Page 1: Newsletter February 2018 - 2018... · 2019. 8. 12. · 1 at th Sat 24 Forthcoming events th f Editors: PARISH COUNCIL







February 2018

Village Diary for February

If you want your event published here please contact the Editors.

Thurs 1st

Feb Over 60’s – Costume Design for Stage and Film (p7)

Mon 5th

Feb Village Social Club – Jigsaw evening & AGM (p7)

Thurs 8th

Feb Morden Players – This England – GM Congregational

Church Schoolroom. (p8)

Sat 17th

Feb Bowls Club Bingo (p9)

Fr 23rd

Feb Traidcraft, Café Church, Bowls Club (p5)

Sat 24th

Feb Fish & Chip Supper & Quiz, Bowls Club (p9)

Sun 25th

Feb Charity Breakfast – SM Village Hall (p10)

Sun 25th

Feb Traidcraft – Family Service – Wendy (p5)

Forthcoming events

Thurs 1st

Mar Over 60’s – Richard Waites – Head Gardener (p7)

Mon 5th

Mar Village Social Club – Mike Petty – Front to Backs (p7)

Wed 7th

Mar Lent Lunch, Guilden Morden (p9)

Sat 17th

Mar Bowls Club Bingo (p9)

Sat 24th

Mar Race Night, Bowls Club (p9)

Sat 14th

Apr Big Fat Quiz. SM Village Hall

Fri 27th

Apr/ Morden Players – This England

Sat 28th



Desma Goddard: 38 Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Telephone 01763 852287

Gina Ferrari: 49 Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Telephone 01763 852971

Email: [email protected]


Despite the wet and cold gloomy weather

we have endured through January the

snowdrops and primroses are beginning

to appear, the bulbs are up and budding

regardless of the frost and snow. Even the

birds have started their courtship. Are we

going to have an early Spring?

We have the statistics from the Litter Pick

Teams of how much litter they picked up.

Hopefully they may be continuing their

brilliant work this year. Of course you

can always pick up the odd plastic

bottle or coffee cup and put it in a

nearby bin.

Dog Fouling although much improved

around the village is still a problem

especially in Hay Street. Please pick up

after your dog, it is a health hazard.

Dogs should be on a lead when walking

through fields with livestock. No dog

can be trusted entirely, as we have seen

from the post on page 8.

Plenty of activities this month to get you

out and about, from Bingo to a Quiz,

Costume Design, and even a chance to

‘tread the boards’ with the Morden



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Steeple Morden Parish Council

List of Councillors as at

November 2016 CLLR J BROCKLEHURST (Chairman)

Pennard House, Station Road, Odsey

01462 742856

CLLR S WHEATLEY (Vice Chairman)

95 Hay Street, Steeple Morden

01763 853826


Brook End, Steeple Morden

01763 852203


76 Station Road, Steeple Morden

01763 853390


79 Hay Street, Steeple Morden

01763 852540


Ringdale, 2 North Brook Road,

Steeple Morden

01763 852475

CLLR S NORTON (co-opted)

40 Hay Street, Steeple Morden

01763 853130

CLLR C UPCHURCH (co-opted)

Greenway Farm, Litlington Road, SM

01763 852193

CLLR K AUSTIN (co-opted)

Bogs Gap Lane, Steeple Morden

01763 852023


01763 852526


01767 651982

Dog Fouling

The issue of dog fouling remains a key concern for our the community. Apart from the anti-social nature of the problem, dog fouling presents a real health hazard. The threat of Toxocariasis (caused by dog roundworm larvae) is a very real threat and it can cause blindness, and children are most susceptible to this disease. So if you really care about your community and our children remember there’s no such thing as a Dog Poo Fairy and failure to clean up after

your dog could land you with a fine of £1000!

Footpath 7


I would like to thank everyone who contributed so

generously to the Footpath Fund last year.

We soon acquired the necessary funds and eventually

the County Council, i.e. in December, contacted us to

ask for payment for the necessary announcement in the

local paper.

We can now ‘officially' walk along the footpath we

have been walking for the past half century!!

