Page 1: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very




JUBILEE WEEKENDReport and pictures

pages 16–20

Page 2: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very


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Bodicote cricketer Simon Pollard has completed a chal-lenge to cycle the length of Scotland and England inmemory of William, the son his brother and partnerlost at birth last year.

He set off from John O’Groats with the aim ofraising £10,000 for the Silver Star Society, which was agreat help to the couple after their tragic loss, and sincehe arrived at Lands End, saddle sore but delighted, themoney has flooded in.

The total has already raced past £11,000, donationsare still coming and a further £2000 will be added tothe total through Gift Aid.

Simon, whose parents live in The Rydes, Bodicote,grew up in the village and still returns regularly to playfor the village team. His 13-day marathon saw him ridefor more than 80 hours and cover over 1,000 miles.

Afterwards, he said: “I want to take thisopportunity to say a massive thank you to everyonewho has donated and supported me. It has been a trulyamazing team effort and William will live long in all ourhearts and thoughts.”

This money raised will go to help fund research intodecoding pre-eclampsia to help understand why thisawful disease happens and how to prevent it.

Simon said: “We were moved by the tragic passingof William last year and I wanted to do this in hismemory and to help to better understand why thiscould have happened.”

If you have not yet supported Simon, then you canstill donate via the giving page at:


End of the road...Simon is met by his familyafter finishing the ride from John O'Groats

Page 3: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very



JUNE DATES 16th 5.45 pm Bell Ringers Striking Competition

17th SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY8.00am Holy Communion BCP9.45am All Age Holy Communion 2.30pm Confirmation Service6.00pm Evensong

19th 8.55am School Service Years 3 & 4

20th 9.30am Holy Communion BCP10.30am Magazine Folding Party in Dillon House7.45pm Adult Confirmation Course

21st 11.15am Fairholme Communion

22nd 7.30pm Choral Evensong with Bishop John Pritchard of Oxford

23rd 1pm–4pm CHURCH and SCHOOL FETE

24th PATRONAL FESTIVAL ST JOHN THE BAPTIST8.00am Holy Communion BCP9.45am Holy Communion + Sunday Club6.00pm Evensong

26th 2.30pm Toddlers’ Service

27th 9.30am Holy Communion BCP


1st FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY8am Holy Communion BCP9.45am Holy Communion

11.30am Family Service (School class 2CT)6.00pm Evensong

4th 9.30am Holy Communion BCP7.30pm PCC meeting

5th 15.45pm Wedding of Christopher Hammond and Sophie Bidwell

8th 8.00am Holy Communion BCP9.45am Holy Communion + Sunday Club

11.30am Baptism of Charlie Hayward and Eddie Holland14.00pm Wedding of Andrew Mawle and Nicola Mosley18.00pm Evensong

9th 10.30am Bodicote Unity Group meeting

10th 2.30pm Toddlers’ Service

11th 9.30pm Holy Communion BCP

13th 2.00pm School Year 6 Leavers Service in church

14th 9.30am Churchyard Working Party10am–4pm Book Signing by Sim & Jillian – Waterstones, Banbury7.30pm ‘Impromptu’ concert in church

15th 8.00am Holy Communion BCP10.00am FAREWELL to Ben SERVICE in Church12 noon–2pm Bring and Share Lunch and fond farewell in SCHOOL Hall

6.00pm Evensong

DAILY MORNING ANDEVENING PRAYERAll welcome, any day,to stop and be still fora moment, reflect onthe day gone orcoming. 9.00am – Mon, Tues,Thurs, Frid4.30pm – Mon–Frid


SUNDAY SERVICES Methodist Chapel10.30am

FAREWELL TO BEN!10am service inChurch followed by abring and share lunchin the School Hall

It is with mixed emotions that Ishare the news that I shall be leav-ing later this summer to take upanother post.

We will be moving toTowcester. I will be the TeamRector of five churches. Green’s

Norton, Easton Neston, Bradden and Caldecote aswell as Towcester.

In one way it feels mad, as we are so happy andblessed here. We will be very sad to leave but webelieve it is what God is calling us to, the right thingto do; and that what I have learned and receivedhere should be shared elsewhere.

Bodicote has been the most wonderful place toraise a family and I feel I have fitted and belongedhere. Recently I have had a developing sense that itmight not be best for me to stay another 20 years(and then, on retirement never be allowed to livearound here again!), that it might be better for thechurch here and for me to make sure that nothingbecame stuck or limited in vision. At my annualreview earlier this year my reviewer likened initiat-ing a move as starting a divorce. It certainly feelslike a huge loss all round.

Earlier this year I was asked to apply for anoth-er post, which in the event (rather to my relief!) Ididn’t get, but this painful process loosened the soilaround the roots. My illness two years ago alsodemonstrated that the parish could work togethervery well as a team without me! We have also beenblessed by new arrivals recently joining our parish,Liz Smith as a Lay Reader and Revd Gill Barker retir-ing from parish ministry. They will help the rest ofyou cover a part of what I have been doing.

You have trained, supported, put up with me,and I hope I have trained and supported you too. Ibelieve I am ready, with God’s grace, to go toTowcester and that you, with God’s guidance andhelp, will be ready to take forward the church here.

My last Sunday will be 15th July. I hope thatday there will be a celebration of our time together. I am doing several other jobs elsewhere over thesummer, having a holiday, and moving at the end ofAugust. I am covering the weddings here before myinduction at Towcester on 20th September.

Please now, more than ever, pray for and takeyour part in the church family here in this village sothat it may go forward serving this community andthis world with the love God has revealed andshared in Jesus. There is a lot to plan and sort out. Ihope in the last few weeks to prepare and supportyou all to take brave steps in risking growing inyour own ministry; to make sure the church inBodicote is alive

Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very blessed 16 yearshere. It will be very hard to say goodbye.See you very soon.

With love from Ben –SHALOM. GOD’S PEACE BE TO US

BOOK SIGNING WaterstonesSaturday 14th July10.00am–4.00pm

Zara Campbell May 6thElla-May Higgins May 6th

We welcome into God’s family those who have been baptised:

We commend to God’s love those who have died andwhose funerals have taken place:

Nancy Evans April 13thPam Bartlett April 14th Winifred Hornsby April 17thOlive Everall April 17th


Year 6 Leavers Servicein the Church at 2pm

CHURCH HOMEGROUPSFor friendship, fellow-ship and learningtogether.

Friday and Thursdayevenings, fortnightly)


Friday June 22nd at 7.30pm

Choral Evensong with the Bishop of Oxford

Sunday July 15th at 10.00am

Service in Church 12noon–2.00pmBring and Share Lunch Party at the School(It would help if you would sign the list in church togive some indication of the numbers and foodcontributions.)

We hope the Collared Doves will give a final song!

This will be part of the 10th Anniversary celebrationsof this mixed 4-part harmony group. They will singfor us a selection of Songs from Films and Shows. Drinks will be served in the interval. Come and beentertained on a summer’s night. £5 entrance. Proceeds will go to Church funds

‘Impromptu’ in concertSaturday 14th July 7.30pm in church

Ben’s singing friends from the North CotswoldChamber Choir will be here to sing a swan songEvensong on Friday June 22nd at 7.30pm.We are very fortunate in that Bishop John Pritchard,Bishop of Oxford, will be with us to preach. We arevery privileged to have him here. This is his first visitto the parish, and the first from a Bishop of Oxfordsince the farewell for Donald Bishop back in 1987.So don’t miss this chance to sing and praise Godtogether.

Swan Song Evensong

Page 4: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very


Bodicote Church and Village raised£932.12 for Christian Aid this year.So many thanks to Gill Barker for

organising it, those who distributedand then collected the envelopes and

to every household who gave the money.Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that providesurgent practical and effective assistance where need isgreat, tackling the effects of poverty as well as its rootcauses.More information can be found on their


4 5

The Olympic theme will begin as our village’s veryown Gold Medallist Kim Shaw opens the proceedings.Prior to that the Rock Choir will be attempting aGuinness World Record attempt at ‘Simultaneousdancing and singing’, and then accompanying theopening ceremony.

