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NewsletterMarch 2018

Message from Jenny Hughes, Chief Executive

require home care services. The Minister for Aged Care Ken Wyatt has recently released the third home care data report which includes information on the waiting time for consumers to receive services. This is the first time information regarding national wait queue times has been released. The report shows that 28,000 older people across Australia have been waitlisted for more than a year and almost all are waiting for a level 4 package. At 31 December, there were 104,602 people on the national queue, an increase of 3 per cent on the previous quarter. The report can be read in full by clicking here.The Minister is to be congratulated for being transparent in the issues and demands that are facing our home care programs as without this knowledge it is difficult to address the issues we at Catalyst and Seniors Information Service see and hear are confronting individuals, their carers and loved ones every day.We are in the midst of a State Election and many organisations and communities are asking questions of the parties and independents and seeking policy direction on health, disability, and housing and lifestyle issues. Please take this opportunity to ask your local candidate their views on these topics as awareness and acceptance of the issues our most vulnerable face need to be front and centre in our thinking if we are to be a just and caring society and community. I hope you enjoy the latest edition of Catalyst Social. Please give us a call on (08) 8168 8776 or email us on [email protected] if you are interested in finding out more about Catalyst Foundation or working collaboratively with us.

HELP LINE: 08 8168 8776 COuNtry SA: 1800 636 368www.CAtALyStFOuNDAtION.COM.Au [email protected]

Catalyst Foundation through its work as a provider of information and support to the community in areas including ageing and disability, housing and lifestyle talks with and meets many South Australians who are looking for services for themselves or loved ones.The sector serving Aged Care in particular has been in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons in recent months and most particularly with the release of the ICAC Report into the Oakden aged care facility by the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC), Bruce Lander.The Oakden report makes for harrowing reading and can be read in full by clicking here.We must as a community require that the Oakden findings lead to changes in our systems, reporting and monitoring and our accountabilities. Mahatma Gandhi said the true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members. The Oakden report unveils the worst of living conditions within a culture of neglect, abuse and social isolation.If there is a positive outcome of this report it is that there is a genuine and widespread acknowledgement that this situation cannot happen again. We would like to see action come with the recognition that our most vulnerable are entitled to care of the highest order.In making these comments we acknowledge that there are many providers of Aged Care who offer a genuine caring and compassionate service and we will continue to work with and support these organisations to deliver exemplary care.Another part of the Aged Care sector is supporting people to live in their home as independently as possible. To do this many

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Helping you access the care and support of your choice

Our Ageing SA consultants have extensive first-hand experience in the Residential and Community Aged Care systems.

Our consultants have up-to-date knowledge of the service options available, eligibility, access requirements, applicable costs, quality standards and consumer rights. Our consultants understand that making decisions about Residential or Community aged care can be both time consuming and complex. Ageing SA is here to provide support and to help you or your loved one.

Catalyst Foundation manages the only regularly updated vacancy list for Residential Care and Low Cost Housing in South Australia.

If you would like to find out more or book a time to meet with a consultant, please phone (08) 8168 8776 or email at [email protected]

We are able to meet with you in your home, a place of your choice or at our office in Currie Street, Adelaide.

Ageing SA is an initiative of Catalyst Foundation.

Have you visited our website recently?

Save it as bookmark/ favourite in your browser

Aboriginal Services Directory

The Aboriginal Services Directory provides up-to-date listings of Aboriginal Organisations, Aboriginal Businesses (owned or part owned) and non-Aboriginal Organisations and businesses providing social and community services to Aboriginal people. Currently, over 200 organisations are listed on the Aboriginal Services Online Directory.

Click here to access the directory

If you would like to sign-up, please contact our Project Officer (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Specialisation) Paul Elliott on (08) 8168 8776 or email Paul at [email protected].

This project is a partnership between Catalyst Foundation and Turkindi Inc.

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Be Scam Safe (Do’s and Don’ts of online scams)

Learn how to identify and protect yourself from online scams. The presentation will provide an overview on a variety of online scams, including:• Banking / Online Account• Health & Medical

The session will cover the basics of:

• Internet (choosing a service provider)

• Computers (Laptop and Desktop)

• Smart Phones (buying, navigating and more)

• Tablets (Samsung, Apple and more)

Presented in an easy, simple, user-friendly format.

