull

aitiinn-t.A. Am I waaia I Iks rnman at Foin,]ama__BUte*y BBS M.nmt St. l^u-'iitill above thefoR

m ih«. Aiiiicv, tiu* ssris rays striking apon it.* nana

___§ vak. it msaasal ti« if a pnaaal mmmttm had

b»ven declared. Kv« ti til.« outi>.«s1 tin« lind ceased.

In tlie boi'ibardmont tit the two pet a ions days, tlu«d t'A th.- batmriasaf Qmasaa bearym nonrta asm Iks starthif pata!

cf th' rim ti lull.-» H.,:uo dlstanm t.» Iks Baulk*mam)B\ mmmtii tot. To spo.ik lllolc pr.' .tli.'.Vv. riatknni m Iks km hills of Msamaanij m yondvUeh staaaa aa akaarratsfy win. h omsamnnatkswhole lil .m. IMaian go., the headquarters of therr..*.*ian 1 hird Anny Oorpa, 1* conr-nl. r.ilily ui Iks

if 111.- poní ion.j 'Ih. -i- litnvy gBBBj curioin-lymaagh, ksloag to Iks Btate «f Hi DarmstadtT!. ! fsskirü tkoir batteries con-'deraMyb»*;. olid Iiiiicc. titt : th-y Bad si\ ti. Id-!.at1crics

nu.lw.iy between it and Si-ip... .int. ¡lud «m ti'«'' til

tiny ii.ul p..- a d torws -i u ma « nth du .< iv mimastauiiA-.-oui!

- oí monea inn,I s. \,i. u |«, -i:,.:.m Hit« hniiih.i'dmciit of

i **. i oj had basa goingam Bad almaakeD*fininto!! tups, aoma little distanos

i BC lo ip.v. and <m tin« liiicof rail-Till latilv- tkk viiiu-i' (l,a«!..!phtutye) had

in! " m utial tenitnri;" hut eli the Iks Vn ih li liad seized if, and cstablirdi. d a bat¬

tery in fn-nt of it. The village Itself WBS burned,ti»- fi'ii night) by PlBSriSBl slnlli; but still the

l'r».mil lataiaad the pneMoa. and Ihn Prnailan Uniat Umkm I wdapehad ham partly diroeted to tkadislt.i the enemy from it position whichwn» taspot ¡mt. as the ooeapatioo of U mnkl euiilud.«the »huh- irout BCSBSB the valley.Op *!.' .'li. nearly l.oooshells baring been thrown

hltoLaáSB, liittnit» and around it, hit« in the e\t nmg,

¡li had eva. nat« d the t-hattered ruins of a

law llllllllll TJllRgO The PlBBRRSM at onie threwlaniard troops in Iks direction ot tin« village,latabliahiiifi their reservas in it« nar, and sendinglomani serg< atti, aq°*delo weany it aad Iks vil-

f Onad r.staji.'B and l'etit Fatapra. la whichItafsBBSSBBm was the k) y, St. EflSSJ OOBBlilllllllgthe chi«-i support. Th« IB lav IkeMik BsgiBMBtofth. I.aiidvv« hr, Maxe ( tom la the ii v.r. and MOsider*ably in íkIa ¡ne.', va ¡ii. <>« tppit d l.\ OBtpoatS s.tit f'>r-« .1 fr,'i,it'e louth Army Cups, on the other bideof the Mo, 11-.lhe two divisions al tlie Landwehr iliaitkod

athwart the \ allí y fi"in the budge at Aigaiu\,tvii'ie th. y t'iit'iitd the Tenth Army Corps, to near

MsBBBga, wkere they ami Iks l ifth Army Carp*land to them w:.a confided the duty of holding thetiat, allai lal tiait on the western bunk of the Mow Ho.

tiu. Hit-MM, ram,At M ; ..¦ I found I . Iieadiniarters of Oen. Von

K ¡¡lim. i, whoe'tnuiands the I.iiiidvvehr. The men

m-n« generally hoaaadia temporary barrai ks witit h

they h ii I t!i. in*. Ive» construí 'tel, and which did

(rr.'.'.t cr-dit t.. tiii'ir fur. nulty. Aliout 1 o'clock IVSS seated at lundi with tivo stall ollii STS m an

aii*»r in l««n. Von ku¡:iincr'8 maiden, tvli. n the mina

¦ riaialna lialüaim kj Scin«kîourt hagaamkaii.-.a,i"It i«. (,. ly heeaam there are a few Eretichnieri

ImlngaraBBd Ladoncl -»orted one of tkaotho, is "'11..-re Avili Ut nothing serious to-day ;

IkSBB i* Im mu« li ini*t m the valie.V,"'it »-em.-d a« though he must hetiirht.

Wkm l v..«. .¡i iks lulls at Baaséoomi I could a i smCi«- v illa?, h in the valley below,and the cathe«lral of

wfiitii, i.ext t<> st. Qaaalia. is our coi stan!lanilinark. Om uttetly iuviMlile. But the roar of t li .

etum grew louder and louder, and there came firstone lu av v Im.m," and then another, from the big(runs l.vng behind at I lenecourt. The officersIdgsted, but would not yet own that anythingSerióosWSB Liking place.. Their nonchalance gave

laat, vaIk ii an aid-de-(ami) came Bgatngal.lop,SBBsadiBg alarm as he went, and

J1lhlni ri to Iks (ii-nerals quarters for instruc-ttsnsta t*,i«l''the fiont. in five initiiiteu more wu

itei.- all in ie saddle, and aft« r a short gallop were

!«>> ki'iu i: -i the m «ne i.f a, t.nn fiom the MngS ofth wn. d m front of the Chateaux of Brieux andAuiolaiiKe.


'I li :1: ti. lua of I'.a/aine and the manner

RBJartahJBgwm foiled, I tri ve abrief

I] -i f the giound. Eiom Metz to Maiztfrcsth a ia a long troagh erith a ti «at bottom.the al-

¦ii the Mor-elle. Tins trad 'is about.'..¦. On th.-west it is hounded 1>> UM

idy iiatpi d, and, nearer M. t/, bjN.nivv and Ranlny, Onlkeaaal it labonnded by a

00 vv hi' h eta '1 the a .'Hat'«'* ( f

R «I Malroy ; but between them and the Hathall, pi rana the Moat Ile, lopiogtag oonaidorahlji on

ti.« ii »¦ .1 st opposite oigy, across th- b t-

ti« arrawaa! part Ikmiomsod, li * aseriesi two Bstapes ui.l st Il'ltichamp«, siluatod waptctively a lit-

ti«' to th. cart ¡fui av. .*t front.Tin:« troops in all them localities,

iii «I to me bj a ~t di otho r,

l'fci ¡" maints d. Ha/ame had laid his:. .1 bp the te_ in had

with mi h adroitneas thatwhen it I.f; .!. a little pa-t 1 od.xk, they were

b1 te. Ia the flrat ínstanos ka1 aeeanlt on'uhaiiii.s. The

: ti,.' i<I... s m .i Um v warnti teal, f lou in. ¦;. and l.'i Fi. nc!i s, ,il th. ,r

U'{*!1« ¡o it, while ih.-n aitilleryY it.

: «¦ « .j, Ladon. hsmpt," QBOth' . "The

t to_\ hm h th. ¦ the folly of tLat-ai.,1 we can

loiiack to.uiraihor."it'.itiüK Meaed that. Ifanything aonU asm

i th h luipriiiieiKc, tka rmaalBB* !'t. 'Jin.' white *av_PU) of s.hi Watt

Ike'raSay. On tka îîgnt ínmi îîiô¦¦aBBissm S. l'inouït were hard at work, and also

J», ra -. a,,,, ,i(,.n tllL. . u whi)(, t)¡( ^^ _(¡u)t _tL "nu | aaatbatalowraagaright

'"' '' m SBIsng the a.lvan.itiii Er,!.«!..¦t JBIllBBgl, two otter ha!" lied

m«sntainin« a aemi-cross lite; and from the'ifci.le«,ftl.'. M.s.lle, between Olify

Ki'illulr.,.,,,!, 1*....M.. Mdartfllaq wa. loaring.IHK li:, , || | ..,, , 1)|t nU_

wet bjtut koa Ladoncl

B ttj and Uara, werir.. 1 oui fall

..a«.,i.,,,, ; l..

I^ii.l . .

