  • 7/25/2019 News Archive 001 07Jan


    7thJan 2015


    Business Standard

    RBI not game with LIC's play in got !an"s#oogle is interested in helping in $igital India% &int CerCiil aiation (ommittee to (ontrol !ird stri"es ails to meet or three years)ow the ready re("oner a*e(ts the property pri(es+2015 to !ring more ,o!s and hi"e in starting salary or -B.sIn/ation and interest rates% what is the Resere Ban"'s poli(y+)ow 'sele' (ulture (hallenges media (ompaniesIndian metal (ompanies may lose (ost adantageRBI's pa(e o ore resere !uilding may slow down in 2015Ban" unions deer stri"e on ednesday as IB. raises o*er !y 1354Spe(trum pri(es li"ely to soar in e!ruary au(tion

    Business Line6et s(al C8S9s may !e as"ed to !orrow more to und pro,e(ts:Raising the (apital re;uired under Basel III will !e a (hallengerange segment

    8ower and a((ounta!ilityIne;uality is rising !ut who (ares+:Big data to analyti(s we gure out industry trends or our (urri(ulala"h (r in $alal St !lood!ath:$ata analysis s"ills ital or ,o!s in the !an"ing se(torrange segment?R.I or redu(ing li(en(e ee or tel(osIne;uality is rising !ut who (ares+6et s(al C8S9s may !e as"ed to !orrow more to und pro,e(ts

    inan(ial 9presshile la(" o spe(trum hits tel(os ?rai !ats or (ut in li(en(e ee
  • 7/25/2019 News Archive 001 07Jan


    7thJan 2015

    :Reiing long>term manua(turing growth a (hallenge17% -organ Stanley

    ?ele(om sto("s dial in least losses on au(tion !oost

    Ban" 6ity plunges A4D eperts say (orre(tion was due?reating internet as a pu!li( utility !rings a new ta or new yearSaing $igital Indiaerseas Indians to loo" at inestment opportunities at meet

    -int6ew I8R poli(y o(uses on utility patents#ot restru(tures tea(her training system in !id to improe ;uality

    our money in 2015Ethe two>step way to nan(ial healthInestors wa"e up to the ill>e*e(ts o alling (rude oil pri(eshat

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