Many exciting attractions and events includingyour chance at Zumba!

Amazing Raffle prizes and displays. Car Boot sale(Book via 263157).

We would be grateful for any items suitable forour stalls so there will be a bag drop during the daysbefore. Gifts, books, DVDs, toys, ‘full bottles’ butplease no clothes etc.

The bags will be collected on Thursday June 21st.Come and join the fun and help raise vital funds

for the school, church and charity.All offers of help would be gratefully received

(contact Ben 270174) and also please put the date inyour diary.

CHURCH SCHOOL FETESaturday 23rd June 1pm–4pm

An early reminder of this year's Sponsored Ride &Stride which will take place on Saturday 8th.September.

Bodicote Church will need cyclists and/or walkers totake part!

Is anyone willing to take over from Ben and lead agroup of young cyclists from the Church this year?

Last year Ben led a group of 10 young people on amini-pilgrimage south of Banbury, who weregenerously sponsored by members of the congregation.Other Church members who took part were Amber andOlivia Guntrip, Martin Saunders and Bob Campbell (andhis dog). A total of £386.60 was raised and half of thisamount was paid to Bodicote Church and theremainder was used by the Historic Churches Trust togive grants to Oxfordshire Churches needing help withbuilding projects and repairs. In the recent pastBodicote Church has received grants from the Trust.

We will also be needing people to act asWelcomers/Stewards in the Church,

throughout the day, to offerrefreshments to cyclists and walkers.Last year there were 70 visitors (plus thedog) to welcome to Bodicote Church so

it is a pleasant way to spend an hour orso meeting people from other Churches.

Information regarding the work of the Trustcan be obtained at

Sponsor forms and further information willbe available from early July, in Church and fromMarjorie Davies Tel: 262027

OXFORDSHIRE HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUSTMade famous by the multi award-winning film

‘Chariots of Fire’, this brand new dramatisation

brings to life on stage the incredibly inspiring story

of Eric Liddell.

Venue: the Mill Arts Centre, Banbury

Dates – Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th June

Tickets – available from the Mill (01295 279002)

Suitable for children over 12

CHARIOT – The Eric Liddell storyA Searchlight Theatre Company Production

YUM’S – St John the Baptist Young Union of MothersThis new enterprise got off to an enthusiastic andencouraging start on May 8th. From the report (cen-sored I believe) ideas were flying fast and furious!There are too many to detail and if you would like toknow more please contact Nicola Henshaw (265143)


Once again Bodicote will host the start and fin-ish of the Midnight Walk organised in aid of theKatharine House Hospice.

This event, which is the hospice’s biggestfundraiser, will take place on Saturday 23 Juneat Banbury Cricket Club, Bodicote.

This will be the sixth time the walk has beenstaged and already over £450,000 has beenraised by sponsorship of those taking part.

Supermarket Collection Days:The hospice will be holding its annual supermarket

collection days this month. Volunteers will becollecting at Sainsburys Banbury store on Friday

15 June and at Tesco on Thursday 21 June.Anyone able to give 90 minutes of their timeshould contact Wendy in Fundraising on812161 or email [email protected]

Open garden:Hospice patrons Lord and Lady Heseltine will beopening their gardens and arboretum in aid of theHospice on Saturday 6 October. This is a rareopportunity to view the spectacular grounds ofThenford House, with its 4,000 species of trees andshrubs, medieval ponds, walled kitchengardens and heated glass-houses. Deliciousteas will also be on offer, and a raffleheld. Please note that wheelchair access tosome areas is not possible due to the terrain anddogs are not allowed (except guide-dogs). Tickets are£10 each and must be purchased in advance from theFundraising Office (01295) 812161. Application formsare available to download from our website

Facebook:The hospice now has a Facebook pageup and running and this has regularupdates about fundraising events,

lottery results and general hospice news. You can findthem at Don’tforget to ‘like’ our page and you can also share ourevents on your own page too!

Lottery: Why not join our Hospice lottery,for only £1 per week with a chanceto win the weekly top prize of£1,000. There are now nearly 4,300members, but the hospice would love toboost this to 5,000. An extra 500 memberscould raise £26,000 per year for nursingcare. For the person who has everything,why not consider a lottery gift card forbirthdays. To join, download a formfrom our website:

or ring Wendy in Fundraising on 812161.

Bodicote hosts midnight walk for Hospice

Banbury and Evesham Quakers have issued an invita-tion to people from neighbouring villages to attendthe Adderbury Gathering, the annual public talk atthe Adderbury Quaker Meeting House at 3pm onSunday 17 June, followed by afternoon tea.

‘Creating Change’ is the theme and Sandra Berry,the Director of the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centrein Birmingham, will explore how to create an envi-ronment where people can change.

This Quaker Meeting House is one of the oldestin the country – built in 1675 – and a very specialplace. It's off Horn Hill Road in West Adderbury – onthe path to the Adderbury Cemetery. For further information please phone Maria 01869347179 (evenings).



Richard and Molly Rayer, of High Street, Bodicote,have recently celebrated their platinum weddinganniversary.

The couple met as teenagers when theyboth worked at the Kings Sutton plant ofTwyford Seeds and theirs was a wartimemarriage. Richard was wearing the uniform of

the Royal Artillery when he and Mollie tied theknot at St Mary’s Church, Banbury, in 1942.

Seventy years on, they were joined by members oftheir family to celebrate at the Great Western Arms, inAynho.

Richard, who returned to Twyford Seeds after thewar, remained with them until his retirement. He was aJP at the Banbury Magistrates’ Court for many yearsand a member of several Masonic Lodges and theBanbury Rotary Club.

Mollie moved on to Alcan and was then a medicalsecretary at the Windrush Surgery for 25 years. She wasalso local secretary of the MacMillan Cancer Relief,worked with the Banbury Talking Newspaper team andwas a member of the Inner Wheel Club.


A Bodicote couple who met on the boathome from Australia recently celebratedtheir diamond wedding anniversary.

As an ex-serviceman, Jack Marris had theopportunity of a free passage to Australia and he and afriend decided that they would like to have a look atlife on the other side of the world.

After two years, Jack decided to go home andboarded a ship in Melbourne. On board was Beryl, whowas also on the way home with her parents, and thetwo met at a Boxing Day dance. They have beentogether ever since.

Originally from the Birmingham area, the couplemoved to this area almost half-a-century ago whenGeneral Foods opened its factory in Banbury and theylive in Freemans Road.

They raised a son and daughter and threegrandchildren and Mrs. Marris said: “We’ve got happieras time has gone by, and our family are a big part ofthat.”


Bodicote poet Margaret Halstead has this monthturned to the forthcoming wedding of a friend’sdaughter for her inspiration to produce a poem forBodicote News.

Sophie, the youngest daughter of Gillian andPercy Bidwell, who live at at The Oven in the HighStreet, will marry Chris Hammond of Adderbury at St John the Baptist Church next month.

For Sophie and Chris – A Bodicote July Wedding

Lovely Plum pretty missCool and savvy utter bliss Bright and witty splendid stylePersonality by the mile

Oh so handsome music manJust so right to take Plum’s handDown the aisle this sweet JulyWith kith and kin standing by

Plum and Mr Music-makerSoon make music sweet togetherPlanning for a future rosyMaking life’s sweetest posy


Page 5: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very


6 7


Guard of honour… pupilsline up to welcome theBishop of Dorchester

Close inspection… these three students examine the commemorativeplaque unveiled at the official openingof the new classrooms

Local Speech and Language Therapist, Vanessa Rogers, andher partner David Woollard have recently been awarded oneof the top honours at the Banbury Innovation Awards.

Vanessa and David have combined her clinical knowledgewith his skills as a web developer to build an exciting new iPadapp to support children's speech, language and communicationdevelopment. The app will provide therapists, teachers andparents with a simple yet powerful tool, allowing them torapidly customise games and activities to suit a child's specificneeds.

Vanessa and David are delighted to have been given theprize, which includes access to advice and support from a widerange of local businesses. With this support, they hope to havethe app ready to market by the end of the year.

