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Newsletter Name School Name

Wednesday, 3 March 2021 Issue 1 - Term 1 - Week 1

Mount Keira Demonstration School Established 1861 “Learning and Caring”

255 Mount Keira Road MOUNT KEIRA NSW 2500 Ph 02 4229 1446 E [email protected] Website

The Summit Term 1 Week 6 Wednesday 3 March 2021


Upcoming events

Thursday 4 March Sporting Schools Grant hockey program commences- 4 weeks

Friday 5 March Clean up Australia Day- bring gloves

Monday 8 March School photo day- please return envelopes before the day

Wednesday 10 March Interrelate family program 6pm and 7.15pm- last chance to register. The program will not run again until 2023

Friday 12 March P and C Disco in school hours

Saturday 13 March Progressive Dinner 6.30pm

Monday 15 March Monday Munchies- sushi

Wednesday 17 March School Cross Country carnival- Yrs 3-6 and Yr 2s turning 8

Wednesday 24 March Whole School Athletics carnival

Monday 29 March Monday Munchies- kebabs

Thursday 1 April Last day of term

Monday 19 April Staff Development Day

Tuesday 20 April Students return to school

Dear Parents/Carers Autumn is a lovely time of the year. As the weather during this season is often unpredictable it is advisable to put a school jumper into your child’s school bag. Please ensure all belongings have your child’s name clearly printed on them so they can be returned if they are misplaced. We have a number of jackets in very good condition sitting in our lost property with no names on them. Class of the week-Wattle This week in Wattle we read a story called ‘Ordinary Oscar’. Oscar was a snail who had a big dream to become famous. His Fairy Godsnail waved her magic wand and granted Oscar his wish turning him into a ‘stunning, stupendous, spectacular snail’. The students in Wattle had fun creating their own version of Oscar, and ‘WOW’ doesn’t he look amazing. They also thought about what they would wish for if they were able to have one wish.

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If I had one wish I would wish for a never ending fairy floss machine. Arlo

If I had one wish I would wish for lots and lots of icecream. Dielle

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If I had one wish I would wish to be really small so the grass would look like trees and I could hide in the grass. Dashiell

If I had one wish I would have all the cotton candy in the world falling from the sky. Elsie

If I had one wish I would wish for my own tooth fairy to come and pick up my teeth when they fall out. Amaya

If I had one wish I would wish for the biggest lollipop in the world. Eli

If I had one wish I would wish for lots of fairy floss in bags. Paterson

If I had one wish I would wish it was my birthday everyday. Audrey

If I had one wish I would wish to be an animal, eating lollies in the forest. Hugh

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COVID Update The Term 1, 2021 guidelines continue to be implemented in line with the advice from NSW Health obtained in January 2021. There have been no updates in regards to parents/carers entering school grounds. Please see the below guidelines: Parents/Carers Parents and carers are able to enter the school grounds to:

• drop off students in Kindergarten, Years 1 and Year 2 only. Parents must drop and leave. Please ensure social distancing is adhered to during drop off and pick up. If you need to see your child’s teacher please send a ClassDojo and arrange a meeting. This will ensure time is limited and we follow Departmental guidelines. You do not need to use the QR code or sign on for this

• meet with school staff only with a prior organised appointment- you must register with the QR code and sign on

• purchase or pick up uniforms from the uniform shop- you must register with the QR code and sign on

• attend parent orientation meetings for Kindergarten and ‘meet the teacher’ meetings with school staff for all year/stage groups. Meetings will be limited using Departmental time frames - you must register with the QR code and sign on

Birthday cakes In regards to birthday cakes, it has been decided to allow students to bring in individually wrapped treats to celebrate their birthday. These treats need to be purchased from a shop, as we are unfortunately unable to accept homemade treats at this time, and individually wrapped. If students bring in homemade treats or cakes, these items will be sent home. Some suggestions that students may be able to bring in include: individual icecreams or ice blocks, snack size chocolates or lollies, fruit or jelly cups etc. Please ensure they are peanut free. If you have a child who has an allergy and you do not wish them to have these treats you may wish to provide the school with some that can be handed out at these times. If you have any questions please check with your classroom teacher. Banksia Excursion to the Scout Camp On Monday Banksia students had an exciting excursion to Mount Keira Scout camp to consolidate their learning in the classroom. Here are some photos and student comments from the day: I did not like the leeches U-U! -Luca My favourite part about going to the Scout Camp was making fire and shelter because I love using flint and steel. That was my favourite part of the day but I also loved everything else. -Tahlia

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The rock climbing was amazing and also how we were able to get our subway. Some feedback could be exploring more down the river.-Kyle I loved the Scout Camp. My favourite part was going to the creek and playing with the water.-Cailin I had fun yesterday being attacked by leeches and making a fire. To sum it all up, it was enjoyable.-Ari The Scout Camp was a great experience. I would go there any day but my favourite part was the Chapel and the tent building, especially the fire. I loved everything!-Sienna Peer Mediators Hi my name is Haven. I am this year's sport captain and also one of the peer mediators. Last year I really didn't want to be a peer mediator I only came to the meeting because all my friends were but when we actually started learning how to be a good peer mediator, and what they do, I actually really enjoyed it. So, this year I decided to do it again. This year's peer mediators are Cailin (Monday), Lyla (Tuesday), Sequoia (Wednesday), Tahlia (Thursday) and myself (Friday). Let us know if we can help. Interrelate Family Programs Wednesday 10 March-register now! Please ensure you have registered via Skoolbag and paid online for the Interrelate program. Whilst many parents have already registered we need to have a minimum number of registrations to go ahead and at this stage we do not have enough. We will not be offering this program again until 2023 so please ensure you participate if you believe your child is ready. Information was sent home via Skoolbag two weeks ago regarding the programs. Please visit Skoolbag for more information. Information will be sent home this week for families who have submitted the forms and paid if we are able to go ahead. If you have not received the information by Friday please contact the office.