Once again a big thank you,

Sue Norton

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The Full PC meets on the second Monday in the in the Cricket Pavilion (Village Hall in winter) at 7.30pm. The meeting is listed every month in the Village Post Office window, on the Notice Board at the Recreation

Ground, and in Odsey near the station. A copy of the full minutes from the Council Meetings may be obtained by contacting the Parish Clerk, Sally Walmesley, Redwood Lodge, South Street, Litlington, Royston SG8 0QR. Telephone 01763 852137 or e-mail [email protected]. Minutes can also be viewed on the Steeple Morden Village Website and the Village Post Office. Discussion on agenda items from the January Council meeting on included the following:

• District Cllr Cicely Murfitt - Cllr Murfitt reported that there has been no update to the plans for the


• County Councillor Mr S Kindersley – reported that some progress had been made on the A505 junctions

with Cambs County Traffic putting forward their concerns to the Hertfordshire Traffic Committee.

With regards to the proposed rail link between Oxford and Cambridge proposals have been made for a

‘new string township’ at Bassingbourn Barracks complete with a new station, also proposed is a ‘new string

township’ at Biggleswade/Sandy and moving the Sandy station. A new local plan with be commenced in


• Recreation Ground and Conservation Area- A request from the Football Club that the grass on the

recreation ground could be left to grow and not cut so short was turned down as the mowers could not be


• Speedwatch – the idea of having a 30 mile an hour ‘smiley sign’ on entering the village was turned down by

the Cambridge Police – however we could have moveable 30 mile ‘pop-up’ signs which flash to show the

speed you are doing. It was thought this was a good idea and would be followed up.

• Proposed use of The Green telephone kiosk – further ideas are requested: so far it has been suggested

that it could be an information centre, with maps showing different walks, or a small library. It was

noted that the telephone box needed a coat of paint, any volunteers?

• Section 106 Projects – projects suggested so far are new play equipment, car park re-surfacing, new

play area fence, a second bench for the tennis club.

• Dog Fouling within the village – whilst there has been a great improvement in this area there are still

instances of dog fouling especially along Hay Street. (p2)

Planning Applications

Planning Ref S/4451/17/OL

60 Hay Street – outline planning for up to 2 residential dwellings and associated garages (all matters

reserved except means of access)

(Cherry) Supported

100 Years of Memories of Steeple Morden

There is to be an exhibition in Steeple Morden, 4

th - 18

th July 2018, when we hope to include information, photos

and memorabilia, about the history and life and times of people in the village, to coincide with the centenary of the

end of World War One.

All items should be named so that the items can be returned.

We need toys, clothes, books, games as well as photographs, we also need your memories.

All items are needed by the end of March so that they can be sorted ready for the exhibition.

Contact: Tricia Covington (Post Office) or Rose Dickinson ([email protected])

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Steeple Morden Parish Litter Pick Initiative - “60 minute makeover” events 2017

The inaugural “60 minute makeover” event took place in March 2017 in Odsey. Twenty volunteers, including the

South Cambs MP Heidi Allen, turned out and the team collected more than 16 bags of rubbish in just one hour.

This was followed by six further Parish “60 minute makeover” litter pick events that covered the whole of Steeple

Morden village. The final event in November saw the volunteers return to Odsey for a second clean up.

In 2017:

• 118 man hours of litter picking was completed by volunteers (including 31 by children) at eight 60 minute

litter pick events;

• 30 cubs and scouts completed a 90 minute litter pick covering all the recreation/conservation areas

collecting 4 bags of rubbish;

• In total 82 bags of rubbish have been collected as well as other large items of rubbish.

None of this would have been possible without the support and dedication of a fantastic team of volunteers (some of

whom participated in nearly every event) and for this the Parish thanks you.

The PC would also like to thank South Cambridgeshire District Council for their support by collecting all the rubbish

collected and for the loan of litter pickers. The PC is also grateful to the Big Lottery Fund for providing funding for

other equipment including, bag hoops, signs and hi-viz jackets.

The objective of these sessions was to improve the environment of Steeple Morden Parish for all who live and visit

the area and was carried out under the Community Highway Volunteering Scheme and organised by Steeple Morden

Parish Council.

The 2018 schedule will be published soon and hopefully more members of the community will get involved allowing a

larger area of ground to be covered at each 60 minute makeover.