Vanessa, who grew up in Bodicote, says "being involved inthe competition has been a brilliant experience. It has inspiredus to move our idea forward and we have now got lots of greatbusiness contacts in the area. I would urge anyone with a newinnovative business idea to apply next year."

Vanessa runs her own Banbury based business as anindependent speech and language therapist, alongside workingfor the local NHS trust. David is based in Wimbledon and is afreelance web designer and developer. He also works for adigital creative agency in East London.

Vanessa can be found at andDavid at


Winning smile… Vanessa Rogers receives herInnovation Award from local MP Tony Baldry

Page 6: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very



For information and specific advice regarding any of these issues please contactBanbury Rural Neighbourhood Team on 101 or by email on:

[email protected]


Mr and Mrs P Bidwell, who live in the High Street,raised the issue and told the parish council that the situation was made even more difficult by the doubleparking of vehicles in the area.

They wrote: “Our view, and one shared by ourimmediate neighbours, is that a 20mph speed limitshould be in force from the roundabout at the top ofWhite Post Road right down through High Street andChurch Street as far as Town Furlong – and perhapseven onto the housing estates, where the roads arecurved and hilly.”

The parish council asked for the police to look atthe situation and council clerk Val Russell wrote saying:“We have recently received a report from a nearbyresident stating that the speed of traffic in the vicinityof the junction of The Bakers Arms Pub and East Streetis still a cause for concern.

“Turning right from East Street into the High Streetis almost a blind turn and needs caution. If cars arespeeding along, there is the potential for an accident.

We understand there was recently an accident with acyclist at this location, although fortunately no-one wasseriously hurt.

“We would be grateful if you could look into thismatter and consider ways of checking and reducing thespeed of vehicles approaching this junction.”

The police responded promptly and sent an officerto look at the situation. She reported that there waslittle evidence of speeding in the village at that time,but it was acknowledged that the officer’s uniform is“normally a very good deterrent.”

The police suggested that village residents couldhelp to monitor the situation themselves.

They said: “We do operate a speedwatch schemewhich is run by PCSO Nikki Dale with volunteers fromwithin the community. This may well be a good idea forthe Bodicote community to take action against thespeeding motorists in the village.

“Once it has been established that speeding is a realissue, then we can look a possible enforcement plan.”

The Rural Neighbourhood Watch team has warnedBodicote residents to be on the lookout for a whiteFord Transit van that has been seen driving aroundthe village.

Part of the registration number – T416**Y – hasbeen reported and the police would like to hear of anyfuture sightings.

A polce spokesman said: “Rural thefts are now aThames Valley Force priority and members of thecommunity have been asked to immediately contactthe police with information on any suspicious vehiclesseen driving slowly through the village looking for orcollecting scrap metal.

“If the vehicle registration number, description ofthe vehicle and persons can be obtained and passed toThames Valley Police by calling 101, officers will bedispatched to stop the vehicle and deal with anyoffences identified.”

A Bodicote resident has complained to the ParishCouncil about dog owners who fail to clean up aftertheir animals.

Chris Watts wrote: “I had a walk around the villageand I am appalled at the amount of dog mess on ourpaths and verges.

“In Broad Gap, High Street and White Post Road Icounted seven examples and I had to clean and scrubmy lad’s go kart as he was unlucky enough to ridethrough one.

“This sort of issue can and will cause illness anddisease if not resolved. Our great village is better thanthis and it would be great to catch the offenders andmake an example of them.”

The Parish Council has provided dog litter binsaround the village and it is unfortunate that some non-thinking pet owners fail to use them.

Recently published annual performance figures showthat the Cherwell local police area which coversBodicote village is one of 6 out of 15 in the ThamesValley to meet all its targets.

The Cherwell area delivered;

a 16.3% reduction in violent crime against a 12%reduction target;

a 7% reduction in serious acquisitive crimeagainst a 5% reduction target;

a 16.6% detection rate in serious acquisitivecrime against a 15% detection rate target;

a 30.8% detection rate in serious sexual offencesagainst a 25% detection rate target;

a 7% detection rate in violence against theperson with injury against a 4% detection ratetarget.

A police spokesman said: “These figures have beenachieved thanks to the hard work and support of thecommunity.”

POLICE CALLED IN AFTER REPORTS OF SPEEDINGThe police have been monitoring traffic in the vicinity of the High Street, East Street, ChurchStreet junction following complaints to the parish council regarding speeding vehicles.

Danger junction… complaints of speeding have seen police called in

The police have reported that there had been suspi-cious incidents in the village involving males knockingon doors selling items.

Following calls from residents in Bodicote andother neighbouring villages, the police arrested a manfor failing to produce a Pedlar’s License.

A police spokesman said: “Pedlars can only legally

operate if they are in possession of a validPedlars Certificate. Section 4 of the Pedlars Act1871 requires individuals to obtain a Certificate beforecommencing their activities and failure to do so is anoffence for which a person may be arrested.”

If you should see any suspicious activity please call999 for an emergency or 101 for a non-emergency.



The police and volunteer pupils fromWarriner School combined recently tostage a successful crime reduction initia-

tive in Bodicote.During the operation, vehicles were checked and 14were found to be vulnerable to being targeted by crim-inals. The owners were identified and advice given.



There is a new face on the rural neighbourhood team[police team that covers Bodicote and other local vil-lages. PC Jolene Hurst has replaced PC Duncan Vale,who has moved over to join the neighbourhood teamlooking after the Banbury town centre, Grimsbury,Cherwell Heights and Easington.


INCONSIDERATE DOG OWNERS ATTACKEDWATCH OUT –THERE’S ATHIEF ABOUTA Rookery Close residenthas issued a warning to herneighbours to be on theirguard after two visits fromthieves in a matter of days.

Sue Lloyd, who produced a ‘Watch Out – There’sa Thief About’ leaflet which she delivered to nearbyhomes said: “ I had an item stolen a couple of weeksago from outside my house and I assumed it to be aone-off incident.

Unfortunately, this was not the case as whoeverwas responsible returned and other items weretaken”.

The Police were informed of the crimes and theforensics team have taken fingerprints off thedamaged part of the item that was left.

Sue has also informed the parish council andNeighbourhood Watch so that her warning can reachothers throughout the village.

If you have any information, or are a victim of suchcrime, contact Thames Valley Police by calling 101.

Page 7: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very




Bodicote guides Zoe Mobbs and Lilly Phillips, above,were presented with their Baden Powell Awardswhen they and other members of the village groupattended the division patrol competition at theHorley camp site.

The awards were presented by Gwyneth Daviesand they marked the culmination of months of hardwork by both girls.

Guide leader Marie Idziaczek said: “The girls hadto be dedicated to gain this award and they can bereally proud of what they have achieved.”

A popular leader with the 1st Bodicote Guides has received a topaward in recognition of her services to Guiding in the area.

Marie Idziaczek was recently presented with the OxfordshireBroo ch by Oxfordshire president Marie Linda Day

At the award ceremony the following tribute was paid to Marie:“She is relatively new to Guiding having first becoming involved atBodicote when her daughters went to Brownies and then on toGuides. She was persuaded by the Guide Leader to become a leaderherself and what a success she has been!

“Marie is reliable, supportive and steadfast. She is alwayscheerful and has a very happy temperament and an infectious smileand it is impossible to feel gloomy with her around.

“Marie was persuaded to become the PR advisor for CherwellDivision and has done a very good job in promoting Guiding. She hasworked hard with the local press to try and get coverage and she didan amazing job for the Division in the Centenary year when all theevents were well covered with excellent promotional displays.

“She masterminded the big display in the Banbury Museum and,although she asked the Trefoil Guild if they could take it on, she waswith them all the way, helping, supporting, approachable and

generally willing to help in any way she could .The display was a big success”. Lisa Cook, the leader in charge of 1st Bodicote Guides said: “We were all delighted when Marie was given this

award. She thoroughly deserves it for all her hard work and we are lucky to have her.”


A guide to others... Marie Idziaczekreceieves her award from county presidentMarie Linda Day

A Bodicote woman has been recognised for morethan half-a-century of service to the Guide move-ment.