' ' .'¦".''1 i., fal]

-.'i.i!!!.,,. ifcnek. bavini ,.wy, and rained eba

illy puah«! ha«:..I i »iii« hi^h road by aheei'¦ bataUionel tkaiUkBar

.dGrsnd Kstapesiandttoaaagimftand

wounded. The battalion would not ¡vrivo ground, andmay be sitid to have boen _B-BB_______ as it stood.tin« m»'ii wt_B their backs to the walls and tlinrfao s t«> the foe. The other battalions of the Rame

r»-gimetit Biillcred terribly.Bafar. theti. B_a*__neBad succeeded. He had oc¬

cupied the chain of villag« s athwart th.« valley, andI al Hand n fi w ! uti niBof artilhry out on tli.'irfront la re|»ly to tho «ft____ fire. Hut thiB ttatu

quo ht neither wished to nor could maintain. TheE**n_B__ artillery. throwing their projettihs fruintit! -i.'.t-s ttf the j. nail.Ingram, int« ¡f« led willi thecon f.irtahlo nali/ iticii of «ruh a conception. Itsciiu-i eh ar that __BB_M *»«mid not have done whatha «lui. if lu u«.t contemplntetl something more.

That B__Be__B_ I have not tho remotest doubt, wa«

a BflVtia t" « f-t.iltii«h communications with Thioii-mI'ic. His tactic«, were well conceived, l-'min St»K'-uiy Bad the two Kstapce) he li« pt the Prussian Aroengaged with aaaakatrj and artillery, li«» sent for¬ward from Grand BtttpH great swarins of sharp¬shooters, who fand ___fl ni«jj ill at the hands of tin*I_andwehr. li« ."-ii«- this, he aaaaaad a great body ofmetí, in .u!y SCVOOO in all. on Um hink of UM Mot-vile,under (over of the lion.»« s of Maxe, mid nut tli« Tit

It»ra a-il to cut the Prussian eiiviio.'iintTitWhait n iv.ias weak' '. elate la tht r.v« r.

na _____» ov tiik HArii i.

The nio'ii« nt was » critical one. TheI_Bodw__thad all !. 'i m nt forward against UM village's, withthe e .««pt ion of one brigade thal was in reserve;

lint the Tenth Anny Carpa had been crossing thepontoon liiilpe iiml was BBB_BBng hat11«MO II»*- liver

and Ann-lange. TI -«-re (¡en. Yon Vinght was in com-

iii. uni oí tin- bach operation», and he lave the orderlor toronl lechaenta t<» advance. The movement

righi not ci-ilv to I»«* forgotten. 1 list cam««

the l'u-ii«-cr.«.«intending at ;i ra] iii r.m ¡iilo I«

_Bg r and coviimg the whole plain withth ir long, t'.tin lines. Then came the dunnocolumns of eoHij ames of I'm rr ¡k1 j« rs, thebanda pia.iiug and the colors anfk-ied.lint nil the work was not left for the infantrytodo; the iiitiliity enterad the vili,,_.- alone, andCOU« ill'atcd tin If lire 01) the F> lu 1) «illlllills ad-vain ling hy ile Mu/« Ile. Bl)/,nue is hiii ul.iily vviukin li« l«l ailiili ry. and the only reply to the I'm- :m

fire was ¡uni the Mil!« n suie*» < f fort M. «lull« n or

tram the raaaparta of st. l.ioy. Bel the niitraiihus.-v« iii.ii'ii'isi;. «*nonded ttt angry whiir, making th«-B_____iaberaracei] «aarrawlj ar« tiny araaaad iii«' Uneol tire, and teai og i aaana la the tranta of the minim i--««. of wiiii h «ii- v vv i<- tli«« foieriiniiets.The artillery and the skirmishers wau- enough f«»r

_M¦ l-'rench. 'I ii» ir dense toUUBBt ttaggerad andthoa broke ap rt» Tim,ugh mj ».ia«.« I _ld ant acontinu.his otOOt oat patt. They ran pill in« 11 intoUm Tillage e_ Maxe; bat erben eaee tiny had wallsOf Btom .»i.«1 lum l>i tween thelll aiitl the I'lthev he« ailie oitr-tiiiiile and w -.ul«' i'o DO further. Inraia the Piusmiiii artillery lire«! upon the village,<*uli am lag i loser and los« I in altei i.att ord, i of bat-tones with a ¡ia t ision and rapltlit] mild not

have lu,n e>u« did on pat rule. That obstinate bat¬tery in front of (»rand Ettaptl Wl uld not be si¬

lt m eil, and the I'lench «harinshooterM tttill Unodthe highway in its front. Hy this time it was

ii« »lily 4 o'« lock. A i-'iillaut caiilain of nv air.«* polledBp as he galloped paal ni«, lu Hvv«-:»r at the Ii' nellfor spoiling his dinner which had Beta e___ed f»»ithat hour. Ah! tin- ciptain will waul BO linn.- din¬ner«. Ba had not gone a boadrad jrarda toward myright winn a shell from St. Julien fell and burstright lu f.ut« him, blowing him and bia horne Intofragi.ii-nts. The saine »»h« 11 «list min «1 B bare whichbound« ii fiotn it*- form ami flaahi «I oertmo the battlelield righi in ft line willi the fBfl Iii«-. '1 be Landwehrmen «lioutid at the Bight, B-Bid the <ll«'I pun' Khotn

froni the thaaaapMa and hut for special retiianit hythe (tflieeis. I liclievi- several would have quitted thetdielter of the intrcn« hments lo go in « h ».

IMVt'N'KT miH_B OB THF I.AM... lilli.

As we Mood in this sufljM'nse a stall ottoef gal-lopod along the front line with orders for a g'-neralailvan« a to take the village hy storm. Th«* advance,he told me, wa« to consist of four brigades of theLandwehr, withtwo brigades of |__ Tenth ArmyG'«>rpt»> supporting. In a few minutes more the coin-

_____ OtmOt sounding along the line, and the men fiom their cover ead went forwatd with thatste.elv. quick step "»«i < hala« t«T)«ti« of the PnMB__a*marthing. The shells from the batter} «f (¿ritrnl

Eatapeotote through tin-line; theaaitrailleoM andehaaaepôt bullet« pound against it theirhad« ti hail; but still tlfe Land wt hr, f-ilentand uterii, __rahad steadily to the iront.I have been under lire many tiims, butI never knew amore furious fire than that to whichthe center of thi« line was exposed, (ion. \ on 1 ¡run¬del stem, commanding tho Third Brigade «if theLandwehr, was shot down art he rode close tome;and se\eial of his Stall were wounded. Al lengththe in; r-1 eh-Bcafa were reachnd. bt hind whii h werelying th- ahnttered remnant.-) of the58thand50thLandwehr. Tin fraternisatioi) consist«d ol' " ilarratCi, tam. '" and hem, " Vo.teortel Immer rortmotal*and th. lue irew it-.-lf to the front in a run. Theninniira ** nu ti «>b »!i«-i v drove on. Tin- stubborn«rrencb «i «barel* tima te rea aieand tht ««»mer

before tin I indwehf were upon tinm.The Fit-n« h lett tln-ir guns perfni««-. Tiny Blade

a last i-it ml m the \ illa ces, bul it vvi.1,1 in«- lu en

bett, r for them had tiny run away at lu«!. 'J In«I..ii dwehr, with less of tlie convent luit,ii vv a: inn« inHiern than 1 lu- line, ai« not so much ioelim d to give(in.itter aaare the profeeaional aoldienk, With manja Frein limaii thi» ;ift« riifi t, the lirst shock tiii"-i-1 «Iof ;i bayonet thmst» The French fenchí " lik«-devils" in the narrow atraeta «»t the villages andused tin- miliaill« uses vvnii fair judgment ami effect.Butther«* came upon th»in tin* wt. adv. inexorableforward stride of the Landwehr, Th« bayonel «tit-t.lined force from thal strength of bai k andthigfawin« h i» the leading athletic « luna« .. n tn- «1 fit»1'rnsM.m, and the vilbu'cH were (leared of all, sav««

tin \ n tors, the «leiul.'uid tin- won in led. 1 0 the La lid-it hi moat lit i-itiK i-d( d the honor of I In lu*.. 1 heyit waa who checked the nub of the (Yencb Ivancehv li'il'linL' tin- fillagea till thev bad not ¦ m in lediwho «.(.iilil stand ui»iii.'lit and Hie the needb -gun. Tot em also waa intnuted the grand tina! advancewinch Bwept th« I ranch out of the v ulaucs.