If you would like more information about this initiative or to register your interest in getting involved please

email [email protected] with your name.

Zone 1: Odsey Saturday 11th

March 20 volunteers (including 4 children) - 16


Zone 2: Cheney Street from Litlington Road to

Brook End to include The Green

Saturday 8th

April 19 volunteers (including 4 children) - 17


Zone 3: Cheney Street from Brook End to Hay

Street Junction to include Russell Close and

Jubilee Way etc

Saturday 13th

May 20 volunteers (including 7 children) - 11


Zone 4: Station Road from allotments to

Ashwell Road to include Ashwell Road and

Windmill Close etc

Saturday 10th


14 volunteers (including 5 children) - 4 bags

Zone 5: Station Road and Hay Street to Craft

Way to include Craft Way

Saturday 8th

July 12 volunteers (including 4 children) - 6 bags

Zone 6: Hay Street from Craft Way to Trap

Road /North Brook End / Trap Road and Bogs


Saturday 9th


10 volunteers (including 1 child) - 4 bags

Zones 2-6: Sweep of Steeple Morden village

Saturday 7th

October 8 volunteers (including 4 children) - 4 bags

Zone 1: Odsey

Saturday 11th


15 volunteers (including 2 children) - 16


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Guilden Morden Congregational Church

Diary for February

Sunday 4th Feb 10.30am Café style

service. Come and join us for croissants and coffee in our relaxed style of worship. All welcome.

Monday 5th Feb 10.30-12.00am Men’s

Guild in the school room Wed 7th Feb 9.00-11.30am Mix and

Match Coffee Morning Sunday 11th Feb 11.00am Joint service at

Littlington led by John Whittle

Wed 14th Feb 9.00-11.30am Mix and

Match Coffee Morning Sunday 18th Feb 10.00am Joint service at

St Mary’s Wed 21st Feb 9.00-11.30am Mix and

Match Coffee Morning Sunday 25th Feb 10.30am Joint service

with Littlington at the Chapel, led by Adrian Burr

Wed 28th Feb 9.00-11.30am Mix and

Match Coffee Morning

Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church, Steeple Morden Diary February

The Church is one of six in the Shingay Group and details of services in all the churches are published monthly in Prospect. Our website is

Friday 2Friday 2Friday 2Friday 2ndndndnd 9999----11.30am Café Church11.30am Café Church11.30am Café Church11.30am Café Church

Sunday 4Sunday 4Sunday 4Sunday 4thththth 8.30am Parish Communion8.30am Parish Communion8.30am Parish Communion8.30am Parish Communion

Monday 5Monday 5Monday 5Monday 5thththth 7.30pm Home Group at 7.30pm Home Group at 7.30pm Home Group at 7.30pm Home Group at

78 Hay Street.78 Hay Street.78 Hay Street.78 Hay Street.

Friday 9Friday 9Friday 9Friday 9thththth 9999----11.30am Café Church11.30am Café Church11.30am Café Church11.30am Café Church

Sunday 11Sunday 11Sunday 11Sunday 11thththth 10.45am Mattins and coffee10.45am Mattins and coffee10.45am Mattins and coffee10.45am Mattins and coffee

Monday 12Monday 12Monday 12Monday 12thththth 7.30pm Home Group at 7.30pm Home Group at 7.30pm Home Group at 7.30pm Home Group at

78 Hay Street78 Hay Street78 Hay Street78 Hay Street

Wed. 14Wed. 14Wed. 14Wed. 14thththth (Ash Wednesday)(Ash Wednesday)(Ash Wednesday)(Ash Wednesday)

7pm Holy Communion7pm Holy Communion7pm Holy Communion7pm Holy Communion

Sunday 18Sunday 18Sunday 18Sunday 18thththth 9.45am Family Service9.45am Family Service9.45am Family Service9.45am Family Service

6pm Group Choral Evensong at6pm Group Choral Evensong at6pm Group Choral Evensong at6pm Group Choral Evensong at


Monday 19Monday 19Monday 19Monday 19thththth 7.30pm Home Group at7.30pm Home Group at7.30pm Home Group at7.30pm Home Group at