It came as a complete surprise to MadelineGibbins when she was presented with her award inKidlington last month and she said: “This makes mefeel very proud.”

Madeline joined the second Brownie Group inBanbury at the age of seven and then moved on tothe Guides and was with them until retiring in 2008.

It was only partial retirement, as she continued tohelp out at Brownie and Guide groups in the areaand is part of the Trefoil Guild, a group that is madeup of men and women who have been or still areconnected with the movement.


The annual Oxford Gang Show provided a show-case for the talents of three Bodicote Guides.

Olivia Wypior made her second appearance in theevent at the new Theatre Oxford, as did RebeccaWellbourne, while Hollie Wellbourne made her debut.

Members of the Bodicote troop were in theaudience to cheer on their talented colleagues

Olivia, who sang solo in the show opener andlater joined two others to perform the Jessie J numberPrice Tag, said: “This time was even better than lastyear and the good thing about it was all the goodfriends I made. This cast was a pleasure to meet andhopefully we will stay good mates.”

She added: “I would definitely recommend it toboth those who want to perform and those who justwish to go to a good show.”

Hollie said: “We had a great deal of fun, but it wasalso very hard work. Lots of people said it was a reallygood show.”

Runners up: The Bodicote team finished runners upin the hockey tournament staged at Warriner School,Bloxham

Olympic gift: Pennants made by Bodicote Guides willbe among the 14,000 that will be produced by volun-tary groups so that one can be presented to each ofthe athletes taking part in the London Olympics.

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Advertising in The Bodicote News is anexcellent way to advertise local businessesand services. Bodicote News is producedbi-monthly. Packed full of local news andissues. 1200 copies are produced for eachedition and these are delivered free to allhomes in the Bodicote Parish, with extracopies for the village Church and Post Office.


Advertising in

Eighth page advert: £55.00 per year (6 issues)

Quarter page advert: £82.00 per year (6 issues)

Half page advert £135.00 per year (6 issues)

Flyers: £40.00 per edition

Cheques payable to ‘Bodicote News’ ordirect payments can be made into theBodicote News bank account. If you would like to place an advert orwould like further information pleasecontact:

Sheila Maishman, 38 Rookery Close,Bodicote, Banbury OX15 4 BATel: 01295 264653 Mobile: 07813 910214e-mail: [email protected]

Page 8: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very


Seventy years on, a monument now stands in a fieldon the edge of the village as a memorial to the sixgallant airmen who lost their lives when theirWellington bomber crashed on a wartime test flight.

A plaque bearing the names of the Wellingtonbomber crew that perished in the accident on themorning of 28 December 1942 has been attached to alarge block of local Hornton stone and this has beenplaced near the scene of the tragedy on the footpath tothe north of Bodicote known as Arthur’s Way.

Members of the families of a number of the crashvictims were traced by the parish council and they werepresent to witness the blessing of the monument by theRev Ben Phillips and to take part in the unveiling of theplaque.

They were joined by parish councillors, represen-tatives of Cherwell District Council and BanburyBorough Council, serving officers of the RAF, represen-tatives of the Royal Air Force Association and the RoyalBritish Legion, and many village residents.

Spectators with a very special interest were RalphHall, Tom Gascoigne, Michael Gardner and DavidHeywood, who, as children, had been eye witnesses tothe tragedy.

There was a very special moment during theceremony when a Spitfire, the most iconic of the WorldWar Two fighter planes, overflew the site.

The names on the plaque are Flying Officer JohnGordon Byrne, Flt Sgt Jack Thompson McDonald, Flt SgtWilliam McMillan, Leading Aircraftsman LeslieHamilton Nicholson, Aircraftsman John Ernest GeorgeBeaumont and Aircraftsman Granville Broadhurst.

Ninety two-year-old Beryl Sidery, who was marriedto Flying Officer Byrne for just 13 weeks before he died,joined the other guests for a buffet lunch provided bymembers of the Bodicote WI.

She said: “I would not have missed this day for allthe world. It has been a truly wonderful experience.

“To visit the site of the accident and to see thismemorial in place has completed the circle for me.”

Beryl has the photograph of Gordon on themantlepiece at her Sheffield home and she kisses itevery night. “I talk to him every day. It is like he hasn’tgone. He is just somewhere else.” she said.

Gordon’s younger brother, 82-year-old Philip, said itwas tragic that Gordon should die on a training flightwhen he had survived a tour in Malta and bombingraids on Germany. He also took part in an attack on theGerman battleship Scharnhorst.

Jenny Hill, Gordon’s niece, revealed that the newsof the Bodicote memorial had come as a surprise to thefamily as they had always been led to believe that thecrash had happened at Breedon Hill in Leicestershire.

John Beaumont’s sister, Rena, his niece Jane andgreat nephew Samual John, who is just eight weeks old,said they were grateful and touched by all thatBodicote had done to preserve the memory of thosewho died in the tragic accident.

MYSTERY OF THE CRASH MAY NEVER BE SOLVEDWhat actually caused Wellington bomber BK517 tocrash in Bodicote on 28 December 1942 is likely toremain a mystery.

It is known is that the aircraft was part of 23Operational Training Unit and took off fromAtherstone-on-Stour for what was a routine 25-minutetest flight with an experienced pilot at the controls andfive other crew members..

The official accident card from the unit states thatthe aircraft had flown into cloud without a wirelessoperator and had then crashed attempting to makelandfall in bad weather.

But an eye witness reported that he saw oneengine smoking just before the aircraft went down.

The Midland Aircraft Recovery Group, which hasresearched many crash sites, conducted its own investi-gation and speculated that the smoke might well havebeen an exhaust trail caused by the aircraft being at fullthrottle.

They concluded that, as this was logged as a

medical test flight, it was possible the pilot was flyingfast and low in order to demonstrate his fitness.Certainly, as an experienced pilot, he would have beenexpected to be able to do this safely.

As it was a test flight, there was no wirelessoperator on board and this would have put the pilot ata disadvantage when he hit bad weather conditionsand the aircraft could have easily ended up off course.A wireless operator would have received transmissionsfrom base and could have tuned into beacons thatwould have helped pinpoint the aircraft’s position.

The Recover Group report stated: “We will neverknow for certain what caused the crash. However, if forsome reason the aircraft was in difficulties, it is worthremembering that they would have flown over thehouses and shops of Bodicote village just secondsbefore the crash; the death toll that morning couldpotentially have been far higher.

“Perhaps the last thoughts of the crew off BK517were for those below them on the ground.”

Four eye witnesses to the bombercrash were among those who paidtribute at the memorial service andmet the families of those who werekilled.

David Heywood, MichaelGardner, Ralph Hall and TomGascoigne were small children whenthe disaster occurred.

Tom was one of the first toreach the crash site and he wasaccompanied by the the vicar andair raid warden Bill Hitchman.

David Heywood recalled that hewas sitting on a field wall in thevicinity of where the houses nowstand in Town Furlong when thebomber passed right over the top ofhim.

“I heard this mighty sound andthen I saw the plane hit a tree. Oneof the wings was virtually torn offand the plane just crashed into thebank. The whole field was on fireand there was ammunition goingoff all over the place,” he recalled.

“The vicar came back and saidthere were no survivors and I wentto the crash site. There was debrisand parts of bodies scatteredeverywhere.”

For many days afterwardsDavid, who was seven years old atthe time, had difficulty sleeping.“Every time I closed my eyes I couldsee fields on fire and body parts. Itwas a real nightmare.”

Michael Gardiner was with hismother helping hang out thewashing of their cottage home inOxford Road when he saw thedoomed aircraft fly overhead.

“It was so low I could see thepilot very clearly. He had on aleather flying helmet,” said Michael.

“I remember my mother saying“he can see my washing” and thenseconds later their was an almightynoise and we knew it had gonedown.”