I «>MI"\l;l»«)V <H- I.VMiWl.lllt 4M» una.1 havi -»»i tb I' lim-st'ltlii i» i, -!,t before

I saw them clamber op the ti, a of the.pidieren on their banda and kneen I aaw themdeplo) in front f Colombej and Monto*" in the bat¬tle of the 14th August. I aaw thean stand ni ajthe HTtrailliDs« s on ti <. slopes of «Qtavi I« I ,. I aawthem daab back the Franco «sortie of the 13th of.Septoniber. J ha v. learned to believe thal lePrna-

isi.i!) i«»it'«s of the Um (nu do anytb ,ig thatany s. hin rs in the WOtld (;ui do. lint¡t Was BOt until BOW ti,::t I gaugedthecaliber of the Landwehr. Wera I a «."enera! I

¡:i-t« i w i.-!i to oliiinal d lu ttti ne ti. Cool in

the intrenchmenta wheretbej laycahnlj inpoeition,picking up the bulléis thal fell aa-ona -hem; t*eao-lut-fjv, indomitable in theil ateadr, <iui«k man-h for-ti.iti: and n r«-.-ir»! ii .:«. m the __úu bayonel ohargev which tiny earned the villages, t luv are troopatoil, light the livait of any mau With B s'lldiiilyinstinct. mooma

, ItFcow intaOfCI nv vinnr.

In the moonlight the Prnaaian artillery was stillfiring slugg'ishly from the bighta above Olgy andbt.Julien, throwingprojectUea <»v«r the tabii-lATiilBeemingly to »silence the lire of those forte All the¡..oui, »i in tin-1« ,«i "I the v 11.lue t,f Charly and to*w,iil\ii!iv waa pitted with Banella that lta<l fallenami buist dunn« the «lav. A bilah musket**} lire

ni»' on 1" TI ont (»f CliKTilh« .ml l.( Mine, so

.I,« n I had ridden through Umbi m the morn-in.». The French» pouring down ont ol the «Bola ii«-(.liiiniiit, ni..«i«- a feigned attack in < »naiderable) ti i ip l!.«t valley. All I ( I«! harnwas in the front then »t-aeaiaaj »Jead and

¡. aid I m» t a lsig«- Bmbnlanoe n n oominaforward t ike the wounded oui »»ii ra

I.,,., s mie 1 ii m ii .¦ rillagi of \ m ad Poishad beru k lb«! dilling iln day. B II aaaaoe

ti,, i. A little nirtherou I cum io ihr nar

a: a! '. ,!¦ ill.-. I:»»,n vi nu ii 1 nt-1 myretnriiing, ein ing trii ti pi antly.

ii lunn Mc. ami the I ii front.f «St «luii'-n had thrown into

and nnii««' had «attempted to rm tberedoubl n front ol NotaaenUe bnl ba lb ml »;

With CO! «1 table loss, til«' I'l i»-l ill ill',,n ,,,

lu ii..» ti Ni'iiill.v mi«» u»«- aood. 11 waa m timi i i

..»< .«.i pani a t« ntawvead*« uio« of the l'ritaaiau aitil-I« u alona the highway light andel theworki viLittb I'.« iii croll .i i« «iiiii««:iM,iii««'« hi«'It um..:l t-

bia from the « in nmataoet that 1 oil si /lilian n.-ele

^^ -»..»ipj^k», re» J






LOWDOR, Thursday, Ort. 13,1870.

The upecial correspondent of Tim Tribune at

Toura telegraphs : " On the Oth there wa« a balloon

dippatch from Marshal Bazaine, not published, but

winch I knonAo be in the hands of the (¡ovcmnient

hero. It reveals the secret of Bourhaki's appearance

at Chiselhurst which has bo greatly puzzled Iho

London press. The improbable explanations hith¬

erto given were not tho tnie ones.

" Tho Empress, in connivance with the Emperorand Bismarck, sent a BMBBBBgBS to Metz, saying she

ih sired to confer with a trusty general on an affair

of great itnixirtane". Marshal Bazaine, though not

liking to patt with a general whoso mission he was

not allowed to know, was eo pressed by ti.o messen¬

ger, who gave undoubted proof of his being sent bythe Empress, that ho was persuaded to send Botirba-ki. Canrobert, who was for a moment thought of,had his leg hurt,which pre*,etitcd lum inna traveling.

" When Bourbaki, who, srnicd vnth Bismarck's

ytoto, gal through tka Pnantea line« without diiu-

culty, arrived at ('hist lhurst, tin« thankedhim most earnestly for coming, and proceeded to say

that she wanted bim to take charge of tho Prinro

Imperial, conduct him to Metz, let bim remain withBturaiiie's anny until the tuno caine fur completingan arrangement for pence ,,n the basis of the cessionof Alsace and Lorraine, the abdication of tho Em¬

peror, and the restoration of the dynasty in tho per¬son of Kapelaaa IV., with herself as Begmi

" Bourbaki wm thunderstruck at this proposal.Fie azpestalated mildly for somo time, endeavoringin vain to make th.« Empress understand the real

po-itiiiii of ail.iirs. But when he found her illusioncould not lx-(lisp II. «I. he bluntly refused the nus-

Moti she sought to impose iijmiii him, and told her

plainly that no Fn indi anny would toi.-rafe the

jue*.'ii««' of du« son of Napoleon III. The Empressbuist mt«, tears.

"Iliiiibaki n-turiudto M< t?. Bazaine, highly in¬

dignant at his report, sent this strange story to the

liepuhli. ,ui Cot eminent at Tuns. Ii ia hi"hly prob¬able that the letter win. h the Km press some tim.«

ago commissioned Lady Cowley to take Bj the Em¬

peror Bl Wilhelinslp'.hi' had rife renee to this affair.'I he iiitriu'tie originally failed, and is BOW completelyexposed.''

LATEST Mil liAKY iii;i!iii; m;wi roOM or.i.r.ANS.1'iM'SSiAV


bOBBOn, Ttmrsday, Oct. 13,1870.A t< 1. '-Tim from Tours, dated ( IS, midnight,

stat, s that Bofartkm aawakad bom reeehred barnOilcans or riiate.-nidun, aa hillier the re. u forcement s

vv. re Seal last evening. Much anxiety is manifested,as it is known the C.rinaiis weic iu lu avy iurwi inthat neighborhood.Tho Prussian« occupied Orleans yesterday. A

French Corps wa« encamped on tlie 1. It hank of thoriver.A dispatch from th<* Prussian headquarter», at Ver¬

sailles states that the French Anny of the Loirew.-re dru. n out of Orleans after ¡t tune bonis' tight.Oil. ¡ins w:is subsequently stormed. The PlBSBiaaStook upward of hi.noo j,rp,,mrs. Their los« was

small. The Bavarians participated in tlie engage¬mentAn eiigagdm tit occurred on Monday, the 10th.

near Bum Uti s, l.etiic. n a body of francs-tireur andthe Praariaaa, After a hIk.i t esasVdttkelatterro>tired with a loss of 30 killed and wounded. TheFrench loss is not stated.Aa engagement took place on the 11th, between

the I'liissiaiisand Fren, h at Mcssaugcio. The hit¬ter vam .bleated and compelled to abandon thoplace. A cupM of Fiaiics-tireur left Lyons yester¬day for the *i at of op( talions on the Loira.An engagement occurred at M..ttegr:i« yesterday,

b. Iav. en the lilians aialtiie BbSSBTO. No K-sult isgiven. A Imm "f ^"0 Fnis.*iaiis and .00(1 .Saxons ha«ali..I'l.v .... spied Olsen.Iks 'i' mums have als«, appeared at Montdedier,

wheie a small iletaehiiieiit of them w .is (bleated bythe Francs-tireur.A tell giam f. «mi Areon. Belgium, dated last even¬

ing, says:" lle.-ivy caiinoiiiidiiig has I,ecu heard to¬

day in tlie dirc( of ThiotiA ille. It is said the gar¬rison ot .Montined.iv has retreated to Bteaay."On Monday B l'i in-siaii .-avail | dlTJSJOB drove 4,000

Mobile* aeroas the Eure near Chcrsey. The louse« ofthe latler were heav \.

Ii ia known thal Geo Garibaldi has left Toan incompany willi Col. Frapoli f,,r the seat of war. 'Ihoe\ai I destination km no1 been divulged, but it is in¬timated he will lake ( oinmaiul at Ode ins.