78 Hay Street78 Hay Street78 Hay Street78 Hay Street

Tuesday 20Tuesday 20Tuesday 20Tuesday 20thththth 11.30am Lent Group followed by11.30am Lent Group followed by11.30am Lent Group followed by11.30am Lent Group followed by

simple lunch, Guilden Mordensimple lunch, Guilden Mordensimple lunch, Guilden Mordensimple lunch, Guilden Morden

Friday 23Friday 23Friday 23Friday 23rdrdrdrd 9999----11.30am Café Church & 11.30am Café Church & 11.30am Café Church & 11.30am Café Church &

Traidcraft stallTraidcraft stallTraidcraft stallTraidcraft stall

Sunday 25Sunday 25Sunday 25Sunday 25thththth 10am Group Service at 10am Group Service at 10am Group Service at 10am Group Service at

Litlington with TraidcraftLitlington with TraidcraftLitlington with TraidcraftLitlington with Traidcraft

6pm Group Evensong at6pm Group Evensong at6pm Group Evensong at6pm Group Evensong at

Guilden MordenGuilden MordenGuilden MordenGuilden Morden

Monday 26Monday 26Monday 26Monday 26thththth 7.30pm Home Group at7.30pm Home Group at7.30pm Home Group at7.30pm Home Group at

78 Hay Street78 Hay Street78 Hay Street78 Hay Street

Tuesday 27Tuesday 27Tuesday 27Tuesday 27thththth 11.30am Lent Group and lunch11.30am Lent Group and lunch11.30am Lent Group and lunch11.30am Lent Group and lunch

Fairtrade You can help fight poverty amongst small growers and producers by supporting Fairtrade.

Traidcraft goods are available on:

Friday 23rd

February at Café Church,

Steeple Morden Bowls Pavilion

Sunday 25th

February after the Group Service at


Or by ringing Anne on 853490

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Organisation Contact Name Phone



SM Newsletter Editor Desma Goddard 01763 852287 [email protected]

SM Newsletter Editor Gina Ferrari 01763 852971 [email protected]

First Responders Nick Badger 01763 852191



First Responders (co-ord) Wayne Cox 01763 853206

07795 823376

[email protected]

Primary School Tracey How,


01763 852474 [email protected]

Village College The Principal 01763 242344

SS Peter & Paul Church Canon Shamus

Williams (day off

normally Monday)

Rose Dickinson

01763 853067

01763 852138

[email protected]

[email protected]

GM Cong. Church Arthur Chappell 01763 852309 [email protected]

SM Village Hall Bookings Diane Knight 01763 853073 [email protected]

Scouts, Cubs & Beavers Keith Austin 01763 852023 [email protected]

Brownies Debbie Fisher 01763 852811 [email protected]

Guides Ann Clarke 07756 291899 [email protected]

Allotment Society Dave Blanchard 01763 853266 [email protected]

Smarties Pre-School and

Out of School Club

Michele Taylor 07952 100208

or 01763



[email protected]

Out of School Club:

[email protected]

Cricket Club Fraser Daws 01763 853008 [email protected]

Football Club Pete Summers 07709258359

Morden Magpies Youth FC Laurence Harrison 07799 625529

Bowls Club (Sec) David Holt 01763 852636 [email protected]

Tennis Club Fiona Coverdale 01763 853325 [email protected]

Waggon & Horses Mandy & Jose 01763 853311 [email protected]

Morden Players Jenny Elder 01763 852557 [email protected]

Over 60s Club Ann Thorp 01763 852848 [email protected]

Luncheon Club Debbie Fisher 01763 852811 [email protected]

Royal British Legion Ray Leach 01763 852734 [email protected]

Mobile Wardens Scheme Angela Drew

Lynn Pestell

01763 853390

01763 853461

WI Di Coleman 01763 852124 dicole.8pott@btinternet

Neighbourhood Watch Roy Newbury 01763 852241 Cambs Police:

Social Car Scheme Hazel Smith 01763 852602 [email protected]

If the contact details need to be amended please let the Editor know, so that the list can be as accurate

as possible at all times. A list of local useful numbers can be found on the village website

( and general useful numbers can be found on the inside back page of The Listing.