Held on the third Wednesday of every month at Catalyst Foundation, 10am to 12pm.

To learn more or to book for a session please call (08) 8168 8776 or email [email protected]

Computer and Internet Overview for Beginners

New Seminar: Tips for Safe Internet Banking and

Online Shopping

Starting 6 March, we have introduced a monthly seminar on Tips for Safe Internet Banking and On-line Shopping.

In this session you will: • Learn how to check if you are using a

secure Internet connection• Explore Internet banking, including

on-line services• Learn how banking “apps” work• Learn how to ensure proper virus pro-

tection • Understand online shopping:

• What websites to use?• Buy and sell sites (eBay, Gumtree)• Product reviews• Payments, secure sites

To learn more or to book for a session please call (08) 8168 8776 or email [email protected]

• Investment (get rich quick)• Lottery / Competition• Dating / Friendship• Money Transfer• Mobile Phones

Held on the second Friday of every month at Catalyst Foundation, 10am to 12pm.

To learn more or to book for a session please call (08) 8168 8776 or email [email protected]

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Catalyst Foundation LGBTIQ Activities

Do you or someone you know identify as being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex or Queer (LGBTIQ)?

Have you heard about our social groups and activities that are specifically for LGBTIQ people who are over 50?

Our Over 50’s social gatherings for the LGBTIQ community are up and running in 2018 and we invite and encourage anyone from the LGBTIQ communities to partner/collaborate with us at any of our events or gatherings.

Currently we hold three regular social events in the city which include:

Monthly Dinner

Fast becoming one of the community’s favourite monthly gatherings

Meeting once a month on the 1st Thursday evening, in one of Adelaide’s local pubs the LGBTI community dinner is an open invitation for people over 50 to come together and have a meal or drink and socialise with each other, maintain connections or build new friendships. Friends and partners also welcome. An ideal event to bring interstate and overseas guests or for anyone travelling through and looking for some community connections.

Book Club

Meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 1 – 3pm at Catalyst Foundation 149 Currie Street Adelaide. The Book Club is an informal social group of LGBTI book lovers. People are welcome to come along at any time and given the informal nature you can attend when you are available.

Coffee Catch-up

Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 11am in the Market Street café, just of Gouger St within the Adelaide CBD.

The coffee catch-up is an opportunity to connect and catch up with other LGBTI people who are over 50 in a relaxed welcoming social environment, have a coffee or food and a chat around the table. It is an informal gathering and a great way to establish new friendships and meet other people within the LGBTI community. The coffee catch-up is also a good way for people who are new to South Australia to connect into the LGBTI community and find out what’s happening and where.

Feast on the Foreshore

Come and see us at this event, you can speak to our LGBTIQ Project Officer, find out about our services and what we can offer the LGBTIQ community, not just in our social gatherings but many of our other services including information seminars and digital literacy training sessions. We can also help you find the right LGBTIQ Ageing services and navigate My Aged Care to ensure you get high quality support services.

At Feast on the Foreshore there is always plenty to see and do. You can join in a range of activities such as entering your pooch in the Feast’s infamous dog competition or grab some friends and join the tug-of-war hosted by the super fit firefighters from the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service.

Be surrounded by the delicious tastes of local food vendors and be tempted by the wares at the artisan stalls. The day celebrates the LGBTIQ community in a family-friendly celebration of all things queer.

When: Sunday 18 March 2018 | 11am – 5pm

Where: Semaphore Foreshore Park, Esplanade, Semaphore

Everyone is welcome!

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The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency has the following roles regarding Australian Government-subsidised aged care homes:

• Accreditation of homes

• Compliance monitoring, information and training to providers

• Working with the community to promote quality care for older Australians.

When conducting the quality review of an aged care home the agency verifies compliance with four standards, which are detailed in the Quality of Care Principles 2014:

• Management systems, staffing and organisational development

• Health and personal care

• Care recipient lifestyle

• Physical environment and safe systems

Each standard consists of a principle and a number of expected outcomes. There are 44 expected outcomes across the four standards. Homes must comply with all 44 expected outcomes at all times.