'flic Eui'-*!.ins lune biiiae.l rip. tow n of Aldis, inrevenge for the .1. f.;it sullen <l at the hands of th«Fiains-tii. in. A Praasian deaioastratioa i* makingtowaid Ainieiis. and Biet, nil has boSBOOCBpiod bythem.A dispah h from Bl run dalsd fmterday states that

the obstacles to the oeaveyanee and planting ofsiege guns have be. p io fin om r. ollie thal fheeali-aonade before Parla ibbj hs nirmimtsrilj irrpocitait

QEM1 RAL FBEHGB NLWS.\i',".w ai of moran balloob non rim

lui m vy nu vin oomor uuta.rnani-BLI BATAOM UI'lllK lilMil.UI'l.M AT Ml ¡A.

Toi Its, Thursday, (), !. 1.1, l-l,.

A balloon Craai Parii descended al Toaraay to¬day, 'I In¦ ii.iv igaiur. M. C.njoi, had much difficultyin alighting. Um aewa fraai Paris is meatchicling. The popular order is unbounded.'Hie soldiers are anxiously awaiting thePrussian attack, and have no doubt, of theirability to wiihstaiid it, l'tif.ct ord. r reigns every¬where. The coiilideiice in ibu J'.hk hu semis to Imalimitless. Everybody is quieFHinii, and courageous.A Fans letter printed in th« t niitliluloiniiel to-daysays tho wold "iM-ae." is (¡iboi.eil m Fans. Eicry-Pody is castiug BBanen, making mitrailleuses, andconstructing pontoon.-.. KlMBIgk <>f the latter havebeen coliHtrueted to billige the Allanlle Ocean.The new French «oat of anns ;MH __jy__ ¡\H appear-

anco. It consists of a liguie of Liberty, with the lo¬gin.1, " In the name <>f the French people."/ On themvams i« a garland «.f mixed sah ami olive, with ¡t

wheat-« ar in the (enter, 'flu-re in also the inacrip-tion, " K- pakbqae Pranpalee Deasoeratigae. Dae all.idivisil'le.'' Aroui.d lb.-peiiph. tv are the words,"Iibmtd, BgaUh l'i:''' um'

It is r. poitid thai the (ailie in and aroiipd M.l/ar.- dying by bandredi barn ms riadsrpsst. Iksbodies taniiot be burn d quick enough topi.Miit,épidémie. Walsrilhatandlag mren tr,«.t* hnra an.» uri ed Iks di team is *i.i. Rdiag npidly»

'lin- I i. p. li ii.ieiii.itp.nal Ambalaaeeekars handisbanded, and .ill/aiil/'.1 I.V tin in, nil,, is of

;,, Preach ptess soca a ID i»

'I i... nip. d .1* ras sppotatiagQ,-.. a relieds Pal-ailiiit*« io iii'1 ''"linn .ml of the ¡iiin.v ni |ki Loire in

plaim of (¡.-ti. I.i Molttrt.ui'. is publish..! UmI.iv.*^V rbmum^ortoteel. Okik* muyame Uyjemojoa^A,^ *Al II*,

nation have leen united. Francois Frederic ßtcen-ackers has be«..n a; pointeil to tho Biiperintonileiieyof thenevvdopartmeiit by the Provisional Govern¬ment M. Legoil will he Chief Bt^ret-iry.Tho (lovcrnment has discovered that all foreign

arniH reaehing France, may be aeizetl hy the authori¬ties, and that the War Department will asee*«» theratea and teka poHBesaion of the samo «uid give anorder for roimbursement.



London. HflB__Bgi Oct. 13, uro.A (Virrerrpoiident of The London Pout

ISO volunt«-era from the United «States recentlyarrived at Tours, and met with an enthusiasticreception.Oen. Fleury lia« he.i ;>ern,itted to rejoin Napoleon

at Wilhelnishöhe. There .. much cunosity to knowwhat has become of Marshal Iaobouf, an nothing hanbeen heard of him since the lirst Bórica of battl« 8

Wound Met/.It is expected that Prnftsia, in view of the délicat«*.

¦Manana with Ebtglaad, ia **n*aetjBaaMa of tho lae*tei-'s all« ged violation of neutrality, will give CountVon üernstotT, the North (¡crinan Emhassador, au

indefinite leave of abm-ncc, leaving only a Clurgod'A Ila rea at I«<in<lon.It is now .kid tlio revolution in Algeria is un¬

checked. In th«! Province of Constantine the insur¬gent« have gained the same advantages, and bid theautliorilioe défiance.The correspondent of The Staitdrtrti diarero« tho

Prussians with constant || B-bOB lie writesthat the tininb»i of BMB and the aiiiount of matinalcaptured at S!ra-slitniii; hln,ubi he nilma«! at IbBBIon« half from the Prunsian IglllBtPiusMa is now negotiating with the small« r States

if Ccrmany for national unity under It« .brit It, in

pla« I of a 1« delation.l_aaa___aa of th«» North Qenaaa Paithnaant will

probably be leMiiircd bi-fore the incelingnf tho I'rilS-siiiii Diet, that is, toward the end of November. Thol'ai hument will be required to provide means for thewar, and adj.i-l certain HiicstiotiH springing from it.

The el« tiniis for this body will proiiabh occur <>n

Wi-dni «day, the l'Jtli of ( letobei, ami thoaefort.BDepntiee in the Preaataa Dial ahenl I'-ht tia is later.The I-1« n« h piisoniTH wen" removí «I fruin Ban rino

lieeause of a coni-piiucy to mu.der the guaiiLs and¦acape

LOCAL WAU NKWS.The Qenaaa residents, fioin Kiiclihciniboland

bara ia a «i MBThe roticert g-iven by tho Arclienliro« «1« 1,

I«ie«i« ihritiif., and Arion Ho« i« Tics, at Italaway Hall» furiii«- «n lin.m i'.ktri»'i.i' fiiini, netted tJ.jTi.The Fn-iieh Patriotic Aid Society will send

no more iiimii v to I rain e until likfuriiiatinii Is rcciTieil«,f the ilinpn. it ît-li in.ol« uf iniiiieis .iln »'H' forwarded.SiiKiiln last nu i tiii(i of tlio Bociety tß.otx) l.avc beenCulH.U.l.



Kl.i.ld Ni K, Thursday, Oct. II), 1«T0.

(Jon. La M.iniior;i on arriviiip at Koine,issued a jin clamât ion to tli«* pi opie. II«- ra) s tin- pi« Tus-ellinii nolily i ron ii» tin ii.' til .1. . Ile liions andti« lleves the POpt us the ti« a«l of tile (linn li v. 1,1 BX4 r, l»it

lils rights In iM-i fei t freedom. Ma to Inii.' Is MM red, !»nttlio mill,mill »cntin,tut is none ttie lees sai red. ile

Bgpeala to ali to peeeervre «»riler umi tranquil,'>-.Tin- paBaeaa aba have baan anealai bam time la time

lately fur «TttciiiptuiK to ciado tnllltary serviic BaVB Bete_________

M.TIiiets liad an ftinlletiee wlfli the King to «lay. Dla-Bciitions aro s| rinirliig up in the l'artv of Action .nth r«v

*p«vct la their policy for Hie future. The __.___¦ are ).paring|a h.'ivo Koine for Prussia. It m r« polled Hut1'iiisiia il«-niri*s th»- restoration of Ni«e to linly.

SOUTH AMJ.KICA.pi-i'KRKirri«in ok 1,000 (JOOU-M iv pune.