Happier days... pilotJohn Byrne picturedat his wedding toBeryl, just 13 weeksbefore he died in theBodicote bombertragedy

Saying it with flowers…Jane Beaumont, witheight-week-old SamuelJohn, the great nephewof crash victim JohnBeaumont, lays awreath at the memorial

Interesting find… John Hopper,presents Philip Byrne, the pilot’sbrother, with a part of the bomberdiscovered by a metal detector

Bad dreams… David Heywoodcould not sleep after witness-ing the aircraft crash in flames

Eye witness…Michael Gardiner saw thebomber seconds before itcrashed

Memories… Beryl Byrne helpsunveil the memorial which bearsthe name of her husband andfive others who perished

We will rememberthem… the names ofthe six who died inthe accident arerecorded on thememorial plaque

The blessing… theRev Ben Phillipsblesses the memorial

Paying tribute… the standardare lowered as Ron Glynnsounds the Last Post

Page 9: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very


A story written by village historianRuth Brown for Bodicote Newsstarted the lengthy process thatculminated in the placing of thememorial on the site where sixyoung men perished as theirWellington bomber went down inflames.

In the article, Ruth suggestedthat perhaps a memorial could bepositioned in the village to recordthe tragedy and things started totake off when Martin Moss, offuneral directors J & M Humphrisoffered to provide a plaque bearingthe names of the airmen.

The obvious place for theplaque was at the crash site andwhen landowner John Colegravegave his permission, it was decidedto buy a boulder of local Horntonstone on which to fix it.

John Colegrave also generouslyvolunteered to provide two oaktrees with guards and a log seat forthe site.

It was pure coincidence thatJanet Curr, who lives on TownFurlong overlooking the crash site,met Parish Council chairman, RonGlynn and told him that by using theinternet and ‘’ she hadlocated family members of bomberpilot John Gordon Byrne, whosename was listed in Ruth Brown’sreport.

Janet contacted DerekBlackwell, who confirmed that hiswife was the niece of John Gordon

Byrne and he revealed that Gordon’swife, Beryl, and his younger brother,Philip, were still alive. Both were atthe ceremony, along with otherfamily members..

Parish Councillor Nigel Buttlerturned detective to discover thedetails of the other five airmen andto contact their families to tell themabout the memorial plans.

The Commonwealth War GravesCommission listed the names of thedeceased, but were unable to helpNigel further because of a policy ofnot disclosing any furtherinformation as it could cause distressto family members.

Undeterred, Nigel decided tocontact the cemetery keepers wherethe individuals were buried and,fortunately, the officer in charge ofRotherham Council’s cemetery officeagreed to send a letter to theregistered owner of the grave ofLeslie Nicholson. This resulted in atelephone call revealing that LeslieNicholson’s sister, Mrs Patman, wasstill alive at the age of 92. Althoughunable to attend the dedicationceremony, Mrs Patman will visit thememorial in August with othermembers of her family.

Karen Purdy, the great niece ofGranville Broadhurst was trackeddown in Oldbury and she and herson, Thomas, attended the event.Karen said:”It was very sad asGranville had married on 1December and just 27 days later he

was dead.”Nigel then had to move his

search to Canada to find CarolynFeasey, who lives in Ontario and is asecond cousin to Jack McDonald. Aletter was despatched to MrsFeasey and she promptly publishedan article in the Strathroy AgeDispatch describing the plan toinstall a memorial and plaque.

This resulted in a responsefrom Mrs Feasey’s cousin, AlexMcDonald, who said: “Thememorial plaque is a wonderfuleffort which takes the spirit of ‘Lestwe Forget’ and makes a concretereminder for us and for futuregenerations.

“This initiative in itself hasbrought Jack to the forefront ofour family dialogue and for that weare grateful. If we get to Englandwe will make a stop at Bodicote.”

Acting on a suggestionreceived, a speculative letter wassent to John Hubbell, ofGodalming, and he confirmed thathe is the nephew of JohnBeaumont. John and his wife wereunable to attend this ceremony asthey were at a wedding inBudapest, but they plan to visit thememorial in the future.

Unfortunately, Nigel wasunable to trace any dependants ofWilliam McMillan who was aresident of Greenock, Scotland, buthe has not given up and willcontinue his enquiries…


The story told… Nigel Buttler,whose detective skills helpedtrace the families of the crew

Family tributes... the relatives ofthe bomber crew who attendedthe ceremony and who were“delighted and grateful” thatBodicote had created the memorial to those who died

The rain may have poureddown on the Queen’sDiamond Jubilee but it diddampen the spirits enough toprevent the village from cele-brating this special occasion.

Organisers of the Jubileeweekend were delighted withthe way people braved theconditions to support all ofthe events staged in themarquee at Kingsfield.

“A whole year ofplanning and a great deal ofeffort went into putting onthe show and I think that allwho turned out are to beapplauded. They wererewarded with a really goodtime,” said event chairmanJohn Washburn

The poor weather meantthat there was no chance of sitting out to enjoy theSaturday night barn dance and pig roast, and althoughnumbers were down, those who came packed into themarquee and this created a great atmosphere.

The Bodicote Morris put on a display and by theend of the evening everyone, young and old alike, weredancing to the music of Apricot Pie.

Sunday dawned wet and it got no betterthroughout the day. The marquee was full for thechurch service led by the Rev Ben Phillips, but the funrun and the afternoon children’s sports had to becancelled.

However, all at Kingsfield and elsewhere in thevillage were highly entertained by a ‘Royal’ visit. Withthe original choice for the role of the Queen unable toperform, Dan Foreman was persuade to step in at the

last minute and he produced anentertaining and quite realisticperformance as he toured in hisdecorated vintage Morris Minor.

The ‘Queen’ popped intothe church to congratulate theteam on the wonderful workthey had done for the flowerfestival, she met “many of one’ssubjects” while touring the artsand crafts show and display ofmemorabilia in the village hall,and then popped in to surprisethe residents of FairholmeHouse.

The decision to trysomething new by organizing ajazz supper evening on Sundayevening proved a big hit. The allticket event was a virtual selloutand, after a two-course meal,the audience danced to and

were entertained by the sounds of Dickie White’s JazzAll Stars.

The turnout for Monday’s family quiz and bingoshow caught the organisers by surprise. Bingo masterTim Rogers said: “People came flooding in and we hadto raid the Church Hall for additional chairs to fit themall in.”

Keith Davies set the questions for a veryentertaining quiz aimed at both children and adultsand the bingo was so popular that the prize for a linewas £30 and a full house was worth £60.

The whole event was brought to a spectacularconclusion with the lighting of the Jubilee Beacon,which was put together by T & P Motors, animpressive firework display, and three rousing cheersfor the Queen.


Stick it to them… the Bodicote Morris Dancing side entertained Jubilee revellers

A first class Queen!

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JUBILEE FLOWER FESTIVAL AT ST JOHN THE BAPTISTTop team… the talentedgroup of arrangers who created a festival of flowersin the village church

Judgement day…Beryl Whitrow andAnn Samson had thedifficult task of picking the decoratedwellies winner

Wellies on parade…the decorated wellies provide a Guard ofHonour at the entrance to the church

The winner…nine-year-oldMolly Dolan withher prize for thebest decoratedwellie

Dancing the night away…young and old alike take tothe floor for the enjoyableJubilee barn dance

Lighting up the night…the Jubilee Beacon and fireworksbrought the celebrations to anexplosive end

Tucking into pudding…finishing off the mealbefore they strike up thejazz band

Tripping the lightfantastic… dancingoff their dinner


Page 11: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very


A RIGHT ROYAL VISIT!Travelling in style…the ‘royal’ visitorarrives at Kingsfield ina vintage Morris Minor

It’s good to see you…the ‘royal’ visitordrops in to meet residents at Fairholme House

I know that face…the ‘Queen’ spots afamiliar portrait during her tour ofthe beautifully decorated church

A royal feast…loyal subjects offer‘the monarch’ arepast

One is happy to meet you…the”Queen” greets a group of her young subjects

Castle visit… is this one of mine?,the ‘royal’ guest asksher young courtier

Catching one’s eye…the wellies that werebeautifully decoratedby Bishop LovedaySchool pupils

It’s a dogs life…the ‘queen’ broughther favourite corgialong to enjoy theafternoon

The kindest cut…the ‘royal’ visitorslices the cake tofeed the masses

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To celebrate her Diamond Jubilee the Queen hasshared her wish for neighbourliness and by support-ing a new Jubilee Fund for Oxfordshire you can showyour own neighbourliness to Oxfordshire.