Click here for your Accreditation Standards fact sheet, which spells out the principles and intentions of the standards and details the outcomes.

From the agency’s website ( it is also possible to check the accreditation report on individual aged care homes and see when they were last accredited (full accreditation is usually valid for three years).

If an aged care home is found to be in breach of the standards, depending

Aged care facilities – accreditation, sanctions and

notices of non-compliance

on how serious the breach is, it can be sanctioned and not allowed to admit residents for a period of time and until the issue is resolved, or it may receive a notice of non-compliance.

To check if a facility is under sanction or has been issued a notice go to My Aged Care website.

How do I make a complaint?

People who are not satisfied with the service or care provided by an aged care home can make a complaint to the Australian Government’s Aged Care Complaints Commissioner, tel. 1800 550 552.

It is also possible to contact Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS), the local participant of the national Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN). ARAS can provide information about the aged care home resident’s rights and an advocate to help them resolve issues. Tel 1800 700 600.

Save the date: 2018 Disability Ageing

and Lifestyle Expo, My Life My Choice

Thursday, 27 SeptemberAdelaide Showground

Register your interest: [email protected]

(08) 8168 8702

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Out and About

Seniors Forum with Hon. Zoe Bettison MP

Our CE Jenny Hughes was invited to be a keynote speaker at Seniors Forum organised by Hon. Zoe Bettison MP’s office on two separate occasions.

It was great to be able to talk with local community members about the Aged Care system and My Aged Care. It was a great initiative by the Minister’s Office to hold the forum to help people, families and carers to understand and simplify the aged care,health and community systems.

Residential Park Forum with Tony Piccolo MP

Our CE Jenny Hughes attended and presented at the Hillier Residential Park Forum hosted by Tony Piccolo MP.

It was a great opportunity for us to interact with the community and provide information on residential parks, transport and concessions.

NDIS Information Expo - Angle Park and Paradise

Our newly appointed Operations Manager Bev Galway is already out and about in the community! Bev recently attended two NDIS information expos held at Angle Park and Paradise.

Bev provided information about our support services to people living with disability, carers and community members.

In the month of March we will be out and about at the following events.

1. 9 March - NDIS Information Expo at Mt. Barker, 3.30-7.30pm

2. 13 March - 3rd CALD and Disability Symposium by Multicultural Hub, 9.30am-3.30pm

3. 16-17 March - South East Field Days

4. 18 March - Feast on the Foreshore, 11am-5pm

Coming up in March

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Saturday 17 March 2018 is polling day for the South Australian State Election.

Over 1.2 million electors will vote and have their say.

Electoral Commission SA recognises that there are many reasons why it can be difficult to vote in person at a polling booth on polling day. These reasons can include:

Illness or mobility issues Disability Caring for someone who has a disability or is unwell Travelling Or a number of other personal circumstances.

Therefore, Electoral Commission SA offers a range of options to support you to vote – whatever your situation.

Voting by post

Many older South Australians apply to vote in state elections via postal ballot. Application forms are available now from our website ( or any Australia Post outlet.

If you do not have access to the internet, or have difficulty visiting an Australia Post outlet, call us on 1300 655 232 and we will be happy to send an application form out to you. Once applications are received by us, ballot paper packs will be distributed from 5 March 2018.

Similarly, you may already be, or can apply to go on our Register of Declaration Voters. Being on this Register means that you will automatically receive a postal ballot for all future state and federal elections – you don’t need to re-apply. To apply to become a registered declaration voter you must meet certain criteria. More information is available on our website (

Voting in hospitals and nursing homes

To assist residents of institutions such as nursing homes, hostels, convalescent homes and hospitals, we will offer in-person voting facilities at more than 270 locations across South Australia this March. Trained and vetted electoral officials (known as Electoral Visitors) will visit institutions to take votes in the week prior to polling day.

To find out if Electoral Visitors will be attending your facility, you can view the full list on our website (

Voting before polling day, interstate or overseas

For those who will be travelling, the best option is to attend one of our pre-poll voting centres and vote before you leave. These pre-poll centres are open from 5 March to 16 March. A full list of locations is available on our website (

If you are already outside of South Australia, you can attend a pre-poll centre interstate or overseas. They are in every Australian capital city and a limited number of overseas locations. A full list of locations is available on our website (


If you are unsure if any of these options will work for you, or you have any questions about voting in the upcoming State Election, please call us on 1300 655 232 and one of our Customer Service Operators will assist you. Alternatively, you can visit our website at

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Elder Abuse: Safeguard your financial future

Take action.

Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

Contact us


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Elder Abuse: Safeguard your financial future

Take action.

Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

Contact us

Community Notice Board

D3 Challenge #6 - Healthy Kids Menu

SA Health, with support from ICT and Digital Government, is leading D3 Digital Challenge #6 – Healthy Kids Menu.

D3 Digital Challenges offer a new way to tackle complex social issues.

If you are a start-up, innovator, budding entrepreneur, developer, hobbyist or designer, success in a D3 Challenge may be the ideal way to build and grow your business. If you are a health or nutrition expert or healthy lifestyle enthusiast, a D3 Challenge will help you develop new skills.

For further information, email the team at [email protected]

Culturally Appropriate Palliative Care

Palliative Care Victoria has added three minute videos about palliative care in 15 languages have been added to the community language webpages. Available in Arabic, Cantonese, Croatian, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Macedonian, Maltese, Mandarin, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese they complement the bilingual brochures and audio already available and can be accessed from the ‘More Information’ at the bottom of each language page.

Visit Palliative Care Victoria website for more information.

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Community Notice Board

The Equal Opportunity Commission has launched a free legal advice clinic in partnership with The University of Adelaide, for people facing discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation.

The service is offered at the Office of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity at Level 17, 45 Pirie Street, Adelaide and provides legal advice on areas of Equal Opportunity law and in drafting legal documentation, statements and preparation for conciliation and Tribunal hearings.

The service is operated by final year law students under the supervision of fully qualified legal practitioners. It is a confidential service that is open to anyone in need of legal support.

Seniors Card and Office for the Ageing SA Health in partnership with the Adelaide Fringe are showcasing a range of all-ages-friendly events throughout the city and suburbs.

Download your copy of the Fringe by day Guide or you can collect a copy from our office at 149 Currie Street.

Free Legal Advice Clinic

To make an appointment please call 8207 1977 (between 10am – 3pm), or email [email protected].

Pickle app

The Pickle app connects young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness to the nearest possible service organisation.

Developed by Shelter SA with support from a DCSI Community Benefit SA grant, Pickle prioritises simplicity and privacy and takes a new approach to the ongoing challenge of young people’s access to services.

Visit the PICKLE website and to download the PICKLE app, go to the App Store or Google Play and search ‘Pickle by Shelter SA’.

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Have your say - Culturally and Linguistically Diverse action plan

Community Notice Board

The Aged Care Sector Committee Diversity Sub-group is developing an action plan to address the specific barriers and challenges faced by older people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse groups when accessing aged care.

The action plan will sit under the Aged Care Diversity Framework, launched by the Hon Ken Wyatt, Minister for Aged Care and Minister for Indigenous Health, in December last year.

To inform the action plan, the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia has been consulting with a range of stakeholders.

They now invite you to have your say via their online consumer and provider surveys which close on 15 March 2018.

Better Practice Project Workshops

The Better Practice Project (BPP) is funded by Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and works with a large range of agencies throughout South Australia across the sectors of aged care, disability, mental health, vulnerable adults and ethnic community services.

BPP provides support, information, training, resource development, mentoring and consultation around the review and development of service models, in partnership with these agencies. It articulates a service model that enhances the citizenship, roles and life strengths of the CHSP target groups.

1800RESPECT New Website

1800RESPECT has a new website The website is now live in its Beta testing environment.

If you would like to provide feedback on the Beta environment there is still time. You can provide your comments and input via the link from the homepage.

Upcoming workshops:

• Wednesday 14 March Social Inclusion

• Thursday 15 March Because I can

• Friday 16 March Train the Trainer (with Sheree Lewis)

• Tuesday 20 March Keeping Connected

• Wednesday 21 March Working in People’s Homes (with Jane Sherwin)

Venue: 246 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton

To register your interest, please email your name, organisation, phone and email details to [email protected]

Brain Awareness Week 12-18 March 2018

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Community Notice Board

Your home and the nbn™ broadband access network

The nbn™ broadband access network is Australia’s new internet and landline phone network. It’s designed to give you access to fast and reliable internet and phone services, no matter where you live. The network is rolling out right now across metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia. It may already be available at your address and if not, it is coming soon.