LlMA, «Sept. 2l..The most inmuorthv eventWllH'il lue 0«< ill)« 'I since Un« (late of my last letter, liasbeen the Insurrection of some OBIaatt lalion-rs employedon Uie «stat»*» .f (;nlp»nii and !____*_, situated almut 150

mile« north of this etty. On the ni,, hi of the 4th lost, theasetiea 8B*gta**ed on tie«« of pam-ih-a, sonniestinrtti of Mina, became aware, of the annul tin re of a

large Binn of iiiuiiey. Tin y ro-e ni a tu>d> ni,,I took pea«BaB-BBB of tin« »ilvrr, iiuinh ring all tin« wind«

on the plantation. They then proceeded tothe iii-lirltUn in»' estates, iitiliicini. nil the(Holies lo |eni tin iii, Blul eo'ttiniieil theirwork of murd« r anil (Icmttii tlmi. Tn ir nuijilier was

fliiiilly augiii« nti-d to ov« ra thousand, ¡mt! the, attemptedto taike iiud sink tin* VI I laiíi« of Hie lliliiiln-tiii.l«, however, lui«! rc«i ived timely ¡tdvleo of theirHioienKiits,umi had time t«i throw up tentpornry bri ialwork», from Is-liiiid willi li tliev made a rigoroilS tit It naeThe chin,unen, ui unvort «I for r«-«i»t!iin «-, wen «Iriii-uoil', »« at!« ni,g in all ilireetloii». Hy tin* «Uli H pt troopsuri r. tal ruin Lim.), lull I lie Chlm-so ii r« tit} l! «I iii

«»iii ill diTiu-hliHTit.s to tin" mount lins. About ItTj" v. ¡tilesvtiie killi ti lu nil, ami oi< r'joo Coolies.Other a «"lint» ininti».n the towns of Raminea

ami topi weit atoa tin..wn into irrest consternation.fin- h ti u-n ti.i.« urn mentioned In tin- ralley of 1'iitr. iii aas lim ing anBlutai an»! tlie town of I'ativii« .1 its« it Isasidt.» i,.t ve (..n pniiigeii mid ravaged. Berrible atroel-les to women ami Children are n'ait ti at,.In is »aid al Waa vv, ie in,.iiiie t», escapeI,y ti rht wer«* I'm«-lien «I. Tlio »-ni.rta mm. ter inr, io has ticen stat» «I 'it !."OII; tin«-«" «killed, III«»««« thanlui; taken prisoner», SM* lint let «aplin. H, .-«i. Anotherre| ort makes the total Dumber in iii-iirr«'« ti'ii «'«iinpi ise

4,14»»". lint this l« pinli.itily owing to the mistake of In-ludii g m th.- estimate 'in other Mcieiidai In the » » «« y

(,f lativ ii« -.«, i«« a ni« ii iii«' iiisiiiTccnoa (lui not aproad«If I« atlllineil liive-llK'utitili» ti.».» Mine i-»fnt)-

I ria (1 that tin lalmr, i« iiumín- ,tls»'u this friglitful ii ¡lair

originated aera allowed the aae of opinai : that wLei«iel tile -M Of OpiUia Wa» liol y, mult, <l the i ooln» ,-.-

!u»i ti lo iniu tlie iiiMHK t.on. li la, however, nelleredtin! bad tn-iilutiTit may hue liad much to do williamusing the psasloaa of tins anfortttnste el is» of iiHou ». ,,ii'l Iln I'eniii.iii au! hni i) h s an mira H to triii'Pu n« iimsti. m t» of the coolies prooadlBt the oailaeeha earafal laTeat-g-_oa.

MISCKI.l.AM'.ors CABLE DISPATCHB&_Tin. aa-Qaeea habella <>f spain baa iet»

fh-il m-..i i.iTtt ra «-i" .ia'« a lae r» ndaaoa n«'ur the lake.Tue Prince de Jmnvilie is m lou« va.

_The rimlcipest in »»till Hpr«H'ling rapidlythroughout Belgium, HolL-Bd, and itu-»i.i. »li iii,.it'staiiuevent Mareragea aartag pfeved «_.__.»__,

It in repotted thal it ivili reqnire at leanttwo yi al « to prepare K'une to serte as Iln- Italian api-tal u In I that (ne r. moi ti of the «cat «if On Ve) Ulm lit ti oin

Slo'rei (« in»« been ladeflnltely paatpaaad._Tho preliniinaiicrt ol' tin« __nÍBM ba»

twi'eii th.- Princesa laoulsu, fourth danghter ui OneenVictoria, and the Barquía of l««>rn«', »»i»i»»t ron oi theDuke of Arg] '''» ''..*' '" '"'' ihtod willi tbe onaenl <»fI,, ,, ,. f» (n ,.| ,th iel Unit Hie poní!.mt;, of tho

1'riiii «-- «m ding i" l bo crown is too icujute to mudcrtb« alli.taic diluí-'« ion-''

A «terrible gale prevailed thnmjrhont(in"'il'lliltiini «0 Wedin «,Ut Dight, .uni mant inaiiint

«ii lett.-i h haw-'. i»«-« n r.-|, n.if. in.- nona waa

particular!. Mvereontlw Meraejr,and the Hinppiuu at

Liverpool wa» .huilai*« 'I eoiirhli raMy. At I.inn itIB, in

|, ,.,| the stni in was lillie rliort of a tonttttto. «me

min a j blown lato the Bottine does and drowned«another'» »kuli *< ruahed bj sf-Xlnge-i-BBey. llou.,«.*

wire uni" "i- tai reoteMdrirta >____a,- mm

tngpt op Tin: TBTWAFtTli« loiiK-i'xpi (led kriicst« of tho Oth Befi-

m» ut ai-riv. ,1 pttm i.lay BBI8-_eg at lj lan.iiiif at 1'ler .No.

to Beeta-Baan «Bn-aaBjaaBMB-Bae waaaaaaaed BtetBa

N.-wl.iiri port V.-t« ran Al tilL-n, lo« MB, I oinHian.l.-tl hy

Malee Ben, \**ttay Tottt, tta wathhaewa «Jaanallalithe l'utiiatu 1'lial.inx of H.irttord, IM MO. commanded

hi M_j».r Kennedy, and the AmuekcBK' Veter.uiT of Man¬

chester no men, .oiiiuiaini.'d hy ObL !_____ Maa*l-l visitors f.umed lu lim« <»" We«! st , ami wini. .1

":SMB ¦.W-C^'Ttv an '.nur f. r lb« 'H» Brglna-iil »vere not

à''i,,. ,,,,.,; i m,.,! m ««.«-i«»._

>'¦.»'. li"-'i'.:';":;i;1!:'i, ,. o, lint H her» » ni "HU lilli

'i'1 W,';i, u¡. tí... ¿i", tally adopted was thatJ,lints, alni Hi» iii'oii 'f" » .


I,,, lutii 'V.«I" ie lie j.i "".'¦¦ *\ ";'.¦, ' ¦»¦'"dof drums put an and I«» Upytml r I- i-.n. a e " «. N i. ti

r.S»*äuÄ"'''we'.';;.'!,, pitera.''... ,,...,,t

'', ..,,.) n ,.-, arn le» I «mis aiii-al of ii»."Well nine sun!, ami l, .. «»' '

t.llut»«! !,«. _.

With the »sluable aselaUnc«io! « -J"'**' ;*

an 1.11 lo eoiupIet-D arrange __i»l ." »« r « « i'.i«.i ««i i noiioi. n ii» i nun t,, i,i iinniiisiiils friiint lim s 111 lit. ,' .1 ". Bill».. »

«,, \ nil, i..ninia'N, tv 1 Utfl ,, ,| It,al. I . . I «li«' ."»'l "' .'"' "N'""' i'l ."¦».«'Ililli».-ti W lai», atti ni.t pi.aac.ltal luudanns us Un j |»i«»m-«I. iii« "\"'" '. .»

i ...I ¦),«. a/nrals I" In« liol« is.

:':^:::.rV%iio\ su..-» ».,.., uttb.

Armory of thev IK » m.. M, '>»' ;'.,,._jJ^atjaSataMW nr*d_\Ta--M .*** .°-*4 **w'*-i*5*-*i

and sat Inf.-iftory. At an early hour the hull wa« fl'. <. Iwith a brilliant assemblage, andas the hours crept ob,tUe A) merv Buname uncomfortably ernwiled. Th< Menswa« brilliant bejroi «I deeeripUoa. Tie moak for dancingwas furnished' by Hcrnatein's orchestra, while tlie OlliReglineiit Kund, tog( thcr with Dodworth'saadthe the lisltur*, iilaved daring the prome¬nades At I] ..'cluck a IllHgullf. < lil collation va io» Berve.l.The daaolag was afterward resumed, umi. ontlnoed untila bite The visit.-ru are Invite,I to areli. 1 the lairof the Alix rlran Institut« this iimrulng, ami m the afternoon will bt> eacortt'd to t lie boat hy the !)tli K» gimen!.



fur HUBBAPB to THK TftinrvK.iWashington, Thursday, O« t. H, MB

It 1« reported to-diiy, aa coming from a relative andfriend of Secretary Cox, of the Int. n.r Department, that

ho tendered his resignation to the President on Tu »dayevening laut, but that the i'resident baa not yet ac¬

cepted itlu these dispatches yesterday, the facts were given In

relation to the Administration determining to carry out

the neutrality proclamation recently issued to the veryletter. In addition to tho lnatmctiuna issued hytheAttorney-General, and the Secn-tarya of War und Navy,etc., to-day ¡Secretary Houtwell also Issued ord. ra on the