The fund has been launched by the OxfordshireCommunity Foundation with a target of raising£60,000 or more and people are being asked to give upa small treat today and make a text donation to itsvalue.

Julie Allen, the Foundation’s office manager said:“If everyone reading this gave just 10p for every year ofthe Queen's reign and donated £6 we could raisesignificant sums. Any amount however small will reallymake a difference. For the cost of a latte, a bar ofchocolate or a hole of golf you will help someone inOxfordshire who faces daily challenges and for whomtreats are often few and far between.“

The money raised will be shared equally with 60small Oxfordshire-based charities and communitygroups who do wonderful work in the county.

To donate please text JBLE12 with any amount upto £10 and send to 70070.

You can also choose to send a cheque to theFoundation at 3 Woodin’s Way, Oxford, OX1 1HD, andyou can add gift aid to your donation by calling 01865798666.

Visit to find out more aboutthe Foundation and if you are a community group andwould like to be considered for a Diamond JubileeGrant then email: [email protected] or phone01865 798666.


Chauffeur driven style…a classic car dressed toimpress and fit for a Queen

A vintage workhorse…just like the Queen thistractor isn’t ready to retire

For the last couple of yearsWarriner school pupilMadeleine Ellis has been avoice for youth on BodicoteParish Council and she hasbeen working hard on a projectto find out what facilities youngpeople in the village would like to see.

Madelaine has come up with aquestionnaire that will be distributedamong youth groups based in the villageand will be asking youngsters to fill it induring the next couple of weeks.

The Parish Council is supporting herproject and is delighted with her hardwork. Council chairman Ron Glynn said:”I would like to see the youth of the villagesupporting all the efforts made by Madeleine byfilling in one of the forms. The answers they give willhelp us to know what they think and would like tosee provided for them.”

The form contains various questions, includingwhether or not youngsters would support a youthclub in the village.

If you're aged between 11–18 and would like tofill in a questionnaire, please email the BodicoteParish Council clerk on: [email protected]


Anyone, any age, in need of assistance should contact the

scheme co-ordinators on 07956 468386

We’re here to help!


The match to the flame…the beacon burns to celebrate the Jubilee

COLLECT SPOONSThe commemorativespoons purchased by theParish Council were handed out during theweekend. Those whofilled in forms and didnot collect theirs shouldcontact parish clerk Val Russell on 256884.

CAUGHT IN THE LENS – A big thank you goes tothe snappy snappers who took these great photos.

Michael Langley

Ginny Fox

John Washburn

The King of the Castle…regal peg dolls keep awatch-out from the tower

Page 13: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very



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Page 16: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very

Bodicote Parish Council members have reacted strong-ly over what has been described as ‘backdoor consul-tation’ tactics operated by agents acting for the theOxford Diocese regarding what could be anothermajor housing development on the edge of the vil-lage.

Representatives of the village council stormed outof a meeting organised by the church authority atBanbury Cricket Club after it became apparent that thesubject up for consideration went far beyond the issueof using part of land owned by the church for a much-needed facility for the youth of the village.

This is a subject that has been under discussion forthe past two years without any progress being made.

The invitation to the meeting, which was also sentto other bodies and individuals in the village, wasentitled Community Engagement Event and stated thatit was a workshop to consider the future of land west ofWhite Post Road.

A note from Rebecca McAllister, a director of HivesPlanning, the event organisers, stated: “The workshopwill explore the character of the land and itssurroundings, the opportunities and constraints itpresents, and the benefit that development could bringto the existing community.”

Councillor Mrs Margaret Christer, the chair of theParish Council environment committee, said: “The wordhousing was not mentioned before the meeting. Wewent along because of our interest in the youthscheme, but were surprised when details of a majorhousing development on the Bodicote side of Salt Waywere revealed.

“This was the first time that housing had beenmentioned and because we needed to make it clearthat we were not happy with this type of backdoorconsultation and were in no way supportive of yetanother housing scheme on our doorstep, we decidedto leave the meeting.”

Coun. Christer was joined in the walkout by parishcouncil chairman Ron Glynn and the chair of the parishcouncil’s planning committee Coun. Mrs Pat Cowan.

There was some good news for the village whenthis area was not included in the land earmarked forprospective development in the local plan published forconsultation by Cherwell District Council.





Bodicote Parish Council is fighting amove by developers to bring for-ward the start date of a develop-ment that will see new homes builton land to the rear of existinghomes on the Oxford Road.

The project, which involves thedemolition of the house at 33Oxford Road to provide for anaccess road to the development, hasbeen granted planning permissionby Cherwell District Council. But acondition was placed on thedecision that ruled that work wouldnot commence on the site until thedevelopment of the 1,100-homeBodicote-Bankside was started.

There has been no moveregarding the major development,which received planning permissionin 2009, and so now developersSpitfire Project Group want to getthings moving on the Oxford Roadsite. And to make this possible, theyhave asked the planning authorityto remove the blocking condition.They have also reduced the number

of houses planned from 23 to 21. The Parish Council has strongly

objected to this move and called onCherwell District Council to ensurethe condition remains in force.

In a letter to the district council,the village authority pointed outthat the condition had beenimposed for a very good reason inthat it ensured that adequateinfrastructure and facilities wouldbe provided to serve the residents ofthe proposed development.

The parish council pointed outthat unless the site commences afterthe start of work on the Bodicote-Bankside development, theapplicant’s site will be outside thevillage envelope and on greenfieldland, which is contrary to the districtcouncil’s policies relating to CategoryA villages such as Bodicote.

“The applicant’s claim that this isa sustainable site only holds true if itties in with the development on theBodicote-Bankside site,” the villagecouncil said.

The parish has also challengedthe applicant’s contention thatCherwell District Council has ashortfall in its five-year housing landsupply – an argument that wassuccessful in the recent public inquirydecision to overturn a planningrefusal and allow for new housing onthe Cotefield Farm site at thesouthern edge of the village.

In the letter to the districtcouncil, the parish council referred toa recent statement from HousingMinister Greg Clark and anexplanatory letter from local MPTony Baldry stating that housingapplications that have already beenapproved are to be taken intoaccount when considering the five-year housing supply.

It adds: “Given this latest stanceand the fact that planningpermission has been given for the1,100 houses at Bodicote Bankside,it is clear that Cherwell DistrictCouncil has an adequate five-yearhousing land supply.”

Issues surrounding the need forlocal council’s to hold a five-yearsupply of building land to meetfuture housing needs – which washighlighted in the decision to over-turn planning refusal for the devel-opment at Cotefield Farm – havebeen raised in the House ofCommons by local MP Tony Baldry.

Mr Baldry took the matter upwith Housing Minister Greg Clarkfollowing a request from membersof the Parish Council who areconcerned that the local planningauthority’s failure to demonstrate afive-year land supply could lead toother developers using the sametactic to force through newdevelopment around the village.

The village councillors alsowanted to know what differencethe new National PlanningFramework that was announcedrecently would mean.

Mr Baldry has written to theparish council and explaining thatthere had been a significant changein the planning position in theperiod since the public inquiry onthe Cotefield Farm developmentappeal was heard.

He said: “Because Cherwell doesnot have an agreed Local

Development Plan, planningapplications prior to the publicationof the new National Planning PolicyFramework were considered byInspectors in the context of whetherCherwell had an adequate five yearprovision for new housing supply.

“For reasons which have neverbeen explained, in consideringappeals from decisions of the DistrictCouncil to refuse planning permissionfor new housing, the PlanningInspectorate behaved as if planningpermissions for new housing whereconstruction hasn’t commenced hadnever been granted.”

As a result, the 1,100 homesplanned for Bodicote-Bankside andother yet to be started housingdevelopments in the district werenot considered in relation to thefive-year situation at the CotefieldFarm inquiry.