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Goal setting Individual goal setting sessions will take place in Week 8 this term. Teachers are currently setting up their timetable to ensure each child and their parent has the opportunity to attend. If you feel there is information that your child’s classroom teacher needs to be aware of, please make an additional time to discuss this further. We look forward to a smooth transition in 2021! Clean up Australia Day Sunday 7 March is Clean up Australia Day and on Friday 5 March we will be having our School Cleanup Day. All students will be involved in picking up rubbish, weeding, etc and generally tidying around our playground area. Please send some gardening or rubber gloves for your child to wear. Each class has been designated a small section of our playground for their clean up area.

School Photos

School photos are fast approaching. School photos will be taken on Monday 8 March. Please ensure your child returns his/her envelope to the front office before photo day (please disregard the advice on the envelope to bring their money/envelope only on photo day) as it helps with the organisation on the day. Returning the envelope before the 8 March allows for a quick and easy transition on the day. If you would like your children to have a family photo taken, please collect a family envelope from the school office. All students must wear their full summer uniform including black shoes with white socks for girls and grey socks for boys. Hair styles should be simple and accessories should be in keeping with the school colours. School Leaders and SRC members are to be at school at 8:45am on this day for their leadership photo. Selective High School testing for 2022 placement This testing will take place on Thursday 11 March from 9am to 1.30pm at Smiths Hill High School, Gipps St, Wollongong. Parents of children in Year 6 who have applied for a selective high school and have children participating in this test should have already been advised of the necessary information. Please contact Mount Keira Demonstration School or Smiths Hill High School if you have any further questions.

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High School 2022 As mentioned previously if your child will be moving to High School in 2022, it is important to keep an eye out on any information sessions that may take place. Please check the local High Schools’ websites for regular updates. A High School expression of interest form has been sent home with every Year 6 student today. Please ensure they are returned by Thursday 11 March 2021 even if you are attending a private school. Cross Country Carnival 17 March 2021 Our annual School Cross Country Carnival will be held Wednesday 17 March at Edmund Rice College. All students in Years 3-6 will participate. Those students in Year 2 who turn 8 this year may also participate if they are interested. Please note parents are required to drop students at Edmund Rice College in the morning and they will walk back to school. Due to Covid restrictions at Edmund Rice College parents will not be able to attend the carnival however, you will be able to attend our Athletics Carnival on 24 March at Beaton Park so pencil that date in your diary. Full details will be sent home this week via Skoolbag and the permission note should be submitted by 10 March. It is wonderful to have our activities returning to normal. We look forward to a great morning of competition from which our District representatives will be selected. Skoolbag Some parents have reported issues with their Skoolbag app. If you are not receiving notifications please check your app has the latest version by going to the bottom of your My Profile tab where release 6.2.12 should appear. If you do not have that version please remove the app and visit the app store to download the most recent version. As mentioned in the Summit, on many occasions, it is important that you have selected your child’s class and P and C in the groups tabs. If you have not selected these you will not receive individual class notices. If you are then still having issues please notify Skoolbag at [email protected] and send the school a copy of your submission to [email protected] as we are keen to ensure we are providing you with the best possible service via the app. Any feedback positive or negative would be greatly appreciated. Future enrolments Please ensure you have checked your child’s name is down for school next year if you intend to send them. Only a few of our families have confirmed at this stage. We have found in the past that registrations are often made for the incorrect year when the children’s names are put down at an early

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age so please check with the office as soon as possible. Please let friends and neighbours know they should also check their registrations. Have a great week everyone! Keep smiling ☺ Tenae Carroll Principal What’s Due?


Important School Disco Update – Friday 12 March: We are looking forward to the disco next Friday. The disco has been moved to school hours in the last session from recess until 3.15pm to allow us to meet Covid guidelines. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help set up or pack up at the disco, we will contact you to check your availability for the new time.

Activity/ Note Students Involved Due Date

Interrelate permission note- sent on Skoolbag two weeks ago and also message in Summit

Students Yrs 3-6 Overdue

School photo envelopes- sent home two weeks ago All students 5 March

Kinder 2022 enrolments- check your child is enrolled Kinder 2022 5 March

Cross Country- Skoolbag notification sent today Years 3-6 and interested Yr 2 turning 8 this year

10 March

P and C Progressive Dinner RSVP as per last Summit Interested families

10 March

High School expression of interest forms- sent home today Year 6 students 11 March

MKDS Newsletter 03 March 2021

[email protected]

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MKDS Progressive Dinner Saturday 13 March: Invitations to the progressive dinner went out last week. Thank you to the families who have already RSVP’d, we have 20 spots left so let us know if you are planning to join us for a night of great food and company. Raffle tickets have gone out and there are four amazing prizes on offer. If you need more ticket books you can pick them up from the office or send your family and friends a link to purchase the tickets online: There will be a special book sellers raffle so the more books you sell the more entries you will have in the draw. We are still looking for donations of auction items for the progressive dinner. P&C Day today: Join us for tea/ coffee in the outdoor kitchen this afternoon from 3.35 to 4pm


Thank you to the parents who have paid their P&C membership fees after receiving the notices that were sent out last week. Fees are due by the Term 2 AGM on May 4 2021.

The P&C AGM is coming up in Term 2. If you are interested in taking up a position you can email [email protected] for more information or speak to a current committee member. You can also nominate to shadow a current member of the P&C for a year with the view to taking over the role at a future AGM.

Thank you from MKDS P&C

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