(«iibjecf to the vartona OeOoetSfS of OBSBSBM In the conn,

try. II« Informa them that It ia their duty aa officers of

the United States to assist In enforcing upon the armedvessels of each belligerent, a strict conformance to the

»niela of tlie prot laination. Ile also instructs the Col.Iect<,rs to keep a strict watch on these vessels as to thetime of their arrival, stay, and departure, and to malteknown all information ti,, y o!,tain to the Cult. ,t ¡ -i

Dlstrh t Attorney in their distrh t, and also to keep the

la i, t.-.ry of the 'lie.isury Informed a« to the violationsof any of the orders ia the proclamation.For some time past the otilots comprising the Naval

Retiring und Examining iioard have heCB lu the lu.!.It of

m. einig CB alternate .Lils for hii*incss. Th.-lr tiles andre. ords liave Pc. onie ilu-agr. cahly mixed, and much con¬

fusion has i,sue,I, and SSBSSgBBRl delay. Tin- Secretaryof the Navy has reorganized the Hoard, divul, d its .lu"

ties, mid unbred them to Ik« performedm tWO .li*tuict

Boarda, The BuaBalag Hoard ¡* aoweeameaadef RearAdmiral J. .muli, Pnaldent, and Rear-Admlrala Selfridge«PoweN. and Ka,It, rd. The K.tii ing Board is coQipoaed ofRear Admiral Bailey, President, and Hear Admirals Doorami lion', and Burgeon Edwards and Clymer. Th.* r. ap¬pa ntl \, Imu.. li Huff and 1'owt'll, who wer- relieved fromdut .»h the Beard.

. tuniodore A. i. CBae, Chief of the Ordnance Hnreauof the Nat a Department, left here t..-.lav for Pittsburg ti,to Investigate the affaira la thal lectloa eoaaeated withor.iuaiu o contracta, &c._

lasaaast mass mspatcb.1The party whleh left Washington tin* morning In a

op... ...I ern, to attend, by, the FrederickCount] Agricultural Fair, consisted of President Uraut,I'., tu..i*iei Gai eral Creewell, Secretary »f the NaryBobeaoD, Admiral Porter, Commodore Aldon, W, W. Cot.coran; BL O. Emory, Major of Washington : Col. Casey,Collector of Cuatoma at Hew-Orleana; Gen. T. T. Dent;Gea. Capron, Commlaaloner of the Department ot Agri¬culture; George 11. Plant, and charl.-* Smith of Wash¬ington, Manual Goldabora of Maryland, and CollectorTn,amis of BaltimoreJoined tlie party at the WashingtonJunction, aa did the a. bolars,ia uniform, of th.- MaryfandAgricultural College- The Marine Band, from Washing¬ton, engaged by the Mañanara of Um I air, wen- also pa»aengi ra, together with many private clOaens. The partyarrived at the Monncaei Junction at nj o'clock, whentiny AAiie lucí by th.-1" oinmittee fruin the Agricultural/Association. Dr. BehlflJ ni, in flieir Pel.nil, addwalngthe Pieeldent, tendered ¦ """f cordial greeting. TheychetUbed a grateful remembrance of the visit mad.- hy¬the President and friend! a vear ago, and hojied thepresent would li«, more agreeable than the last, He eon-ended by extending to au a hearty and sim en welcome.The President bowed ins thanks, ead thoa latrodaeed toUM Couimittt-e ttii- sevil al giutleiiicii eaaipRWag theparty.(m urrlving at Frederick, the President wns greeted

With . beers by the crowd lit the r.iliioad s!ali"li. Thevisitors were placed in open carriages, and preceded hythe Marine Baal, moved to the Tait Ground. The atreetatiiriuigii wini ti theypaasad were densely crowded withpeople, and the Presiitent nus repeatedly cheered. Onarriving at the grounda the visitón rode round to viewtin« si.., i;, and Mibaequeutly wera eaeorted to Um malastun,!, m lure a milo. .¦ r Ol holies alni gent '.einen wen

pre « n'e.i tu Um it. »ldi al and Postmaatei i¡. narai Cr. *-

well, Becntary Robcaon. Admiral Porter, and othen ofthe giu-i*. ii U estimated that from 10,000 to 15,000 per¬sons wen on Um ground In. ludlug ex-Uovernon Brad¬ford and Bwaan, and other prominent citizen! ol' Mary¬land. During the alten,, "ii Mr. li. c. Nail] ona nted tothePrealdeutthePrincipal of 'ii-Maryland institutionfor th.« Deaf und Iliunli, wiio the pupil.., l*o In iiiun-, AA.,ulil like to take lum bi the fiuint. T., this thePresident eneerfullj aaacnted. The children filed befoninn, their tea. her bv si/us iltortting th. in e.\plauatioiis.Tlie S' elie Was one of much lilt, "e-1.

Hy Special Olden No. i:i of tho War Department aGeneral .Martial-to cottrlst of Hrlg. (i.-n O. li.Howard, Chut.-Col. Tooma.. .'. D-aiii, l,:.-iit.-C«.l. .1. 11.beater, Aaalataat Medical Purveyor; M.o<.r ThomaaJ.iiiiiiie.*, Commlaaary ol SnbMatence; Mtjae I,«,ins H.Pelouae, Aaaiatam Adjutant-General; Cap!. A. C. Bain¬bridge of 6th trtlllen . apt. Michael v. sheridan of 7t'i( h,i.ia; Major w. winthrop, judge Advocate of the.'oin t- ia lu i. y appoint) <l te dm el al w.-st Polet, B, YaatheHth lest., "r aa soon thereafter aa practicable,fur the 11 l.i of Cadi ts J. W. South. John to to BOB, Wil¬li.i lil 8. Du is, and (.. oig.« c. li,ivie of the (Jolted State!Military Academy, and such other cadets as mop be..r'cr.-,1 befon it" hy Um War Departmeat. Ko otb. r

offleera than those earned eaa be aaaetnbied withoutmo ifesi iiijiiiv to the serviee. The court will -It with¬out reg.i rd to hours. Jamas W. Bmitb, mentioned in theabove order, ia the colored cadet who preferred «.barge*of lil ti, lit.i,eut,

a winna to thi munANOIIil.i: I'ROCLAMATloV mOM Till HUtgUHUff

.ail h.i.k«;ai, gnrannuana t>> an m i*-


¦Washington, Oct. id..The following procla¬mation ha« b« «ii Usaafl by the President to <l..y :

Hy the Cromie nt .j the Cuiud Stutts of America.a nun i am a i ION.

Whereas, Diver* ev i! diapoaed persons have, at sundrytilín*, within the territory or JuradlcUon of the unitedHat« -, begun, ur set on foot, or provided, or pr.-par« ti theBMWBe for military exuedlUoui or enterprise! t«. !.<. car¬ried on thence, agalnai the terrltorlei or domtnioni .fPewcn with whom the United Btetes are m peace, byorgai i/ »odieapnteadingto havepowenof Hovera-ment over portion! of the territorial or domlatoaa ofl'.iAA. is wita aa a .m the United Utatea are al pea« e; or bybeing, or assiiuini. to he, uielilhers of su. li t.o.lies, !>ylevy ing or colic, ung ninney ferthe purpo.-e, or for th«alleged purpose of using the same lu carrying on Bafttt-tary enterprises agalaai su. h terrltorlei er doaünlcnajby cull.luis* and organlstng armed forces te i», usedagainst *i iii Power!; and by titling out, und equipping,and arming veaeeli to transport incfa organized armedfou m to be employed la bosulltieo agalasi such Powers;and

H lo rear, It Is alleged, and there lsreaaon to apprehendthat lach >-V il dispose.! perSOM h.ive i»t sundi/ tunes,w ithin tin- territory andJuriadlction of the United Btatca,violated the Uaas thereof by accepting ami exerclalngcommission! to aern by lead or hy asa agahial Powenwim whom the United Btatca an at peace; byaulistingtin tuse i.-s or other persona to carry on war aga Inat sue aPowers; by Utting out and arming vessels with intentthat the NUBS shad be employé,1 to cnu*e ur commithostilities against luck Powera, or by deliveringcommic-aiona Avitiiiit th.- territory or Juriadlction ..! the UnitedSt.ites for -nth VCeielS, to the extent that tiley inight beemployed ss aforesaid; and,

n lo rea... Bill li aotl ale in violation of the law» of thet'!:,!. d Slut« s in Ml. li eai-e.* minie .liol pri.A ide,!, and .tr"«lone in dUngard of Um .lui!«.* und obligation! which allpersona nattung or being within Um territory or Juris¬diction of tin« United states ews thereto, mul aneoa-demned h> all right-minded ami law abldlug eitlxeniBow. therefore, I, I lyaaei to. Grant, Praaldeat «,f tho