Contact Names, Numbers and E-Mail Addresses for

Organisations and Groups in the Village

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Meetings & Venue for

Over ‘60’s 2017/8

1st February Costume Design for Stage

& Film – Rich Keam

1st March Richard Waites -NT

Wimpole, Head Gardener


April Maynards Ice Cream-



May Birthday Lunch – tba

Meetings held 1st Thursday of every month

At Steeple Morden Village Hall

All visitors welcome

Nikki Mills (BACP)

Counsellor and Psychotherapist

07596 292844

Do you have a situation that is affecting your

daily life and its not improving.

Perhaps you would like to gain awareness, insight

and explore ways of solving your problems or to

simply boost your self confidence.

Maybe Counselling could help you

Wyndham Centre, 9 Pinnocks Lane,

Baldock, Herts SG7 6DF

01462 893586

The “Mordens Community First Response


We are looking for new members If you have a few hours spare a week, work from home from time to time, are home-based or just fancy doing something new that is massively rewarding, then please get in touch. The Mordens CFR Group is a small group of local volunteers who are trained by the ambulance service to attend 999 ambulance related calls within an approximate 5 mile radius of the Mordens. Since going live in July last year, we have attended over 120 calls, and in the vast majority of cases, have been the first to arrive on scene. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact myself, Nick Badger on (01763) 852191, 07860 537114 or mail [email protected] or the group’s co-ordinator Wayne Cox on (01763) 853206, 07795 823376 or by mail [email protected]

Villagers Social Club

Next two meetings

Monday 5th


Jigsaw evening & AGM

Monday 5th March

Guest speaker: Mike Petty

From the Front to the Backs

All welcome

We meet in Steeple Morden Village Hall at


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The Guilden Morden branch of the Workers’ Educational

Association (WEA) will reconvene in January 2018 with a new

nine-week course Russians and the Russian Culture through

the Witness’ Eyes with a native born Russian Marina Burrell.

Topics covered will include aspects of life in the USSR during

and after the Cold War: education, family life, health service,

art, travel, pop-culture, ethnic minorities- with an introduction

to the Russian language.

The course will be held : at Guilden Morden School Pound

Green Guilden Morden SG8 OJZ

The group will meet at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evenings from the

9th January and fees are £ 49.00 for nine 1 ½ hour sessions

Fees may be waived for those in receipt of certain benefits-

please check when you sign up.

for more information please telephone Detlev Popp 01763

852637 or visit the and search for C2224722 . You

can call our national enrolment line on 0300 303 3464 option


We need more volunteers & an organisor for

the Community Speedwatch – could you


Contact Chris Whittington on 01763 852540

How would you like to see the

telephone kiosk on The Green

used? A community Library?

Information centre? Art gallery?

Local residents, please send your

ideas and suggestions to Sally


01763 852137 [email protected]

The Morden Players

Would like to invite you to the launch of

“This Englan“This Englan“This Englan“This England”d”d”d”

on Thursday February 8th 2018

7.30 pm Guilden Morden Congregational

Chapel Schoolroom


Performance dates: Friday 27th and

Saturday 28th April.

This will be a show of songs, sketches, prose and

poetry in celebration of our green and pleasant land.

A wide range of material will be provided - stirring,

sentimental, and sublimely silly. This is a flexible

show that can go ahead with six people or sixteen, so

do come along and try it on for size.

Do you fancy treading the boards and joining in?

This is an open invitation to all, not just Morden

Players members so please come along and join us.

If you are interested but cannot make it on February

8th then contact Sarah Harrison at:

[email protected].

Livestock and Dogs

Livestock and dogs do not mix unless they

are especially trained for a specific role.

Please could dog owners/walkers remember

that if they are around livestock then their

animals must be kept under control,

preferably on a lead.

The Countryside Code is a good guide with

advice on how to behave in rural areas.

My reason for this reminder is that in

November 2017 I had to have my ram put

down after a dog attack that left him

paralysed. A distressing but avoidable

experience for all concerned.

Celia Upchurch

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Walking is good for you, good for everyone!

Going for a walk is good for your body, your mind

and the environment.

For such a simple activity, the benefits are endless.

It’s good for your health, it lifts your mood, it’s a

sociable activity and a great way to meet new

people. It also counts towards the recommended 150

minutes of physical activity you should be doing

each week.