The nbn™ access network will replace most of the existing landline phone and internet networks in your area. As most existing landline phone and internet services will be disconnected, it’s important you switch affected services before your disconnection date – even if you only use a landline phone.

nbn will notify you by mail once your home is ready to switch. You will then have up to 18 months before existing landline services are disconnected. To find out whether your premises is ready to make the switch now check your address at or call 1800 687 626 to ask.

nbn is a wholesaler – contact a service provider to switch to nbn

nbn builds the network and provides wholesale services to phone and internet providers who then offer plans to the public. To connect, speak to a provider about a plan that best suits your needs. This could be your current home phone and internet provider. Your provider will also help if you have any issues once you are connected.

What you need to do to connect to services over the nbn™ network

1. Check whether your premises is ready

to connect at or call 1800 687 626 and ask.

2. Contact a phone or internet service provider about switching to a plan over the nbn™ network.

3. If your premises isn’t ready to connect yet, register for email updates at

The nbn™ broadband access network is for your home phone too

You will need to switch to the nbn network to stay connected, even if you just have a landline phone.

Your medical alarms and the nbn™ network

Most medical alarms are connected to your phone line – so they can call for help if you need it. As the nbn™ network is replacing most existing landline phone and internet networks in your area, some important services may not keep working. These include:

• Medical alarms

• Professionally monitored medical alarms

• Family and friend autodiallers/ emergency call buttons

• Priority Assistance Service

What should you do?

1. Call your medical alarm provider for advice on keeping your services working.

2. Register your medical alarm with nbn. Registering your alarm is free and helps us identify homes where support may be needed. To register, visit: or call 1800 227 300, 9am to 5pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

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Community Notice Board

Abuse Prevention ‘Train the Trainer’ Kit

The ARAS Abuse Prevention Program is inviting you to attend its next training session using a ‘Train the Trainer’ approach. The designated staff trainer will be given an Abuse Prevention Kit containing all materials necessary for the trainer to present a session(s) to their front line staff and volunteers. The training will provide agencies with knowledge and resources that will enable front line staff to recognise abuse of older people and act appropriately when abuse is identified.

To be held on Thursday, 22 March 2018

Venue: Aged Rights Advocacy Service

For more information contact Rob Nankivell or Doris Gioffre on 8232 5377 or 1800 700 600 for country callers

3rd CALD and Disability Sym-posium by Multicultural Hub

Tuesday, 13 March - FREE Event - The 3rd CALD and Disability Symposium focuses on the CALD experience of navigating the transition, the importance of understanding the review and appeals processes and engaging with relevant and responsive supports and resources.

For details of the full program go to the website click here.

Click here to register for the event.

Stakeholders and members of the community are invited to an Adelaide PHN update, with a showcase of the initiatives and services put in place over the past two years.

Presentations will include information on person-centred integrated care, collaboration, system improvement, specific services that respond to community need, how they commission and build capacity.

At each event, lunch/dinner will be provided.

Southern Roadshows

Thursday 15 March

Cove Civic Centre, 1 Ragamuffin Drive, Hallett Cove

Day session 11:00am - 1:30pm

Central Roadshow

Tuesday 20 March

Thebarton Community Centre, South Rd & Ashwin Pde, Torrensville

Day session 11:00am - 1:30pm

Northern Roadshows

Tuesday 27 March

Playford Civic Centre, 10 Playford Blvd, Elizabeth

Day session 11:00am - 1:30pm

Night session 6:00pm - 8:30pm


2018 Adelaide PHN Roadshows

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Volunteering Opportunity

A new volunteering opportunity is now available with Parafield Gardens Children’s Centre and the Women’s Information Service.

Volunteers will be based in the Parafield Gardens Children’s Centre to support women who need access to information and referrals. Volunteers will be supported and provided with training, orientation and a mentor shift.

To find out more about WIS, and to apply for this volunteering program, visit the Women’s Information Service website.

