Page 1: News # 13 #13 (Summer... · 2016. 2. 13. · Page 1 News # 13 Feb / Mar & Apr 2016 What’s in this Issue?! • Event News – What’s coming up in 2016 • That thriving Social

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News # 13 Feb/Mar&Apr2016

What’s in this Issue?!•  Event News – What’s coming up in

2016 •  That thriving Social Scene •  Dig ‘n Ride (Dig in & Help plus

enjoy a social ride) •  2016 Event Calendar

Welcome to 2016 and!toissue13oftheSCUMNewsle>er.Thisissueisthebeginningofanewquarterlyformat;aformatthatwillsumupwhatisplannedforthenextfewmonthsandreminiscewhathashappenedinthepreviousmonths.





Page 2: News # 13 #13 (Summer... · 2016. 2. 13. · Page 1 News # 13 Feb / Mar & Apr 2016 What’s in this Issue?! • Event News – What’s coming up in 2016 • That thriving Social

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Event News!2016seesafiveroundCrossCountry(XC)series;aNEWthreeroundFlowXseries(anXCStageRace);andtwo3hrDusktoDarkEnduroevents–It’llbeaHUGEyear.WealsohopetohostaroundofaState-WideJuniorseriesthat’sinthemaking–watchthisspace.




Future Events!ThefirstFlowX(XCStageRace)willbeheldonSunday6thMarchatSuperbowl.TheseFlowXeventswillreplacetheGEeventsrunin2015.FollowingadvicefromMTBAregardingtheFullFaceHelmetrequirements,oureventsweredeemedtobeStagedXCEventsandnotGEevents(asdiscussedintheDecemberNewsle>erandtheNewsBroadcaste-mailinJanuary).



Page 3: News # 13 #13 (Summer... · 2016. 2. 13. · Page 1 News # 13 Feb / Mar & Apr 2016 What’s in this Issue?! • Event News – What’s coming up in 2016 • That thriving Social

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Future Events cont.!



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Future Events cont.!



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That Thriving Social Scene!conOnued over the Christmas period and now,wellinto the New Year there have been mulOple rides(andnotalloftheMTBvariety).

HearOly fostered by friends on facebook via theSouth Coast Pedalers (check this group out if youhaven’talready),thesocialsceneisstrong.

A Christmas Ridewas a blast with some 20 ridersleisurelybusOngout80+kmoffireroad,singletrackandsomebitumenonanepicHuskybigdayout.

Cabbage Tree lane also featured (and sOll features)highly with regular Friday night frolics for all thefamily. A great intro to anyone new to Mountainbiking–wellworthgenngalongtoo.


Snot Cake rides (why this name?). We think thesestarted as a wet track ride opOon (yes it’s on thebitumen)when the SCUM trails took a hammering.These rides are great fun; any type of bikewill do,MTB,CycloCross, Roadie, orDragster (onyaTippo).Riders meet in Bomaderry and head to Berry for acoffee@thebakeryandyessomeSnotCake…someriders even meet them along the way fromGerringong

See the South Coast Pedalers page or the SCUMWebsite, Forum and facebook for more details.Here’ssomepicsfromthevariousrides&locales.


Lewy going to great depths (above) and some other riders (below) on the Social Christmas Husky Ride. Lewy & Simon must really like getting wet… the Pallet bridge at Cabbage Tree lane

came in handy for this ride.

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Newsletter Contributions are Welcome! Do you have a SCUM or Ride related tale that’s worth telling? Maybe your family are sick of hearing about everything MTB and you need a more enthusiastic and bigger audience? Well you can send you words and pictures to us and we’ll include it in a future Newsletter (subject to editing rules etc.) E-mail: [email protected]

Dig & Ride days – Trail Crew Update!Trail Work days are usually the 2nd Sunday of every month (check the Web / facebook page for details). The first for 2016 is Sunday Feb 14; yes we know it’s valentines day, but what better way to spend some quality time with your partner J If you’re keen to help maintain the clubs trails, build new ones etc. then bring your gloves, a shovel, rake or mattock to one of the trail days coordinated by Tony (The Trail Guru) Conroy. Please remember that “All Trail Work needs to be coordinated & sanctioned by the Trail Crew coordinator” so that we meet our Forestry Obligations.

More Social Scene pics…!

Snot Cake - that’s where the name came from.

Some of the mythical creatures spotted along Back Forest Road Berry (above)

and below

an inquisitive peacock (or peahen) along Agars Lane near David Berry Hospital, getting ready for some Snot Cake.

Page 7: News # 13 #13 (Summer... · 2016. 2. 13. · Page 1 News # 13 Feb / Mar & Apr 2016 What’s in this Issue?! • Event News – What’s coming up in 2016 • That thriving Social

2016 Event CalendarDate Event Track Details


21/02/16(Sun) XCRound1+MudFlickers* Coondoo Rego: From8:00am

Ride: 9:15am(MudFlickers8:45am)

06/03/16(Sun) FlowXRound1 Superbowl

Rego: From8:00am(courseopenforprac^ceun^lstart)

Ride: 10:00am

19/03/16(Sat) 3hrDusktoDarkEnduro1 Coondoo Rego: From3:45pm

Ride: 5:00pm

17/04/16(Sun) XCRound2+MudFlickers* Buaerfly Rego: From8:00am

Ride: 9:15am(MudFlickers8:45am)

15/05/16 XCRound3+MudFlickers* Superbowl Detailstocome(checkfacebookortheWebsiteforupdates)

05/06/16 FlowXRound2 Bu>erfly Detailstocome(checkfacebookortheWebsiteforupdates)

17/07/16 XCRound4+MudFlickers*(StateJuniorround–TBC) Coondoo Detailstocome(checkfacebookorthe


21/08/16 XCRound5+MudFlickers* Bu>erfly Detailstocome

28/08/16 ChocolateFoot–SingleTrackMindSeriesRound

TBC-Tobeconfirmed Detailstocome

11/09/16 FlowXRound3 Superbowl Detailstocome

24/09/16 3hrDusktoDarkEnduro2 Superbowl Detailstocome

16/10/16 XCRound5+MudFlickers*PinkWheelFundraiser Coondoo Detailstocome



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