United Btates of America, du henby decían and pro-claim ,:!l p.r*,ni* hereafter found, within the t.rri-toi v orjuriadli lion ol Um United Btatca, committing anyof the afun-clted violation! of law or anyilmllar viola,tiona of the sovenlgntj of the United states, fur whichpnnlihmenl t.s provided by law, wui be rigorously prose-cut, d tiici-eior. and, upoa ooBvioUoa and natonce topunishment, will not be entitled to e\iM«, t >,r nenin tmclemency <>r Um Executive t«. save thei.i from tit«- seasa*anea, es of llieir unit ; and I enjoin upon every off!, er ofthis Ooverament, civil und military, er naval, to ase alleffort« ii: lils i>oA\er to arrest, for trial und punlsh.n ni,every such offender iiifiiinst th.- lawa, providing for theperformance of our laered obllgattoaa toCrieadti 1'ovaeis.I:, teetimoay whereof I hare henéalo set my lund andcans, ii the neal of the Cured --¡uti'S to lie ¡ttllved.Dm., .pel .. .( VA'»»hingt.m tim twelfth ill» of Orinl.rr inl of

mt let .,. .' tl.'.uMnJ riklit üun tul »ml t»tmtj,tai ot lb« iuJt-leaftaaa uf iii« I l.u.«1 Mau-j uí Amer.c» lit uiueu I,fill.

U. ¡3. UKANT.Hy the 1'retident.

Hamm To\ Secretary of State.

CRIMES AND CA8UA1.TIES-HY BUHIIAPB,Col. J. Bternberger, Payánate! U. 8. A., died at

!!>|. :» Muulu.», uu l..e Ulli lu.t, trout ,|il,n tconcii lu 4 U'l Luik.....Daniel Maguire's liiniher and s-tw-mill, on the

»«.!.¦ r ,,i OaBagi .Tr »ml Ki !. ron! Pb .k!i-i; 1.1.» nu buniol unAV «Jue*Lv eiiii»*. Lum, H-t,»*!; iu.ui.ucc, »

_The first frost of the seaport in Iowa UOtAttlti'*, AA ,.¡1 .win n ^'i It . ,« ,,n t. e. .r- lui. ti,»« l.iri- i.j llBMt, ma

CT.iya of «li ii.»,,i; ti.iu. ate |iru«ir»ll. i^...ul It.« r.-.cli .1 frotta.

_A lue occurred in (¡alves*on restetday inRtrn..! ii. 1 ..ii .t »1. rrrri: J u

Rwaailfc. u,(l I ¡>i 1 amtt t'omptoi vv ii s..r...

» bulmi '».i,|.l,«a|l k lluaik.J lu. .*. S. ¡, , I' K. m»11 va ah, la, s it Daata mit .» .toa k lu.h».

At Wilton, Iowa, on 1 "tn'¡ hist, two old tit"1'. Bli " t.« P. I, ¦» »Pi,,,' »Ul K. S r rl »

,. t.. »t ; «-».i.11 . ard -ft

uni .tru.k HaaahM « .n u.-uiu.-". *»

¡»nae .iii. o,. ttai » . . u ii.ii» law,.1. D. W.s, stote I i trian, ni v . í-mpií-

»ni VA li ,n ?. , .m. , i i« «,.¦ .mini j.»». .

on li,. »I .,,.,.'.',,, Alt.m .!,.».., .!..... ...' .. r. ,.r».f 11H-

. |. ki I" AA.rr. I«»» !.¦«

t ...:,. M .1. I _'JPtisBm Ml tttsi lo gljm Uti tatt, amU*mla)*ht,*-b)om,

BOBBBTB. LEE.Hfl i \st HlWg. CIWB or ins nap«

« I ggMOWgl IN I.EXIN..T..N YKS1I.KI.AY.I.KX1N..TON, Va., Oct. 13..I arrived hero to¬

night, am! fl id the town overwhelmed with grief at thedeath of lum who wa* It« Idol. At the hotels, by thelu art h *,',,',e, in the «.linois, in the stre.-ta, everywhere»the only topic of conversation Is the death of Gen, hatAll clansei of the community seem to te sffected, eveathe ro'.ored p. opie, who walk along In ailence, with aor-

row ful count, nance, and mourn the loss of "Good oleMassa Rotiert" Every house In Uie town seems to beiii.i|M-.l with em!,¡ems of mourning, and no business baa!,e.ti transacted at uriv of the stores.

I he f:i< t* li. regard to the last Hines! of 0««n. I/«*, M TObtata them from tooee «Nuit him In hit last hour«, are

ntially theee: On ffodneeday. flnpf IS m iraimWashington College and al...uf the atreeta diligently at¬tending to the duuee of Um Presidency. During the af«ternoon he pnaided at a meetlag of the v.stryof the. hurí h In win. h be was a omnium, ant. '1 heme hewent home, parto«.k of a light t«a, ami, while sitting sue-roaaded by his family, he wa» atta. Red with stupor,i,e« oiinng ipeaehlaaa, ead s<> continuing «luring thenight, lu the inuruiiig ha seemed better, and hop.« wereeut. rtaliic.1 that :t only a alight Indisposition Innaaervoaa proetretloa.He coiitiuiied apparently to Improve nntll Monday

last, but ipoke verj little, and that only in .reply to ques¬tions as to how he felt. He did not seem as «.iifld.-nt olrecovery as hi» ehyaletaao and friends. Bia Intellect)however, waa without a< loin!, and he gave mo,y siguíthat lie knew wliat going on around him. On«1 .y Dr. Madisoi) addressed bim cheerfully, remarking:"délierai, you Baal milo' haste and get well, for Trav¬eler (his favorite horse) i- gcttinglazy, and you mustgive him some exercise." The only reply Wlis ii shake olthe sich man's head, a< eulup.ti.led by a look that said otplainly as words could lay, that he had no hope of ,_.

gadiig again in out-door re. reatmn.Monday found the Geaend wena, and though his tag.

dcademln waa not anticipated, it-.A.»« thought i«it to

telegraph for hla iona, Gen. Plt/hugh, Ceo. Custia, and»apt. Boban Lee, to coon to ins seteMe. Befen them-narrtrrarhftilthem their f.tth.-r was .had. Dod,edat a| oxlock on Monday moralng. Th.- phyalctaaa whoalte ,deil lum In his timt inuiiieiits say that the re-

BMtecease ol his death w,i* long-ooatiniaed depressingInfluence! incident to mponalblllUes reatlag ui>on linnduring the leal year of the war, the disastrous termina»ti..u of the struggle tu which all hit energies were »n-

listed, ami the «till, tionsuf the tjouth the BUITendelof the Bel «I anilles.What lie h i. gone through since few can know, who

havenot seen how he lus Peen burdened with the sor»r«,ws of Um »hole people, win. maand t» look te lum asa Piller. Uti ha» Pome a calm exterior, but the vary

of his heart have been wearing away hy degrees«until at last they have broken, and the vital spink lotalied, ids physicians ooacur la the optalon that h* dl.-dr.ttlier fruin mental than pin ali al causei, declaring thalbia physical development was almost perfect, and thalti cíe was no merely physical reason why he should no1have lived many year, wager. The Immédiat« ».aus«' oChil death, however, w,t*, they say, "Mental and physi«alfatigue, inducing v. mu.« oug.-stioii of the brain, which,Iii'aaia i, du! no1 prix ed a* lar as apoplexy <>r puraly -la,but gradually caused <cr.-i.ral exhaustion and death."1 ne funeral, it baa b n tin.iliy decided, will take plaoe

on Saturday next at li o', lock in the morning. At noon

to-day the fsidv was tak. B from his late residence to til«chapel of Washington Collega, when II will lie ia sutemi Friday from lu iiiitil 5 o'clock. The pro«-ession ac-

eompaaj .ng Um reátalasfrom the residence to the impelembraced nearly all the leading .'itiKMia of lexington,students of the College ead Milli ry Institute, and i» r-

sons from aelgfaborlug towns, though there w< ro no1many of these, as lexington is an isolate.) place, havingin. railroad or telegraphic communication with any atheltown. Tlnre wer--aiioiit LSBSpersoBI In lim-, and manyweeping women and < hu.ircu were silent ^eetetssaolthe aeeaa» Tue following was the order ofprocctsioii ; l.t. E*c,ut of honor, comi><>sedof officers and soldiers of the Rcixilarmy; -ni. Um Chaplain of the OoOem and clergy of thetoAA n; .'ii!, Hie pall-beeern and Pody; ,th, Trustees andF'acu.ty of Washington College; Mb. Itudeot! of the Col¬lege; .a!., vi-itois and Faculty of the Virginia MilitaryInstitute; Tth, ollic.-i* and cups of cul.-ts of the MilitaryInstitut. sill, M.isouic fraternity and Odd Fellows; »th,ciUscni g« iierally.The p.i,I hearer* were Judge Andereon of the Curt ol

