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On Monday May 4 we will be relaunching our exciting new and improved Group Exercise Program. The main feature of the program is that all sessions will be 30 minutes in duration. At the time of writing, we are still finalising the roster, but there will be around 50 sessions a week to choose from.

The new structure is perfect for busy people, provides greater variety of class type and caters for both beginners and the experienced. The session structure will change slightly by spending more time on the actual conditioning phase during the sessions and less time warming up and cooling down as was the case with the one hour classes.

We will also be using our team of full time Personal Trainers to deliver the sessions, which will allow you to get more personal instruction and follow up, to ensure you get the most out of your training.

The old favourites of aqua and spin cycling will remain as well as some new styles outlined below:

OuTdOOr TrAininG Exercise outdoors using our fitness trail obstacle course, including some of the functional training activities we use in our boot camp sessions. The trainers will modify the session to suit all fitness levels.

BOxinG As announced previously we will be adding some punching bags to the fitness trail area and offering a boxing only session.

You will need to purchase your own set of boxing glove inners for use in the classes.($5)

CirCuiT using our new circuit gym, this has proven very popular with our senior members. Great way to get both strength and cardio benefits.

SWiMMinG Learn how to include interval training and specific swimming drills that will provide variety and results.

HikinG using local streets and bush areas. These will only be held during the day until next summer.

HYdrOWarm water exercise to assist with increasing joint range of movement and for those needing to rehab an injury.

We believe that this new approach to group training delivers the best possible support to members, which is what makes your Oceana membership such good value for money.

The proposed roster will be available on our web site and from reception within the next 2 weeks so keep an eye out for that.

Lifestyle Modification Program

reshape is a Federal Government funded lifestyle modification program delivered at Oceana Health & Fitness upon referral from your GP. We are endorsed by the Federal department of Health & Aging to deliver reshape and the program is administered by the Australian GP network.

Participants must be aged between 40 to 49 and have been identified as being at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Your level of risk is determined by completing the Australian Type 2 diabetes risk assessment tool, which is on our website, or talk to your GP.

reshape is a small group program where you will learn more about the risks and effects of diabetes as well as

• Healthyeating• Physicalactivity&Exerciseoptions• Howtomakehealthylifestylechoices• StressManagement• SettingappropriateGoalstoimproveyour


The program is theory based but participants can join as a member with a 30% discount on our normal rates. All participants will develop their own exercise program with an aim of meeting the minimum requirement of 30 minutes a day, plus 2 strength training session a week.

newsletterAPriL 2009

New Group Exercise Program

Our Trainers want you...

sPEciaL OffEr

2 for 1 Personal training

the way you think about food, exercise & your body

With budgets tightening and people getting worried about the effects of the economic crisis, we are doing our bit by allowing 2 people to train together for the price of one throughout May and June.

That applies to all current and new Personal training clients and means that a session can cost under $20 per person. This represents fantastic value. So find a training partner, make an appointment today and you will start seeing results you never thought were possible.







NEw wEB siTE

Electra Place, Mornington | Phone 6244 4444 |

if you change address or contact details, please ensure you let us know. You can either see reception on your next visit or send us an email to [email protected] of address

We revamped our web site last year and have continued to add new

features. The site provides us with a way of communicating with you about changes

around the club and you can also find links to various staff members for feedback. We can

only deal with issues that are brought to our attention so please let us know if you have any suggestions. You will also find our most recent group exercise timetable, fitness tips and links to research articles and information about new

programs such as Reshape. So please log on and see what is going on at your club.

Our Boot Camp program as from Monday

(May 4) has continued to be very popular in

the Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning

6 am timeslots, with evenings also growing in

popularity in recent times. However as from

Monday we will revert back to the 4 week

structure with a start and end date for each

program. Bookings are essential. So our new

structure will be.

sENiOrs Off PEak MEMBErsHiPFor those aged over 55 and not working Full Time.

use the club at our quieter times and enjoy the benefits of regular exercise surrounded by others of your own age.

Seniors Off Peak Times

11.30 am to 3.30 pm Monday to Friday

8 am to 4 pm Saturday

8 am to 1 pm Sunday

Special seniors friendly small group training sessions are included in our new timetable including circuit and hydrotherapy.

We will also be holding regular social functions to help you to make new friends and enjoy your exercise in Hobart’s only senior’s friendly club.

ExErcisE PHysiOLOGy sErvicEs

Evenings at 6pm Monday, Wendesday

similar format, but reduced to 30 minutes.

We will review the roster when spring comes around again and after we asses how the 30 minute group exercise program impacts on club usage.

We can now provide this service through Personal Trainer Jess Webb who is an accredited Exercise Physiologist.

Patients referred by their GP will be able to be bulk billed through Medicare, and we do not charge any extra payment.

department of Veterans Affairs will also cover program design and supervision costs and membership for ex-servicemen and women. Health funds may provide rebates

“Seniors members enjoying an aqua class - they look like they are

having fun!”

for appointments with Jess.

We provide rehabilitation programs for those undergoing workers compensation or for MAiB claimants. Once someone is referred by their GP, Physio, Specialist or rehab provider, we can liaise with the insurance Company or MAiB to set up a suitable program. All you need is a referral and we will do all the rest to ensure you get back to normal as soon as possible.

savE uP TO 60%

Special rates apply for all senior members with further discounts for pension card holders. rates start from $5 a week for pool and $7.50 a week

for full club membership.

for 9 to 13 year olds with a focus on having fun while improving fitness, strength and basic coordination skills. Sessions will be held in our Outdoor Fitness Trail and they will be 45 minutes in duration.

sEssiON TiMEs: Monday & Wednesday at 4 pm

cOsT: Single 10 pack

Members kids $5 $40

non Members $7 $60

access changes

You will have noticed that Bunning’s have now opened their new trade depot above Oceana. The one way link road between Electra Place and South Arm highway will also be completed soon, which will also allow us to complete the landscaping that is needed to tidy up our site. We will also be constructing a new ramp and path to this upper section of Electra Place to assist with access for school groups and members who will be able to park in this area once the roadworks are complete.Please ensure that you observe all signage in regards to permitted parking areas.


fees: Members non Members

Mornings x 3 week $99 $139

Evening x 2 week $69 $89

6AM Monday, Wednesday & Friday

6PM Monday & Wednesday


For those who want to book into multiple boot

camp programs, you can pay by a fortnightly

debit. This works out to $11 a week on top of

your club membership. Free First Session still

applies to all those who want to see what Boot

camp is all about.

first session free! We will review the roster when spring comes

around again and after we asses how the 30

minute group exercise program impacts on

club usage.

newsletter APriL 2009

Our Boot Camp program has continued to be

very popular in the Monday, Wednesday and

Friday morning 6 am timeslots, with evenings also

growing in popularity in recent times. However

as from Monday (May 4) we will revert back to

the 4 week structure with a start and end date for

each program. Bookings are essential.

New fee structure

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