So why not join the Comberton Ramblers.

We walk alternative Sundays between 4-7 miles.

We are a friendly / informative group and enjoy

exploring the varied countryside in this area. New

walkers are very welcome to join us with up to 2 free

walks, and if you enjoy our walks we request that

you become a member. Annual membership fee is

£8.50 per person.

Our full walks programme can be viewed + photo's


For further information please contact Stella the



Wednesday 7th March

At Village Hall, Guilden Morden

12.30 for 1.00 o’clock

Join us for a choice of delicious

home-made soups, Bread and Cheese and coffee or tea

Tickets £7.50 available from

Pat Holroy Tel: 853742 Jill Hillman Tel: 853400 SM Post Office

Easter Cards, General Cards, Raffle

and Bring and Buy

Steeple Morden Bowls Club.

(Situated behind the Village Hall)

Forth Coming Events



Quiz Night 7.00pm for 7.30pm £10.00 entry with

Fish & Chip supper. Tables of 4;6;or 8 or come on

your own and we will sort out a table for you, we

have a new quiz master should be a good evening.



Our usual Race Night 7.00pm for 7.30pm.

£10.00 entry, which includes a fish and chip supper.

This event is always popular so make sure you book

your tickets early

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St Peter & St Paul, Roof Repairs

Steeple Morden church is now surrounded by scaffolding for major repairs.

Tiles have been slipping from the nave roof for several years as the wooden pegs holding them have rotted. The roof will be completely stripped, tiles sorted and re-fixed onto new battens. Lead on the north aisle roof, stolen in 2016, will be replaced and the rainwater gullies will be reconstructed to remedy long-standing leaks into the north wall. The lead is protected by a monitored alarm.

The church is also home to some bats, probably hibernating at present in the north aisle roof. The lead work is scheduled for after the end of the hibernation period, supervised by an ecologist and carried out under license.

The main contractor is CEL Leadwork Contracts Ltd of Whittlesey near Peterborough. Completion is expected in early June.

Work such as this, on a Grade 2* listed building, costs a great deal of money, and it would not be able to proceed without the excellent support from people who donated to the appeal in 2015 and those who supported various Friends' fund-raising events. The Friends of SS Peter & Paul (Registered Charity 292004) is able to contribute over £20,000 to this project.

Most of the remainder of the cost is being met by grants from various bodies:

Listed Places of Worship – Roof Repair Fund (Grant £88,800)

Administered by the National Heritage Memorial Fund.

The National Churches Trust (Grant £15,000)

The National Churches Trust relies solely on the generosity of supporters to fund its work. At present it has to turn down three out of four applications for funding. To support their work or for more information visit their web site:

ChurchCare (Grant £10,000)

Supported by the Wolfson Foundation

Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust (Grant £3,000 and loan of £20,000)

The Trust offers grants and loans to help congregations look after their historic places of worship. Its main source of income is the annual "Ride, Drive and Stride". Each September sponsored cyclists, motorists and walkers visit churches, chapels and colleges throughout Cambridgeshire, sharing the money raised between the Trust and their local church. Details of the Trust's work can be found at

Steeple Morden Charity Breakfast

Sunday 25th

February 2018

8.00 – 10.30 am

Steeple Morden Village Hall Tickets available from

Steeple Morden Post Office

Sean Comerford 01763 852808

Tickets £6

Family Ticket (2 adults + 2 U16) £20


In aid of Firefighters Charity & Royal British Legion

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A family-friendly club seeking players for U6, U7, U8 U9 & U10 age groups. Boys and girls of any ability welcome.

Morden Magpies football club has a long history in local junior football. The club restarted in September 2012 and gain Charter status in 2014. This is a family club that enjoys the support of the senior Steeple Morden Football Club. Above all we want young players to have fun, enjoy and learn about the game and be part of a team. If you would like your son or daughter to join the club or would like to find out more please contact any of the following FA-qualified coaches: Under 6 - Kevin Donnelley - 07860 607416. [email protected]

Under 7 - Martin Holt – 07740215874. [email protected]

Under 8 - Laurence Harrison – 07799625529. [email protected]

Under 9 - Andrew Holt – 07850801899. [email protected]