Appeau, ex-Gov, Letcber, commodore M. K.Maury, Prof. W. Praataa Johnston, the HonJ. Randolph iTm ker, and others not so wellknown. The t)<"!v va ill l.e taken from the Chai«'!onBaturdaj morning, and placed lu a vault erect, d forthe purpose in the ( ollege Li Mary. The piogramme forUm aervtcee on thai dayhaaeot been arranged yet, bulit is tue w i.*h of the family that every thing snail lie done¦i* quietly .is pos.*.!.;.', whether the body will he allowedlo leiiiain at Lexington ia uneertaia. Home think it willI»- taken to Alexandria, Gen. Lee having within tho tail\ bought a lot m the emetery of CUnst Church ra lu. tine to the ..pinion the family a» ill yield totbewieaeaot the State authortiea, and allow the bunalto take place ¡it li..,ly w.,od Cemetery, kiehuion.l, iawhich, abu people lroiii all parts of tho<: will bepresentTue students of Washington College, of which Ime tie

l'r. «.dent, held a meeting th - mo: u ng, and »[.pointedtheaaual Commltteea on reaoluttoaa, Ae. The Rev. Dr.Kirkp.itrn k made some feeling remarks. Many of thestudents were atf.-.-Ud to tenrs. The/ seemed to havebad tor Gea. L<'- the aBrutton ,.f children for a father.The toll.-ko Pull,lings are now tlrajH-d with erape.Pray, r KM «tings und religious services are now going nain tlie ii:(li i, lit eiiiir.b. s, and a fat.haUHikc etillneaereigul tin.nigh..ut th.* town. Tiie only sound breakingthe all. nee of this twilight hour IS thv UdQiAtiWU'ititi loli'ilJfof the iM-lls.tlie knell of Lee.BICHM0VD IN MO!'IIMNii-I'ROPOSEDUÍTF.RMENTOF THE REMAINS IN HOLLYWOOD CEMETWtr.Kichmond, Oct. lu..Uichmond presento t0-(

day a scene of mourning which has bar.lly been equaledin this generation. The stores and public buildings araad oléete. The bells lu all parts of the city are toiling.On many doors are pictures and photographs of «ien.Lee, which are draped in crape ami entwined wIUl<v ergreens. The citizens are standing In groups on theprincipal thoroughfares converting in subdued tones otthe sad event. The feeling that the remains ought to be*buried here at the ex pense of the 8tate, is universal, andthe LegMalme, in making this request of his family, re-

It. rated tim public opinion. The City Council met thiBafternoon at the call of the Mayor. Oov. Walker acngthe following message to the General Assembly :

"I* .. Avuh unaffected grief that I announce to yon thepainful Intelligence of the death of (.en. Robert E. Leaat Lexlagtoa yeetcrtlay moralag, Ho died, as he hanhv.d, a poiii,' . umpie of Um sublime principien andteaching, ot the in latían religion. Ile goes down tothe t.iiiii) amil .iie ¡aim iitation of an affectionate midMiiTnii Ina people, pf exalted public and nil vat« vii um»1hi hw Iii .. el elfter, bo tilled the full measure ofour com option of a man. A stricken family, a bereavoiLstat«', ¡uni an adUeted people bow witt nvenaaa su<Ühumility before tins Visitation of DiAine I'rovIdem-e.ltlsfltting that you, the representatives of the people,should ¡«ike sucli appropr,at>-action as the lu, l.tnetiolp*

sugg, st-, and I believe you would but give ex¬

pression to li:,' universal desire of the jw..pie should y the Interment of the remains apea th.- ground*owned by the state at Hollywood Cemetery, wBSN h.-ro--iift« r they in.ty i.usca monumental shaft commémora-*tive alike of their tineen and lasting ejection for tealman and their profound RgpnclatlOB of hi-, greatiua»sud goodness."Aft«r the reading of Oov. Walker's message, a Join!

resolution was unanimously passed SBgBBBtee of thelesp sorrow of both Houses at the sad event, and re»

questing that the body tie turned over to tho State forii.term, nt at Holly wood Cemetery, n«-ar this city. A.Joint committee consisting of Ave members of the Houseand two of the Senate, and their presiding officers, wasappointed te go to Lexington and escort the remainshere, if tlie request be granted. The Legislature tb.:nadjourued.THE C. S. FLAG PLACED AT nALF-MAST ON TUB


¦Washington, Oct. i:i..Tlie following Ugapatch was received today by S< civtory Houtwtll frota.Collet tor Robb of Savannah, Ga., dated t"-day

" I havejust this moinetit 'earned that tin- tilg »n thaiCi!*t.iin-Hou*e wit* at half n,a,*t for the death of <»«'tw.Lee, It wa* ordered hy m depiltlea Without my know-'ledge. I hare ordered the lag al full mast. Much pateIle t> ellng i* ln.u.ift «!« ,1 ,it nu action. Shall the flag halowered igalal Aaewerlmnedlataly.nIa leapssas to th» shara, tessatery iioutweii tu tele»'

graphed to Mr. Roi,!', approving his action.

TELEGRAPHIC NOTES.....There were 11 deathi from yellow fever im

Sen Orion, .a We.iu.*l»r.

....TheGeorgia Boam has p*»wl * aannaHan in-Tlbog lien. .1 r»nt tu Um Mit* Mt....Both Houses of the Georgia legislature will

.4jo«in. iinni Biala, m ammt mtamAwtmrnatm i~-

Weston failed at theüTth mil« on his .W-mJ»mätoP^At i, »V'.. Sp^ WmJltno, a» »__u_ at

Outgo n »tia tit* W ttuot ia 1« bo«r» J» ¦>»¦!.*.

In the inline of base-ball, yesterday, at Cm--III HU g^"'"'.*.,.. ..uhr WW >Urtk,i(..ft -butorto,

«.tnnau.l.'.rrn L, *.***£','£.",,,>, tit, laaint*. tJit Un3 Jthe »co'. «i""J I mu 1 .» x_ . /,h« vthit« StnülBM.IM miau luninf ¡I » 1». '. »"" * ,h*

, ,

' 8U>**111«»'

If III» I»«» ' - "'

Secrefarv Boatwell has InfbnaedOov. AutuinJ.k.'i'.ñ urJ.-r lo y-rirn: the »|irr.,l ..f -ui.ll lot in M u«s~,t. -i»l a..a_\^\lñi.Tab.Liar,-. fCtttemmturtm mlol.^I.,Zu, i.» refti^i eut.-, t.. a.l l-aff^i-i r..t«r» t«l n^« ki-aI ..ii. »trmsgSEST-i f.".n-nr .rt'Vri.,1 ,l,.t. t of th« H«s! K..r r.,»«i,» »..'., k*

^^a_l_ t',»l ti* hu» eou in luiportml »ilhonl dmgti eu 111» uc«.ik «flite t-ositt^silr._ _^^

PERSON Al.tTIEH -HY fJWUfflTi.e fi.ncral of Ju.ig.« Dam will lake plan at

i da »I 1 ¡' ia. t..,!...._The Rev. Stephen <¡ <li,d suddenly

.1 b,i «»,!»¦« «Bii.r i,r ti..- .,itl

....c.ipt. I'luisien, Treeanrer of the Cherokee Na»dB ' f- »Ils k.tu, Iron. li. W if.J mxapTTu»i m iii. N.ti,.t,.

,...l»r J vie F..\ ' istav's V For,'.. ammm» «aa lau 11... mary, u.m - i*».,., *.., u» pinna«t«ui.¿ »I tim m* *m **¦

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