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I would like to begin by acknowledging the privilege it is for me to be serving you as your Chairperson of House Humanities. During my tenure in office, I have learnt the paramount importance of the faculty and during that experience; I have grown as an individual and a leader.

I envision that the Executive Committee of 2014/2015 will achieve all its set goals. This year we strive to make House Humanities a “home away from home” for the students of Faculty of Humanities. I believe that the current team will be able to achieve a great deal of success in the coming year both for the House and Faculty. I would like to see the House providing cohesive mechanisms to enable our students with support in all dimensions of their university experience through greater access to resources within the institution and support systems that will enable all students to have a balanced life.

During my tenure the goal of the House is to emphasize sustainable community development projects that will empower students and change lives. The 2014/2015 EC will advance their efforts to building stronger relations with all sporting teams that play for House and ensure that they receive optimum support from the EC and other structures in the faculty.

Lastly, I want to lead the team by creating opportunities for EC members and the student community to be creative and passionate about their faculty. I envisage to develop the ability in students to dream, drive and achieve all their goals during their time at Tuks. I do not promise immediate change, but I do promise to always be better than I was yesterday.

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House Humanities was formed in 2001/2002. It initially functioned as a day house, like Vividus and Zeus, to get day students more involved in campus and faculty activities. The House competed in various sport competitions; the first House trophy was won during the year the House came into existence. The House also partook in building floats and other activities around campus. The guardians and Executive Committee arranged fundraisers and because of their passion, even stretched their own pockets to fund events.

Due to little funding, support and disinterest by day students, it was decided to turn the House into a Faculty House.

Some of the first guardians were; Idette Noome (12 years), Dr Reineth Prinsloo (4/5 years), Dr Marie-Heleen Coetzee (2 years), Dr Duncan Reyburn (2 years), and Mr Nigel Bougard (2 years)

Today, the House is successful established House, expanding every year, catering to the needs of all students of the Faculty of Humanities.

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On the 16th of January, House Humanities took initiative to make our Library sparklewith freshness!We met at 7:30 in the Merensky Library and were greeted with a lot of work to be done!Throughout the day, we had the chance to gain insight into some students’ lives andthoughts,As we scraped messages such as “Thank God I made it!”, or “If you see this, here’s mynumber”.(We apologize if we have come in between your love story)

The highlight of the day was definitely learning that the all the gum under the tables hadnever been removed since the beginning of times! This meant that us, HouseHumanities, had the privilege to interact with fossilized chewing gum, how thrilling!

After a lot of sweat (and probably tears), the team had an amazing time!

(Though we are all forever traumatized and swore never to chew gum again!)

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O-WEEK was absolutely amazing! It was such an honour to interact directly with the First Years,House Humanities had a blast!We should all look out for the mass of incoming Psychology students, and be seriously concernedAbout the sanity of the future, for we are in their hands!

We had over 400 sign-ups throughout Orientation Week and thanks to all the excitementWe managed to reach 500 Likes on our Facebook Page!

If you are a First Year, make sure to join the Facebook Group “Humanities First Years 2015”

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The First Year Braai took place right after O-Week and was a space for First Years to comeMeet fellow Humanities Students!It was completely FREE and the atmosphere was great!

We were joined by some members of the SRC and Student Sports Committee.

We definitely look forward to more events in your company!

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IMPORTANT CONTACTS• Sumien Deetlefs- Chairperson ([email protected])

• Lulama Shongwe- Vice-chairperson & Student Development ([email protected])

• Mojalefa Sebapu- Academic Guardian ([email protected])

• Hesta van der Heever- Treasurer ([email protected])

• Rebecca Schade- Secretary ([email protected])

• Shaun Nortje- Community Projects ([email protected])

• Kenneth Diole – Transformation ([email protected])

• Dessiree Sikhosana- Community Projects ([email protected])

• Donavan du Plooy- Student Development ([email protected])

• Merrick Steenkamp- Sport ([email protected])

• Manya Louw- Social and Culture ([email protected])

• Celma Costa- Webmaster and Marketing ([email protected])


Unit for Students with special needs

Contact details

Telephone number: +27 12 420 2064Fax Number : +27 086 568 1754

E-mail address: [email protected] address:

Student Health

Tel: +27 (0)12 420 2500

Location: Student Health Services Building (north of the Piazza) Hatfield Campus

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