Under 10 - Pete Summers – 07709258359. [email protected]

Steeple Morden Football Club

Steeple Morden 1st

MP & G 1A



Feb Duxford United 1st

v SM 1st


Feb SM 1st

v Cherry Hinton Res


Feb SM 1st

v West Wratting Res


Feb West Wratting Res v SM 1st


Mar Exning United FC 1st

v SM 1st

Matches start at 14.00 hrs

Steeple Morden Reserves MP & G 3A



Feb SM Res v Eaton Socon A Team


Feb Comberton United Res v SM Res


Feb Melbourn 1st

v Abington United 1st


Feb SM Res v Abington United 1st


Mar Cherry Hinton A Team v SM Res

Matches start at 14.00 hrs

Steeple Morden 1st

MP & G 1A



Dec SM 1st

3 - 2 Debden 1st


Jan Bar Hill SSC Res v SM 1st


Jan SM 1st

0 - 1 Ashdon Villa 1st


Jan SM 1st

4 - 3 Hardwick FC 1st


Jan SM 1st

1 - 3 Milton Res

Steeple Morden Reserves MP & G 3A



Dec Melbourn 1st

v SM Res


Jan SM Res 3 - 1 Cherry Hinton A Team


Jan Eaton Socon A v SM Res


Jan Great Paxton Res 4 - 3 SM Res


Jan Foxton Res 1 - 3 SM Res

Steeple Morden Cricket Club

Steeple Morden Cricket Club had a very successful Awards Dinner Evening with George Thomas picking up

two Awards. He lifted the Player of the Year trophy for his all round contributions with bat and ball as well as

the Batsman of the Year award with two centuries contributing to him being leading run scorer. In his comeback

season, off-spinner Laurence Harrison was leading wicket taker and collected the Bowler of the Year

award. For the second time in three seasons, the athletic Ed Gilley was Fielder of the Year and Chairman

Fraser Daws was awarded the Clubman Trophy.

The Club welcomes players of all ages and ability, please contact Fraser Daws on 01763 853008

if you are interested in joining.

Page 12: Newsletter February 2018 - 2018... · 2019. 8. 12. · 1 at th Sat 24 Forthcoming events th f Editors: PARISH COUNCIL


The Village Wheelchair

There is a manual wheelchair available for short term use by anyone in the village. For more information and availability please contact Trish at the Post Office.




We have upwards of 80 sets of dinner plates, dessert

bowls, cups and saucers with accompanying knife, fork

spoon and teaspoons. We charge 5p per item for hire.

Details and more information can be obtained from

Diane on 01763 852580. All charges go to our fund

raising for Save The Children.


Steeple Morden Village Hall is available for hiring for parties, wedding receptions, club and social activities.

It comprises: Tables, Seating for 120, Bar, Kitchen, Cooker, Fridge, Stage, Parking. There is also limited Crockery &

Cutlery Projector and screen available and Induction Loop Equipment

– ask our booking clerk for more details.

For bookings and prices please contact:

Diane Knight 33 Cheyney Street, Steeple Morden, SG8 0LR

Tel 01763 853073 (please don't phone between the hours of 6 - 7 p.m.)

email: [email protected]

MOBILE LIBRARY The Mobile Library

stops in the village

on the first Tuesday

of every month.

It stops at Russell Close between 10.20 am and

11.05 am. (Note new time and day)

The calling date for February is

Tuesday 6th February

The Newsletter is printed by: Hales Printers,

23 Jarman Way, Royston, Hertfordshire. SG8

5HW. 01763 243195.

Contributions sent to the editors prior

to the newsletter deadline will

normally be printed in the next

available edition.

The deadline for the March edition is

12 noon on February 16th

Contact details for the editors are at

the top of the first page of the


Don’t forget you can view this issue and back issues of the Newsletter online at and also subscribe to the monthly e-mail copy of the Newsletter.

Let’s save money and trees!

A focus on local business

In support of promoting local businesses, the Newsletter is inviting local businesses to submit a short advertorial

about the products and services they offer to be included in a future Newsletter.

The advert is to be written by you and can include a couple of photos. The articles need to be no more than half

an A4 page including photos or graphics. Send to [email protected]

This is your opportunity to tell local people about your local business.

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