21 March Harmony Day

Harmony Day is held every year on 21 March. The Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The message of Harmony Day is ‘everyone belongs’, the day aims to engage people to participate in their community, respect cultural and religious diversity and foster sense of belonging for everyone.

You can get involved by hosting a simple event or attending a local celebration. Visit Harmony Day ‘Get involved’ page online for more information.

You can also connect online on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for more information.

Community Notice Board

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Community Notice Board

Advocacy for Disability Access and Inclusion Inc.

Do you feel that disability prevents you from speaking up for yourself? Either because you have difficulty speaking up or because others don’t listen to you?

Advocacy for Disability Access and Inclusion Incorporated (ADAI) is a not-for-profit organisation that provides a free service of advocacy support for people with disability. This means we can speak for you, or with you, if you have issues with others. We can assist with the NDIS, schools and other authorities, speaking with you so your voice can be heard.

Our team of advocates is made up of experts from a wide range of fields including education, counselling, legal, and mental health.

So if you think no one is listening to you because of disability, come to us. We will help you with your issues and will help you learn to help yourself.

Advocacy for Disability Access and Inclusion Incorporated is located at 149 Currie Street Adelaide SA 5000 co-located with Catalyst Foundation.

Phone: (08) 8340 4450; Fax: (08) 7226 0179; Country Callers: 1800 856 464; Email: [email protected]; Website:

New Dog and Cat Reforms

New laws for cat and dog owners and breeders will soon be introduced in South Australia including Microchipping and desexing.

Learn more about these reforms at

Established in 1995 under The Dog and Cat Management Act 1995, the Dog and Cat Management Board (the Board) is the only statutory board of its kind in Australia and offers a unique perspective in reporting on the status of dog and cat management in South Australia.

Memory Walk & Job - Dementia Australia

Be part of the national dementia fun run. Support the work of Dementia Australia.

Date: Sunday, 18 March 2018

Start line: Colley Reserve Terrace, Glenelg

Courses: 10km run / 6km walk / 3 km walk

Register at

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Catalyst Foundation is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health. Visit the Department of Health website ( for more information. Although funding for this service has been provided by the Australian Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Australian Government.

Commonwealth Home Support Programme

Disclaimer: Catalyst Foundation Social e-news may contain advertisements for third parties. Catalyst Foundation does not explicitly or implicitly endorse third parties in exchange for advertising. If you have any concerns regarding the content in the advertising, editorials or advertorial it is advised that you contact the third party directly or the appropriate statutory authority.

We are now on LinkedIn. Click below to follow us!

What’s on during February

149 Currie StreetAdelaide SA 5000Bookings are essential

Coffee and tea providedGeneral Public: $5 per person| cash only

Catalyst Foundation (including Seniors Information Service)

HELPLInE: (08) 8168 8776



Thinking of Selling your home (part 1 & part 2)NEW Tues 13 10am onwards

Retirement Villages - What should I know? Wed 14 10am - 12pm

Downsizing Wed 14 1 - 3pm

Accessing help at home Mon 19 1 - 3pm

Aged Care Fees & Charges Wed 28 10am - 12pm

Tips for Travel with iPad and Tablets Tues 20 1 - 3pm

Computer and Internet Overview for Beginners Wed 21 10am - 12pm

Tablet Showcase – which tablet is best for you? Tues 27 1 - 3pm

Learn how to use your iPad and Samsung (Android) tablet Tues Timings vary


Estate Planning Overview (Wills, POA) Thur 8 10am - 12pm

Thinking of Selling your home (part 1 & part 2)NEW Tues 13 10am onwards

Retirement Villages - What should I know? Wed 14 10am - 12pm

Downsizing Wed 14 1 - 3pm

Accessing help at home Mon 19 1 - 3pm

Aged Care Fees & Charges Wed 28 10am - 12pm

Tips for Safe Internet Banking and Shopping Online NEW Tue 6 10am - 12pm

Be Scam Safe (do’s and don’ts of online scams) Fri 9 10am - 12pm

Computer and Internet Overview for Beginners Wed 21 10am - 12pm

Tablet Showcase – which tablet is best for you? Tues 27 1 - 3pm

Learn how to use your iPad and Samsung (Android) tablet Tues Timings vary

What’s on during March

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