“This is an issue that I pursuedon a number of occasions withplanning Ministers during thecourse of the development of theNational Planning PolicyFramework. As a consequence,Ministers have now given directionsto the Planning Inspectorate that infuture, when considering whether adistrict has an adequate five-year

housing supply, they are to considerand take into account all extantplanning permissions, irrespective ofwhether or not construction workhas actually commenced.”

Greg Clark confirmed thisposition when he announced thedetails of the new NationalPlanning Policy Framework.

“Frustratingly, this newguidance to the PlanningInspectorate in respect of theplanning appeal sadly came toolate in respect of the planningapplication for the 82 houses atCotefield Farm,” Mr Baldry added.

“If one takes into account allthe planning applications thatCherwell has granted, it doesclearly have an adequate five yearhousing supply and I would thusenvisage that as a consequence wewill no longer see furtheropportunist planning applicationsby developers in villages such asBodicote.

“The District Council is workingvery hard to ensure that they havea clear and settled LocalDevelopment Plan in place just assoon as possible, which will giveextra and further protection tovillages such as Bodicote.”

A plan to build 82 homes on the south eastern edgeof the village has been given the go-ahead by theinspector appointed by the Secretary of State forCommunities and Local Government.

Inspector Tim Wood, who took evidence frominterested parties during a two-day public inquiry inFebruary, ruled in favour of developers Banner Homesand overturned the decision of Cherwell DistrictCouncil to refuse planning approval for thedevelopment.

In his report he made it clear that the two mainissues were whether development outside the built uparea was justified by a need for more housing in thearea and whether the site was suitable.

In regard to housing need, he said it was arequirement of local planning authorities such as thedistrict council to identify sufficient specific deliverablesites to provide housing for five years.

For Cherwell the requited target for 2006 to 2026was 13,400 house, an average of 670 house per year.The council’s own latest report shows the district as

only 2.8 years housing land for supply for 2011 to 2016and 2.9years for 2012-2017.

Mr Wood said: “Where local planning authoritiesare unable to demonstrate a 5-year housing landsupply, planning applications for houses should beconsidered favourably.”

He concluded “There is clear justification forallowing residential development outside the built uparea.”

Although accepting that the views currentlyenjoyed by residents of dwellings on the edge of thevillage would be considerably altered, he felt theeffects on living conditions would not beunacceptable.

The development would be immediately adjacentto the existing edge of the built up area of the villageand access to bus routes to Banbury and the wider areawould be within a short walking distance. The localshop and post office would be readily accessible via afootpath/cycle link to the site and the local school wasabout one kilometre away.




The start of work on the Bodicote-Bankside housingdevelopment moved a step nearer last month.

The 1,100 house project has been on hold sinceplanning approval was given three years ago, but nowJ J Gallagher and Halland Land Management haveasked Cherwell District Council’s planning committeeto agree that some of the conditions which had to bemet before work could start have been met.

Members of the planning committee agreed inprincipal that the conditions, which included drainage,design and car parking issues, were compliant. Theyhave asked that council planning officer and thedevelopers sort out the fine details.



Page 17: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very




The materials we place in the vil-lage recycling bins look set to helpCherwell District Council make cashfrom trash.

Cherwell and SouthNorthamptonshire councils haveagreed a potential six-year contractwith UPM, for the disposal ofrecyclable items such as paper,cardboard, tins, plastics and drinkscartons.

As a result, Cherwell will gofrom paying £55,000 per year todispose of its recyclable items to anincome of more than £1,500,000over the life of the contract.

Bodicote residents might now be able to take advantage of a free energy-saving scheme which could save them a small fortune.

Cherwell District Council’s partner, the United Sustainable EnergyAgency, has managed to access grants to provide free cavity wall and loftinsulation through its Cocoon scheme.

Anyone seeking to get the work done independently could expect topay a combined cost of £700 for the work which will likely save themmore than £300 in fuel per year.

Councillor Debbie Pickford, Cherwell’s lead member for housing said:“I can’t see how anyone can afford not to have this work done.

“They will be able to choose between several council-approved localinstallers who will carry out a free survey to see if the work is needed. Ifso, it will be carried out at no charge and, once complete, householderswill notice an immediate difference.”

Insulation also helps keep homes cool in the summer as it preventsheat penetration in both directions.

The free insulation offer started last month and is expected to beavailable until the end of September this year. Installation should takeplace within eight weeks.

For more details visit call 0800 8048777 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Keith Mitchell,above, Bodicote’srepresentative on OxfordshireCounty Council, reads the ‘Book ofTributes’ that was presented to himlast month when he stepped downafter a decade as chairman of thecounty authority.

Bodicote Parish Councilmembers were among the manywho provided memories andtributes to a man who hascontributed so much to the life ofthe village and the countycommunity.

Keith has also given up the postof leader of the ruling Conservativegroup on the council, but he willremain Bodicote and Bloxham’srepresentative for another year atleast.

Keith has thanked everyone in the division for their support over theyears. “It has been a huge privilege to lead a strategic council likeOxfordshire,” he said.


Lynda Thirzie Smart is to continuerepresenting Bodicote andBloxham on Cherwell DistrictCouncil following the recent elec-tions.

The Conservative candidatereceived 774 votes, some 54percent of all votes cast. Hernearest challenger was Labourrepresentative John Christie, whoreceived 309 votes. Greencandidate Eva Brittin-Snell received189 votes and Liberals’ Peter Davispolled 170 votes.

There was a 30 per centturnout with 1,442 of the 4,811 onthe electoral roll casting a vote.

Although losing two seats, theConservatives still have anoverwhelming majority on thecouncil with 41 councillorscompared to the six of Labour andthree Liberals.

In 12 month’s time there willbe major changes to the structureof the council wards that will seeBodicote become part of a newDivision called Deddington whichwill also comprise of Adderbury,Barford St John & St Michael, DunsTew, Fritwell, Middle Aston,Milton, North Aston, Somerton,Steeple Aston, and Souldern.



Our monthly surgery

held at Church House

on the first Saturday

of each month:

10:45 am to 11:45 am

Happy to help with

any public service


County Councillor: Keith R Mitchell CBE

Nell Bridge House, Adderbury, Oxon, OX17 3NU

Phone: (01295) 811257. Fax: (01295) 812997

E-mail: [email protected]

Web Site:

District Councillor: Lynda Thirzie Smart

Nell Bridge House, Adderbury, Oxon OX17 3NU

Phone: (01295) 812584. Fax: (01295) 812997

E-mail: [email protected]


Page 18: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very


32 33

The start of the new cricket season has been badlydisrupted by the rain, but between the showersBodicote cricketers have still managed to squeeze insome impressive performances.

The first team, playing in Division One of the SouthNorthants League, lost three of their first four to theweather without a ball being played, but they then gotoff to a flying start with a 134-run victory overNorthampton Grange Park at Kingsfield.

Dave Allen top scored with 75 and Matt Millerthumped 74 as Bodicote ran up an impressive 187 forseven. They then shot the opposition out for 53 thanksto the combined attack of Dave Cronin, four for 21, andPhil Newman, four for 25.

They kept up the winning streak against PrestonCapes when Stephen Barlow took five wickets for justseven runs. Bodicote 4 lost four wickets in passing thePreston Capes final total of 91.

Bodicote A have also won all the games played.Although there was no play in the first three fixtures,the village side cruised to a 165 run victory over Maids

Moreton. Scott Caiger took afive-wicket haul as theopposition was sent back forjust 82 when chasing a Bodicotetotal of 247 for five.

A half-century fom HasanIqbal was the deciding factor in aclose victory at Silverstone. Hisknock took Bodicote to a total of158 and Silverstone fell just sixruns short of this target at the endof 40 overs.

Nigel Lynes, six for 16, andAdam Harris, three for 16, shot strugglingWardington out for 32 and Bodicote lost just onewicket in racing to victory.

The midweek team playing in the Brackley Leaguehave been really battered by the weather, with no playin the first four games. When they managed to play,they lost by four wickets to SWIS and by 70 runs toByfield.


Bodicote Parish Council has beengetting mixed messages over thepossibility of Banbury UnitedFootball Club being re-located to asite in the village along with a pos-sible 400 additional houses.

They have not, as yet, beenconsulted by Cherwell DistrictCouncil on a scheme that wouldhave significant impact on thevillage and they have asked Coun.Chris Heath, one of its represen-tatives, to investigate and report onwhat is the current situation.

The request came following areport that the subject was raised ata recent meeting of the BanburyBreakfast Club, when the guestspeakers were the chief executive of

the district council and the Mayor ofBanbury.

When asked about the futureof the town’s top football team, theresponse was: “Don’t worry, it’sgoing to be moving to the site nextto the Rugby Club."

When this comment waschallenged, there was a certainamount of backtracking with theresponse:”Oh, it’s not a done deal.”

However, land close to therugby club site has been earmarkedfor the football club in the newLocal plan that Cherwell DiostrictCouncil has published for consul-tation.

At the time Bodicote Newswent to Press, the parish council

was still awaiting a copy of thisdocument.

In a letter to Chris Heath, theparish council said: “This seems tobe a repeat of the Bodicote-Bankside issue, where ideas wereset in stone at a very early stage. Sofar there has been no consultationwith the parish council regardingany such sites in our village.

“There has been mention ofmore houses linked to this schemeand we want to find out what isgoing on and why we haven’tbeen informed. We would begrateful if you would look intothis matter for us and let us knowwhat is being planned behindclosed doors.”


The Horse and Jockey B team, pic-tured above, are bang on target asthey chase honours in DivisionSeven of the Banbury & DistrictAunt Sally League.

They are unbeaten after fivematches and currently hold secondplace in the table, just three pointsbehind leaders Butchers Arms,Balscote with a game in hand.

The pub’s top team has also had anunbeaten start to their DivisionThree programme and six succes-sive victories have put them twopoints clear at the top of the table.


The door is firmly closed and the curtains drawn atthe Bakers Arms, and it looks as if it will remain sofor some time to come.

Existing licensees Denise and Hannah Jacksonhave put the lease on the market and they finallycalled last orders some three months ago

Following the closure, The Bakers Arms dominoesteam had to relocate to the Horse and Jockey tocomplete its remaining fixtures in the Top of the HillLeague. The darts team had also moved up the road afew weeks earlier.

A spokesman for Davey and Co, who are actingas agents for the sale of the lease, confirmed that itwas still on the market, but declined to comment onwhen and if the pub will re-open.

BENCH IS MEMORIAL TO OLD FRIENDThis wooden bench now stands outside theHorse and Jockey in memory of pub regularRoger Lucas. Landlord John Morgan, left, ispictured awarding a trophy to Steve Piggott,the winner of the pool competition that wasstaged to raise funds to buy it.

A date has now been set for a Judicial Review of the publicinquiry decision to approve the diversion of the footpathfrom the front of Bodicote Mill.

Two days, 7–8 November, have been set aside for the caseto be argued at the Royal Court of Justices in London.

The Judicial Review of the inquiry inspector’s decision tosupport Oxfordshire County Council’s approval for thefootpath to be moved some 65 metres from its original route,which took it close by the front of the old mill house, wascalled for by the Ramblers Association and the Open SpaceSociety. They will lead the argument when the case is heard.

Bodicote Parish Council and local ramblers also supportthe challenge and they strongly objected to the rerouting ofthe footpath when the public inquiry was held last year.

In ruling that the rerouting should be allowed, theinquiry inspector concluded that “the overall interests of theapplicants prevail.”



PUB Round Up

ROCKING GOOD EVENTThe date of the popular Bodirox eventhas now been fixed. The all daymusical extravaganza will bestaged at the Horse and Jockeyon 22 September and will featuremany of the area’s top bands.

Page 19: News The Bodicote - own ministry; to make sure the church in Bodicote is alive Thank you for all you are, have been, and con-tinue to be in what has been a very



John Washburn Chief Editor Tel: 251754 [email protected] Langley Distribution Tel: 264647Sheila Maishman Treasurer/Advertising [email protected] Rev Ben Phillips As himself! Tel: 270174Jane Slade Design & Layout Tel: 251190 [email protected] Litho Printers [email protected]


Next copydeadlineMonday9th July


1 BODICOTE SPORTS 20 15 3 2 53 48

2 WOODFORD UNITED 20 12 1 7 24 37

3 SINCLAIR UNITED 20 11 4 5 9 37

4 HEYFORD ATHLETIC 20 11 3 6 13 36

5 DEDDINGTON TOWN 20 10 4 6 10 34

6 HIGHFIELD OLD BOYS 20 8 5 7 -6 29

7 CROPREDY 20 8 3 9 -1 27

8 BARDWELL 20 5 6 9 -18 21

9 SPORTING HETHE 20 5 2 13 -22 17

10 STEEPLE ASTON 20 4 5 11 -23 17

11 KEA 20 2 2 16 -39 8



Advertise your goods and services in

Bodicote Sports have romped away with the Banburyand District League Premier Division title for the thirdtime in the last five years.

Their latest triumph was the most emphatic yet asthey finished 11 points clear of nearest rivals WoodfordUnited, who they beat 2–-1 in the last game of theseason.

In the last few weeks of the season, Bodicoteunderlined their record as the most prolific scoringteam in the division by thrashing KEA 11–1 and theybattled out a 1–1 draw with third-place Sinclair United.

The village outfit chalked up 15 victories, drew two

matches and lost only two league encounters in the 20-match season.

However, they could not keep up this impressiveform in the major cup competitions. They looked to begoing well in the Oxfordshire Junior Shield, the biggestprize for junior clubs in the county, when they beatThame Town 3-1 to gain revenge for last year’s semi-final defeat. Unfortunately, they then missed out on afinal spot again when losing to Chipping Norton Swifts.

The semi-final game was goalless after a well-contested first 90 minutes, but the Swifts then scoredtwice in extra-time to take the tie.



1 HIGHFIELD OLD BOYS RES 20 14 3 3 46 45

2 DEDDINGTON TOWN RES 20 14 2 4 30 44

3 CHESTERTON 20 12 2 6 31 38

4 FC LANGFORD 20 11 3 6 11 36

5 SAMS UNITED 20 9 4 7 15 31

6 HARDWICK OLD BOYS 20 9 4 7 15 31

7 BRACKLEY SPORTS 20 7 7 6 -3 28

8 BANBURY TOWN 20 7 2 11 -10 23

9 KINGS SUTTON RES 20 5 2 13 -32 17

10 BODICOTE SPORTS RES 20 5 1 14 -31 16

11 WROXTON SPORTS 20 1 2 17 -72 5


It has been a bit of an ‘annus horribilis’ for a num-ber of the teams representing Bodicote in theBanbury and District Table Tennis League.

Both the B and D teams are at the bottom oftheir respective divisions. In Division one the B teamhas managed just one win and a draw in 20 matches,while the D team has gone through the seasonwithout a single win.

The most creditable performances came from the Eside, which is third in Division Four with nine wins,while the A team is fourth in Division One, havingscored 11 victories in 21 matches.The C side is also in thetop four with four wins and four draws in Division Two.


Life proved tough for Bodicote Sports Youth in thetop section of the Witney and District Under 13Football League. They finished at the foot of thetable after gaining only two points from their 14games, but they did gain a great deal of experiencethat will hold them in good stead in the future.


Bodicote News is produced bi-monthly. Packed full of localnews and issues. 1200 copies are produced for each editionand these are delivered free to all homes in the BodicoteParish, with extra copies for the village Church and PostOffice.The Bodicote News is an excellent way to advertise localbusinesses and services.If you would like to advertise in the Bodicote News, ideallyon a yearly basis, we offer the following rates:Eighth page advert: £55.00 per year (6 issues)Quarter page advert: £82.00 per year (6 issues)Half page advert: £135.00 per year (6 issues)Flyers: £40.00 per editionCheques payable to ‘Bodicote News’ or direct payments canbe made into the Bodicote News bank account. If you would like to place an advert or would like furtherinformation please contact:

Sheila Maishman

Tel: 01295 264653 Mobile: 07813 910214

e-mail: [email protected]

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